/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/mlu/mlu_baseop.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/device_wrapper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/xpu/xpu_header.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/device_context.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/tensor_utils.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/math_function.h" namespace paddle { namespace operators { using DDim = framework::DDim; using TensorList = std::vector; template void reset_parameter_vector( const std::vector& raw_params_vec, const int& num_layers, const bool& is_bidirec, std::vector>>* params_vec) { // the parameter raw seuquence is [FWhi, FWhh, BWhi, BWhh] * num_layers // + [FBhi, FBhh, BBhi, BBhh] * num_layers, we will reset the parameter to // ([FWhi, FWhh, FBhi, FBhh] + [BWhi, BWhh, BBhi, BBhh]) * num_layers const int& direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; const int& layer_weight_size = 4 * direction_num; const int& all_weight_size = num_layers * layer_weight_size; const int& bias_start_idx = all_weight_size / 2; for (int i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) { params_vec->at(i).resize(layer_weight_size); for (int j = 0; j < layer_weight_size; j++) { int k = j % 4; const int& section = j / 4; int tensor_idx = i * 2 * direction_num + section * 2 + k % 2; if (k >= 2) { tensor_idx += bias_start_idx; } using remove_cv_t = typename std::remove_cv::type; params_vec->at(i)[j] = std::make_pair( const_cast( raw_params_vec[tensor_idx]->template data()), raw_params_vec[tensor_idx]->numel() * sizeof(T)); } } } template class RNNMLUKernel : public framework::OpKernel { public: void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override { // Input auto& dev_ctx = GetDevCtxFromCTX(ctx); auto* input = ctx.Input("Input"); auto pre_state = ctx.MultiInput("PreState"); auto weight_list = ctx.MultiInput("WeightList"); bool has_seq_length = ctx.HasInput("SequenceLength"); // Output auto state = ctx.MultiOutput("State"); auto* output = ctx.Output("Out"); auto* reserve_data = ctx.Output("Reserve"); // Attributes const int& num_layers = ctx.Attr("num_layers"); const bool& is_bidirec = ctx.Attr("is_bidirec"); const int& hidden_size = ctx.Attr("hidden_size"); const std::string& mode = ctx.Attr("mode"); const phi::DenseTensor* sequence_length = nullptr; if (has_seq_length) { sequence_length = ctx.Input("SequenceLength"); } auto init_h = pre_state[0]; // -> hx auto init_c = pre_state[1]; // -> cx auto last_h = state[0]; auto last_c = state[1]; // check shape const int in_out_dim_num = input->dims().size(); const int& seq_len = input->dims()[0]; // time_step const int& batch_size = input->dims()[1]; const int& input_dim = input->dims()[2]; const int& direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; int in_dim_arr[in_out_dim_num] = {seq_len, batch_size, input_dim}; int out_dim_arr[in_out_dim_num] = { seq_len, batch_size, direction_num * hidden_size}; int proj_size = hidden_size; std::vector seq_len_vec(batch_size, seq_len); if (has_seq_length) { // set seq_len if no padding, otherwise seq_len for // each element. seq_len_vec = phi::GetVectorFromTensor(sequence_length); } cnnlDirectionMode_t direction = is_bidirec ? CNNL_RNN_BIDIRECTIONAL : CNNL_RNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( mode, "LSTM", platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "MLU only support LSTM mode now, current mode is %s", mode)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( num_layers, 1, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "MLU only support 1 num_layers, current num_layers is %s", num_layers)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( init_h->dims()[0], num_layers * direction_num, platform::errors::InvalidArgument("The num_layers of in RNN layer must" " be the same as first dim of init " "hidden, but received num_layers:%d," " dim:%d", num_layers, init_h->dims()[0])); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( init_c->dims()[0], num_layers * direction_num, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The num_layers of in RNN layer must" " be the same as first dim of cell state hidden, but received" " num_layers:%d, dim:%d", num_layers, init_c->dims()[0])); // weightlist std::vector>> parameter_lists; parameter_lists.resize(num_layers); reset_parameter_vector( weight_list, num_layers, is_bidirec, ¶meter_lists); // init the output and allocate the memory output->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); // -> y in cnnl last_h->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); // -> hy in cnnl last_c->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); // -> cy in cnnl MLUSeqDataDesc input_seq_data_desc(CNNL_SEQDATA_TNC, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), in_out_dim_num, in_dim_arr, static_cast(seq_len_vec.size()), seq_len_vec.data(), nullptr); MLUSeqDataDesc out_seq_data_desc(CNNL_SEQDATA_TNC, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), in_out_dim_num, out_dim_arr, static_cast(seq_len_vec.size()), seq_len_vec.data(), nullptr); MLUCnnlTensorDesc hx_desc(*init_h); MLUCnnlTensorDesc cx_desc(*init_c); MLURNNDesc rnn_desc(CNNL_LSTM, CNNL_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS, direction, CNNL_RNN_LINEAR_INPUT, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), input_dim, hidden_size, /*projection*/ proj_size, num_layers, nullptr, CNNL_RNN_PADDED_IO_DISABLED); rnn_desc.SetRNNMaskMode(CNNL_LSTM_MASK_ENABLED); // copy weight params size_t weightspace_size; phi::DenseTensor weightspace; PADDLE_ENFORCE_MLU_SUCCESS(cnnlGetRNNWeightSpaceSize( GetHandleFromCTX(ctx), rnn_desc.get(), &weightspace_size)); weightspace = ctx.AllocateTmpTensor( {static_cast(weightspace_size)}, dev_ctx); void* weightspace_ptr = weightspace.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); auto w_x = parameter_lists[0][0]; auto w_h = parameter_lists[0][1]; auto b_x = parameter_lists[0][2]; auto b_h = parameter_lists[0][3]; auto actual_total_w_size = w_x.second + w_h.second + b_x.second + b_h.second; void* w_x_ptr = weightspace_ptr; void* w_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second; void* b_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second + w_h.second; void* b_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second + w_h.second + b_x.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), w_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), w_x.first, w_x.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), w_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), w_h.first, w_h.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), b_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), b_x.first, b_x.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), b_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), b_h.first, b_h.second, nullptr); if (is_bidirec) { auto bw_x = parameter_lists[0][4]; auto bw_h = parameter_lists[0][5]; auto bb_x = parameter_lists[0][6]; auto bb_h = parameter_lists[0][7]; void* bw_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size; void* bw_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second; void* bb_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second + bw_h.second; void* bb_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second + bw_h.second + bb_x.second; actual_total_w_size += bw_x.second + bw_h.second + bb_x.second + bb_h.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bw_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), bw_x.first, bw_x.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bw_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), bw_h.first, bw_h.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bb_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), bb_x.first, bb_x.second, nullptr); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bb_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), bb_h.first, bb_h.second, nullptr); } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(weightspace_size, actual_total_w_size, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The weightsize doesn't match" " weightspace_size:%d, actual_total_w_size:%d", weightspace_size, actual_total_w_size)); // get reservespace_ptr int gate_num = 4; int hidden_data_idx = (num_layers - 1); hidden_data_idx += (gate_num + 1) * num_layers; const int& block_size = direction_num * seq_len * batch_size * hidden_size; reserve_data->Resize({hidden_data_idx, block_size}); reserve_data->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); MLUCnnl::RNNForward(ctx, rnn_desc.get(), seq_len_vec.data(), weightspace_ptr, weightspace_size, input_seq_data_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(input), out_seq_data_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(output), hx_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(init_h), GetBasePtr(last_h), cx_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(init_c), GetBasePtr(last_c), GetBasePtr(reserve_data)); if (has_seq_length) { // if has_seq_length, do mask out the output of cnnlRNNForwardTraining auto masked_mode = CNNL_MASKED_FILL; float off_value = 0.0f; phi::DenseTensor on_value_tensor(input->dtype()); phi::DenseTensor masked_tensor(framework::TransToPhiDataType(VT::INT8)); phi::DenseTensor h_masked_tensor(framework::TransToPhiDataType(VT::INT8)); on_value_tensor.Resize({1}); masked_tensor.Resize({seq_len, batch_size, direction_num * hidden_size}); h_masked_tensor.Resize( {seq_len, batch_size, direction_num * hidden_size}); on_value_tensor.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); masked_tensor.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); int8_t* h_masked_ptr = h_masked_tensor.mutable_data(platform::CPUPlace()); for (int t = 0; t < seq_len; ++t) { for (int n = 0; n < batch_size; ++n) { for (int c = 0; c < direction_num * hidden_size; ++c) { auto tmp_seq_len = seq_len_vec[n]; auto offset = t * batch_size * direction_num * hidden_size + n * direction_num * hidden_size + c; *(h_masked_ptr + offset) = t >= tmp_seq_len ? 1 : 0; } } } framework::TensorCopy( h_masked_tensor, ctx.GetPlace(), dev_ctx, &masked_tensor); dev_ctx.Wait(); FillMLUTensorWithHostValue(ctx, off_value, &on_value_tensor); MLUCnnlTensorDesc on_value_desc(on_value_tensor); MLUCnnlTensorDesc output_desc(*output); MLUCnnlTensorDesc masked_desc(masked_tensor); MLUCnnl::Mask(ctx, masked_mode, output_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(output), masked_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(&masked_tensor), on_value_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(&on_value_tensor), output_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(output), nullptr); } } }; template class RNNMLUGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel { public: void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override { auto& dev_ctx = ctx.template device_context(); auto stream = ctx.template device_context().stream(); // get the tensor pointer for the input auto* input = ctx.Input("Input"); auto pre_state = ctx.MultiInput("PreState"); auto weight_list = ctx.MultiInput("WeightList"); auto* output = ctx.Input("Out"); auto* reserve_data = ctx.Input("Reserve"); const int& num_layers = ctx.Attr("num_layers"); const bool& is_bidirec = ctx.Attr("is_bidirec"); const int& hidden_size = ctx.Attr("hidden_size"); const std::string& mode = ctx.Attr("mode"); bool has_seq_length = ctx.HasInput("SequenceLength"); const phi::DenseTensor* sequence_length = nullptr; if (has_seq_length) { sequence_length = ctx.Input("SequenceLength"); } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( mode, "LSTM", platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "XPU only support LSTM mode now, current mode is %s", mode)); auto init_h = pre_state[0]; // -> hx auto init_c = pre_state[1]; // -> cx auto output_grad = ctx.Input(framework::GradVarName("Out")); auto state_grad = ctx.MultiInput(framework::GradVarName("State")); auto last_h_grad = state_grad[0]; // -> dhy auto last_c_grad = state_grad[1]; // -> dcy // get the tensor pointer for the output auto* input_grad = ctx.Output(framework::GradVarName("Input")); auto weight_grad_list = ctx.MultiOutput(framework::GradVarName("WeightList")); auto pre_state_grad = ctx.MultiOutput(framework::GradVarName("PreState")); phi::DenseTensor* init_h_grad = nullptr; phi::DenseTensor* init_c_grad = nullptr; if (pre_state_grad.size() > 0) { // has gradient init_h_grad = pre_state_grad[0]; // -> dhx init_c_grad = pre_state_grad[1]; // -> dcx } // check shape const int in_out_dim_num = input->dims().size(); const int& seq_len = input->dims()[0]; const int& batch_size = input->dims()[1]; const int& input_dim = input->dims()[2]; const int& direction_num = is_bidirec ? 2 : 1; int in_dim_arr[in_out_dim_num] = {seq_len, batch_size, input_dim}; int out_dim_arr[in_out_dim_num] = { seq_len, batch_size, direction_num * hidden_size}; int proj_size = hidden_size; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( num_layers, 1, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "MLU only support 1 num_layers, current num_layers is %s", num_layers)); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( init_h->dims()[0], num_layers * direction_num, platform::errors::InvalidArgument("The num_layers of in RNN layer must" " be the same as first dim of init" "hidden, but received num_layers:%d," " dim:%d", num_layers, init_h->dims()[0])); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( init_c->dims()[0], num_layers * direction_num, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The num_layers of in RNN layer must" " be the same as first dim of cell state hidden, but received" " num_layers:%d, dim:%d", num_layers, init_c->dims()[0])); std::vector>> parameter_lists; parameter_lists.resize(num_layers); reset_parameter_vector( weight_list, num_layers, is_bidirec, ¶meter_lists); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weight_grad_list.size(); ++i) { weight_grad_list[i]->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); } std::vector>> parameter_lists_grad; parameter_lists_grad.resize(num_layers); reset_parameter_vector( weight_grad_list, num_layers, is_bidirec, ¶meter_lists_grad); // allocate the memory and initization the input_grad input_grad->mutable_data(input->dims(), ctx.GetPlace()); FillMLUTensorWithHostValue(ctx, static_cast(0.0), input_grad); phi::DenseTensor a, b; phi::DenseTensor* dynamic_grad_pre_h = &a; phi::DenseTensor* dynamic_grad_pre_c = &b; if (init_h_grad) { init_h_grad->mutable_data(last_h_grad->dims(), ctx.GetPlace()); FillMLUTensorWithHostValue(ctx, static_cast(0.0), init_h_grad); } else { dynamic_grad_pre_h->Resize(last_h_grad->dims()); dynamic_grad_pre_h->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); FillMLUTensorWithHostValue(ctx, static_cast(0.0), dynamic_grad_pre_h); init_h_grad = dynamic_grad_pre_h; } if (init_c_grad) { init_c_grad->mutable_data(last_c_grad->dims(), ctx.GetPlace()); } else { dynamic_grad_pre_c->Resize(last_h_grad->dims()); dynamic_grad_pre_c->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); init_c_grad = dynamic_grad_pre_c; } std::vector seq_len_vec(batch_size, seq_len); if (has_seq_length) { seq_len_vec = phi::GetVectorFromTensor(sequence_length); } cnnlDirectionMode_t direction = is_bidirec ? CNNL_RNN_BIDIRECTIONAL : CNNL_RNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL; MLUSeqDataDesc input_seq_data_desc(CNNL_SEQDATA_TNC, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), in_out_dim_num, in_dim_arr, static_cast(seq_len_vec.size()), seq_len_vec.data(), nullptr); MLUSeqDataDesc out_seq_data_desc(CNNL_SEQDATA_TNC, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), in_out_dim_num, out_dim_arr, static_cast(seq_len_vec.size()), seq_len_vec.data(), nullptr); MLUCnnlTensorDesc hx_desc(*init_h); MLUCnnlTensorDesc cx_desc(*init_c); MLURNNDesc rnn_desc(CNNL_LSTM, CNNL_RNN_DOUBLE_BIAS, direction, CNNL_RNN_LINEAR_INPUT, ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), ToCnnlDataType(input->dtype()), input_dim, hidden_size, /*projection*/ proj_size, num_layers, nullptr, CNNL_RNN_PADDED_IO_DISABLED); rnn_desc.SetRNNMaskMode(CNNL_LSTM_MASK_ENABLED); // copy weight size_t weightspace_size; phi::DenseTensor weightspace, dweightspace; PADDLE_ENFORCE_MLU_SUCCESS(cnnlGetRNNWeightSpaceSize( GetHandleFromCTX(ctx), rnn_desc.get(), &weightspace_size)); weightspace = ctx.AllocateTmpTensor( {static_cast(weightspace_size)}, dev_ctx); dweightspace = ctx.AllocateTmpTensor( {static_cast(weightspace_size)}, dev_ctx); void* weightspace_ptr = weightspace.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); auto w_x = parameter_lists[0][0]; auto w_h = parameter_lists[0][1]; auto b_x = parameter_lists[0][2]; auto b_h = parameter_lists[0][3]; auto actual_total_w_size = w_x.second + w_h.second + b_x.second + b_h.second; void* w_x_ptr = weightspace_ptr; void* w_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second; void* b_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second + w_h.second; void* b_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + w_x.second + w_h.second + b_x.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), w_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), w_x.first, w_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), w_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), w_h.first, w_h.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), b_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), b_x.first, b_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), b_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), b_h.first, b_h.second, stream); if (is_bidirec) { auto bw_x = parameter_lists[0][4]; auto bw_h = parameter_lists[0][5]; auto bb_x = parameter_lists[0][6]; auto bb_h = parameter_lists[0][7]; void* bw_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size; void* bw_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second; void* bb_x_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second + bw_h.second; void* bb_h_ptr = static_cast(weightspace_ptr) + actual_total_w_size + bw_x.second + bw_h.second + bb_x.second; actual_total_w_size += bw_x.second + bw_h.second + bb_x.second + bb_h.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bw_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), bw_x.first, bw_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bw_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), bw_h.first, bw_h.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bb_x_ptr, weightspace.place(), bb_x.first, bb_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), bb_h_ptr, weightspace.place(), bb_h.first, bb_h.second, stream); } dev_ctx.Wait(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(weightspace_size, actual_total_w_size, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The weightsize doesn't match" " weightspace_size:%d, actual_total_w_size:%d", weightspace_size, actual_total_w_size)); MLUCnnl::RNNBackward(ctx, rnn_desc.get(), CNNL_WGRAD_MODE_SET, seq_len_vec.data(), GetBasePtr(&weightspace), GetBasePtr(&dweightspace), weightspace.numel() * sizeof(T), input_seq_data_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(input), GetBasePtr(input_grad), out_seq_data_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(output), GetBasePtr(output_grad), hx_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(init_h), GetBasePtr(last_h_grad), GetBasePtr(init_h_grad), cx_desc.get(), GetBasePtr(init_c), GetBasePtr(last_c_grad), GetBasePtr(init_c_grad), const_cast(GetBasePtr(reserve_data)), reserve_data->numel() * sizeof(T)); void* dweightspace_ptr = dweightspace.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); auto dw_x = parameter_lists_grad[0][0]; auto dw_h = parameter_lists_grad[0][1]; auto db_x = parameter_lists_grad[0][2]; auto db_h = parameter_lists_grad[0][3]; auto dactual_total_w_size = dw_x.second + dw_h.second + db_x.second + db_h.second; void* dw_x_ptr = dweightspace_ptr; void* dw_h_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dw_x.second; void* db_x_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dw_x.second + dw_h.second; void* db_h_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dw_x.second + dw_h.second + db_x.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dw_x.first, weightspace.place(), dw_x_ptr, dw_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dw_h.first, weightspace.place(), dw_h_ptr, dw_h.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), db_x.first, weightspace.place(), db_x_ptr, db_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), db_h.first, weightspace.place(), db_h_ptr, db_h.second, stream); if (is_bidirec) { auto dbw_x = parameter_lists_grad[0][4]; auto dbw_h = parameter_lists_grad[0][5]; auto dbb_x = parameter_lists_grad[0][6]; auto dbb_h = parameter_lists_grad[0][7]; void* dbw_x_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dactual_total_w_size; void* dbw_h_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dactual_total_w_size + dbw_x.second; void* dbb_x_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dactual_total_w_size + dbw_x.second + dbw_h.second; void* dbb_h_ptr = static_cast(dweightspace_ptr) + dactual_total_w_size + dbw_x.second + dbw_h.second + dbb_x.second; dactual_total_w_size += dbw_x.second + dbw_h.second + dbb_x.second + dbb_h.second; memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dbw_x.first, weightspace.place(), dbw_x_ptr, dbw_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dbw_h.first, weightspace.place(), dbw_h_ptr, dbw_h.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dbb_x.first, weightspace.place(), dbb_x_ptr, dbb_x.second, stream); memory::Copy(weightspace.place(), dbb_h.first, weightspace.place(), dbb_h_ptr, dbb_h.second, stream); } dev_ctx.Wait(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(weightspace_size, dactual_total_w_size, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The weightsize doesn't match" " weightspace_size:%d, dactual_total_w_size:%d", weightspace_size, dactual_total_w_size)); } }; } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle namespace ops = paddle::operators; REGISTER_OP_MLU_KERNEL( rnn, ops::RNNMLUKernel); REGISTER_OP_MLU_KERNEL( rnn_grad, ops::RNNMLUGradKernel);