未验证 提交 8fc31d50 编写于 作者: C cc 提交者: GitHub

Support conv2d_traspose quantize, test=develop (#25084)

上级 6783441e
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ _out_scale_op_list = [
_op_real_in_out_name = {
"conv2d": [["Input", "Filter"], ["Output"]],
"depthwise_conv2d": [["Input", "Filter"], ["Output"]],
"conv2d_transpose": [["Input", "Filter"], ["Output"]],
"mul": [["X", "Y"], ["Out"]],
"matmul": [["X", "Y"], ["Out"]],
"pool2d": [["X"], ["Out"]],
......@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ class QuantizationTransformPass(object):
ops's inputs.
_supported_quantizable_op_type = [
'conv2d', 'depthwise_conv2d', 'mul', 'matmul'
'conv2d', 'depthwise_conv2d', 'conv2d_transpose', 'mul', 'matmul'
def __init__(self,
......@@ -205,32 +206,34 @@ class QuantizationTransformPass(object):
quantizable_op_type(list[str]): List the type of ops that will be quantized.
Default is ["conv2d", "depthwise_conv2d", "mul"]. The quantizable_op_type in
QuantizationFreezePass and ConvertToInt8Pass must be the same as this.
weight_quantize_func(function): Function that defines how to quantize weight. Using this
can quickly test if user's quantization method works or not. In this function, user should
both define quantization function and dequantization function, that is, the function's input
is non-quantized weight and function returns dequantized weight. If None, will use
quantization op defined by 'weight_quantize_type'.
weight_quantize_func(function): Function that defines how to quantize weight.
Using this can quickly test if user's quantization method works or not.
In this function, user should both define quantization function and
dequantization function, that is, the function's input is non-quantized
weight and function returns dequantized weight. If None, will use
quantization op defined by 'weight_quantize_type'. Default is None.
act_quantize_func(function): Function that defines how to quantize activation.
Using this can quickly test if user's quantization method works or not.
In this function, user should both define quantization and dequantization
process, that is, the function's input is non-quantized activation and
function returns dequantized activation. If None, will use quantization
op defined by 'activation_quantize_type'. Default is None.
weight_preprocess_func(function): Function that defines how to preprocess
weight before quantization. Using this can quickly test if user's preprocess
method works or not. The function's input is non-quantized weight and
function returns processed weight to be quantized. If None, the weight will
be quantized directly. Default is None.
act_preprocess_func(function): Function that defines how to preprocess
activation before quantization. Using this can quickly test if user's
preprocess method works or not. The function's input is non-quantized
activation and function returns processed activation to be quantized.
If None, the activation will be quantized directly. Default is None.
optimizer_func(function): Fuction return a optimizer. When 'is_test' is
False and user want to use self-defined quantization function and
preprocess function, this function must be set. Default is None.
executor(Fluid.Executor): If user want to use self-defined quantization
function and preprocess function, executor must be set for initialization.
Default is None.
act_quantize_func(function): Function that defines how to quantize activation. Using this
can quickly test if user's quantization method works or not. In this function, user should
both define quantization and dequantization process, that is, the function's input
is non-quantized activation and function returns dequantized activation. If None, will use
quantization op defined by 'activation_quantize_type'.
Default is None.
weight_preprocess_func(function): Function that defines how to preprocess weight before quantization. Using this
can quickly test if user's preprocess method works or not. The function's input
is non-quantized weight and function returns processed weight to be quantized. If None, the weight will
be quantized directly.
Default is None.
act_preprocess_func(function): Function that defines how to preprocess activation before quantization. Using this
can quickly test if user's preprocess method works or not. The function's input
is non-quantized activation and function returns processed activation to be quantized. If None, the activation will
be quantized directly.
Default is None.
optimizer_func(function): Fuction return a optimizer. When 'is_test' is False and user want to use self-defined
quantization function and preprocess function, this function must be set. Default is None.
executor(Fluid.Executor): If user want to use self-defined quantization function and preprocess function,
executor must be set for initialization. Default is None.
......@@ -295,180 +298,6 @@ class QuantizationTransformPass(object):
self.create_var_map = {}
self.create_op_map = {}
def _create_new_node(self, graph, in_node):
create a node that same with in_node in graph
graph(IrGraph): create node in graph.
in_node(IrVarNode): create node that same with in_node.
created new node
key = ''
for inp in in_node.inputs:
key = key + inp.name()
key = key + in_node.name()
for inp in in_node.outputs:
key = key + inp.name()
if key in self.create_var_map.keys():
new_node = self.create_var_map[key]
elif in_node.is_ctrl_var():
new_node = graph.create_control_dep_var()
self.create_var_map[key] = new_node
new_node = graph.create_var_node_from_desc(in_node.node.var())
self.create_var_map[key] = new_node
return new_node
def _copy_graph(self, graph, source_graph, op_node):
copy op_node in source_graph to graph. And will run recursively
for next ops that link to op_node's outputs.
graph(IrGraph): target graph to copy.
source_graph(IrGraph): source graph to copy.
op_node(IrOpNode): op node in source_graph.
key = ''
for inp in op_node.inputs:
key = key + inp.name()
key = key + op_node.name()
for inp in op_node.outputs:
key = key + inp.name()
has_created = False
if key in self.create_op_map.keys():
new_op_node = self.create_op_map[key]
has_created = True
new_op_node = graph.create_op_node_from_desc(op_node.node.op())
self.create_op_map[key] = new_op_node
if has_created:
for in_node in op_node.inputs:
new_node = self._create_new_node(graph, in_node)
graph.link_to(new_node, new_op_node)
for in_node in op_node.outputs:
new_node = self._create_new_node(graph, in_node)
graph.link_to(new_op_node, new_node)
for var_node in op_node.outputs:
for next_op_node in var_node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, source_graph, next_op_node)
def _insert_func(self, graph, func, var_node, op):
Insert a tmp program that returned by func between var_node and op.
graph(IrGraph): target graph to insert tmp program.
func(Function): function to define a tmp program
var_node(IrVarNode): node in target graph.
op(IrOpNode): op in target graph.
op's new input that replaces var_node
tmp_program = Program()
startup_program = Program()
with program_guard(tmp_program, startup_program):
with unique_name.guard(var_node.name() + "_"):
in_node = data(
var_node.name() + '_tmp_input',
out_node = func(in_node)
# loss shape must be 1 when minimize
loss = mean(out_node)
if not graph._for_test:
assert self._optimizer, "optimizer_func must be set when graph is test graph"
in_node.stop_gradient = False
optimizer = self._optimizer()
with scope_guard(self._scope):
tmp_graph = IrGraph(
core.Graph(tmp_program.desc), for_test=graph._for_test)
in_node = tmp_graph._find_node_by_name(tmp_graph.all_var_nodes(),
out_node = tmp_graph._find_node_by_name(tmp_graph.all_var_nodes(),
in_node_params = []
in_op_node = []
# copy tmp graph to graph, after that, we can insert tmp graph's copy to graph.
for node in tmp_graph.all_var_nodes():
if node.inputs == [] and node.persistable():
for node in tmp_graph.all_op_nodes():
if node.inputs == []:
for node in in_node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, node)
for node in in_node_params:
for op_node in node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, op_node)
for node in in_op_node:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, node)
target_in_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
target_out_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
loss_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(), loss.name)
outputs = target_in_node.outputs
for node in outputs:
graph.update_input_link(target_in_node, var_node, node)
graph.update_input_link(var_node, target_out_node, op)
# update grad
if not graph._for_test:
op_out = op.outputs[0]
op_out_grad = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
op_out.name() + "@GRAD")
# find op's gradient op, such as conv2d_grad
op_grad = op_out_grad.outputs[0]
target_out_grad_node = graph._find_node_by_name(
graph.all_var_nodes(), target_out_node.name() + "@GRAD")
in_node_grad = graph._find_node_by_name(
graph.all_var_nodes(), target_in_node.name() + "@GRAD")
in_node_grad_op = in_node_grad.inputs
# update op_grad's input
graph.update_input_link(var_node, target_out_node, op_grad)
op_grad_out = None
# find var_node's corresponding grad node
for node in op_grad.outputs:
if var_node.name() + "@GRAD" in node.name():
op_grad_out = node
# update op_grad's output
if op_grad_out is not None:
graph.update_output_link(op_grad_out, target_out_grad_node,
graph.link_to(op_grad, target_out_grad_node)
for node in in_node_grad_op:
graph.update_input_link(target_in_node, var_node, node)
if op_grad_out:
graph.update_output_link(in_node_grad, op_grad_out, node)
# remove useless nodes
mean_grad = target_out_grad_node.inputs[0]
mean_out_grad = mean_grad.inputs[0]
fill_constant_node = mean_out_grad.inputs[0]
return target_out_node
def apply(self, graph):
Quantize the graph for training process. According to weight and
......@@ -923,6 +752,180 @@ class QuantizationTransformPass(object):
graph.link_to(dequant_op_node, dequant_var_node)
return dequant_var_node
def _create_new_node(self, graph, in_node):
create a node that same with in_node in graph
graph(IrGraph): create node in graph.
in_node(IrVarNode): create node that same with in_node.
created new node
key = ''
for inp in in_node.inputs:
key = key + inp.name()
key = key + in_node.name()
for inp in in_node.outputs:
key = key + inp.name()
if key in self.create_var_map.keys():
new_node = self.create_var_map[key]
elif in_node.is_ctrl_var():
new_node = graph.create_control_dep_var()
self.create_var_map[key] = new_node
new_node = graph.create_var_node_from_desc(in_node.node.var())
self.create_var_map[key] = new_node
return new_node
def _copy_graph(self, graph, source_graph, op_node):
copy op_node in source_graph to graph. And will run recursively
for next ops that link to op_node's outputs.
graph(IrGraph): target graph to copy.
source_graph(IrGraph): source graph to copy.
op_node(IrOpNode): op node in source_graph.
key = ''
for inp in op_node.inputs:
key = key + inp.name()
key = key + op_node.name()
for inp in op_node.outputs:
key = key + inp.name()
has_created = False
if key in self.create_op_map.keys():
new_op_node = self.create_op_map[key]
has_created = True
new_op_node = graph.create_op_node_from_desc(op_node.node.op())
self.create_op_map[key] = new_op_node
if has_created:
for in_node in op_node.inputs:
new_node = self._create_new_node(graph, in_node)
graph.link_to(new_node, new_op_node)
for in_node in op_node.outputs:
new_node = self._create_new_node(graph, in_node)
graph.link_to(new_op_node, new_node)
for var_node in op_node.outputs:
for next_op_node in var_node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, source_graph, next_op_node)
def _insert_func(self, graph, func, var_node, op):
Insert a tmp program that returned by func between var_node and op.
graph(IrGraph): target graph to insert tmp program.
func(Function): function to define a tmp program
var_node(IrVarNode): node in target graph.
op(IrOpNode): op in target graph.
op's new input that replaces var_node
tmp_program = Program()
startup_program = Program()
with program_guard(tmp_program, startup_program):
with unique_name.guard(var_node.name() + "_"):
in_node = data(
var_node.name() + '_tmp_input',
out_node = func(in_node)
# loss shape must be 1 when minimize
loss = mean(out_node)
if not graph._for_test:
assert self._optimizer, "optimizer_func must be set when graph is test graph"
in_node.stop_gradient = False
optimizer = self._optimizer()
with scope_guard(self._scope):
tmp_graph = IrGraph(
core.Graph(tmp_program.desc), for_test=graph._for_test)
in_node = tmp_graph._find_node_by_name(tmp_graph.all_var_nodes(),
out_node = tmp_graph._find_node_by_name(tmp_graph.all_var_nodes(),
in_node_params = []
in_op_node = []
# copy tmp graph to graph, after that, we can insert tmp graph's copy to graph.
for node in tmp_graph.all_var_nodes():
if node.inputs == [] and node.persistable():
for node in tmp_graph.all_op_nodes():
if node.inputs == []:
for node in in_node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, node)
for node in in_node_params:
for op_node in node.outputs:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, op_node)
for node in in_op_node:
self._copy_graph(graph, tmp_graph, node)
target_in_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
target_out_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
loss_node = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(), loss.name)
outputs = target_in_node.outputs
for node in outputs:
graph.update_input_link(target_in_node, var_node, node)
graph.update_input_link(var_node, target_out_node, op)
# update grad
if not graph._for_test:
op_out = op.outputs[0]
op_out_grad = graph._find_node_by_name(graph.all_var_nodes(),
op_out.name() + "@GRAD")
# find op's gradient op, such as conv2d_grad
op_grad = op_out_grad.outputs[0]
target_out_grad_node = graph._find_node_by_name(
graph.all_var_nodes(), target_out_node.name() + "@GRAD")
in_node_grad = graph._find_node_by_name(
graph.all_var_nodes(), target_in_node.name() + "@GRAD")
in_node_grad_op = in_node_grad.inputs
# update op_grad's input
graph.update_input_link(var_node, target_out_node, op_grad)
op_grad_out = None
# find var_node's corresponding grad node
for node in op_grad.outputs:
if var_node.name() + "@GRAD" in node.name():
op_grad_out = node
# update op_grad's output
if op_grad_out is not None:
graph.update_output_link(op_grad_out, target_out_grad_node,
graph.link_to(op_grad, target_out_grad_node)
for node in in_node_grad_op:
graph.update_input_link(target_in_node, var_node, node)
if op_grad_out:
graph.update_output_link(in_node_grad, op_grad_out, node)
# remove useless nodes
mean_grad = target_out_grad_node.inputs[0]
mean_out_grad = mean_grad.inputs[0]
fill_constant_node = mean_out_grad.inputs[0]
return target_out_node
def _quantized_var_name(self, var_name):
Return quantized variable name for the input `var_name`.
......@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ class QuantizationFreezePass(object):
self._weight_bits = weight_bits
self._activation_bits = activation_bits
self._weight_quantize_type = weight_quantize_type
self._conv_ops = ['conv2d', 'depthwise_conv2d']
self._conv_ops = ['conv2d', 'depthwise_conv2d', 'conv2d_transpose']
self._fake_quant_op_names = _fake_quant_op_list
self._fake_dequant_op_names = _fake_dequant_op_list
self._op_input_rename_map = collections.OrderedDict()
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