# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import OrderedDict import paddle from paddle.fluid import framework as framework from paddle.fluid.framework import Operator, default_main_program from paddle.incubate.autograd.utils import as_tensors from .primops import add, fill_const from .primreg import (lookup_orig2prim, lookup_prim2orig, op_position_inputs, op_position_output) from .primrules import _jvp, _orig2prim, _prim2orig, _transpose from .utils import (flatten, flatten_and_remove_none, get_input_var_list, get_output_var_list) def topo_path(xs, ys, block=None): """ Returns the list of ops on the path from `xs` to `ys` in topological order. TODO(Tongxin): supporting control flow and nested blocks. Args: xs: a list|tuple of vars as source ys: a list|tuple of vars as sink block: the program block containing the path, optional Returns: (path, unused_xs, unreached_ys): a tuple comprised of the resulting op path, the unused variables in `xs`, and the unreached variables in `ys` """ block = default_main_program().current_block() if block is None else block path = [] backpath = [] reached_vars = OrderedDict() used_vars = OrderedDict() # Initialize reached vars for x in xs: assert x is None or x.block == block, 'x is not None and x.block != block' reached_vars[id(x)] = x # Reaching test, returning whether an op is reached from the given input reaching = lambda op: any( id(v) in reached_vars for v in flatten_and_remove_none(get_input_var_list(op))) # block.ops are supposedly in the order that preserves correct data # dependence. # Forward pass to identify all reached variables and ops for op in block.ops: if reaching(op): path.append(op) for var in flatten_and_remove_none(get_output_var_list(op)): reached_vars[id(var)] = var used_vars = OrderedDict((id(y), y) for y in ys if id(y) in reached_vars) back_reaching = lambda op: any( id(out) in used_vars for out in flatten_and_remove_none(get_output_var_list(op))) # Backward pass to find all used variables for op in reversed(path): if back_reaching(op): backpath.append(op) for var in flatten_and_remove_none(get_input_var_list(op)): used_vars[id(var)] = var unused_xs = [x for x in xs if id(x) not in used_vars] unreached_ys = [y for y in ys if id(y) not in reached_vars] return list(reversed(backpath)), unused_xs, unreached_ys def output_vars_on_path(path): """ Returns the output variables of all the ops on the path from `xs` to `ys`. Args: path: a list of ops on which to find the output variables Returns: vars: the output vars """ vars = OrderedDict() for op in path: for out in flatten_and_remove_none(get_output_var_list(op)): vars[id(out)] = out return vars class VarMap(object): """ A general map data structure for linking variables to variables. An example is linking variables to their gradients. """ __slots__ = ['name', 'varset', 'tab'] def __init__(self, name, varset): self.name = name self.varset = varset self.tab = OrderedDict() def add(self, key_var, value_var): self.tab[id(key_var)] = id(value_var) def add_rec(self, key_vars, value_vars): if value_vars is None: return if isinstance(key_vars, paddle.fluid.framework.Variable): if not isinstance(value_vars, paddle.fluid.framework.Variable): raise TypeError( f'value_vars must be Variable, but got {type(value_vars)}') self.tab[id(key_vars)] = id(value_vars) else: assert len(key_vars) == len(value_vars), ( f'len(key_vars) shoule be equal to len(value_vars), ' f'but len(key_vars)={len(key_vars)} and len(value_vars)={len(value_vars)}.' ) for key_var, value_var in zip(key_vars, value_vars): self.add_rec(key_var, value_var) def lookup(self, key_var): value_id = self.tab.get(id(key_var)) if value_id is not None: return self.varset.get(value_id) else: return None def delete(self, key_var): varid = id(key_var) if varid in self.tab: del self.tab[id(key_var)] def delete_keyvars(self, key_vars): for var in key_vars: varid = id(var) if varid in self.tab: del self.tab[varid] def delete_valuevars(self, value_vars): ids = [id(v) for v in value_vars] keys = [k for k, v in self.tab.items() if v in ids] for k in keys: del self.tab[k] def contain_var(self, key_var): return self.tab.__contains__(id(key_var)) def contain_value(self, value_var): return id(value_var) in self.tab.values() # TODO(lml): supporting control flow, nested blocks, and block other than current block of main program. class Transform(object): """ An object that maintains the state of transformations applied to a primitve program. """ def __init__(self, block): assert block == default_main_program().current_block( ), 'only support transform on current block of main program.' self.block = block self.vars = self.init_vars(block) self.var2dot = VarMap('var2dot', self.vars) self.dot2bar = VarMap('dot2var', self.vars) def init_vars(self, block): vars = OrderedDict() for _, var in block.vars.items(): vars[id(var)] = var return vars def add_vars(self, new_vars): self.vars.update({id(v): v for v in new_vars if v is not None}) def add_vars_rec(self, new_vars): if new_vars is None: return if isinstance(new_vars, paddle.fluid.framework.Variable): self.vars.update({id(new_vars): new_vars}) return if not isinstance(new_vars, list): raise TypeError(f'new_vars must be list, but got {type(new_vars)}') for var in new_vars: self.add_vars_rec(var) def erase_ops(self, ordered_indexes): block = self.block for op_index in reversed(ordered_indexes): block.desc._remove_op(op_index, op_index + 1) # remove from block.ops for op_index in reversed(ordered_indexes): del block.ops[op_index] block._sync_with_cpp() def erase_dots(self, vars_to_erase): for var in vars_to_erase: if id(var) in self.vars: del self.vars[id(var)] self.dot2bar.delete_keyvars(vars_to_erase) self.var2dot.delete_valuevars(vars_to_erase) block = self.block for var in vars_to_erase: name = var.name block.desc._remove_var(name.encode()) del block.vars[name] block._sync_with_cpp() def var2dot_rec(self, vars): """ Lookup var2dot recursively.""" if isinstance(vars, paddle.fluid.framework.Variable): dot = self.var2dot.lookup(vars) return dot dots = [self.var2dot_rec(var) for var in vars] return dots def dot2bar_rec(self, dots): if isinstance(dots, paddle.fluid.framework.Variable): bar = self.dot2bar.lookup(dots) assert bar is not None, 'bar must be not None' return bar bars = [self.dot2bar_rec(dot) for dot in dots] return bars def linearize(self, xs, ys, xs_dot=None): """ Performs the linearization transform, a.k.a, forward mode AD transform, on a primitive lowered program. Args: xs: a list of input variables ys: a list of output variables xs_dot: optional, a list of gradient input variables. The list size must be equal to `len(xs)`. The shape and dtype of each element must be the same as in `xs` Returns: (xs_dot, ys_dot): a tuple of two lists. `xs_dot` is the list of gradient inputs of the resulting linearized program. `ys_dot` is the list gradient outputs of the resulting linearized program """ if xs_dot is None: xs_dot = [fill_const(1.0, shape=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype) for x in xs] self.add_vars(xs_dot) else: assert len(xs) == len(xs_dot), ( f'len(xs) should be equal to len(xs_dot), ' f'but len(xs)={len(xs)} and len(xs_dot)={len(xs_dot)}') for x, dot in zip(xs, xs_dot): assert x.dtype == dot.dtype, ( f'x.dtype should be equal to dot.dtype, ' f'but x.dtype={x.dtype} and dot.dtype={dot.dtype}') assert x.shape == dot.shape, ( f'x.shape should be equal to dot.shape, ' f'but x.shape={x.shape} and dot.shape={dot.shape}') self.var2dot.add(x, dot) path, unused_xs, _ = topo_path(xs, ys, self.block) # No need to track unused inputs for x in unused_xs: self.var2dot.delete(x) for op in path: # An input var may not be on the input-output path, which implies # there may be None's in `ins_dot`. In this case we place # the original input in the position of the otherwise forward # gradient. ins = op_position_inputs(op) jvp_ins = self.var2dot_rec(ins) # apply op's forward ad rule outs_dot = _jvp(op, *jvp_ins) self.add_vars_rec(outs_dot) outs = op_position_output(op) self.var2dot.add_rec(outs, outs_dot) ys_dot = [self.var2dot.lookup(y) for y in ys] return xs_dot, ys_dot def transpose(self, ys_dot, xs_dot, ys_bar=None, retain_fwd=False): """ Performs the transpose transform, a.k.a, reverse mode AD transform, on a linearized primitive program. Note, `transpose` is supposed to be used in couple with `linearize`. Args: ys_dot: a list of outputs of the linearized program. xs_dot: a list of inputs of the linearized program. ys_bar: optional, a list of inputs of the resulting transposed program. The list size must be equal to `len(ys_dot)`. The shape and dtype of each element must be the same as in `ys_dot` Returns: (ys_bar, xs_bar): a tuple of two lists. `ys_bar` is the list of inputs of the resulting transposed program. `xs_bar` is the list outputs of the resulting transposed program """ assert all(v is not None for v in xs_dot), '`xs_dot` includes None.' assert all(v is not None for v in ys_dot), '`ys_dot` includes None.' if ys_bar is None: ys_bar = [] for y in ys_dot: ys_bar.append(fill_const(1.0, shape=y.shape, dtype=y.dtype)) self.add_vars(ys_bar) else: assert len(ys_dot) == len(ys_bar), ( f'len(ys_dot) should be equal to len(ys_bar), ' f'but len(ys_dot)={len(ys_dot)} and len(ys_bar)={len(ys_bar)}') for y_dot, y_bar in zip(ys_dot, ys_bar): assert y_dot.shape == y_bar.shape, ( f'y_dot.shape should be equal to y_bar.shape, ' f'but y_dot.shape={y_dot.shape} and y_bar.shape={y_bar.shape}' ) assert y_dot.dtype == y_bar.dtype, ( f'y_dot.dtype should be equal to y_bar.dtype, ' f'but y_dot.dtype={y_dot.dtype} and y_bar.dtype={y_bar.dtype}' ) for dot, bar in zip(ys_dot, ys_bar): self.dot2bar.add(dot, bar) # find all the relevant forward gradients path, unused_xs_dot, _ = topo_path(xs_dot, ys_dot, self.block) # No need to track unused inputs for dot in unused_xs_dot: self.dot2bar.delete(dot) dotvars = output_vars_on_path(path) dotvars.update((id(var), var) for var in xs_dot) is_dot = lambda v: id(v) in dotvars for op in reversed(path): out = op_position_output(op) out_bar_rec = self.dot2bar_rec(out) ins_bar_rec = _transpose(op, is_dot, out_bar_rec) # TODO(Tongxin): this is hacky. Tuple implies the Transpose rule # returns multiple entities. There should be better ways to handle # outputs. if isinstance(ins_bar_rec, tuple): ins_bar_rec = list(ins_bar_rec) else: ins_bar_rec = [ins_bar_rec] self.add_vars_rec(ins_bar_rec) ins_bar = flatten(ins_bar_rec) ins = flatten(op_position_inputs(op)) assert len(ins) == len(ins_bar), ( f'len(ins) should be equal to len(ins_bar), ' f'but len(ins)={len(ins)} and len(ins_bar)={len(ins_bar)}') for dot, bar in zip(ins, ins_bar): if bar is not None: # aggregate gradient grad = self.dot2bar.lookup(dot) if grad is None: self.dot2bar.add(dot, bar) else: grad = add(grad, bar) self.add_vars([grad]) self.dot2bar.add(dot, grad) xs_bar = [self.dot2bar.lookup(x) for x in xs_dot] if not retain_fwd and len(path) > 0: vars_to_remove = set() for op in path: vars_to_remove.update( flatten_and_remove_none(get_output_var_list(op))) op_indexes = [] block = self.block for i, op in enumerate(block.ops): if op in path: op_indexes.append(i) path.pop(0) if len(path) == 0: break self.erase_ops(op_indexes) self.erase_dots(vars_to_remove) return ys_bar, xs_bar # TODO(lml): supporting control flow, nested blocks, and block other than current block of main program. def _lower(block, reverse, blacklist): # Some functions which are only used in _lower. def bind(args, to_bind, value_table): for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], list): bind(args[i], to_bind, value_table) elif args[i] is not None and args[i].name in to_bind: args[i] = value_table[to_bind[args[i].name]] def bind_name(names, to_bind): return_list = [] for name in names: if isinstance(name, list): return_list.append(bind_name(name, to_bind)) else: return_list.append(to_bind[name] if name in to_bind else name) return return_list def expand_nested_list(xs): return_list = [] for x in xs: if isinstance(x, list): return_list = return_list + expand_nested_list(x) else: return_list.append(x) return return_list # Step1: Do some preparatory work for lower lower_fn = _prim2orig if reverse else _orig2prim lookup_fn = lookup_prim2orig if reverse else lookup_orig2prim value_table = {} to_bind = {} to_bind_rev = {} for var in block.desc.all_vars(): value_table[var.name()] = block.var(var.name()) ops_to_remove = [] vars_to_remove = set() # Step2: Process all ops in the target block for op_idx in range(len(block.ops)): op = block.ops[op_idx] ops_to_remove.append(op_idx) if lookup_fn(op.type) is not None and op.type not in blacklist: input_args = get_input_var_list(op) bind(input_args, to_bind, value_table) for orig_out, new_out in zip( expand_nested_list(get_output_var_list(op)), expand_nested_list(as_tensors(lower_fn(op, *input_args)))): assert not (orig_out is None) ^ ( new_out is None), "orig_out and new_out should match." vars_to_remove.add(new_out.name) value_table[new_out.name] = new_out to_bind[orig_out.name] = new_out.name to_bind_rev[new_out.name] = orig_out.name else: inputs = {} for i in range(len(op.input_names)): inputs[op.input_names[i]] = bind_name( op.input(op.input_names[i]), to_bind) outputs = {} for i in range(len(op.output_names)): outputs[op.output_names[i]] = op.output(op.output_names[i]) attrs = {} for name in sorted(op.attr_names): attrs[name] = op.attr(name) from paddle.fluid.dygraph.base import param_guard new_op_desc = block.desc.append_op() with param_guard(inputs), param_guard(outputs): op = Operator(block=block, desc=new_op_desc, type=op.type, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, attrs=attrs) block.ops.append(op) # Step3: Do some post-processing work for op_idx in reversed(ops_to_remove): block.desc._remove_op(op_idx, op_idx + 1) del block.ops[op_idx] block._sync_with_cpp() for op_idx in range(len(block.ops)): op = block.ops[op_idx] for in_name in op.input_arg_names: if in_name in to_bind_rev: op._rename_input(in_name, to_bind_rev[in_name]) for out_name in op.output_arg_names: if out_name in to_bind_rev: op._rename_output(out_name, to_bind_rev[out_name]) for var_name in sorted(vars_to_remove): assert var_name in to_bind_rev, 'var_name "{}" is not in to_bind_rev.'.format( var_name) if var_name != to_bind_rev[var_name]: block.desc._remove_var(var_name.encode()) del block.vars[var_name] block._sync_with_cpp() @framework.static_only def orig2prim(block=None): """ Note: **This API is ONLY available in the static mode.** **Args block must be None or current block of main program.** All operators in the target block are processed as follows. If it is an original operator, it will be transformed into one or a series of automatic differential basic operators with equivalent function. Args: block(paddle.static.Block|None, optional): The target block to process on. Default None, and will process on the current block of main program. """ block = default_main_program().current_block() if block is None else block assert block == default_main_program().current_block( ), 'block is neither None nor current block of main program' _lower(block, reverse=False, blacklist=[]) @framework.static_only def prim2orig(block=None, blacklist=None): """ Note: **ONLY available in the static mode.** **Args block must be None or current block of main program.** All operators in the target block are processed as follows. If it is an automatic differential basic operator, it will be transformed into one or a series of original operators with equivalent function to support execution. Args: block(paddle.static.Block|None, optional): The target block to process on. Default None, and will process on the current block of main program. blacklist(list[string]|None, optional): The names of automatic differential basic operator that will not be transformed into original operators. Default None, and the blacklist is treated as empty list. Examples: .. code-block:: python import paddle from paddle.incubate.autograd import enable_prim, prim_enabled, prim2orig paddle.enable_static() enable_prim() x = paddle.ones(shape=[2, 2], dtype='float32') x.stop_gradients = False y = x * x dy_dx = paddle.static.gradients(y, x) if prim_enabled(): prim2orig() """ block = default_main_program().current_block() if block is None else block assert block == default_main_program().current_block( ), 'block is neither None nor current block of main program' blacklist = [] if blacklist is None else blacklist _lower(block, reverse=True, blacklist=blacklist)