#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [ -z ${BRANCH} ]; then BRANCH="develop" fi PADDLE_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../" && pwd )" approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000` failed_num=0 echo_list=() function check_approval(){ person_num=`echo $@|awk '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i}'` APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line}|python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_pr_approval.py $1 $person_num` if [[ "${APPROVALS}" == "FALSE" && "${echo_line}" != "" ]]; then add_failed "${failed_num}. ${echo_line}" fi } function add_failed(){ failed_num=`expr $failed_num + 1` echo_list="${echo_list[@]}$1" } api_params_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_compatible.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.spec` api_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/diff_api.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.spec.api ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.spec.api` if [ "$api_spec_diff" != "" -o "${api_params_diff}" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01, jeff41404, lanxianghit or qingqing01) approval for API change.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} and one TPM approval for API change: \n" echo_line="${echo_line} jzhang533/ZhangJun, sunzhongkai588/SunZhongKai, dingjiaweiww/DingJiaWei, Ligoml/LiMengLiu for general APIs.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} liuTINA0907/LiuShuangQiao for distributed related APIs.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} leiqing1/LeiQing for inference related APIs.\n" check_approval 1 46782768 8555991 47554610 7845005 check_approval 1 29231 70642955 23093488 39876205 65896652 54695910 fi api_doc_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/diff_api.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.spec.doc ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.spec.doc` if [ "$api_doc_spec_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one TPM approval for API documents change: \n" echo_line="${echo_line} jzhang533/ZhangJun, sunzhongkai588/SunZhongKai, dingjiaweiww/DingJiaWei, Ligoml/LiMengLiu for general API docs.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} liuTINA0907/LiuShuangQiao for distributed related API docs.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} leiqing1/LeiQing for inference related API docs.\n" check_approval 1 29231 70642955 23093488 39876205 65896652 54695910 fi api_yaml_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_yaml_same.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.spec ${BRANCH} ${PADDLE_ROOT}` if [ "$api_yaml_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="API's name and params should be consistent with op's name and params in yaml. The API or Yaml file you changed may cause inconsistent.\n" echo_line="${echo_line} please request one of the RD (YuanRisheng, zyfncg, chenwhql, phlrain) review and approve.\n" echo_line="${echo_line}\r\n ${api_yaml_diff}\n" check_approval 1 YuanRisheng zyfncg chenwhql phlrain fi api_src_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_source_without_core_ops.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.source.md5 ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.source.md5` if [ "$api_src_spec_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="APIs without core.ops: \n${api_src_spec_diff}\n" echo_line="${echo_line}You must have one RD (JiabinYang (Recommend) or wanghuancoder, phlrain) approval for the api change for the opreator-related api without '_C_ops'.\n" echo_line="${echo_line}For more details, please click [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/paddle_api_development_manual.md]\n" check_approval 1 JiabinYang wanghuancoder phlrain fi op_type_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_op_register_type.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_TYPE_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_TYPE_PR.spec` if [ "$op_type_spec_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (Aurelius84 (Recommend) or zhhsplendid)approval for the data_type registration of new operator. More data_type of new operator should be registered in your PR. Please make sure that both float/double (or int/int64_t) have been registered.\n For more details, please click [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/Data-types-of-generic-Op-must-be-fully-registered].\n" check_approval 1 9301846 7913861 fi op_kernel_dtype_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_op_kernel_same_dtypes.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_KERNEL_DTYPE_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_KERNEL_DTYPE_PR.spec` if [ "$op_kernel_dtype_spec_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="You have added or modified Op Kernel, resulting in inconsistent data types supported by the forward and backward kernels of the same op, such modifications are not allowed in principle. If it is a mismatch, please request one RD (lanxianghit (Recommend) or chenwhql) review and approve. Including the following kernels:\n${op_kernel_dtype_spec_diff}\n" check_approval 1 47554610 22561442 fi op_desc_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_op_desc.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_DESC_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_DESC_PR.spec` inference_approve=`echo "$op_desc_diff" | grep "need inference to review" -` slim_approve=`echo "$op_desc_diff" | grep "need slim to review" -` if [ "$op_desc_diff" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (inference[ qingqing01(Recommend), jiweibo, cyj1986 ] or slim[ wanghaoshuang(Recommend), qingqing01 ] or train[ chenwhql(Recommend), phlrain ]) approval for the changes of Inputs/Output/Attrs of OPs. The changes of OPs will cause that the new version inference fails to load model trained by the old version. Please modify your code. \n For more details, please click [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/OP-Input-Output-Attribute-Compatibility-Modification].\n${op_desc_diff}\n" check_approval 1 39645414 7534971 7845005 22561442 43953930 26377421 fi if [ "$slim_approve" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (wanghaoshuang(Recommend), qingqing01) approval for the changes of `quant` Inputs/Output/Attrs of OPs. \n For more details, please click [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/OP-Input-Output-Attribute-Compatibility-Modification].\n${slim_approve}\n" check_approval 1 7534971 7845005 fi if [ "$inference_approve" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (qingqing01(Recommend), jiweibo, Shixiaowei02) approval for the changes of `def` Inputs/Output/Attrs of OPs. \n For more details, please click [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/OP-Input-Output-Attribute-Compatibility-Modification].\n${inference_approve}\n" check_approval 1 7845005 26377421 39303645 fi DEV_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER_SPEC=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/op_use_default_grad_maker_DEV.spec PR_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER_SPEC=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/op_use_default_grad_maker_PR.spec ADDED_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/diff_use_default_grad_op_maker.py ${DEV_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER_SPEC} ${PR_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER_SPEC}` if [ "${ADDED_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER}" != "" ]; then echo_line="You must have one RD (zhiqiu (Recommend) or zhhsplendid) approval because you use DefaultGradOpMaker for ${ADDED_OP_USE_DEFAULT_GRAD_MAKER}, which manages the grad_op memory optimization.\n" check_approval 1 6888866 7913861 fi OUTPUT_LOG=`git diff -U0 upstream/$BRANCH | grep "^+" | grep -Ew "print|printf|fprintf|std::cout" || true` if [ "$OUTPUT_LOG" != "" ];then git diff -U0 upstream/$BRANCH |grep "^+" | grep -Ew "print|printf|fprintf|std::cout"|sed 's#[ ][ ]##g'|sed 's#+##g' >/tmp/print.txt samplecode=`find tools/samplecode_temp -type f || true` sample_status=0 if [ "$samplecode" != "" ];then cat `find tools/samplecode_temp -type f` >/tmp/samplecode.txt sed -i s#\"#\'#g /tmp/samplecode.txt while read line do code_in=`grep "$line" /tmp/samplecode.txt || true` if [ "$code_in" == "" ];then sample_status=1 fi done