提交 acdb57a5 编写于 作者: T tensor-tang

polish doc: conv2d

上级 d516ace9
......@@ -1183,14 +1183,17 @@ def conv2d(input,
**Convlution2D Layer**
The convolution2D layer calculates the output based on the input, filter
and strides, paddings, dilations, groups parameters. Input(Input) and
Output(Output) are in NCHW format. Where N is batch size, C is the number of
and strides, paddings, dilations, groups parameters. Input and
Output are in NCHW format, where N is batch size, C is the number of
channels, H is the height of the feature, and W is the width of the feature.
The details of convolution layer, please refer UFLDL's `convolution,
<http://ufldl.stanford.edu/tutorial/supervised/FeatureExtractionUsingConvolution/>`_ .
Filter is in MCHW format, where M is the number of output image channels,
C is the number of input image channels, H is the height of the filter,
and W is the width of the filter. If the groups is greater than 1,
C will equal the number of input image channels divided by the groups.
Please refer to UFLDL's `convolution
for more detials.
If bias attribution and activation type are provided, bias is added to the
output of the convolution, and the corresponding activation function is
applied to the final result.
......@@ -1201,15 +1204,14 @@ def conv2d(input,
Out = \sigma (W \\ast X + b)
In the above equation:
* :math:`X`: Input value, a tensor with NCHW format.
* :math:`W`: Filter value, a tensor with MCHW format.
* :math:`\\ast`: Convolution operation.
* :math:`b`: Bias value, a 2-D tensor with shape [M, 1].
* :math:`\\sigma`: Activation function.
* :math:`Out`: Output value, the shape of :math:`Out` and :math:`X` may be
* :math:`Out`: Output value, the shape of :math:`Out` and :math:`X` may be different.
......@@ -1220,6 +1222,7 @@ def conv2d(input,
Filter shape: :math:`(C_{out}, C_{in}, H_f, W_f)`
- Output:
Output shape: :math:`(N, C_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})`
......@@ -1254,7 +1257,8 @@ def conv2d(input,
bias_attr (ParamAttr): Bias parameter for the Conv2d layer. Default: None
use_cudnn (bool): Use cudnn kernel or not, it is valid only when the cudnn
library is installed. Default: True
use_mkldnn (bool): Use mkldnn kernels or not.
use_mkldnn (bool): Use mkldnn kernels or not, it is valid only when compiled
with mkldnn library. Default: False
act (str): Activation type. Default: None
name (str|None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
will be named automatically.
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