# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License if(APPLE AND WITH_ARM) # cmake 3.19.2 version starts to support M1 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.19.2) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.19.2) else() cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.10) endif() # use to get_property location of static lib # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/policy/CMP0026.html?highlight=cmp0026 cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD) cmake_policy(SET CMP0079 NEW) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") set(PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(PADDLE_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) include(system) # Note(zhouwei): Ninja Generator will set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel" FORCE) endif() project(paddle CXX C) # enable language CUDA # TODO(Shibo Tao): remove find_package(CUDA) completely. find_package(CUDA QUIET) find_package(MKL CONFIG QUIET) option(WITH_ONEMKL "Compile PaddlePaddle with oneMKL" OFF) option(WITH_GPU "Compile PaddlePaddle with NVIDIA GPU" ${CUDA_FOUND}) option(WITH_MPI "Compile PaddlePaddle with MPI" OFF) option(WITH_TENSORRT "Compile PaddlePaddle with NVIDIA TensorRT" OFF) option(WITH_XPU "Compile PaddlePaddle with BAIDU KUNLUN XPU" OFF) option(WITH_XPU_KP "Compile PaddlePaddle with BAIDU XPU compiler " OFF) option(WITH_MLU "Compile PaddlePaddle with CAMBRICON MLU" OFF) option(WITH_WIN_DUMP_DBG "Compile with windows core dump debug mode" OFF) option(WITH_ASCEND "Compile PaddlePaddle with ASCEND" OFF) option(WITH_ROCM "Compile PaddlePaddle with ROCM platform" OFF) option(WITH_IPU "Compile PaddlePaddle with Graphcore IPU" OFF) # NOTE(zhiqiu): WITH_ASCEND_CL can be compile on x86_64, so we can set WITH_ASCEND=OFF and WITH_ASCEND_CL=ON # to develop some acl related functionality on x86 option(WITH_ASCEND_CL "Compile PaddlePaddle with ASCEND CL" ${WITH_ASCEND}) option(WITH_ASCEND_CXX11 "Compile PaddlePaddle with ASCEND and CXX11 ABI" OFF) option(WITH_ONNXRUNTIME "Compile PaddlePaddle with ONNXRUNTIME" OFF) option(WITH_CUSPARSELT "Compile PaddlePaddle with CUSPARSELT" OFF) # Note(zhouwei): It use option above, so put here include(init) include(generic) # simplify cmake module include(experimental) # experimental build options if(WITH_GPU AND WITH_XPU) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error when compile GPU and XPU at the same time") endif() if(WITH_GPU AND WITH_XPU_KP) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error when compile GPU and XPU2 at the same time") endif() if(WITH_GPU AND WITH_ASCEND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error when compile GPU and ASCEND at the same time") endif() if(WITH_GPU AND WITH_ROCM) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error when compile CUDA and ROCM at the same time") endif() if(WITH_GPU AND WITH_MLU) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error when compile GPU and MLU at the same time") endif() if(WITH_GPU AND NOT APPLE) enable_language(CUDA) message(STATUS "CUDA compiler: ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER}, version: " "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION}") endif() message(STATUS "CXX compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}, version: " "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}") message(STATUS "C compiler: ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}, version: " "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION}") message(STATUS "AR tools: ${CMAKE_AR}") # MUSL build turn off warnings if(WITH_MUSL) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-error=pessimizing-move -Wno-error=deprecated-copy" ) endif() if(APPLE AND WITH_ARM) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -target arm64-apple-darwin") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -target arm64-apple-darwin") endif() if(WITH_ASCEND_CL AND NOT WITH_ASCEND_CXX11) if(WITH_ARM_BRPC) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1") else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0") endif() endif() if(WIN32) option(MSVC_STATIC_CRT "use static C Runtime library by default" ON) set(CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION ON) set(CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX lib) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} /bigobj") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} /bigobj") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /bigobj") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /bigobj") if("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" STREQUAL "Ninja") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} /Zc:inline") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} /Zc:inline") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} /Zc:inline") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /Zc:inline") endif() if(MSVC_STATIC_CRT) message( STATUS "Use static C runtime time, refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/crt-library-features?view=vs-2019" ) foreach( flag_var CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) if(${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD") string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() endif() # NOTE(zhouwei): msvc max/min macro conflict with std::min/max, define NOMINMAX globally add_definitions("-DNOMINMAX") # windows build turn off warnings, use parallel compiling. foreach( flag_var CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) string(REGEX REPLACE "/W[1-4]" " /W0 " ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") # NOTE(zhouwei25): GPU compile have too high memory utilization when parallel compiling, # For Visual Studio generators, /MP should be added. # For other generators like Ninja, it is not need to add /MP. if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio" AND NOT WITH_GPU) math(EXPR PROCESS_MAX "${CPU_CORES} * 2 / 3") set(${flag_var} "${${flag_var}} /MP${PROCESS_MAX}") endif() endforeach() foreach(flag_var CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS) set(${flag_var} "${${flag_var}} /w") endforeach() # Windows Remove /Zi, /ZI for Release, MinSizeRel builds foreach(flag_var CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL) if(${flag_var} MATCHES "/Z[iI]") string(REGEX REPLACE "/Z[iI]" "" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") endif() endforeach() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} /wd4068 /wd4129 /wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4297 /wd4530 /wd4577 /wd4819 /wd4838" ) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4068 /wd4129 /wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4297 /wd4530 /wd4577 /wd4819 /wd4838" ) foreach(flag_var CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_LINKER_FLAGS) set(${flag_var} "${${flag_var}} /ignore:4049 /ignore:4217 /ignore:4006 /ignore:4221") if(MSVC_STATIC_CRT) set(${flag_var} "${${flag_var}} /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT.LIB") endif() endforeach() if(WITH_WIN_DUMP_DBG) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} /Zi") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /Zi") foreach(flag_var CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_LINKER_FLAGS) set(${flag_var} "${${flag_var}} /DEBUG /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF") endforeach() add_definitions("-DWITH_WIN_DUMP_DBG") endif() else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated-declarations" ) endif() find_package(Git REQUIRED) # config GIT_URL with github mirrors to speed up dependent repos clone option(GIT_URL "Git URL to clone dependent repos" ${GIT_URL}) if(NOT GIT_URL) set(GIT_URL "https://github.com") endif() find_package(Threads REQUIRED) include(simd) ################################ Exposed Configurations ####################################### option(WITH_AVX "Compile PaddlePaddle with AVX intrinsics" ${AVX_FOUND}) option(WITH_PYTHON "Compile PaddlePaddle with python interpreter" ON) option(WITH_TESTING "Compile PaddlePaddle with unit testing" OFF) option(WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING "Test multinode apis and ops" OFF) option(WITH_MKL "Compile PaddlePaddle with MKL support." ${AVX_FOUND}) option(WITH_SYSTEM_BLAS "Use system blas library" OFF) option(WITH_DISTRIBUTE "Compile with distributed support" OFF) option(WITH_BRPC_RDMA "Use brpc rdma as the rpc protocal" OFF) option(ON_INFER "Turn on inference optimization and inference-lib generation" ON) ################################ Internal Configurations ####################################### option(WITH_NV_JETSON "Compile PaddlePaddle with NV JETSON" OFF) option(WITH_PROFILER "Compile PaddlePaddle with GPU profiler and gperftools" OFF) option(WITH_COVERAGE "Compile PaddlePaddle with code coverage" OFF) option(WITH_INCREMENTAL_COVERAGE "Generate coverage reports only for incremental code" OFF) option(WITH_LIBXSMM "Compile with libxsmm" OFF) option(COVERALLS_UPLOAD "Package code coverage data to coveralls" OFF) option(WITH_PSLIB "Compile with pslib support" OFF) option(WITH_BOX_PS "Compile with box_ps support" OFF) option(WITH_XBYAK "Compile with xbyak support" ON) option(WITH_CONTRIB "Compile the third-party contributation" OFF) option(WITH_PSCORE "Compile with parameter server support" ${WITH_DISTRIBUTE}) option(WITH_HETERPS "Compile with heterps" OFF}) option(WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST "Test fluid inference C++ high-level api interface" OFF) option(WITH_INFERENCE_NVTX "Paddle inference with nvtx for profiler" OFF) option(PY_VERSION "Compile PaddlePaddle with python3 support" ${PY_VERSION}) option(WITH_DGC "Use DGC(Deep Gradient Compression) or not" ${WITH_DISTRIBUTE}) option( SANITIZER_TYPE "Choose the type of sanitizer, options are: Address, Leak, Memory, Thread, Undefined" OFF) option(WITH_LITE "Compile Paddle Fluid with Lite Engine" OFF) option(WITH_CINN "Compile PaddlePaddle with CINN" OFF) option(WITH_INFRT "Compile PaddlePaddle with INFRT" OFF) option(WITH_NCCL "Compile PaddlePaddle with NCCL support" ON) option(WITH_RCCL "Compile PaddlePaddle with RCCL support" ON) option(WITH_XPU_BKCL "Compile PaddlePaddle with BAIDU KUNLUN XPU BKCL" OFF) option(WITH_CNCL "Compile PaddlePaddle with CNCL support" OFF) option(WITH_CRYPTO "Compile PaddlePaddle with crypto support" ON) option(WITH_ARM "Compile PaddlePaddle with arm support" OFF) option(WITH_SW "Compile PaddlePaddle with sw support" OFF) option(WITH_MIPS "Compile PaddlePaddle with mips support" OFF) option(WITH_MUSL "Compile with musl libc instead of gblic" OFF) option(WITH_UNITY_BUILD "Compile with UnityBuild mode" OFF) option(WITH_STRIP "Strip so files of Whl packages" OFF) option(NEW_RELEASE_PYPI "PaddlePaddle next-level release strategy for pypi cubin package" OFF) option(NEW_RELEASE_ALL "PaddlePaddle next-level release strategy for all arches cubin package" OFF) option(NEW_RELEASE_JIT "PaddlePaddle next-level release strategy for backup jit package" OFF) option(WITH_ASCEND_INT64 "Compile with int64 kernel for ascend NPU" OFF) option(WITH_POCKETFFT "Compile with pocketfft support" ON) option(WITH_RECORD_BUILDTIME "Compile PaddlePaddle with record all targets build time" OFF) option(WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE "Compile with custom device support" OFF) option(WITH_ARM_BRPC "Supprot Brpc in Arm" OFF) option(WITH_FLPS "FL PS mode" OFF) option(WITH_RPC "Compile with rpc support" ${WITH_DISTRIBUTE}) option(WITH_CUDNN_FRONTEND "Compile with CUDNN Frontend API support (experimental)" OFF) option(WITH_CUDNN_DSO "Compile PaddlePaddle with cuDNN dynamic-link libraries" ${WITH_GPU}) if(WITH_RECORD_BUILDTIME) set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/get_build_time.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ) set_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/get_build_time.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ) else() include(ccache )# set ccache for compilation ; if WITH_RECORD_BUILDTIME=ON can't use ccache endif() unset(WITH_RECORD_BUILDTIME CACHE) # PY_VERSION if(NOT PY_VERSION) set(PY_VERSION 3.7) endif() set(PYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION ${PY_VERSION}) # the type of sanitizer, options are: Address, Leak, Memory, Thread, Undefined. Default: OFF if(SANITIZER_TYPE AND NOT "${SANITIZER_TYPE}" MATCHES "^(Address|Leak|Memory|Thread|Undefined)$") message("Choose the correct type of sanitizer") return() endif() if(LINUX AND NOT WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE AND WITH_PYTHON) set(WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Custom Device when compiling for Linux" FORCE) message( "Enable Custom Device when compiling for Linux. Force WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE=ON." ) endif() if(WIN32) if(WITH_DISTRIBUTE) message( WARNING "Disable DISTRIBUTE when compiling for Windows. Force WITH_DISTRIBUTE=OFF." ) set(WITH_DISTRIBUTE OFF CACHE STRING "Disable DISTRIBUTE when compiling for Windows" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_NCCL) message( WARNING "Disable NCCL when compiling for Windows. Force WITH_NCCL=OFF.") set(WITH_NCCL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable NCCL when compiling for Windows" FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT WITH_TESTING AND WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING when compiling without TESTING. Force WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING=OFF." ) set(WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING OFF CACHE STRING "Disable WITH_MULTINODE_TESTING when compiling without TESTING" FORCE) endif() if(NOT WITH_GPU AND WITH_NCCL) message( WARNING "Disable NCCL when compiling without GPU. Force WITH_NCCL=OFF.") set(WITH_NCCL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable NCCL when compiling without GPU" FORCE) endif() if(NOT WITH_GPU AND WITH_CUDNN_DSO) message( WARNING "Can't compile with cuDNN libraries when compiling without GPU. Force WITH_CUDNN_DSO=OFF." ) set(WITH_CUDNN_DSO OFF CACHE STRING "Disable cuDNN libraries when compiling without GPU" FORCE) endif() # force WITH_XPU on when WITH_XPU_KP if(WITH_XPU_KP AND NOT WITH_XPU) message( WARNING "Enable WITH_XPU when compiling with WITH_XPU_KP. Force WITH_XPU=ON.") set(WITH_XPU ON CACHE STRING "Enable WITH_XPU when compiling with WITH_XPU_KP" FORCE) endif() if(NOT WITH_XPU AND WITH_XPU_BKCL) message( WARNING "Disable BKCL when compiling without XPU. Force WITH_XPU_BKCL=OFF.") set(WITH_XPU_BKCL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable BKCL when compiling without XPU" FORCE) endif() if(NOT WITH_MLU AND WITH_CNCL) message( WARNING "Disable CNCL when compiling without MLU. Force WITH_MLU=OFF.") set(WITH_MLU OFF CACHE STRING "Disable CNCL when compiling without MLU" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_NCCL) add_definitions("-DPADDLE_WITH_NCCL") include(nccl) else() if(WITH_GPU) message( WARNING "If the environment is multi-card, the WITH_NCCL option needs to be turned on, otherwise only a single card can be used." ) endif() endif() if(WITH_BRPC_RDMA) message(STATUS "Use brpc with rdma.") if(NOT WITH_DISTRIBUTE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't use brpc rdma in no distribute env.") endif() endif() if(WITH_GPU) include(cuda) # lite subgraph compilation depends on CUDNN_ROOT, # so include(cudnn) needs to be in front of include(third_party/lite) include(cudnn) # set cudnn libraries, must before configure include(tensorrt) # there is no official support of nccl, cupti in windows if(NOT WIN32) include(cupti) endif() endif() if(WITH_MLU) include(neuware) endif() if(WITH_ROCM) include(hip) include(miopen) # set miopen libraries, must before configure include(cupti) endif() if(WITH_XPU_KP) include(xpu_kp) endif() if(NOT WITH_ROCM AND WITH_RCCL) message( WARNING "Disable RCCL when compiling without ROCM. Force WITH_RCCL=OFF.") set(WITH_RCCL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable RCCL when compiling without ROCM" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_RCCL) add_definitions("-DPADDLE_WITH_RCCL") include(rccl) else() if(WITH_ROCM) message( WARNING "If the environment is multi-card, the WITH_RCCL option needs to be turned on, otherwise only a single card can be used." ) endif() endif() if(WITH_HETERPS AND WITH_PSLIB) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0") endif() if(WITH_DISTRIBUTE) if(LINUX) set(WITH_GLOO ON CACHE STRING "Enable GLOO when compiling WITH_DISTRIBUTE=ON." FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ASCEND_CL AND NOT WITH_ARM_BRPC) # disable WITH_PSCORE for NPU before include third_party message( WARNING "Disable WITH_PSCORE when compiling with NPU. Force WITH_PSCORE=OFF.") set(WITH_PSCORE OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_PSCORE when compiling with NPU" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ROCM AND HIP_VERSION LESS_EQUAL 40020496) # TODO(qili93): third-party rocksdb throw Illegal instruction with HIP version 40020496 message( WARNING "Disable WITH_PSCORE when HIP_VERSION is less than or equal 40020496. Force WITH_PSCORE=OFF." ) set(WITH_PSCORE OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_PSCORE when HIP_VERSION is less than or equal 40020496" FORCE) endif() endif() if(WITH_RPC) if(NOT LINUX) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when not compiled on Linux. Force WITH_RPC=OFF." ) set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when not compiled on Linux" FORCE) endif() if(NOT WITH_DISTRIBUTE AND WITH_RPC) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when not compiled with distribute. Force WITH_RPC=OFF." ) set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when not compiled with distribute" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ASCEND_CL AND WITH_RPC) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with NPU. Force WITH_RPC=OFF.") set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with NPU" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ROCM AND WITH_RPC) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with ROCM. Force WITH_RPC=OFF.") set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with ROCM" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_XPU AND WITH_RPC) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with XPU. Force WITH_RPC=OFF.") set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with XPU" FORCE) endif() if(WITH_CINN AND WITH_RPC) message( WARNING "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with CINN. Force WITH_RPC=OFF.") set(WITH_RPC OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable WITH_RPC when compiling with CINN" FORCE) endif() endif() if(WITH_MPI) include(mpi) endif() include(third_party )# download, build, install third_party, Contains about 20+ dependencies include(flags) # set paddle compile flags if(WITH_PROFILER) find_package(Gperftools REQUIRED) include_directories(${GPERFTOOLS_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_definitions(-DWITH_GPERFTOOLS) endif() include(util) # set unittest and link libs include(version) # set PADDLE_VERSION include(coveralls) # set code coverage include(configure) # add paddle env configuration include_directories("${PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR}") if(WITH_NV_JETSON) set(WITH_ARM ON CACHE STRING "Set WITH_ARM=ON when compiling WITH_NV_JETSON=ON." FORCE) endif() if(WITH_ARM) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fPIC") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fPIC") set(WITH_XBYAK OFF CACHE STRING "Disable XBYAK when compiling WITH_ARM=ON." FORCE) set(WITH_MKL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable MKL when compiling WITH_ARM=ON." FORCE) set(WITH_AVX OFF CACHE STRING "Disable AVX when compiling WITH_AVX=OFF." FORCE) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_ARM) endif() if(WITH_SW) # mieee flag solves floating-point exceptions under sw and ALPHA architectures set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fPIC -mieee") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fPIC -mieee") set(WITH_XBYAK OFF CACHE STRING "Disable XBYAK when compiling WITH_SW=ON" FORCE) set(WITH_MKL OFF CACHE STRING "Disable MKL when compiling WITH_SW=ON." FORCE) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_SW) endif() if(WITH_MIPS) set(WITH_XBYAK OFF CACHE STRING "Disable XBYAK when compiling WITH_MIPS=ON" FORCE) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_MIPS) endif() if(WITH_ONEMKL) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_WITH_ONEMKL) endif() if(WITH_HETERPS) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 7.0) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -faligned-new") endif() endif() set(PADDLE_PYTHON_BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/python/build") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-O3 -g -DNDEBUG") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "-O3 -g -DNDEBUG") add_definitions(-DPADDLE_DLL_EXPORT) if(ON_INFER) # you can trun off the paddle fluid and inference lib by set ON_INFER=OFF message( STATUS "On inference mode, will take place some specific optimization.") include(inference_lib) add_definitions(-DPADDLE_ON_INFERENCE) else() #TODO(luotao), combine this warning with `make inference_lib_dist` command. message( WARNING "On inference mode, will take place some specific optimization. Turn on the ON_INFER flag when building inference_lib only." ) endif() if(WITH_STRIP) find_program(STRIP_PATH strip) if(NOT STRIP_PATH OR NOT LINUX) set(WITH_STRIP OFF CACHE STRING "Command strip is only used on Linux when it exists." FORCE) endif() endif() add_subdirectory(paddle) if(WITH_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(python) endif() get_directory_property(all_inc_dirs INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) list(JOIN all_inc_dirs "\r\n" all_inc_dirs) file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/includes.txt" ${all_inc_dirs})