未验证 提交 6bd5b7ce 编写于 作者: T thunder95 提交者: GitHub

【PaddlePaddle Hackathon 4 No.35】为 Paddle 优化 prelu op 在 GPU 上的计算性能 (#51131)

* untracked files

* prelu_perf

* remove unused files

* upd

* fix bug
上级 12d43da9
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ __global__ void VectorizedIndexKernel(T *out,
out + data_offset, &result[0], BLOCK_NUM_X * VecSize);
size_t num = numel - data_offset;
if (num > 0) {
if (static_cast<int>(num) > 0) {
kps::InitWithDataIndex<size_t, VecSize, 1>(&args[0], data_offset);
kps::ElementwiseUnary<size_t, T, VecSize, 1, Functor>(
&result[0], &args[0], func);
......@@ -28,157 +28,83 @@ inline static int PADDLE_GET_BLOCKS(const int N) {
template <typename T>
__global__ void PReluChannelFirstWiseKernel(const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
struct PReluChannelFirstWiseCUDAFunctor {
const T* x_;
const T* alpha_;
size_t channel_num_;
size_t plane_size_;
int numel_;
HOSTDEVICE inline PReluChannelFirstWiseCUDAFunctor(const T* x,
const T* alpha,
int numel,
size_t channel_num,
size_t plane_size,
size_t numel) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, numel) {
size_t temp = index / plane_size;
size_t channel_index = temp % channel_num;
T scale = alpha[channel_index];
T x = input[index];
size_t plane_size)
: x_(x),
plane_size_(plane_size) {}
HOSTDEVICE inline T operator()(const unsigned int n) const {
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
output[index] = (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
size_t temp = n / plane_size_;
size_t channel_index = temp % channel_num_;
T scale = alpha_[channel_index];
T x = x_[n];
return (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
template <typename T>
__global__ void PReluChannelLastWiseKernel(const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t channel_num,
size_t numel) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, numel) {
size_t channel_index = index % channel_num;
T scale = alpha[channel_index];
T x = input[index];
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
output[index] = (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
struct PReluChannelLastWiseCUDAFunctor {
const T* x_;
const T* alpha_;
size_t channel_num_;
template <typename T>
__global__ void PReluElementWiseKernel(const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t spatial_size,
size_t numel) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, numel) {
size_t element_index = index % spatial_size;
T scale = alpha[element_index];
T x = input[index];
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
output[index] = (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
HOSTDEVICE inline PReluChannelLastWiseCUDAFunctor(const T* x,
const T* alpha,
size_t channel_num)
: x_(x), alpha_(alpha), channel_num_(channel_num) {}
template <typename T>
__global__ void PReluScalarKernel(const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t numel) {
T scale = alpha[0];
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, numel) {
T x = input[index];
HOSTDEVICE inline T operator()(const unsigned int n) const {
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
output[index] = (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
size_t channel_index = n % channel_num_;
T scale = alpha_[channel_index];
T x = x_[n];
return (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
template <typename T>
class PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor {
void operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t batch_size,
size_t channel,
bool channel_last,
size_t numel);
template <typename T>
class PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor {
void operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t batch_size,
size_t numel);
struct PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor {
const T* x_;
const T* alpha_;
size_t spatial_size_;
template <typename T>
class PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor {
void operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t numel);
HOSTDEVICE inline PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor(const T* x,
const T* alpha,
size_t spatial_size)
: x_(x), alpha_(alpha), spatial_size_(spatial_size) {}
template <typename T>
void PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T>::operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t batch_size,
size_t channel,
bool channel_last,
size_t numel) {
if (channel_last) {
input, alpha, output, channel, numel);
} else {
input, alpha, output, channel, numel / batch_size / channel, numel);
HOSTDEVICE inline T operator()(const unsigned int n) const {
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
size_t element_index = n % spatial_size_;
T scale = alpha_[element_index];
T x = x_[n];
return (x > zero) ? x : scale * x;
template <typename T>
void PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T>::operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t batch_size,
size_t numel) {
input, alpha, output, numel / batch_size, numel);
template <typename T>
void PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<T>::operator()(gpuStream_t stream,
const T *input,
const T *alpha,
T *output,
size_t numel) {
PReluScalarKernel<<<PADDLE_GET_BLOCKS(numel), CUDA_NUM_THREADS, 0, stream>>>(
input, alpha, output, numel);
template class PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<float>;
template class PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<phi::dtype::float16>;
template class PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<double>;
template class PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<float>;
template class PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<phi::dtype::float16>;
template class PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<double>;
template class PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<float>;
template class PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<phi::dtype::float16>;
template class PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<double>;
struct PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor {
const T* scalar_;
HOSTDEVICE inline PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor(const T* scalar)
: scalar_(scalar) {}
HOSTDEVICE inline T operator()(const T x) const {
T zero = static_cast<T>(0);
return (x > zero) ? x : scalar_[0] * x;
} // namespace phi
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include "paddle/phi/backends/gpu/gpu_context.h"
#include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_registry.h"
#include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/elementwise_base.h"
#include "paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/index_impl.cu.h"
#include "paddle/phi/kernels/gpu/prelu_funcs.h"
namespace phi {
......@@ -27,36 +29,43 @@ void PReluKernel(const Context& dev_ctx,
const std::string& data_format,
const std::string& mode,
DenseTensor* out) {
dev_ctx.template Alloc<T>(out);
const T* x_ptr = x.data<T>();
T* o_ptr = dev_ctx.template Alloc<T>(out);
const T* alpha_ptr = alpha.data<T>();
int numel = x.numel();
auto dim = x.dims();
auto x_rank = dim.size();
VLOG(4) << "dim[0]:" << dim[0] << ", dim[1]:" << dim[1] << ", dim["
<< x_rank - 1 << "]:" << dim[x_rank - 1] << ", numel:" << numel;
<< x_rank - 1 << "]:" << dim[x_rank - 1] << ", numel:" << numel
<< ", mode:" << mode << ", format:" << data_format;
if (mode == "channel") {
bool channel_last = data_format == "NHWC";
size_t channel = channel_last ? dim[x_rank - 1] : dim[1];
PreluChannelWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T> prelu_channel_wise;
if (channel_last) {
auto func = PReluChannelLastWiseCUDAFunctor<T>(x_ptr, alpha_ptr, channel);
phi::IndexKernel<T, PReluChannelLastWiseCUDAFunctor<T>>(
dev_ctx, out, func);
} else {
size_t plane_size = numel / dim[0] / channel;
auto func = PReluChannelFirstWiseCUDAFunctor<T>(
x_ptr, alpha_ptr, numel, channel, plane_size);
phi::IndexKernel<T, PReluChannelFirstWiseCUDAFunctor<T>>(
dev_ctx, out, func);
} else if (mode == "element") {
PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T> prelu_element_wise;
dev_ctx.stream(), x_ptr, alpha_ptr, o_ptr, dim[0], numel);
size_t spatial_size = numel / dim[0];
auto func =
PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T>(x_ptr, alpha_ptr, spatial_size);
phi::IndexKernel<T, PreluElementWiseDirectCUDAFunctor<T>>(
dev_ctx, out, func);
} else {
PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<T> prelu_scalar;
prelu_scalar(dev_ctx.stream(), x_ptr, alpha_ptr, o_ptr, numel);
std::vector<const DenseTensor*> ins = {&x};
std::vector<DenseTensor*> outs = {out};
auto func = PreluScalarDirectCUDAFunctor<T>(alpha_ptr);
phi::funcs::ElementwiseKernel<T>(dev_ctx, ins, &outs, func);
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