Use group_sharded_parallel can perform group shared configuration on the model, optimizer and GradScaler. Level has three string options, 'os', 'os_g' and 'p_g_os' corresponds to three different usage scenarios: optimizer state segmentation, optimizer state + gradient segmentation, and parameter + gradient + optimizer state segmentation.
Use group_sharded_parallel can perform group shared configuration on the model, optimizer and GradScaler. Level has three string options, 'os', 'os_g' and 'p_g_os' corresponds to three different usage scenarios: optimizer state segmentation, optimizer state + gradient segmentation, and parameter + gradient + optimizer state segmentation.
Usually, optimizer state + gradient segmentation is actually a re optimization of optimizer state segmentation, so optimizer state + gradient segmentation can be used to realize optimizer state segmentation.
Usually, optimizer state + gradient segmentation is actually a re optimization of optimizer state segmentation, so optimizer state + gradient segmentation can be used to realize optimizer state segmentation.
buffer_max_size (int, optional): The max size of the buffer used to integrate gradient in `os_g`. The larger the size, the more GPU memory will be used. Defaults to 2**23, which means that the dimension of the buffer is 2**23.
buffer_max_size (int, optional): The max size of the buffer used to integrate gradient in `os_g`. The larger the size, the more GPU memory will be used. Defaults to 2**23, which means that the dimension of the buffer is 2**23.
segment_size (int, optional): The smallest size of parameter to be sharded in `p_g_os`. Defaults to 2**20, indicating that the dimension of the minimum segmented parameter is 2**20.
segment_size (int, optional): The smallest size of parameter to be sharded in `p_g_os`. Defaults to 2**20, indicating that the dimension of the minimum segmented parameter is 2**20.
sync_comm (bool, optional): Whether to use synchronous communication, only in `p_g_os` used. Defaults to False, indicating that asynchronous communication is used.
sync_comm (bool, optional): Whether to use synchronous communication, only in `p_g_os` used. Defaults to False, indicating that asynchronous communication is used.
dp_group(Group, optional): dp communication group, only support to combine stage2 and dp hybrid communication now.