# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import astor import gast from paddle.fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static.static_analysis import AstNodeWrapper from paddle.fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static import utils class BasicApiTransformer(gast.NodeTransformer): """ Class to transform basic API from dygraph to static graph. """ def __init__(self, wrapper_root): assert isinstance( wrapper_root, AstNodeWrapper ), "Input non-AstNodeWrapper node for the initialization of BasicApiTransformer." self.wrapper_root = wrapper_root self.root = wrapper_root.node self.class_node_dict = {} self.name_to_tensor_shape = {} def transform(self): self.visit(self.root) return self.wrapper_root def visit_Assign(self, node): if self._update_class_node_dict(node): return None for child_node in gast.walk(node.value): if isinstance(child_node, gast.Call): self._visit_Call(child_node) return node def visit_Expr(self, node): value_node = node.value for child_node in gast.walk(value_node): if isinstance(child_node, gast.Call): # TODO(liym27): # Considers that a dygraph api which modifies the input or has a output. if utils.is_dygraph_api(child_node): return else: self._visit_Call(child_node) return node def _visit_Call(self, node): assert isinstance(node, gast.Call) # Replace API `to_variable` with `fluid.layers.assign` if is_to_variable(node): node = to_assign_node(node) return node func_name = astor.to_source(gast.gast_to_ast(node.func)) if self._is_dygraph_forward(func_name): class_node = self._get_class_node(func_name) static_node = utils.to_static_ast(node, class_node) return static_node else: return node def _is_dygraph_forward(self, func_id): return func_id in self.class_node_dict def _get_class_node(self, func_id): return self.class_node_dict[func_id] def _update_class_node_dict(self, node): assert isinstance(node, gast.Assign) node_value = node.value if isinstance(node_value, gast.Call): if is_to_variable(node_value): return False if utils.is_dygraph_api(node_value): dygraph_api = node_value.func.attr if not utils.dygraph_class_to_static_api.get(dygraph_api): return False utils.update_args_of_func(node_value, node_value, "__init__") target_str = astor.to_source(gast.gast_to_ast(node.targets[0])) self.class_node_dict[target_str] = node_value return True # TODO: node.value is not dygraph class return False def is_to_variable(node): assert isinstance(node, gast.Call) api_name = utils.ast_to_source_code(node.func).strip() if utils.is_dygraph_api(node): return api_name.endswith("to_variable") if utils.is_paddle_api(node): return api_name.endswith("to_tensor") return False def to_assign_node(node): # Transform dygraph api `fluid.dygraph.to_variable` alias `paddle.to_tensor` to static api `paddle.nn.functional.assign`. # NOTE: # 1. Api `to_variable` supports data type {float16, float32, float64, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16}, # but api `assign` only supports {float32, float64, int32, int64, bool}; # 2. If the input of api `assign` is numpy.ndarray, its size cannot be greater than 1024 * 1024. assert isinstance(node, gast.Call) assign_api = gast.parse('paddle.nn.functional.assign').body[0].value node.func = assign_api if node.args: node.args = [node.args[0]] node.keywords = [] else: for idx, kw in enumerate(node.keywords): if kw.arg == 'value' or kw.arg == 'data': node.keywords[idx].arg = 'input' node.keywords = [node.keywords[idx]] node.args = [] break return node