// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/inference/tensorrt/op_teller.h" #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/block_desc.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_layout.h" namespace paddle { namespace framework { class OpDesc; } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle namespace paddle { namespace inference { namespace tensorrt { // Just tell by the op_types. struct SimpleOpTypeSetTeller : public Teller { SimpleOpTypeSetTeller() { // TODO(baoachun) The group_norm trt plugin will check input's dim // not -1 failed when dynamic shape mode. // #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7130) // teller_set.insert("group_norm"); // #endif #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) teller_set.insert("tile"); teller_set.insert("flatten_contiguous_range"); #endif #if CUDA_VERSION >= 10020 teller_set.insert("reshape"); teller_set.insert("reshape2"); int8_teller_set.insert("reshape"); int8_teller_set.insert("reshape2"); #endif #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(8000) teller_set.insert("sparse_fc"); int8_teller_set.insert("sparse_fc"); teller_set.insert("sparse_multihead_matmul"); int8_teller_set.insert("sparse_multihead_matmul"); #endif } bool operator()(const std::string& op_type, const framework::OpDesc& desc, bool use_no_calib_int8) override { if (use_no_calib_int8) { return int8_teller_set.count(op_type); } else { return teller_set.count(op_type); } } private: // use this set for no calib int8. std::unordered_set int8_teller_set{ "mul", "matmul", "conv2d", "conv2d_fusion", "pool2d", "relu", "elu", "selu", "softsign", "softplus", "stanh", "thresholded_relu", "exp", "log", "sqrt", "abs", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sinh", "cosh", "asin", "acos", "atan", "asinh", "atanh", "ceil", "floor", "erf", "softmax", "sigmoid", "hard_swish", "depthwise_conv2d", "batch_norm", "concat", "tanh", "pad", "elementwise_add", "elementwise_sub", "elementwise_mul", "elementwise_div", "elementwise_pow", "dropout", "prelu", "conv2d_transpose", "depthwise_conv2d_transpose", "leaky_relu", "fc", "shuffle_channel", "swish", "split", "instance_norm", "gelu", "layer_norm", "scale", "stack", "transpose2", "transpose", "top_k", "top_k_v2", "flatten2", "flatten", "gather", "gather_nd", "yolo_box", "yolo_box_head", "arg_max", "roi_align", "affine_channel", "nearest_interp", "anchor_generator", "reduce_sum", "reduce_mean", "conv3d", "conv3d_transpose", "mish", "nearest_interp_v2", "bilinear_interp_v2", "pool3d", "deformable_conv", "relu6", "hard_sigmoid", "clip", "fused_embedding_eltwise_layernorm", "multihead_matmul", "skip_layernorm", "slice", "strided_slice", "fused_preln_embedding_eltwise_layernorm", "preln_residual_bias", "c_allreduce_sum", "c_allreduce_min", "c_allreduce_max", "c_allreduce_prod", "roll", "preln_skip_layernorm", "transformer_input_convert", "recover_padding", "remove_padding", "squeeze2", "unsqueeze2"}; std::unordered_set teller_set{ "mul", "matmul", "conv2d", "conv2d_fusion", "pool2d", "relu", "elu", "selu", "softsign", "softplus", "stanh", "thresholded_relu", "exp", "log", "sqrt", "abs", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sinh", "cosh", "asin", "acos", "atan", "asinh", "atanh", "ceil", "floor", "erf", "softmax", "sigmoid", "hard_swish", "depthwise_conv2d", "batch_norm", "concat", "tanh", "pad", "elementwise_add", "elementwise_sub", "elementwise_mul", "elementwise_div", "elementwise_pow", "dropout", "prelu", "conv2d_transpose", "depthwise_conv2d_transpose", "leaky_relu", "fc", "shuffle_channel", "swish", "split", "instance_norm", "gelu", "layer_norm", "scale", "stack", "transpose2", "transpose", "top_k", "top_k_v2", "flatten2", "flatten", "gather", "gather_nd", "yolo_box", "yolo_box_head", "arg_max", "roi_align", "affine_channel", "nearest_interp", "anchor_generator", "reduce_sum", "reduce_mean", "conv3d", "conv3d_transpose", "mish", "bilinear_interp_v2", "nearest_interp_v2", "pool3d", "deformable_conv", "relu6", "hard_sigmoid", "clip", "fused_embedding_eltwise_layernorm", "multihead_matmul", "skip_layernorm", "slice", "strided_slice", "fused_preln_embedding_eltwise_layernorm", "preln_skip_layernorm", "preln_residual_bias", "c_allreduce_sum", "c_allreduce_min", "c_allreduce_max", "c_allreduce_prod", "roll", "multiclass_nms3", "transformer_input_convert", "recover_padding", "remove_padding", "squeeze2", "unsqueeze2"}; }; bool OpTeller::Tell(const framework::ir::Node* node, bool use_no_calib_int8, bool with_dynamic_shape) { const std::string op_type = node->Op()->Type(); const framework::OpDesc desc = *node->Op(); // do not support the op which is labeled the `skip_quant` if ((desc.HasAttr("namescope") && BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("op_namescope")) == "/skip_quant_2/") || desc.HasAttr("skip_quant")) return false; for (auto& teller : tellers_) { std::unordered_set act_op_list = { "relu", "relu6", "sigmoid", "elu", "selu", "softsign", "softplus", "stanh", "thresholded_relu", "exp", "log", "sqrt", "abs", "sin", "cos", "tan", "tanh", "sinh", "cosh", "asin", "acos", "atan", "asinh", "atanh", "ceil", "floor", "erf"}; if (act_op_list.find(op_type) != act_op_list.end()) { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << op_type << " op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt."; return false; } #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) if (op_type == "erf") { VLOG(3) << op_type << " op does not support tensorrt."; return false; } #endif } if (op_type == "pool2d") { std::vector paddings = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("paddings")); if (paddings.size() > 2) { return false; } if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Pool2d expect 1 input, but got " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Pool2d has only 1 output, but got " << desc.Output("Out").size(); return false; } if (desc.HasAttr("data_format")) { std::string data_format = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("data_format")); if (data_format == "NHWC" || data_format == "NDHWC") { return false; } } if (!desc.HasAttr("pooling_type")) { return false; } else { std::string pool_type = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("pooling_type")); if (pool_type != "max" && pool_type != "avg") { VLOG(3) << "Wrong pool op type, the trt do not support the " << pool_type << " pool type."; return false; } if (pool_type == "avg") { if (desc.HasAttr("global_pooling")) { if (!BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("global_pooling"))) { if (desc.HasAttr("exclusive")) { if (BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("exclusive"))) { std::vector ksize = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("ksize")); for (size_t i = 0; i < ksize.size(); i++) { if (ksize[i] <= paddings[i]) { VLOG(3) << "the padding size should be less than the " "filter size " "for exclusive-counting pooling."; return false; } } } } } } } } } if (op_type == "conv2d" || op_type == "conv2d_transpose" || op_type == "conv2d_fusion" || op_type == "depthwise_conv2d" || op_type == "depthwise_conv2d_transpose") { if (desc.Input("Input").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv2d expect 1 input, but got " << desc.Input("Input").size() << " input."; return false; } if (desc.Input("Filter").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv2d expect 1 filter, but got " << desc.Input("Filter").size() << " filter."; return false; } if (desc.HasAttr("enable_int8")) { if (op_type == "conv2d" || op_type == "conv2d_fusion") { if (!desc.HasAttr("Input_scale")) { VLOG(3) << "Input scale not found. TRT int8" " requires conv/deconv to have " "input quantization scales."; return false; } } } if (op_type == "conv2d_transpose" || op_type == "depthwise_conv2d_transpose") { if (!desc.HasAttr("dilations")) { return false; } else { const std::vector dilations = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("dilations")); if (dilations[0] != 1 || dilations[1] != 1) { VLOG(3) << "In conv2d_transpose, Dilations must be (1, 1) for " "tensorRT, but given (" << dilations[0] << ", " << dilations[1] << ")"; return false; } } } if (desc.Output("Output").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv2d expect 1 output, but got " << desc.Output("Output").size() << " output."; return false; } // strides > 1 and 'SAME' is only supported by trt7.0 above #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) if (op_type == "conv2d" || op_type == "conv2d_fusion" || op_type == "depthwise_conv2d") { if (desc.HasAttr("padding_algorithm") && with_dynamic_shape) { auto padding_algorithm = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("padding_algorithm")); if (padding_algorithm == "SAME" && desc.HasAttr("strides")) { const std::vector strides = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("strides")); // there is no issue if strides.size() less than 2 if (strides.size() > 1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < strides.size(); i++) { if (strides[i] > 1) return false; } } } } } #endif } if (op_type == "deformable_conv") { if (with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "Deformable conv trt plugin does not support dynamic shape"; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); auto input_name = desc.Input("Input")[0]; auto* input_desc = block->FindVar(input_name); const auto input_shape = input_desc->GetShape(); if (input_shape.size() != 4) { VLOG(3) << "Input of deformable conv should be 4-D Tensor, but got " << input_shape.size(); return false; } auto filter_name = desc.Input("Filter")[0]; auto* filter_desc = block->FindVar(filter_name); const auto filter_shape = filter_desc->GetShape(); int groups = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("groups")); if (input_shape[1] != filter_shape[1] * groups) { VLOG(3) << "The number of input channels should be equal to filter " << "channels * groups. But got input channels " << input_shape[1] << "filter channels " << filter_shape[1]; return false; } const std::vector strides = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("strides")); if (strides.size() != 2) { VLOG(3) << "The size of strides should be 2, but got " << strides.size(); return false; } const std::vector paddings = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("paddings")); if (paddings.size() != 2) { VLOG(3) << "The size of paddings shoule be 2, but got " << paddings.size(); return false; } } if (op_type == "matmul") { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } // not support broadcast auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("X")[0]); auto* y_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("Y")[0]); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); const auto y_shape = y_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() != y_shape.size()) { VLOG(3) << "matmul op not support broadcast, please check inputs'shape. "; return false; } uint64_t dims = 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < x_shape.size() - dims; ++i) { if (x_shape[i] != y_shape[i] && (x_shape[i] == 1 || y_shape[i] == 1)) { VLOG(3) << "matmul op not support broadcast, please check " "inputs'shape[i]. "; return false; } } for (auto& param_name : desc.Inputs()) { for (auto& var_name : param_name.second) { auto* var_desc = block->FindVar(var_name); const auto shape = var_desc->GetShape(); if (shape.size() < 3) { VLOG(3) << "matmul op dims < 3 not supported in tensorrt, but got dims " << shape.size() << ", so jump it."; return false; } } } } if (op_type == "softmax") { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); } if (op_type == "group_norm") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) return false; bool has_attrs = (desc.HasAttr("epsilon") && desc.HasAttr("groups")); if (has_attrs == false) return false; auto registry = GetPluginRegistry(); if (registry == nullptr) return false; } if (op_type == "concat") { if (!desc.HasAttr("axis")) { return false; } int axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("axis")); if (!with_dynamic_shape) { if (axis == 0) return false; } auto concat_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (concat_inputs.find("AxisTensor") != concat_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("AxisTensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } } if (op_type == "transpose2" || op_type == "transpose") { if (!desc.HasAttr("axis")) { return false; } std::vector axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("axis")); if (!with_dynamic_shape && axis[0] != 0) return false; if (axis.size() >= nvinfer1::Dims::MAX_DIMS) return false; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (axis.size() != x_shape.size()) return false; int dims = x_shape.size(); std::vector perm(nvinfer1::Dims::MAX_DIMS); for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) { perm[i] = axis[i]; } auto is_valid_permutation = [&](int dims, const std::vector& permutation) { std::bitset found; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i) { const int x = permutation[i]; if ((x < 0) || (x >= dims) || found[x]) return false; // Out of bounds or duplicate found.set(x); } return true; }; if (!is_valid_permutation(dims, perm)) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid permutation dimensions for trt transpose op " "converter: duplicate or out of bound."; return false; } } if (op_type == "flatten2" || op_type == "flatten") { if (!desc.HasAttr("axis")) { return false; } else { #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7130) #else if (with_dynamic_shape) return false; #endif int axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("axis")); if (axis != 1) return false; } } if (op_type == "flatten_contiguous_range") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { int start_axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("start_axis")); int stop_axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("stop_axis")); auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); int dims = x_shape.size(); if (start_axis < 0) start_axis += dims; if (start_axis == 0) { VLOG(3) << "TRT flatten_contiguous_range not support the " "batch-dimension being changed"; return false; } if (stop_axis < 0) stop_axis += dims; for (int i = start_axis; i <= stop_axis; ++i) { if (x_shape[i] < 0) { VLOG(3) << "On TRT static shape,flatten_contiguous_range input dim " "should be > 0"; return false; } } } } if (op_type == "gather") { auto gather_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (gather_inputs.find("Axis") != gather_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("Axis").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (!with_dynamic_shape) { return false; } else { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("X")[0]); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "Gather does not support 1-dimensional input in tensorrt"; return false; } #endif } } if (op_type == "gather_nd") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) return false; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto index_var_name = desc.Input("Index")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); auto* index_var_desc = block->FindVar(index_var_name); // The index input must be int32 datatype. if (index_var_desc->GetDataType() != paddle::framework::proto::VarType_Type::VarType_Type_INT32) { VLOG(3) << "gather_nd op Index input data type must be int32"; return false; } const auto index_shape = index_var_desc->GetShape(); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() <= 2) { VLOG(3) << "gather_nd op requires the input's dimension to be greater " "than 2"; return false; } if (x_shape.size() != index_shape.size()) { VLOG(3) << "gather_nd op Index input dims size [" << index_shape.size() << " ] not equal to x dims size [" << x_shape.size() << "]"; return false; } } if (op_type == "anchor_generator") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) return false; } if (op_type == "yolo_box") { if (with_dynamic_shape) return false; bool has_attrs = (desc.HasAttr("class_num") && desc.HasAttr("anchors") && desc.HasAttr("downsample_ratio") && desc.HasAttr("conf_thresh") && desc.HasAttr("clip_bbox") && desc.HasAttr("scale_x_y")); if (!has_attrs) return false; } if (op_type == "yolo_box_head") { if (with_dynamic_shape) return false; bool has_attrs = desc.HasAttr("class_num") && desc.HasAttr("anchors"); if (!has_attrs) return false; } if (op_type == "arg_max") { int axis = desc.HasAttr("axis") ? BOOST_GET_CONST(int64_t, desc.GetAttr("axis")) : -1; bool flatten = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("flatten")); int dtype = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("dtype")); if (axis == 0 || flatten || dtype != 2) return false; } if (op_type == "affine_channel") { if (!desc.HasAttr("data_layout")) return false; auto data_layout = framework::StringToDataLayout( BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("data_layout"))); if (data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNCHW) return false; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 2) { return false; } } if (op_type == "multiclass_nms" || op_type == "multiclass_nms3") { if (with_dynamic_shape) return false; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto multiclass_nms_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (multiclass_nms_inputs.find("RoisNum") != multiclass_nms_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("RoisNum").size() >= 1) { return false; } } for (auto& param_name : multiclass_nms_inputs) { for (auto& var_name : param_name.second) { auto* var_desc = block->FindVar(var_name); const auto shape = var_desc->GetShape(); if (shape.size() != 3) { VLOG(3) << "multiclass_nms op dims != 3 not supported in tensorrt, " "but got dims " << shape.size() << ", so jump it."; return false; } } } bool has_attrs = (desc.HasAttr("background_label") && desc.HasAttr("score_threshold") && desc.HasAttr("nms_top_k") && desc.HasAttr("keep_top_k") && desc.HasAttr("normalized")); if (has_attrs == false) return false; // TODO(wangxinxin08): tricky solution because the outputs of batchedNMS // plugin are not constient with those of multiclass_nms3 if (desc.HasAttr("nms_eta") == false) return false; auto nms_eta = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, desc.GetAttr("nms_eta")); if (nms_eta <= 1.0) return false; auto nms_top_k = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("nms_top_k")); if (nms_top_k < 0) return false; auto keep_top_k = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("keep_top_k")); if (keep_top_k < 0) return false; auto registry = GetPluginRegistry(); if (registry == nullptr) return false; } if (op_type == "nearest_interp") { std::vector attrs{"interp_method", "align_corners", "scale", "out_h", "out_w"}; for (auto const attr : attrs) { if (!desc.HasAttr(attr)) return false; } if (desc.HasAttr("data_layout")) { auto data_layout = framework::StringToDataLayout( BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("data_layout"))); if (data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNCHW && data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNHWC) return false; } auto interp_method = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("interp_method")); if (interp_method != "nearest") return false; auto scale = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, desc.GetAttr("scale")); auto out_h = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_h")); auto out_w = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_w")); auto align_corners = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("align_corners")); if (!(scale > 0.f && (out_h <= 0 && out_w <= 0))) { if (out_h <= 0) { VLOG(3) << "out_h must be greater than 0 if scale is not set."; return false; } if (out_w <= 0) { VLOG(3) << "out_w must be greater than 0 if scale is not set."; return false; } } if ((scale <= 0.f) && with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "dynamic shape not support scale not set."; return false; } // When align_corners = true, the paddle's and trt_layer's results has // diff if (align_corners && scale != 1) { return false; } } if (op_type == "nearest_interp_v2") { std::vector attrs{"data_layout", "interp_method", "align_corners", "scale", "out_h", "out_w"}; for (auto const attr : attrs) { if (!desc.HasAttr(attr)) return false; } auto data_layout = framework::StringToDataLayout( BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("data_layout"))); if (data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNCHW && data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNHWC) return false; auto interp_method = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("interp_method")); if (interp_method != "nearest") return false; auto scale = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("scale")); auto out_h = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_h")); auto out_w = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_w")); if (!(out_h > 0 && out_w > 0)) { if (scale.size() < 2) return false; if (scale[0] <= 0.f || scale[1] <= 0.f) { VLOG(3) << "scale factor must be greater than 0 if out_h or out_w is " "not set."; return false; } } } if (op_type == "bilinear_interp_v2") { std::vector attrs{"data_layout", "interp_method", "align_corners", "scale", "out_h", "out_w"}; for (auto const attr : attrs) { if (!desc.HasAttr(attr)) { VLOG(3) << "The op_type " << op_type << " doesn't have the attr " << attr << " and return false"; return false; } } auto resize_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (resize_inputs.find("SizeTensor") != resize_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("SizeTensor").size() >= 1) { VLOG(3) << "The Paddle-TRT doesn't support the SizeTensor for op_type " << op_type; return false; } } if (resize_inputs.find("OutSize") != resize_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("OutSize").size() >= 1) { VLOG(3) << "The Paddle-TRT doesn't support the OutSize for op_type " << op_type; return false; } } auto data_layout = framework::StringToDataLayout( BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("data_layout"))); if (data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNCHW && data_layout != framework::DataLayout::kNHWC) { VLOG(3) << "The op_type " << op_type << " is not NCHW or NHWC return false"; return false; } auto interp_method = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("interp_method")); if (interp_method != "bilinear") { VLOG(3) << "The interp_method of op_type " << op_type << " is not bilinear"; return false; } auto align_corners = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("align_corners")); if (align_corners != false) { VLOG(3) << "The bilinear_interp_v2 only supports align_corners with false."; return false; } bool has_scale_input_size = (resize_inputs.find("Scale") != resize_inputs.end()); if (has_scale_input_size && desc.Input("Scale").size() != 1) { const std::vector scale = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("scale")); if (scale.size() <= 1) { if (!desc.HasAttr("out_h") || !desc.HasAttr("out_w")) { VLOG(3) << "The op_type " << op_type << " doesn't have Scale and the scale size <=1 and without " "out_h / out_w, it will return false"; return false; } auto out_h = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_h")); auto out_w = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("out_w")); if (!(out_h <= 0 && out_w <= 0)) { if (out_h <= 0) { VLOG(3) << "The op_type " << op_type << "'s out_h must be greater than 0 if scale is not set."; return false; } if (out_w <= 0) { VLOG(3) << "The op_type " << op_type << "'s out_w must be greater than 0 if scale is not set."; return false; } } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < scale.size(); i++) { if (scale[i] <= 0 && with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "dynamic shape not support Attr(scale[" << i << "]) " << scale[i] << " less than 1 and Input(Scale) vector not set."; return false; } } } } } if (op_type == "hard_swish") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "HardSwish op has only 1 input, but got " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "HardSwish op has only 1 output, but got " << desc.Output("Out").size(); return false; } } if (op_type == "squeeze2") { std::vector axes; if (desc.HasAttr("axes")) { axes = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("axes")); } if (axes.size() == 0) { VLOG(3) << "The necessary attributes of the squeeze2 operator axes is " "missing."; return false; } if (!with_dynamic_shape) { if (std::find(axes.begin(), axes.end(), 0) != axes.end()) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid squeeze axes. Axes having batch axis is not " "supported in static shape"; return false; } } } if (op_type == "unsqueeze2") { std::vector axes; if (desc.HasAttr("axes")) { axes = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("axes")); } if (axes.size() == 0) { VLOG(3) << "The necessary attributes of the squeeze2 operator axes is " "missing."; return false; } if (!with_dynamic_shape) { if (std::find(axes.begin(), axes.end(), 0) != axes.end()) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid squeeze axes. Axes having batch axis is not " "supported in static shape"; return false; } } } if (op_type == "batch_norm") { const std::vector bn_inputs = {"X", "Bias", "Mean", "Scale", "Variance"}; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bn_inputs.size(); i++) { if (desc.Input(bn_inputs[i]).size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid " << bn_inputs[i] << "'s size of batch_norm TRT " "converter. Expected 1, received " << desc.Input(bn_inputs[i]).size() << "."; return false; } } auto batch_norm_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (batch_norm_inputs.find("MomentumTensor") != batch_norm_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("MomentumTensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (desc.Output("Y").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid output Y's size of batch_norm TRT " "converter. Expected 1, received " << desc.Output("Y").size() << "."; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); } if (op_type == "split") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid input X's size of split TRT converter. " "Expected 1, received " << desc.Input("X").size() << "."; return false; } auto split_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (split_inputs.find("AxisTensor") != split_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("AxisTensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (split_inputs.find("SectionsTensorList") != split_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("SectionsTensorList").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (!desc.HasAttr("axis")) { return false; } int axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("axis")); if (axis == 0) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid split axis. Split on batch is not supported in " "TensorRT"; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); size_t output_num = desc.Output("Out").size(); std::vector output_lengths; int num = 0; if (desc.HasAttr("num")) { num = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("num")); } if (desc.HasAttr("sections")) { output_lengths = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("sections")); } if (output_lengths.size() == 0 && num == 0) { VLOG(3) << "sections and num cannot be equal to 0 at the same time"; return false; } if (with_dynamic_shape) { #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(6000) #else VLOG(3) << "You are running the TRT Dynamic Shape mode, need to " "confirm that " "your TRT version is no less than 6.0"; return false; #endif } axis += (axis < 0) ? x_shape.size() : 0; if (x_shape[axis] == -1) { VLOG(3) << "The (" << axis << ") dim of input should not be -1"; return false; } if (output_lengths.size() == 0) { if (num > 0) { int64_t in_axis_dim = x_shape[axis]; if (in_axis_dim % num != 0) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid number to split. Tensor split does not result" " in an equal division of dimensions. Axis dim = " << in_axis_dim << " num = " << num << "!= 0"; return false; } size_t out_axis_dim = in_axis_dim / num; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { output_lengths.push_back(out_axis_dim); } } } if (output_lengths.size() != output_num) { VLOG(3) << "The output_length should be equal to the output size."; return false; } } if (op_type == "scale") { auto scale_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (scale_inputs.find("ScaleTensor") != scale_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("ScaleTensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (!with_dynamic_shape && x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "Scale op does not support 1-dimensional input in tensorrt"; return false; } } if (op_type == "roll") { #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) VLOG(3) << "roll converter does not support trt versions below 7.0"; return false; #endif if (!with_dynamic_shape) { return false; } } if (op_type == "strided_slice") { #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) VLOG(3) << "strided_slice converter does not support trt versions below 7.0"; return false; #endif if (!desc.HasAttr("axes") || !desc.HasAttr("starts") || !desc.HasAttr("ends") || !desc.HasAttr("strides")) { VLOG(3) << "The necessary attributes of the strided_slice operator miss "; return false; } } if (op_type == "slice") { if (desc.HasAttr("decrease_axis")) { std::vector decrease_axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("decrease_axis")); if (with_dynamic_shape) { if (decrease_axis.size() > 1) { return false; } } else { if (decrease_axis.size() > 0) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid slice decrease_axis. decrease_axis.size() > 0" "is not supported in TensorRT"; return false; } } } if (!desc.HasAttr("axes") || !desc.HasAttr("starts") || !desc.HasAttr("ends")) { VLOG(3) << "The necessary attributes of the slice operator axes " "or starts or ends are missing."; return false; } else { std::vector axes = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("axes")); std::vector starts = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("starts")); std::vector ends = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("ends")); if (axes.size() != starts.size() || axes.size() != ends.size()) { VLOG(3) << "The shape of attributes of the slice operator axes " "or starts or ends are not equal."; return false; } if (!with_dynamic_shape) { for (size_t i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) { if (axes[i] == 0) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid slice axis. Slice on batch axis is not " "supported in TensorRT"; return false; } } } } } if (op_type == "elementwise_add" || op_type == "elementwise_mul" || op_type == "elementwise_sub" || op_type == "elementwise_div" || op_type == "elementwise_pow") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "The input op's Input(\"X\").size() " "should equal to 1, but received Input(\"X\").size() = " << desc.Input("X").size() << "."; return false; } if (desc.Input("Y").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "The input op's Input(\"Y\").size() " "should equal to 1, but received Input(\"Y\").size() = " << desc.Input("Y").size() << "."; return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "The input op's Output(\"Out\").size() " "should equal to 1, but reveceid Output(\"Out\").size() = " << desc.Output("Out").size() << "."; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("X")[0]); auto* y_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("Y")[0]); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); const auto y_shape = y_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1 && y_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "Now trt may not support two 1d tensor elementwise op."; return false; } if (x_var_desc->Persistable()) { VLOG(3) << "Input X is a parameter which is not supported for " "elementwise_add/elementwise_mul in tensorrt, swap x and " "y will work"; return false; } } if (op_type == "stack") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "static shape mode is not supported for TRT stack.\n" "You can use the config.SetTRTDynamicShapeInfo(...) interface" " to set the shape information to run the dynamic shape " "mode."; return false; } } if (op_type == "fused_embedding_eltwise_layernorm") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "fused_embedding_eltwise_layernorm should run on dynamic " "shape mode."; return false; } if (desc.Input("Ids").size() != desc.Input("Embs").size()) { return false; } } if (op_type == "fused_preln_embedding_eltwise_layernorm") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "fused_preln_embedding_eltwise_layernorm should run on " "dynamic " "shape mode."; return false; } if (desc.Input("Ids").size() != desc.Input("Embs").size()) { VLOG(3) << "The id and emb size of fused PrelnEmbEltwiseLayerNormOp " "should be same "; return false; } if (!desc.HasAttr("enable_int8")) { VLOG(3) << "PrelnEmbEltwiseLayerNormOp must use int8 mode."; return false; } } if (op_type == "gelu") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "gelu op has only 1 input, but got " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "gelu op has only 1 output, but got " << desc.Output("Out").size(); return false; } #if IS_TRT_VERSION_LT(7000) if (desc.HasAttr("approximate")) { VLOG(3) << "approximate gelu op needs TensorRT 7.0 and after"; if (BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("approximate"))) return false; } #endif auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "gelu op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt."; return false; } } if (op_type == "layer_norm") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "input of layer_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Input("Bias").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Bias of layer_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("Bias").size(); return false; } if (desc.Input("Scale").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Scale of layer_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("Scale").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Y").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "output of layer_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Output("Y").size(); return false; } } if (op_type == "instance_norm") { if (with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "trt instance_norm op does not support dynamic shape "; return false; } if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "input of instance_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Input("Bias").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Bias of instance_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("Bias").size(); return false; } if (desc.Input("Scale").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Scale of instance_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Input("Scale").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Y").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "output of layer_norm op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Output("Y").size(); return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() != 4) { VLOG(3) << "The instance_norm op only support 4-dimensional input in " "tensorrt."; return false; } } if (op_type == "leaky_relu") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid number of TRT leaky_relu op converter " "inputs. Expected 1, but received " << desc.Input("X").size(); return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "output of leaky_relu op converter should be 1, got " << desc.Output("Out").size(); return false; } } if (op_type == "pad") { const float pad_value = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, desc.GetAttr("pad_value")); if (pad_value != 0.0f) { VLOG(3) << "The pad layer of TRT only support zero."; return false; } std::vector shape; auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } for (auto& param_name : desc.Inputs()) { for (auto& var_name : param_name.second) { auto* var_desc = block->FindVar(var_name); shape = var_desc->GetShape(); } } int nbDims = shape.size(); std::vector paddings = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("paddings")); int pad_size = paddings.size(); if (nbDims < 2) { return false; } if (nbDims * 2 != pad_size) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < pad_size - 4; i++) { if (paddings[i] != 0) { return false; } } } if (op_type == "swish") { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "swish op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt."; return false; } } if (op_type == "prelu") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid input X's size of prelu TRT converter. " "Expected 1, received " << desc.Input("X").size() << "."; return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid output Out's size of prelu TRT converter. " "Expected 1, received " << desc.Output("Out").size() << "."; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto* var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("Alpha")[0]); if (!var_desc) { VLOG(3) << "Variable Alpha of prelu TRT converter not found."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (!with_dynamic_shape && x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "prelu op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt " "with static shape."; return false; } #if IS_TRT_VERSION_LT(7000) if (!with_dynamic_shape) { // TODO(inference): fix trt6 static plugin error. VLOG(3) << "prelu static plugin in trt6 has bug."; return false; } #endif } if (op_type == "mish") { if (desc.Input("X").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid input X's size of mish TRT converter. " "Expected 1, received " << desc.Input("X").size() << "."; return false; } if (desc.Output("Out").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "Invalid output Out's size of mish TRT converter. " "Expected 1, received " << desc.Output("Out").size() << "."; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "mish op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt."; return false; } } if (op_type == "roi_align") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "TRT roi align plugin only accept the dynamic shape, " "because that " "the roi_align will change the batch size."; return false; } std::vector attrs{"pooled_height", "pooled_width", "spatial_scale", "sampling_ratio", "aligned"}; for (auto const attr : attrs) { if (!desc.HasAttr(attr)) return false; } const auto pooled_height = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("pooled_height")); if (pooled_height <= 0) return false; const auto pooled_width = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("pooled_width")); if (pooled_width <= 0) return false; const auto spatial_scale = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, desc.GetAttr("spatial_scale")); if (spatial_scale <= 0.f) return false; auto roi_align_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (roi_align_inputs.find("RoisNum") != roi_align_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("RoisNum").size() >= 1) { return false; } } } if (op_type == "shuffle_channel") { #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(8000) if (with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "You are running the TRT Dynamic Shape mode, " "the shuffle_channel op does not support dynamic shape " "trt versions below 8.0 yet"; return false; } #endif } if (op_type == "skip_layernorm") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "the skip_layernorm does not support static shape yet"; return false; } } if (op_type == "preln_skip_layernorm") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "the preln_skip_layernorm does not support static shape yet"; return false; } if (!desc.HasAttr("enable_int8")) { VLOG(3) << "PrelnEmbEltwiseLayerNormOp must use int8 mode."; return false; } } if (op_type == "multihead_matmul") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "the multihead_matmul does not support static shape yet"; return false; } if (desc.HasAttr("enable_int8") && !desc.HasAttr("Input_scale")) { VLOG(3) << "Multihead layers must have input scale in int8 mode."; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto* input_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("Input").front()); const auto input_shape = input_desc->GetShape(); const auto head_number = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("head_number")); auto* biasqk_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("BiasQK").front()); const auto biasqk_shape = biasqk_desc->GetShape(); // The BiasQK's shape requires to be // [batch, 1, 1, length] or [batch, head, length, length]. bool has_same_shape = head_number == biasqk_shape[1] && input_shape[1] == biasqk_shape[2] && input_shape[1] == biasqk_shape[3]; bool is_broadcastable = biasqk_shape[1] == 1 && biasqk_shape[2] == 1 && input_shape[1] == biasqk_shape[3]; if (!(has_same_shape || is_broadcastable)) { VLOG(3) << "The BiasQK's shape is invalid, expect [" << input_shape[0] << ", 1, 1, " << input_shape[1] << "] or [" << input_shape[0] << ", " << head_number << ", " << input_shape[1] << ", " << input_shape[1] << "] but [" << biasqk_shape[0] << ", " << biasqk_shape[1] << ", " << biasqk_shape[2] << ", " << biasqk_shape[3] << "]."; return false; } } if (op_type == "fc") { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } // y'shapes == 2 auto fc_inputs = desc.Inputs(); std::string fc_y = ""; if (fc_inputs.find("Y") != fc_inputs.end()) { fc_y = "Y"; } else if (fc_inputs.find("W") != fc_inputs.end()) { fc_y = "W"; } else { VLOG(3) << " input_y(fc_op) must be Y or W "; return false; } // There is currently no input: Y(weight) more than two dimensions /* auto* y_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input(fc_y)[0]); const auto y_shape = y_var_desc->GetShape(); if (y_shape.size() != 2) { VLOG(3) << " input_y(fc_op)'shapes must be 2, but input_y(fc_op)'shapes = " << y_shape.size(); return false; } // y_num_col_dims ==1 if (desc.HasAttr("y_num_col_dims")) { int y_num_col_dims = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("y_num_col_dims")); if (y_num_col_dims != 1) { VLOG(3) << " fc_op'y_num_col_dims must be 1, but y_num_col_dims = " << y_num_col_dims; return false; } } */ int x_num_col_dims = desc.HasAttr("x_num_col_dims") ? BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("x_num_col_dims")) : (desc.HasAttr("in_num_col_dims") ? BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("in_num_col_dims")) : 1); if (x_num_col_dims < 1) { VLOG(3) << "fc_op expects x_num_col_dims >= 1, " "but x_num_col_dims = " << x_num_col_dims; return false; } } if (op_type == "reshape" || op_type == "reshape2") { if (!desc.HasAttr("shape")) { return false; } // Paddle-TRT does not support the input tensors: Shape and ShapeTensor auto reshape_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (reshape_inputs.find("Shape") != reshape_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("Shape").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (reshape_inputs.find("ShapeTensor") != reshape_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("ShapeTensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } std::vector shape = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("shape")); if (shape.size() >= nvinfer1::Dims::MAX_DIMS) return false; if (!with_dynamic_shape) { if (shape.size() == 1) { return false; } if (shape[0] == 0) { return true; } else { auto* block = desc.Block(); auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); int input_num = std::accumulate(x_shape.begin() + 1, x_shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies()); int shape_num = std::accumulate(shape.begin() + 1, shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies()); if (input_num == shape_num) { return true; } } return false; } } if (op_type == "clip") { // Paddle-TRT does not support the input tensors: Min and Max auto clip_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (clip_inputs.find("Min") != clip_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("Min").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (clip_inputs.find("Max") != clip_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("Max").size() >= 1) { return false; } } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "clip op does not support input's dim is 1 in tensorrt."; return false; } } if (op_type == "reduce_sum" || op_type == "reduce_mean") { if (!(desc.HasAttr("keep_dim") && desc.HasAttr("dim") && desc.HasAttr("reduce_all"))) { VLOG(3) << "the " << op_type << " does not have attr (keep_dim or dim or " "reduce_all)"; return false; } auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } // The batch size dimension cannot be reduced if it's not dynamic shape. auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(desc.Input("X")[0]); if (!with_dynamic_shape) { if (BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("reduce_all"))) return false; std::vector dim = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("dim")); const auto input_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); for (auto x : dim) { if (x == 0 || (x + input_shape.size() == 0)) return false; } } else { if (BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("reduce_all")) && !BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("keep_dim"))) return false; } auto dtype = x_var_desc->GetDataType(); #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) if (dtype != framework::proto::VarType::INT32 && dtype != framework::proto::VarType::FP32) { VLOG(3) << "reduce op input data type must be int32 or float32"; return false; } #else if (dtype != framework::proto::VarType::FP32) { VLOG(3) << "reduce op input data type must be float32 using TensorRT " "< 7.0"; return false; } #endif } #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) if (op_type == "tile") { // Paddle-TRT does not support the input tensors. auto tile_inputs = desc.Inputs(); if (tile_inputs.find("repeat_times_tensor") != tile_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("repeat_times_tensor").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (tile_inputs.find("RepeatTimes") != tile_inputs.end()) { if (desc.Input("RepeatTimes").size() >= 1) { return false; } } if (with_dynamic_shape) return false; if (!with_dynamic_shape && !desc.HasAttr("repeat_times")) return false; } #endif if (op_type == "conv3d" || op_type == "conv3d_transpose") { if (desc.HasAttr("padding_algorithm")) { std::string padding_algorithm = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, desc.GetAttr("padding_algorithm")); // trt error is arised if conv3d_transpose and SAME if (op_type == "conv3d_transpose" && padding_algorithm == "SAME" && !with_dynamic_shape) { return false; } } #if !IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(7000) // looks like some issues with trt6.0 if (with_dynamic_shape) { return false; } #endif std::vector paddings = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("paddings")); // conv3d and conv3d_transpose need padding check if (paddings.size() > 3) return false; if (desc.Input("Input").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv3d expect 1 input, but got " << desc.Input("Input").size() << " input."; return false; } if (desc.Input("Filter").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv3d expect 1 filter, but got " << desc.Input("Filter").size() << " filter."; return false; } if (op_type == "conv3d_transpose") { if (!desc.HasAttr("dilations")) { return false; } else { const std::vector dilations = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector, desc.GetAttr("dilations")); if (dilations[0] != 1 || dilations[1] != 1 || dilations[2] != 1) { VLOG(3) << "In conv3d_transpose, Dilations must be (1, 1, 1) for " "tensorRT, but given (" << dilations[0] << ", " << dilations[1] << ", " << dilations[2] << ")"; return false; } } } if (desc.Output("Output").size() != 1) { VLOG(3) << "TRT Conv3d expect 1 output, but got " << desc.Output("Output").size() << " output."; return false; } } if (op_type == "hard_sigmoid") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { auto* block = desc.Block(); if (block == nullptr) { VLOG(3) << "The block desc is nullptr, we can't continue to analyze. " "Developers need to check whether block_desc is passed in " "the pass."; return false; } auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "Hard sigmoid does not support 1-dimensional input in " "tensorrt"; return false; } } } if (op_type == "top_k_v2" || op_type == "top_k") { auto* block = desc.Block(); auto x_var_name = desc.Input("X")[0]; auto* x_var_desc = block->FindVar(x_var_name); const auto x_shape = x_var_desc->GetShape(); if (x_shape.size() == 1) { VLOG(3) << "top_k/top_k_v2 does not support 1-dimensional input in " "tensorrt"; return false; } if (desc.HasAttr("axis")) { int axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, desc.GetAttr("axis")); if (axis == 0) { VLOG(3) << "top_k_v2 does not support axis == 0 in " "tensorrt"; return false; } } if (desc.HasAttr("sorted")) { bool sorted = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, desc.GetAttr("sorted")); if (!sorted) { VLOG(3) << "top_k_v2 does not support results not sorted in " "tensorrt"; return false; } } } #if IS_TRT_VERSION_GE(8000) if (op_type == "sparse_fc" || op_type == "sparse_multihead_matmul") { if (!with_dynamic_shape) { VLOG(3) << "the sparse_fc and sparse_multihead_matmul does not support " "static shape yet"; return false; } } #endif if ((*teller)(op_type, desc, use_no_calib_int8)) return true; } return false; } OpTeller::OpTeller() { tellers_.emplace_back(new SimpleOpTypeSetTeller); } } // namespace tensorrt } // namespace inference } // namespace paddle