# Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import yaml from api_base import PREFIX_TENSOR_NAME from api_gen import ( ForwardAPI, api_namespace, declare_extension_api, header_include, source_include, ) ###################### # Code Gen Templates # ###################### API_IMPL_TEMPLATE = """ PADDLE_API {} {}({}) {{ // Kernel Key Construction{} // Kernel Dispatch Body{} }} """ DIPATCH_END_GUARD_TEMPLATE = """ PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::Unimplemented( "The kernel of ({}) for input tensors is unimplemented, please check the type of input tensors.")); """ # TODO(chenweihang): add profile function code later # TODO(chenweihang): add view support later MAIN_DIST_BRANCH_TEMPLATE = """ // Auto Parallel condition if ({}) {{ // 1. Create API Output & Prepare Dist and Dense Output{} // 2. InferSPMD (Infer Global Shape and DistAttr of Inputs&Outputs){} // 3. Select Kernel{} // 4. Reshard Input{} // 5. PrepareData (DataTransform & Prepare Dist and Dense Input){} // 6. Infer Local DenseTensor Meta{} // 7. DenseTensor Kernel Call{} // 8. Reshard Output{} // 9. Return {} }} """ # Auto Parallel condition AUTO_PARALLEL_COND_TEMPLATE = """AllInputsAreDistTensor({})""" # 1. Create API Outputs API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ {} api_output{}; """ INPLACE_API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ {} api_output{{{}}}; """ SINGLE_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_out = SetKernelDistOutput(&api_output); auto dense_out = const_cast(&dist_out->value()); """ MULTI_SINGLE_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_out_{} = SetKernelDistOutput({}); auto dense_out_{} = const_cast(&dist_out_{}->value()); """ VECTOR_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_out = SetKernelDistOutput({}, &api_output); std::vector dense_out(dist_out.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dist_out.size(); i++) {{ dense_out[i] = const_cast(&dist_out[i]->value()); }} """ MULTI_VECTOR_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_out_{out_name} = SetKernelDistOutput({size}, {in_name}); std::vector dense_out_{out_name}(dist_out_{out_name}.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dist_out_{out_name}.size(); i++) {{ dense_out_{out_name}[i] = const_cast(&dist_out_{out_name}[i]->value()); }} """ # TODO(GhostScreaming): support tuple output later TUPLE_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE = """ """ # 2. InferSPMD # Call InferMeta now, replace by InferSPMD function later # TODO(chenweihang): InferSPMD function design SINGLE_DIST_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """MakeMetaTensor(*{}.impl()), """ VECTOR_DIST_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """{}_meta_ptr_vec, """ VECTOR_DIST_META_IN_DECL_TEMPLATE = """ std::vector {name}_meta_vec; for (auto tmp : {name}) {{ {name}_meta_vec.emplace_back(MakeMetaTensor(*tmp.impl())); }} std::vector {name}_meta_ptr_vec({name}_meta_vec.size()); for (size_t i=0; i<{name}_meta_ptr_vec.size(); i++) {{ {name}_meta_ptr_vec[i] = &{name}_meta_vec[i]; }} """ # TODO(GhostScreaming): support optional args later OPTIONAL_DIST_VECTOR_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """ """ SINGLE_DIST_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE = """ phi::MetaTensor meta_{}({});""" VECTOR_DIST_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE = """ std::vector {name}_meta_vec; for (auto tmp : {name}) {{ {name}_meta_vec.emplace_back(phi::MetaTensor(tmp)); }} std::vector {name}_meta_ptr_vec({name}.size()); for (size_t i=0; i<{name}_meta_vec.size(); i++) {{ {name}_meta_ptr_vec[i] = &{name}_meta_vec[i]; }} """ INFER_SPMD_TEMPLATE = """ phi::{}({}{}); """ # 3. Select Kernel KERNEL_SELECTION_TEMPLATE = """ VLOG(6) << "{} API dist branch: kernel key: [" << kernel_backend << ", " << kernel_layout << ", "<< kernel_data_type << "]"; auto kernel_result = phi::KernelFactory::Instance().SelectKernelOrThrowError( "{}", {{kernel_backend, kernel_layout, kernel_data_type}}); const auto& kernel = kernel_result.kernel; VLOG(6) << "{} kernel: " << kernel; auto* dev_ctx = GetDeviceContextByBackend(kernel_result.has_fallback_cpu ? Backend::CPU : kernel_backend); """ # 4. Reshard Input INPUT_RESHARD_TEMPLATE = """ """ # 5. PrepareData SINGLE_PREPARE_DATA_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_input_{} = PrepareDataForDistTensor({}, GetKernelInputArgDef(kernel.InputAt({}), kernel_backend), {}, kernel_result.is_stride_kernel); auto input_{} = &dist_input_{}->value(); """ VECTOR_PREPARE_DATA_TEMPLATE = """ auto dist_input_{name}_vec = PrepareDataForDistTensor({name}, GetKernelInputArgDef(kernel.InputAt({index}), kernel_backend), {trans_flag}, kernel_result.is_stride_kernel); std::vector dense_input_{name}_vec; for (auto tmp : dist_input_{name}_vec) {{ dense_input_{name}_vec.emplace_back(&tmp->value()); }} std::vector dense_input_{name}_meta_vec = MakeMetaTensor(dense_input_{name}_vec); std::vector dense_input_{name}_meta_ptr_vec(dense_input_{name}_meta_vec.size()); for (size_t i=0; i(dist_input_{}.get())->value()); """ INFER_META_OPTIONAL_INPUT_TEMPLATE = """ paddle::optional input_{} = {} ? paddle::optional(*{}->impl()) : paddle::none; """ INFER_META_VECTOR_INPUT_TEMPLATE = """ auto input_{}_uq_ptr = TensorToDenseTensor({}); const auto& input_{} = *input_{}_uq_ptr; """ # 6. Infer Local DenseTensor Meta SINGLE_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """MakeMetaTensor(*input_{}), """ # TODO(GhostScreaming): support optional args later VECTOR_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """dense_input_{}_meta_ptr_vec, """ OPTIONAL_VECTOR_META_IN_TEMPLATE = """ """ SINGLE_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE = """ phi::MetaTensor meta_{}({});""" VECTOR_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE = """ std::vector {name}_meta_vec = MakeMetaTensor({name}); std::vector {name}_meta_ptr_vec({name}_meta_vec.size()); for (size_t i=0; i<{name}_meta_vec.size(); i++) {{ {name}_meta_ptr_vec[i] = &{name}_meta_vec[i]; }} """ INFER_META_TEMPLATE = """ phi::{}({}{}); """ # 7. DenseTensor Kernel Call # TODO(chenweihang): support kernel fallback later SINGLE_OUTPUT_NAME = """dense_out""" # TODO(chenweihang): support vector and tuple output later VECTOR_OUTPUT_NAME_TEMPLATE = """ """ TUPLE_OUTPUT_NAME_TEMPLATE = """ """ KERNEL_CALL_TEMPLATE = """ using kernel_signature = {}; auto* kernel_fn = kernel.GetVariadicKernelFn(); (*kernel_fn)({}, {}); """ PREFIX_VECTOR_TENSOR_NAME = "dense_input_" SUFFIX_VECTOR_TENSOR_NAME = "_vec" # 8. Reshard Output OUTPUT_RESHARD_TEMPLATE = """ """ # BaseAPI members: # inputs: # names : [], list of input names # input_info : {input_name : type} # attrs: # names : [], list of attribute names # attr_info : { attr_name : (type, default_values)} # outputs: # names : [], list of output names # types : [], list of output types # out_size_expr : [], expression for getting size of vector # TODO(GhostScreaming): Support std::tuple<...> type of input and output later. skip_op_lists = [ "check_finite_and_unscale", # std::vector&, const Tensor& -> std::tuple&, Tensor> "coalesce_tensor", # const std::vector&, DataType, bool, bool, bool, float, bool, int, int, const std::vector&, const std::vector& -> std::tuple, Tensor> "update_loss_scaling", # std::vector, const Tensor, ... -> std::tuple, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor> "einsum", "einsum_grad", # const std::vector&, const std::string& -> std::tuple, std::vector> ] class DistForwardAPI(ForwardAPI): def __init__(self, api_item_yaml): super().__init__(api_item_yaml) self.init_dist_api_members() def init_dist_api_members(self): self.gene_dist_input_func = { "const Tensor&": { "dense": self.generate_single_dense_input, }, "const paddle::optional&": { "dense": self.generate_single_dense_input, }, "const std::vector&": { "dense": self.generate_vector_dense_input, }, } self.inplace_flag = False self.dist_output_args = [] self.dense_output_args = [] def need_to_generate_code_for_inplace_impl(self, i): return ( self.inplace_flag and self.inplace_map is not None and self.outputs['names'][i] in self.inplace_map ) def need_to_generate_code_for_view_impl(self, i): return ( not self.inplace_flag and self.view_map is not None and self.outputs['names'][i] in self.view_map ) def is_inplace_output(self, i): return self.outputs['names'][i] in self.inplace_map def is_inplace_and_optional_output(self, i): return ( self.outputs['names'][i] in self.inplace_map and self.inplace_map[self.outputs['names'][i]] in self.optional_vars ) def vector_output_size_assertion_check(self): assert ( self.outputs['out_size_expr'] is not None ), f"{self.api}: The out size expr : '{{expr}}' should be set when output has Tensor[]. You can refer 'split' api." def generate_if_condition_code(self) -> str: input_args = "" for input_name in self.inputs['names']: input_args = input_args + input_name + ", " if len(input_args) > 2: input_args = input_args[:-2] return AUTO_PARALLEL_COND_TEMPLATE.format(input_args) def generate_output_creation_code(self) -> str: # forward api need to generate api and kernel outputs output_num = len(self.outputs['types']) return_type = self.get_return_type_with_intermediate(self.inplace_flag) output_creation_code = "" if output_num == 1: # api output generate if self.need_to_generate_code_for_inplace_impl(0): inplace_assign_code = ( " = " + self.inplace_map[self.outputs['names'][0]] ) output_creation_code += API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( return_type, inplace_assign_code ) else: output_creation_code += API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( return_type, "" ) # kernel output generate self.dist_output_args.append('dist_out') self.dense_output_args.append('dense_out') if self.outputs['types'][0] == 'Tensor': output_creation_code += SINGLE_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE elif self.outputs['types'][0] == 'std::vector': output_creation_code += VECTOR_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( self.outputs['out_size_expr'][0] ) else: self.vector_output_size_assertion_check() elif output_num > 1: # api output generate if self.inplace_flag: inplace_assign_code = "" for i, out_name in enumerate(self.outputs['names']): if self.need_to_generate_code_for_inplace_impl(i): inplace_assign_code += self.inplace_map[out_name] + ', ' else: inplace_assign_code += 'Tensor(), ' inplace_assign_code = inplace_assign_code[:-2] output_creation_code += ( INPLACE_API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( return_type, inplace_assign_code ) ) else: output_creation_code += API_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( return_type, "" ) # kernel output generate for i, out_type in enumerate(self.outputs['types']): self.dist_output_args.append(f'dist_out_{i}') self.dense_output_args.append(f'dense_out_{i}') set_out_func = "SetKernelDistOutput" get_out_code = f"&std::get<{i}>(api_output)" if self.is_inplace_and_optional_output(i): get_out_code = f"std::get<{i}>(api_output).get_ptr()" if out_type == 'std::vector': self.vector_output_size_assertion_check() # Special case for inplace vector and inplace optional # TODO(chenweihang): support this branch later if self.is_inplace_output(i): set_out_func = "SetInplaceVectorKernelOutput" if self.is_inplace_and_optional_output(i): set_out_func = ( "SetInplaceOptionalVectorKernelOutput" ) get_out_code = f"std::get<{i}>(api_output)" output_creation_code += ( MULTI_VECTOR_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( out_name=i, size=self.outputs['out_size_expr'][i], in_name=get_out_code, ) ) else: output_creation_code += ( MULTI_SINGLE_OUT_CREATION_TEMPLATE.format( i, get_out_code, i, i ) ) else: raise ValueError( "{} : Output error: the output should not be empty.".format( self.api ) ) return output_creation_code def generate_infer_spmd_code(self) -> str: input_names = self.inputs['names'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] output_names = self.outputs['names'] # 1. get infer meta func name infer_meta = self.infer_meta infer_meta_func_code = infer_meta['func'] # 2. get meta tensor input args infer_meta_params = ( infer_meta['param'] if infer_meta['param'] is not None else input_names + attr_names ) input_meta_code = "" input_args_code = "" for param in infer_meta_params: if param in input_names: if self.inputs['input_info'][param] == "const Tensor&": input_args_code += SINGLE_DIST_META_IN_TEMPLATE.format( param ) elif ( self.inputs['input_info'][param] == "const std::vector&" ): input_args_code += VECTOR_DIST_META_IN_TEMPLATE.format( param ) input_meta_code += VECTOR_DIST_META_IN_DECL_TEMPLATE.format( name=param ) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.api} : Param of infer_spmd error : {self.inputs['input_info'][param]} type is not supported." ) elif param in attr_names: input_args_code = input_args_code + param + ", " elif isinstance(param, str): input_args_code = input_args_code + "\"" + param + "\", " elif isinstance(param, bool): input_args_code = input_args_code + str(param).lower() + ", " else: input_args_code = input_args_code + str(param) + ", " # 3. get meta tensor output args output_decl_code = "" output_args_code = "" for i, out_name in enumerate(self.dist_output_args): if self.outputs['types'][i] == 'std::vector': output_decl_code += VECTOR_DIST_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE.format( name=out_name ) if len(self.dense_output_args) == 1: output_args_code += f"{out_name}_meta_ptr_vec, " else: output_args_code += ( f"{out_name} ? {out_name}_meta_ptr_vec : nullptr, " ) else: output_decl_code += SINGLE_DIST_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE.format( out_name, out_name ) if len(self.dense_output_args) == 1: output_args_code += f"&meta_{out_name}, " else: output_args_code += ( f"{out_name} ? &meta_{out_name} : nullptr, " ) output_args_code = output_args_code[:-2] return ( output_decl_code + input_meta_code + INFER_SPMD_TEMPLATE.format( infer_meta_func_code, input_args_code, output_args_code ) ) def generate_kernel_selection_code(self) -> str: return KERNEL_SELECTION_TEMPLATE.format( self.api, self.kernel['func'][0], self.kernel['func'][0] ) def generate_reshard_input_code(self) -> str: return INPUT_RESHARD_TEMPLATE.format() def generate_single_dense_input( self, input_name, ): input_tensor_code = "" trans_flag = self.gene_trans_flag(input_name) input_names = self.inputs['names'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] kernel_param = self.kernel['param'] if kernel_param is None: kernel_param = input_names + attr_names input_tensor_code += SINGLE_PREPARE_DATA_TEMPLATE.format( input_name, input_name, kernel_param.index(input_name), trans_flag, input_name, input_name, ) return input_tensor_code def generate_vector_dense_input( self, input_name, ): input_tensor_code = "" trans_flag = self.gene_trans_flag(input_name) input_names = self.inputs['names'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] kernel_param = self.kernel['param'] if kernel_param is None: kernel_param = input_names + attr_names input_tensor_code += VECTOR_PREPARE_DATA_TEMPLATE.format( name=input_name, index=kernel_param.index(input_name), trans_flag=trans_flag, ) return input_tensor_code def generate_prepare_data_code(self) -> str: input_names = self.inputs['names'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] kernel_param = self.kernel['param'] if kernel_param is None: kernel_param = input_names + attr_names input_tensor_code = "" for i, input_name in enumerate(input_names): # set input code if input_name in kernel_param: # only support dense tensor api_tensor_type = self.inputs['input_info'][input_name] phi_tensor_type = 'dense' if api_tensor_type in self.gene_dist_input_func.keys(): input_tensor_code += self.gene_dist_input_func[ api_tensor_type ][phi_tensor_type](input_name) else: # do nothing pass else: if input_name in self.infer_meta['param']: if input_name in self.optional_vars: input_tensor_code += ( INFER_META_OPTIONAL_INPUT_TEMPLATE.format( input_name, input_name, input_name, input_name ) ) else: if ( self.inputs['input_info'][input_name] == "const std::vector&" ): input_tensor_code += ( INFER_META_VECTOR_INPUT_TEMPLATE.format( input_name, input_name, input_name ) ) else: input_tensor_code += ( INFER_META_SINGLE_INPUT_TEMPLATE.format( input_name, input_name, input_name, input_name, ) ) return input_tensor_code def generate_infer_meta_code(self) -> str: input_names = self.inputs['names'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] output_names = self.outputs['names'] # 1. get infer meta func name infer_meta = self.infer_meta infer_meta_func_code = infer_meta['func'] # 2. get meta tensor input args infer_meta_params = ( infer_meta['param'] if infer_meta['param'] is not None else input_names + attr_names ) input_args_code = "" for param in infer_meta_params: if param in input_names: if self.inputs['input_info'][param] == "const Tensor&": input_args_code += SINGLE_META_IN_TEMPLATE.format(param) elif ( self.inputs['input_info'][param] == "const std::vector&" ): input_args_code += VECTOR_META_IN_TEMPLATE.format(param) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.api} : Param of infer_meta error : {self.inputs['input_info'][param]} type is not supported." ) elif param in attr_names: input_args_code = input_args_code + param + ", " elif isinstance(param, str): input_args_code = input_args_code + "\"" + param + "\", " elif isinstance(param, bool): input_args_code = input_args_code + str(param).lower() + ", " else: input_args_code = input_args_code + str(param) + ", " # 3. get meta tensor output args output_decl_code = "" output_args_code = "" for i, out_name in enumerate(self.dense_output_args): if self.outputs['types'][i] == 'std::vector': output_decl_code += VECTOR_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE.format( name=out_name ) if len(self.dense_output_args) == 1: output_args_code += f"{out_name}_meta_ptr_vec, " else: output_args_code += ( f"{out_name} ? {out_name}_meta_ptr_vec : nullptr, " ) else: output_decl_code += SINGLE_META_OUT_DECL_TEMPLATE.format( out_name, out_name ) if len(self.dense_output_args) == 1: output_args_code += f"&meta_{out_name}, " else: output_args_code += ( f"{out_name} ? &meta_{out_name} : nullptr, " ) output_args_code = output_args_code[:-2] return output_decl_code + INFER_META_TEMPLATE.format( infer_meta_func_code, input_args_code, output_args_code ) def generate_kernel_call_code(self) -> str: dense_input_trans_map = { 'const Tensor&': 'const phi::DenseTensor&', 'const std::vector&': 'const std::vector&', 'const paddle::optional': 'paddle::optional', 'const paddle::optional&': 'const paddle::optional&', 'const paddle::optional>&': 'const paddle::optional>&', } dense_output_trans_map = { 'Tensor': 'phi::DenseTensor*', 'std::vector': 'std::vector', } input_names = self.inputs['names'] input_infos = self.inputs['input_info'] kernel_args_type_list = ['const phi::DeviceContext&'] attr_names = self.attrs['names'] kernel_args = self.kernel['param'] if kernel_args is None: kernel_args = input_names + attr_names # 1. generate input args list input_args = ["*dev_ctx"] for arg in kernel_args: if arg in input_names: if arg in self.optional_vars: input_args.append(PREFIX_TENSOR_NAME + arg) else: if input_infos[arg] == "const Tensor&": input_args.append("*" + PREFIX_TENSOR_NAME + arg) elif input_infos[arg] == "const std::vector&": input_args.append( PREFIX_VECTOR_TENSOR_NAME + arg + SUFFIX_VECTOR_TENSOR_NAME ) else: # do nothing pass kernel_args_type_list.append( dense_input_trans_map[input_infos[arg]] ) elif arg in attr_names: if 'IntArray' in self.attrs['attr_info'][arg][0]: kernel_args_type_list.append('const phi::IntArray&') arg = 'phi::IntArray(' + arg + ')' elif 'vector' in self.attrs['attr_info'][arg][0]: kernel_args_type_list.append( 'const std::vector&' ) elif 'Scalar' in self.attrs['attr_info'][arg][0]: kernel_args_type_list.append('const phi::Scalar&') arg = 'phi::Scalar(' + arg + ')' else: kernel_args_type_list.append( self.attrs['attr_info'][arg][0] ) input_args.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, bool): input_args.append(str(arg).lower()) else: input_args.append(str(arg)) # 2. generate output args list # record into `self.dense_output_args` in `generate_output_creation_code` function # 3. generate kernel signature for i, out_type in enumerate(self.outputs['types']): kernel_args_type_list.append(dense_output_trans_map[out_type]) kernel_signature = "void(*)(" + ", ".join(kernel_args_type_list) + ")" return KERNEL_CALL_TEMPLATE.format( kernel_signature, ", ".join(input_args), ", ".join(self.dense_output_args), ) def generate_reshard_output_code(self) -> str: return OUTPUT_RESHARD_TEMPLATE.format() def generate_return_code(self) -> str: return self.gene_return_code() def generate_auto_paralel_branch(self) -> str: # if no tensor input, do not genetate auto parallel branch if len(self.inputs['names']) == 0: return "" return MAIN_DIST_BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format( self.generate_if_condition_code(), self.generate_output_creation_code(), self.generate_infer_spmd_code(), self.generate_kernel_selection_code(), self.generate_reshard_input_code(), self.generate_prepare_data_code(), self.generate_infer_meta_code(), self.generate_kernel_call_code(), self.generate_reshard_output_code(), self.generate_return_code(), ) def check_argument_whether_support_auto_parallel(self): global skip_op_lists for name in self.inputs['names']: if self.inputs['input_info'][name] not in [ "const Tensor&", "const std::vector&", ]: return False for out_type in self.outputs['types']: if out_type not in ["Tensor", "std::vector"]: return False if self.kernel['func'][0] in skip_op_lists: return False return True # override BaseAPI's method def gene_base_api_code(self, inplace_flag=False): # init status self.inplace_flag = inplace_flag self.dist_output_args = [] self.dense_output_args = [] # generate api body api_func_name = self.get_api_func_name() if inplace_flag and api_func_name[-1] != '_': api_func_name += '_' if len(self.kernel['func']) > 1: kernel_dispatch_code = '' for kernel_name in self.kernel['func']: kernel_dispatch_code += self.gene_dispatch_code( kernel_name, inplace_flag ) return API_IMPL_TEMPLATE.format( self.get_return_type(inplace_flag), api_func_name, self.get_define_args(inplace_flag), self.gene_kernel_select(), kernel_dispatch_code + DIPATCH_END_GUARD_TEMPLATE.format(self.api), ) else: # auto parallel branch, all apis contains this branch default # 1. only works for the ops contains single kernel # 2. doesn't support initialize ops now # 3. doesn't support view api # 4. only for general forward and backward # 5. only support single tensor input and output dist_branch_code = "" if ( len(self.inputs['names']) > 0 and len(self.view_map) == 0 and self.check_argument_whether_support_auto_parallel() ): dist_branch_code = self.generate_auto_paralel_branch() return API_IMPL_TEMPLATE.format( self.get_return_type(inplace_flag), api_func_name, self.get_define_args(inplace_flag), self.gene_kernel_select(), dist_branch_code + self.gen_kernel_code( self.kernel['func'][0], '', inplace_flag ), ) def generate_api( api_yaml_path, is_fused_ops_yaml, header_file_path, source_file_path ): apis = [] for each_api_yaml in api_yaml_path: with open(each_api_yaml, 'r') as f: api_list = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) if api_list: apis.extend(api_list) header_file = open(header_file_path, 'w') source_file = open(source_file_path, 'w') namespace = api_namespace() header_file.write("#pragma once\n") header_file.write(header_include()) header_file.write(namespace[0]) include_header_file = ( "paddle/phi/api/include/fused_api.h" if is_fused_ops_yaml is True else "paddle/phi/api/include/api.h" ) # not all fused ops supoort dygraph if is_fused_ops_yaml is True: new_apis = [ api for api in apis if "support_dygraph_mode" in api and api["support_dygraph_mode"] is True ] apis = new_apis source_file.write(source_include(include_header_file)) source_file.write(namespace[0]) for api in apis: dist_foward_api = DistForwardAPI(api) if dist_foward_api.is_dygraph_api: dist_foward_api.is_dygraph_api = False header_file.write(dist_foward_api.gene_api_declaration()) if is_fused_ops_yaml is True: source_file.write(dist_foward_api.gene_api_code()) else: source_file.write(dist_foward_api.gene_api_code()) header_file.write(namespace[1]) source_file.write(namespace[1]) source_file.write(declare_extension_api()) header_file.close() source_file.close() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate PaddlePaddle C++ API files' ) parser.add_argument( '--api_yaml_path', help='path to api yaml file', nargs='+', default=['paddle/phi/api/yaml/ops.yaml'], ) parser.add_argument( '--is_fused_ops_yaml', help='flag of fused ops yaml', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument( '--api_header_path', help='output of generated api header code file', default='paddle/phi/api/include/api.h', ) parser.add_argument( '--api_source_path', help='output of generated api source code file', default='paddle/phi/api/lib/api.cc', ) options = parser.parse_args() api_yaml_path = options.api_yaml_path is_fused_ops_yaml = options.is_fused_ops_yaml header_file_path = options.api_header_path source_file_path = options.api_source_path generate_api( api_yaml_path, is_fused_ops_yaml, header_file_path, source_file_path ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()