#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #================================================= # Utils #================================================= set -ex if [ -z ${BRANCH} ]; then BRANCH="develop" fi function print_usage() { echo -e "\n${RED}Usage${NONE}: ${BOLD}${SCRIPT_NAME}${NONE} [OPTION]" echo -e "\n${RED}Options${NONE}: ${BLUE}build${NONE}: run build for x86 platform ${BLUE}test${NONE}: run all unit tests ${BLUE}single_test${NONE}: run a single unit test ${BLUE}bind_test${NONE}: parallel tests bind to different GPU ${BLUE}doc${NONE}: generate paddle documents ${BLUE}gen_doc_lib${NONE}: generate paddle documents library ${BLUE}html${NONE}: convert C++ source code into HTML ${BLUE}dockerfile${NONE}: generate paddle release dockerfile ${BLUE}fluid_inference_lib${NONE}: deploy fluid inference library ${BLUE}check_style${NONE}: run code style check ${BLUE}cicheck${NONE}: run CI tasks on Linux ${BLUE}maccheck${NONE}: run CI tasks on Mac " } function init() { RED='\033[0;31m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' BOLD='\033[1m' NONE='\033[0m' PADDLE_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../" && pwd )" export PADDLE_ROOT if [ -z "${SCRIPT_NAME}" ]; then SCRIPT_NAME=$0 fi ENABLE_MAKE_CLEAN=${ENABLE_MAKE_CLEAN:-ON} # NOTE(chenweihang): For easy debugging, CI displays the C++ error stacktrace by default export FLAGS_call_stack_level=2 # set CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST if only *.py changed # In order to avoid using in some CI(such as daily performance), the current # branch must not be `${BRANCH}` which is usually develop. if [ ${CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST:-ON} == "OFF" ];then echo "CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST=OFF" else if [ "$(git branch | grep "^\*" | awk '{print $2}')" != "${BRANCH}" ]; then git diff --name-only ${BRANCH} | grep -v "\.py$" || export CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST=ON fi fi } function cmake_base() { # Build script will not fail if *.deb does not exist rm *.deb 2>/dev/null || true # Delete previous built whl packages rm -rf python/dist 2>/dev/null || true # Support build for all python3 versions PYTHON_FLAGS="" SYSTEM=`uname -s` if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Darwin" ]; then echo "Using python abi: $1" if [ "$1" == "cp36-cp36m" ] || [ "$1" == "" ]; then if [ -d "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/ export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/:${PATH} PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/include/python3.6m/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/libpython3.6m.dylib" pip3.6 install --user -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt else exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == "cp37-cp37m" ]; then if [ -d "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/ export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/:${PATH} PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/include/python3.7m/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/libpython3.7m.dylib" pip3.7 install --user -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt else exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == "cp38-cp38" ]; then if [ -d "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/ export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/:${PATH} PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/include/python3.8/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/libpython3.8.dylib" pip3.8 install --user -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt else exit 1 fi elif [ "$1" == "cp39-cp39" ]; then if [ -d "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/ export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/:${PATH} PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/include/python3.9/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/libpython3.9.dylib" pip3.9 install --user -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt else exit 1 fi fi else if [ "$1" != "" ]; then echo "using python abi: $1" if [ "$1" == "cp36-cp36m" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.6.0/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.6.0/bin/:${PATH} export PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.6.0/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.6.0/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.6.0/lib/libpython3.so" pip3.6 install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt elif [ "$1" == "cp37-cp37m" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.7.0/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.7.0/bin/:${PATH} export PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.7.0/bin/python3.7 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.7.0/include/python3.7m -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.7.0/lib/libpython3.so" pip3.7 install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt elif [ "$1" == "cp38-cp38" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.8.0/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.8.0/bin/:${PATH} export PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.8.0/bin/python3.8 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.8.0/include/python3.8 -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.8.0/lib/libpython3.so" pip3.8 install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt elif [ "$1" == "cp39-cp39" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.9.0/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.9.0/bin/:${PATH} export PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.9.0/bin/python3.9 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.9.0/include/python3.9 -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=/opt/_internal/cpython-3.9.0/lib/libpython3.so" pip3.9 install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt elif [ "$1" == "conda-python3.7" ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/conda/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export PATH=/opt/conda/bin/:${PATH} export PYTHON_FLAGS="-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/opt/conda/bin/python -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/opt/conda/include/python3.7m -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH=/opt/conda/lib/libpython3.so" /opt/conda/bin/pip install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt fi else pip install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt fi fi if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Darwin" ]; then WITH_DISTRIBUTE="OFF" WITH_AVX=${WITH_AVX:-ON} INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=${INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR:-~/.cache/inference_demo} else INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=${INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR:-/root/.cache/inference_demo} fi distibuted_flag=${WITH_DISTRIBUTE:-OFF} gloo_flag=${distibuted_flag} if [ "$CMD" != "assert_file_approvals" ];then python -m pip install distro python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/summary_env.py bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/get_cpu_info.sh fi cat <&2 echo "Please use pre-commit to check what is wrong." 1>&2 exit 4 } function check_style() { trap 'abort' 0 set -e if [ -x "$(command -v gimme)" ]; then eval "$(GIMME_GO_VERSION=1.8.3 gimme)" fi pip install cpplint pylint pytest astroid isort # set up go environment for running gometalinter mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/PaddlePaddle/ ln -sf ${PADDLE_ROOT} $GOPATH/src/github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle pre-commit install clang-format --version commit_files=on for file_name in `git diff --numstat upstream/$BRANCH |awk '{print $NF}'`;do if ! pre-commit run --files $file_name ; then commit_files=off fi done if [ $commit_files == 'off' ];then echo "code format error" git diff 2>&1 exit 4 fi trap : 0 } #================================================= # Build #================================================= function build_base() { set +e if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Linux" ];then if [ `nproc` -gt 16 ];then parallel_number=$(expr `nproc` - 8) else parallel_number=`nproc` fi else parallel_number=8 fi if [ "$1" != "" ]; then parallel_number=$1 fi if [[ "$ENABLE_MAKE_CLEAN" != "OFF" ]]; then make clean fi # reset ccache zero stats for collect PR's actual hit rate ccache -z if [ "$WITH_ARM" == "ON" ];then make TARGET=ARMV8 -j ${parallel_number};build_error=$? else make install -j ${parallel_number};build_error=$? fi # ci will collect ccache hit rate collect_ccache_hits if [ "$build_error" != 0 ];then exit 7; fi } function build_size() { cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt echo "ipipe_log_param_Paddle_Inference_So_Size: $soLibSize" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt elif [ "$1" == "paddle_inference_c" ]; then cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cp -r paddle_inference_c_install_dir paddle_inference_c tar -czf paddle_inference_c.tgz paddle_inference_c buildSize=$(du -h --max-depth=0 ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/paddle_inference_c.tgz |awk '{print $1}') echo "Paddle_Inference Capi Size: $buildSize" echo "ipipe_log_param_Paddle_Inference_capi_Size: $buildSize" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt else SYSTEM=`uname -s` if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Darwin" ]; then com='du -h -d 0' else com='du -h --max-depth=0' fi buildSize=$($com ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build |awk '{print $1}') echo "Build Size: $buildSize" echo "ipipe_log_param_Build_Size: $buildSize" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt PR_whlSize=$($com ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist |awk '{print $1}') echo "PR whl Size: $PR_whlSize" echo "ipipe_log_param_PR_whl_Size: $PR_whlSize" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt fi } function build() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt } function build_mac() { set +e mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt } function run_test() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt paddle version # Recovery proxy to avoid failure in later steps export http_proxy=$my_proxy export https_proxy=$my_proxy if [ "$mactest_error" != 0 ];then show_ut_retry_result fi fi } function get_precision_ut_mac() { on_precision=0 UT_list=$(ctest -N | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | sed '/^$/d' | sed '$d') precison_cases="" if [ ${PRECISION_TEST:-OFF} == "ON" ]; then python3.7 $PADDLE_ROOT/tools/get_pr_ut.py if [[ -f "ut_list" ]]; then echo "PREC length: "`wc -l ut_list` precision_cases=`cat ut_list` fi fi if [ ${PRECISION_TEST:-OFF} == "ON" ] && [[ "$precision_cases" != "" ]];then UT_list_re='' on_precision=1 re=$(cat ut_list|awk -F ' ' '{print }' | awk 'BEGIN{ all_str=""}{if (all_str==""){all_str=$1}else{all_str=all_str"$|^"$1}} END{print "^"all_str"$"}') UT_list_prec_1='ut_list_prec2' for ut_case in $UT_list; do flag=$(echo $ut_case|grep -oE $re) if [ -n "$flag" ];then if [ -z "$UT_list_prec" ];then UT_list_prec="^$ut_case$" elif [[ "${#UT_list_prec}" -gt 10000 ]];then UT_list_prec_1="$UT_list_prec_1|^$ut_case$" else UT_list_prec="$UT_list_prec|^$ut_case$" fi else echo ${ut_case} "won't run in PRECISION_TEST mode." fi done fi } function fetch_upstream_develop_if_not_exist() { UPSTREAM_URL='https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle' origin_upstream_url=`git remote -v | awk '{print $1, $2}' | uniq | grep upstream | awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$origin_upstream_url" == "" ]; then git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_URL.git elif [ "$origin_upstream_url" != "$UPSTREAM_URL" ] \ && [ "$origin_upstream_url" != "$UPSTREAM_URL.git" ]; then git remote remove upstream git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM_URL.git fi if [ ! -e "$PADDLE_ROOT/.git/refs/remotes/upstream/$BRANCH" ]; then git fetch upstream # develop is not fetched fi } function check_whl_size() { if [ ! "${pr_whl_size}" ];then echo "pr whl size not found " exit 1 fi set +x dev_whl_size=`du -m ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl|awk '{print $1}'` echo "dev_whl_size: ${dev_whl_size}" whldiffSize=`echo $(($pr_whl_size - $dev_whl_size))` if [ ${whldiffSize} -gt 10 ]; then approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000` APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line}|python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_pr_approval.py 1 22334008 22361972` echo "current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} got approvals: ${APPROVALS}" if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "FALSE" ]; then echo "==========================================================================================" echo "This PR make the release paddlepaddle whl size growth exceeds 10 M." echo "Then you must have one RD (jim19930609 (Recommend) or JiabinYang) approval for this PR\n" echo "==========================================================================================" exit 6 fi fi set -x } function generate_upstream_develop_api_spec() { fetch_upstream_develop_if_not_exist cur_branch=`git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2` git checkout . git checkout -b develop_base_pr upstream/$BRANCH startTime_firstBuild=`date +%s` cmake_gen $1 build $2 cp ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt /tmp pr_whl_size=`du -m ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl|awk '{print $1}'` echo "pr_whl_size: ${pr_whl_size}" git checkout $cur_branch generate_api_spec "$1" "DEV" git branch -D develop_base_pr ENABLE_MAKE_CLEAN="ON" rm -rf ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Makefile ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/CMakeCache.txt cmake_change=`git diff --name-only upstream/$BRANCH | grep "cmake/external" || true` if [ ${cmake_change} ];then rm -rf ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/third_party fi } function generate_api_spec() { set -e spec_kind=$2 if [ "$spec_kind" != "PR" ] && [ "$spec_kind" != "DEV" ]; then echo "Not supported $2" exit 1 fi mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/.check_api_workspace cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/.check_api_workspace virtualenv .${spec_kind}_env source .${spec_kind}_env/bin/activate if [ "$spec_kind" == "DEV" ]; then pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt else pip install -r ${PADDLE_ROOT}/python/requirements.txt fi pip --no-cache-dir install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*whl spec_path=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_${spec_kind}.spec python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/print_signatures.py paddle > $spec_path # used to log op_register data_type op_type_path=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_TYPE_${spec_kind}.spec python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_op_register_type.py > $op_type_path # print all ops desc in dict to op_desc_path op_desc_path=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/OP_DESC_${spec_kind}.spec python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/print_op_desc.py > $op_desc_path # print api and the md5 of source code of the api. api_source_md5_path=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_${spec_kind}.source.md5 python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/count_api_without_core_ops.py -p paddle > $api_source_md5_path awk -F '(' '{print $NF}' $spec_path >${spec_path}.doc awk -F '(' '{$NF="";print $0}' $spec_path >${spec_path}.api python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/diff_use_default_grad_op_maker.py \ ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/op_use_default_grad_maker_${spec_kind}.spec deactivate } function check_approvals_of_unittest() { set +x if [ "$GITHUB_API_TOKEN" == "" ] || [ "$GIT_PR_ID" == "" ]; then return 0 fi # approval_user_list: XiaoguangHu01 46782768,luotao1 6836917,phlrain 43953930,lanxianghit 47554610, zhouwei25 52485244, kolinwei 22165420 check_times=$1 if [ $check_times == 1 ]; then approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000` if [ "${approval_line}" != "" ]; then APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line}|python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_pr_approval.py 1 22165420 52485244` echo "current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} got approvals: ${APPROVALS}" if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "TRUE" ]; then echo "===================================" echo -e "\n current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} has got approvals. So, Pass CI directly!\n" echo "===================================" exit 0 fi fi elif [ $check_times == 2 ]; then unittest_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/diff_unittest.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/UNITTEST_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/UNITTEST_PR.spec` if [ "$unittest_spec_diff" != "" ]; then approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000` APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line}|python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_pr_approval.py 1 22165420 52485244 32428676 45041955` echo "current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} got approvals: ${APPROVALS}" if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "FALSE" ]; then echo "************************************" echo -e "It is forbidden to disable or delete the unit-test.\n" echo -e "If you must delete it temporarily, please add it to[https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/Temporarily-disabled-Unit-Test]." echo -e "Then you must have one RD (kolinwei(recommended), chalsliu, XieYunshen or zhouwei25) approval for the deletion of unit-test. \n" echo -e "If you have any problems about deleting unit-test, please read the specification [https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/wiki/Deleting-unit-test-is-forbidden]. \n" echo -e "Following unit-tests are deleted in this PR: \n ${unittest_spec_diff} \n" echo "************************************" exit 6 fi fi elif [ $check_times == 3 ]; then rm -f fluidInference_so_size curl -O https://paddle-docker-tar.bj.bcebos.com/paddle_ci_index/fluidInference_so_size oriBuildSize=`cat fluidInference_so_size` curBuildSize=$(du -m --max-depth=0 ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/lib/libpaddle_inference.so |awk '{print $1}') apt-get install -y bc diffSize=$(printf "%.2f" `echo "$curBuildSize - $oriBuildSize" | bc`) AllDiffSize=$(printf "%.2f" `echo "$diffSize * 4" | bc`) cat < ${spec_path} } function assert_api_spec_approvals() { /bin/bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_approvals.sh;approval_error=$? if [ "$approval_error" != 0 ];then exit 6 fi } function assert_file_diff_approvals() { /bin/bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_file_diff_approvals.sh;file_approval_error=$? if [ "$file_approval_error" != 0 ];then exit 6 fi } function check_coverage() { if [ ${WITH_COVERAGE:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then /bin/bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/coverage/paddle_coverage.sh else echo "WARNING: check_coverage need to compile with WITH_COVERAGE=ON, but got WITH_COVERAGE=OFF" fi } function single_test() { TEST_NAME=$1 if [ -z "${TEST_NAME}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Usage:${NONE}" echo -e "${BOLD}${SCRIPT_NAME}${NONE} ${BLUE}single_test${NONE} [test_name]" exit 1 fi mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat < ${job}" if ! wait ${job} ; then echo "At least one test failed with exit code => $?" ; EXIT_CODE=1; fi done } function case_count(){ cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt else echo "$2 card TestCases count is $num" echo "ipipe_log_param_${2}_Cards_TestCases_Count: $num" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt fi } failed_test_lists='' tmp_dir=`mktemp -d` function collect_failed_tests() { echo "collect_failed_tests begineee!!!" for file in `ls $tmp_dir`; do echo "fileis $file" exit_code=0 grep -q 'The following tests FAILED:' $tmp_dir/$file||exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then failuretest='' else failuretest=`grep -A 10000 'The following tests FAILED:' $tmp_dir/$file | sed 's/The following tests FAILED://g'|sed '/^$/d'` failed_test_lists="${failed_test_lists} ${failuretest}" fi done echo "collect_failed_tests finished!!!" } # getting qucik disable ut list function get_quickly_disable_ut() { python -m pip install requests if disable_ut_quickly=$(python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/get_quick_disable_lt.py); then echo "=========================================" echo "The following unittests have been disabled:" echo ${disable_ut_quickly} echo "=========================================" else disable_ut_quickly='' fi } function card_test() { set -m case_count $1 $2 ut_startTime_s=`date +%s` testcases=$1 cardnumber=$2 parallel_level_base=${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL:-1} # get the CUDA device count, XPU device count is one if [ "${WITH_XPU}" == "ON" ];then CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=1 elif [ "${WITH_ASCEND_CL}" == "ON" ];then CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=1 elif [ "${WITH_ROCM}" == "ON" ];then CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=4 else CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l) fi if (( $cardnumber == -1 ));then cardnumber=$CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT fi if (( $# > 2 )); then parallel_job=`expr $3 \* $parallel_level_base` else parallel_job=$parallel_level_base fi if [[ "$testcases" == "" ]]; then return 0 fi trap 'caught_error' CHLD tmpfile_rand=`date +%s%N` NUM_PROC=$[CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT/$cardnumber] echo "****************************************************************" echo "***These unittests run $parallel_job job each time with $cardnumber GPU***" echo "****************************************************************" for (( i = 0; i < $NUM_PROC; i++ )); do # CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES http://acceleware.com/blog/cudavisibledevices-masking-gpus # ctest -I https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/manual/ctest.1.html?highlight=ctest cuda_list=() for (( j = 0; j < cardnumber; j++ )); do if [ $j -eq 0 ]; then cuda_list=("$[i*cardnumber]") else cuda_list="$cuda_list,$[i*cardnumber+j]" fi done tmpfile=$tmp_dir/$tmpfile_rand"_"$i if [ ${TESTING_DEBUG_MODE:-OFF} == "ON" ] ; then if [[ $cardnumber == $CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT ]]; then (ctest -I $i,,$NUM_PROC -R "($testcases)" -E "($disable_ut_quickly)" -V --timeout 120 -j $parallel_job | tee $tmpfile; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0) & else (env CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$cuda_list ctest -I $i,,$NUM_PROC -R "($testcases)" -E "($disable_ut_quickly)" --timeout 120 -V -j $parallel_job | tee $tmpfile; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0) & fi else if [[ $cardnumber == $CUDA_DEVICE_COUNT ]]; then (ctest -I $i,,$NUM_PROC -R "($testcases)" -E "($disable_ut_quickly)" --timeout 120 --output-on-failure -j $parallel_job | tee $tmpfile; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0) & else (env CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$cuda_list ctest -I $i,,$NUM_PROC -R "($testcases)" -E "($disable_ut_quickly)" --timeout 120 --output-on-failure -j $parallel_job | tee $tmpfile; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0) & fi fi done wait; # wait for all subshells to finish ut_endTime_s=`date +%s` if (( $2 == -1 )); then echo "exclusive TestCases Total Time: $[ $ut_endTime_s - $ut_startTime_s ]s" else echo "$2 card TestCases Total Time: $[ $ut_endTime_s - $ut_startTime_s ]s" fi echo "$2 card TestCases finished!!!! " set +m } function parallel_test_base_gpu() { if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt echo "ipipe_log_param_2_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $multi_ut_endTime_s - $multi_ut_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt echo "ipipe_log_param_Exclusive_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $exclu_ut_endTime_s - $exclu_ut_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt collect_failed_tests rm -f $tmp_dir/* exec_times=0 retry_unittests_record='' retry_time=4 exec_time_array=('first' 'second' 'third' 'fourth') parallel_failed_tests_exec_retry_threshold=120 exec_retry_threshold=30 is_retry_execuate=0 rerun_ut_startTime_s=`date +%s` if [ -n "$failed_test_lists" ];then if [ ${TIMEOUT_DEBUG_HELP:-OFF} == "ON" ];then bash $PADDLE_ROOT/tools/timeout_debug_help.sh "$failed_test_lists" # cat logs for tiemout uts which killed by ctest fi read need_retry_ut_str <<< $(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) need_retry_ut_arr=(${need_retry_ut_str}) need_retry_ut_count=${#need_retry_ut_arr[@]} read retry_unittests <<< $(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) while ( [ $exec_times -lt $retry_time ] ) do if [[ "${exec_times}" == "0" ]] ;then if [ $need_retry_ut_count -lt $parallel_failed_tests_exec_retry_threshold ];then is_retry_execuate=0 else is_retry_execuate=1 fi elif [[ "${exec_times}" == "1" ]] ;then read need_retry_ut_str <<< $(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) need_retry_ut_arr=(${need_retry_ut_str}) need_retry_ut_count=${#need_retry_ut_arr[@]} if [ $need_retry_ut_count -lt $exec_retry_threshold ];then is_retry_execuate=0 else is_retry_execuate=1 fi fi if [[ "$is_retry_execuate" == "0" ]];then set +e retry_unittests_record="$retry_unittests_record$failed_test_lists" failed_test_lists_ult=`echo "${failed_test_lists}" |grep -Po '[^ ].*$'` set -e if [[ "${exec_times}" == "1" ]] || [[ "${exec_times}" == "3" ]];then if [[ "${failed_test_lists}" == "" ]];then break else read retry_unittests <<< $(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) fi fi echo "=========================================" echo "This is the ${exec_time_array[$exec_times]} time to re-run" echo "=========================================" echo "The following unittest will be re-run:" echo "${retry_unittests}" for line in ${retry_unittests[@]} ; do read tmp_one_tmp <<< "$( echo $single_card_tests | grep -oEi $line )" read tmp_mul_tmp <<< "$( echo $multiple_card_tests | grep -oEi $line )" read exclusive_tmp <<< "$( echo $exclusive_tests | grep -oEi $line )" if [[ "$tmp_one_tmp" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$one_card_retry" == "" ]]; then one_card_retry="^$line$" else one_card_retry="$one_card_retry|^$line$" fi elif [[ "$tmp_mul_tmp" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$multiple_card_retry" == "" ]]; then multiple_card_retry="^$line$" else multiple_card_retry="$multiple_card_retry|^$line$" fi else if [[ "$exclusive_retry" == "" ]];then exclusive_retry="^$line$" else exclusive_retry="$exclusive_retry|^$line$" fi fi done echo "rerun one_card_retry beginee!!!" if [[ "$one_card_retry" != "" ]]; then card_test "$one_card_retry" 1 4 fi echo "rerun one_card_retry finished!!!" echo "rerun multiple_card_retry beginee!!!" if [[ "$multiple_card_retry" != "" ]]; then card_test "$multiple_card_retry" 2 fi echo "rerun multiple_card_retry finished!!!" echo "rerun exclusive_retry beginee!!!" if [[ "$exclusive_retry" != "" ]]; then card_test "$exclusive_retry" -1 fi echo "rerun exclusive_retry finished!!!" exec_times=$[$exec_times+1] echo "exec_times: $exec_times" failed_test_lists='' collect_failed_tests echo "failed_test_listsssssss: $failed_test_lists" rm -f $tmp_dir/* one_card_retry='' multiple_card_retry='' exclusive_retry='' else break fi done fi rerun_ut_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "ipipe_log_param_Rerunaaaa_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $rerun_ut_endTime_s - $rerun_ut_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_Rerun_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $rerun_ut_endTime_s - $rerun_ut_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt ut_actual_total_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "ipipe_log_param_actualaaaaa_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $ut_actual_total_endTime_s - $ut_actual_total_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_actual_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $ut_actual_total_endTime_s - $ut_actual_total_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt if [[ "$EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then show_ut_retry_result fi set -ex fi } function show_ut_retry_result() { if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Darwin" ]; then exec_retry_threshold_count=10 else exec_retry_threshold_count=80 fi if [[ "$is_retry_execuate" != "0" ]] && [[ "${exec_times}" == "0" ]] ;then failed_test_lists_ult=`echo "${failed_test_lists}" | grep -Po '[^ ].*$'` echo "=========================================" echo "There are more than ${exec_retry_threshold_count} failed unit tests in parallel test, so no unit test retry!!!" echo "=========================================" echo "The following tests FAILED: " echo "${failed_test_lists_ult}" exit 8; elif [[ "$is_retry_execuate" != "0" ]] && [[ "${exec_times}" == "1" ]];then failed_test_lists_ult=`echo "${failed_test_lists}" | grep -Po '[^ ].*$'` echo "=========================================" echo "There are more than 10 failed unit tests, so no unit test retry!!!" echo "=========================================" echo "The following tests FAILED: " echo "${failed_test_lists_ult}" exit 8; else retry_unittests_ut_name=$(echo "$retry_unittests_record" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(" | sed 's/(//' | sed 's/- //' ) retry_unittests_record_judge=$(echo ${retry_unittests_ut_name}| tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{if ($1 >=3) {print $2}}') if [ -z "${retry_unittests_record_judge}" ];then echo "========================================" echo "There are failed tests, which have been successful after re-run:" echo "========================================" echo "The following tests have been re-ran:" echo "${retry_unittests_record}" else failed_ut_re=$(echo "${retry_unittests_record_judge}" | awk BEGIN{RS=EOF}'{gsub(/\n/,"|");print}') echo "========================================" echo "There are failed tests, which have been executed re-run,but success rate is less than 50%:" echo "Summary Failed Tests... " echo "========================================" echo "The following tests FAILED: " echo "${retry_unittests_record}" | sort -u | grep -E "$failed_ut_re" exit 8; fi fi } function parallel_test_base_cpu() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat <> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/h_cu_files.log python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/handle_h_cu_file.py 'get_h_file_md5' ${PADDLE_ROOT} # TODO insert pile to diff h/cu file #insert pile to full h/cu file python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/handle_h_cu_file.py 'insert_pile_to_h_file' ${PADDLE_ROOT} } function precise_card_test_single { set +e set +x testcases=$1 num=$2 for case in $(echo $testcases | tr "$|^" "\n") do cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build precise_card_test "^${case}$" $num # c++ if [ ! -d "${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/ut_map/$case" ];then mkdir ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/ut_map/$case fi set -x find paddle/fluid -name '*.gcda'|xargs -I {} cp --path {} ut_map/$case find paddle/fluid -name '*.gcno'|xargs -I {} cp --path {} ut_map/$case python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/get_single_test_cov.py ${PADDLE_ROOT} $case & # python ls python-coverage.data.* if [[ $? == 0 ]] then if [ ! -d "${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pytest/$case" ];then mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pytest/$case fi mv python-coverage.data.* ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pytest/$case fi find paddle/fluid -name *.gcda | xargs rm -f #delete gcda done } function precise_card_test() { set -m testcases=$1 if (( $# > 1 )); then cardnumber=$2 cuda_list="0" if [ $cardnumber -eq 2 ]; then cuda_list=${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} else cuda_list="0" fi else cardnumber=2 cuda_list=${CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES} fi if [[ "$testcases" == "" ]]; then return 0 fi echo "****************************************************************" echo "***Running ut: $testcases***" echo "****************************************************************" tmpfile=$tmp_dir/$testcases".log" env CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$cuda_list ctest -I 0,,1 -R "($testcases)" --timeout 500 --output-on-failure -V -j 1 > $tmpfile set +m } function get_precise_tests_map_file { cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build pip install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*whl ut_total_startTime_s=`date +%s` EXIT_CODE=0; test_cases=$(ctest -N -V) # get all test cases single_card_tests='' # all cases list which would take one graph card exclusive_tests='' # cases list which would be run exclusively multiple_card_tests='' # cases list which would take multiple GPUs, most cases would be two GPUs is_exclusive='' # indicate whether the case is exclusive type is_multicard='' # indicate whether the case is multiple GPUs type set +x while read -r line; do if [[ "$line" == "" ]]; then continue fi read matchstr <<< $(echo "$line"|grep -oEi 'Test[ \t]+#') if [[ "$matchstr" == "" ]]; then # Any test case with LABELS property would be parse here # RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE mean the case would run exclusively # RUN_TYPE=DIST mean the case would take two graph GPUs during runtime read is_exclusive <<< $(echo "$line"|grep -oEi "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE") read is_multicard <<< $(echo "$line"|grep -oEi "RUN_TYPE=DIST") continue fi read testcase <<< $(echo "$line"|grep -oEi "\w+$") if [[ "$is_multicard" == "" ]]; then # trick: treat all test case with prefix "test_dist" as dist case, and would run on 2 GPUs read is_multicard <<< $(echo "$testcase"|grep -oEi "test_dist_") fi if [[ "$is_exclusive" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$exclusive_tests" == "" ]]; then exclusive_tests="^$testcase$" else exclusive_tests="$exclusive_tests|^$testcase$" fi elif [[ "$is_multicard" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$multiple_card_tests" == "" ]]; then multiple_card_tests="^$testcase$" else multiple_card_tests="$multiple_card_tests|^$testcase$" fi else if [[ "${single_card_tests}" -gt 3000 ]];then if [[ "$single_card_tests_1" == "" ]]; then single_card_tests_1="^$testcase$" else single_card_tests_1="$single_card_tests_1|^$testcase$" fi continue fi if [[ "$single_card_tests" == "" ]]; then single_card_tests="^$testcase$" else single_card_tests="$single_card_tests|^$testcase$" fi fi is_exclusive='' is_multicard='' is_nightly='' matchstr='' testcase='' done <<< "$test_cases"; set -x mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/ut_map mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pytest precise_card_test_single "$single_card_tests" 1 precise_card_test_single "$single_card_tests_1" 1 precise_card_test_single "$multiple_card_tests" 2 precise_card_test_single "$exclusive_tests" wait; python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/get_ut_file_map.py 'get_not_success_ut' ${PADDLE_ROOT} #analy h/cu to Map file python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/handle_h_cu_file.py 'analy_h_cu_file' $tmp_dir ${PADDLE_ROOT} wait; get_failedUts_precise_map_file #generate python coverage and generate python file to tests_map_file python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/pyCov_multithreading.py ${PADDLE_ROOT} wait; #generate ut map python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/get_ut_file_map.py 'get_ut_map' ${PADDLE_ROOT} } function get_failedUts_precise_map_file { if [[ -f "${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/utNotSuccess" ]]; then rerun_tests=`cat ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/utNotSuccess` #remove pile to full h/cu file python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/handle_h_cu_file.py 'remove_pile_from_h_file' ${PADDLE_ROOT} cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cmake_base ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build ${parallel_number} pip uninstall -y paddlepaddle-gpu pip install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*whl precise_card_test_single "$rerun_tests" wait; fi } function parallel_test_base_xpu() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat </dev/null | grep "" | grep "NPU" || true) if [ -z "${npu_cc_changes}" ] && [ -z "${npu_py_changes}" ] && [ -z "${npu_pr_tile}" ]; then echo "NO NPU operators files changed and no '[NPU]' found in PR title, skip NPU unit tests!" exit 0 fi fi mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/npu if [ ${WITH_TESTING:-ON} == "ON" ] ; then cat <<EOF ======================================== Running unit npu tests ... ======================================== EOF set +x test_cases=$(ctest -N -V) # get all test cases get_quickly_disable_ut||disable_ut_quickly='' # indicate whether the case was in quickly disable list while read -r line; do if [[ "$line" == "" ]]; then continue fi read testcase <<< $(echo "$line"|grep -oEi "\w+$") if [[ "$single_card_tests" == "" ]]; then single_card_tests="^$testcase$" else single_card_tests="$single_card_tests|^$testcase$" fi done <<< "$test_cases"; ut_actual_total_startTime_s=`date +%s` card_test "$single_card_tests" 1 # run cases 1 job each time with single GPU collect_failed_tests # add unit test retry for NPU rm -f $tmp_dir/* exec_times=0 retry_unittests_record='' retry_time=4 exec_time_array=('first' 'second' 'third' 'fourth') parallel_failed_tests_exec_retry_threshold=120 exec_retry_threshold=30 is_retry_execuate=0 rerun_ut_startTime_s=`date +%s` if [ -n "$failed_test_lists" ];then if [ ${TIMEOUT_DEBUG_HELP:-OFF} == "ON" ];then bash $PADDLE_ROOT/tools/timeout_debug_help.sh "$failed_test_lists" # cat logs for tiemout uts which killed by ctest fi need_retry_ut_str=$(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) need_retry_ut_arr=(${need_retry_ut_str}) need_retry_ut_count=${#need_retry_ut_arr[@]} retry_unittests=$(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) while ( [ $exec_times -lt $retry_time ] ) do if [[ "${exec_times}" == "0" ]] ;then if [ $need_retry_ut_count -lt $parallel_failed_tests_exec_retry_threshold ];then is_retry_execuate=0 else is_retry_execuate=1 fi elif [[ "${exec_times}" == "1" ]] ;then need_retry_ut_str=$(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) need_retry_ut_arr=(${need_retry_ut_str}) need_retry_ut_count=${#need_retry_ut_arr[@]} if [ $need_retry_ut_count -lt $exec_retry_threshold ];then is_retry_execuate=0 else is_retry_execuate=1 fi fi if [[ "$is_retry_execuate" == "0" ]];then set +e retry_unittests_record="$retry_unittests_record$failed_test_lists" failed_test_lists_ult=`echo "${failed_test_lists}" |grep -Po '[^ ].*$'` set -e if [[ "${exec_times}" == "1" ]] || [[ "${exec_times}" == "3" ]];then if [[ "${failed_test_lists}" == "" ]];then break else retry_unittests=$(echo "$failed_test_lists" | grep -oEi "\-.+\(.+\)" | sed 's/(.\+)//' | sed 's/- //' ) fi fi echo "=========================================" echo "This is the ${exec_time_array[$exec_times]} time to re-run" echo "=========================================" echo "The following unittest will be re-run:" echo "${retry_unittests}" for line in ${retry_unittests[@]} ; do tmp_one_tmp="$( echo $single_card_tests | grep -oEi $line )" if [[ "$tmp_one_tmp" != "" ]]; then if [[ "$one_card_retry" == "" ]]; then one_card_retry="^$line$" else one_card_retry="$one_card_retry|^$line$" fi fi done if [[ "$one_card_retry" != "" ]]; then card_test "$one_card_retry" 1 # run cases 1 job each time with single GPU fi exec_times=$[$exec_times+1] failed_test_lists='' collect_failed_tests rm -f $tmp_dir/* one_card_retry='' else break fi done fi rerun_ut_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "ipipe_log_param_Rerun_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $rerun_ut_endTime_s - $rerun_ut_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt ut_actual_total_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "ipipe_log_param_actual_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $ut_actual_total_endTime_s - $ut_actual_total_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt if [[ "$EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then show_ut_retry_result fi set -ex fi } function parallel_test() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build pip install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*whl cp ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/op_test.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python ut_total_startTime_s=`date +%s` if [ "$WITH_GPU" == "ON" ] || [ "$WITH_ROCM" == "ON" ];then parallel_test_base_gpu elif [ "$WITH_XPU" == "ON" ];then parallel_test_base_xpu elif [ "$WITH_ASCEND_CL" == "ON" ];then parallel_test_base_npu else parallel_test_base_cpu ${PROC_RUN:-1} fi ut_total_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "TestCases Total Time: $[ $ut_total_endTime_s - $ut_total_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_TestCases_Total_Time: $[ $ut_total_endTime_s - $ut_total_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt } function enable_unused_var_check() { # NOTE(zhiqiu): Set FLAGS_enable_unused_var_check=1 here to enable unused_var_check, # which checks if an operator has unused input variable(s). # Currently, use it in coverage CI job. export FLAGS_enable_unused_var_check=1 } function gen_doc_lib() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cat <<EOF ======================================== Building documentation library ... In /paddle/build ======================================== EOF cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DWITH_GPU=OFF \ -DWITH_MKL=OFF \ local LIB_TYPE=$1 case $LIB_TYPE in full) # Build full Paddle Python module. Will timeout without caching 'copy_paddle_pybind' first make -j `nproc` framework_py_proto copy_paddle_pybind paddle_python ;; pybind) # Build paddle pybind library. Takes 49 minutes to build. Might timeout make -j `nproc` copy_paddle_pybind ;; proto) # Even smaller library. make -j `nproc` framework_py_proto ;; *) exit 0 ;; esac } function gen_dockerfile() { # Set BASE_IMAGE according to env variables CUDA_MAJOR="$(echo $CUDA_VERSION | cut -d '.' -f 1).$(echo $CUDA_VERSION | cut -d '.' -f 2)" CUDNN_MAJOR=$(echo $CUDNN_VERSION | cut -d '.' -f 1) if [[ ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then BASE_IMAGE="nvidia/cuda:${CUDA_MAJOR}-cudnn${CUDNN_MAJOR}-devel-ubuntu16.04" else BASE_IMAGE="ubuntu:16.04" fi DOCKERFILE_GPU_ENV="" DOCKERFILE_CUDNN_DSO="" DOCKERFILE_CUBLAS_DSO="" if [[ ${WITH_GPU:-OFF} == 'ON' ]]; then DOCKERFILE_GPU_ENV="ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" DOCKERFILE_CUDNN_DSO="RUN ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcudnn.so.${CUDNN_MAJOR} /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcudnn.so" DOCKERFILE_CUBLAS_DSO="RUN ln -sf /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcublas.so.${CUDA_MAJOR} /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcublas.so" fi cat <<EOF ======================================== Generate ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile ... ======================================== EOF ref_CUDA_MAJOR="$(echo $CUDA_VERSION | cut -d '.' -f 1)" if [[ ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then ref_gpu=gpu-cuda${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}-cudnn${CUDNN_MAJOR} else ref_gpu=cpu fi if [[ ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then install_gpu="_gpu" else install_gpu="" fi if [[ ${WITH_MKL} == "ON" ]]; then ref_mkl=mkl else ref_mkl=openblas fi ref_web=https://paddle-wheel.bj.bcebos.com/${PADDLE_BRANCH}-${ref_gpu}-${ref_mkl} ref_paddle36=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle37=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle38=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle39=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle36_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle37_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle38_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle39_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl if [[ ${PADDLE_BRANCH} != "0.0.0" && ${WITH_MKL} == "ON" && ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then ref_paddle36=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle37=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle38=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle39=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle36_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle37_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle38_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle39_whl=paddlepaddle${install_gpu}-${PADDLE_BRANCH}.post${ref_CUDA_MAJOR}${CUDNN_MAJOR}-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl fi ref_paddle36_mv1="" ref_paddle36_mv2="" if [[ ${PADDLE_BRANCH} == "0.0.0" && ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then ref_paddle36_whl=paddlepaddle_gpu-1.5.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle36_mv1="mv ${ref_paddle36} ${ref_paddle36_whl} &&" ref_paddle36_mv2="&& mv ${ref_paddle36_whl} ${ref_paddle36}" fi if [[ ${PADDLE_BRANCH} == "0.0.0" && ${WITH_GPU} != "ON" ]]; then ref_paddle36_whl=paddlepaddle-1.5.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl ref_paddle36_mv1="mv ${ref_paddle36} ${ref_paddle36_whl} &&" ref_paddle36_mv2="&& mv ${ref_paddle36_whl} ${ref_paddle36}" fi cat > ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} MAINTAINER PaddlePaddle Authors <paddle-dev@baidu.com> ENV HOME /root EOF if [[ ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" ]]; then NCCL_DEPS="apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades --allow-change-held-packages libnccl2=2.4.7-1+cuda${CUDA_MAJOR} libnccl-dev=2.4.7-1+cuda${CUDA_MAJOR} || true" else NCCL_DEPS="true" fi if [[ ${WITH_GPU} == "ON" && ${CUDA_MAJOR} = "8.0" ]]; then NCCL_DEPS="apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades --allow-change-held-packages libnccl2=2.2.13-1+cuda8.0 libnccl-dev=2.2.13-1+cuda8.0" fi PADDLE_VERSION="paddle version" CMD='"paddle", "version"' cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y wget libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode && \ apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ ldconfig ${DOCKERFILE_CUDNN_DSO} ${DOCKERFILE_CUBLAS_DSO} ${DOCKERFILE_GPU_ENV} EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev RUN mkdir -p /root/python_build/ && wget -q https://www.sqlite.org/2018/sqlite-autoconf-3250300.tar.gz && \ tar -zxf sqlite-autoconf-3250300.tar.gz && cd sqlite-autoconf-3250300 && \ ./configure -prefix=/usr/local && make install -j8 && cd ../ && rm sqlite-autoconf-3250300.tar.gz && \ wget -q https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.0/Python-3.6.0.tgz && \ tar -xzf Python-3.6.0.tgz && cd Python-3.6.0 && \ CFLAGS="-Wformat" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --enable-shared > /dev/null && \ make -j8 > /dev/null && make altinstall > /dev/null && cd ../ && rm Python-3.6.0.tgz RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode python3-tk && ldconfig && \ wget ${ref_web}/${ref_paddle36} && ${ref_paddle36_mv1} pip3.6 install ${ref_paddle36_whl} ${ref_paddle36_mv2}; apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ rm -f ${ref_paddle36} && \ ldconfig EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev RUN wget -q https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.0/Python-3.7.0.tgz && \ tar -xzf Python-3.7.0.tgz && cd Python-3.7.0 && \ CFLAGS="-Wformat" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --enable-shared > /dev/null && \ make -j8 > /dev/null && make altinstall > /dev/null && cd ../ && rm Python-3.7.0.tgz RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode python3-tk && ldconfig && \ wget ${ref_web}/${ref_paddle37} && pip3.7 install ${ref_paddle37_whl}; apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ rm -f ${ref_paddle37} && \ ldconfig EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev RUN wget -q https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.0/Python-3.8.0.tgz && \ tar -xzf Python-3.8.0.tgz && cd Python-3.8.0 && \ CFLAGS="-Wformat" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --enable-shared > /dev/null && \ make -j8 > /dev/null && make altinstall > /dev/null && cd ../ && rm Python-3.8.0.tgz RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode python3-tk && ldconfig && \ wget ${ref_web}/${ref_paddle38} && pip3.8 install ${ref_paddle38_whl}; apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ rm -f ${ref_paddle38} && \ ldconfig EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \ libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev \ xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev RUN wget -q https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.0/Python-3.9.0.tgz && \ tar -xzf Python-3.9.0.tgz && cd Python-3.9.0 && \ CFLAGS="-Wformat" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --enable-shared > /dev/null && \ make -j8 > /dev/null && make altinstall > /dev/null && cd ../ && rm Python-3.9.0.tgz RUN apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode python3-tk && ldconfig && \ wget ${ref_web}/${ref_paddle39} && pip3.9 install ${ref_paddle39_whl}; apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ rm -f ${ref_paddle39} && \ ldconfig EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # run paddle version to install python packages first RUN apt-get update && ${NCCL_DEPS} RUN apt-get install -y wget python-pip python-opencv libgtk2.0-dev dmidecode python-tk && easy_install -U pip && \ wget ${ref_web}/${ref_paddle2} && pip install ${ref_paddle2_whl}; apt-get install -f -y && \ apt-get clean -y && \ rm -f ${ref_paddle2} && \ ${PADDLE_VERSION} && \ ldconfig EOF cat >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Dockerfile <<EOF # default command shows the paddle version and exit CMD [${CMD}] EOF } function gen_fluid_lib() { mkdir -p ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cat <<EOF ======================================== Generating fluid library for train and inference ... ======================================== EOF parallel_number=`nproc` if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then parallel_number=$1 fi startTime_s=`date +%s` set +e cmake .. -DWITH_DISTRIBUTE=OFF -DON_INFER=ON -DWITH_TENSORRT=ON -DCUDA_ARCH_NAME=${CUDA_ARCH_NAME:-Auto};build_error=$? # reset ccache zero stats for collect PR's actual hit rate ccache -z make -j ${parallel_number} fluid_lib_dist;build_error=$? make -j ${parallel_number} inference_lib_dist;build_error=$? # ci will collect ccache hit rate collect_ccache_hits if [ "$build_error" != 0 ];then exit 7; fi endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "Build Time: $[ $endTime_s - $startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_Build_Time: $[ $endTime_s - $startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt build_size "paddle_inference" build_size "paddle_inference_c" } function tar_fluid_lib() { cat <<EOF ======================================== Taring fluid library for train and inference ... ======================================== EOF cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build cp -r paddle_install_dir fluid tar -czf fluid.tgz fluid cp -r paddle_inference_install_dir paddle_inference tar -czf paddle_inference.tgz paddle_inference } function test_fluid_lib() { cat <<EOF ======================================== Testing fluid library for inference ... ======================================== EOF demo_ci_startTime_s=`date +%s` cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference/api/demo_ci ./run.sh ${PADDLE_ROOT} ${WITH_MKL:-ON} ${WITH_GPU:-OFF} ${INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR} \ ${TENSORRT_INCLUDE_DIR:-/usr/local/TensorRT/include} \ ${TENSORRT_LIB_DIR:-/usr/local/TensorRT/lib} DEMO_EXIT_CODE=$? ./clean.sh demo_ci_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "demo_ci tests Total time: $[ $demo_ci_endTime_s - $demo_ci_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_Demo_Ci_Tests_Total_Time: $[ $demo_ci_endTime_s - $demo_ci_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt infer_ut_startTime_s=`date +%s` cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference/tests/infer_ut ./run.sh ${PADDLE_ROOT} ${WITH_MKL:-ON} ${WITH_GPU:-OFF} ${INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR} \ ${TENSORRT_ROOT_DIR:-/usr} TEST_EXIT_CODE=$? infer_ut_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "infer_ut tests Total time: $[ $infer_ut_endTime_s - $infer_ut_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_Infer_Ut_Tests_Total_Time: $[ $infer_ut_endTime_s - $infer_ut_startTime_s ]s" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt if [[ "$DEMO_EXIT_CODE" != "0" || "$TEST_EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then exit 8; fi } function test_go_inference_api() { cat <<EOF ======================================== Testing go inference api ... ======================================== EOF # ln paddle_inference_c lib cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build ln -s ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/ ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference/goapi/paddle_inference_c # run go test cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference/goapi bash test.sh EXIT_CODE=$? if [[ "$EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then exit 8; fi } function test_fluid_lib_train() { cat <<EOF ======================================== Testing fluid library for training ... ======================================== EOF fluid_train_startTime_s=`date +%s` cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/train/demo ./run.sh ${PADDLE_ROOT} ${WITH_MKL:-ON} EXIT_CODE=$? fluid_train_endTime_s=`date +%s` echo "test_fluid_lib_train Total Time: $[ $fluid_train_endTime_s - $fluid_train_startTime_s ]s" echo "ipipe_log_param_Test_Fluid_Lib_Train_Total_Time: $[ $fluid_train_endTime_s - $fluid_train_startTime_s ]s" ./clean.sh if [[ "$EXIT_CODE" != "0" ]]; then exit 8; fi } function build_document_preview() { sh /paddle/tools/document_preview.sh ${PORT} } # origin name: example function exec_samplecode_test() { pip install ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl paddle version cd ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools if [ "$1" = "cpu" ] ; then python sampcd_processor.py cpu; example_error=$? elif [ "$1" = "gpu" ] ; then python sampcd_processor.py --threads=16 gpu; example_error=$? fi if [ "$example_error" != "0" ];then echo "Code instance execution failed" >&2 exit 5 fi } function collect_ccache_hits() { rate=$(ccache -s | grep 'cache hit rate' | awk '{print $4}') echo "ccache hit rate: ${rate}%" echo "ipipe_log_param_Ccache_Hit_Rate: ${rate}%" >> ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt } function test_op_benchmark() { # The PR will pass quickly when get approval from specific person. # Xreki 12538138, luotao1 6836917, Avin0323 23427135 set +x approval_line=$(curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000) if [ "${approval_line}" != "" ]; then APPROVALS=$(echo ${approval_line} | python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_pr_approval.py 1 23427135 12538138 6836917) echo "current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} got approvals: ${APPROVALS}" if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "TRUE" ]; then echo "===================================" echo -e "\n current pr ${GIT_PR_ID} has got approvals. So, Pass CI directly!\n" echo "===================================" exit 0 fi fi set -x bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/test_op_benchmark.sh } function test_model_benchmark() { bash ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/test_model_benchmark.sh } function summary_check_problems() { set +x local check_style_code=$1 local example_code=$2 local check_style_info=$3 local example_info=$4 if [ $check_style_code -ne 0 -o $example_code -ne 0 ];then echo "========================================" echo "summary problems:" if [ $check_style_code -ne 0 -a $example_code -ne 0 ];then echo "There are 2 errors: Code format error and Example code error." else [ $check_style_code -ne 0 ] && echo "There is 1 error: Code format error." [ $example_code -ne 0 ] && echo "There is 1 error: Example code error." fi echo "========================================" if [ $check_style_code -ne 0 ];then echo "*****Code format error***** Please fix it according to the diff information:" echo "$check_style_info" | grep "code format error" -A $(echo "$check_style_info" | wc -l) fi if [ $example_code -ne 0 ];then echo "*****Example code error***** Please fix the error listed in the information:" echo "$example_info" | grep "API check -- Example Code" -A $(echo "$example_info" | wc -l) fi [ $check_style_code -ne 0 ] && exit $check_style_code [ $example_code -ne 0 ] && exit $example_code fi set -x } function reuse_so_cache() { get_html="https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle" curl -X GET ${get_html}/commits -H "authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" >tmp.txt merge_commit=`grep "sha" tmp.txt| awk -F \" 'NR==1{print $(NF-1)}'| sed 's# ##g'` curl -X GET ${get_html}/commits/${merge_commit} -H "authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" >tmp.txt merge_pr=`grep -oP -m 1 '(#[0-9]*)' tmp.txt| sed 's/#//g'` curl -X GET ${get_html}/pulls/${merge_pr}/commits -H "authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" >tmp.txt pr_commit=`grep "sha" tmp.txt |tail -3|head -1|awk -F : '{print $NF}'|sed 's#"##g'|sed 's#,##g'| sed 's# ##g'` set +e wget -q https://xly-devops.bj.bcebos.com/PR/Paddle/${merge_pr}/${pr_commit}/workspace/Paddle/build/proto_so.tar.gz down_proto_so=`echo $?` set -e if [ "${down_proto_so}" -eq 0 ];then export CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST=ON cd build && mv ../proto_so.tar.gz . tar --use-compress-program=pigz -xpf proto_so.tar.gz cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} cd python touch stub.cc alias cp=cp cp -r ../../python/paddle . python setup.py bdist_wheel else cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} fi } function find_temporary_files() { set +x jsonData=`curl \ -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}"\ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/files` result=`echo ${jsonData}|python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_file_suffix.py` if [ ${#result} -gt 0 ] then echo ${result} exit 65 fi } function trt_convert_test() { set +e cd ${PADDLE_ROOT} result_num=0 export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python for file_name in `find python/ -name 'test_trt_convert*'`;do echo "----- test trt ut: $file_name -----" python $file_name res=$? if [ "$res" != "0" ];then echo "$file_name convert test failed " >&2 result_num=11 fi done if [ "$result_num" != "0" ];then exit 11 fi } function build_pr_and_develop() { cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} mkdir ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pr_whl && cp ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/pr_whl rm -f ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl && rm -f ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/build/.timestamp rm -rf ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/Makefile ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/CMakeCache.txt cmake_change=`git diff --name-only upstream/$BRANCH | grep "cmake/external" || true` if [ ${cmake_change} ];then rm -rf ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/third_party fi git checkout . git checkout -b develop_base_pr upstream/$BRANCH cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} mkdir ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/dev_whl && cp ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/python/dist/*.whl ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/dev_whl } function main() { local CMD=$1 local parallel_number=$2 init case $CMD in build_only) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} ;; build_pr_dev) build_pr_and_develop ;; build_and_check) set +e check_style_info=$(check_style) check_style_code=$? find_temporary_files generate_upstream_develop_api_spec ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} check_sequence_op_unittest generate_api_spec ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} "PR" set +e example_info_gpu="" example_code_gpu=0 if [ "${WITH_GPU}" == "ON" ] ; then example_info_gpu=$(exec_samplecode_test gpu) example_code_gpu=$? fi example_info=$(exec_samplecode_test cpu) example_code=$? summary_check_problems $check_style_code $[${example_code_gpu} + ${example_code}] "$check_style_info" "${example_info_gpu}\n${example_info}" assert_api_spec_approvals check_whl_size ;; build_and_check_cpu) set +e find_temporary_files generate_upstream_develop_api_spec ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} check_sequence_op_unittest generate_api_spec ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} "PR" check_whl_size ;; build_and_check_gpu) set +e check_style_info=$(check_style) check_style_code=$? example_info_gpu="" example_code_gpu=0 if [ "${WITH_GPU}" == "ON" ] ; then example_info_gpu=$(exec_samplecode_test gpu) example_code_gpu=$? fi example_info=$(exec_samplecode_test cpu) example_code=$? summary_check_problems $check_style_code $[${example_code_gpu} + ${example_code}] "$check_style_info" "${example_info_gpu}\n${example_info}" assert_api_spec_approvals ;; build) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build ${parallel_number} gen_dockerfile ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} assert_api_spec_approvals ;; combine_avx_noavx) combine_avx_noavx_build gen_dockerfile ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; combine_avx_noavx_build_and_test) combine_avx_noavx_build gen_dockerfile ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} parallel_test_base ;; test) parallel_test ;; single_test) single_test $2 ;; bind_test) bind_test ;; gen_doc_lib) gen_doc_lib $2 ;; dockerfile) gen_dockerfile ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; fluid_inference_lib) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} tar_fluid_lib test_fluid_lib ;; build_inference_lib) python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/remove_grad_op_and_kernel.py cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} ;; check_style) check_style ;; cicheck) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build ${parallel_number} enable_unused_var_check parallel_test ;; cicheck_coverage) check_approvals_of_unittest 1 check_diff_file_for_coverage cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} enable_unused_var_check parallel_test check_coverage check_change_of_unittest ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; cpu_cicheck_coverage) check_approvals_of_unittest 1 check_diff_file_for_coverage cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} enable_unused_var_check ;; gpu_cicheck_coverage) check_approvals_of_unittest 1 parallel_test check_coverage check_change_of_unittest ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; ci_preciseTest) insert_pile_to_h_cu_diff cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} enable_unused_var_check get_precise_tests_map_file ;; cicheck_brpc) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build ${parallel_number} run_brpc_test ;; assert_api) generate_upstream_develop_api_spec ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} assert_api_spec_approvals ;; test_inference) PADDLE_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../" && pwd )" python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/remove_grad_op_and_kernel.py gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} test_fluid_lib #test_fluid_lib_train #go inference test test_go_inference_api check_approvals_of_unittest 3 ;; build_inference) PADDLE_ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../" && pwd )" python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/remove_grad_op_and_kernel.py gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} ;; gpu_inference) test_fluid_lib test_go_inference_api check_approvals_of_unittest 3 ;; test_train) gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} test_fluid_lib_train ;; assert_api_approvals) assert_api_spec_approvals ;; assert_file_approvals) assert_file_diff_approvals ;; maccheck) cmake_gen_and_build_mac ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} run_mac_test ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${PROC_RUN:-1} ;; maccheck_py35) cmake_gen_and_build_mac ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} run_mac_test ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${PROC_RUN:-1} check_change_of_unittest ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; macbuild) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build_mac ;; cicheck_py35) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} parallel_test ;; cpu_cicheck_py35) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} ;; gpu_cicheck_py35) parallel_test ;; build_gpubox) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} ;; check_xpu) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} parallel_test ;; check_xpu_coverage) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} parallel_test check_coverage ;; check_rocm_coverage) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} parallel_test check_coverage ;; check_npu_coverage) cmake_gen_and_build ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ${parallel_number} parallel_test check_coverage ;; reuse_so_cicheck_py35) reuse_so_cache parallel_test ;; cmake_gen) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; cmake_gen_in_current_dir) cmake_gen_in_current_dir ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} ;; gen_fluid_lib) gen_fluid_lib ${parallel_number} ;; test_fluid_lib) test_fluid_lib ;; document) cmake_gen ${PYTHON_ABI:-""} build ${parallel_number} build_document_preview ;; api_example) example_info=$(exec_samplecode_test cpu) example_code=$? check_style_code=0 check_style_info= summary_check_problems $check_style_code $example_code "$check_style_info" "$example_info" ;; test_op_benchmark) test_op_benchmark ;; test_model_benchmark) test_model_benchmark ;; trt_convert_test) # only test trt convert. trt_convert_test ;; *) print_usage exit 1 ;; esac set +x if [[ -f ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt ]];then echo "=====================build summary======================" cat ${PADDLE_ROOT}/build/build_summary.txt echo "========================================================" fi echo "paddle_build script finished as expected" } main $@