提交 35bb0c0f 编写于 作者: Y Yi Wang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #3860 from wangkuiyi/graph_construction_design_doc

Add a graph building example
# Design Doc: Computations as Graphs
A primary goal of the refactorization of PaddlePaddle is a more flexible representation of deep learning computation, in particular, a graph of operators and variables, instead of sequences of layers as before.
This document explains that the construction of a graph as three steps:
- construct the forward part
- construct the backward part
- construct the optimization part
Let us take the problem of image classification as a simple example. The application program that trains the model looks like:
x = layer.data("images")
l = layer.data("label")
y = layer.fc(x)
cost = layer.mse(y, l)
train(cost, reader=mnist.train())
### Forward Part
The first four lines of above program build the forward part of the graph.
In particular, the first line `x = layer.data("images")` creates variable x and a Feed operator that copies a column from the minibatch to x. `y = layer.fc(x)` creates not only the FC operator and output variable y, but also two parameters, W and b.
In this example, all operators are created as `OpDesc` protobuf messages, and all variables are `VarDesc`. These protobuf messages are saved in a `BlockDesc` protobuf message.
### Backward Part
The fifth line `optimize(cost)` calls two functions, `ConstructBackwardGraph` and `ConstructOptimizationGraph`.
`ConstructBackwardGraph` traverses the forward graph in the `BlockDesc` protobuf message and builds the backward part.
According to the chain rule of gradient computation, `ConstructBackwardGraph` would
1. create a gradient operator G for each operator F,
1. make all inputs, outputs, and outputs' gradient of F as inputs of G,
1. create gradients for all inputs of F, except for those who don't have gradients, like x and l, and
1. make all these gradients as outputs of G.
### Optimization Part
For each parameter, like W and b created by `layer.fc`, marked as double circles in above graphs, `ConstructOptimizationGraph` creates an optimization operator to apply its gradient. Here results in the complete graph:
cat ./graph_construction_example.dot | \
sed 's/color=red/color=red, style=invis/g' | \
sed 's/color=green/color=green, style=invis/g' | \
dot -Tpng > graph_construction_example_forward_only.png
cat ./graph_construction_example.dot | \
sed 's/color=green/color=green, style=invis/g' | \
dot -Tpng > graph_construction_example_forward_backward.png
cat ./graph_construction_example.dot | \
dot -Tpng > graph_construction_example_all.png
digraph ImageClassificationGraph {
///////// The forward part /////////
FeedX [label="Feed", color=blue, shape=box];
FeedY [label="Feed", color=blue, shape=box];
FC [label="FC", color=blue, shape=box];
MSE [label="MSE", color=blue, shape=box];
x [label="x", color=blue, shape=oval];
l [label="l", color=blue, shape=oval];
y [label="y", color=blue, shape=oval];
W [label="W", color=blue, shape=doublecircle];
b [label="b", color=blue, shape=doublecircle];
cost [label="cost", color=blue, shape=oval];
FeedX -> x -> FC -> y -> MSE -> cost [color=blue];
FeedY -> l [color=blue];
W -> FC [color=blue];
b -> FC [color=blue];
l -> MSE [color=blue];
////////// The backward part /////////
MSE_Grad [label="MSE_grad", color=red, shape=box];
FC_Grad [label="FC_grad", color=red, shape=box];
d_cost [label="d cost", color=red, shape=oval];
d_y [label="d y", color=red, shape=oval];
d_b [label="d b", color=red, shape=oval];
d_W [label="d W", color=red, shape=oval];
cost -> MSE_Grad [color=red];
d_cost -> MSE_Grad [color=red];
x -> MSE_Grad [color=red];
l -> MSE_Grad [color=red];
y -> MSE_Grad -> d_y [color=red];
x -> FC_Grad [color=red];
y -> FC_Grad [color=red];
d_y -> FC_Grad [color=red];
W -> FC_Grad -> d_W [color=red];
b -> FC_Grad -> d_b [color=red];
////////// The optimizaiton part //////////
OPT_W [label="SGD", color=green, shape=box];
OPT_b [label="SGD", color=green, shape=box];
W -> OPT_W [color=green];
b -> OPT_b [color=green];
d_W -> OPT_W -> W [color=green];
d_b -> OPT_b -> b [color=green];
////////// Groupings //////////
subgraph clusterMSE {
subgraph clusterFC {
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