// Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_CUDA #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "paddle/phi/backends/context_pool.h" #include "paddle/phi/backends/dynload/cudnn.h" #include "paddle/phi/backends/gpu/cuda/cudnn_desc.h" #include "paddle/phi/common/backend.h" #include "paddle/phi/common/data_type.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/ddim.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/dense_tensor.h" #include "paddle/phi/kernels/impl/conv_cudnn_impl.h" #include "paddle/utils/optional.h" namespace phi { namespace fusion { namespace { // TODO(wilber): Add a LRU strategy. class CudnnConvDescManager { public: static CudnnConvDescManager* Instance() { static CudnnConvDescManager global; return &global; } struct CudnnCacheInfo { phi::backends::gpu::TensorDescriptor* x_desc{nullptr}; phi::backends::gpu::FilterDescriptor* w_desc{nullptr}; phi::backends::gpu::TensorDescriptor* b_desc{nullptr}; phi::backends::gpu::TensorDescriptor* o_desc{nullptr}; phi::backends::gpu::ConvolutionDescriptor* conv_desc{nullptr}; phi::backends::gpu::ActivationDescriptor* act_desc{nullptr}; size_t workspace_size; cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t algo; std::vector paddings; std::vector dilations; std::vector input_pad; std::vector new_input_shape_vec; bool is_sys_pad; // TODO(wilber): The destruction of cudnn descriptor depends on the // phi::dynload::cudnn singleton, but when the process exits, the singleton // destruction order cannot be determined. // After testing, it is found that the phi::dynload::cudnn related singleton // on Windows is destructed first, causing the descriptor to be destructed // and failed, while the descriptor on Linux is destructed first, and the // phi::dynload::cudnn singleton is destructed later, so that it is correct. // To circumvent this problem, we rely entirely on freeing resources when // the process exits. // ~CudnnCacheInfo() { // if (x_desc) delete x_desc; // if (w_desc) delete w_desc; // if (b_desc) delete b_desc; // if (o_desc) delete o_desc; // if (conv_desc) delete conv_desc; // if (act_desc) delete act_desc; // } }; CudnnCacheInfo* GetCudnnCacheInfo( const std::vector& input_dims, const std::vector& filter_dims, const std::vector& bias_dims, const std::vector& output_dims, const std::vector& paddings, const std::vector& strides, const std::vector& dilations, phi::DataType input_dtype, int groups, cudnnDataType_t dtype, cudnnTensorFormat_t format, const std::function& search_func, const std::string& act, double value_max = std::numeric_limits::max()) { // std::hash takes about 5us, xxhash can optimize to 2.5us. XXH64_state_t* const state = XXH64_createState(); if (state == nullptr) { PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "xxhash create state failed, maybe a environment error.")); } XXH64_hash_t const seed = 0; if (XXH64_reset(state, seed) == XXH_ERROR) { PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "xxhash reset state failed, maybe a environment error.")); } XXH64_update(state, input_dims.data(), input_dims.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, filter_dims.data(), filter_dims.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, bias_dims.data(), bias_dims.size() * sizeof(int)); // XXH64_update(state, output_dims.data(), output_dims.size() * // sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, paddings.data(), paddings.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, strides.data(), strides.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, dilations.data(), dilations.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, &input_dtype, sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, &groups, sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, &dtype, sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, &format, sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, act.data(), act.length() * sizeof(char)); // XXH64_update(state, &value_max, sizeof(double)); XXH64_hash_t hash_key = XXH64_digest(state); XXH64_freeState(state); if (!cudnn_conv_cache_.count(hash_key)) { std::lock_guard lock(cache_mutex_); if (!cudnn_conv_cache_.count(hash_key)) { cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key] = CudnnCacheInfo(); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].x_desc = GetTensorDescInfo(input_dims, input_dtype, format); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].w_desc = GetFilterDescInfo(filter_dims, input_dtype, format); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].o_desc = GetTensorDescInfo(output_dims, input_dtype, format); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].b_desc = GetTensorDescInfo(bias_dims, input_dtype, format); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].conv_desc = GetConvDescInfo(paddings, strides, dilations, groups, dtype); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].act_desc = GetActivationDescInfo(act, value_max); size_t workspace_size; cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t algo; search_func(&algo, &workspace_size, cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].x_desc->desc(), cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].w_desc->desc(), cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].o_desc->desc(), cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].conv_desc->desc()); cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].workspace_size = workspace_size; cudnn_conv_cache_[hash_key].algo = algo; } } return &cudnn_conv_cache_.at(hash_key); } struct ConvAttrCacheInfo { std::vector paddings; std::vector dilations; std::vector input_pad; std::vector new_input_shape_vec; bool is_sys_pad; }; ConvAttrCacheInfo* GetConvAttr(const std::vector& paddings_t, const std::vector& dilations_t, const std::string& padding_algorithm, const std::vector& input_dims, const std::vector& filter_dims, const std::vector& strides, cudnnTensorFormat_t format) { XXH64_state_t* const state = XXH64_createState(); if (state == nullptr) { PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "xxhash create state failed, maybe a environment error.")); } XXH64_hash_t const seed = 0; if (XXH64_reset(state, seed) == XXH_ERROR) { PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "xxhash create state failed, maybe a environment error.")); } XXH64_update(state, paddings_t.data(), paddings_t.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, dilations_t.data(), dilations_t.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, input_dims.data(), input_dims.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, filter_dims.data(), filter_dims.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, strides.data(), strides.size() * sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, &format, sizeof(int)); XXH64_update(state, padding_algorithm.data(), padding_algorithm.length() * sizeof(char)); XXH64_hash_t hash_key = XXH64_digest(state); XXH64_freeState(state); if (!conv_attr_cache_.count(hash_key)) { std::lock_guard lock(attr_mutex_); if (!conv_attr_cache_.count(hash_key)) { ConvAttrCacheInfo cache; auto paddings = paddings_t; auto dilations = dilations_t; std::vector in_data_dims(input_dims.size() - 2); std::vector ksize(filter_dims.size() - 2); if (format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC) { for (size_t i = 1; i < input_dims.size() - 1; ++i) { in_data_dims[i - 1] = input_dims[i]; } for (size_t i = 1; i < filter_dims.size() - 1; ++i) { ksize[i - 1] = filter_dims[i]; } } else { for (size_t i = 2; i < input_dims.size(); ++i) { in_data_dims[i - 2] = input_dims[i]; } for (size_t i = 2; i < filter_dims.size(); ++i) { ksize[i - 2] = filter_dims[i]; } } phi::UpdatePaddingAndDilation(&paddings, &dilations, padding_algorithm, make_ddim(in_data_dims), strides, ksize); int data_dim = strides.size(); // 2d or 3d bool is_sys_pad = funcs::IsSymmetricPadding(paddings, data_dim); std::vector padding_common(data_dim, 0); if (!is_sys_pad) { std::vector padding_diff(data_dim); std::vector new_input_shape_vec(data_dim + 2); new_input_shape_vec[0] = input_dims[0]; if (format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { new_input_shape_vec[1] = input_dims[1]; } else { new_input_shape_vec[data_dim + 1] = input_dims[data_dim + 1]; } std::vector input_pad(input_dims.size() * 2, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < data_dim; ++i) { padding_diff[i] = std::abs(paddings[2 * i] - paddings[2 * i + 1]); padding_common[i] = std::min(paddings[2 * i], paddings[2 * i + 1]); if (format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { new_input_shape_vec[i + 2] = input_dims[i + 2] + padding_diff[i]; } else { new_input_shape_vec[i + 1] = input_dims[i + 1] + padding_diff[i]; } if (format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { input_pad[2 * i + 4] = paddings[2 * i] - padding_common[i]; input_pad[2 * i + 4 + 1] = paddings[2 * i + 1] - padding_common[i]; } else { input_pad[2 * i + 2] = paddings[2 * i] - padding_common[i]; input_pad[2 * i + 2 + 1] = paddings[2 * i + 1] - padding_common[i]; } } cache.is_sys_pad = false; cache.input_pad = input_pad; cache.new_input_shape_vec = new_input_shape_vec; } else { cache.is_sys_pad = true; if (paddings.size() == data_dim) { for (size_t i = 0; i < data_dim; ++i) { padding_common[i] = paddings[i]; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < data_dim; ++i) { padding_common[i] = paddings[2 * i]; } } } cache.dilations = dilations; cache.paddings = padding_common; conv_attr_cache_[hash_key] = cache; } } return &conv_attr_cache_.at(hash_key); } private: phi::backends::gpu::TensorDescriptor* GetTensorDescInfo( const std::vector& input_dims, phi::DataType input_dtype, cudnnTensorFormat_t input_format) { auto* desc = new phi::backends::gpu::TensorDescriptor(); desc->set( input_dims, input_format, backends::gpu::ToCudnnDataType(input_dtype)); return desc; } phi::backends::gpu::FilterDescriptor* GetFilterDescInfo( const std::vector& input_dims, phi::DataType input_dtype, cudnnTensorFormat_t input_format) { auto* desc = new phi::backends::gpu::FilterDescriptor(); desc->set( input_dims, input_format, backends::gpu::ToCudnnDataType(input_dtype)); return desc; } phi::backends::gpu::ConvolutionDescriptor* GetConvDescInfo( const std::vector& paddings, const std::vector& strides, const std::vector& dilations, int groups, cudnnDataType_t dtype) { auto* desc = new phi::backends::gpu::ConvolutionDescriptor(); desc->set( dtype, paddings, strides, dilations, phi::AllowTF32Cudnn(), groups); return desc; } phi::backends::gpu::ActivationDescriptor* GetActivationDescInfo( const std::string& act, double value_max = std::numeric_limits::max()) { auto* desc = new phi::backends::gpu::ActivationDescriptor(); cudnnActivationMode_t mode; double relu_ceiling = 0.0; if (act == "identity") { mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY; } else if (act == "relu") { mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU; } else if (act == "relu6") { relu_ceiling = 6.0; mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_CLIPPED_RELU; } else if (act == "sigmoid") { mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_SIGMOID; } else if (act == "relux") { relu_ceiling = value_max; mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_CLIPPED_RELU; } else if (act == "tanh") { mode = CUDNN_ACTIVATION_TANH; } else { PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::Unimplemented( "Unknown CUDNN activation string: %s.", act)); } desc->set(mode, relu_ceiling); return desc; } std::mutex cache_mutex_; std::unordered_map cudnn_conv_cache_; std::mutex attr_mutex_; std::unordered_map conv_attr_cache_; }; } // namespace template void ConvFusionKernel(const Context& ctx, const DenseTensor& input, const DenseTensor& filter, const DenseTensor& bias, const paddle::optional& residual, const std::vector& strides, const std::vector& paddings_t, const std::string& padding_algorithm, const std::vector& dilations_t, int groups, const std::string& data_format, const std::string& activation, bool exhaustive_search, const std::vector& channels, int user_workspace_size, DenseTensor* output, std::vector outs) { auto handle = ctx.cudnn_handle(); ctx.template Alloc(output); auto workspace_handle = ctx.cudnn_workspace_handle(); exhaustive_search = FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search || exhaustive_search; bool deterministic = FLAGS_cudnn_deterministic; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(exhaustive_search && deterministic, false, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "Cann't set exhaustive_search True and " "FLAGS_cudnn_deterministic True at same time.")); size_t workspace_size_limit = 0; if (FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit > 0 || user_workspace_size > 0) { int64_t max_user_size = std::min(static_cast(FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit), static_cast(user_workspace_size)); workspace_size_limit = max_user_size * 1024 * 1024; } auto dtype = phi::backends::gpu::CudnnDataType::type; const bool channel_last = (data_format == "NHWC" || data_format == "NDHWC"); // Choose NHWC or NCHW by data_format attr. auto compute_format = channel_last ? CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC : CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW; VLOG(3) << "Compute ConvFusionOp with cuDNN:" << " data_format=" << data_format << " compute_format=" << (compute_format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC ? "NHWC" : "NCHW"); auto* conv_attr_cache = CudnnConvDescManager::Instance()->GetConvAttr( paddings_t, dilations_t, padding_algorithm, phi::vectorize(input.dims()), phi::vectorize(filter.dims()), strides, compute_format); DenseTensor transformed_input; auto unsys_pad_process = [&](const std::vector& new_input_shape_vec, const std::vector& input_pad) { DDim new_input_shape(make_ddim(new_input_shape_vec)); transformed_input.Resize(new_input_shape); ctx.template Alloc(&transformed_input); const int rank = input.dims().size(); T pad_value(0.0); switch (rank) { case 4: { funcs::PadFunction( ctx, input_pad, input, pad_value, &transformed_input); } break; case 5: { funcs::PadFunction( ctx, input_pad, input, pad_value, &transformed_input); } break; default: PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "ConvOp only support tensors with 4 or 5 dimensions.")); } }; if (conv_attr_cache->is_sys_pad) { transformed_input.ShareDataWith(input); } else { unsys_pad_process(conv_attr_cache->new_input_shape_vec, conv_attr_cache->input_pad); } std::vector b_dims(input.dims().size(), 1); if (compute_format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { b_dims[1] = static_cast(bias.dims()[0]); } else { b_dims[input.dims().size() - 1] = static_cast(bias.dims()[0]); } auto search_func = [&](cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t* cudnn_algo, size_t* wks_bytes, cudnnTensorDescriptor_t x_desc, cudnnFilterDescriptor_t w_desc, cudnnTensorDescriptor_t o_desc, cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t cudnn_conv_desc) { if (!exhaustive_search) { #if CUDNN_VERSION >= 8000 int perf_count; int best_algo_idx = 0; size_t tmp_size = 0; std::unique_ptr perf_results( new cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t[phi::kNUM_CUDNN_FWD_ALGS]); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7( handle, x_desc, w_desc, cudnn_conv_desc, o_desc, phi::kNUM_CUDNN_FWD_ALGS, &perf_count, perf_results.get())); *cudnn_algo = (perf_results.get())[best_algo_idx].algo; #else PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm( handle, x_desc, w_desc, cudnn_conv_desc, o_desc, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_SPECIFY_WORKSPACE_LIMIT, workspace_size_limit, cudnn_algo)); #endif PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(handle, x_desc, w_desc, cudnn_conv_desc, o_desc, *cudnn_algo, wks_bytes)); } else { std::array fwd_perf_stat; int returned_algo_count; auto cudnn_find_func = [&](void* cudnn_workspace) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx( handle, x_desc, transformed_input.data(), w_desc, filter.data(), cudnn_conv_desc, o_desc, output->data(), phi::kNUM_CUDNN_FWD_ALGS, &returned_algo_count, fwd_perf_stat.data(), cudnn_workspace, workspace_size_limit)); }; workspace_handle.RunFuncSync(cudnn_find_func, workspace_size_limit); *cudnn_algo = fwd_perf_stat[0].algo; PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize( handle, x_desc, w_desc, cudnn_conv_desc, o_desc, fwd_perf_stat[0].algo, wks_bytes)); } }; auto cudnn_cache_info = CudnnConvDescManager::Instance()->GetCudnnCacheInfo( phi::vectorize(transformed_input.dims()), phi::vectorize(filter.dims()), b_dims, phi::vectorize(output->dims()), conv_attr_cache->paddings, strides, conv_attr_cache->dilations, transformed_input.dtype(), groups, phi::backends::gpu::CudnnDataType::type, compute_format, search_func, activation); auto x_desc = cudnn_cache_info->x_desc->desc(); auto w_desc = cudnn_cache_info->w_desc->desc(); auto b_desc = cudnn_cache_info->b_desc->desc(); auto o_desc = cudnn_cache_info->o_desc->desc(); auto cudnn_conv_desc = cudnn_cache_info->conv_desc->desc(); auto act_desc = cudnn_cache_info->act_desc->desc(); auto algo = cudnn_cache_info->algo; auto workspace_size = cudnn_cache_info->workspace_size; if ((activation == "identity") && (!residual.get_ptr())) { // Only the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM algo is // enabled with CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY in cuDNN lib. // But test in some case, the speed is slower, change to use // cudnnConvolutionForward and cudnnAddTensor // ------------- cudnn conv forward and bias add --------------------- ScalingParamType alpha = 1.0f, beta = 0.0f; auto cudnn_func = [&](void* cudnn_workspace) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnConvolutionForward(handle, &alpha, x_desc, transformed_input.data(), w_desc, filter.data(), cudnn_conv_desc, algo, cudnn_workspace, workspace_size, &beta, o_desc, output->data())); }; workspace_handle.RunFunc(cudnn_func, workspace_size); PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS(phi::dynload::cudnnAddTensor( handle, &alpha, b_desc, bias.data(), &alpha, o_desc, output->data())); } else { // Only the CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_​PRECOMP_GEMM algo is // enabled with CUDNN_ACTIVATION_IDENTITY. if (activation == "identity") { algo = CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM; } ScalingParamType alpha = 1.0f; ScalingParamType beta = residual.get_ptr() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; auto cudnn_func = [&](void* cudnn_workspace) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GPU_SUCCESS( phi::dynload::cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward( handle, &alpha, x_desc, transformed_input.data(), w_desc, filter.data(), cudnn_conv_desc, algo, cudnn_workspace, workspace_size, &beta, o_desc, residual.get_ptr() ? residual->data() : output->data(), b_desc, bias.data(), act_desc, o_desc, output->data())); }; workspace_handle.RunFunc(cudnn_func, workspace_size); } if (!channels.empty()) { if (transformed_input.dims()[0] == 1 && compute_format == CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW) { // share data with Output phi::DenseTensor t; t.ShareDataWith(*output); auto y_dims = output->dims(); t.Resize({y_dims[1], y_dims[2], y_dims[3]}); int s = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < channels.size(); ++i) { int e = s + channels[i]; outs[i]->ShareDataWith(t.Slice(s, e)); outs[i]->Resize( {transformed_input.dims()[0], channels[i], y_dims[2], y_dims[3]}); s = e; } } else { // TODO(qingiqng): do copy when batch size large than 1 PADDLE_THROW(phi::errors::Unimplemented( "Input with batch size greater than 1 is unsupported. The received " "batch size is %d, Input's shape is [%s].", transformed_input.dims()[0], transformed_input.dims())); } } } } // namespace fusion } // namespace phi PD_REGISTER_KERNEL(conv2d_fusion, // cuda_only GPUDNN, ALL_LAYOUT, phi::fusion::ConvFusionKernel, float, double, phi::dtype::float16) {} #endif