/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_set.h" #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h" #if (defined PADDLE_WITH_DISTRIBUTE) && (defined PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE) #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/index_dataset/index_sampler.h" #endif #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_feed_factory.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/fleet_wrapper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/io/fs.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/monitor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/timer.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/flags.h" #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/ps/wrapper/fleet.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/heter_ps/graph_gpu_wrapper.h" #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__ #else #define _LINUX #endif USE_INT_STAT(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem); USE_INT_STAT(STAT_epoch_finish); PHI_DECLARE_bool(graph_get_neighbor_id); PHI_DECLARE_int32(gpugraph_storage_mode); namespace paddle { namespace framework { // constructor template DatasetImpl::DatasetImpl() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DatasetImpl() constructor"; thread_num_ = 1; trainer_num_ = 1; channel_num_ = 1; file_idx_ = 0; total_fea_num_ = 0; cur_channel_ = 0; fleet_send_batch_size_ = 1024; fleet_send_sleep_seconds_ = 0; merge_by_insid_ = false; merge_by_sid_ = true; enable_pv_merge_ = false; merge_size_ = 2; parse_ins_id_ = false; parse_content_ = false; parse_logkey_ = false; preload_thread_num_ = 0; global_index_ = 0; shuffle_by_uid_ = false; parse_uid_ = false; } // set filelist, file_idx_ will reset to zero. template void DatasetImpl::SetFileList(const std::vector& filelist) { VLOG(3) << "filelist size: " << filelist.size(); filelist_ = filelist; file_idx_ = 0; } // set expect thread num. actually it may change template void DatasetImpl::SetThreadNum(int thread_num) { VLOG(3) << "SetThreadNum thread_num=" << thread_num; thread_num_ = thread_num; } // if you run distributed, and want to do global shuffle, // set this before global shuffle. // be sure you call CreateReaders before SetTrainerNum template void DatasetImpl::SetTrainerNum(int trainer_num) { trainer_num_ = trainer_num; } // if you run distributed, and want to do global shuffle, // set this before global shuffle. // be sure you call CreateReaders before SetFleetSendBatchSize template void DatasetImpl::SetFleetSendBatchSize(int64_t size) { fleet_send_batch_size_ = size; } template void DatasetImpl::SetHdfsConfig(const std::string& fs_name, const std::string& fs_ugi) { fs_name_ = fs_name; fs_ugi_ = fs_ugi; std::string cmd = std::string("$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs"); cmd += " -D fs.default.name=" + fs_name; cmd += " -D hadoop.job.ugi=" + fs_ugi; cmd += " -Ddfs.client.block.write.retries=15 -Ddfs.rpc.timeout=500000"; paddle::framework::dataset_hdfs_set_command(cmd); } template void DatasetImpl::SetDownloadCmd(const std::string& download_cmd) { paddle::framework::set_download_command(download_cmd); } template std::string DatasetImpl::GetDownloadCmd() { return paddle::framework::download_cmd(); } template void DatasetImpl::SetDataFeedDesc(const std::string& data_feed_desc_str) { google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(data_feed_desc_str, &data_feed_desc_); } template std::vector DatasetImpl::GetSlots() { auto multi_slot_desc = data_feed_desc_.multi_slot_desc(); use_slots_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < multi_slot_desc.slots_size(); ++i) { const auto& slot = multi_slot_desc.slots(i); if (slot.type() == "uint64" || slot.type() == "uint32") { use_slots_.push_back(slot.name()); } } std::cout << "dataset use slots: "; for (auto s : use_slots_) { std::cout << s << " | "; } std::cout << " end " << std::endl; return use_slots_; } template void DatasetImpl::SetChannelNum(int channel_num) { channel_num_ = channel_num; } template void DatasetImpl::SetParseInsId(bool parse_ins_id) { parse_ins_id_ = parse_ins_id; } template void DatasetImpl::SetParseContent(bool parse_content) { parse_content_ = parse_content; } template void DatasetImpl::SetParseLogKey(bool parse_logkey) { parse_logkey_ = parse_logkey; } template void DatasetImpl::SetMergeByInsId(int merge_size) { merge_by_insid_ = true; parse_ins_id_ = true; merge_size_ = merge_size; } template void DatasetImpl::SetMergeBySid(bool is_merge) { merge_by_sid_ = is_merge; } template void DatasetImpl::SetShuffleByUid(bool enable_shuffle_uid) { shuffle_by_uid_ = enable_shuffle_uid; parse_uid_ = true; } template void DatasetImpl::SetEnablePvMerge(bool enable_pv_merge) { enable_pv_merge_ = enable_pv_merge; } template void DatasetImpl::SetGenerateUniqueFeasign(bool gen_uni_feasigns) { gen_uni_feasigns_ = gen_uni_feasigns; VLOG(3) << "Set generate unique feasigns: " << gen_uni_feasigns; } template void DatasetImpl::SetFeaEval(bool fea_eval, int record_candidate_size) { slots_shuffle_fea_eval_ = fea_eval; slots_shuffle_rclist_.ReSize(record_candidate_size); VLOG(3) << "SetFeaEval fea eval mode: " << fea_eval << " with record candidate size: " << record_candidate_size; } template void DatasetImpl::SetGpuGraphMode(int is_graph_mode) { gpu_graph_mode_ = is_graph_mode; } template int DatasetImpl::GetGpuGraphMode() { return gpu_graph_mode_; } template std::vector DatasetImpl::GetReaders() { std::vector ret; ret.reserve(readers_.size()); for (auto i : readers_) { ret.push_back(i.get()); } return ret; } template void DatasetImpl::CreateChannel() { if (input_channel_ == nullptr) { input_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel(); } if (multi_output_channel_.empty()) { multi_output_channel_.reserve(channel_num_); for (int i = 0; i < channel_num_; ++i) { multi_output_channel_.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); } } if (multi_consume_channel_.empty()) { multi_consume_channel_.reserve(channel_num_); for (int i = 0; i < channel_num_; ++i) { multi_consume_channel_.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); } } if (input_pv_channel_ == nullptr) { input_pv_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel(); } if (multi_pv_output_.empty()) { multi_pv_output_.reserve(channel_num_); for (int i = 0; i < channel_num_; ++i) { multi_pv_output_.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); } } if (multi_pv_consume_.empty()) { multi_pv_consume_.reserve(channel_num_); for (int i = 0; i < channel_num_; ++i) { multi_pv_consume_.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); } } } // if sent message between workers, should first call this function template void DatasetImpl::RegisterClientToClientMsgHandler() { #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE auto fleet_ptr = distributed::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #else auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #endif VLOG(1) << "RegisterClientToClientMsgHandler"; fleet_ptr->RegisterClientToClientMsgHandler( 0, [this](int msg_type, int client_id, const std::string& msg) -> int { return this->ReceiveFromClient(msg_type, client_id, msg); }); VLOG(1) << "RegisterClientToClientMsgHandler done"; } static void compute_left_batch_num(const int ins_num, const int thread_num, std::vector>* offset, const int start_pos) { int cur_pos = start_pos; int batch_size = ins_num / thread_num; int left_num = ins_num % thread_num; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; ++i) { int batch_num_size = batch_size; if (i == 0) { batch_num_size = batch_num_size + left_num; } offset->push_back(std::make_pair(cur_pos, batch_num_size)); cur_pos += batch_num_size; } } static void compute_batch_num(const int64_t ins_num, const int batch_size, const int thread_num, std::vector>* offset) { int thread_batch_num = batch_size * thread_num; // less data if (static_cast(thread_batch_num) > ins_num) { compute_left_batch_num(ins_num, thread_num, offset, 0); return; } int cur_pos = 0; int offset_num = static_cast(ins_num / thread_batch_num) * thread_num; int left_ins_num = static_cast(ins_num % thread_batch_num); if (left_ins_num > 0 && left_ins_num < thread_num) { offset_num = offset_num - thread_num; left_ins_num = left_ins_num + thread_batch_num; for (int i = 0; i < offset_num; ++i) { offset->push_back(std::make_pair(cur_pos, batch_size)); cur_pos += batch_size; } // split data to thread avg two rounds compute_left_batch_num(left_ins_num, thread_num * 2, offset, cur_pos); } else { for (int i = 0; i < offset_num; ++i) { offset->push_back(std::make_pair(cur_pos, batch_size)); cur_pos += batch_size; } if (left_ins_num > 0) { compute_left_batch_num(left_ins_num, thread_num, offset, cur_pos); } } } static int compute_thread_batch_nccl( const int thr_num, const int64_t total_instance_num, const int minibatch_size, std::vector>* nccl_offsets) { int thread_avg_batch_num = 0; if (total_instance_num < static_cast(thr_num)) { LOG(WARNING) << "compute_thread_batch_nccl total ins num:[" << total_instance_num << "], less thread num:[" << thr_num << "]"; return thread_avg_batch_num; } auto& offset = (*nccl_offsets); // split data avg by thread num compute_batch_num(total_instance_num, minibatch_size, thr_num, &offset); thread_avg_batch_num = static_cast(offset.size() / thr_num); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO auto gloo_wrapper = paddle::framework::GlooWrapper::GetInstance(); if (gloo_wrapper->Size() > 1) { if (!gloo_wrapper->IsInitialized()) { VLOG(0) << "GLOO is not inited"; gloo_wrapper->Init(); } // adjust batch num per thread for NCCL std::vector thread_avg_batch_num_vec(1, thread_avg_batch_num); std::vector total_instance_num_vec(1, total_instance_num); auto thread_max_batch_num_vec = gloo_wrapper->AllReduce(thread_avg_batch_num_vec, "max"); auto sum_total_ins_num_vec = gloo_wrapper->AllReduce(total_instance_num_vec, "sum"); int thread_max_batch_num = thread_max_batch_num_vec[0]; int64_t sum_total_ins_num = sum_total_ins_num_vec[0]; int diff_batch_num = thread_max_batch_num - thread_avg_batch_num; VLOG(3) << "diff batch num: " << diff_batch_num << " thread max batch num: " << thread_max_batch_num << " thread avg batch num: " << thread_avg_batch_num; if (diff_batch_num == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "total sum ins " << sum_total_ins_num << ", thread_num " << thr_num << ", ins num " << total_instance_num << ", batch num " << offset.size() << ", thread avg batch num " << thread_avg_batch_num; return thread_avg_batch_num; } int need_ins_num = thread_max_batch_num * thr_num; // data is too less if ((int64_t)need_ins_num > total_instance_num) { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "error instance num:[%d] less need ins num:[%d]", total_instance_num, need_ins_num)); return thread_avg_batch_num; } int need_batch_num = (diff_batch_num + 1) * thr_num; int offset_split_index = static_cast(offset.size() - thr_num); int split_left_num = total_instance_num - offset[offset_split_index].first; while (split_left_num < need_batch_num) { need_batch_num += thr_num; offset_split_index -= thr_num; split_left_num = total_instance_num - offset[offset_split_index].first; } int split_start = offset[offset_split_index].first; offset.resize(offset_split_index); compute_left_batch_num( split_left_num, need_batch_num, &offset, split_start); LOG(WARNING) << "total sum ins " << sum_total_ins_num << ", thread_num " << thr_num << ", ins num " << total_instance_num << ", batch num " << offset.size() << ", thread avg batch num " << thread_avg_batch_num << ", thread max batch num " << thread_max_batch_num << ", need batch num: " << (need_batch_num / thr_num) << "split begin (" << split_start << ")" << split_start << ", num " << split_left_num; thread_avg_batch_num = thread_max_batch_num; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "thread_num " << thr_num << ", ins num " << total_instance_num << ", batch num " << offset.size() << ", thread avg batch num " << thread_avg_batch_num; } #else PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unavailable( "dataset compute nccl batch number need compile with GLOO")); #endif return thread_avg_batch_num; } void MultiSlotDataset::PrepareTrain() { #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO if (enable_heterps_) { if (input_records_.empty() && input_channel_ != nullptr && input_channel_->Size() != 0) { input_channel_->ReadAll(input_records_); VLOG(3) << "read from channel to records with records size: " << input_records_.size(); } VLOG(3) << "input records size: " << input_records_.size(); int64_t total_ins_num = input_records_.size(); std::vector> offset; int default_batch_size = reinterpret_cast(readers_[0].get()) ->GetDefaultBatchSize(); VLOG(3) << "thread_num: " << thread_num_ << " memory size: " << total_ins_num << " default batch_size: " << default_batch_size; compute_thread_batch_nccl( thread_num_, total_ins_num, default_batch_size, &offset); VLOG(3) << "offset size: " << offset.size(); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { reinterpret_cast(readers_[i].get()) ->SetRecord(&input_records_[0]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < offset.size(); i++) { reinterpret_cast( readers_[i % thread_num_].get()) ->AddBatchOffset(offset[i]); } } #else PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unavailable( "dataset set heterps need compile with GLOO")); #endif return; } // load data into memory, Dataset hold this memory, // which will later be fed into readers' channel template void DatasetImpl::LoadIntoMemory() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::LoadIntoMemory() begin"; platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); std::vector load_threads; if (gpu_graph_mode_) { VLOG(1) << "in gpu_graph_mode"; #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_GPU_GRAPH) && defined(PADDLE_WITH_HETERPS) for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++) { readers_[i]->SetGpuGraphMode(gpu_graph_mode_); } if (STAT_GET(STAT_epoch_finish) == 1) { VLOG(0) << "get epoch finish true"; STAT_RESET(STAT_epoch_finish, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++) { readers_[i]->ResetPathNum(); readers_[i]->ResetEpochFinish(); } } for (int64_t i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { load_threads.push_back(std::thread( &paddle::framework::DataFeed::DoWalkandSage, readers_[i].get())); } for (std::thread& t : load_threads) { t.join(); } uint64_t node_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { auto host_vec = readers_[i]->GetHostVec(); node_num += host_vec->size(); } gpu_graph_total_keys_.reserve(node_num); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { auto host_vec = readers_[i]->GetHostVec(); for (size_t j = 0; j < host_vec->size(); j++) { gpu_graph_total_keys_.push_back((*host_vec)[j]); } } if (GetEpochFinish() == true) { VLOG(0) << "epoch finish, set stat and clear sample stat!"; STAT_RESET(STAT_epoch_finish, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++) { readers_[i]->ClearSampleState(); } } if (FLAGS_gpugraph_storage_mode != GpuGraphStorageMode::WHOLE_HBM) { for (size_t i = 0; i < readers_.size(); i++) { readers_[i]->clear_gpu_mem(); } } VLOG(2) << "end add edge into gpu_graph_total_keys_ size[" << gpu_graph_total_keys_.size() << "]"; #endif } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { load_threads.push_back(std::thread( &paddle::framework::DataFeed::LoadIntoMemory, readers_[i].get())); } for (std::thread& t : load_threads) { t.join(); } } input_channel_->Close(); int64_t in_chan_size = input_channel_->Size(); input_channel_->SetBlockSize(in_chan_size / thread_num_ + 1); timeline.Pause(); VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::LoadIntoMemory() end" << ", memory data size=" << input_channel_->Size() << ", cost time=" << timeline.ElapsedSec() << " seconds"; } template void DatasetImpl::PreLoadIntoMemory() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::PreLoadIntoMemory() begin"; if (preload_thread_num_ != 0) { CHECK(static_cast(preload_thread_num_) == preload_readers_.size()); preload_threads_.clear(); for (int64_t i = 0; i < preload_thread_num_; ++i) { preload_threads_.push_back( std::thread(&paddle::framework::DataFeed::LoadIntoMemory, preload_readers_[i].get())); } } else { CHECK(static_cast(thread_num_) == readers_.size()); preload_threads_.clear(); for (int64_t i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { preload_threads_.push_back(std::thread( &paddle::framework::DataFeed::LoadIntoMemory, readers_[i].get())); } } VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::PreLoadIntoMemory() end"; } template void DatasetImpl::WaitPreLoadDone() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::WaitPreLoadDone() begin"; for (std::thread& t : preload_threads_) { t.join(); } input_channel_->Close(); int64_t in_chan_size = input_channel_->Size(); input_channel_->SetBlockSize(in_chan_size / thread_num_ + 1); VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::WaitPreLoadDone() end"; } // release memory data template void DatasetImpl::ReleaseMemory() { release_thread_ = new std::thread(&DatasetImpl::ReleaseMemoryFun, this); } template void DatasetImpl::ReleaseMemoryFun() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::ReleaseMemory() begin"; if (input_channel_) { input_channel_->Clear(); input_channel_ = nullptr; } for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_output_channel_.size(); ++i) { if (!multi_output_channel_[i]) { continue; } multi_output_channel_[i]->Clear(); multi_output_channel_[i] = nullptr; } std::vector>().swap(multi_output_channel_); for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_consume_channel_.size(); ++i) { if (!multi_consume_channel_[i]) { continue; } multi_consume_channel_[i]->Clear(); multi_consume_channel_[i] = nullptr; } std::vector>().swap(multi_consume_channel_); if (input_pv_channel_) { input_pv_channel_->Clear(); input_pv_channel_ = nullptr; } for (auto& pv_output : multi_pv_output_) { if (!pv_output) { continue; } pv_output->Clear(); pv_output = nullptr; } std::vector>().swap(multi_pv_output_); for (auto& pv_consume : multi_pv_consume_) { if (!pv_consume) { continue; } pv_consume->Clear(); pv_consume = nullptr; } if (enable_heterps_) { input_records_.clear(); input_records_.shrink_to_fit(); std::vector().swap(input_records_); VLOG(3) << "release heterps input records records size: " << input_records_.size(); } std::vector>().swap(multi_pv_consume_); std::vector>().swap(readers_); input_records_.clear(); std::vector().swap(input_records_); std::vector().swap(slots_shuffle_original_data_); VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::ReleaseMemory() end"; VLOG(3) << "total_feasign_num_(" << STAT_GET(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem) << ") - current_fea_num_(" << total_fea_num_ << ") = (" << STAT_GET(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem) - total_fea_num_ << ")"; // For Debug STAT_SUB(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem, total_fea_num_); } // do local shuffle template void DatasetImpl::LocalShuffle() { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::LocalShuffle() begin"; platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); if (!input_channel_ || input_channel_->Size() == 0) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::LocalShuffle() end, no data to shuffle"; return; } auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); input_channel_->Close(); std::vector data; input_channel_->ReadAll(data); std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); input_channel_->Open(); input_channel_->Write(std::move(data)); data.clear(); data.shrink_to_fit(); input_channel_->Close(); timeline.Pause(); VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::LocalShuffle() end, cost time=" << timeline.ElapsedSec() << " seconds"; } template void DatasetImpl::DumpWalkPath(std::string dump_path, size_t dump_rate) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DumpWalkPath() begin"; #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_GPU_GRAPH) && defined(PADDLE_WITH_HETERPS) std::vector dump_threads; if (gpu_graph_mode_) { for (int64_t i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { dump_threads.push_back( std::thread(&paddle::framework::DataFeed::DumpWalkPath, readers_[i].get(), dump_path, dump_rate)); } for (std::thread& t : dump_threads) { t.join(); } } #endif } // do tdm sample void MultiSlotDataset::TDMSample(const std::string tree_name, const std::string tree_path, const std::vector tdm_layer_counts, const uint16_t start_sample_layer, const bool with_hierachy, const uint16_t seed_, const uint16_t sample_slot) { #if (defined PADDLE_WITH_DISTRIBUTE) && (defined PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE) // init tdm tree auto wrapper_ptr = paddle::distributed::IndexWrapper::GetInstance(); wrapper_ptr->insert_tree_index(tree_name, tree_path); auto tree_ptr = wrapper_ptr->get_tree_index(tree_name); auto _layer_wise_sample = paddle::distributed::LayerWiseSampler(tree_name); _layer_wise_sample.init_layerwise_conf( tdm_layer_counts, start_sample_layer, seed_); VLOG(0) << "DatasetImpl::Sample() begin"; platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); std::vector> data; std::vector> sample_results; if (!input_channel_ || input_channel_->Size() == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_output_channel_.size(); ++i) { std::vector tmp_data; data.push_back(tmp_data); if (!multi_output_channel_[i] || multi_output_channel_[i]->Size() == 0) { continue; } multi_output_channel_[i]->Close(); multi_output_channel_[i]->ReadAll(data[i]); } } else { input_channel_->Close(); std::vector tmp_data; data.push_back(tmp_data); input_channel_->ReadAll(data[data.size() - 1]); } VLOG(1) << "finish read src data, data.size = " << data.size() << "; details: "; auto fleet_ptr = FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { VLOG(1) << "data[" << i << "]: size = " << data[i].size(); std::vector tmp_results; _layer_wise_sample.sample_from_dataset(sample_slot, &data[i], &tmp_results); VLOG(1) << "sample_results(" << sample_slot << ") = " << tmp_results.size(); VLOG(0) << "start to put sample in vector!"; // sample_results.push_back(tmp_results); for (auto& tmp_result : tmp_results) { std::vector tmp_vec; tmp_vec.emplace_back(tmp_result); sample_results.emplace_back(tmp_vec); } VLOG(0) << "finish to put sample in vector!"; } auto output_channel_num = multi_output_channel_.size(); for (auto& sample_result : sample_results) { auto output_idx = fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()() % output_channel_num; multi_output_channel_[output_idx]->Open(); // vector? multi_output_channel_[output_idx]->Write(std::move(sample_result)); } data.clear(); sample_results.clear(); data.shrink_to_fit(); sample_results.shrink_to_fit(); timeline.Pause(); VLOG(0) << "DatasetImpl::Sample() end, cost time=" << timeline.ElapsedSec() << " seconds"; #endif return; } void MultiSlotDataset::GlobalShuffle(int thread_num) { VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::GlobalShuffle() begin"; platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE auto fleet_ptr = distributed::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #else auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #endif if (!input_channel_ || input_channel_->Size() == 0) { VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::GlobalShuffle() end, no data to shuffle"; return; } // local shuffle input_channel_->Close(); std::vector data; input_channel_->ReadAll(data); std::shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); input_channel_->Open(); input_channel_->Write(std::move(data)); data.clear(); data.shrink_to_fit(); input_channel_->Close(); input_channel_->SetBlockSize(fleet_send_batch_size_); VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::GlobalShuffle() input_channel_ size " << input_channel_->Size(); auto get_client_id = [this, fleet_ptr](const Record& data) -> size_t { if (this->merge_by_insid_) { return XXH64(data.ins_id_.data(), data.ins_id_.length(), 0) % this->trainer_num_; } else if (this->shuffle_by_uid_) { return XXH64(data.uid_.data(), data.uid_.length(), 0) % this->trainer_num_; } else { return fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()() % this->trainer_num_; } }; auto global_shuffle_func = [this, get_client_id]() { #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_PSCORE auto fleet_ptr = distributed::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #else auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); #endif // auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); std::vector data; while (this->input_channel_->Read(data)) { std::vector ars(this->trainer_num_); for (auto& t : data) { auto client_id = get_client_id(t); ars[client_id] << t; } std::vector> total_status; std::vector send_index(this->trainer_num_); for (int i = 0; i < this->trainer_num_; ++i) { send_index[i] = i; } std::shuffle( send_index.begin(), send_index.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); for (int index = 0; index < this->trainer_num_; ++index) { int i = send_index[index]; if (ars[i].Length() == 0) { continue; } std::string msg(ars[i].Buffer(), ars[i].Length()); auto ret = fleet_ptr->SendClientToClientMsg(0, i, msg); total_status.push_back(std::move(ret)); } for (auto& t : total_status) { t.wait(); } ars.clear(); ars.shrink_to_fit(); data.clear(); data.shrink_to_fit(); // currently we find bottleneck is server not able to handle large data // in time, so we can remove this sleep and set fleet_send_batch_size to // 1024, and set server thread to 24. if (fleet_send_sleep_seconds_ != 0) { sleep(this->fleet_send_sleep_seconds_); } } }; std::vector global_shuffle_threads; if (thread_num == -1) { thread_num = thread_num_; } VLOG(3) << "start global shuffle threads, num = " << thread_num; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; ++i) { global_shuffle_threads.push_back(std::thread(global_shuffle_func)); } for (std::thread& t : global_shuffle_threads) { t.join(); } global_shuffle_threads.clear(); global_shuffle_threads.shrink_to_fit(); input_channel_->Clear(); timeline.Pause(); VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::GlobalShuffle() end, cost time=" << timeline.ElapsedSec() << " seconds"; } template void DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustChannelNum(int channel_num, bool discard_remaining_ins) { if (channel_num_ == channel_num) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustChannelNum channel_num_=" << channel_num_ << ", channel_num_=channel_num, no need to adjust"; return; } VLOG(3) << "adjust channel num from " << channel_num_ << " to " << channel_num; channel_num_ = channel_num; std::vector>* origin_channels = nullptr; std::vector>* other_channels = nullptr; std::vector>* origin_pv_channels = nullptr; std::vector>* other_pv_channels = nullptr; // find out which channel (output or consume) has data int cur_channel = 0; uint64_t output_channels_data_size = 0; uint64_t consume_channels_data_size = 0; CHECK(multi_output_channel_.size() == multi_consume_channel_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_output_channel_.size(); ++i) { output_channels_data_size += multi_output_channel_[i]->Size(); consume_channels_data_size += multi_consume_channel_[i]->Size(); } if (output_channels_data_size != 0) { CHECK(consume_channels_data_size == 0); // NOLINT cur_channel = 0; } else { CHECK(output_channels_data_size == 0); // NOLINT cur_channel = 1; } if (cur_channel == 0) { origin_channels = &multi_output_channel_; other_channels = &multi_consume_channel_; origin_pv_channels = &multi_pv_output_; other_pv_channels = &multi_pv_consume_; } else { origin_channels = &multi_consume_channel_; other_channels = &multi_output_channel_; origin_pv_channels = &multi_pv_consume_; other_pv_channels = &multi_pv_output_; } CHECK(origin_channels != nullptr); // NOLINT CHECK(other_channels != nullptr); // NOLINT CHECK(origin_pv_channels != nullptr); // NOLINT CHECK(other_pv_channels != nullptr); // NOLINT paddle::framework::Channel total_data_channel = paddle::framework::MakeChannel(); std::vector> new_channels; std::vector> new_other_channels; std::vector> new_pv_channels; std::vector> new_other_pv_channels; std::vector local_vec; for (size_t i = 0; i < origin_channels->size(); ++i) { local_vec.clear(); (*origin_channels)[i]->Close(); (*origin_channels)[i]->ReadAll(local_vec); total_data_channel->Write(std::move(local_vec)); } total_data_channel->Close(); if (static_cast(total_data_channel->Size()) >= channel_num) { total_data_channel->SetBlockSize(total_data_channel->Size() / channel_num + (discard_remaining_ins ? 0 : 1)); } if (static_cast(input_channel_->Size()) >= channel_num) { input_channel_->SetBlockSize(input_channel_->Size() / channel_num + (discard_remaining_ins ? 0 : 1)); } if (static_cast(input_pv_channel_->Size()) >= channel_num) { input_pv_channel_->SetBlockSize(input_pv_channel_->Size() / channel_num + (discard_remaining_ins ? 0 : 1)); VLOG(3) << "now input_pv_channle block size is " << input_pv_channel_->BlockSize(); } for (int i = 0; i < channel_num; ++i) { local_vec.clear(); total_data_channel->Read(local_vec); new_other_channels.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); new_channels.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); new_channels[i]->Write(std::move(local_vec)); new_other_pv_channels.push_back( paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); new_pv_channels.push_back(paddle::framework::MakeChannel()); } total_data_channel->Clear(); origin_channels->clear(); other_channels->clear(); *origin_channels = new_channels; *other_channels = new_other_channels; origin_pv_channels->clear(); other_pv_channels->clear(); *origin_pv_channels = new_pv_channels; *other_pv_channels = new_other_pv_channels; new_channels.clear(); new_other_channels.clear(); std::vector>().swap(new_channels); std::vector>().swap(new_other_channels); new_pv_channels.clear(); new_other_pv_channels.clear(); std::vector>().swap(new_pv_channels); std::vector>().swap( new_other_pv_channels); local_vec.clear(); std::vector().swap(local_vec); VLOG(3) << "adjust channel num done"; } template void DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustReadersNum(int thread_num) { if (thread_num_ == thread_num) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustReadersNum thread_num_=" << thread_num_ << ", thread_num_=thread_num, no need to adjust"; return; } VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num from " << thread_num_ << " to " << thread_num; thread_num_ = thread_num; std::vector>().swap(readers_); CreateReaders(); VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num done"; } template void DatasetImpl::SetFleetSendSleepSeconds(int seconds) { fleet_send_sleep_seconds_ = seconds; } template void DatasetImpl::CreateReaders() { VLOG(3) << "Calling CreateReaders()"; VLOG(3) << "thread num in Dataset: " << thread_num_; VLOG(3) << "Filelist size in Dataset: " << filelist_.size(); VLOG(3) << "channel num in Dataset: " << channel_num_; CHECK(thread_num_ > 0) << "thread num should > 0"; CHECK(channel_num_ > 0) << "channel num should > 0"; CHECK(channel_num_ <= thread_num_) << "channel num should <= thread num"; VLOG(3) << "readers size: " << readers_.size(); if (!readers_.empty()) { VLOG(3) << "readers_.size() = " << readers_.size() << ", will not create again"; return; } VLOG(3) << "data feed class name: " << data_feed_desc_.name(); int channel_idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { readers_.push_back(DataFeedFactory::CreateDataFeed(data_feed_desc_.name())); readers_[i]->Init(data_feed_desc_); readers_[i]->SetThreadId(i); readers_[i]->SetThreadNum(thread_num_); readers_[i]->SetFileListMutex(&mutex_for_pick_file_); readers_[i]->SetFileListIndex(&file_idx_); readers_[i]->SetFeaNumMutex(&mutex_for_fea_num_); readers_[i]->SetFeaNum(&total_fea_num_); readers_[i]->SetFileList(filelist_); readers_[i]->SetParseInsId(parse_ins_id_); readers_[i]->SetParseUid(parse_uid_); readers_[i]->SetParseContent(parse_content_); readers_[i]->SetParseLogKey(parse_logkey_); readers_[i]->SetEnablePvMerge(enable_pv_merge_); // Notice: it is only valid for untest of test_paddlebox_datafeed. // In fact, it does not affect the train process when paddle is // complied with Box_Ps. readers_[i]->SetCurrentPhase(current_phase_); if (input_channel_ != nullptr) { readers_[i]->SetInputChannel(input_channel_.get()); } if (input_pv_channel_ != nullptr) { readers_[i]->SetInputPvChannel(input_pv_channel_.get()); } if (cur_channel_ == 0 && static_cast(channel_idx) < multi_output_channel_.size()) { readers_[i]->SetOutputChannel(multi_output_channel_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetConsumeChannel(multi_consume_channel_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetOutputPvChannel(multi_pv_output_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetConsumePvChannel(multi_pv_consume_[channel_idx].get()); } else if (static_cast(channel_idx) < multi_output_channel_.size()) { readers_[i]->SetOutputChannel(multi_consume_channel_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetConsumeChannel(multi_output_channel_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetOutputPvChannel(multi_pv_consume_[channel_idx].get()); readers_[i]->SetConsumePvChannel(multi_pv_output_[channel_idx].get()); } ++channel_idx; if (channel_idx >= channel_num_) { channel_idx = 0; } } VLOG(3) << "readers size: " << readers_.size(); } template void DatasetImpl::DestroyReaders() { VLOG(3) << "Calling DestroyReaders()"; VLOG(3) << "readers size1: " << readers_.size(); std::vector>().swap(readers_); VLOG(3) << "readers size: " << readers_.size(); file_idx_ = 0; cur_channel_ = 1 - cur_channel_; } template void DatasetImpl::SetPreLoadThreadNum(int thread_num) { preload_thread_num_ = thread_num; } template void DatasetImpl::CreatePreLoadReaders() { VLOG(3) << "Begin CreatePreLoadReaders"; if (preload_thread_num_ == 0) { preload_thread_num_ = thread_num_; } CHECK(preload_thread_num_ > 0) << "thread num should > 0"; CHECK(input_channel_ != nullptr); preload_readers_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < preload_thread_num_; ++i) { preload_readers_.push_back( DataFeedFactory::CreateDataFeed(data_feed_desc_.name())); preload_readers_[i]->Init(data_feed_desc_); preload_readers_[i]->SetThreadId(i); preload_readers_[i]->SetThreadNum(preload_thread_num_); preload_readers_[i]->SetFileListMutex(&mutex_for_pick_file_); preload_readers_[i]->SetFileListIndex(&file_idx_); preload_readers_[i]->SetFileList(filelist_); preload_readers_[i]->SetFeaNumMutex(&mutex_for_fea_num_); preload_readers_[i]->SetFeaNum(&total_fea_num_); preload_readers_[i]->SetParseInsId(parse_ins_id_); preload_readers_[i]->SetParseUid(parse_uid_); preload_readers_[i]->SetParseContent(parse_content_); preload_readers_[i]->SetParseLogKey(parse_logkey_); preload_readers_[i]->SetEnablePvMerge(enable_pv_merge_); preload_readers_[i]->SetInputChannel(input_channel_.get()); preload_readers_[i]->SetOutputChannel(nullptr); preload_readers_[i]->SetConsumeChannel(nullptr); preload_readers_[i]->SetOutputPvChannel(nullptr); preload_readers_[i]->SetConsumePvChannel(nullptr); } VLOG(3) << "End CreatePreLoadReaders"; } template void DatasetImpl::DestroyPreLoadReaders() { VLOG(3) << "Begin DestroyPreLoadReaders"; preload_readers_.clear(); std::vector>().swap( preload_readers_); file_idx_ = 0; VLOG(3) << "End DestroyPreLoadReaders"; } template int64_t DatasetImpl::GetMemoryDataSize() { if (gpu_graph_mode_) { int64_t total_path_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { total_path_num += readers_[i]->GetGraphPathNum(); } return total_path_num; } else { return input_channel_->Size(); } } template bool DatasetImpl::GetEpochFinish() { #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_GPU_GRAPH) && defined(PADDLE_WITH_HETERPS) bool is_epoch_finish = true; if (gpu_graph_mode_) { for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { is_epoch_finish = is_epoch_finish && readers_[i]->get_epoch_finish(); } } return is_epoch_finish; #else return false; #endif } template int64_t DatasetImpl::GetPvDataSize() { if (enable_pv_merge_) { return input_pv_channel_->Size(); } else { VLOG(0) << "It does not merge pv.."; return 0; } } template int64_t DatasetImpl::GetShuffleDataSize() { int64_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_output_channel_.size(); ++i) { sum += multi_output_channel_[i]->Size() + multi_consume_channel_[i]->Size(); } return sum; } int MultiSlotDataset::ReceiveFromClient(int msg_type, int client_id, const std::string& msg) { #ifdef _LINUX VLOG(3) << "ReceiveFromClient msg_type=" << msg_type << ", client_id=" << client_id << ", msg length=" << msg.length(); if (msg.length() == 0) { return 0; } paddle::framework::BinaryArchive ar; ar.SetReadBuffer(const_cast(msg.c_str()), msg.length(), nullptr); if (ar.Cursor() == ar.Finish()) { return 0; } std::vector data; while (ar.Cursor() < ar.Finish()) { data.push_back(ar.Get()); } CHECK(ar.Cursor() == ar.Finish()); auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); // not use random because it doesn't perform well here. // to make sure each channel get data equally, we just put data to // channel one by one. // int64_t index = fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()() % channel_num_; int64_t index = 0; { std::unique_lock lk(global_index_mutex_); index = global_index_++; } index = index % channel_num_; VLOG(3) << "ramdom index=" << index; multi_output_channel_[index]->Write(std::move(data)); data.clear(); data.shrink_to_fit(); #endif return 0; } // explicit instantiation template class DatasetImpl; void MultiSlotDataset::DynamicAdjustReadersNum(int thread_num) { if (thread_num_ == thread_num) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustReadersNum thread_num_=" << thread_num_ << ", thread_num_=thread_num, no need to adjust"; return; } VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num from " << thread_num_ << " to " << thread_num; thread_num_ = thread_num; std::vector>().swap(readers_); CreateReaders(); VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num done"; PrepareTrain(); } void MultiSlotDataset::PostprocessInstance() { // divide pv instance, and merge to input_channel_ if (enable_pv_merge_) { auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); std::shuffle(input_records_.begin(), input_records_.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); input_channel_->Open(); input_channel_->Write(std::move(input_records_)); for (auto& pv_consume : multi_pv_consume_) { pv_consume->Clear(); } input_channel_->Close(); input_records_.clear(); input_records_.shrink_to_fit(); } else { input_channel_->Open(); for (auto& consume_channel : multi_consume_channel_) { std::vector ins_data; consume_channel->Close(); consume_channel->ReadAll(ins_data); input_channel_->Write(std::move(ins_data)); ins_data.clear(); ins_data.shrink_to_fit(); consume_channel->Clear(); } input_channel_->Close(); this->LocalShuffle(); } } void MultiSlotDataset::SetCurrentPhase(int current_phase) { current_phase_ = current_phase; } void MultiSlotDataset::PreprocessInstance() { if (!input_channel_ || input_channel_->Size() == 0) { return; } if (!enable_pv_merge_) { // means to use Record this->LocalShuffle(); } else { // means to use Pv auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); input_channel_->Close(); std::vector pv_data; input_channel_->ReadAll(input_records_); int all_records_num = input_records_.size(); std::vector all_records; all_records.reserve(all_records_num); for (int index = 0; index < all_records_num; ++index) { all_records.push_back(&input_records_[index]); } std::sort(all_records.data(), all_records.data() + all_records_num, [](const Record* lhs, const Record* rhs) { return lhs->search_id < rhs->search_id; }); if (merge_by_sid_) { uint64_t last_search_id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < all_records_num; ++i) { Record* ins = all_records[i]; if (i == 0 || last_search_id != ins->search_id) { PvInstance pv_instance = make_pv_instance(); pv_instance->merge_instance(ins); pv_data.push_back(pv_instance); last_search_id = ins->search_id; continue; } pv_data.back()->merge_instance(ins); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < all_records_num; ++i) { Record* ins = all_records[i]; PvInstance pv_instance = make_pv_instance(); pv_instance->merge_instance(ins); pv_data.push_back(pv_instance); } } std::shuffle( pv_data.begin(), pv_data.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); input_pv_channel_->Open(); input_pv_channel_->Write(std::move(pv_data)); pv_data.clear(); pv_data.shrink_to_fit(); input_pv_channel_->Close(); } } void MultiSlotDataset::GenerateLocalTablesUnlock(int table_id, int feadim, int read_thread_num, int consume_thread_num, int shard_num) { VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::GenerateUniqueFeasign begin"; if (!gen_uni_feasigns_) { VLOG(3) << "generate_unique_feasign_=false, will not GenerateUniqueFeasign"; return; } CHECK(multi_output_channel_.size() != 0); // NOLINT auto fleet_ptr_ = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); std::vector>>& local_map_tables = fleet_ptr_->GetLocalTable(); local_map_tables.resize(shard_num); // read thread int channel_num = multi_output_channel_.size(); if (read_thread_num < channel_num) { read_thread_num = channel_num; } std::vector threads(read_thread_num); consume_task_pool_.resize(consume_thread_num); for (auto& consume_task : consume_task_pool_) { consume_task.reset(new ::ThreadPool(1)); } auto consume_func = [&local_map_tables](int shard_id, int feadim, std::vector& keys) { for (auto k : keys) { if (local_map_tables[shard_id].find(k) == local_map_tables[shard_id].end()) { local_map_tables[shard_id][k] = std::vector(feadim, 0); } } }; auto gen_func = [this, &shard_num, &feadim, &local_map_tables, &consume_func](int i) { std::vector vec_data; std::vector> task_keys(shard_num); std::vector> task_futures; this->multi_output_channel_[i]->Close(); this->multi_output_channel_[i]->ReadAll(vec_data); for (auto& item : vec_data) { for (auto& feature : item.uint64_feasigns_) { int shard = feature.sign().uint64_feasign_ % shard_num; task_keys[shard].push_back(feature.sign().uint64_feasign_); } } for (int shard_id = 0; shard_id < shard_num; shard_id++) { task_futures.emplace_back(consume_task_pool_[shard_id]->enqueue( consume_func, shard_id, feadim, task_keys[shard_id])); } multi_output_channel_[i]->Open(); multi_output_channel_[i]->Write(std::move(vec_data)); vec_data.clear(); vec_data.shrink_to_fit(); for (auto& tk : task_keys) { tk.clear(); std::vector().swap(tk); } task_keys.clear(); std::vector>().swap(task_keys); for (auto& tf : task_futures) { tf.wait(); } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { threads[i] = std::thread(gen_func, i); } for (std::thread& t : threads) { t.join(); } for (auto& consume_task : consume_task_pool_) { consume_task.reset(); } consume_task_pool_.clear(); fleet_ptr_->PullSparseToLocal(table_id, feadim); } void MultiSlotDataset::MergeByInsId() { VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::MergeByInsId begin"; if (!merge_by_insid_) { VLOG(3) << "merge_by_insid=false, will not MergeByInsId"; return; } auto multi_slot_desc = data_feed_desc_.multi_slot_desc(); std::vector use_slots; std::vector use_slots_is_dense; for (int i = 0; i < multi_slot_desc.slots_size(); ++i) { const auto& slot = multi_slot_desc.slots(i); if (slot.is_used()) { use_slots.push_back(slot.name()); use_slots_is_dense.push_back(slot.is_dense()); } } CHECK(multi_output_channel_.size() != 0); // NOLINT auto channel_data = paddle::framework::MakeChannel(); VLOG(3) << "multi_output_channel_.size() " << multi_output_channel_.size(); for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { std::vector vec_data; item->Close(); item->ReadAll(vec_data); channel_data->Write(std::move(vec_data)); vec_data.clear(); vec_data.shrink_to_fit(); item->Clear(); } channel_data->Close(); std::vector recs; recs.reserve(channel_data->Size()); channel_data->ReadAll(recs); channel_data->Clear(); std::sort(recs.begin(), recs.end(), [](const Record& a, const Record& b) { return a.ins_id_ < b.ins_id_; }); std::vector results; uint64_t drop_ins_num = 0; std::unordered_set all_int64; std::unordered_set all_float; std::unordered_set local_uint64; std::unordered_set local_float; std::unordered_map> all_dense_uint64; std::unordered_map> all_dense_float; std::unordered_map> local_dense_uint64; std::unordered_map> local_dense_float; std::unordered_map dense_empty; VLOG(3) << "recs.size() " << recs.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < recs.size();) { size_t j = i + 1; while (j < recs.size() && recs[j].ins_id_ == recs[i].ins_id_) { j++; } if (merge_size_ > 0 && j - i != merge_size_) { drop_ins_num += j - i; LOG(WARNING) << "drop ins " << recs[i].ins_id_ << " size=" << j - i << ", because merge_size=" << merge_size_; i = j; continue; } all_int64.clear(); all_float.clear(); all_dense_uint64.clear(); all_dense_float.clear(); bool has_conflict_slot = false; uint16_t conflict_slot = 0; Record rec; rec.ins_id_ = recs[i].ins_id_; rec.content_ = recs[i].content_; for (size_t k = i; k < j; k++) { dense_empty.clear(); local_dense_uint64.clear(); local_dense_float.clear(); for (auto& feature : recs[k].uint64_feasigns_) { uint16_t slot = feature.slot(); if (!use_slots_is_dense[slot]) { continue; } local_dense_uint64[slot].push_back(feature); if (feature.sign().uint64_feasign_ != 0) { dense_empty[slot] = false; } else if (dense_empty.find(slot) == dense_empty.end() && all_dense_uint64.find(slot) == all_dense_uint64.end()) { dense_empty[slot] = true; } } for (auto& feature : recs[k].float_feasigns_) { uint16_t slot = feature.slot(); if (!use_slots_is_dense[slot]) { continue; } local_dense_float[slot].push_back(feature); if (fabs(feature.sign().float_feasign_) >= 1e-6) { dense_empty[slot] = false; } else if (dense_empty.find(slot) == dense_empty.end() && all_dense_float.find(slot) == all_dense_float.end()) { dense_empty[slot] = true; } } for (auto& p : dense_empty) { if (local_dense_uint64.find(p.first) != local_dense_uint64.end()) { all_dense_uint64[p.first] = std::move(local_dense_uint64[p.first]); } else if (local_dense_float.find(p.first) != local_dense_float.end()) { all_dense_float[p.first] = std::move(local_dense_float[p.first]); } } } for (auto& f : all_dense_uint64) { rec.uint64_feasigns_.insert( rec.uint64_feasigns_.end(), f.second.begin(), f.second.end()); } for (auto& f : all_dense_float) { rec.float_feasigns_.insert( rec.float_feasigns_.end(), f.second.begin(), f.second.end()); } for (size_t k = i; k < j; k++) { local_uint64.clear(); local_float.clear(); for (auto& feature : recs[k].uint64_feasigns_) { uint16_t slot = feature.slot(); if (use_slots_is_dense[slot]) { continue; } else if (all_int64.find(slot) != all_int64.end()) { has_conflict_slot = true; conflict_slot = slot; break; } local_uint64.insert(slot); rec.uint64_feasigns_.push_back(std::move(feature)); } if (has_conflict_slot) { break; } all_int64.insert(local_uint64.begin(), local_uint64.end()); for (auto& feature : recs[k].float_feasigns_) { uint16_t slot = feature.slot(); if (use_slots_is_dense[slot]) { continue; } else if (all_float.find(slot) != all_float.end()) { has_conflict_slot = true; conflict_slot = slot; break; } local_float.insert(slot); rec.float_feasigns_.push_back(std::move(feature)); } if (has_conflict_slot) { break; } all_float.insert(local_float.begin(), local_float.end()); } if (has_conflict_slot) { LOG(WARNING) << "drop ins " << recs[i].ins_id_ << " size=" << j - i << ", because conflict_slot=" << use_slots[conflict_slot]; drop_ins_num += j - i; } else { results.push_back(std::move(rec)); } i = j; } std::vector().swap(recs); VLOG(3) << "results size " << results.size(); LOG(WARNING) << "total drop ins num: " << drop_ins_num; results.shrink_to_fit(); auto fleet_ptr = framework::FleetWrapper::GetInstance(); std::shuffle(results.begin(), results.end(), fleet_ptr->LocalRandomEngine()); channel_data->Open(); channel_data->Write(std::move(results)); channel_data->Close(); results.clear(); results.shrink_to_fit(); VLOG(3) << "channel data size " << channel_data->Size(); channel_data->SetBlockSize(channel_data->Size() / channel_num_ + 1); VLOG(3) << "channel data block size " << channel_data->BlockSize(); for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { std::vector vec_data; channel_data->Read(vec_data); item->Open(); item->Write(std::move(vec_data)); vec_data.clear(); vec_data.shrink_to_fit(); } CHECK(channel_data->Size() == 0); // NOLINT channel_data->Clear(); VLOG(3) << "MultiSlotDataset::MergeByInsId end"; } void MultiSlotDataset::GetRandomData( const std::unordered_set& slots_to_replace, std::vector* result) { int debug_erase_cnt = 0; int debug_push_cnt = 0; auto multi_slot_desc = data_feed_desc_.multi_slot_desc(); slots_shuffle_rclist_.ReInit(); const auto& slots_shuffle_original_data = GetSlotsOriginalData(); for (const auto& rec : slots_shuffle_original_data) { RecordCandidate rand_rec; Record new_rec = rec; slots_shuffle_rclist_.AddAndGet(rec, &rand_rec); for (auto it = new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.begin(); it != new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.end();) { if (slots_to_replace.find(it->slot()) != slots_to_replace.end()) { it = new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.erase(it); debug_erase_cnt += 1; } else { ++it; } } for (auto slot : slots_to_replace) { auto range = rand_rec.feas_.equal_range(slot); for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.push_back({it->second, it->first}); debug_push_cnt += 1; } } result->push_back(std::move(new_rec)); } VLOG(2) << "erase feasign num: " << debug_erase_cnt << " repush feasign num: " << debug_push_cnt; } void MultiSlotDataset::PreprocessChannel( const std::set& slots_to_replace, std::unordered_set& index_slots) { // NOLINT int out_channel_size = 0; if (cur_channel_ == 0) { for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { out_channel_size += item->Size(); } } else { for (auto& item : multi_consume_channel_) { out_channel_size += item->Size(); } } VLOG(2) << "DatasetImpl::SlotsShuffle() begin with input channel size: " << input_channel_->Size() << " output channel size: " << out_channel_size; if ((!input_channel_ || input_channel_->Size() == 0) && slots_shuffle_original_data_.empty() && out_channel_size == 0) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::SlotsShuffle() end, no data to slots shuffle"; return; } auto multi_slot_desc = data_feed_desc_.multi_slot_desc(); for (int i = 0; i < multi_slot_desc.slots_size(); ++i) { std::string cur_slot = multi_slot_desc.slots(i).name(); if (slots_to_replace.find(cur_slot) != slots_to_replace.end()) { index_slots.insert(i); } } if (slots_shuffle_original_data_.empty()) { // before first slots shuffle, instances could be in // input_channel, oupput_channel or consume_channel if (input_channel_ && input_channel_->Size() != 0) { slots_shuffle_original_data_.reserve(input_channel_->Size()); input_channel_->Close(); input_channel_->ReadAll(slots_shuffle_original_data_); } else { CHECK(out_channel_size > 0); // NOLINT if (cur_channel_ == 0) { for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { std::vector vec_data; item->Close(); item->ReadAll(vec_data); slots_shuffle_original_data_.reserve( slots_shuffle_original_data_.size() + vec_data.size()); slots_shuffle_original_data_.insert( slots_shuffle_original_data_.end(), std::make_move_iterator(vec_data.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(vec_data.end())); vec_data.clear(); vec_data.shrink_to_fit(); item->Clear(); } } else { for (auto& item : multi_consume_channel_) { std::vector vec_data; item->Close(); item->ReadAll(vec_data); slots_shuffle_original_data_.reserve( slots_shuffle_original_data_.size() + vec_data.size()); slots_shuffle_original_data_.insert( slots_shuffle_original_data_.end(), std::make_move_iterator(vec_data.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(vec_data.end())); vec_data.clear(); vec_data.shrink_to_fit(); item->Clear(); } } } } else { // if already have original data for slots shuffle, clear channel input_channel_->Clear(); if (cur_channel_ == 0) { for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { if (!item) { continue; } item->Clear(); } } else { for (auto& item : multi_consume_channel_) { if (!item) { continue; } item->Clear(); } } } int end_size = 0; if (cur_channel_ == 0) { for (auto& item : multi_output_channel_) { if (!item) { continue; } end_size += item->Size(); } } else { for (auto& item : multi_consume_channel_) { if (!item) { continue; } end_size += item->Size(); } } CHECK(input_channel_->Size() == 0) << "input channel should be empty before slots shuffle"; } // slots shuffle to input_channel_ with needed-shuffle slots void MultiSlotDataset::SlotsShuffle( const std::set& slots_to_replace) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(slots_shuffle_fea_eval_, true, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "fea eval mode off, need to set on for slots shuffle")); platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); std::unordered_set index_slots; PreprocessChannel(slots_to_replace, index_slots); std::vector random_data; random_data.clear(); // get slots shuffled random_data GetRandomData(index_slots, &random_data); input_channel_->Open(); input_channel_->Write(std::move(random_data)); random_data.clear(); random_data.shrink_to_fit(); input_channel_->Close(); cur_channel_ = 0; timeline.Pause(); VLOG(2) << "DatasetImpl::SlotsShuffle() end" << ", memory data size for slots shuffle=" << input_channel_->Size() << ", cost time=" << timeline.ElapsedSec() << " seconds"; } template class DatasetImpl; void SlotRecordDataset::CreateChannel() { if (input_channel_ == nullptr) { input_channel_ = paddle::framework::MakeChannel(); } } void SlotRecordDataset::CreateReaders() { VLOG(3) << "Calling CreateReaders()"; VLOG(3) << "thread num in Dataset: " << thread_num_; VLOG(3) << "Filelist size in Dataset: " << filelist_.size(); VLOG(3) << "channel num in Dataset: " << channel_num_; CHECK(thread_num_ > 0) << "thread num should > 0"; CHECK(channel_num_ > 0) << "channel num should > 0"; CHECK(channel_num_ <= thread_num_) << "channel num should <= thread num"; VLOG(3) << "readers size: " << readers_.size(); if (!readers_.empty()) { VLOG(3) << "readers_.size() = " << readers_.size() << ", will not create again"; return; } VLOG(3) << "data feed class name: " << data_feed_desc_.name(); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; ++i) { readers_.push_back(DataFeedFactory::CreateDataFeed(data_feed_desc_.name())); readers_[i]->Init(data_feed_desc_); readers_[i]->SetThreadId(i); readers_[i]->SetThreadNum(thread_num_); readers_[i]->SetFileListMutex(&mutex_for_pick_file_); readers_[i]->SetFileListIndex(&file_idx_); readers_[i]->SetFeaNumMutex(&mutex_for_fea_num_); readers_[i]->SetFeaNum(&total_fea_num_); readers_[i]->SetFileList(filelist_); readers_[i]->SetParseInsId(parse_ins_id_); readers_[i]->SetParseContent(parse_content_); readers_[i]->SetParseLogKey(parse_logkey_); readers_[i]->SetEnablePvMerge(enable_pv_merge_); readers_[i]->SetCurrentPhase(current_phase_); #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_GPU_GRAPH) && defined(PADDLE_WITH_HETERPS) readers_[i]->InitGraphResource(); #endif if (input_channel_ != nullptr) { readers_[i]->SetInputChannel(input_channel_.get()); } } VLOG(3) << "readers size: " << readers_.size(); } void SlotRecordDataset::ReleaseMemory() { VLOG(3) << "SlotRecordDataset::ReleaseMemory() begin"; platform::Timer timeline; timeline.Start(); if (input_channel_) { input_channel_->Clear(); input_channel_ = nullptr; } if (enable_heterps_) { VLOG(3) << "put pool records size: " << input_records_.size(); SlotRecordPool().put(&input_records_); input_records_.clear(); input_records_.shrink_to_fit(); VLOG(3) << "release heterps input records records size: " << input_records_.size(); } readers_.clear(); readers_.shrink_to_fit(); std::vector>().swap(readers_); VLOG(3) << "SlotRecordDataset::ReleaseMemory() end"; VLOG(3) << "total_feasign_num_(" << STAT_GET(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem) << ") - current_fea_num_(" << total_fea_num_ << ") = (" << STAT_GET(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem) - total_fea_num_ << ")" << " object pool size=" << SlotRecordPool().capacity(); // For Debug STAT_SUB(STAT_total_feasign_num_in_mem, total_fea_num_); } void SlotRecordDataset::GlobalShuffle(int thread_num) { // TODO(yaoxuefeng) return; } void SlotRecordDataset::DynamicAdjustChannelNum(int channel_num, bool discard_remaining_ins) { if (channel_num_ == channel_num) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustChannelNum channel_num_=" << channel_num_ << ", channel_num_=channel_num, no need to adjust"; return; } VLOG(3) << "adjust channel num from " << channel_num_ << " to " << channel_num; channel_num_ = channel_num; if (static_cast(input_channel_->Size()) >= channel_num) { input_channel_->SetBlockSize(input_channel_->Size() / channel_num + (discard_remaining_ins ? 0 : 1)); } VLOG(3) << "adjust channel num done"; } void SlotRecordDataset::PrepareTrain() { #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_GLOO if (enable_heterps_) { if (input_records_.empty() && input_channel_ != nullptr && input_channel_->Size() != 0) { input_channel_->ReadAll(input_records_); VLOG(3) << "read from channel to records with records size: " << input_records_.size(); } VLOG(3) << "input records size: " << input_records_.size(); int64_t total_ins_num = input_records_.size(); std::vector> offset; int default_batch_size = reinterpret_cast(readers_[0].get()) ->GetDefaultBatchSize(); VLOG(3) << "thread_num: " << thread_num_ << " memory size: " << total_ins_num << " default batch_size: " << default_batch_size; compute_thread_batch_nccl( thread_num_, total_ins_num, default_batch_size, &offset); VLOG(3) << "offset size: " << offset.size(); for (int i = 0; i < thread_num_; i++) { reinterpret_cast(readers_[i].get()) ->SetRecord(&input_records_[0]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < offset.size(); i++) { reinterpret_cast( readers_[i % thread_num_].get()) ->AddBatchOffset(offset[i]); } } #else PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unavailable( "dataset set heterps need compile with GLOO")); #endif return; } void SlotRecordDataset::DynamicAdjustReadersNum(int thread_num) { if (thread_num_ == thread_num) { VLOG(3) << "DatasetImpl::DynamicAdjustReadersNum thread_num_=" << thread_num_ << ", thread_num_=thread_num, no need to adjust"; return; } VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num from " << thread_num_ << " to " << thread_num; thread_num_ = thread_num; std::vector>().swap(readers_); CreateReaders(); VLOG(3) << "adjust readers num done"; PrepareTrain(); } } // end namespace framework } // end namespace paddle