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# PaddlePaddle Design Doc
## Ingredients
As our design principle is starting from the essence: how could we
allow users to express and solve their problems as neural networks.
Some essential concepts that our API have to provide include:
1. A *topology* is an expression of *layers*.
1. A layer could be any kind of computation, including *cost*.
1. Some layers have parameters, some don't. Most costs don't have
1. In some topologies, layers share parameters. For
[the network for training a ranking model](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/1311#issuecomment-279121850).
1. At programming time, users specify topologies and possible sharing
of parameters. PaddlePaddle can figure out and create parameters
required (and possibly shared) by one or more topologies.
## Starting from Examples
As a summarization
[our disucssion](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/1315),
let us present two examples here:
### Example 1. Sharing Parameters between Layers
We use
[3-branch ranking](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/1311#issuecomment-279121850) model
in this example. For your convenience, I copy-a-paste the model's
topology as follows:
A -> f -\
Q -> f --> cost
B -> f -/
The following program trains the topology including the cost, and then
use the sub-network in the trained topology in inference:
def f(in):
e = paddle.layer.embedding(in, parameter_name="embedding")
o = paddle.layer.softmax(e, parameter_name="semantic")
return o
# Create 3 topologies (subnets), they share parameters because all
# correspoinding layers have the same parameter names.
fA = f(paddle.layer.data(input_name="A"))
fB = f(paddle.layer.data(input_name="B"))
fQ = f(paddle.layer.data(input_name="Q"))
topology = paddle.layer.less_than(
paddle.layer.cross_entropy(fA, fQ),
paddle.layer.corss_entropy(fB, fQ))
# Derive parameters required in topology and create them in model.
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(topology)
# Estimate parameters used in topology from data.
paddle.train(topology, parameters, reader=read_ranking_model_data)
# Inference using fA (or fB or fC, as they share their parameters).
[testA, testB, testQ] = read_ranking_model_data()
print "The sematic-vector of testA: ", paddle.infer(fA, parameters, testA)
### Example 2. Sharing Parameters between "Models"
We use [GAN](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/tree/develop/gan) in
this example. In the following example program, `d0` and `d1`
correspond to the two networks in the following figure:
<img src="https://github.com/wangyang59/book/raw/00036f4b0da5225041a6824587c1a01cf20159b1/gan/image/gan_ig.png" width=400 />
def G(in):
# over-simplified example as G has only one layers:
return paddle.layer.fc(in, parameter_name="G")
def D(in);
# again, over-simplified:
return paddle.layer.fc(in, parameter_name="D")
# Construct the first topology, which contains both D and G.
# By learning this topology, we update parameters of G.
d0 = paddle.layer.should_be_false(D(G(paddle.layer.data())))
# Construct a second topology d1, which contains only D. By
# training this topology, we update parameters of D. Note
# that d1 share parameters with d0.
d1 = paddle.layer.should_be_true(D(paddle.layer.data()))
# Create parameters from a list of multiple topologies (models) for
# the chance to share parameters between these topologies.
parameters = paddle.parameters.create([d0, d1])
# Iterative training of GAN.
for ...:
train(d0, parameters, reader=read_from_rng, immutable_parameters={"D"})
train(d1, parameters, reader=read_from_realistic_images)
# Use d1 for inference:
print "D thinks a batch of images are realistic ", infer(d1, parameters, read_mnist_images)
### Summarization
Above two programs reveal some important design concerns:
1. Users describe a topology as an expression of layers. Every layer
has a *parameter name*. If the users don't specify it explicitly, it's automatically generated as a unique name. By
specifying the parameter name, users can specify the sharing of
parameters between layers and even between topologies.
1. `paddle.parameters.create` figures out parameters required by one
or more topologies from parameter names of layers. It creates these
parameters and returns a `ParameterSet` object, which is in essence
a map from *parameter names* to *parameters*.
1. At training and inference time, `paddle.train` and `paddle.infer`
requires both a topology and the parameter set that holds the parameters of that topology. There are some reasons:
1. This prevents users from forgetting to call
1. `paddle.train` needs to know which parameter set to update.
1. Users could load another (pre-trained) parameter set and use it
with a topology in `train.infer`.
1. By specifying the `immutable_parameters` parameter of
`paddle.train`, we can forbid the update of these parameters.
## Reader
Not all programming frameworks allow users to define I/O functions.
An example is Google MapReduce, which can only read from text,
SSTable, and RecordIO files. Hadoop MapReduce allows users to define
readers and writers by deriving from base classes `Reader` and
`Writer`. The former is less flexible but also less error-prone. We
decide to provide the flexibility to users to define their readers.
There are some open questions here:
1. **Should a reader return a Python dictionary?**
1. **How to map multiple outputs from a reader to multiple data layers?**
1. **How to easily compose some existing readers to read more data and
feed a topology with more data layers?**
## Training
The recommended way to training a model is to call `paddle.train`,
which simply calls `paddle.trainer.Default`, a global variable of
type `paddle.trainer.SGD`. Equivalently, we can do
opt = paddle.trainer.SGD(..., paddle.updater.Adam(...))
opt.train(topology, parameters, reader=read, ...)
### Updater
Please be aware that a trainer can accept an updater as its data
member, where an updater is a class derived from
`paddle.trainer.Updater`. This is to make it easier to customize
trainers, as discussed
### Event Handler
`paddle.train` and `paddle.trainer.XXX.train` take an optional
parameter `event_handler`, which should be either `None` or a function
that handle some events:
1. BeginTraining
1. EndTraining
1. BeginIteration
1. EndIteration
1. BeginPass
1. EndPass
where EndPass is sent if and only if the reader yields
An example as follows:
def event_handler(event):
if ininstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
print paddle.test(...)
paddle.train(topology, parameters, reader, event_handler)
If we are writing a PaddlePaddle program in and for iPython/Jypyter,
we can use metaplotlib in the event handler to plot a curve of
cost/error versus iterations, as shown
### Distributed Training
If users want to do distributed training on a cluster, s/he should
call `paddle.dist_train` and provides access tokens to the cluster as
a parameter.
For example, if the user has a TLS certificate that allows him to
access a Kubernetes cluster, s/he should be able to call
The pseudo code of `paddle.dist_train` is as follows:
def dist_train(topology, parameters, trainer, reader, ...):
if os.getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") == None:
image_name = k8s_user + '/' + k8s_job
kube_ctrl_start_job(image_name, k8s_user, k8s_token)
rank = kube_list_containers_in_job_and_return_current_containers_rank()
if rank == 0:
elif rank < 15:
trainer.train(model, reader=read)
Please be aware that if a process is running on the Kubernetes
cluster, it will have some environment variables pre-defined.
If `dist_train` doesn't see these environment variables, it knows
that it's running on users' personal computer, and it should work as a
*launcher*. Otherwise, it knows that it's running on the cluster and
need to figure out its role as either the master, or a trainer, or a
parameter server.
## Auto Gradient Check Design
## Background:
- Generally, it is easy to check whether the forward computation of an Operator is correct or not. However, backpropagation is a notoriously difficult algorithm to debug and get right because of the following challenges:
1. The formula for backpropagation formula should be correct according to the forward computation.
2. The Implementation of the above shoule be correct in CPP.
3. It is difficult to prepare an unbiased test data.
- Auto gradient checking gets a numerical gradient using forward Operator and uses it as a reference for the backward Operator's result. It has several advantages:
1. Numerical gradient checker only needs the forward operator.
2. The user only needs to prepare the input data for forward Operator and not worry about the backward Operator.
## Mathematical Theory
The following documents from Stanford have a detailed explanation of how to compute the numerical gradient and why it is useful.
- [Gradient checking and advanced optimization(en)](http://deeplearning.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Gradient_checking_and_advanced_optimization)
- [Gradient checking and advanced optimization(cn)](http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/%E6%A2%AF%E5%BA%A6%E6%A3%80%E9%AA%8C%E4%B8%8E%E9%AB%98%E7%BA%A7%E4%BC%98%E5%8C%96)
## Numerical Gradient Implementation
### Python Interface
def get_numerical_gradient(op,
Get Numerical Gradient for the input of an operator.
:param op: C++ operator instance, could be an network.
:param input_values: The input variables. Should be an dictionary, whose key is
variable name, and value is a numpy array.
:param output_name: The final output variable name.
:param input_to_check: The input variable with respect to which the gradient has to be computed.
:param delta: The perturbation value for numerical gradient method. The
smaller the delta, the more accurate the result. But if the delta is too
small, it will suffer from the numerical stability problem.
:param local_scope: The local scope used for get_numeric_gradient.
:return: The gradient array in numpy format.
### Explanation:
- Why do we need an `output_name`
- An Operator may have multiple Outputs, one can compute an independent gradient from each Output. So the caller should specify the name of the output variable.
- Why do we need `input_to_check`
- One operator can have multiple inputs. Gradient Op can calculate the gradient of these inputs at the same time. But Numerical Gradient needs to calculate them one by one. So `get_numeric_gradient` is designed to calculate the gradient for one input. If you need to compute multiple inputs, you can call `get_numeric_gradient` multiple times each with a different input.
### Core Algorithm Implementation
# we only compute the gradient of one element a time.
# we use a for loop to compute the gradient of each element.
for i in xrange(tensor_size):
# get one input element using the index i.
original = tensor_to_check.get_float_element(i)
# add delta to it, run the forward op and then
# get the new value of the result tensor.
x_pos = original + delta
tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, x_pos)
y_pos = get_output()
# Subtract delta from this element, run the op again
# and get the new value of the result tensor.
x_neg = original - delta
tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, x_neg)
y_neg = get_output()
# restore old value
tensor_to_check.set_float_element(i, original)
# compute the gradient of this element and store
# it into a numpy array.
gradient_flat[i] = (y_pos - y_neg) / delta / 2
# reshape the gradient result to the shape of the source tensor.
return gradient_flat.reshape(tensor_to_check.get_dims())
## Auto Gradient Check Framework
Each Operator Kernel has three kinds of Gradient:
1. Numerical gradient
2. CPU kernel gradient
3. GPU kernel gradient (if supported by the device)
The numerical gradient only relies on the forward Operator, so we use the numerical gradient as the reference value. The gradient checking is performed in the following three steps:
1. Calculate the numerical gradient
2. Calculate CPU kernel gradient with the backward Operator and compare it with the numerical gradient.
3. Calculate GPU kernel gradient with the backward Operator and compare it with the numeric gradient. (if supported)
#### Python Interface
def check_grad(self,
:param forward_op: used to create backward_op
:param input_vars: numpy value of input variable. The following
computation will use these variables.
:param inputs_to_check: the input variable with respect to which the
gradient will be computed.
:param output_name: The final output variable name.
:param max_relative_error: The relative tolerance parameter.
:param no_grad_set: used to create backward ops
:param only_cpu: only compute and check gradient on cpu kernel.
### How to check if two numpy arrays are close enough?
if `abs_numerical_grad` is nearly zero, then use absolute error for numerical_grad.
numerical_grad = ...
operator_grad = numpy.array(scope.find_var(grad_var_name(name)).get_tensor())
abs_numerical_grad = numpy.abs(numerical_grad)
# if abs_numerical_grad is nearly zero, then use abs error for
# numeric_grad, instead of relative error.
abs_numerical_grad[abs_numerical_grad < 1e-3] = 1
diff_mat = numpy.abs(abs_numerical_grad - operator_grad) / abs_numerical_grad
max_diff = numpy.max(diff_mat)
#### Notes:
The Input data for auto gradient checker should be reasonable to avoid numerical stability problem.
#### References:
- [Gradient checking and advanced optimization(en)](http://deeplearning.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Gradient_checking_and_advanced_optimization)
- [Gradient checking and advanced optimization(cn)](http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/%E6%A2%AF%E5%BA%A6%E6%A3%80%E9%AA%8C%E4%B8%8E%E9%AB%98%E7%BA%A7%E4%BC%98%E5%8C%96)
# Backward Building
## Motivation
In Neural Network, most models are solved by the backpropagation algorithm(known as **BP**) at present. Technically, BP calculates the gradient of the loss function, then propagates it back through the networks following the chain rule. However, when configuring the model structure, users do not need to define the backward part. So a mechanism is required by the framework which can complete the model's backward part automatically according to the given forward part.
When implementing a specific `op`, the developer is also asked to implement its backward version, called `grad_op`. A `grad_op` takes gradients of its corresponding `op`'s outputs, and calculate gradients of the `op`'s inputs. During the building of a model's backward part, the framework creates each forward `op`'s `grad_op`, and then string them together in reverse order of forwarding part. In this way, gradients spread from the end to the beginning of the model, in another word, from the loss to parameters.
## Challenges
The motivation of backward building is apparent. However, implementation it correctly is not so easy. In the **Fluid** design, a deep learning model is described by `Program`, `Block`, `Op` and `Variable`. The `Block` itself can be nested. It means that the `op`s and `variable`s are scattered across different blocks rather than all be gathered in a single graph. Our backward building algorithm shall visit blocks in recursive order and be able to insert `grad_op`s and new created `variable`s into the right place.
## Usage
Although the whole algorithm is comprised of many functions, only one is exposed as API:
def append_backward(loss, parameter_list=None, no_grad_set=None):
Append backward part to main_program
loss(Variable): The variable generated by the cost function.
parameter_list(list): Parameters that need to be updated by optimizers.
If None, it means all parameters need to be updated.
no_grad_set(set): Variables that have no gradients in Block 0.
If None, the set will be generated inside the function and
contains all variables with `step_gradient=True` from all blocks.
(list[Variable]): list of (parameters, gradients) pair.
By invoking this API, the framework appends backward part of the program where the `loss` is. It takes three arguments. `loss` means the final loss value. It must be a scalar and is usually the output of the loss layer. It is also where the gradient generated and backpropagation starts. `parameter_list` marks all parameters needs updating. If it's `None`, all parameter will be updated by optimizers. `no_grad_set` marks variables without gradient. if all outputs of some `grad_op` are in `no_grad_set`, the `grad_op` will not be run.
This API will be invoked automatically before optimizer building.
As a result, in most cases, users do not need to invoke the API by themselves to append backward part.
## Implementation
The implementation of backward building algorithm is in `backward.py` file. The whole algorithm can be divided into two independent parts: creating `grad_op`s and creating new variables.
### Creating `grad_op`s
The creating of `grad_op`s is implemented by:
def _append_backward_ops_(target,
Create all grad ops, and insert them into given block
target(Variable): the target variable of forward pass
block(Block): the block where forward ops are
target_block(Block): the block which is going to hold new generated grad ops
key(int) block index
val(set) a set of varibale names. These varibales have no gradient
grad_to_var(dict)(output argument):
key(str): grad variable name
val(str): corresponding forward variable name
Given a `block`, the function will traverses all `op`s in this block in reverse order, gets corresponding `grad_op` from the C++ core via `core.get_grad_op_desc()`, then append it to `target_block`.
However, some specific `op`(e.g. `while_op`, `if_else_op`) can hold its own sub-block. For these sub-blocks contains `op`s as well, the `grad_op` creating should be recursive.
During the reverse traversal, we check each `op` whether it has an attribute named `sub_block`. If so, it means there is a sub-block and we need to deal with it first. After creating a new block whose father is the one in `op`'s attribute, we invoke `_append_backward_ops_()` recursively, assigning the new block to parameter `target_block` and the one in `op`'s attribute to `block`. The *pseudo-code* shows this process:
******* pseudo-code ********
for op in reversed(block.ops):
if op has an attribute named 'sub_block':
Get the sub-block(`s_block`) from op's attribute.
Create a new block(`grad_s_block`), whose father is `s_block`.
Invoke _append_backward_ops_(), with `block=s_block` and `target_block=grad_s_block`
Invoke `core.get_grad_op_desc()` to get op's grad_op.
Insert name correspondings between variables and their gradients of the grad_op to grad_to_var
Assign grad_s_block to grad_op as it's 'sub_block' attribute.
Append grad_op to current target_block.
The first invoking of `_append_backward_ops_()` is initiated by `append_backward()`, in which parameters `block` and `target_block` are all assigned with root block(the block with index 0).
### Corner Cases of `grad_op` Creating
In the previous section, we show the regular process of `grad_op` creating. However, in some corner cases, the conventional algorithm is not enough to get the correct result and appending handling is required. These additional processes run after the algorithm mentioned above and do some special adjusts on its output `grad_op`s.
#### Shared Variables
If a variable is read by more than one `op` in the forward pass, its gradient is likely to be written by more than one `grad_op`s in the next backward pass. To make the gradient result being the sum of all `grad_op`s' outputs instead of the last running one, we assign each output with a temporary variable and then add a `sum_op` to add them up.
For the debug convenience, if the final gradient name is `w@GRAD`, it's corresponding temporary variables will be named as `w@GRAD@RENAME@0`, `w@GRAD@RENAME@1`...
See function `_addup_repetitive_outputs_` in `backward.py` for implementation details.
#### No Gradient Variables
In our framework, variables can be marked as *no_gradient*, it means that the gradient of this variable is unnecessary and can be considered as zero in model training. Apparently, when all the outputs of some `grad_op` are marked as *no_gradient*, the `grad_op` itself can be skipped in backward pass.
Another situation is all the gradient inputs of some `grad_op` are marked as *no_gradient*, which means all of them can be considered as zeros. For `grad_op`s are in essence the propagation of gradients, all the outputs are definitely zeros when all gradient inputs are zeros. Therefore the `grad_op` can also be skipped.
It should be noted that all these zero gradients still need to be creating and initialized by something, otherwise following `grad_op`s who take these gradients as inputs take the risk of using uninitialized memory. In our code, we employ `fill_zeros_like_op` to initialize them as all zeros.
This features are implemented in function `_remove_no_grad_branch_`. It checks new created `grad_op`s one-by-one, removes who can be skipped and inserts `fill_zeros_like_op` when its necessary. We can get the `no_grad_set` from the `_append_backward_ops_` argument `no_grad_dict` or generate it on the fly by scanning all variables' `no_gradient` attribute(True or False).
### Creating Backward Variables
Up to now, we have completed all creating and adjusting jobs of `grad_op`s. However, backward variables have not been created. Now they are only represented by `grad_op`'s input and output arguments. The backward variable creating job will be done by:
def _append_backward_vars_(block,
Create new variables required by backward pass.
block(Block): the block where new variables will be created
start_op_idx(int): Only variables required by ops in block.ops[start_op_idx : ] will be created
key(str): grad variable name
val(str): corresponding forward variable name
In most cases, this dict is generated by _append_backward_ops_()
grad_info_map(dict)(output argument):
key(str): forward variable name
val(tuple): a tuple of (str, int), str is the corresponding grad name, int is the block index
Given a `block`, this function traverses all the `grad_op`s in it(The argument `start_op_idx` indicates where the grad_op sequence starts.) and creates all the uncreated outputs. The *pseudo-code* shows this process:
for op in block.ops[start_op_idx : ]:
if op has an attribute named 'sub_block':
Get the sub-block(`s_block`) from op's attribute.
Invoke _append_backward_vars_(), with `block=s_block`
for var_name in op.all_output_names():
if block.has_var_recursive(var_name) or var_name is the name of empty variable:
create a new variable named 'var_name' in block
if grad_to_var.has_key(var_name):
set grad_info_map[grad_to_var[var_name]] as a tuple of (var_name. block)
do op's var type inference
do op's shape inference
# Design Doc: Block and Scope
## The Representation of Computation
Both deep learning systems and programming languages help users describe computation procedures. These systems use various representations of computation:
- Caffe, Torch, and Paddle: sequences of layers.
- TensorFlow, Caffe2, Mxnet: graph of operators.
- PaddlePaddle: nested blocks, like C++ and Java programs.
## Block in Programming Languages and Deep Learning
In programming languages, a block is a pair of curly braces that includes local variables definitions and a sequence of instructions or operators.
Blocks work with control flow structures like `if`, `else`, and `for`, which have equivalents in deep learning:
| programming languages | PaddlePaddle |
| for, while loop | RNN, WhileOp |
| if, if-else, switch | IfElseOp, SwitchOp |
| sequential execution | a sequence of layers |
A key difference is that a C++ program describes a one pass computation, whereas a deep learning program describes both the forward and backward passes.
## Stack Frames and the Scope Hierarchy
The existence of the backward pass makes the execution of a block of PaddlePaddle different from traditional programs:
| programming languages | PaddlePaddle |
| stack | scope hierarchy |
| stack frame | scope |
| push at entering block| push at entering block |
| pop at leaving block | destroy when minibatch completes|
1. In traditional programs:
- When the execution enters the left curly brace of a block, the runtime pushes a frame into the stack, where it realizes local variables.
- After the execution leaves the right curly brace, the runtime pops the frame.
- The maximum number of frames in the stack is the maximum depth of nested blocks.
1. In PaddlePaddle
- When the execution enters a block, PaddlePaddle adds a new scope, where it realizes variables.
- PaddlePaddle doesn't pop a scope after the execution of the block because variables therein are used by the backward pass. So it has a stack forest known as a *scope hierarchy*.
- The height of the highest tree is the maximum depth of nested blocks.
- After the processing of a minibatch, PaddlePaddle destroys the scope hierarchy.
## Use Blocks in C++ and PaddlePaddle Programs
Let us consolidate the discussion by presenting some examples.
### Blocks with `if-else` and `IfElseOp`
The following C++ programs shows how blocks are used with the `if-else` structure:
namespace pd = paddle;
int x = 10;
int y = 1;
int z = 10;
bool cond = false;
int o1, o2;
if (cond) {
int z = x + y;
o1 = z;
o2 = pd::layer::softmax(z);
} else {
int d = pd::layer::fc(z);
o1 = d;
o2 = d+1;
An equivalent PaddlePaddle program from the design doc of the [IfElseOp operator](./if_else_op.md) is as follows:
import paddle as pd
x = minibatch([10, 20, 30]) # shape=[None, 1]
y = var(1) # shape=[1], value=1
z = minibatch([10, 20, 30]) # shape=[None, 1]
cond = larger_than(x, 15) # [false, true, true]
ie = pd.ifelse()
with ie.true_block():
d = pd.layer.add_scalar(x, y)
ie.output(d, pd.layer.softmax(d))
with ie.false_block():
d = pd.layer.fc(z)
ie.output(d, d+1)
o1, o2 = ie(cond)
In both examples, the left branch computes `x+y` and `softmax(x+y)`, the right branch computes `fc(x)` and `x+1` .
The difference is that variables in the C++ program contain scalar values, whereas those in the PaddlePaddle programs are mini-batches of instances.
### Blocks with `for` and `RNNOp`
The following RNN model in PaddlePaddle from the [RNN design doc](./rnn.md) :
x = sequence([10, 20, 30]) # shape=[None, 1]
m = var(0) # shape=[1]
W = var(0.314, param=true) # shape=[1]
U = var(0.375, param=true) # shape=[1]
rnn = pd.rnn()
with rnn.step():
h = rnn.memory(init = m)
h_prev = rnn.previous_memory(h)
a = layer.fc(W, x)
b = layer.fc(U, h_prev)
s = pd.add(a, b)
act = pd.sigmoid(s)
rnn.update_memory(h, act)
rnn.output(a, b)
o1, o2 = rnn()
has its equivalent C++ program as follows
int* x = {10, 20, 30};
int* m = {0};
int* W = {0.314};
int* U = {0.375};
int mem[sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) + 1];
int o1[sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) + 1];
int o2[sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) + 1];
for (int i = 1; i <= sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]); ++i) {
int x = x[i-1];
if (i == 1) mem[0] = m;
int a = W * x;
int b = Y * mem[i-1];
int s = fc_out + hidden_out;
int act = sigmoid(sum);
mem[i] = act;
o1[i] = act;
o2[i] = hidden_out;
## Compilation and Execution
Like TensorFlow, a PaddlePaddle program is written in Python. The first part describes a neural network as a protobuf message, and the rest executes the message for training or inference.
The generation of this protobuf message is similar to how a compiler generates a binary executable file. The execution of the message is similar to how the OS executes the binary file.
## The "Binary Executable File Format"
The definition of the protobuf message is as follows:
message BlockDesc {
repeated VarDesc vars = 1;
repeated OpDesc ops = 2;
The step net in above RNN example would look like
BlockDesc {
vars = {
VarDesc {...} // x
VarDesc {...} // h
VarDesc {...} // fc_out
VarDesc {...} // hidden_out
VarDesc {...} // sum
VarDesc {...} // act
ops = {
OpDesc {...} // matmul
OpDesc {...} // add_two
OpDesc {...} // sigmoid
Also, the RNN operator in above example is serialized into a protobuf message of type `OpDesc` and would look like:
OpDesc {
inputs = {0} // the index of x in vars of BlockDesc above
outputs = {5, 3} // indices of act and hidden_out in vars of BlockDesc above
attrs {
"states" : {1} // the index of h
"step_net" : <above step net>
This `OpDesc` value is in the `ops` field of the `BlockDesc` value representing the global block.
## The Compilation of Blocks
During the generation of the Protobuf message, the Block should store VarDesc (the Protobuf message which describes Variable) and OpDesc (the Protobuf message which describes Operator).
VarDesc in a block should have its name scope to avoid local variables affecting parent block's name scope.
Child block's name scopes should inherit the parent's so that OpDesc in child block can reference a VarDesc that is stored in the parent block. For example:
a = pd.Variable(shape=[20, 20])
b = pd.fc(a, params=["fc.w", "fc.b"])
rnn = pd.create_rnn()
with rnn.stepnet():
x = a.as_step_input()
# reuse fc's parameter
fc_without_b = pd.get_variable("fc.w")
out = rnn()
The method `pd.get_variable` can help retrieve a Variable by the name. The Variable may be stored in a parent block, but might be retrieved in a child block, so block should have a variable scope that supports inheritance.
In compiler design, the symbol table is a data structure created and maintained by compilers to store information about the occurrence of various entities such as variable names, function names, classes, etc.
To store the definition of variables and operators, we define a C++ class `SymbolTable`, like the one used in compilers.
`SymbolTable` can do the following:
- store the definitions (some names and attributes) of variables and operators,
- verify if a variable was declared,
- make it possible to implement type checking (offer Protobuf message pointers to `InferShape` handlers).
// Information in SymbolTable is enough to trace the dependency graph. So maybe
// the Eval() interface takes a SymbolTable is enough.
class SymbolTable {
SymbolTable(SymbolTable* parent) : parent_(parent) {}
OpDesc* NewOp(const string& name="");
// TODO determine whether name is generated by python or C++.
// Currently assume that a unique name will be generated by C++ if the
// argument name is left default.
VarDesc* Var(const string& name="");
// find a VarDesc by name, if recursive is true, find parent's SymbolTable
// recursively.
// this interface is introduced to support InferShape, find protobuf messages
// of variables and operators, pass pointers into InferShape.
// NOTE maybe some C++ classes such as VarDescBuilder and OpDescBuilder should
// be proposed and embedded into pybind to enable python operation on C++ pointers.
VarDesc* FindVar(const string& name, bool recursive=true);
OpDesc* FindOp(const string& name);
BlockDesc Compile() const;
SymbolTable* parent_;
map<string, OpDesc> ops_;
map<string, VarDesc> vars_;
After all the description of variables and operators is added into SymbolTable,
the block has enough information to run.
The `Block` class takes a `BlockDesc` as input, and provides `Run` and `InferShape` functions.
namespace {
class Block : OperatorBase {
Block(const BlockDesc& desc) desc_(desc) {}
void InferShape(const framework::Scope& scope) const override {
if (!symbols_ready_) {
// should run InferShape first.
for (auto& op : runtime_table_.ops()) {
void Run(const framework::Scope& scope,
const platform::Place& place) const override {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(symbols_ready_, "operators and variables should be created first.");
for (auto& op : runtime_table_.ops()) {
op->Run(scope, place);
void CreateVariables(const framework::Scope& scope);
void CreateOperators();
// some other necessary interfaces of NetOp are listed below
// ...
BlockDesc desc_;
bool symbols_ready_{false};
## The Execution of Blocks
Block inherits from OperatorBase, which has a Run method.
Block's Run method will run its operators sequentially.
There is another important interface called `Eval`, which takes some arguments called targets and generates a minimal graph which treats targets as the end points and creates a new Block. After `Run`, `Eval` will get the latest value and return the targets.
The definition of Eval is as follows:
// clean a block description by targets using the corresponding dependency graph.
// return a new BlockDesc with minimal number of operators.
// NOTE: The return type is not a Block but the block's description so that this can be distributed
// to a cluster.
BlockDesc Prune(const BlockDesc& desc, vector<string> targets);
void Block::Eval(const vector<string>& targets,
const framework::Scope& scope,
const platform::DeviceContext& dev_ctx) {
BlockDesc min_desc = Prune(desc_, targets);
Block min_block(min_desc);
min_block.Run(scope, dev_ctx);
A few months ago when we were trying to replace CMake with Bazel, @emailweixu suggested that we rewrite those handy Bazel functions using CMake. Now it seems that it's the right time to get this done, as we are facing problems from the porting of Majel and the development of new the parameter server using Go and C++.
Here are some initial thoughts. Your comments are welcome!
### Required CMake Function
I think we need only the following few CMake functions to make a project description mean and clean:
| C++ | CUDA C++ | Go |
| cc_library | nv_library | go_library |
| cc_binary | nv_binary | go_binary |
| cc_test | nv_test | go_test |
- The `_library` functions generate .a files from source code.
- The `_binary` functions generate executable binary files.
- The `_test` functions generate executable unit test files. They work like `_binary` but links `-lgtest` and `-lgtest_main`.
The difference between `nv_` functions and `cc_` functions is that the former use `nvcc` instead of the system-default C++ compiler.
Both `nv_` and `cc_` functions enables C++11 (-std=c++11).
- to describe external dependencies, we need `external_library`.
- to build shared libraries, we need `shared_library`.
### An Example Project
Suppose that we have aforementioned functions defined in our `/cmake` directory. The following example `CMakeLists.txt` describes a project including the following source files:
- tensor.h
- tensor.cc
- tensor_test.cc
- ops.h
- ops.cu
- ops_test.cu
- api.go
- api_test.go
Suppose that ops.cu depends on CUDNN.
# cc_binary parses tensor.cc and figures out that target also depend
# on tensor.h.
# The dependency to target tensor implies that if any of
# tensor{.h,.cc,_test.cc} is changed, tensor_test need to be re-built.
# I don't have a clear idea what parameters external_library need to
# have. @gangliao as a CMake expert would have better ideas.
# Suppose that ops.cu depends on external target CUDNN. Also, ops.cu
# include global functions that take Tensor as their parameters, so
# ops depend on tensor. This implies that if any of tensor.{h.cc},
# ops.{h,cu} is changed, ops need to be re-built.
cudnn) # cudnn is defined later.
# Because api.go defines a GO wrapper to ops and tensor, it depends on
# both. This implies that if any of tensor.{h,cc}, ops.{h,cu}, or
# api.go is changed, api need to be re-built.
tensor # Because ops depend on tensor, this line is optional.
# This builds libapi.so. shared_library might use CMake target
# api_shared so to distinguish it from above target api.
### Implementation
As above example CMakeLists.txt executes, each function invocation adds "nodes" to a dependency graph. It also use this graph to generate CMake commands including `add_executable`, `add_dependencies`, `target_link_libraries`, and `add_test`.
### Using Package Manager For Go
Building Go binaries and libraries need to satisfy their dependencies, generally
we can do `go get ./...` to download and compile all external dependencies. The
problems are:
1. `go get` will always get the latest code from the default branch of the
remote repo, so changes of dependents might break the build. This is very
different with what we already have in `cmake/external` which download a
specific version or commit id of the dependency.
1. Some locations can not access external dependencies through the internet, as mentioned
in https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/2605. Using package management
tools can package the dependencies as a "vendor" package, which can be mirrored
at many cloud file hosting, so users what to compile paddle by themselves can
download this "vendor" package from a mirror site.
#### Choose A Suitable Tool
As mentioned by @wangkuiyi, [Here](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/PackageManagementTools)
list dozens of Go package managers. We choose the tool using following principles:
- Most "active" projects with more stars, more pull requests or commits
- Widely used project
After comparing all these projects, we shall choose between the most popular
tools: Godep and Glide.
Here's a brief comparison between Godep and Glide
: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide/wiki/Go-Package-Manager-Comparison. There are
also many complaints about using `Godep`. There's also a new "official" pakcage
management tool has been started at: https://github.com/golang/dep to resolve
such problems, but it's currently at Alpha stage. So the best choice now is
glide obviously.
#### Manage Go Packages
- Dependencies: `go/glide.yaml` will store the dependencies and their versions which
is directly imported by paddle. `go/glide.lock` will store all dependencies recursively
with their commit id. Builds will "lock" to these packages if we don't `glide up`
- Vendor package: `go/vendor` directory will generated when running `cmake` command. `cmake`
will download the code corresponding to `go/glide.lock`. If we put a vendor folder
under `go/`, cmake will just check the commit id to the packages under the folder,
if commit id matches, there will be no download at all.
# Design Doc: Distributed Training
## Objective
In [this slides](https://www.slideshare.net/cxwangyi/paddlepaddle-a-complete-solution-for-businesses), we explained that we'd like PaddlePaddle running on general-purpose clusters like those managed by Kubernetes, so to address demands for AI from both Internet and non-Internet industries.
This poses technical challenges to PaddlePaddle:
1. Support fault-recovery.
1. Support both offline and online training.
1. [Serverless computing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serverless_computing) of distributed training.
## Training Job
A training job will be created once user asks Paddle cloud to train a model. The training job is made up of different processes that collaboratively consume data and produce a trained model. There are three kinds of processes:
1. the *master server process*, which dispatches tasks to
1. one or more *trainer processes*, which run distributed training and synchronize gradients/models via
1. one or more *parameter server processes*, where each holds a shard of the global model, and receive the uploaded gradients from every *trainer process*, so they can run the optimize functions to update their parameters.
Their relation is illustrated in the following graph:
<img src="src/paddle-model-sharding.png"/>
By coordinating these processes, PaddlePaddle supports use both Synchronize Stochastic Gradient Descent (sync SGD) and Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (async SGD) to train user-defined neural network topologies.
When training with sync SGD, parameter servers wait for all trainers to finish gradients update and then send the updated parameters to trainers, training can not proceed until the trainer received the updated parameters. This creates a synchronization point between trainers. When training with async SGD, each trainer upload gradient and download new parameters individually, without the synchronization with other trainers. Using asyc SGD will be faster in terms of time per pass, but have more noise in gradient since trainers are likely to have a stale model.
### Master Server Process
The master server process will:
- Partition a dataset into [tasks](#task) and dispatch tasks to trainers.
- Keep track of training progress on the dataset with [task queue](#task-queue). A training job will iterate on the dataset for a full pass until it goes into next pass.
#### Task
A task is a data shard to be trained. The total number of tasks will be much bigger than the total number of trainers. The number of data instances inside a task will be much bigger than the mini-batch size.
#### Task Queue
The master server has three task queues to track training progress. As illustrated in the graph below, Job A and Job B both have one master server. Each master server process has three task queues.
<img src="src/paddle-task-queues.png"/>
- The todo queue holds tasks to be dispatched. When a job starts, the master server fills in the todo queue with all tasks.
- The pending queue holds tasks that are currently training by trainers.
- the done queue holds tasks that are already trained.
The life cycle of a single task is illustrated below:
<img src="src/paddle-task-states.png"/>
1. When a new pass of training starts, all tasks will be placed in the todo queue.
1. Upon trainer requests for new task, the master server will dispatch a task from todo queue to it, put the task in the pending queue and wait for completion.
1. The trainer will work on its task and tell the master server once the task is completed and ask for new task. The master server will dispatch a new task to that trainer.
1. If a task fails for any reason in trainer, or takes longer than a specific period of time, the master server will move the task back to the todo queue. The timeout count for that task will increase by one. If the timeout count is above a threshold, the task is likely to cause a trainer to crash, then it will be discarded.
1. The master server will move completed task to the done queue. When the todo queue is empty, the master server will start a new pass by moving all tasks in the done queue to todo queue and reset the timeout counter of all tasks to zero.
### Trainer Process
The trainer process will:
- Request tasks from the master.
- Work on the tasks
- Upload gradient to parameter servers, and update local model by downloading new parameters from parameter servers.
### Parameter Server Process
Parameter server processes hold the parameters collaboratively. The parameters are partitioned on different parameter servers.
The parameter server will:
- Receive gradient from the trainers, update its parameters, and give the trainers the latest parameters.
- Periodically save its parameters to distributed file system by overriding the previous save.
### Optimization Algorithms
The communication pattern between the trainers and the parameter servers depends on the category of optimization algorithm:
- Synchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (sync-SGD)
Parameter server will wait for all trainer finish n-th mini-batch calculation and send their gradients before broadcasting new parameters to every trainer. Every trainer will wait for the new parameters before starting n+1-th mini-batch.
- Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (async-SGD)
There will no synchronization between different trainers, and parameter server updates its parameter as soon as it receives new gradient:
- Each trainer uploads its accumulated gradient every n mini-batches.
- Every m mini-batches, the trainer downloads new parameters from parameter server.
- n and m do not have to be equal.
## Fault Tolerant
The training job will pause if the master server processes is dead, or any of the parameter server process is dead. They will be started by [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) and recover in few minutes. Please refer to [fault recovery](#fault-recovery).
The training job will continue to make progress if there is at least one training process running. The strategy depends on the type of optimization algorithm:
- sync-SGD
- async-SGD
Since async-SGD does not require synchronization between mini-batches, the system will by definition make process if at least one trainer is running.
## Fault Recovery
PaddlePaddle uses [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) to keep track of the states of processes. Because etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store, the restarted process can recover its states from etcd. The model parameters are periodically saved into distributed file system, so a restarted parameter server can recover its parameters from the saved file.
Now we will introduce how each process recovers from a failure, the graph below shows how etcd is used:
<img src="src/paddle-etcd.png"/>
### Master Server Process
When the master is started by the Kubernetes, it executes the following steps at startup:
1. Grabs a unique *master* lock in etcd, which prevents concurrent master instantiations.
1. Recovers the task queues from etcd if they already exist, otherwise, the master will create them.
1. Write its ip address to */master/addr* so that trainers can discover it.
1. Listens to trainers' request of task, dispatch one upon request, and updates task queue using an etcd transaction to ensure lock is held during the update.
When the master server process is dead for any reason, Kubernetes will restart it. It will be online again with all states recovered from etcd in few minutes.
### Trainer Process
When the trainer is started by the Kubernetes, it executes the following steps at startup:
1. Watches the available parameter server prefix keys `/ps/` on etcd and waits until the count of parameter servers reaches the desired count */ps_desired*.
1. Finds and watches */master/addr* to get master's address.
1. Requests for tasks from the master to start training.
When a trainer fails, Kuberentes would try to restart it. The recovered trainer would fetch tasks from master and go on training.
### Parameter Server Process
When the parameter server is started by Kubernetes, it executes the following steps at startup:
1. Read desired total number of parameter servers from etcd `/ps_desired`
1. Search through etcd keys `/ps/<index>` (`/ps/0`, `/ps/1`, ...) to find the first non-existant key whose index is smaller than the total number of parameter servers. Set the key using a transaction to avoid concurrent writes. The parameter server's index is inferred from the key name.
The desired number of parameter servers is 3:
<img src="src/paddle-ps-0.png"/>
The third parameter server joined:
<img src="src/paddle-ps-1.png"/>
1. The parameter server can load parameters if there are already saved parameters in the save path (inferred from its index).
1. Now the parameter server is ready for the trainers' requests.
If the parameter server's etcd lease expires, the parameter server will kill itself.
## Parameter Server Checkpointing
See [here](./checkpointing.md)
## Store and dispatching trainning data
See [here](./data_dispatch.md)
## Dynamic Scaling
### Trainer Scaling
### Parameter Server Scaling
Not planned for v1.
## Training Dataset Format
## User Interface
## 模型参数检查点(Checkpointing)
模型数据检查点的实现,可以有效的避免parameter server的单点或多点同时故障。模型参数检查点通过定期向磁盘上保存一份存储在parameter server内存中的模型数据的完整镜像,来保证训练过程可以从中间状态重新启动。在一个不可中断并缺少备份的训练任务中,可以通过阶段性的保存每个parameter server的数据快照(snapshot)到 ***分布式存储服务*** 达到容灾的目的,比如每隔10分钟最新的快照,并删除更早的快照。在出现单点故障时,只需要恢复这台节点,或者将这台节点迁移到另一个节点并启动即可恢复训练任务。
<img src="src/checkpointing.png" width="500"/>
### 快照保存的设计如下:
* parameter server在集群中启动后,自动挂载分布式存储目录,并把快照保存到这个目录下。
* ***注:每个parameter server的检查点各自独立保存,暂时不考虑多个parameter server同步的保存一个特定时间点的全局检查点,因为这样做也没法保证消除随机性。***
1. 如果满足条件"每隔10分钟"时,parameter server会获取parameters内存的`read_lock`,启动一个新的线程开始保存检查点。如果已经正在执行保存检查点的线程,则忽略。由于对parameters的更新需要获取parameters内存的`write_lock`,所以在写入快照的过程中,parameter server会暂停参数更新并等待。
2. parameter server生成一个UUID,向指定的目录中一个新的文件(文件名为此UUID)写入快照数据。在快照写入完成后,计算这个文件的MD5 sum。然后在etcd的`/checkpoints/[pserver_id]`中写入json内容:`{"uuid": [UUID], "md5", "MD5 sum", "timestamp": xxxx}`。
3. 删除磁盘目录中不是当前uuid的快照文件。
4. 释放对paramters内存的锁定,停止保存检查点的线程。
这里需要用户额外注意,在您的实际环境中,训练任务的运行可能会占满trainer和parameter server之间的网络带宽,如果parameter server此时还需要通过网络访问分布式存储以保存快照,可能会造成网络拥塞,而出现阶段性的运行停滞。
### 从快照恢复
在parameter server第一次启动或任意时间parameter server故障后被Kubernetes重新启动,则需要回滚到上一个检查点:
1. 从etcd中读取节点:`/checkpoints/[pserver_id]`获取最新的检查点的文件uuid
1. 从磁盘文件中加载uuid文件名的检查点快照文件,并加载其中的参数
1. 如果上面两步出现错误,则使用启动参数定义的初始化方法初始化参数
1. 开始提供服务
## TODO List
### 推测执行/加速执行(TODO)
在异构集群中,如果存在某些trainer执行速度过慢会影响整体集群的速度(如图中Trainer 1),此时master将负责启动一个新的Trainer(Accelerate Trainer 2),使用同样的训练数据block。哪个trainer先完成block的训练,则把另一个慢速的kill掉。
### 动态扩容/缩容
## 术语
* model: 指深度学习训练之后得到的所有参数,使用这个神经网络可以完成对新数据的预测
* parameters: 神经网络中的参数,包括权重w和偏置b。一个神经网络的模型由大量的参数组成
* shard: 分片,通常指将一个整体拆分成多份的其中的一份。
* model shard: 将一个神经网络参数拆分成多份,每个shard分别存储在其中一台parameter server之上
* parameter block: 多个parameter block构成一个model shard
* 单点故障: 任意时刻只可能同时有一台服务器故障。由于集群中同时存在两台机器故障的概率极低((平均故障率*平均故障修复时间)^2)只对特殊在线系统考虑两台以上同时故障的容灾。
## 训练数据的存储和分发
### 概念解释
### 流程介绍
生产环境中的训练数据集通常体积很大,并被存储在诸如Hadoop HDFS,Ceph,AWS S3之类的分布式存储之上。这些分布式存储服务通常会把数据切割成多个分片分布式的存储在多个节点之上。这样就可以在云端执行多种数据类计算任务,包括:
* 数据预处理任务
* Paddle训练任务
* 在线模型预测服务
<div style="align: center">
<img src="src/paddle-cloud-in-data-center.png" width="800"/>
在上图中显示了在一个实际生产环境中的应用(人脸识别)的数据流图。生产环境的日志数据会通过实时流的方式(Kafka)和离线数据的方式(HDFS)存储,并在集群中运行多个分布式数据处理任务,比如流式数据处理(online data process),离线批处理(offline data process)完成数据的预处理,提供给paddle作为训练数据。用户也可以上传labeled data到分布式存储补充训练数据。在paddle之上运行的深度学习训练输出的模型会提供给在线人脸识别的应用使用。
### 训练数据存储
- 无论是从[PFSClient](../file_manager/README.md)的角度,还是从[Pod](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod/)中运行任务的角度,统一用`/pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER`来访问用户自己的数据。
- `/pfs/$DATACENTER/common`下存放公共数据集合
- 做只读挂载
<div style="align: center">
<img src="src/file_storage.png" width="700" align=center/>
### 文件预处理
在开始训练之前, 数据集需要预先被转换成PaddlePaddle分布式训练使用的存储格[RecordIO](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/1947)。我们提供两个转换方式:
1. 用户在本地转换好再上传
1. 用户上传数据后,在机群上运行转换程序
#### 转换库
def convert(output_path, reader, num_shards, name_prefix)
- `output_path`: directory in which output files will be saved.
- `reader`: a [data reader](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/reader/README.md#data-reader-interface), from which the convert program will read data instances.
- `num_shards`: the number of shards that the dataset will be partitioned into.
- `name_prefix`: the name prefix of generated files.
`reader`每次输出一个data instance,这个instance可以是单个值,或者用tuple表示的多个值:
yield 1 # 单个值
yield numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=28*28) # 单个值
yield numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=28*28), 0 # 多个值
### 示例程序
#### 使用转换库
以下`reader_creator`生成的`reader`每次输出一个data instance,每个data instance包涵两个值:numpy.ndarray类型的值和整型的值:
def reader_creator():
def reader():
for i in range(1000):
yield numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=28*28), 0 # 多个值
return reader
convert("./", reader_creator(), 100, random_images)
#### 进行训练
PaddlePaddle提供专用的[data reader creator](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/reader/README.md#python-data-reader-design-doc),生成给定`RecordIO`文件对应的data reader。**无论在本地还是在云端,reader的使用方式都是一致的**:
# ...
reader = paddle.reader.creator.RecordIO("/pfs/datacenter_name/home/user_name/random_images-*-of-*")
batch_reader = paddle.batch(paddle.dataset.mnist.train(), 128)
trainer.train(batch_reader, ...)
以上代码的reader输出的data instance与生成数据集时,reader输出的data instance是一模一样的。
### 上传训练文件
paddle pfs cp filename /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder/
paddle pfs cp random_images-*-of-* /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder/
# config file
### 文件访问的权限
- 用户可以把自己的数据分享给别人
### 文件访问方式
f = open('/pfs/datacenter_name/home/user_name/test1.dat')
### 支持用户自定义的数据预处理job
# Alalysis of large model distributed training in Paddle
***NOTE: This is only some note for how we implemeted this scheme in V1, not a new design.***
## What is it
We often encounter cases that the embedding layer parameters(sparse) are so large that we can not store it in the trainer's memory when training. So we need to put them to several servers, and fetch them row by row instead of fetch all of the parameters.
## How to use
Specify command-line argument like `--loadsave_parameters_in_pserver=true --ports_num_for_sparse=1 --use_old_updater=1` when starting the paddle trainer. And also add something like `--ports_num_for_sparse=1 --pserver_num_threads=5` when starting pserver processes.
Accrodingly, configure your embedding layers like:
w1 = data_layer(name="w1", size=dict_size)
emb1 = embedding_layer(input=w1, size=32, param_attr=ParameterAttribute(sparse_update=SPARSE_REMOTE))
w2 = data_layer(name="w2", size=dict_size)
emb2 = embedding_layer(input=w2, size=32, param_attr=ParameterAttribute(sparse_update=SPARSE_REMOTE))
## Implementation details
enum MatType {
`MAT_SPARSE_ROW_PREFETCH` is what we use when configured to fetch only row of matrix when training.
In `trainer_internal.cpp:L93 trainOneBatch`:
if (config_->getOptConfig().use_sparse_remote_updater()) {
When doing actual network forward and backward, at the beginning of each batch, the trainer will try to download one row of data from pserver.
In `trainer/RemoteParameterUpdater.cpp`: `parameterUpdater_->getParametersRemote();`:
if (fullSize) {
} else {
getParams = [&] {
/* recvParameterType= */ PARAMETER_VALUE, sendBackParameterType);
applyL1 = [](Parameter& para, real decayRate) {
para.getMat(PARAMETER_VALUE)->applyL1(/*lr=*/1.0f, decayRate);
Calling `parameterClient_->getParameterSparse` will do remote call to pserver's `getParameterSparse`:
void ParameterServer2::getParameterSparse(const SendParameterRequest& request,
std::vector<Buffer>& inputBuffers,
SendParameterResponse* response,
std::vector<Buffer>* outputBuffers) {
auto& buffer = *readWriteBuffer_;
size_t numReals = 0;
for (const auto& block : request.blocks()) {
numReals += getParameterConfig(block).dims(1);
VLOG(3) << "pserver: getParameterSparse, numReals=" << numReals;
ReadLockGuard guard(parameterMutex_);
size_t offset = 0;
for (const auto& block : request.blocks()) {
size_t width = getParameterConfig(block).dims(1);
Buffer buf = {buffer.data() + offset, width};
int type = request.send_back_parameter_type();
sendBackParameterSparse(block, type, response, &buf, width, outputBuffers);
offset += width;
`getParameterConfig(block).dims(1)` returns the width of the current "parameter block"(a shard of parameter object),
then `getParameterSparse` remote call returns only one row of data to the client.
# Design Doc: Master Server
For an overview of master server's role, please refer to [distributed training design doc](./README.md). In this design doc we will discuss the master server in more details. The master will be implemented in [Go](https://golang.org/).
## Dataset
<img src="src/dataset.png"/>
A dataset is a list of files in *RecordIO* format. A RecordIO file consists of chunks, whereas each chunk consists some records.
## Task Queue
As mentioned in [distributed training design doc](./README.md), a *task* is a data shard that the master server assigns to the trainer process to train on. A task consists of one or multiple *chunks* from one or multiple files. The master server maintains *task queues* to track the training progress.
### Task Queue Creation
1. Each trainer will make an RPC call (using Go's [rpc](https://golang.org/pkg/net/rpc/) package) to the master server, telling it the RecordIO files representing the dataset specified by the user. Since every trainer will tell the master server the same dataset, only the first RPC call will be honored.
The RPC interface is:
func (m *RPCServer) ReportDataset(Paths []string, dummy *int) error {
1. The master server will scan through each RecordIO file to generate the *chunk index* and know how many chunks does each file have. A chunk can be referenced by the file path and the index of the chunk within the file. The chunk index is in memory data structure that enables fast access to each chunk, and the index of the chunk with the file is an integer start from 0, representing the n-th chunk within the file.
The definition of the chunk is:
type Chunk struct {
Idx int // index of the chunk within the file
Path string
Index recordio.Index // chunk index
1. Chunks are grouped into tasks, and tasks are filled into the todo queue. The pending queue and the done queue are initialized with no element.
The definition of the task is:
type Task struct {
Index int
Chunks []Chunk
The elements in the tasks queues is of type `TaskEntry`, containing a timeout counter (described in [task retry logic](#task-retry-logic)), and a task:
type TaskEntry struct {
NumTimeout int
Task Task
The definition of task queues is:
type TaskQueues struct {
Todo []TaskEntry
Pending map[int]TaskEntry // map from task index to task entry
Done []TaskEntry
### Task Queue Persistence
The task queues need to be persisted on [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) for fault recovery. Since the task queues only change once a task is completed or timed out, which is not very frequent, we can afford to synchronize with etcd every time the task queues change.
We will serialize the task queues data structure with [gob encoding](https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/gob/), compress with gzip, and save into etcd synchronously under key `/task_queues`.
### Task Dispatch
The trainer will make an RPC call to master to get a new task when:
- the trainer first started, or
- the trainer finishes a task.
The RPC interface is:
func (m *RPCServer) GetTask(finished *Task, result *Task) error {
Argument `finished` will be `nil` when the trainer is just started.
During the RPC call the master will do the following:
- Make a copy of the task queues, and update the copy reflecting the finished tasks and the new pending tasks.
- Synchronize the copy of task queues with etcd using a transaction conditioned on holding the master lock.
- Replace the task queues with the copy and report to the trainer with the new tasks if succeeded, or discard the copy and report the error to the trainer if failed.
### Task Retry Logic
When a task is dispatched to the trainer, the master will schedule a function for execution after the timeout duration (based on the moving average of task completion time). If the task entry in still in the pending queue, its timeout counter will increase by one, and the task will be moved to todo queue. If the timeout counter is above the threshold, the master will log the error and discard the task.
Please note that since a timed out task could be completed after it has been dispatched for retry, so it is possible for a task to be processed multiple times. We do not try to prevent it from happening since it's fine to train on the same task multiple times due to the stochastic nature of the stochastic gradient decent algorithm.
# Design Doc: The Client Library of Parameter Server
For an overview of trainer's role, please refer to [distributed training design doc](README.md). In this design doc, we will discuss the parameter server's client library, which will manage communication with parameter servers. The library will be implemented in [Go](https://golang.org/) and made available as a static or dynamic library with a C header file.
## Parameter Partition
Each parameter will be partitioned into parameter blocks to make the parameters evenly distributed on parameter servers. The partition is done automatically by the client library. The *sparse parameter* require a little different treatment:
### Sparse Parameter
The sparse parameter is a parameter that is updated sparsely. The name is somewhat misleading, it does not have a sparse representation, it has the same representation as a dense vector.
Because a sparse parameter is updated sparsely, the trainer will have to partition the sparse parameter. Because the parameter server will merge all sparse parameter shard into the same file when saving the parameter. It needs special naming convention:
If a sparse parameter is partitioned into n shards, they should be named as:
The library is unaware of the partition, and treat each parameter independently. Only when saving parameters, the parameter servers will merge the sparse parameters according to the naming convention.
## Model Optimization Using Gradients
There are two ways to perform model optimization using gradients:
- On Client
The client does multiple steps of forward and backward update. In each step, the gradients are calculated and a new model is generated. After some steps, the client will calculate the difference between the newest model and the old model at step 0. The difference will be updated to parameter servers. Parameter servers will just update parameters using the difference without any optimization using gradients (such as Adam and L1 regularization).
- On Parameter Server
The client will send accumulated gradients to parameter servers, the parameter server will do the optimization using gradients.
## L1 and L2 Regularization
PaddlePaddle allows L1 or L2 regularizations to be specified per parameter, so when the trainer initializes the parameter it needs include a parameter configuration when L1 or L2 regularization is necessary.
## Parameter Initialization
The parameters on parameter servers need to be initialized. To provide maximum flexibility, the trainer will initialize the parameters. Only one trainer will do the initialization, the other trainers will wait for the completion of initialization and get the parameters from the parameter servers.
### Trainer Selection
To select the trainer for initialization, every trainer will try to get a distributed lock, whoever owns the lock will do the initialization. As illustrated below:
<img src="./src/init_lock.png">
### Trainer Selection Process
The trainer select process is encapsulated in the C API function:
int paddle_begin_init_params(paddle_pserver_client* client, const char* config_proto);
The selected trainer's call to `paddle_begin_init_params` will return with 1, and the other trainers' call to `paddle_begin_init_params` will return 0. `paddle_get_params` will be blocked until initialization is completed. As illustrated below:
<img src="./src/pserver_init.png">
## C Interface
typedef enum {
} paddle_element_type;
typedef struct {
char* name;
paddle_element_type element_type;
unsigned char* content;
int content_len;
} paddle_parameter, paddle_gradient;
typedef int paddle_pserver_client;
* @brief creates a pserver client that talks to etcd for coordination.
paddle_pserver_client paddle_new_etcd_pserver_client(char* etcd_addr);
* @brief creates a pserver client given pserver addresses.
* @param pserver_addrs comma-separated pserver addresses.
* @param selected if current pserver client is selected to initialize all parameter servers.
paddle_pserver_client paddle_new_pserver_client(char* pserver_addrs, int selected);
void paddle_pserver_client_release(paddle_pserver_client c);
* @brief paddle_begin_init_params begins to initialize parameters on
* parameter servers.
* paddle_begin_init_params will be called from multiple trainers,
* only one trainer will be selected to initialize the parameters on
* parameter servers. Other trainers need to get the initialized
* parameters from parameter servers using @paddle_get_params.
* @return 1 if the trainer is selected to initialize parameter
* servers, otherwise 0.
int paddle_begin_init_params(paddle_pserver_client client);
* @brief paddle_init_param initializes the parameter on parameter
* servers.
* @param param the parameter to initialize.
* @param param_config_proto the configuration for the parameter.
* @param config_len the length of param_config_proto
* @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1. On failure, the trainer
* needs to restart the entire initialization process (starting from
* @paddle_begin_init_param). Or simply exit the program and wait for
* the cluster management system to restart the trainer.
int paddle_init_param(paddle_pserver_client client, paddle_parameter param, const unsigned char* param_config_proto, int config_len);
* @brief paddle_finish_init_params tells parameter servers client has
* sent all parameters to parameter servers as initialization.
* @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1. On failure, the trainer
* needs to restart the entire initialization process (starting from
* @paddle_begin_init_param). Or simply exit the program and wait for
* the cluster management system to restart the trainer.
int paddle_finish_init_params(paddle_pserver_client client);
* @brief paddle_send_grads sends gradients to parameter servers for
* updating parameters.
* @param grads the array of gradients to send.
* @param len the length of the gradient array.
* @param learning_rate the learning rate for the gradients.
* @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1.
int paddle_send_grads(paddle_pserver_client client, const paddle_gradient* grads, int len);
* @brief paddle_get_params gets parameters from parameter servers.
* paddle_get_params will block until parameters are initialized on
* the parameter servers.
* @param dst the destination array of parameter pointers to save to.
* The parameter pointer must be pre-popullated with required parameter name,
* and the content of parameter must be pre-allocated of the size of required
* parameter on pserver.
* @param len the length of the names array and the paddle_parameter
* array.
* @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1.
int paddle_get_params(paddle_pserver_client client, paddle_parameter** dst, int len);
* @brief paddle_save_model indicates parameters to save the parameter
* to the given path
* @param path the path to save parameters.
* @return 0 if successful, otherwise -1.
int paddle_save_model(paddle_pserver_client client, const char* path);
# Design Doc: Remote Parameter Updater for Cluster Train
For an overview of distribute training, please refer to [distributed training design doc](README.md). In this design doc, we will discuss the parameter updater that will use parameter server cclient [The Client Library of Parameter Server Design Doc](pserver_client.md) to manage and update parameters.
## Parameter Updater
Parameter Updater is used by trainer to manage and update parameter, there are mainly two kind of parameter updater: local and remote, since this design is for cluster train, we will only discuss remote parameter updater here.
### Remote Parameter Updater
Remote Parameter Updater manage parameters through remote parameter server with the client that communicate with pserver([The Client Library of Parameter Server Design Doc](pserver_client.md))
In PaddlePaddle Python V2 API, trainer is implemented in python, and the trainer will hold a instance of parameter updater and call it's functions directly. In this design, we will also expose the api of RemoteParameterUpdater to python with swig.
#### Sparse Remote Parameter Updater
Since we will only implement dense parameter management new, the mechanism for sparse parameter will be discussed in next stage.
### Interface Design
# Design Doc: Save Model
## Overview
The model is the output of the training process. There are two
ways from which user can obtain a model:
- Save model triggered by user code: user code asks PaddlePaddle to
save a model.
- Convert model from the checkpoint: model being converted from
pservers' periodic checkpoint. In this way, the user can cancel a
job at any time, and still have a relatively fresh model (we
checkpoint around every 5 minutes).
### Trainer Saving Model vs. Pservers Saving Model
Both trainers and pservers have access to the model. So the model can
be saved from a trainer or pservers. We need to decide where the model
is saved from.
#### Dense Update vs. Sparse Update
There are two types of model update methods: dense update and sparse
update (when the model parameter is configured to be sparse).
- Dense update
Every trainer has it's own full copy of the model. Every model
update will update the entire model.
- Sparse update
The training input is sparse, and the trainer does not have the
entire model. It will only download the sub-model necessary related
to the input. When updating the model, only the sub-model related to
the training input is updated.
#### Pservers Saving Model
The benefit of letting pservers save model is they have the entire
model all the time. However, since pservers are on different nodes, it
requires a merging process to merge model shards into the same
model. Thus requires the pservers to write models to a distributed
filesystem, making the checkpoint shards visible to the merge program.
#### Trainer Saving Model
The benefit of letting one trainer to save the model is it does not
require a distributed filesystem. And it's reusing the same save model
logic when training locally - except when doing sparse update, the
trainer needs to download the entire model during the saving process.
#### Conclusion
Given trainer saving model does not require a distributed filesystem,
and is an intuitive extension to trainer saving model when training
locally, we decide to let the trainer save the model when doing
distributed training.
### Convert Model from Checkpoint
## Timeline
We first implement trainer save the model. Converting the latest
snapshot to a model will be a TODO for future.
## Trainer Save Model
### Trainer Election
One trainer will be elected as the one to save the model. When using
etcd, trainer ID is a randomly generated UUID, the trainer will
contact the master server requesting to save the model, and find out
if itself is elected. When the master server is not used, unique
trainer IDs will be given by the administrator, the trainer whose ID
is "0" is elected to save the model.
### Model Save Path
Each trainer will be given the directory to save the model. The
elected trainer will save the model to
`given-directory/trainerID`. Since the trainer ID is unique, this
would prevent concurrent save to the same file when multiple trainers
are elected to save the model when split-brain problem happens.
### What Happens When Model Is Saving
It takes some time to save model, we need to define what will happen
when save model is taking place.
When doing dense update, the trainer uses the local model. Pservers
does not need to pause model update.
When doing sparse update. The trainer needs to download the entire
model while saving. To get the most accurate model, the model update
needs to be paused before the download starts and resumed after the
download finishes. Otherwise, the trainer gets a model that is
"polluted": some part of the model is old, some part of the model is
It's unclear that the "polluted" model will be inferior due to the
stochastic nature of deep learning, and pausing the model update will
add more complexity to the system. Since supporting sparse update is a
TODO item. We defer the evaluation of pause the model update or not
during saving model to the future.
# Submit a Distributed Training Job
The user can submit a distributed training job with Python code, rather than with a command-line interface.
## Runtime Environment On Kubernetes
For a distributed training job, there is two Docker image called *runtime Docker image* and *base Docker image*. The runtime Docker image is the Docker image that gets scheduled by Kubernetes to run during training. The base Docker image is for building the runtime Docker image.
### Base Docker Image
Usually, the base Docker image is PaddlePaddle product Docker image including paddle binary files and python package. And of course, users can specify any image name hosted on any docker registry which users have the access right.
### Runtime Docker Image
The trainer package which user upload and some Python dependencies are packaged into a runtime Docker image based on base Docker image.
- Handle Python Dependencies
You need to provide requirements.txt file in your `trainer-package` folder. Example:
More [details](https://pip.readthedocs.io/en/1.1/requirements.html) about requirements, an example project looks like:
## Submit Distributed Training Job With Python Code
<img src="./src/submit-job.png" width="800">
- `paddle.job.dist_train()` will call the Job Server API `/v1/packages` to upload the trainer package and save them on CephFS, and then call `/v1/trainer/job` to submit the PaddlePaddle distributed job.
- `/v1/trainer/job` will start a building job for preparing the runtime Docker image. When the building job is finished, Job Server will submit the PaddlePaddle distributed job to Kubernetes.
- *NOTE*: For the first version, we will not prepare the runtime Docker image, instead, the package is uploaded to Paddle Cloud, and Paddle Cloud will mount the package in a temporary folder into the base Docker image. We will not support custom Python dependencies in the first version as well.
You can call `paddle.job.dist_train` and provide distributed training configuration as the parameters:
job_name = "paddle-cloud",
entry_point = "python %s"%__file__,
trainer_package = "/example/word2vec",
image = "yancey1989/paddle-job",
trainers = 10,
pservers = 3,
trainer_cpu = 1,
trainer_gpu = 1,
trainer_mem = "10G",
pserver_cpu = 1,
pserver_mem = "2G"
The parameter `trainer` of `paddle.job.dist_train` is a function and you can implement it as follows:
def dist_trainer():
def trainer_creator():
trainer = paddle.v2.trainer.SGD(...)
return trainer_creator
The pseudo code of `paddle.job.dist_train` is as follows:
def dist_train(trainer, paddle_job):
# if the code is running on cloud, set PADDLE_ON_CLOUD=YES
if os.getenv("RUNNING_ON_CLOUD", "NO") == "NO":
#submit the paddle job
#start the training
### PaddleJob Parameters
parameter | type | explanation
--- | --- | ---
job_name | str | the unique name for the training job
entry_point | str | entry point for startup trainer process
trainer_package | str | trainer package file path which user have the access right
image|str|the [base image](#base-docker-image) for building the [runtime image](#runtime-docker-image)
pservers|int| Parameter Server process count
trainers|int| Trainer process count
pserver_cpu|int| CPU count for each Parameter Server process
pserver_mem|str| memory allocated for each Parameter Server process, a plain integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K
trainer_cpu|int| CPU count for each Trainer process
trainer_mem|str| memory allocated for each Trainer process, a plain integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K
trainer_gpu|int| GPU count for each Trainer process, if you only want CPU, do not set this parameter
### Deploy Parameter Server, Trainer and Master Process
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Parameter Server processes, it's a Kubernetes ReplicaSet.
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Trainer processes, it's a Kubernetes Job.
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Master processes, it's a Kubernetes ReplicaSet.
## Job Server
Job server provides RESTful HTTP API for receiving the trainer package and displaying
PaddlePaddle job related informations.
- `POST /v1/package` receive the trainer package and save them on CephFS
- `POST /v1/trainer/job` submit a trainer job
- `GET /v1/jobs/` list all jobs
- `GET /v1/jobs/<job-name>` the status of a job
- `DELETE /v1/jobs/<job-name>` delete a job
- `GET /v1/version` job server version
- Build Runtime Docker Image on Kubernetes
`paddle.job.dist_train` will upload the trainer package to Job Server, save them on the distributed filesystem, and then start up a job for building the runtime Docker image that gets scheduled by Kubernetes to run during training.
There are some benefits for building runtime Docker image on JobServer:
- On Paddle Cloud, users will run the trainer code in a Jupyter Notebook which is a Kubernetes Pod, if we want to execute `docker build` in the Pod, we should mount the host's `docker.sock` to the Pod, user's code will connect the host's Docker Engine directly, it's not safe.
- Users only need to upload the training package files, does not need to install docker engine, docker registry as dependencies.
- If we want to change another image type, such as RKT, users do not need to care about it.
- Deploy Parameter Server, Trainer and Master Processes
`POST /v1/trainer/job` receives the distributed training parameters, and deploy the job as follows:
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Parameter Server processes, it's a Kubernetes ReplicaSet.
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Trainer processes, it's a Kubernetes Job.
- Deploy PaddlePaddle Master processes, it's a Kubernetes ReplicaSet.
# Design Doc: Concurrent Programming with Fluid
With PaddlePaddle Fluid, users describe a program other than a model. The program is a [`ProgramDesc`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/framework.proto) protobuf message. TensorFlow/MxNet/Caffe2 applications generate protobuf messages too, but their protobuf messages represent the model, a graph of operators, but not the program that trains/uses the model.
Many know that when we program TensorFlow, we can specify the device on which each operator runs. This allows us to create a concurrent/parallel AI application. An interesting questions is **how does a `ProgramDesc` represents a concurrent program?**
The answer relies on the fact that a `ProgramDesc` is similar to an abstract syntax tree (AST) that describes a program. So users just program a concurrent program that they do with any concurrent programming language, e.g., [Go](https://golang.org).
## An Analogy
The following table compares concepts in Fluid and Go
| Go | Fluid |
|user-defined functions | [layers](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/develop/python/paddle/fluid) |
| control-flow and built-in functions | [intrinsics/operators](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/develop/paddle/operators) |
| goroutines, channels | [class ThreadPool](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/develop/paddle/framework/thread_pool.h) |
| runtime | [class Executor](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/executor.h) |
## An Example Concurrent Program
To review all above concepts in an example, let us take a simple program and writes its distributed version.
Suppose that we want to parallelize a naive Fluid program (written in Go and calling Fluid's Go binding) that multiplies two tensors.
import "fluid"
func paddlepaddle() {
X = fluid.read(...)
W = fluid.Tensor(...)
Y = fluid.mult(X, W)
Please be aware that the Fluid's Go binding provides the default `main` function, which calls the `paddlepaddle` function, which, in this case, is defined in above program and creates the following `ProgramDesc` message.
message ProgramDesc {
block[0] = Block {
vars = [X, W, Y],
ops = [
read(output = X)
assign(input = ..., output = W)
mult(input = {X, W}, output = Y)
Then, the default `main` function calls `fluid.run()`, which creates an instance of the [`class Executor`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/executor.h) and calls `Executor.Run(block[0])`, where `block[0]` is the first and only block defined in above `ProgramDesc` message.
The default `main` function is defined as follows:
func main() {
## The Concurrent Version
By parallelizing the above program, we could support very big tensor X by splitting into small pieces {x_1, x_2, ...} and sent each piece to worker process/node for parallel multiplication.
In this case, we can write a transpiler that takes a `ProgramDesc` message that represents the above example program and outputs two `ProgramDesc` messages, one for running on the master process/node, and the other one for worker processes/nodes.
### The Master Program
The master program could look like the following:
message ProgramDesc {
block[0] = Block {
vars = [X, L, Y],
ops = [
read(output = X)
kube_get_workers_addrs(output = L)
Y = tensor_array(len(L))
parallel_for(input = X, output = Y,
attrs = {L, block_id(1)}) # referring to block 1
block[1] = Block {
parent = 0,
vars = [x, y, index],
ops = [
slice(input = [X, index], output = x) # index is initialized by parallel_for
send(input = x, attrs = L[index])
recv(outputs = y, attrs = L[index])
assign(input = y, output = Y[index])
The equivalent Fluid program (calling the Go binding) is:
func main() { //// block 0
X = fluid.read(...)
L = fluid.k8s.get_worker_addrs()
Y = fluid.tensor_array(len(L))
fluid.parallel_for(X, L,
func(index int) { //// block 1
x = X[index]
fluid.send(L[index], x)
y = fluid.recv(L[index])
Y[index] = y
An explanation of the above program:
- `fluid.k8s` is a package that provides access to Kubernetes API.
- `fluid.k8s.get_worker_addrs` returns the list of IP and ports of all pods of the current job except for the current one (the master pod).
- `fluid.tensor_array` creates a [tensor array](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/lod_tensor_array.h). `fluid.parallel_for` creates a `ParallelFor` intrinsic, which, when executed,
1. creates `len(L)` scopes, each for the concurrent running of the sub-block (block 1 in this case), and initializes a variable named "index" in the scope to an integer value in the range `[0, len(L)-1]`, and
2. creates `len(L)` threads by calling into the `ThreadPool` singleton, each thread
1. creates an Executor instance, and
2. calls `Executor.Run(block)`, where `block` is block 1 as explained above.
1. Please be aware that block 1 is a sub-block of block 0, so ops in block 1 could refer to variables defined in block 0.
### The Worker Program
The worker program looks like
func main() {
W = Tensor(...)
x = fluid.listen_and_do(
func(input Tensor) {
output = fluid.mult(input, W)
- `fluid.listen_and_do` creates a `ListenAndDo` intrinsic, which, when executed,
1. listens on the current pod's IP address, as returned by `fliud.k8s.self_addr()`,
2. once a connection is established,
1. creates a scope of two parameters, "input" and "output",
2. reads a [Fluid variable](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/variable.h) and saves it into "input",
3. creates an Executor instance and calls `Executor.Run(block)`, where the block is generated by running the lambda specified as the second parameter of `fluid.listen_and_do`.
## Summarization
From the above example, we see that:
1. Fluid enables the imperative programming paradigm by:
1. letting users describe a program, but not a model (a sequence of layers, or a graph of operators), and
2. call the `fluid.run` function that runs the program implicitly.
1. The program is described as a `ProgramDesc` protobuf message.
2. Function `Executor.Run` takes a block, instead of a `ProgramDesc`, as its parameter.
3. `fluid.run` calls `Executor.Run` to run the first block in the `ProgramDesc` message.
4. `Executor.Run`'s implementation is extremely simple -- it doesn't plan the execution nor create threads; instead, it runs on the current thread and execute intrinsics/operators' `Run` method sequentially as they appear in the `Block.ops` array.
5. Intrinsics/operators' `Run` method might create threads. For example, the `ListenAndDo` operator creates a thread to handle each incoming request.
6. Threads are not necessarily OS thread; instead, they could be [green threads](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_threads) managed by ThreadPool. Multiple green threads might run on the same OS thread. An example green threads is Go's [goroutines](https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/1).
# C++ Data Feeding
In training with Paddle V2 API, data feeding wholly dependents on Python code. To get rid of the Python environment and achieve the goal of "wrapping the whole training by a while loop op" in Paddle Fluid, a C++ data feeding mechanism is required.
In this document we show the fundamental design of C++ data feeding process, which includes the data reading, shuffling and batching.
## Reader
A new concept named 'Reader' is introduced. `Reader` is a series of inherited classes which can be hold by our `Variable` and they are used to read or process file data.
### `ReaderBase`
`ReaderBase` is the abstract base class of all readers. It defines the all readers' interfaces.
class ReaderBase {
explicit ReaderBase(const std::vector<DDim>& shapes) : shapes_(shapes) {
// Read the next batch of data. (A 'batch' can be only one instance)
virtual void ReadNext(std::vector<LoDTensor>* out) = 0;
// Show whether the next bacth exists.
virtual bool HasNext() const = 0;
// Reinitialize the reader and read the file from the begin.
virtual void ReInit() = 0;
// Get a certain read in data's shape.
DDim shape(size_t idx) const;
// Get shapes of all read in data.
std::vector<DDim> shapes() const { return shapes_; }
// Set shapes of read in data.
void set_shapes(const std::vector<DDim>& shapes) { shapes_ = shapes; }
virtual ~ReaderBase() {}
std::vector<DDim> shapes_;
### `FileReader` and `DecoratedReader`
These two classes are derived from the `ReaderBase` and will further be derived by respective specific readers. That is to say, in our design, there are two kinds of readers: file readers and decorated readers. A file reader reads from a file of some specific format, and yield only one instance of data at a time. e.g. RecordIO reader, jpg reader, .... A decorated reader takes another reader(both file reader and decorated reader are OK) as its 'underlying reader'. It gets data from its underlying reader, does some process on them(shuffling, or batching), then yields processed data. The output data of a decorated reader can be a single instance or a batch. `ShuffleReader` and `BatchReader` are both decorated readers.
All the readers share exactly the same interfaces defined in `ReaderBase`. So they can be decorated for more than one time: We can **shuffle** a reader's outputs and then **batch** the shuffle outputs. The interface consistency also allows related ops use readers without knowing what they are exactly.
### `ReaderHolder`
Different readers belong to different class types. It leads to a problem: How can we drop them into `Variable`s and fetch them out by a unified method? For example, if a Variable holds a `BatchReader`, we can not get it by the following code:
we have to write:
This requires each time getting a reader from a variable we must know the reader's type exactly. It is nearly impossible.
To solve this problem, we introduce `ReaderHolder` as a wrapper. It acts as an empty decorator of `ReaderBase`, which erases reader's type. With `ReaderHolder` we are able to fetch all types of readers by `var->Get<ReaderHolder>("...")` and regard the obtained object as a reader.
## Related Operators
To create and invoke readers, some now ops are introduced:
### `CreateReaderOp`
Each reader has its creating op. File readers' creating ops have no input and yield the created file reader as its output. Decorated readers' creating ops take the underlying readers as inputs and then yield new decorated readers.
### `ReadOp`
A reader is only a Variable. It cannot trigger the reading process by itself. So we add the `ReadOp` to execute it. A `ReadOp` takes a reader Variable as its input. Each time it runs, it invokes the reader‘s `ReadNext()` function and gets a new batch of data(or only one instance of data, if we use file reader directly). The output data of a reader are in the form of `std::vector<LoDTenosr>`, so the `ReadOp` also needs to split the vector and move LoDTensors to their respective output Variables.
# Design Doc: CSP in PaddlePaddle Fluid
## Motivation
Concurrent programming is important for deep learning. Few example applications are:
1. The main thread keeps reading the next mini-batch while another thread uses the GPU for computing.
2. The main thread performs the computation while another thread uploads the local gradients from each trainer to the parameter server.
Most DL systems, including TensorFlow, Caffe2, and MxNet, can asynchronously execute operators in a graph. However, Fluid doesn't have the concept of a graph at all, as the design goal of Fluid is that of a programming language.
## Concurrent Programming Models
There were many concurrent programming models, implemented in various forms:
| concurrent programming model | implementation |
| mutex | types and functions in standard libraries |
| semaphore | types and functions in standard libraries |
| communicating sequential processes (CSP) | Go programming language |
| actor model | Erlang programming language |
| message passing | MPI |
| bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) | Pregel distributed programming framework |
Since Fluid was designed to be a programming language, we would like to implement CSP in Fluid.
### CSP v.s. Actor Model
A well-known implementation of Actor Model is the Erlang programming language. In Actor Model, *processes* could send messages to another process and receive messages from another process given the process IDs. We can find the three ingredients, process with ID, send, and recv, in MPI too. Indeed, we can rewrite Erlang programs in Python + MPI with possibly fewer lines of code. Our concern with Actor Model is that it doesn't seem reasonable to implement process management in a programming language's runtime library; instead, it should be the operating systems' responsibility to manage processes and libraries like MPI for send/recv.
## CSP in Fluid
Fluid has two fundamental control-flows: *if-else* and *while*. If we are to implement CSP, we need the following:
1. a new data type: *channel* and operators *send* and *recv*,
1. *goroutine* or thread, and
1. a new control-flow: select.
We also need Python wrappers for the above components.
The type *channel* is conceptually the blocking queue. In Go, its implemented is a [blocking circular queue](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/68ce117cf17b8debf5754bfd476345779b5b6616/src/runtime/chan.go#L31-L50), which supports send and recv.
The `select` operation has been in OS kernels long before Go language. All Unix kernels implement system calls *poll* and *select*. They monitor multiple file descriptors to see if I/O is possible on any of them. This takes O(N) time. Since Linux 2.6, a new system call, *epoll*, can do the same in O(1) time. In BSD systems, there is a similar system call *kqueue*. Go's Linux implementation uses epoll.
It might be a good idea to implement Fluid's select using epoll too. In this design doc, we start from the O(N) way so that we could focus on Python binding and the syntax.
### Type Channel
Fluid supports many data types:
1. Tensor,
1. Row-sparse Tensor
1. LoD Tensor,
1. Tensor array, etc
Each data type is registered in the [`framework.proto`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/framework.proto#L117-L127) as an enum value. To add a new type channel, we need to add a new type enum.
To expose a C++ type to Python, we need to edit the [`pybind.cc`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/pybind/pybind.cc) file. [Here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/pybind/pybind.cc#L120-L164) is an example how we expose C++ class LoDTensor.
## Syntax Design
### Create Channel
In Go, we create a channel by specifying the element type and buffer size:
ch := make(chan int) // a channel without buffer
ch1 := make(chan int, 100) // a channel that can buffer 100 ints.
In Fluid, we should be able to do the same:
ch = fluid.make_channel(dtype=INT)
ch1 = fluid.make_channel(dtype=INT, 100)
In addition to that, we want channels that can hold more complex element types, e.g., Tensors of float16:
ch = fluid.make_channel(dtype=Tensor, etype=float16)
or Tensors of Tensors of float16 etc.
The point here is that we need a consistent way to compose types, like in C++ we can have `Tensor<Tensor<...<float16>...> >`.
### Send and Recv
Go's CSP implementation depends on data type *channel*. There are two types of channels:
1. The unblocked channel, or buffered channel, is a blocking queue with a non-zero sized buffer. The sending to buffered channel blocks if the buffer is full, and the receive operation blocks if the buffer is empty.
1. blocked channel, or unbuffered channel, is a blocking queue with no buffer. Both sending and receiving block with unbuffered channels.
There are four types of actions with a channel:
1. Create a channel
ch := make(chan int) // this is an unbuffered channel
ch := make(chan int, 100) // this is a buffered channel of 100 ints.
1. Send
ch <- 111
1. Recv
y, ok <- ch
1. Close
Please be aware that a closed channel is not a nil channel, which is `var ch chan int`.
There are some [axioms with channels](https://dave.cheney.net/2014/03/19/channel-axioms):
1. A send to a nil channel blocks forever
1. A receive from a nil channel blocks forever
1. A send to a closed channel panics
1. A receive from a closed channel returns the residual values and then zeros.
In Fluid, we have [buffered channels](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/details/buffered_channel.h) and [unbuffered channels](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/details/unbuffered_channel.h)
The following program illustrates the Python syntax for accessing Fluid buffers.
import fluid
buffer_size = 10
ch = fluid.make_channel(dtype=INT, buffer_size)
# Now write three elements to the channel
with fluid.while(steps=buffer_size):
fluid.send(ch, step)
with fluid.while(steps=buffer_size):
The following example shows that to avoid the always-blocking behavior of unbuffered channels, we need to use Fluid's goroutines.
import fluid
ch = fluid.make_channel(dtype=INT)
with fluid.go():
y = fluid.recv(ch)
### Select
In Go, the `select` statement lets a goroutine wait on multiple communication operations. A `select` blocks until one of its cases can run, then it executes that case. It chooses one at random if multiple are ready.
ch1 := make(chan int)
ch2 := make(chan int, 100)
x := 0
for {
select {
case ch1 <- x:
x := x + 1
case y <- ch2:
fmt.Println("Received on channel")
In Fluid, we should be able to do the same:
ch1 = fluid.make_chan(dtype=INT)
ch2 = fluid.make_chan(dtype=INT, 100)
sel = fluid.select()
with sel.case(ch1, 'w', X):
with sel.case(ch2, 'r', Y):
fluid.print("Received on Channel")
with sel.default():
In the above code snippet, `X` and `Y` are variables. Now let us look at each of these statements one by one.
- `sel.case(ch1, 'w', X)` : This specifies that we are writing to `ch1` and we want to write the integer in variable `X` to the channel. The character `w` is used here to make the syntax familiar to write syntax in Python I/O.
- `sel.case(ch2, 'r', Y)` : This specifies that we would like to read the result from `ch2` into variable `Y`. The character `r` is used here to make the syntax familiar to read syntax in Python I/O.
- `sel.default()` : This is equivalent to the default in Go `select`. If none of the channels are ready for read or write, then the fluid code in the default block will be executed.
## Example Programs
### 1. RPC between Trainers and Parameter Servers
### 2. Concurrent Minibatch Loading
# Design Doc: Distributed Training Architecture
## Abstract
PaddlePaddle version 0.10.0 uses the "trainer-parameter server" architecture. We run multiple instances of trainers (where each trainer runs the same model) and parameter servers for distributed training. This architecture serves well, but has few limitations:
1. There is a need to write special code that handles tasks which should only be run on a single trainer. E.g., initializing the model, saving the model etc.
2. Model parallelism is hard: It would need all the if-else branches conditioned on the trainer ID to partition the model onto the trainers, and eventually manually writing out the inter-model-shard communication code to communicate between different trainers.
3. The user can not directly specify the parameter update rule: This would need to modify the parameter server code and compile a new binary. This makes things more complicated for researchers: A lot of extra effort is required to make this work. Besides, the training job submission program may not allow running arbitrary binaries.
This design doc discusses PaddlePaddle's new distributed training architecture that addresses the above mentioned limitations.
## Analysis
The assumption is that the user writes the trainer program in either Python or C++.
### Limitation 1
There are two basic functionalities in the trainer program:
1. The training logic such as loading / saving the model and printing out the logs.
2. The neural network definition such as the definition of the data layer, the fully connected layer, the cost function and the
When we train using PaddlePaddle v0.10.0 in a distributed fashion, multiple instances of the same Python code are run on different nodes, hence both: the
training logic as well as the neural network computation logic, is replicated.
The tasks that only need to be run once belong to the training logic. Hence if we only replicate the neural network computation part, and do **not**
replicate the training logic, the limitation mentioned above can be avoided.
### Limitation 2
Model parallelism means that a single model is partitioned into different components and each node runs one of the component separately. This comes at the extra cost of managing the
inter-model-shard communication between nodes.
PaddlePaddle should ideally be able to modify the neural network computation and figure out the support for model parallelism automatically. However, the
computation is only specified in Python code which sits outside of PaddlePaddle, hence PaddlePaddle can not support the feature in this setup.
Similar to how a compiler uses an intermediate representation (IR) so that the programmer does not need to manually optimize their code for most of the cases, we can have an intermediate representation in PaddlePaddle as well. The compiler optimizes the IR as follows:
<img src="src/compiler.png"/>
PaddlePaddle can support model parallelism by converting the IR so that the user no longer needs to manually perform the computation and operations in the Python component:
<img src="src/paddle-compile.png"/>
The IR for PaddlePaddle after refactoring is called a `Block`, it specifies the computation dependency graph and the variables used in the computation.
### Limitation 3
The user can not directly specify the parameter update rule for the parameter server in the Python module, since the parameter server does not use the same computation definition as the trainer. Instead, the update rule is baked inside the parameter server. The user can not specify the update rule explicitly.
This could be fixed by making the parameter server also run an IR, which can be different to the trainer side
For a detailed explanation, refer to this document -
[Design Doc: Parameter Server](./parameter_server.md)
## Distributed Training Architecture
The revamped distributed training architecture can address the above discussed limitations. Below is the illustration of how it does so:
<img src="src/distributed_architecture.png"/>
The major components are: *Python API*, *Distribute Transpiler* and *Remote Executor*.
### Python API
Python API is the Python library that user's Python code invokes, to read the data, build the neural network topology, and start training, etc.
images = fluid.layers.data(name='pixel', shape=[1, 28, 28], dtype='float32')
label = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1], dtype='int64')
predict = fluid.layers.fc(input=conv_pool_2, size=10, act="softmax")
cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=predict, label=label)
avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost)
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.01)
train_reader = paddle.batch(
paddle.dataset.mnist.train(), buf_size=500),
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe = fluid.Executor(place)
for pass_id in range(10):
for data in train_reader():
loss, acc = exe.run(trainer_prog,
The code above is a typical local training program, the "Training Program" is built using helper functions such as
`fluid.layer.fc`. The training is done by calling `Executor.run`
For more details, the implementation of IR is [Program](../program.md), and `ProgramDesc` is the protobuf type.
[Executor](../executor.md) simply runs the `ProgramDesc`. For local training you generally use
`Executor` to run the program locally. For any kind of distributed training, you can use
`RemoteExecutor` to specify desired distributed training method with some optional arguments.
### Distributed Transpiler
The Distributed Transpiler automatically converts the IR (in protobuf format) to partitioned IRs. Then
the Remote Executor dispatches the new IRs to Remote Executors across the cluster.
Below are the steps that are followed :
1. User only need to change `Executor` to `RemoteExecutor` to change local program to distributed program.
1. `RemoteExecutor` calls `Distributed Transpiler` to "transpile" user's program to several IRs representing a
distributed training program:
1. Parse configurations from `RemoteExecutor`.
1. Determine the type of distributed program, can be DataParallelism, ModelParallelism or Streaming.
1. Partition the `ProgramDesc` according to type and add `send` / `recv` OP pair on the boundaries. Take
DataParallelism type for example, it removes the optimization operators and add a `send` OP to the
"trainer" role, then add the optimization operators to the parameter server role within the `recv` OP.
1. Dispatch the partitioned graph to different `RemoteExecutor` in the cluster.
1. `RemoteExecutor` on each node run the received `ProgramDesc` utill the end.
### RemoteExecutor
As shown in the graph, `RemoteExecutor.run` sends the IR to the cluster for Execution.
You can also use parameter `fetch_list` to interactively fetch variable back to local for
log printing.
The Python `RemoteExecutor` is derived from `Executor` class.
exe = RemoteExecutor(
for data in train_reader():
loss, acc = exe.run(trainer_prog,
`JobDesc` object describe the distributed job resource specification to run on
Cluster environment.
<img src="src/remote_executor.png" width="500" align="center" />
`RemoteExecutor.run` sends the `ProgramDesc` and
to a server in the cluster which executes `RemoteExecutor.listen`. This server is responsible
to start the final Kubernetes Jobs to run the different role of `ProgramDesc` from `ConfigMap`.
### Placement Algorithm
Our first implementation will only support "trainer-parameter server" placement: the parameters, initializers, and optimizers are all placed on the PaddlePaddle runtimes with the parameter server role. Everything else will be placed on the PaddlePaddle runtimes with the trainer role. This has the same functionality as the "trainer-parameter server" architecture of PaddlePaddle v0.10.0, but is more generic and flexible.
In the future, a more general placement algorithm should be implemented, which makes placements according to the input IR, and a model of device computation time and device communication time. Model parallelism requires the generic placement algorithm.
### Local Training Architecture
The local training architecture will be the same as the distributed training architecture, the difference is that everything runs locally, and there is just one PaddlePaddle runtime:
<img src="src/local_architecture.png"/>
### Training Data
In PaddlePaddle v0.10.0, training data is typically read
with [data reader](../reader/README.md) from Python. This approach is
no longer efficient when training distributedly since the Python
process no longer runs on the same node with the trainer processes,
the Python reader will need to read from the distributed filesystem
(assuming it has the access) and send to the trainers, doubling the
network traffic.
When doing distributed training, the user can still use Python data
reader: the training data are sent with `Executor.run`. However, should
be used for debugging purpose only. The users are encouraged to use
the read data OPs.
## References:
[1] [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45166.pdf)
[2] [TensorFlow: A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/osdi16/osdi16-abadi.pdf)
# Design Doc: Execute the Program with Multi CPU
## Abstract
This Design Doc propose an approach to make the user-defined Op graph
running with multi-CPU, we will use an auto transpiler to convert the user-defined
Op graph to a multi-CPU Op graph, and run `ParallelDo` Op to run the graph.
## Transpiler
<img src="src/multi-threads/single-thread@3x.png" width="300">
After converted:
<img src="src/multi-threads/multi-threads@3x.png" width="1000">
## Implement
- `Multi-CPU Transpiler` will convert the graph to a multi-CPU graph
which would be executed with multi-threads.
- `BlockingCounter` will `Init/Decrement` an atomic counter, and Blocking `Wait`
for the atomic counter become `0`:
BlockingCounter bc(thread_count);
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
thread_pool->Start([&bc] {bc.DecrementCount(); })
- `ParallelDo` Operator
- Initialize a thread pool which is a Singleton.
- Use a block id as the input, and create run the specify Block on independent scope
with multi-threads.
- Initialize a `BlockingCounter` instance and wait until all threads are done.
- `Split` Operator will split the Input Tensor into a TensorArray.
- `Merge` merge all the gradients which calculated in different threads
with `mean/sum/max/min...` method, and then run the Optimizer Op to optimize `W`.
- Improve the optimizer stage with multi-threads, since we could
assign the parameters to the different threads and execute
optimizer with multi-threads.
# Design Doc: Parameter Server
## Abstract
We propose an approach to implement the parameter server. In this
approach, there is no fundamental difference between the trainer and
the parameter server: they both run subgraphs, but subgraphs of
different purposes.
## Background
The previous implementations of the parameter server do not run a
fluid sub-program. Parameter initialization, optimizer computation, network
communication and checkpointing are implemented twice on both the
trainer as well as the parameter server.
It would be great if we can write code once and use them on both: the
trainer and the parameter server, since this reduces code duplication and
improves extensibility. Given that after the current refactoring, we are
representing everything as a computation graph on the
trainer. Representing everything as a computation graph on the parameter
server becomes a natural extension.
## Design
### Distributed Transpiler
The *Distributed Transpiler* converts the user-defined fluid program
into sub-programs to be scheduled on different nodes with the following
1. OP placement: the OPs will be placed on different nodes according
to a heuristic that minimizes the estimated total computation
time. Currently we will use a simple heuristic that puts parameter
variable on parameter server workers and everything else on trainer
1. Add communication OPs to enable the communication between nodes.
We will need these OPs: *Send*, *Recv*, *Enqueue*, *Dequeue*.
Below is an example of converting the user defined graph to the
subgraphs for the trainer and the parameter server:
<img src="src/local-graph.png" width="300"/>
After converting:
<img src="src/dist-graph.png" width="700"/>
1. The parameter variable W and its optimizer program are placed on the parameter server.
1. Operators are added to the program.
- *Send* sends data to the connected *Recv* operator. The
scheduler on the receive node will only schedule *Recv* operator
to run when the *Send* operator has ran (the *Send* OP will mark
the *Recv* OP runnable automatically).
- *Enqueue* enqueues the input variable, it can block until space
become available in the queue.
- *Dequeue* outputs configurable numbers of tensors from the
queue. It will block until the queue has the required number of
### Benefits
- Model parallelism becomes easier to implement: it is an extension to
the trainer - parameter server approach. We can have several "Transpilers"
to achieve different goals.
- User-defined optimizer is easier to add - user can now express it as
a sub-program.
- No more duplication logic inside the trainer and the parameter
server mentioned in the background section.
### Challenges
- It is important to balance the parameter shards on multiple
parameter servers. If a single parameter is very big (for example: some
word-embedding, fully connected, softmax layer), we need to
automatically partition the single parameter onto different
parameter servers when possible (only element-wise optimizer depends
on the parameter variable).
- In the "Async SGD" figure, the "W" variable on the parameter server
could be read and written concurrently. See
[here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/6394) for more
details about concurrent program in Fluid.
### Discussion
- Can the Enqueue OP be implemented under our current tensor design
(put the input tensor into the queue tensor)?
- *Dequeue* OP will have variable numbers of output (depending on the
`min_count` attribute), does our current design support it? (similar
question for the *Add* OP)
### References:
[1] [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45166.pdf)
# Error Clip
## Overview
Error clip is widely used in model training to prevent gradient exploding. It takes some specific rules to adjust variables' gradients and prevent them from being too large. With it, values of a gradient will be checked before they are taken by the next `grad_op` and be shrunk if necessary.
## Usage
Users are allowed to assign different error clip methods or attributes to different `Variable`s. Users can specify it as a parameter of `Variable`'s constructor:
var = framework.Variable(..., error_clip=myErrorClip, ...)
The default value of `error_clip` is `None`, which means no error clip is employed. When it's not `None`, it should take an object of `BaseErrorClipAttr`'s derived class. So far, `BaseErrorClipAttr` has only one derived class: `ErrorClipByValue`, whose constructor is:
ErrorClipByValue(max, min=None)
`max` and `min` represent the maximal and minimal clip threshold respectively. In backward pass, all values of `var`'s gradient greater than `max` or less than `min` will be clipped to `max` and `min` respectively. When the `min` is None, the minimal threshold will be assigned with `-max` automatically.
So we can enable the error clip with threshold `[-5.0, 5.0]` for variable `var` by:
var = framework.Variable(..., error_clip=ErrorClipByValue(max=5.0), ...)
## Implementation
The `BaseErrorClipAttr` and its derived class `ErrorClipByValue` are defined in *clip.py*.
class BaseErrorClipAttr(object):
def append_clip_op(self, block, grad_name):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ErrorClipByValue(BaseErrorClipAttr):
def __init__(self, max, min=None):
max = float(max)
if min is None:
min = -max
min = float(min)
self.max = max
self.min = min
def append_clip_op(self, block, grad_name):
clip_op_desc = block.desc.append_op()
clip_op_desc.set_input("X", [grad_name])
clip_op_desc.set_output("Out", [grad_name])
clip_op_desc.set_attr("min", self.min)
clip_op_desc.set_attr("max", self.max)
The `BaseErrorClipAttr` have one main member functions: `append_clip_op(self, block, grad_name)`.
This function is used to create a `clip_op` and append it to the end of given `block`. For different error clip algorithm require different `clip_op`, the function is defined as virtual in the base class. All derived classes must implement their own versions of this function.
These `clip_op`s should be inserted after `grad_op`s whose output gradients need to be clipped. It is equivalent to appending some `clip_op`s to the end of the target block every time a new `grad_op` is added.
for op_desc in grad_op_descs:
new_op_desc = target_block.desc.append_op()
callback(block=target_block, context=grad_to_var)
Here we employ a callback function to complete this kind of jobs. In `_append_backward_ops_` function, each time after a `grad_op` is added to the `target_block`, a callback function is invoked. The logic of `clip_op` appending can be implemented inside the callback function.
The callback function for `clip_op` appending is defined in *clip.py*:
def error_clip_callback(block, context):
# the context is a grad_to_var map
grad_to_var = context
op_desc = block.desc.op(block.desc.op_size() - 1)
for grad_n in filter(lambda n: grad_to_var.has_key(n),
fwd_var = block.var_recursive(grad_to_var[grad_n])
error_clip = getattr(fwd_var, "error_clip", None)
if not (error_clip is None or isinstance(error_clip,
raise TypeError(
"Variable's error_clip should be an instance of BaseErrorClipAttr or None."
if error_clip is not None:
error_clip.append_clip_op(block, grad_n)
This function takes a `block` and a `context`(which is actually a grad\_to\_var map) as inputs. It checks each output of the last `OpDesc` in the `block`. Notice that the last `OpDesc` of the `block` must be a `grad_op` and its outputs must be some forward variables' gradients. If an output gradient's corresponding forward variable has an attribute of `error_clip`, `error_clip_callback` will call the `error_clip`'s `append_clip_op` function to append the required `clip_op` into the `block`.
## Evaluator Design
### Problem Statement
During training or inference, we provide an evaluation function to measure the model performance, for example, accuracy, precision, etc. In the operator based framework design, the data passes through the network pipeline batch by batch. As a result, inside the operator, we only calculate the metrics for one minibatch. Thus, we need to provide a mechanism to calculate the metrics for each N pass/batch the user wants.
### Evaluator Design
Currently, every operation is expressed in the graph. We divide the evaluator process into three steps.
1. Initialize the metric state and add it into the block.
2. Calculate the concerned metrics for every mini-batch. The single evaluator operator is only responsible for calculating the necessary statistics for one mini-batch. For example, the accuracy operator only calculates the accuracy for a minibatch data if run once.
3. Merge the mini-batch statistics to form the evaluation result for multiple mini-batches. When it comes to distributed training/Multi-GPU training, aggregate the value from different devices.
### Implementation
This design is shown in the Python API.
Each metric operator needs to caculate the metric statistic and return the batch-aware states. Python side is responsible for accumulating the states for each pass.
class Evaluator(object):
Evaluator Base class.
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
Different evaluator may has different metric states. E.g, Accuracy need two variables, total and right sample counts.
Auc need four variables, `true_positives`,
`true_negatives`, `false_positives` and `false_negatives`. So every evaluator should create its needed variables and append to main_program
The initialization of Evaluator should be responsible for:
create metric states and append to the main_program
def _update_ops(self, input, label, **kwargs)
Add mini-batch evaluator caculate operators to the main_program.
Add increment operator to accumulate the metric states.
def reset(self, executor, reset_program=None):
Reset metric states at the begin of each pass/user specified batch number.
Execute the reset_program to reset the states.
def eval(self, executor, eval_program=None):
Merge the mini-batch statistics to form the evaluation result for multiple mini-batches.
Execute the eval_program and return the result.
return eval_result
# Executor Design Doc
## Motivation
In [fluid](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/fluid.md), we encourage the user to use deep learning programming paradigms to describe the training process. When the user-written Python program is executed, it will first create a protobuf message
[`ProgramDesc`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/a91efdde6910ce92a78e3aa7157412c4c88d9ee8/paddle/framework/framework.proto#L145) that describes the process and is conceptually like an [abstract syntax tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree).
The executor runs the `ProgramDesc` like an interpreter. `ProgramDesc` contains the intrinsics (operators in this case) and variables which will be used, executor explicitly executes the stored precompiled code.
## Overview
An executor takes a `ProgramDesc`, a `block_id` and a `Scope`. The `ProgramDesc` is a list of blocks and each block contains the protobuf definition of all the parameters and operators in the block. The `block_id` specifies the entrance block. And the `Scope` is the container of all the variable instances, which is persistent throughout different runs.
## Executor
The `Executor` explicitly executes all the intrinsics (operators here) in the `block_id`th block of a `ProgramDesc`. Essentially, it instantiates Variables and Operators, then runs all the operators in sequence one-by-one.
It is very similar to how a push stack frame works when entering a block, following which it cleans up all the temporary variables when a mini-batch is finished. It does not however, have the stack frame pop process.
### The interface
A executor does not own any computing resources, a user can only construct an executor using the specified places.
### Running an Executor
void Run(ProgramDesc, Scope, block_id, create_local_scope);
An `Executor` only provides a unified way to execute `ProgramDesc`. `ProgramDesc` is the target that will be executed, the `Scope` specifies the variable container, the `block_id` indicates the entrance block and `create_local_scope` is a boolean that states whether it will destroy the temporary variables after the execution is finished.
# FileManager设计文档
## 目标
- 提供常用的命令行管理命令管理文件和目录
- 支持大文件的断点上传、下载
## 名词解释
- PFS:是`Paddlepaddle cloud File System`的缩写,是对用户文件存储空间的抽象,与之相对的是local filesystem。目前我们用CephFS来搭建。
- [CephFS](http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/):一个POSIX兼容的文件系统。
- Chunk:逻辑划上文件分块的单位。
## 模块
### 架构图
<image src=./src/filemanager.png width=900>
### PFSClient
- 功能: 详细设计[link](./pfs/pfsclient.md)
- 提供用户管理文件的命令
- 需要可以跨平台执行
- 双向验证
PFSClient需要和Ingress之间做双向验证<sup>[tls](#tls)</sup>,所以用户需要首先在`cloud.paddlepaddle.org`上注册一下,申请用户空间,并且把系统生成的CA(certificate authority)、Key、CRT(CA signed certificate)下载到本地,然后才能使用PFSClient。
### [Ingress](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/)
- 功能:
- 透传用户身份的办法
### PFSServer
PFSServer提供RESTful API接口,接收处理PFSClient端的文件管理请求,并且把结果返回PFSClient端。
- /api/v1/files
- `GET /api/v1/files`: Get metadata of files or directories.
- `POST /api/v1/files`: Create files or directories.
- `PATCH /api/v1/files`: Update files or directories.
- `DELETE /api/v1/files`: Delete files or directories.
- /api/v1/file/chunks
- `GET /api/v1/storage/file/chunks`: Get chunks's metadata of a file.
- /api/v1/storage/files
- `GET /api/v1/storage/files`: Download files or directories.
- `POST /api/v1/storage/files`: Upload files or directories.
- /api/v1/storage/file/chunks
- `GET /api/v1/storage/file/chunks`: Download chunks's data.
- `POST /api/v1/storage/file/chunks`: Upload chunks's data.
## 文件传输优化
### 分块文件传输
type Chunk struct {
fileOffset int64
checksum uint32
len uint32
data []byte
### 生成sparse文件
### 覆盖不一致的部分
## 用户使用流程
## 框架生成
## 参考文档
- <a name=tls></a>[TLS complete guide](https://github.com/k8sp/tls/blob/master/tls.md)
- [aws.s3](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/)
- [linux man document](https://linux.die.net/man/)
# PFSClient
## Description
The `pfs` command is a Command Line Interface to manage your files on PaddlePaddle Cloud
## Synopsis
paddle [options] pfs <subcommand> [parameters]
## Options
--profile (string)
Use a specific profile from your credential file.
--help (string)
Display more information about command
Output version information and exit
Show detailed debugging log
--only-show-errors (boolean)
Only errors and warnings are displayed. All other output is suppressed.
## Path Arguments
When using a command, we need to specify path arguments. There are two path argument type: `localpath` and `pfspath`.
A `pfspath` begin with `/pfs`, eg: `/pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder`.
[Here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/cluster_train/data_dispatch.md#上传训练文件) is how to config datacenters.
## order of Path Arguments
Commonly, if there are two path arguments, the first is the source, and the second is the destination.
## Subcommonds
- rm - remove files or directories
rm [-r] [-v] <PFSPath> ...
Remove directories and their contents recursively
Cause rm to be verbose, showing files after they are removed.
paddle pfs rm /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/file
paddle pfs rm -r /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder
- mv - move (rename) files
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <LocalPath> <PFSPath>
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <LocalPath> ... <PFSPath>
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <PFSPath> <LocalPath>
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <PFSPath> ... <LocalPath>
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <PFSPath> <PFSPath>
mv [-f | -n] [-v] <PFSPath> ... <PFSPath>
Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path. (The -f option overrides previous -n options.)
Do not overwrite an existing file. (The -n option overrides previous -f options.)
Cause mv to be verbose, showing files after they are moved.
paddle pfs mv ./text1.txt /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/text1.txt
- cp - copy files or directories
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <LocalPath> <PFSPath>
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <LocalPath> ... <PFSPath>
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <PFSPath> <LocalPath>
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <PFSPath> ... <LocalPath>
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <PFSPath> <PFSPath>
cp [-r] [-f | -n] [-v] [--preserve--links] <PFSPath> ... <PFSPath>
Copy directories recursively
Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path. (The -f option overrides previous -n options.)
Do not overwrite an existing file. (The -n option overrides previous -f options.)
Cause cp to be verbose, showing files after they are copied.
Reserve links when copy links
paddle pfs cp ./file /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/file
paddle pfs cp /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/file ./file
- ls- list files
ls [-r] <PFSPath> ...
List directory(ies) recursively
paddle pfs ls /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/file
paddle pfs ls /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder
- mkdir - mkdir directory(ies)
Create intermediate directory(ies) as required.
mkdir <PFSPath> ...
paddle pfs mkdir /pfs/$DATACENTER/home/$USER/folder
# Design Doc: float16
## Why float16
Half precision (float16) is a binary floating-point format that occupies 16 bits in memory. float16 is half the size of traditional 32-bit single precision format (float) and has lower precision and smaller range.
When high precision computation is not required, using float16 data type could potentially
- reduce storage space, memory bandwidth, and power usages;
- increase the chance of data fitting into a smaller cache of lower latency;
- provide arithmetic speed up if supported by hardware.
## Survey of current float16 support
A brief survey of float16 support on different compilers, hardwares, and libraries can be found below. Interested readers can refer to [link1](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/4853) and [link2](https://github.com/Xreki/Xreki.github.io/blob/master/multi_data_types_in_dl_framework/ppt/float16_and_quantized_type.md) for more info.
The goal of float16 is to serve as a key for the executor to find and run the correct version of compute method specialized for float16 in operator kernel. It should be compatible with various natively supported float16 implementations including `__half` for cuda, `float16_t` for ARM, and `Eigen::half` for Eigen to make writing customized float16 kernels easier.
### Compiler
- nvcc supports `__half` data type after CUDA 7.5.
- `__fp16` or `float16_t` is supported as storage type for gcc >= 6.1 and clang >= 3.4.
- `__fp16` or `float16_t` is supported as arithmetic type for gcc >= 7.1 and clang >= 3.9.
### Hardware
- `__half` is supported on GPU with compute capability >= 5.3.
- `__fp16` is supported as storage type for ARMv7-A, ARMv8-A, and above.
- `__fp16` is supported as arithmetic type after ARMv8.2-A (currently, the only microarchitecture implementing ARMv8.2-A is ARM Cortex-A75, which is announced in May 2017. There seems to be no application processors currently available on market that adopts this architecture. It is reported that Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 uses Cortex-A75 design and will be available in mobile devices in early 2018).
### Libraries
- [Eigen](https://github.com/RLovelett/eigen) >= 3.3 supports float16 calculation on both GPU and CPU using the `Eigen::half` class. It is mostly useful for Nvidia GPUs because of the overloaded arithmetic operators using cuda intrinsics. It falls back to using software emulation on CPU for calculation and there is no special treatment to ARM processors.
- [ARM compute library](https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary) >= 17.02.01 supports NEON FP16 kernels (requires ARMv8.2-A CPU).
### CUDA version issue
There are currently three versions of CUDA that supports `__half` data type, namely, CUDA 7.5, 8.0, and 9.0.
CUDA 7.5 and 8.0 define `__half` as a simple struct that has a `uint16_t` data (see [`cuda_fp16.h`](https://github.com/ptillet/isaac/blob/9212ab5a3ddbe48f30ef373f9c1fb546804c7a8c/include/isaac/external/CUDA/cuda_fp16.h)) as follows:
typedef struct __align__(2) {
unsigned short x;
} __half;
typedef __half half;
This struct does not define any overloaded arithmetic operators. So you have to directly use `__hadd` instead of `+` to correctly add two half types:
__global__ void Add() {
half a, b, c;
c = __hadd(a, b); // correct
c = a + b; // compiler error: no operator "+" matches these operands
CUDA 9.0 provides a major update to the half data type. The related code can be found in the updated [`cuda_fp16.h`](https://github.com/ptillet/isaac/blob/master/include/isaac/external/CUDA/cuda_fp16.h) and the newly added [`cuda_fp16.hpp`](https://github.com/ptillet/isaac/blob/master/include/isaac/external/CUDA/cuda_fp16.hpp).
Essentially, CUDA 9.0 renames the original `__half` type in 7.5 and 8.0 as `__half_raw`, and defines a new `__half` class type that has constructors, conversion operators, and also provides overloaded arithmetic operators such as follows:
typedef struct __CUDA_ALIGN__(2) {
unsigned short x;
} __half_raw;
struct __CUDA_ALIGN__(2) __half {
unsigned short __x;
// constructors and conversion operators from/to
// __half_raw and other built-in data types
typedef __half half;
__device__ __forceinline__
__half operator+(const __half &lh, const __half &rh) {
return __hadd(lh, rh);
// Other overloaded operators
This new design makes `c = a + b` work correctly for CUDA half data type.
## Implementation
The float16 class holds a 16-bit `uint16_t` data internally.
struct float16 {
uint16_t x;
float16 supports the following features:
- constructors / assignment operators that take input from primitive data types including bool, integers of various length, float, and double.
- constructors / assignment operators that take input from `__half` on cuda, `float16_t` on ARM, and `Eigen::half` on Eigen.
- conversion operators to primitive data types and half precision data types on cuda, ARM and Eigen.
- overloaded arithmetic operators for cuda, arm, and non-arm cpu, respectively. These operators will take advantage of the cuda and ARM intrinsics on the corresponding hardware.
To support the above features, two fundamental conversion functions are provided:
float16 float_to_half_rn(float f); // convert to half precision in round-to-nearest-even mode
float half_to_float(float16 h);
which provides one-to-one conversion between float32 and float16. These twos functions will do different conversion routines based on the current hardware. CUDA/ARM instrinsics will be used when the corresonding hardware is available. If the hardware or compiler level does not support float32 to float16 conversion, software emulation will be performed to do the conversion.
## To do
After float16 class is available, some of the future items are below:
- Update pybind/tensor_py.h to bind c++ float16 with numpy float16.
- Modify `GetKernelType()` method in `framework/operator.h` to make it compatible with float16.
- Create a type-casting operator that can convert the data type in tensor between float16 and other types.
# Design Doc: PaddlePaddle Fluid
## Why Fluid
When Baidu developed PaddlePaddle in 2013, the only well-known open source deep learning system at the time was Caffe. However, when PaddlePaddle was open-sourced in 2016, many other choices were available. There was a challenge -- what is the need for open sourcing yet another deep learning framework?
Fluid is the answer. Fluid is similar to PyTorch and TensorFlow Eager Execution, which describes the "process" of training or inference using the concept of a model. In fact in PyTorch, TensorFlow Eager Execution and Fluid, there is no concept of a model at all. The details are covered in the sections below. Fluid is currently more extreme in the above mentioned idea than PyTorch and Eager Execution, and we are trying to push Fluid towards the directions of a compiler and a new programming language for deep learning.
## The Evolution of Deep Learning Systems
Deep learning infrastructure is one of the fastest evolving technologies. Within four years, there have already been three generations of technologies invented.
| Existed since | model as sequence of layers | model as graph of operators | No model |
| 2013 | Caffe, Theano, Torch, PaddlePaddle | | |
| 2015 | | TensorFlow, MxNet, Caffe2, ONNX, n-graph | |
| 2016 | | | PyTorch, TensorFlow Eager Execution, PaddlePaddle Fluid |
From the above table, we see that the deep learning technology is evolving towards getting rid of the concept of a model. To understand the reasons behind this direction, a comparison of the *programming paradigms* or the ways to program deep learning applications using these systems, would be helpful. The following section goes over these.
## Deep Learning Programming Paradigms
With the systems listed as the first or second generation, e.g., Caffe or TensorFlow, an AI application training program looks like the following:
x = layer.data("image")
l = layer.data("label")
f = layer.fc(x, W)
s = layer.softmax(f)
c = layer.mse(l, s)
for i in xrange(1000): # train for 1000 iterations
m = read_minibatch()
forward({input=x, data=m}, minimize=c)
print W # print the trained model parameters.
The above program includes two parts:
1. The first part describes the model, and
2. The second part describes the training process (or inference process) for the model.
This paradigm has a well-known problem that limits the productivity of programmers. If the programmer made a mistake in configuring the model, the error messages wouldn't show up until the second part is executed and `forward` and `backward` propagations are performed. This makes it difficult for the programmer to debug and locate a mistake that is located blocks away from the actual error prompt.
This problem of being hard to debug and re-iterate fast on a program is the primary reason that programmers, in general, prefer PyTorch over the older systems. Using PyTorch, we would write the above program as following:
W = tensor(...)
for i in xrange(1000): # train for 1000 iterations
m = read_minibatch()
x = m["image"]
l = m["label"]
f = layer.fc(x, W)
s = layer.softmax(f)
c = layer.mse(l, s)
print W # print the trained model parameters.
We can see that the main difference is the moving the model configuration part (the first step) into the training loop. This change would allow the mistakes in model configuration to be reported where they actually appear in the programming block. This change also represents the model better, or its forward pass, by keeping the configuration process in the training loop.
## Describe Arbitrary Models for the Future
Describing the process instead of the model also brings Fluid, the flexibility to define different non-standard models that haven't been invented yet.
As we write out the program for the process, we can write an RNN as a loop, instead of an RNN as a layer or as an operator. A PyTorch example would look like the following:
for i in xrange(1000):
m = read_minibatch()
x = m["sentence"]
for t in xrange x.len():
h[t] = the_step(x[t])
With Fluid, the training loop and the RNN in the above program are not really Python loops, but just a "loop structure" provided by Fluid and implemented in C++ as the following:
train_loop = layers.While(cond)
with train_loop.block():
m = read_minibatch()
x = m["sentence"]
rnn = layers.While(...)
with rnn.block():
h[t] = the_step(input[t])
An actual Fluid example is described [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/bde090a97564b9c61a6aaa38b72ccc4889d102d9/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_while_op.py#L50-L58).
From the example, the Fluid programs look very similar to their PyTorch equivalent programs, except that Fluid's loop structure, wrapped with Python's `with` statement, could run much faster than just a Python loop.
We have more examples of the [`if-then-else`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/if_else_op.md) structure of Fluid.
## Turing Completeness
In computability theory, a system of data-manipulation rules, such as a programming language, is said to be Turing complete if it can be used to simulate any Turing machine. For a programming language, if it provides if-then-else and loop, it is Turing complete. From the above examples, Fluid seems to be Turing complete; however, it is noteworthy to notice that there is a slight difference between the `if-then-else` of Fluid and that of a programming language. The difference being that the former runs both of its branches and splits the input mini-batch into two -- one for the True condition and another for the False condition. This hasn't been researched in depth if this is equivalent to the `if-then-else` in programming languages that makes them Turing-complete. Based on a conversation with [Yuang Yu](https://research.google.com/pubs/104812.html), it seems to be the case but this needs to be looked into in-depth.
## The Execution of a Fluid Program
There are two ways to execute a Fluid program. When a program is executed, it creates a protobuf message [`ProgramDesc`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/a91efdde6910ce92a78e3aa7157412c4c88d9ee8/paddle/framework/framework.proto#L145) that describes the process and is conceptually like an [abstract syntax tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree).
There is a C++ class [`Executor`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/executor.h), which runs a `ProgramDesc`, similar to how an interpreter runs a Python program.
Fluid is moving towards the direction of a compiler, which is explain in [fluid_compiler.md](fluid_compiler.md).
## Backward Compatibility of Fluid
Given all the advantages from the removal of the concept of a *model*, hardware manufacturers might still prefer the existence of the concept of a model, so it would be easier for them to support multiple frameworks all at once and could run a trained model during inference. For example, Nervana, a startup company acquired by Intel, has been working on an XPU that reads the models in the format known as [n-graph](https://github.com/NervanaSystems/ngraph). Similarly, [Movidius](https://www.movidius.com/) is producing a mobile deep learning chip that reads and runs graphs of operators. The well-known [ONNX](https://github.com/onnx/onnx) is also a file format of graphs of operators.
For Fluid, we can write a converter that extracts the parts in the `ProgramDesc` protobuf message, converts them into a graph of operators, and exports the graph into the ONNX or n-graph format.
# PaddlePaddle Fluid: Towards a Compiled Programming Language
As described in [fluid.md](fluid.md), when a Fluid application program
runs, it generates a `ProgramDesc` protobuf message as an intermediate
representation of itself. The C++ class `Executor` can run this
protobuf message as an interpreter. This article describes the Fluid
## ProgramDesc
Before we go deeper into the idea of compiled language, let us take a
look at a simple example Fluid application.
import "fluid"
func paddlepaddle() {
X = fluid.read(...)
W = fluid.Tensor(...)
Y = fluid.mult(X, W)
This program consists of a [block](block.md) of three operators --
`read`, `assign`, and `mult`. Its `ProgramDesc` message looks like
the following
message ProgramDesc {
block[0] = Block {
vars = [X, W, Y],
ops = [
read(output = X)
assign(input = ..., output = W)
mult(input = {X, W}, output = Y)
## Transpilers
We can write a transpiler program that takes a `ProgramDesc`, e.g.,
the above one, and outputs another `ProgramDesc`. Let us take some
1. *Memory optimization transpiler*: We can write a transpiler that
inserts some `FreeMemoryOp`s in the above example `ProgramDesc` so
to free memory early, before the end of an iteration, so to keep a
small memory footprint.
1. *Distributed training transpiler*: We can write a transpiler that
converts a`ProgramDesc` into its distributed version of two
`ProgramDesc`s -- one for running by the trainer processes and the
other for the parameter server.
In the rest of this article, we talk about a special kind of
transpiler, *Native code generator*, which takes a `ProgramDesc` and
generates a `.cu` (or `.cc`) file, which could be built by C++
compilers (gcc, nvcc, icc) into binaries.
## Native Code Generator
For the above example, the native code generator transpiler, say, the
CUDA code generator, should generate a `main` function:
void main() {
auto X = fluid_cuda_read(...);
auto W = fluid_cuda_create_tensor(...);
auto Y = fluid_cuda_mult(X, W);
and the definitions of functions `fluid_cuda_read`,
`fluid_cuda_create_tensor`, and `fluid_cuda_mult`. Please be aware
that each function could just define a C++ instance of an operator and
run it. For example
paddle::Tensor fluid_cuda_read(...) {
paddle::Tensor t;
paddle::operator::Read r(&t, ...);
return t;
For computational operators that have multiple *kernels*, each for a
specific hardware platform, for example, the `mult` operator, the
generated code should call its CUDA kernel:
paddle::Tensor fluid_cuda_mult(const paddle::Tensor& a,
const paddle::Tensor& b) {
paddle::Tensor t;
paddle::operator::Mult m(a, b, ...);
where `cuda_context` could be a global variable of type
## Multi-Block Code Generation
Most Fluid application programs may have more than one blocks. To
execute them, we need to trace [scopes](scope.md).
# Design Doc: Functions, Operators, and Layers
In a DL system, we can compose one or more fine grained operators into a coarse grained one. For example, the FC layer can be composed of a multiplication operator and an add operator.
Historically, some fine grained operations are known as operators, and some coarse level ones are known as layers. But we need a well-defined separation.
In general, operators are those very fine grained operations, e.g., mul and add. In the implementation, we can write them as C++ functions:
template <typename T> T add(T x, T y) { return x + y; }
template <typename T> T mul(T x, T y) { return x * y; }
Then we can wrap them into operators which are C++ classes and can be created from Python bindings by name. A C macro can do this. For example, the following macro invocation
template <typename T> class mulOp : public OperatorBase {...};
REGISTER_OP(mulOp<float32>, "mul");
so that in Python we can create operator mul by:
X1 = Var()
X2 = Var()
Y = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input=[X1, X2], output=Y)
Also, at the same time, we can compose a coarse level C++ operator class by composing functions `mul` and `add`:
template <typename T>
class FCOp : public OperatorBase {
void Run(...) {
add(mul(Input<T>("X"), Input<T>("W")), Input<T>("b");
We need to support such composition in Python as well. To do so, we need a higher level Python wrapping of operator creation than `paddle.cpp.create_operator`. This higher level operator API should be compatible with the layer API.
Let's explain using an example. Suppose that we are going to compose the FC using mul and add in Python, we'd like to have Python functions `mul` and `add` defined in module `operator`:
def operator.mul(X1, X2):
O = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input={X1, Y1}, output=O)
return O
def operator.add(X1, X2):
O = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("add", input={X1, X2}, output=O)
return O
Above code snippets are automatically generated. Given them, users can define
def layer.fc(X):
W = Var()
b = Var()
return operator.add(operator.mul(X, W), b)
If we don't have `operator.mul` and `operator.add`, the definiton of `layer.fc` would be complicated:
def layer.fc(X):
W = Var()
b = Var()
O1 = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input=[X, W], output=O1)
O2 = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("add", input=[O1, b], output=O2)
return O2
We'd like to have Python bindings to operators in package `paddle.operator`, and Python compositions of operators in package `paddle.layer`. So we have the following concepts in above illustrative example:
| C++ functions/functors | mul | add | | |
| C++ operator class | mulOp | addOp | FCOp | |
| Python binding | operator.mul | operator.add | operator.fc | |
| Python function | | | | layer.fc |
This is how we differentiate layer and operators in PaddlePaddle:
- those defined in C++ and have a lightweighted Python wrapper in module `operators` are operators; whereas
- those who don't have C++ implementations but a Python implementation that compose C++ operators are known as layers.
# Design for GAN
GAN (General Adversarial Net [https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.2661]) is an important model for unsupervised learning and widely used in many areas.
It applies several important concepts in machine learning system design, including building and running subgraphs, dependency tracing, different optimizers in one executor and so forth.
In our GAN design, we wrap it as a user-friendly easily customized python API to design different models. We take the conditional DC-GAN (Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks [https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06434]) as an example due to its good performance on image generation.
<p align="center">
<img src="./test.dot.png" width = "35%" align="center"/><br/>
Figure 1. The overall running logic of GAN. The black solid arrows indicate the forward pass; the green dashed arrows indicate the backward pass of generator training; the red dashed arrows indicate the backward pass of the discriminator training. The BP pass of the green (red) arrow should only update the parameters in the green (red) boxes. The diamonds indicate the data providers. d\_loss and g\_loss marked in red and green are the two targets we would like to run.
The operators, layers and functions required/optional to build a GAN demo is summarized in https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/4563.
<p align="center">
<img src="./dcgan.png" width = "90%" align="center"/><br/>
Figure 2. Photo borrowed from the original DC-GAN paper.
## The Conditional-GAN might be a class.
This design we adopt the popular open source design in https://github.com/carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflow and https://github.com/rajathkmp/DCGAN. It contains following data structure:
- DCGAN(object): which contains everything required to build a GAN model. It provides following member functions methods as API:
- __init__(...): Initialize hyper-parameters (like conv dimension and so forth), and declare model parameters of discriminator and generator as well.
- generator(z, y=None): Generate a fake image from input noise z. If the label y is provided, the conditional GAN model will be chosen.
Returns a generated image.
- discriminator(image):
Given an image, decide if it is from a real source or a fake one.
Returns a 0/1 binary label.
- build_model(self):
build the whole GAN model, define training loss for both generator and discrimator.
## Discussion on Engine Functions required to build GAN
- Trace the tensor and variable dependency in the engine executor. (Very critical, otherwise GAN can'be be trained correctly)
- Different optimizers responsible for optimizing different loss.
To be more detailed, we introduce our design of DCGAN as following:
### Class member Function: Initializer
- Set up hyper-parameters, including condtional dimension, noise dimension, batch size and so forth.
- Declare and define all the model variables. All the discriminator parameters are included in the list self.theta_D and all the generator parameters are included in the list self.theta_G.
class DCGAN(object):
def __init__(self, y_dim=None):
# hyper parameters
self.y_dim = y_dim # conditional gan or not
self.batch_size = 100
self.z_dim = z_dim # input noise dimension
# define parameters of discriminators
self.D_W0 = pd.Variable(shape=[3,3, 1, 128], data=pd.gaussian_normal_randomizer())
self.D_b0 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128)) # variable also support initialization using a numpy data
self.D_W1 = pd.Variable(shape=[784, 128], data=pd.gaussian_normal_randomizer())
self.D_b1 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128)) # variable also support initialization using a numpy data
self.D_W2 = pd.Varialble(np.random.rand(128, 1))
self.D_b2 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128))
self.theta_D = [self.D_W0, self.D_b0, self.D_W1, self.D_b1, self.D_W2, self.D_b2]
# define parameters of generators
self.G_W0 = pd.Variable(shape=[784, 128], data=pd.gaussian_normal_randomizer())
self.G_b0 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128)) # variable also support initialization using a numpy data
self.G_W1 = pd.Variable(shape=[784, 128], data=pd.gaussian_normal_randomizer())
self.G_b1 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128)) # variable also support initialization using a numpy data
self.G_W2 = pd.Varialble(np.random.rand(128, 1))
self.G_b2 = pd.Variable(np.zeros(128))
self.theta_G = [self.G_W0, self.G_b0, self.G_W1, self.G_b1, self.G_W2, self.G_b2]
### Class member Function: Generator
- Given a noisy input z, returns a fake image.
- Concatenation, batch-norm, FC operations required;
- Deconv layer required, which is missing now...
class DCGAN(object):
def generator(self, z, y = None):
# input z: the random noise
# input y: input data label (optional)
# output G_im: generated fake images
if not self.y_dim:
z = pd.layer.concat(1, [z, y])
G_h0 = pd.layer.fc(z, self.G_w0, self.G_b0)
G_h0_bn = pd.layer.batch_norm(G_h0)
G_h0_relu = pd.layer.relu(G_h0_bn)
G_h1 = pd.layer.deconv(G_h0_relu, self.G_w1, self.G_b1)
G_h1_bn = pd.layer.batch_norm(G_h1)
G_h1_relu = pd.layer.relu(G_h1_bn)
G_h2 = pd.layer.deconv(G_h1_relu, self.G_W2, self.G_b2))
G_im = pd.layer.tanh(G_im)
return G_im
### Class member function: Discriminator
- Given a noisy input z, returns a fake image.
- Concatenation, Convolution, batch-norm, FC, Leaky-ReLU operations required;
class DCGAN(object):
def discriminator(self, image):
# input image: either generated images or real ones
# output D_h2: binary logit of the label
D_h0 = pd.layer.conv2d(image, w=self.D_w0, b=self.D_b0)
D_h0_bn = pd.layer.batchnorm(h0)
D_h0_relu = pd.layer.lrelu(h0_bn)
D_h1 = pd.layer.conv2d(D_h0_relu, w=self.D_w1, b=self.D_b1)
D_h1_bn = pd.layer.batchnorm(D_h1)
D_h1_relu = pd.layer.lrelu(D_h1_bn)
D_h2 = pd.layer.fc(D_h1_relu, w=self.D_w2, b=self.D_b2)
return D_h2
### Class member function: Build the model
- Define data readers as placeholders to hold the data;
- Build generator and discriminators;
- Define two training losses for discriminator and generator, respectively.
If we have execution dependency engine to back-trace all tensors, the module building our GAN model will be like this:
class DCGAN(object):
def build_model(self):
if self.y_dim:
self.y = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.y_dim])
self.images = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.im_size, self.im_size])
self.faked_images = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.im_size, self.im_size])
self.z = pd.data(tf.float32, [None, self.z_size])
# step 1: generate images by generator, classify real/fake images with discriminator
if self.y_dim: # if conditional GAN, includes label
self.G = self.generator(self.z, self.y)
self.D_t = self.discriminator(self.images)
# generated fake images
self.sampled = self.sampler(self.z, self.y)
self.D_f = self.discriminator(self.G)
else: # original version of GAN
self.G = self.generator(self.z)
self.D_t = self.discriminator(self.images)
# generate fake images
self.sampled = self.sampler(self.z)
self.D_f = self.discriminator(self.images)
# step 2: define the two losses
self.d_loss_real = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_t, np.ones(self.batch_size))
self.d_loss_fake = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_f, np.zeros(self.batch_size))
self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake
self.g_loss = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_f, np.ones(self.batch_szie))
If we do not have dependency engine but blocks, the module building our GAN model will be like this:
class DCGAN(object):
def build_model(self, default_block):
# input data in the default block
if self.y_dim:
self.y = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.y_dim])
self.images = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.im_size, self.im_size])
# self.faked_images = pd.data(pd.float32, [self.batch_size, self.im_size, self.im_size])
self.z = pd.data(tf.float32, [None, self.z_size])
# step 1: generate images by generator, classify real/fake images with discriminator
with pd.default_block().g_block():
if self.y_dim: # if conditional GAN, includes label
self.G = self.generator(self.z, self.y)
self.D_g = self.discriminator(self.G, self.y)
else: # original version of GAN
self.G = self.generator(self.z)
self.D_g = self.discriminator(self.G, self.y)
self.g_loss = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_g, np.ones(self.batch_szie))
with pd.default_block().d_block():
if self.y_dim: # if conditional GAN, includes label
self.D_t = self.discriminator(self.images, self.y)
self.D_f = self.discriminator(self.G, self.y)
else: # original version of GAN
self.D_t = self.discriminator(self.images)
self.D_f = self.discriminator(self.G)
# step 2: define the two losses
self.d_loss_real = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_t, np.ones(self.batch_size))
self.d_loss_fake = pd.reduce_mean(pd.cross_entropy(self.D_f, np.zeros(self.batch_size))
self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake
Some small confusion and problems with this design:
- D\_g and D\_f are actually the same thing, but has to be written twice; i.e., if we want to run two sub-graphs conceptually, the same codes have to be written twice if they are shared by the graph.
- Requires ability to create a block anytime, rather than in if-else or rnn only;
## Main function for the demo:
Generally, the user of GAN just need to the following things:
- Define an object as DCGAN class;
- Build the DCGAN model;
- Specify two optimizers for two different losses with respect to different parameters.
# pd for short, should be more concise.
from paddle.v2 as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
if __name__ == "__main__":
# dcgan class in the default graph/block
# if we use dependency engine as tensorflow
# the codes, will be slightly different like:
# dcgan = DCGAN()
# dcgan.build_model()
with pd.block() as def_block:
dcgan = DCGAN()
# load mnist data
data_X, data_y = self.load_mnist()
# Two subgraphs required!!!
with pd.block().d_block():
d_optim = pd.train.Adam(lr = .001, beta= .1)
d_step = d_optim.minimize(dcgan.d_loss, dcgan.theta_D)
with pd.block.g_block():
g_optim = pd.train.Adam(lr = .001, beta= .1)
g_step = pd.minimize(dcgan.g_loss, dcgan.theta_G)
# executor
sess = pd.executor()
# training
for epoch in xrange(10000):
for batch_id in range(N / batch_size):
idx = ...
# sample a batch
batch_im, batch_label = data_X[idx:idx+batch_size], data_y[idx:idx+batch_size]
# sample z
batch_z = np.random.uniform(-1., 1., [batch_size, z_dim])
if batch_id % 2 == 0:
feed_dict = {dcgan.images: batch_im,
dcgan.y: batch_label,
dcgan.z: batch_z})
feed_dict = {dcgan.z: batch_z})
# More thinking about dependency engine v.s. block design:
- What if we just want to run an intermediate result? Do we need to run the whole block/graph?
- Should we call eval() to get the fake images in the first stage? And then train the discriminator in the second stage?
# Design Doc: Computations as a Graph
A primary goal of the refactorization of PaddlePaddle is a more flexible representation of deep learning computation, in particular, a graph of operators and variables, instead of sequences of layers as before.
This document explains that the construction of a graph as three steps:
- construct the forward part
- construct the backward part
- construct the optimization part
## The Construction of a Graph
Let us take the problem of image classification as a simple example. The application program that trains the model looks like:
x = layer.data("images")
l = layer.data("label")
y = layer.fc(x)
cost = layer.mse(y, l)
train(cost, reader=mnist.train())
### Forward Part
The first four lines of above program build the forward part of the graph.
In particular, the first line `x = layer.data("images")` creates variable x and a Feed operator that copies a column from the minibatch to x. `y = layer.fc(x)` creates not only the FC operator and output variable y, but also two parameters, W and b, and the initialization operators.
Initialization operators are kind of "run-once" operators -- the `Run` method increments a class data member counter so to run at most once. By doing so, a parameter wouldn't be initialized repeatedly, say, in every minibatch.
In this example, all operators are created as `OpDesc` protobuf messages, and all variables are `VarDesc`. These protobuf messages are saved in a `BlockDesc` protobuf message.
### Backward Part
The fifth line `optimize(cost)` calls two functions, `ConstructBackwardGraph` and `ConstructOptimizationGraph`.
`ConstructBackwardGraph` traverses the forward graph in the `BlockDesc` protobuf message and builds the backward part.
According to the chain rule of gradient computation, `ConstructBackwardGraph` would
1. create a gradient operator G for each operator F,
1. make all inputs, outputs, and outputs' gradient of F as inputs of G,
1. create gradients for all inputs of F, except for those who don't have gradients, like x and l, and
1. make all these gradients as outputs of G.
### Optimization Part
For each parameter, like W and b created by `layer.fc`, marked as double circles in above graphs, `ConstructOptimizationGraph` creates an optimization operator to apply its gradient. Here results in the complete graph:
## Block and Graph
The word block and graph are interchangable in the desgin of PaddlePaddle. A [Block](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/3708) is a metaphore of the code and local variables in a pair of curly braces in programming languages, where operators are like statements or instructions. A graph of operators and variables is a representation of the block.
A Block keeps operators in an array `BlockDesc::ops`
message BlockDesc {
repeated OpDesc ops = 1;
repeated VarDesc vars = 2;
in the order that they appear in user programs, like the Python program at the beginning of this article. We can imagine that in `ops`, we have some forward operators, followed by some gradient operators, and then some optimization operators.
## Survey on Graph
Neural network framework often provides symbolic API for users to write network topology conveniently. This doc manily focus on symbolic API in most popular neural network frameworks, and try to find out how to parse symbolic configuration to a portable file, such as protobuf or json.
### Mxnet
The core concept of symbolic API is `Symbol`. Mxnet implements `Symbol` class in C++, and export to Python using C-API. Please refer to the comments in Mxnet:
`Symbol` is help class used to represent the operator node in Graph.
`Symbol` acts as an interface for building graphs from different components like Variable, Functor and Group. `Symbol` is also exported to python front-end (while Graph is not) to enable quick test and deployment. Conceptually, symbol is the final operation of a graph and thus including all the information required (the graph) to evaluate its output value.
A simple network topology wrote by Symbol is as follows:
def get_symbol(num_classes=10, **kwargs):
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
data = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=data)
fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = data, name='fc1', num_hidden=128)
act1 = mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc1, name='relu1', act_type="relu")
fc2 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act1, name = 'fc2', num_hidden = 64)
act2 = mx.symbol.Activation(data = fc2, name='relu2', act_type="relu")
fc3 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = act2, name='fc3', num_hidden=num_classes)
mlp = mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data = fc3, name = 'softmax')
return mlp
Varible here is actually a Symbol. Every basic Symbol will correspond to one Node, and every Node has its own NodeAttr. There is a op field in NodeAttr class, when a Symbol represents Variable(often input data), the op field is null.
Symbol contains a data member, std::vector<NodeEntry> outputs, and NodeEntry cantains a poniter to Node. We can follow the Node pointer to get all the Graph.
And Symbol can be saved to a Json file.
Here is a detailed example:
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
>>> print data.debug_str()
>>> data = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=data)
>>> print data.debug_str()
Symbol Outputs:
Op:Flatten, Name=flatten0
arg[0]=data(0) version=0
>>> fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data = data, name='fc1', num_hidden=128)
>>> print fc1.debug_str()
Symbol Outputs:
Op:Flatten, Name=flatten0
arg[0]=data(0) version=0
Op:FullyConnected, Name=fc1
arg[1]=fc1_weight(0) version=0
arg[2]=fc1_bias(0) version=0
### TensorFlow
The core concept of symbolic API is `Tensor`. Tensorflow defines `Tensor` in Python. Please refer to the comments in TensorFlow:
A `Tensor` is a symbolic handle to one of the outputs of an `Operation`. It does not hold the values of that operation's output, but instead provides a means of computing those values in a TensorFlow [Session](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/Session).
A simple example is as follows:
# Build a dataflow graph.
c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
d = tf.constant([[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
e = tf.matmul(c, d)
# Construct a `Session` to execute the graph.
sess = tf.Session()
# Execute the graph and store the value that `e` represents in `result`.
result = sess.run(e)
The main method of `Tensor` is as follows:
def op(self):
"""The `Operation` that produces this tensor as an output."""
return self._op
def dtype(self):
"""The `DType` of elements in this tensor."""
return self._dtype
def graph(self):
"""The `Graph` that contains this tensor."""
return self._op.graph
def name(self):
"""The string name of this tensor."""
if not self._op.name:
raise ValueError("Operation was not named: %s" % self._op)
return "%s:%d" % (self._op.name, self._value_index)
def device(self):
"""The name of the device on which this tensor will be produced, or None."""
return self._op.device
Tensor can be taken as target to run by session. Tensor contains all the information of Graph, and tracks data dependency.
Here is a detailed example:
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
>>> print c.graph
<tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Graph object at 0x10f256d50>
>>> d = tf.constant([[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
>>> print d.graph
<tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Graph object at 0x10f256d50>
>>> e = tf.matmul(c, d)
>>> print e.graph
<tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Graph object at 0x10f256d50>
### Dynet
The core concept of symbolic API is `Expression`, and Dynet defines `Expression` class in C++.
A simple example is as follows:
ComputationGraph cg;
Expression W = parameter(cg, pW);
Expression in = input(cg, xs[i]);
Expression label = input(cg, ys[i]);
Expression pred = W * in;
Expression loss = square(pred - label);
The input data and parameter are also represented by Expression. Every basci Expression corresponds to a Node. And input data is also a Node.
Expression has a data member ComputationGraph, and ComputationGraph will be modified in users' configuring process. Expression can be a running target, beacuse Expression contains all dependency.
Here is a detailed example:
write topology in C++
ComputationGraph cg;
Expression W = parameter(cg, pW);
Expression pred = W * xs[i];
Expression loss = square(pred - ys[i]);
compile and print
# first print
digraph G {
N0 [label="v0 = parameters({1}) @ 0x7ffe4de00110"];
# second print
digraph G {
N0 [label="v0 = parameters({1}) @ 0x7ffe4de00110"];
N1 [label="v1 = v0 * -0.98"];
N0 -> N1;
# third print
digraph G {
N0 [label="v0 = parameters({1}) @ 0x7ffe4de00110"];
N1 [label="v1 = v0 * -0.98"];
N0 -> N1;
N2 [label="v2 = -1.88387 - v1"];
N1 -> N2;
N3 [label="v3 = -v2"];
N2 -> N3;
N4 [label="v4 = square(v3)"];
N3 -> N4;
### Conclusion
Actually, Symbol/Tensor/Expression in Mxnet/TensorFlow/Dynet are the same level concepts. We use a unified name Expression here, this level concept has following features:
- Users wirte topoloy with symbolic API, and all return value is Expression, including input data and parameter.
- Expression corresponds with a global Graph, and Expression can also be composed.
- Expression tracks all dependency and can be taken as a run target
# The `IfElse` Operator
PaddlePaddle's `IfElse` operator differs from TensorFlow's:
- the TensorFlow version takes a scalar boolean value as the condition so that the whole mini-batch goes to either the true or the false branch, whereas
- the PaddlePaddle version takes a vector of boolean value as the condition, and instances corresponding to true values go to the true branch, those corresponding to false values go to the false branch.
## Example
The following PaddlePaddle program shows the usage of the IfElse operator:
import paddle as pd
x = minibatch([10, 20, 30]) # shape=[None, 1]
y = var(1) # shape=[1], value=1
z = minibatch([10, 20, 30]) # shape=[None, 1]
cond = larger_than(x, 15) # [false, true, true]
ie = pd.ifelse()
with ie.true_block():
d = pd.layer.add(x, y)
ie.output(d, pd.layer.softmax(d))
with ie.false_block():
d = pd.layer.fc(z)
ie.output(d, d+1)
o1, o2 = ie(cond)
A challenge to implement the `IfElse` operator is to infer those variables to be split, or, say, to identify the variable of the mini-batch or those derived from the mini-batch.
An equivalent C++ program is as follows:
namespace pd = paddle;
int x = 10;
int y = 1;
int z = 10;
bool cond = false;
int o1, o2;
if (cond) {
int d = x + y;
o1 = z;
o2 = pd::layer::softmax(z);
} else {
int d = pd::layer::fc(z);
o1 = d;
o2 = d+1;
# Design Doc: InferVarType
## The Problem Posed
The variable in our design can hold variant types. Such as `LoDTensor` and `SelectedRows`. An operator should be able to inference the variable types of its output.
For example, a `lookup table` operator takes two `LoDTensor`; one is a float tensor as the embedding table, the other is an int tensor as word ID. The gradient operator of `lookup table` will generate a `SelectedRows` as its output. A `sum` operator can take both `LoDTensor` and `SelectedRows` as its inputs and will generate a `LoDTensor` if any of its inputs is `LoDTensor`, otherwise, the `sum` operator will generate `SelectedRows` as its output.
The variable type will be constant at runtime. Every variable's type can either be set by the user (input data and parameter) or be inferred by the operator in compile time.
## Proposed Solution
The `InferVarType` is a compile-time function which is registered to each operator. The inferface of that function is:
using InferVarTypeFN = std::function<
void (const OpDescBind& /*op_desc*/, BlockDescBind* /*block*/)>;
It takes an operator description as its input and will write the output variable type and store them in block description.
The `InferVarTypeFN` will be registered in `OpInfo`, to replace `infer_var_type_` field. The `OpInfo` should be
struct OpInfo {
InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_;
The default `InferVarType` will set output type as `LoDTensor`. It can be done by `GetInferVarType()`.
void DefaultInferVarType(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) {
// set the output type of variable as `LoDTensor`.
// ...
struct OpInfo {
InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_;
InferVarTypeFN GetInferVarType() const {
if (infer_var_type_) {
return infer_var_type_;
} else {
return DefaultInferVarType;
## Register InferVarType
We provide a thin base class for registering an `InferVarTypeFN`. To use a base class will ease the implementation of registry since we can detect the registry entry is an `InferVarTypeFN` or not.
class VarTypeInferer {
virtual void operator()(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) const = 0;
Operator developers can write the specialize `VarTypeInferer` as follow.
class SpecialVarTypeInferer : public VarTypeInferer {
virtual void operator()(const OpDescBind& op_desc, BlockDescBind* block) const {
// .. own logic
Then user can register the `InferVarType` just like `GradOpDescMaker` and `OpInfoMaker`.
REGISTER_OPERATOR(some_op, OpType, SpecialVarTypeInferer, ...);
## Problem
In PaddlePaddle's [Design](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/switch_kernel.md), one Operator may have multiple kernels. Users may have some personal preference to choose a certain type of kernel for an operator, such as `force_cpu` to choose a CPU kernel, `use_cudnn` to choose a CUDNN kernel, we need to provide a way for users to do this.
In the current design, we use KernelType to describe one kernel.
struct KernelType {
Place place_;
DataType data_type_;
LayoutType layout_;
`place_` `data_type_` and `layout_` can be got from the input tensors of the operator, `GetActualKernelType(inputs)` use inputs to infer the proper kernel key that fit the incoming data, but users can not directly configure it.
The [design](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/switch_kernel.md) also provides a virtual method `GetExpectedKernelType` that user can overload and use to choose the KernelType they want to use.
So we should send the information user defined in proto to `GetExpectedKernelType` for choosing a kernel.
The problem is, how should we define and send the information for `GetExpectedKernelType` to use?
## Solution
### Potential choice
1. Do nothing, let the user add the information they want to operator‘s attribute and get them inside `GetExpectedKernelType`, this can work properly. But there is a little problem that users may define many kinds of hints for the same purpose, such as `force_cpu`, `use_cpu`, `cpu_kernel` to choose CPU kernel, and `use_cudnn`, `force_cudnn`, `cudnn_kernel` to choose CUDNN kernel.
2. Pre-define all the needed option and use a single attr key such as `kernel_hint` for the user, this is not so flexible if the user wants to define some more kind of hint.
### Final choice
To provide enough flexibility while avoiding confusion definition, we can define some global constants for these attribute names, such as `force_cpu`, `use_cudnn`, `use_mkldnn` for a user to choose.
In C++
const std::string kForceCPU = "force_cpu";
const std::string kUseCUDNN = "use_cudnn";
const std::string kUseMKLDNN = "use_mkldnn";
KernelType GetExpectedKernelType() {
if (Attr<bool>(kForceCPU)) {
return KernelType(CPUPlace, ...)
} else {
In Python code
FORCE_CPU = core.kForceCPU()
def xx_layer(..., force_cpu=false):
layer_helper = LayerHelper(...)
attr={FORCE_CPU: force_cpu})
## Background
Every operator has many kernels because there are multiple data types, places, data layout, library type that Fluid supports. We use the `OpKernelType ` to describe kernel types that operators can hold.
The `OpKernelType ` is as follows:
struct OpKernelType {
Place place_;
DataType data_type_;
DataLayout data_layout_;
LibraryType library_type_;
- The `place_` is a descriptor of the device, e.g., CPUPlace, CUDAPlace.
- The `data_type_` is the data type that this kernel performs on, e.g., `FP32`, `INT64`. Note that one kernel may have inputs with different data types. However, it will be a major `data_type`. For example, the `cross_entropy` takes `int64` as it label, and `double`/`float` as its input logit and output cost. The major `data_type` of `cross_entropy` is `float` or `double`.
- The `data_layout_ ` is useful for some computational library. One example is that MKLDNN uses many kinds of layout, such as `nChw8c`. Each kind of layout will invoke the different kernel.
- The `library_type_` describes the computational library, e.g., `MKLDNN`, `CUDNN`.
## Problem
We register a kernel for every operator and every kernel type ideally. However, it is impracticable for the following situations.
1. Some operators, like CRF, are complicated and inefficient to be implemented on GPU. The CRF operator will only have a CPU kernel.
2. Some operators will take too many memory. It is better to force them into CPU. However, the rest of operators in this neural network will be performed on GPU, i.e., model parallel problem.
3. Some layout and place are particular. One example is that MKLDNN uses `nChw8` and there is no other library uses `nChw8c`.
Take one situation to give a detailed explanation, if we have two Operators: OP1 and OP2, OP1 has one output `op1_to_op2`, and `op1_to_op2` is the input of OP2.
If OP1 and OP2 run on the same place(for example CPUPlace), then `op1_2_op2` can be used directly by OP2.
If OP1 and OP2 run one different place, then OP2 cannot `use op1_2_op2` directly.
Problems under these situations are similar. We can formalize this problem as follow.
We register kernels with types $KT = \{kt_1, kt_2, kt_3, ...\}$ for one operator. The inputs of this operator should be run on kernel type $kt_{?}$, which the $kt_{?} \notin KT$. How to cast the input of this operator from $kt_{?}$ to any of kernel type in $KT$.
## Solution: data transform
It is clear that transforming inputs of an operator to adapt another kernel type is not related to the particular operator. So we should register these transformation methods as global methods.
We can infer kernel type for each input of an operator. We let this kernel type as `actual kernel type for var`, which means this kernel type is the kernel type that can process this input variable.
We can get a kernel type by 1) The configuration of operator description. (Users may want to force use `MKL` for `conv` operator). 2) The place of the current executor. (Executor is running on GPU). This kernel type is what we expect the operator will be performed on. We let this kernel type as `expect kernel type`.
We transform the input data from `actual` to `expect` if the actual kernel type is not as same as expect kernel type.
The algorithm is described as following
void OperatorWithKernel::Run(
const Scope& scope,
const platform::Place& place) const {
ExecutionContext ctx(...);
auto expected_kernel_key = this->GetExpectedKernelType(ctx);
Scope& new_scope = scope.NewScope();
for (auto& var_name : this->Inputs()) {
auto* tensor_in = GetTensor(var_name);
auto kernel_type_for_var = this->GetKernelTypeForVar(...);
if (kernel_type_for_var.place_ != expected_kernel_key.place_) {
auto* trans_var = new_scope.Var(var_name);
auto* out = DataTransform(expected_kernel_key,
auto kernel = kernels.find(expected_kernel_key);
then the actual process for the multi-device above will be:
op1_2_op2(on CPU)
[transform](from CPU to GPU)
op1_2_op2(on GPU)
# Memory Optimization
## Problem
In a lecture from Andrew Ng, he attributes the recent sucess of AI due to a combination of these:
- Availability of Big Data
- Supercomputing power to process this Big Data over very large neural networks
- Modern algorithms
Following graph shows the details:
Larger model usually bring better performance. However, GPU memory is limited. For example, the memory size of a GTX TITAN X is only 12GB. To train complex and large models, we have to take care of memory usage. Besides, memory optimization is also necessary in both online/mobile inference.
## Solution
### Basic Strategy
There are some basic strategies to improve memory usage, including in-place operations and memory sharing.
#### In-place Operation
In a relu activation operator:
$y = \max(x, 0)$
If the variable x is not used in any other operator, we can make an in-place operation. In other words, the memory block of variable y and variable x will be the same. In-place operations will save 50% memory occupancy immediately.
#### Memory Sharing
Not all operators support in-place operations. Memory sharing is a more general strategy.
Following is an example:
a = op1(b, c);
d = op2(a)
e = op3(d, f)
In this case, variable a is no longer used, and op2 does not support in-place operation. After op2 finishes, we can put the memory of variable a to a memory pool. Then, variable e can share the memory of variable a from the pool.
### Live Variable Analysis
It's not enough to only have some basic strategies. The pre-requisite of memory optimization is to know if a variable is still "live" after an operation.
In our design, the neural network topology is defined as a program. Luckily, [live variable analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_variable_analysis) is a classic problem in compilers which can be used in many stages, such as register allocation.
In compilers, the front end of the compiler translates programs into an intermediate language with an unbounded number of temporary variables. This program must run on a machine with a bounded number of registers. Two temporary variables a and b can fit into the same register, if a and b are never "in use" at the same time. Thus, many temporary variables can fit in few registers; if they don't all fit, the excess tempory variables can be kept in memory.
Therefore, the compiler needs to analyze the intermediate-representation program to determine which temporary variables are in use at the same time. We say a variable is "live" if it holds a value that may be needed in the future, so this analysis is called liveness analysis.
We can leran these techniques from compilers. There are mainly two stages to make live variable analysis:
- construct a control flow graph
- solve the dataflow equations
#### Control Flow Graph
To perform analysis on a program, it is often useful to make a control flow graph. A [control flow graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_flow_graph) (CFG) in computer science is a representation, using graph notation, of all paths that might be traversed through a program during its execution. Each statement in the program is a node in the flow graph; if statemment x can be followed by statement y, there is an egde from x to y.
Following is the flow graph for a simple loop.
#### Dataflow Analysis
Liveness of variable "flows" around the edges of the control flow graph; determining the live range of each variable is an example of a dataflow problem. [Dataflow analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_analysis) is a technique for gathering information about the possible set of values calculated at various points in a computer program.
A simple way to perform data-flow analysis of programs is to set up dataflow equations for each node of the control flow graph and solve them by repeatedly calculating the output from the input locally at each node until the whole system stabilizes.
- Flow Graph Terminology
A flow graph node has out-edges that lead to sucessor nodes, and in-edges that come from predecessor nodes. The set *pred[n]* is all the predecessors of node n, and *succ[n]* is the set of sucessors.
In former control flow graph, the out-edges of node 5 are 5 --> 6 and 5 --> 2, and *succ[5]* = {2, 6}. The in-edges of 2 are 5 --> 2 and 1 --> 2, and *pred[2]* = {1, 5}.
- Uses and Defs
An assignmemt to a variable or temporary defines that variable. An occurence of a variable on the right-hand side of an assginment(or in other expressions) uses the variable. We can define the *def* of a variable as the set of graph nodes that define it; or the *def* of a graph node as the set of variables that it defines; and the similarly for the *use* of a variable or graph node. In former control flow graph, *def(3)* = {c}, *use(3)* = {b, c}.
- Liveness
A variable is *live* on an edge if there is a directed path from that edge to a *use* of the variable that does not go through any *def*. A variable is *live-in* at a node if it is live on any of the in-edges of that node; it is *live-out* at a node if it is live on any of the out-edges of the node.
The calcution of liveness can be solved by iteration until a fixed pointer is reached. Following is the recursive formula:
### Memory optimization transpiler
At last, we take basic strategy and liveness analysis techniques learning from compilers to implement our memory optimization transpiler.
#### add in-place attribute
In-place is a built-in attribute of an operator. Since we treat in-place and other operators differently, we have to add an in-place attribute for every operator.
#### contruct control flow graph
Following is the ProgramDesc protobuf of [machine translation](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/fluid/tests/book/test_machine_translation.py) example.
- Block0:
while(sub-block idx 1)
while_grad(sub-block idx 2)
- Block1
- Block2
We can transfer all the operators and variables in ProgramDesc to build a control flow graph.
class ControlFlowGraph(object):
def __init__(self, Program):
self._sucessors = defaultdict(set)
self._presucessors = defaultdict(set)
self._uses = defaultdict(set)
self._defs = defaultdict(set)
self._live_in = defaultdict(set)
self._live_out = defaultdict(set)
self._program = Program
def build(self):
def dataflow_analysis(self):
def memory_optimization(self):
def get_program(self):
return self._program
#### Make dataflow analysis
We follow the guide from compilers and try to solve the dataflow equation to get liveness of every variable. If the live-in of an operator node is different from the live-out, then we can make memory sharing.
For example:
a = op1(b, c);
d = op2(a)
e = op3(d, f)
The dataflow analysis result is:
live_in(op1) = {b, c, f}
live_out(op1) = {a, f}
live_in(op2) = {a, f}
live_out(op2) = {d, f}
live_in(op3) = {d, f}
live_out(op3) = {}
After op1, we can process variable b and variable c; After op2, we can process variable a. After op3, we can process variable d and variable f.
#### memory sharing policy
A memory pool will be mantained in the stage of memory optimization. Each operator node will be scanned to determine memory optimization is done or not. If an operator satifies the requirement, following policy will be taken to handle input/output variables.
if op.support_inplace():
i --> pool
pool --> o
pool --> o
i --> pool
## Reference
- [Lecture Notes From Artificial Intelligence Is The New Electricity By Andrew Ng](https://manavsehgal.com/lecture-notes-from-artificial-intelligence-is-the-new-electricity-by-andrew-ng-4712dcbf26e5)
- Modern compiler implementation in ML, by Andrew W. Appel
- [Optimizing Memory Consumption in Deep learning](https://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/architecture/note_memory.html)
# Intel® MKL Packed on PaddlePaddle: Design Doc
## Contents
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Key Points](#key-points)
- [Background](#background)
- [Solution](#solution)
- [Actions](#actions)
- [CMake](#cmake)
- [Layers](#layers)
- [Unit Tests](#unit-tests)
- [Python API](#python-api)
- [Benchmarking](#benchmarking)
## Overview
我们计划将 Intel® MKL 中引入的 GEMM Packed APIs\[[1](#references)\] 集成到 PaddlePaddle 中,充分发挥英特尔平台的优势,有效提升PaddlePaddle在英特尔架构上的性能。
现阶段的优化主要针对 Recurrent Neural Network(以下简称RNN)相关层(包括`RecurrentLayer`, `GatedRecurrentLayer`和`LstmLayer`), 以及 PaddlePaddle V1 API。
## Key Points
### Background
目前PaddlePaddle采用了 Intel® MKL库的[cblas_?gemm](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-gemm)函数,这个函数本身会在计算前将原数据转换为更适合英特尔平台的内部格式。
1. 转换耗时 \
这一数据格式的转换操作(Packing),在问题本身的计算量比较小的时候,显得相对来说较为耗时。例如在DeepSpeech2 \[[2](#references)\] 的Vanilla RNN部分中,矩阵大小是`batch_size * 2048`。
2. 转换冗余 \
由于在现有的某些情况下(例如RNN),多次调用 cblas_?gemm 会使用相同的原数据,因此,每次调用时对原数据的重复Packing便成为了冗余。
为了最大程度减少多次调用 cblas_?gemm 在Packing上的耗时,Intel® MKL 引入了以下四个API:
* [cblas_?gemm_alloc](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-gemm-alloc)
* [cblas_?gemm_pack](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-gemm-pack)
* [cblas_?gemm_compute](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-gemm-compute)
* [cblas_?gemm_free](https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl-developer-reference-c-cblas-gemm-free)
### Solution
在RNN的情况下,同一次前向、后向(forward/backward)过程中所有时间步(time step)共享同一个权重(weight)。当只做推断(inference)时,各次前向之间也都使用了相同的权重,没有必要在每次前向中每个时间步的计算时对权重进行重复的Packing操作。
我们通过使用新引入的GEMM Packed APIs,在层初始化的时候,先完成对权重的Packing操作,然后在前向,后向时复用已经转换过的权重,并在每次权重更新后,对新的权重进行转换用于下次迭代。
* 优化前,对于序列长度(sequence length)为`T`的网络模型(model), `N`次迭代执行的转换次数为:
- `inference`: `N * T`
- `training`: `2 * N * T`
* 优化后,对于同样设置的网络模型,其转换次数减少至:
- `inference`: `1`
- `training`: `2 * N`
## Actions
├── ...
└── paddle/
├── ...
└── gserver/
├── ...
├── layers/
│ ├── ...
│ ├── MKLPackedRecurrentLayer.*
| ├── MKLPackedGatedRecurrentLayer.*
| ├── MKLPackedLstmLayer.*
| └── MKLPackedGemm.h
└── tests/
├── ...
└── test_MKLPacked.cpp
### CMake
在对应的`CMakeLists.txt`中根据`WITH_MKL`是否打开,来决定是否开启MKL Packed相关功能。
### Layers
所有的`MKLPacked*Layer`都继承于PaddlePaddle的基类`Layer`, 并添加头文件 `MKLPackedGemm.h`,该文件对相关GEMM Packed APIs做了封装。
### Unit Tests
我们会添加`test_MKLPacked.cpp`用于MKL Packed优化后layer的测试。
对于每一个新加的RNN layer,我们会对比如下2个方面:
1. 对比优化后layer自身,sequence mode(`rnn_use_batch=false`)与batch mode(`rnn_use_batch=true`)的结果。
2. 对比优化后layer与相对应的PaddlePaddle原有layer, 在batch mode下的结果。
### Python API
use_mkl_packed = bool(int(g_command_config_args.get("use_mkl_packed", 0)))
if use_mkl_packed:
self.layer_type = mkl_packed_*
### Benchmarking
会添加相应的脚本用于测试和对比在使用MKL Packed recurrent layers 前后的网络性能。
## References
1. [Introducing the new Packed APIs for GEMM](https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/introducing-the-new-packed-apis-for-gemm)
2. [DeepSpeech2 on PaddlePaddle](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/DeepSpeech#deepspeech2-on-paddlepaddle)
# Design Doc: Model Format
## Motivation
A model is an output of the training process. One complete model consists of two parts, the **topology** and the **parameters**. In order to support industrial deployment, the model format must be self-complete and must not expose any training source code.
As a result, In PaddlePaddle, the **topology** is represented as a [ProgramDesc](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/1c0a4c901c9fc881d120249c703b15d1c50dae7d/doc/design/program.md), which describes the model structure. The **parameters** contain all the trainable weights in the model. We must support large size parameters and efficient serialization/deserialization of parameters.
## Implementation
The topology is saved as a plain text in a detailed self-contain protobuf file.
The parameters are saved as a binary file. As we all know, the protobuf message has a limit of [64M size](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/cpp/google.protobuf.io.coded_stream#CodedInputStream.SetTotalBytesLimit.details). We have done a [benchmark experiment](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/4610), which shows that protobuf is not fit for the task.
As a result, we design a particular format for tensor serialization. By default, an arbitrary tensor in Paddle is a [LoDTensor](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/lod_tensor.md), and has a description information proto of [LoDTensorDesc](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/paddle/framework/framework.proto#L99). We save the DescProto as the byte string header. It contains all the necessary information, such as the `dims`, and the `LoD` information in [LoDTensor](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/1c0a4c901c9fc881d120249c703b15d1c50dae7d/paddle/framework/lod_tensor.md). A tensor stores values in a continuous memory buffer. For speed we dump the raw memory to disk and save it as the byte string content. So, the binary format of one tensor is,
The table below shows a tensor's byte view in detail. Note that all the signed values are written in the little-endian format.
|field name | type | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| version | uint32_t | Version of saved file. Always 0 now. |
| tensor desc length | uint32_t | TensorDesc(Protobuf message) length in bytes. |
| tensor desc | void* | TensorDesc protobuf binary message |
| tensor data | void* | Tensor's data in binary format. The length of `tensor_data` is decided by `TensorDesc.dims()` and `TensorDesc.data_type()` |
| lod_level | uint64_t | Level of LoD |
| length of lod[0] | uint64_t | [Optional] length of lod[0] in bytes. |
| data of lod[0] | uint64_t* | [Optional] lod[0].data() |
| ... | ... | ... |
## Summary
- We introduce a model format.
- The model represented by its forward-pass computation procedure is saved in a **ProgramDesc** protobuf message.
- A bunch of specified format binary tensors describe the **parameters**.
# Design Doc: NCCL support in Paddle Fluid
## Abstract
This Design Doc refers to the NCCL feature in paddle. We propose an approach to support NCCL library both on a single machine and multiple machines. We wrapper the NCCL primitives `Broadcast`, `Allreduce`, `Reduce` as operators to utilize Multi-GPU powers in one script.
## Motivation
[NCCL](https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl) is a NVIDIA library support Multi-GPU communicating and optimized for NVIDIA GPUs, it provides routines such as all-gather, all-reduce, broadcast, reduce, reduce-scatter, that can achieve high bandwidth over PCIe and NVLink high-speed interconnect. With NCCL library, we can easily accelerate the training in parallel.
- Pros
1. easily plug-in with [NCCL2](https://developer.nvidia.com/nccl) library.
1. high performance in NVIDIA GPUs.
1. MPI like primitives, which have low learning cost for users.
- Cons
1. Only design for NVIDIA GPUs, not a general multi-device solution.
1. Although NCCL1 is opensourced under BSD license, but NCCL2 is not opensourced anymore.
At the beginning of training, the framework needs to distribute the same parameters to every GPU, and merge the gradients at any time user interests.
As a result, during training, we need the operations of peer to peer copy between different GPUs, aggregating gradients/parameters from GPUs, and broadcasting parameters to GPUs. Every GPU only need to run the operator with correct place information.
Besides, it needs interfaces to synchronize model update with each different GPU Cards.
## Implementation
As mentioned above, we wrap the NCCL routines as several kinds of operators. Need to note that NCCL need to create Communicator between gpu at the beginning, so there is a NCCLInit operator created.
### Transpiler
To be compatible with [parameter server design doc](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/ops/dist_train.md), the transpiler compiles the user defined operation graph into sub-graphs to be executed on different devices.
1. The user-defined model will be a single device program
2. Broadcast/Reduce operators between GPUs will be inserted into the program, even for the multi-node, may insert the `Send`, `Recv` operator.
*Broadcast, AllReduce in a single machine. And Broadcast, AllReduce, [Send, Recv](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/design/ops/dist_train.md#graph-converter) in multiple machines*
<img src="images/multigpu_before_convert.png" width="300"/>
After compiling, the graph as shows
<img src="images/multigpu_allreduce.png" width="1000"/>
Operators are added to the sub-graphs. Every GPU assigned a role of `rank0`, `rank1` etc.
- **Broadcast**. Broadcast operator distribute initialized parameter to all the GPUs from the GPU who owns it. e.g. from`rank0` GPU.
- **AllReduce**. AllReduce operator synchronizes parameters/gradients between GPUs. AllReduce implemented in the Ring-Based communicating method, avoid of the bottle neck in a single GPU.
Need to notice that AllReduce operator force GPUs synchronized at that point. The whole training process in asynchronous or synchronous mode depends on the AllReduce point in the graph.
As it shown in the picture, when each GPU compute the gradient of `W`, followed with a `AllReduce` operator, accumulate the `dW` to full batch of data, then run the optimize process individually and apply the gradient to its `W`.
- **AllReduce**
Need to note that our AllReduce operator is a ring-base AllReduce implementation. If we use the NCCL2 AllReduce primitive, every GPU optimized full batch of data, wasted (n-1) GPU compute resources. In addition, NCCL2 built-in AllReduce will only utilize the communicating resource during synchronization, then update the gradient will be a subsequent phase. In fact, we can amortize the update gradient time cost into the communicating phase. The process is
1. Every parameter has its root card. That card will responsible for aggregating the gradients from GPUs.
2. The whole model's parameter will be hashed to different root card, ensure the load balance between GPUs.
3. Logically neighberhood card will start send parameter to the next one. After one round, the parameter main card will aggregate the full gradients.
4. Then the root card will optimize the parameter.
5. This parameter card will send its optimized result to its neighberhood, then the neighberhood will send parameter to its next one.
6. Finish the sychronization round.
The total time cost will be 2 * (n-1) * per-parameter-send-time, we reach the goal of amortize the upgrade time into communicating phase.
......@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Development
......@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ HOW TO
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