From c3807f9e722199bcefc1b0a5103282e285720a30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zhou Wei <> Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 10:46:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix Windows CI unstable (#33606) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit 修复Windows CI的一些突发新增的不稳定现象: 清理服务器后台未正常退出的进程 支持外部手动修改cache缓存目录 --- paddle/scripts/paddle_build.bat | 56 ++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/paddle/scripts/paddle_build.bat b/paddle/scripts/paddle_build.bat index 5f157e28da6..f6c947eee0d 100644 --- a/paddle/scripts/paddle_build.bat +++ b/paddle/scripts/paddle_build.bat @@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ rem Paddle CI Task On Windows Platform rem ================================================= @ECHO ON -setlocal +setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem -------clean up environment----------- set work_dir=%cd% -set cache_dir=%work_dir:Paddle=cache% +if not defined cache_dir set cache_dir=%work_dir:Paddle=cache% if not exist %cache_dir%\tools ( git clone %cache_dir%\tools ) -taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cmake.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im MSBuild.exe 2>NUL -taskkill /f /im CL.exe 2>NUL -taskkill /f /im Lib.exe 2>NUL +taskkill /f /im cl.exe 2>NUL +taskkill /f /im lib.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im link.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im vctip.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cvtres.exe 2>NUL @@ -41,14 +40,12 @@ taskkill /f /im python.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL -taskkill /f /im test_api_impl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="test_api_impl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="CL.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="Lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="python.exe" call terminate 2>NUL rem ------initialize common variable------ @@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ if not defined WITH_PYTHON set WITH_PYTHON=ON if not defined ON_INFER set ON_INFER=ON if not defined WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST set WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=ON if not defined WITH_STATIC_LIB set WITH_STATIC_LIB=ON -if not defined WITH_TPCACHE set WITH_TPCACHE=ON +if not defined WITH_TPCACHE set WITH_TPCACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_CLCACHE set WITH_CLCACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_CACHE set WITH_CACHE=OFF if not defined WITH_UNITY_BUILD set WITH_UNITY_BUILD=OFF @@ -79,6 +76,7 @@ if not defined PYTHON_ROOT set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\Python37 rem -------set cache build directory----------- rmdir build\python /s/q +rem rmdir build\paddle\fluid\pybind /s/q rmdir build\paddle_install_dir /s/q rmdir build\paddle_inference_install_dir /s/q rmdir build\paddle_inference_c_install_dir /s/q @@ -137,10 +135,11 @@ goto :CASE_%1 echo "Usage: paddle_build.bat [OPTION]" echo "OPTION:" -echo "wincheck_mkl: run Windows MKL/GPU/UnitTest CI tasks on Windows" -echo "wincheck_openbals: run Windows OPENBLAS/CPU CI tasks on Windows" +echo "wincheck_mkl: run Windows MKL/GPU PR CI tasks on Windows" +echo "wincheck_openbals: run Windows OPENBLAS/CPU PR CI tasks on Windows" echo "build_avx_whl: build Windows avx whl package on Windows" echo "build_no_avx_whl: build Windows no avx whl package on Windows" +echo "build_inference_lib: build Windows inference library on Windows" exit /b 1 rem ------PR CI windows check for MKL/GPU---------- @@ -200,6 +199,7 @@ goto:success rem ------Build windows inference library------ :CASE_build_inference_lib +set ON_INFER=ON set WITH_PYTHON=OFF set CUDA_ARCH_NAME=All @@ -226,6 +226,8 @@ call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 rem Windows 10 Kit bin dir set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x64;%PATH% +rem Use 64-bit ToolSet to compile +set PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 for /F %%# in ('wmic os get localdatetime^|findstr 20') do set start=%%# set start=%start:~4,10% @@ -250,14 +252,15 @@ if "%WITH_GPU%"=="ON" ( ) rem ------initialize the python environment------ +@ECHO ON set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_ROOT%\python.exe set PATH=%PYTHON_ROOT%;%PYTHON_ROOT%\Scripts;%PATH% -if %WITH_PYTHON% == "OFF" ( +if "%WITH_PYTHON%" == "ON" ( where python where pip pip install wheel --user pip install -r %work_dir%\python\requirements.txt --user - if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( + if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo pip install requirements.txt failed! exit /b 7 ) @@ -318,7 +321,7 @@ if "%WITH_GPU%"=="ON" ( ) :cmake_impl -echo cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -T host=x64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ +echo cmake .. -G %GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -T host=x64 -DWITH_AVX=%WITH_AVX% -DWITH_GPU=%WITH_GPU% -DWITH_MKL=%WITH_MKL% ^ -DWITH_TESTING=%WITH_TESTING% -DWITH_PYTHON=%WITH_PYTHON% -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%PYTHON_EXECUTABLE% -DON_INFER=%ON_INFER% ^ -DWITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST=%WITH_INFERENCE_API_TEST% -DTHIRD_PARTY_PATH=%THIRD_PARTY_PATH% ^ -DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=%INFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR% -DWITH_STATIC_LIB=%WITH_STATIC_LIB% ^ @@ -374,6 +377,7 @@ set build_times=1 rem clcache.exe -z rem -------clean up environment again----------- +taskkill /f /im cmake.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im MSBuild.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im lib.exe 2>NUL @@ -386,18 +390,20 @@ taskkill /f /im csc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL -taskkill /f /im test_api_impl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="test_api_impl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="CL.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="Lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL + +if "%WITH_TESTING%"=="ON" ( + for /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%# in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i test') do taskkill /f /im %%# +) echo Build Paddle the %build_times% time: if %GENERATOR% == "Ninja" ( - ninja -j %PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT% + ninja all ) else ( if "%WITH_CLCACHE%"=="OFF" ( MSBuild /m:%PARALLEL_PROJECT_COUNT% /p:PreferredToolArchitecture=x64 /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:Configuration=Release /verbosity:%LOG_LEVEL% ALL_BUILD.vcxproj @@ -489,7 +495,6 @@ echo ======================================== echo Step 4. Running unit tests ... echo ======================================== - : set CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST if only *.py changed git diff --name-only %BRANCH% | findstr /V "\.py" || set CI_SKIP_CPP_TEST=ON @@ -778,15 +783,16 @@ taskkill /f /im python.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im nvcc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im cicc.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im ptxas.exe 2>NUL -taskkill /f /im test_api_impl.exe 2>NUL taskkill /f /im op_function_generator.exe 2>NUL wmic process where name="op_function_generator.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="test_api_impl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="cvtres.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="rc.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="CL.exe" call terminate 2>NUL -wmic process where name="Lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="cl.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +wmic process where name="lib.exe" call terminate 2>NUL wmic process where name="python.exe" call terminate 2>NUL +if "%WITH_TESTING%"=="ON" ( + for /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%# in ('tasklist ^| findstr /i test') do taskkill /f /im %%# +) echo Windows CI run successfully! exit /b 0 -- GitLab