diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index 402adee2ea2822250ebc8f6229fd6a44545d58e5..634be18a51bf61e96a8bf6f263b6674a7932d6e4 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ RUN curl -s -q https://glide.sh/get | sh # and its size is only one-third of the official one. # 2. Manually add ~IPluginFactory() in IPluginFactory class of NvInfer.h, otherwise, it couldn't work in paddle. # See https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/10129 for details. -RUN wget -qO- http://paddlepaddledeps.bj.bcebos.com/TensorRT- | \ +RUN wget -qO- http://paddlepaddledeps.cdn.bcebos.com/TensorRT- | \ tar -xz -C /usr/local && \ cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/include /usr && \ cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/lib /usr diff --git a/cmake/inference_lib.cmake b/cmake/inference_lib.cmake index bc36683a9facc253e7b9feb0c5a56e79491fb9b0..f61770514eb05a99c140cdb18575c89aa5235c14 100644 --- a/cmake/inference_lib.cmake +++ b/cmake/inference_lib.cmake @@ -128,16 +128,13 @@ set(src_dir "${PADDLE_SOURCE_DIR}/paddle/fluid") set(dst_dir "${FLUID_INSTALL_DIR}/paddle/fluid") set(module "framework") if (NOT WIN32) -copy(framework_lib DEPS framework_py_proto - SRCS ${src_dir}/${module}/*.h ${src_dir}/${module}/details/*.h ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/framework/framework.pb.h - DSTS ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module}/details ${dst_dir}/${module} -) -else() -copy(framework_lib +set(framework_lib_deps framework_py_proto) +endif(NOT WIN32) +copy(framework_lib DEPS ${framework_lib_deps} SRCS ${src_dir}/${module}/*.h ${src_dir}/${module}/details/*.h ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/framework/framework.pb.h - DSTS ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module}/details ${dst_dir}/${module} + ${src_dir}/${module}/ir/*.h + DSTS ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module}/details ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module}/ir ) -endif(NOT WIN32) set(module "memory") copy(memory_lib @@ -161,7 +158,8 @@ set(module "inference") copy(inference_lib DEPS ${inference_deps} SRCS ${src_dir}/${module}/*.h ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/inference/libpaddle_fluid.* ${src_dir}/${module}/api/paddle_inference_api.h ${src_dir}/${module}/api/demo_ci - DSTS ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} + ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h + DSTS ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ${dst_dir}/${module} ) set(module "platform") diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/machine_translation/README.cn.md b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/machine_translation/README.cn.md index fa2b930be0d26d816566599cece8afbedc1157e0..6e5f77fec8a894c390ced8c93ee344fd8d27370e 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/machine_translation/README.cn.md +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/machine_translation/README.cn.md @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ 图3. 编码器-解码器框架 + #### 编码器 编码阶段分为三步: @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ 机器翻译任务的训练过程中,解码阶段的目标是最大化下一个正确的目标语言词的概率。思路是: 1. 每一个时刻,根据源语言句子的编码信息(又叫上下文向量,context vector)`$c$`、真实目标语言序列的第`$i$`个词`$u_i$`和`$i$`时刻RNN的隐层状态`$z_i$`,计算出下一个隐层状态`$z_{i+1}$`。计算公式如下: $$z_{i+1}=\phi_{\theta '} \left ( c,u_i,z_i \right )$$ -其中`$\phi _{\theta '}$`是一个非线性激活函数;`$c=q\mathbf{h}$`是源语言句子的上下文向量,在不使用[注意力机制](#注意力机制)时,如果[编码器](#编码器)的输出是源语言句子编码后的最后一个元素,则可以定义`$c=h_T$`;`$u_i$`是目标语言序列的第`$i$`个单词,`$u_0$`是目标语言序列的开始标记``,表示解码开始;`$z_i$`是`$i$`时刻解码RNN的隐层状态,`$z_0$`是一个全零的向量。 +其中`$\phi _{\theta '}$`是一个非线性激活函数;`$c=q\mathbf{h}$`是源语言句子的上下文向量,在不使用注意力机制时,如果[编码器](#编码器)的输出是源语言句子编码后的最后一个元素,则可以定义`$c=h_T$`;`$u_i$`是目标语言序列的第`$i$`个单词,`$u_0$`是目标语言序列的开始标记``,表示解码开始;`$z_i$`是`$i$`时刻解码RNN的隐层状态,`$z_0$`是一个全零的向量。 2. 将`$z_{i+1}$`通过`softmax`归一化,得到目标语言序列的第`$i+1$`个单词的概率分布`$p_{i+1}$`。概率分布公式如下: $$p\left ( u_{i+1}|u_{<i+1},\mathbf{x} \right )=softmax(W_sz_{i+1}+b_z)$$ @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ $$p\left ( u_{i+1}|u_{<i+1},\mathbf{x} \right )=softmax(W_sz_{i+1}+b_z)$$ 机器翻译任务的生成过程,通俗来讲就是根据预先训练的模型来翻译源语言句子。生成过程中的解码阶段和上述训练过程的有所差异,具体介绍请见[柱搜索算法](#柱搜索算法)。 + ### 柱搜索算法 柱搜索([beam search](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_search))是一种启发式图搜索算法,用于在图或树中搜索有限集合中的最优扩展节点,通常用在解空间非常大的系统(如机器翻译、语音识别)中,原因是内存无法装下图或树中所有展开的解。如在机器翻译任务中希望翻译“`你好`”,就算目标语言字典中只有3个词(``, ``, `hello`),也可能生成无限句话(`hello`循环出现的次数不定),为了找到其中较好的翻译结果,我们可采用柱搜索算法。 diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/understand_sentiment/README.cn.md b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/understand_sentiment/README.cn.md index 9900dfb9a67dc6f8940bd7dd3abfa15ac8a3488f..8477cf32146c33947ced447c8bdd287a3e1e71f5 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/understand_sentiment/README.cn.md +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/understand_sentiment/README.cn.md @@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ def convolution_net(data, input_dim, class_dim, emb_dim, hid_dim): 网络的输入`input_dim`表示的是词典的大小,`class_dim`表示类别数。这里,我们使用[`sequence_conv_pool`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/python/paddle/trainer_config_helpers/networks.py) API实现了卷积和池化操作。 + + ### 栈式双向LSTM 栈式双向神经网络`stacked_lstm_net`的代码片段如下: diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/word2vec/README.cn.md b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/word2vec/README.cn.md index 2c68cdac4f10319359b74bc92569dfd3f65380b5..904d99fe2ffc9ead69a86c9763568a5c098348d5 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/word2vec/README.cn.md +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/basics/word2vec/README.cn.md @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ similarity: -0.0997506977351 ``` -以上结果可以通过运行`calculate_dis.py`, 加载字典里的单词和对应训练特征结果得到,我们将在[应用模型](#应用模型)中详细描述用法。 +以上结果可以通过运行`calculate_dis.py`, 加载字典里的单词和对应训练特征结果得到,我们将在[模型应用](#模型应用)中详细描述用法。 ## 模型概览 @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ dream that one day 最后,每个输入会按其单词次在字典里的位置,转化成整数的索引序列,作为PaddlePaddle的输入。 + ## 编程实现 本配置的模型结构如下图所示: @@ -349,6 +350,7 @@ Step 20: Average Cost 5.766995 ... ``` + ## 模型应用 在模型训练后,我们可以用它做一些预测。 diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/quick_start/recognize_digits/README.cn.md b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/quick_start/recognize_digits/README.cn.md index e6f89b23a95d1a07565f3e0a285e9c3f921930df..ac36c4ecf6b9b716fe5f0dbe2346e64918c22242 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/quick_start/recognize_digits/README.cn.md +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/beginners_guide/quick_start/recognize_digits/README.cn.md @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Softmax回归模型采用了最简单的两层神经网络,即只有输入层 池化是非线性下采样的一种形式,主要作用是通过减少网络的参数来减小计算量,并且能够在一定程度上控制过拟合。通常在卷积层的后面会加上一个池化层。池化包括最大池化、平均池化等。其中最大池化是用不重叠的矩形框将输入层分成不同的区域,对于每个矩形框的数取最大值作为输出层,如图6所示。 -更详细的关于卷积神经网络的具体知识可以参考[斯坦福大学公开课]( http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/ )和[图像分类](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/blob/develop/image_classification/README.md)教程。 +更详细的关于卷积神经网络的具体知识可以参考[斯坦福大学公开课]( http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/ )和[图像分类]( https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book/tree/develop/03.image_classification )教程。 ### 常见激活函数介绍 - sigmoid激活函数: $ f(x) = sigmoid(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} $ diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/debug/visualdl.md b/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/debug/visualdl.md index a2f30823a6fcd379f94e6e98d043b0d00681827f..84987ea5daee9abd0fe2fe71bdfde62ea3388ab5 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/debug/visualdl.md +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/debug/visualdl.md @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ python setup.py bdist_wheel pip install --upgrade dist/visualdl-*.whl ``` -如果打包和安装遇到其他问题,不安装只想运行Visual DL可以看[这里](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL/blob/develop/docs/how_to_dev_frontend_en.md) +如果打包和安装遇到其他问题,不安装只想运行Visual DL可以看[这里](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL/blob/develop/docs/develop/how_to_dev_frontend_cn.md) ## SDK diff --git a/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/inference/native_infer.rst b/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/inference/native_infer.rst index 21a6fe5cf54d0c0c760ade4ba602024ffa29675f..6d6f3035c0b5c985cd39d45df9f1bcce50dcefa0 100644 --- a/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/inference/native_infer.rst +++ b/doc/fluid/new_docs/user_guides/howto/inference/native_infer.rst @@ -4,13 +4,12 @@ Paddle 预测 API 为了更简单方便的预测部署,Fluid 提供了一套高层 API 用来隐藏底层不同的优化实现。 -`预测库相关代码 `__ +`预测库相关代码 `_ 包括 - 头文件 ``paddle_inference_api.h`` 定义了所有的接口 - 库文件\ ``libpaddle_fluid.so`` 或 ``libpaddle_fluid.a`` -- 库文件 ``libpaddle_inference_api.so`` 或 - ``libpaddle_inference_api.a`` + 编译和依赖可以参考 :ref:`install_or_build_cpp_inference_lib` 。 @@ -97,8 +96,7 @@ engine CHECK(predictor->Run(slots, &outputs)); // 获取 outputs ... -编译时,联编 ``libpaddle_fluid.a/.so`` 和 -``libpaddle_inference_api.a/.so`` 便可。 +编译时,联编 ``libpaddle_fluid.a/.so`` 便可。 详细代码参考 ------------ diff --git a/paddle/fluid/API.spec b/paddle/fluid/API.spec index bb5f2894c08b5d8941ad8914f6b83280aa053e37..70e5b97770a6c581c6a9c0145b03c42b83f14471 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/API.spec +++ b/paddle/fluid/API.spec @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.iou_similarity ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kw paddle.fluid.layers.box_coder ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.polygon_box_transform ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwargs', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.accuracy ArgSpec(args=['input', 'label', 'k', 'correct', 'total'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, None, None)) -paddle.fluid.layers.auc ArgSpec(args=['input', 'label', 'curve', 'num_thresholds', 'topk'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('ROC', 200, 1)) +paddle.fluid.layers.auc ArgSpec(args=['input', 'label', 'curve', 'num_thresholds', 'topk'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('ROC', 4095, 1)) paddle.fluid.layers.exponential_decay ArgSpec(args=['learning_rate', 'decay_steps', 'decay_rate', 'staircase'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False,)) paddle.fluid.layers.natural_exp_decay ArgSpec(args=['learning_rate', 'decay_steps', 'decay_rate', 'staircase'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False,)) paddle.fluid.layers.inverse_time_decay ArgSpec(args=['learning_rate', 'decay_steps', 'decay_rate', 'staircase'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False,)) @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ paddle.fluid.optimizer.DecayedAdagradOptimizer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'l paddle.fluid.optimizer.DecayedAdagradOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.FtrlOptimizer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'learning_rate', 'l1', 'l2', 'lr_power'], varargs=None, keywords='kwargs', defaults=(0.0, 0.0, -0.5)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.FtrlOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) -paddle.fluid.optimizer.RMSPropOptimizer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'learning_rate', 'rho', 'epsilon', 'momentum'], varargs=None, keywords='kwargs', defaults=(0.95, 1e-06, 0.0)) +paddle.fluid.optimizer.RMSPropOptimizer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'learning_rate', 'rho', 'epsilon', 'momentum', 'centered'], varargs=None, keywords='kwargs', defaults=(0.95, 1e-06, 0.0, False)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.RMSPropOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'learning_rate', 'epsilon', 'rho'], varargs=None, keywords='kwargs', defaults=(1e-06, 0.95)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.cc index 0bfff745493d069e948e6d277ec2bbfb0673a70b..7a99169849debcbc57d6f197b36c5045b211f3ef 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.cc @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ std::unique_ptr MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::ApplyImpl( ir::Graph &result = *graph; for (auto &node : nodes) { - if (node->NodeType() == ir::Node::Type::kVariable && node->Var()) { + if (node->IsVar() && node->Var()) { all_vars_.emplace(node->Name(), node->Var()); } } @@ -583,18 +583,6 @@ void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::InsertDataBalanceOp( } } -bool MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::IsParameterGradientOnce( - const std::string &og, - std::unordered_set *og_has_been_broadcast) const { - bool is_pg_once = - grad_names_.count(og) != 0 && og_has_been_broadcast->count(og) == 0; - if (is_pg_once) { - // Insert NCCL AllReduce Op - og_has_been_broadcast->insert(og); - } - return is_pg_once; -} - int MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::GetOpDeviceID(const ir::Graph &graph, ir::Node *node) const { if (strategy_.reduce_ != BuildStrategy::ReduceStrategy::kReduce) { @@ -688,20 +676,6 @@ VarHandle *MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateReduceOp(ir::Graph *result, return var; } -// Find the first occurence of `prev_op_name` and make current `op` depend -// on it. -void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::ConnectOp(ir::Graph *result, OpHandleBase *op, - const std::string &prev_op_name) const { - for (auto &prev_op : result->Get(kGraphOps)) { - if (prev_op->Name() == prev_op_name) { - auto *dep_var = new DummyVarHandle(result->CreateControlDepVar()); - prev_op->AddOutput(dep_var); - result->Get(kGraphDepVars).emplace(dep_var); - op->AddInput(dep_var); - } - } -} - void MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder::CreateDistTrainOp(ir::Graph *result, ir::Node *node) const { int op_dev_id = -1; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h b/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h index 7a6f238f9cf7af18cb10ea271e453fec1902c833..ac6d9c5a64cfde60f75c76dae0a30cc7d735e996 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h @@ -69,9 +69,6 @@ class MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder : public ir::Pass { std::vector FindDistTrainRecvVars( const std::vector &nodes) const; - void ConnectOp(ir::Graph *result, OpHandleBase *op, - const std::string &prev_op_name) const; - void CreateComputationalOps(ir::Graph *result, ir::Node *node, size_t num_places) const; @@ -83,10 +80,6 @@ class MultiDevSSAGraphBuilder : public ir::Pass { void CreateComputationalOp(ir::Graph *result, ir::Node *node, int dev_id) const; - bool IsParameterGradientOnce( - const std::string &og, - std::unordered_set *og_has_been_broadcast) const; - int GetOpDeviceID(const ir::Graph &graph, ir::Node *node) const; void InsertAllReduceOp(ir::Graph *result, const std::string &og) const; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/CMakeLists.txt b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/CMakeLists.txt index bfc649017f19d67660bd11d590134cf56772bb27..f5235f70ad79616801110644999d511eeda33a32 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,20 +1,35 @@ +set(pass_file ${PADDLE_BINARY_DIR}/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h) +file(WRITE ${pass_file} "// Generated by the paddle/fluid/framework/ir/CMakeLists.txt. DO NOT EDIT!\n\n") +file(APPEND ${pass_file} "\#include \"paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h\"\n") +function(pass_library TARGET) + set(options "") + set(oneValueArgs "") + set(multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS) + cmake_parse_arguments(op_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) + cc_library(${TARGET} SRCS ${TARGET}.cc DEPS graph_pattern_detector pass) + file(APPEND ${pass_file} "USE_PASS(${TARGET});\n") + set(PASS_LIBRARY ${TARGET} ${PASS_LIBRARY} PARENT_SCOPE) +endfunction() + cc_library(node SRCS node.cc DEPS proto_desc) cc_library(graph SRCS graph.cc DEPS node) cc_library(graph_helper SRCS graph_helper.cc DEPS graph) cc_library(pass SRCS pass.cc DEPS graph node graph_helper) -cc_library(graph_viz_pass SRCS graph_viz_pass.cc DEPS graph pass graph_helper) -cc_library(graph_to_program_pass SRCS graph_to_program_pass.cc DEPS graph pass graph_helper) cc_library(graph_traits SRCS graph_traits.cc DEPS graph) cc_library(graph_pattern_detector SRCS graph_pattern_detector.cc DEPS graph graph_helper graph_traits) -cc_library(fc_fuse_pass SRCS fc_fuse_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_pattern_detector) -cc_library(attention_lstm_fuse_pass SRCS attention_lstm_fuse_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_pattern_detector) -cc_library(infer_clean_graph_pass SRCS infer_clean_graph_pass.cc DEPS graph pass) -cc_library(fc_lstm_fuse_pass SRCS fc_lstm_fuse_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_pattern_detector) -cc_library(seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass SRCS seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_pattern_detector) + +pass_library(graph_to_program_pass) +pass_library(graph_viz_pass) +pass_library(fc_fuse_pass) +pass_library(attention_lstm_fuse_pass) +pass_library(infer_clean_graph_pass) +pass_library(fc_lstm_fuse_pass) +pass_library(seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass) +set(GLOB_PASS_LIB ${PASS_LIBRARY} CACHE INTERNAL "Global PASS library") cc_test(pass_test SRCS pass_test.cc DEPS graph pass graph_helper) cc_test(graph_test SRCS graph_test.cc DEPS graph graph_helper op_registry) cc_test(graph_helper_test SRCS graph_helper_test.cc DEPS graph graph_helper op_registry) cc_test(graph_to_program_pass_test SRCS graph_to_program_pass_test.cc DEPS graph_to_program_pass) cc_test(test_graph_pattern_detector SRCS graph_pattern_detector_tester.cc DEPS graph_pattern_detector) -cc_test(test_fc_fuse_pass SRCS fc_fuse_pass_tester.cc DEPS fc_fuse_pass graph_pattern_detector graph pass graph_traits framework_proto) +cc_test(test_fc_fuse_pass SRCS fc_fuse_pass_tester.cc DEPS fc_fuse_pass framework_proto) diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/attention_lstm_fuse_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/attention_lstm_fuse_pass.cc index 0278ade6763ec614701674691797d766878a378e..d7580a1cfd689c122ea1e7db5918e2cd8711718f 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/attention_lstm_fuse_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/attention_lstm_fuse_pass.cc @@ -99,17 +99,13 @@ void FindWhileOp(Graph* graph) { auto* cell_init = graph->RetriveNode(6); auto* hidden_init = graph->RetriveNode(8); -#define LINK_TO(node0, node1) \ - node0->outputs.push_back(node1); \ - node1->inputs.push_back(node0); - auto* lstm_op = graph->CreateOpNode(&op_desc); PrepareParameters(graph, param); - LINK_TO(X, lstm_op); - LINK_TO(cell_init, lstm_op); - LINK_TO(hidden_init, lstm_op); - LINK_TO(lstm_op, LSTMOUT); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(X, lstm_op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(cell_init, lstm_op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(hidden_init, lstm_op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(lstm_op, LSTMOUT); GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes); } diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_fuse_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_fuse_pass.cc index 513742bab69d465aac1bfb7bcef2fe89108c14a0..5a4ebd6f3de555acccd72c61bd377ffd8ce69780 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_fuse_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_fuse_pass.cc @@ -21,74 +21,26 @@ namespace paddle { namespace framework { namespace ir { -bool VarOutLinksToOp(Node* node, const std::string& op_type) { - for (auto* out : node->outputs) { - if (out->IsOp() && out->Op()->Type() == op_type) { - return true; - } - } - return false; -} - -void BuildFCPattern(PDPattern* pattern) { - // Create Operators - auto* mul_op = pattern->NewNode("mul")->assert_is_op("mul"); - auto* elementwise_add_op = - pattern->NewNode("elementwise_add")->assert_is_op("elementwise_add"); - // Create variables - // w - auto* mul_weight_var = pattern->NewNode("mul_weight") - ->AsInput() - ->assert_is_op_nth_input("mul", "Y", 0); - // x - auto* mul_tmp_var = pattern->NewNode("mul_tmp_var") - ->AsInput() - ->assert_is_op_nth_input("mul", "X", 0); - // intermediate variable, will be removed in the IR after fuse. - auto* mul_out_var = pattern->NewNode("mul_out") - ->AsIntermediate() - ->assert_is_only_output_of_op("mul") - ->assert_is_op_input("elementwise_add"); - // bias - auto* elementwise_add_tmp_var = pattern->NewNode("elementwise_add_tmpvar") - ->assert_is_op_input("elementwise_add") - ->AsInput(); - // output - auto* elementwise_add_out_var = pattern->NewNode("elementwise_add_out") - ->AsOutput() - ->assert_is_op_output("elementwise_add"); - - mul_op->LinksFrom({mul_weight_var, mul_tmp_var}).LinksTo({mul_out_var}); - elementwise_add_op->LinksFrom({mul_out_var, elementwise_add_tmp_var}) - .LinksTo({elementwise_add_out_var}); -} - -// Replace the node `from` in the links to `to` -bool LinksReplace(std::vector* links, Node* from, Node* to) { - for (auto*& n : *links) { - if (n == from) { - n = to; - return true; - } - } - return false; -} - std::unique_ptr FCFusePass::ApplyImpl( std::unique_ptr graph) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE(graph.get()); - FusePassBase::Init("fc", graph.get()); + FusePassBase::Init("fc_fuse", graph.get()); std::unordered_set nodes2delete; GraphPatternDetector gpd; - BuildFCPattern(gpd.mutable_pattern()); - -#define GET_NODE(id) \ - PADDLE_ENFORCE(subgraph.count(gpd.pattern().RetrieveNode(#id)), \ - "pattern has no Node called %s", #id); \ - auto* id = subgraph.at(gpd.pattern().RetrieveNode(#id)); \ - PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(id, "subgraph has no node %s", #id); + // BuildFCPattern(gpd.mutable_pattern()); + auto* x = gpd.mutable_pattern() + ->NewNode("fc_fuse/x") + ->AsInput() + ->assert_is_op_input("mul", "X"); + patterns::FC(gpd.mutable_pattern(), "fc_fuse", x, true /*with bias*/); + +#define GET_NODE(id) \ + PADDLE_ENFORCE(subgraph.count(gpd.pattern().RetrieveNode("fc_fuse/" #id)), \ + "pattern has no Node called %s", #id); \ + auto* id = subgraph.at(gpd.pattern().RetrieveNode("fc_fuse/" #id)); \ + PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(id, "subgraph has no node %s", "fc_fuse/" #id); int found_fc_count = 0; auto handler = [&](const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph, @@ -98,43 +50,33 @@ std::unique_ptr FCFusePass::ApplyImpl( // scenerio. // FC's fusion is simple, just op fuse, no need to process the // parameters. - GET_NODE(mul_tmp_var); // x - GET_NODE(mul_weight); // Y - GET_NODE(elementwise_add_tmpvar); // bias - GET_NODE(elementwise_add_out); // Out - GET_NODE(mul); // MUL op - GET_NODE(elementwise_add); // ELEMENT_ADD op - GET_NODE(mul_out); // tmp + GET_NODE(x); // x + GET_NODE(w); // Y + GET_NODE(fc_bias); // bias + GET_NODE(fc_out); // Out + GET_NODE(mul); // MUL op + GET_NODE(elementwise_add); // ELEMENT_ADD op + GET_NODE(mul_out); // tmp #undef GET_NODE // Create an FC Node. OpDesc desc; - std::string fc_x_in = mul_tmp_var->Name(); - std::string fc_Y_in = mul_weight->Name(); - std::string fc_bias_in = elementwise_add_tmpvar->Name(); - std::string fc_out = elementwise_add_out->Name(); + std::string fc_x_in = x->Name(); + std::string fc_Y_in = w->Name(); + std::string fc_bias_in = fc_bias->Name(); + std::string fc_out_out = fc_out->Name(); desc.SetInput("Input", std::vector({fc_x_in})); desc.SetInput("W", std::vector({fc_Y_in})); desc.SetInput("Bias", std::vector({fc_bias_in})); - desc.SetOutput("Out", std::vector({fc_out})); + desc.SetOutput("Out", std::vector({fc_out_out})); desc.SetType("fc"); auto fc_node = g->CreateOpNode(&desc); // OpDesc will be copied. - fc_node->inputs = - std::vector({mul_tmp_var, mul_weight, elementwise_add_tmpvar}); - fc_node->outputs.push_back(elementwise_add_out); - - // Update link relatons - PADDLE_ENFORCE(LinksReplace(&mul_tmp_var->outputs, mul, fc_node)); - PADDLE_ENFORCE(LinksReplace(&mul_weight->outputs, mul, fc_node)); - PADDLE_ENFORCE(LinksReplace(&elementwise_add_tmpvar->outputs, - elementwise_add, fc_node)); - PADDLE_ENFORCE( - LinksReplace(&elementwise_add_out->inputs, elementwise_add, fc_node)); + GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph.get(), {mul, elementwise_add, mul_out}); - // Drop old nodes - graph->RemoveNode(mul); - graph->RemoveNode(elementwise_add); - graph->RemoveNode(mul_out); // tmp variable + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(x, fc_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(w, fc_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(fc_bias, fc_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(fc_node, fc_out); found_fc_count++; }; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.cc index c404a6c44ccea8287ddfad976889a9f80cf6bad9..0d69dfa79aa26940f8f56f84b35ffed34f29f703 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.cc @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. - #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h" #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h" @@ -87,15 +86,24 @@ int BuildFusion(Graph* graph, const std::string& name_scope, Scope* scope, } op_desc.SetInput("Bias", {new_bias_var}); } - #undef GET_NODE + // Create temp variables. + scope->Var(name_scope + "/BatchedInput.new") + ->GetMutable(); + scope->Var(name_scope + "/BatchCellPreAct.new") + ->GetMutable(); + scope->Var(name_scope + "/BatchedGate.new") + ->GetMutable(); + op_desc.SetInput("H0", {}); op_desc.SetInput("C0", {}); op_desc.SetOutput("Hidden", {hidden_n->Name()}); op_desc.SetOutput("Cell", {cell_n->Name()}); op_desc.SetOutput("XX", {xx_n->Name()}); - op_desc.SetOutput("BatchedInput", {"blstm_0.tmp_2"}); + op_desc.SetOutput("BatchedGate", {name_scope + "/BatchedGate.new"}); + op_desc.SetOutput("BatchCellPreAct", {name_scope + "/BatchCellPreAct.new"}); + op_desc.SetOutput("BatchedInput", {name_scope + "/BatchedInput.new"}); op_desc.SetAttr("is_reverse", lstm_n->Op()->GetAttr("is_reverse")); op_desc.SetAttr("use_peepholes", lstm_n->Op()->GetAttr("use_peepholes")); // TODO(TJ): get from attr @@ -121,22 +129,18 @@ int BuildFusion(Graph* graph, const std::string& name_scope, Scope* scope, #undef TMP_NEW #undef TMP_NAME -#define LINK_TO(a, b) \ - a->outputs.push_back(b); \ - b->inputs.push_back(a); - LINK_TO(input_n, op); - LINK_TO(weight_x_n, op); - LINK_TO(weight_h_n, op); - LINK_TO(bias_n, op); - LINK_TO(op, hidden_n); -#undef LINK_TO + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(input_n, op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(weight_x_n, op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(weight_h_n, op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(bias_n, op); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(op, hidden_n); return op; }; int fusion_count{0}; - auto fc_no_bias_handler = [&]( - const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph, Graph* g) { + auto handler = [&](const GraphPatternDetector::subgraph_t& subgraph, + Graph* g) { #define GET_NODE(name__) \ std::string name__##key = name_scope + "/" + #name__; \ auto* name__##n = pattern->RetrieveNode(name__##key); \ @@ -157,21 +161,24 @@ int BuildFusion(Graph* graph, const std::string& name_scope, Scope* scope, if (with_fc_bias) { GET_NODE(fc_bias); + GET_NODE(elementwise_add); lstm_creator(lstm, x, w, Weight, Bias, Hidden, Cell, fc_out, fc_bias); + // Remove unneeded nodes. + std::unordered_set marked_nodes( + {mul_n, lstm_n, elementwise_add_n}); + GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes); } else { lstm_creator(lstm, x, w, Weight, Bias, Hidden, Cell, fc_out, -1); + // Remove unneeded nodes. + std::unordered_set marked_nodes({mul_n, lstm_n}); + GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes); } #undef GET_NODE - // Remove unneeded nodes. - std::unordered_set marked_nodes({mul_n, lstm_n}); - - GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes); - ++fusion_count; }; - gpd(graph, fc_no_bias_handler); + gpd(graph, handler); return fusion_count; } diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h index 5a6687872eb3ab4a032227fda9ff0e7f5254670b..3ee32c63a46fcc34bdccd1e14d4bbaf9668c49e9 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fc_lstm_fuse_pass.h @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +#pragma once + #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fuse_pass_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h" diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.cc index f651ab635eadc9f248964e91dceebf3aa9c42926..434bee4ccee1c199088d09c934fe86435ec7d095 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.cc @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ void PDPattern::AddEdge(PDNode* a, PDNode* b) { void GraphPatternDetector::operator()(Graph* graph, GraphPatternDetector::handle_t handler) { if (!MarkPDNodesInGraph(*graph)) { - LOG(INFO) << "Mark failed"; return; } @@ -111,6 +110,11 @@ bool GraphPatternDetector::MarkPDNodesInGraph(const ir::Graph& graph) { return false; } } + for (auto& item : pdnodes2nodes_) { + for (auto& n : item.second) { + GetMarkedNodes(const_cast(&graph)).insert(n); + } + } VLOG(3) << pdnodes2nodes_.size() << " nodes marked"; return !pdnodes2nodes_.empty(); @@ -278,7 +282,7 @@ void GraphPatternDetector::RemoveOverlappedMatch( for (const auto& subgraph : *subgraphs) { bool valid = true; for (auto& item : subgraph) { - if (node_set.count(item.second)) { + if (item.first->IsIntermediate() && node_set.count(item.second)) { valid = false; break; } @@ -334,22 +338,22 @@ PDNode& PDNode::LinksFrom(const std::vector& others) { } PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op() { - asserts_.emplace_back([this](Node* x) { return x && x->IsOp(); }); + asserts_.emplace_back([](Node* x) { return x && x->IsOp(); }); return this; } PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_op(const std::string& op_type) { - asserts_.emplace_back([this, op_type](Node* x) { + asserts_.emplace_back([op_type](Node* x) { return x && x->IsOp() && x->Op()->Type() == op_type; }); return this; } PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_var() { - asserts_.emplace_back([this](Node* x) { return x && x->IsVar(); }); + asserts_.emplace_back([](Node* x) { return x && x->IsVar(); }); return this; } PDNode* PDNode::assert_var_not_persistable() { assert_is_var(); - asserts_.emplace_back([this](Node* x) { return !x->Var()->Persistable(); }); + asserts_.emplace_back([](Node* x) { return !x->Var()->Persistable(); }); return this; } PDNode* PDNode::assert_is_persistable_var() { @@ -491,14 +495,16 @@ void GraphSafeRemoveNodes(Graph* graph, for (auto it = node->inputs.begin(); it != node->inputs.end();) { if (nodes.count(*it)) { it = const_cast(node)->inputs.erase(it); - } else + } else { it++; + } } for (auto it = node->outputs.begin(); it != node->outputs.end();) { if (nodes.count(*it)) { it = const_cast(node)->outputs.erase(it); - } else + } else { it++; + } } } } diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h index 024ce8ce55616cc5e0eaced4a27a6e1fb004af2c..eacea1750f6f1e86a8fe79637c3bd757a7275398 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ #endif #include +#include +#include +#include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/node.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/dot.h" @@ -245,6 +248,8 @@ class GraphPatternDetector { void UniquePatterns(std::vector* subgraphs); // Remove overlapped match subgraphs, when overlapped, keep the previous one. + // The intermediate PDNodes will be removed, so can't shared by multiple + // patterns. void RemoveOverlappedMatch(std::vector* subgraphs); // Validate whether the intermediate nodes are linked by external nodes. @@ -295,6 +300,10 @@ PDNode* LSTM(PDPattern* pattern, const std::string& name_scope, PDNode* x); } // namespace patterns +#define IR_NODE_LINK_TO(a, b) \ + a->outputs.push_back(b); \ + b->inputs.push_back(a); + } // namespace ir } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector_tester.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector_tester.cc index 7e5c86b033a7c69a306491cf4bf8d099018c5f19..6c466fb21fb46e09961dc874e9e39655f83d17c6 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector_tester.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector_tester.cc @@ -140,8 +140,9 @@ TEST(GraphPatternDetecter, MultiSubgraph) { return node->IsOp() && (node->Name() == "op2" || node->Name() == "op3"); }, "OP0"); - auto* any_var = x.mutable_pattern()->NewNode( - [](Node* node) { return node->IsVar(); }, "VAR"); + auto* any_var = x.mutable_pattern() + ->NewNode([](Node* node) { return node->IsVar(); }, "VAR") + ->AsIntermediate(); auto* any_op1 = x.mutable_pattern()->NewNode( [](Node* node) { return node->IsOp(); }, "OP1"); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/infer_clean_graph_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/infer_clean_graph_pass.cc index f885567da1965b997b2063e06c839af95b43e1e1..7713ed1eab88ee4fa16d52e7425075ae66f721a3 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/infer_clean_graph_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/infer_clean_graph_pass.cc @@ -13,42 +13,41 @@ // limitations under the License. #include +#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fuse_pass_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" -#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_pattern_detector.h" namespace paddle { namespace framework { namespace ir { -class InferCleanGraphPass : public Pass { +class InferCleanGraphPass : public FusePassBase { public: virtual ~InferCleanGraphPass() {} protected: std::unique_ptr ApplyImpl(std::unique_ptr graph) const { + FusePassBase::Init("original_graph", graph.get()); PADDLE_ENFORCE(graph.get()); auto is_valid_node = [](Node* x) { return x && IsControlDepVar(*x) && x->IsVar() && !x->Var(); }; - std::unordered_set invalid_nodes; + std::unordered_set invalid_nodes; + int valid_op = 0; for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { if (is_valid_node(node)) { invalid_nodes.insert(node); + } else if (node->IsOp()) { + // Collect all the operators to help tracking number of operators. + ++valid_op; } } - // remove nodes from the graph. - for (auto* node : invalid_nodes) { - graph->RemoveNode(node); - } + GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph.get(), invalid_nodes); - // clean edges. - for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { - CleanEdges(&node->inputs, invalid_nodes); - CleanEdges(&node->outputs, invalid_nodes); - } + AddStatis(valid_op); return graph; } diff --git a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass.cc b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass.cc index a776a898a5ee13b4dde12460dce71433268fb9d4..e1a441d09aaa3647c4b2a582210a2c7e2b64e0da 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass.cc @@ -219,16 +219,13 @@ std::unique_ptr SeqConcatFcFusePass::ApplyImpl( op_desc.SetAttr("fc_activation", act->Op()->Type()); auto* op_node = graph->CreateOpNode(&op_desc); -// Add links -#define NODE_LINKS(a, b) \ - a->outputs.push_back(b); \ - b->inputs.push_back(a); - NODE_LINKS(fc_w, op_node); - NODE_LINKS(fc_bias, op_node); - NODE_LINKS(concat_in0, op_node); - NODE_LINKS(sequence_expand0_in, op_node); - NODE_LINKS(sequence_expand1_in, op_node); - NODE_LINKS(op_node, fc_out); + // Add links + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(fc_w, op_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(fc_bias, op_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(concat_in0, op_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(sequence_expand0_in, op_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(sequence_expand1_in, op_node); + IR_NODE_LINK_TO(op_node, fc_out); // Clean nodes. std::unordered_set marked_nodes; @@ -241,7 +238,6 @@ std::unique_ptr SeqConcatFcFusePass::ApplyImpl( marked_nodes.erase(sequence_expand0_in); marked_nodes.erase(sequence_expand1_in); marked_nodes.erase(fc_out); - GraphSafeRemoveNodes(graph, marked_nodes); }); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/CMakeLists.txt b/paddle/fluid/inference/CMakeLists.txt index 86392078b356df774fbc47aed9214e9f10fe33be..2006e3b24f71d0ae32b4e2ae34f1a1e4d3a82f91 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/CMakeLists.txt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ set(FLUID_CORE_MODULES proto_desc memory lod_tensor executor) # TODO(panyx0718): Should this be called paddle_fluid_inference_api_internal? cc_library(paddle_fluid_api SRCS io.cc - DEPS ${FLUID_CORE_MODULES} ${GLOB_OP_LIB} graph_to_program_pass) + DEPS ${FLUID_CORE_MODULES} ${GLOB_OP_LIB}) get_property(fluid_modules GLOBAL PROPERTY FLUID_MODULES) @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ cc_library(paddle_fluid_origin DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api) #endif() # Create static library -cc_library(paddle_fluid DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api paddle_inference_api) +cc_library(paddle_fluid DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api paddle_inference_api analysis_predictor) if(NOT APPLE) # TODO(liuyiqu: Temporarily disable the link flag because it is not support on Mac. set(LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--retain-symbols-file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/paddle_fluid.sym") @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ endif() # Create shared library cc_library(paddle_fluid_shared SHARED SRCS io.cc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/api/api.cc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/api/api_impl.cc + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/api/analysis_predictor.cc DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api) set_target_properties(paddle_fluid_shared PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME paddle_fluid) diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/CMakeLists.txt b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/CMakeLists.txt index eb4908da24c98e4d9bf68559c247b905b7770973..43201fb0bbb88a16c8dc3b92cf52d712ea2d41f7 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/CMakeLists.txt @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function (inference_analysis_test TARGET) endif() cc_test(${TARGET} SRCS "${analysis_test_SRCS}" - DEPS analysis graph fc_fuse_pass graph_viz_pass infer_clean_graph_pass graph_pattern_detector pass ${analysis_test_EXTRA_DEPS} + DEPS analysis pass ${GLOB_PASS_LIB} ${analysis_test_EXTRA_DEPS} ARGS --inference_model_dir=${PYTHON_TESTS_DIR}/book/word2vec.inference.model ${mem_opt} ${analysis_test_ARGS}) set_tests_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES DEPENDS test_word2vec) endif(WITH_TESTING) @@ -56,25 +56,13 @@ if (NOT EXISTS ${DITU_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING) endif() inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer SRCS analyzer_tester.cc - EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api ir_pass_manager analysis - analysis_predictor - # ir - fc_fuse_pass - fc_lstm_fuse_pass - seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass - graph_viz_pass - infer_clean_graph_pass - graph_pattern_detector - infer_clean_graph_pass - attention_lstm_fuse_pass - paddle_inference_api - pass + EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api ir_pass_manager analysis_predictor ARGS --infer_ditu_rnn_model=${DITU_INSTALL_DIR}/model - --infer_ditu_rnn_data=${DITU_INSTALL_DIR}/data.txt) + --infer_ditu_rnn_data=${DITU_INSTALL_DIR}/data.txt) inference_analysis_test(test_data_flow_graph SRCS data_flow_graph_tester.cc) -inference_analysis_test(test_data_flow_graph_to_fluid_pass SRCS data_flow_graph_to_fluid_pass_tester.cc EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api) -inference_analysis_test(test_fluid_to_ir_pass SRCS fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc EXTRA_DEPS paddle_fluid) +inference_analysis_test(test_data_flow_graph_to_fluid_pass SRCS data_flow_graph_to_fluid_pass_tester.cc) +inference_analysis_test(test_fluid_to_ir_pass SRCS fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc) inference_analysis_test(test_fluid_to_data_flow_graph_pass SRCS fluid_to_data_flow_graph_pass_tester.cc) inference_analysis_test(test_subgraph_splitter SRCS subgraph_splitter_tester.cc) inference_analysis_test(test_dfg_graphviz_draw_pass SRCS dfg_graphviz_draw_pass_tester.cc) @@ -86,7 +74,7 @@ inference_analysis_test(test_model_store_pass SRCS model_store_pass_tester.cc) set(CHINESE_NER_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_ner_model.tar.gz") set(CHINESE_NER_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_ner-data.txt.tar.gz") set(CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/chinese_ner" CACHE PATH "Chinese ner model and data root." FORCE) -if (NOT EXISTS ${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING) +if (NOT EXISTS ${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING AND WITH_INFERENCE) inference_download_and_uncompress(${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} ${CHINESE_NER_MODEL_URL} "chinese_ner_model.tar.gz") inference_download_and_uncompress(${CHINESE_NER_INSTALL_DIR} ${CHINESE_NER_DATA_URL} "chinese_ner-data.txt.tar.gz") endif() @@ -99,7 +87,7 @@ inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer_ner SRCS analyzer_ner_tester.cc set(LAC_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/lac_model.tar.gz") set(LAC_DATA_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/lac_data.txt.tar.gz") set(LAC_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/lac" CACHE PATH "LAC model and data root." FORCE) -if (NOT EXISTS ${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING) +if (NOT EXISTS ${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING AND WITH_INFERENCE) inference_download_and_uncompress(${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} ${LAC_MODEL_URL} "lac_model.tar.gz") inference_download_and_uncompress(${LAC_INSTALL_DIR} ${LAC_DATA_URL} "lac_data.txt.tar.gz") endif() @@ -120,3 +108,15 @@ inference_analysis_test(test_analyzer_lac SRCS analyzer_lac_tester.cc pass ARGS --infer_model=${LAC_INSTALL_DIR}/model --infer_data=${LAC_INSTALL_DIR}/data.txt) + + +set(TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL_URL "http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/text-classification-Senta.tar.gz") +set(TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_INSTALL_DIR "${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/inference_demo/text_classification" CACHE PATH "Text Classification model and data root." FORCE) + +if (NOT EXISTS ${TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_INSTALL_DIR} AND WITH_TESTING AND WITH_INFERENCE) + inference_download_and_uncompress(${TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_INSTALL_DIR} ${TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL_URL} "text-classification-Senta.tar.gz") +endif() + +inference_analysis_test(test_text_classification SRCS test_text_classification.cc + EXTRA_DEPS paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api analysis_predictor + ARGS --infer_model=${TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_INSTALL_DIR}/text-classification-Senta) diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.cc index 192ac2daa6a78efec6db19870f71e80593c62da9..ca834406451d53fd44887300561a6327d97cafcd 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.cc @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h" #include +#include #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/data_flow_graph_to_fluid_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/dfg_graphviz_draw_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_data_flow_graph_pass.h" @@ -41,20 +42,16 @@ class DfgPassManagerImpl final : public DfgPassManager { public: DfgPassManagerImpl() { // TODO(Superjomn) set the key with pass reprs. - LOG(INFO) - << "-----------------------------------------------------------------"; - if (FLAGS_IA_enable_ir) { - AddPass("fluid-to-ir-pass", new FluidToIrPass); - } else { + if (!FLAGS_IA_enable_ir) { AddPass("fluid-to-data-flow-graph", new FluidToDataFlowGraphPass); + } else { + AddPass("fluid-to-ir-pass", new FluidToIrPass); } TryAddTensorRtPass(); AddPass("data-flow-graph-to-fluid", new DataFlowGraphToFluidPass); if (!FLAGS_IA_output_storage_path.empty()) { AddPass("model-store-pass", new ModelStorePass); } - LOG(INFO) - << "-----------------------------------------------------------------"; } std::string repr() const override { return "dfg-pass-manager"; } @@ -101,19 +98,16 @@ class DfgPassManagerImpl final : public DfgPassManager { Analyzer::Analyzer() { Register("manager1", new DfgPassManagerImpl); } void Analyzer::Run(Argument* argument) { + std::vector passes; + for (auto& pass : all_ir_passes_) { + if (!disabled_ir_passes_.count(pass)) { + passes.push_back(pass); + passes.push_back("graph_viz_pass"); // add graphviz for debug. + } + } + passes.push_back("graph_viz_pass"); // Ugly support fluid-to-ir-pass - argument->Set(kFluidToIrPassesAttr, - new std::vector({ - // Manual update the passes here. - "graph_viz_pass", // - "infer_clean_graph_pass", "graph_viz_pass", // - "attention_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", // - "fc_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", // - "mul_lstm_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", // - "seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass", // - "fc_fuse_pass", "graph_viz_pass" // - - })); + argument->Set(kFluidToIrPassesAttr, new std::vector(passes)); for (auto& x : data_) { PADDLE_ENFORCE(x->Initialize(argument)); @@ -122,6 +116,11 @@ void Analyzer::Run(Argument* argument) { } } +Analyzer& Analyzer::DisableIrPasses(const std::vector& passes) { + disabled_ir_passes_.insert(passes.begin(), passes.end()); + return *this; +} + } // namespace analysis } // namespace inference } // namespace paddle diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h index 2e107c82dd50d5cf22797f4c82e69d302514f955..3fdd2b9ec7537c891a04efb3ca9a1d45075ffa5e 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h @@ -36,16 +36,10 @@ limitations under the License. */ */ #include +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/flags.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/pass_manager.h" -// TODO(Superjomn) add a definition flag like PADDLE_WITH_TENSORRT and hide this -// flag if not available. -DECLARE_bool(IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine); -DECLARE_string(IA_graphviz_log_root); -DECLARE_string(IA_output_storage_path); -DECLARE_bool(IA_enable_ir); - namespace paddle { namespace inference { namespace analysis { @@ -57,7 +51,26 @@ class Analyzer : public OrderedRegistry { void Run(Argument* argument); + Analyzer& DisableIrPasses(const std::vector& passes); + DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Analyzer); + + private: + // All avaiable IR passes. + // The bigger fuse comes first, so that the small operators prefer to be + // merged in a larger fuse op. The small fusion will not break the pattern of + // larger fusion. + const std::vector all_ir_passes_{{ + // Manual update the passes here. + "infer_clean_graph_pass", // + "attention_lstm_fuse_pass", // + "fc_lstm_fuse_pass", // + "mul_lstm_fuse_pass", // + "seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass", // + "fc_fuse_pass", // + }}; + + std::unordered_set disabled_ir_passes_; }; } // namespace analysis diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer_tester.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer_tester.cc index ec1f3979a74bd86ee7402bca441e95d3d177d113..94be6733f63488634ee1302e015a57c9a8892d84 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer_tester.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer_tester.cc @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/utils/singleton.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h" @@ -270,17 +271,22 @@ void TestDituRNNPrediction(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &data_path, int batch_size, bool use_analysis, bool activate_ir, int num_times = 1) { - NativeConfig config; + AnalysisConfig config; config.prog_file = FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model + "/__model__"; config.param_file = FLAGS_infer_ditu_rnn_model + "/param"; config.use_gpu = false; config.device = 0; config.specify_input_name = true; + config.enable_ir_optim = activate_ir; + PADDLE_ENFORCE(config.ir_mode == + AnalysisConfig::IrPassMode::kExclude); // default + config.ir_passes.clear(); // Do not exclude any pass. auto base_predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); auto predictor = - CreatePaddlePredictor(config); + CreatePaddlePredictor( + config); std::vector input_slots; DataRecord data(data_path, batch_size); // Prepare inputs. @@ -327,9 +333,20 @@ void TestDituRNNPrediction(const std::string &model_path, LOG(INFO) << "fused " << item.first << " " << item.second; } - ASSERT_TRUE(fuse_statis.count("fc")); - EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc"), 1); - EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc_nobias_lstm_fuse"), 1); + int num_ops = 0; + for (auto &node : + analysis_predictor->analysis_argument().main_dfg->nodes.nodes()) { + if (node->IsFunction()) { + ++num_ops; + } + } + LOG(INFO) << "has num ops: " << num_ops; + + ASSERT_TRUE(fuse_statis.count("fc_fuse")); + EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc_fuse"), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(fuse_statis.at("fc_nobias_lstm_fuse"), 2); // bi-directional LSTM + EXPECT_EQ(num_ops, + 13); // After graph optimization, only 13 operators exists. } } @@ -357,10 +374,3 @@ TEST(Analyzer, DituRNN_with_analysis_with_IR) { } // namespace analysis } // namespace inference } // namespace paddle - -USE_PASS(fc_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(fc_lstm_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(graph_viz_pass); -USE_PASS(infer_clean_graph_pass); -USE_PASS(attention_lstm_fuse_pass); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/flags.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/flags.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..717e543f01dfa071865a5c14c0b7679e65239daf --- /dev/null +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/flags.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +#include + +// TODO(Superjomn) add a definition flag like PADDLE_WITH_TENSORRT and hide this +// flag if not available. +DECLARE_bool(IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine); +DECLARE_string(IA_graphviz_log_root); +DECLARE_string(IA_output_storage_path); +DECLARE_bool(IA_enable_ir); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass.h index 6731b1f759363eec5dd8645783212a72ace67b2f..3086085710d6e850ed27e82d2323690dfdd3ef19 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass.h @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ #pragma once #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fuse_pass_base.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/flags.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ir_pass_manager.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/pass.h" @@ -85,9 +86,11 @@ class FluidToIrPass final : public DataFlowGraphPass { new Scope *(&argument_->Get(ir::kParamScopeAttr))); } - const auto &ir_passes_to_apply = - argument_->Get>(kFluidToIrPassesAttr); - ir_passes.Apply(ir_passes_to_apply); + if (FLAGS_IA_enable_ir) { + const auto &ir_passes_to_apply = + argument_->Get>(kFluidToIrPassesAttr); + ir_passes.Apply(ir_passes_to_apply); + } PADDLE_ENFORCE(argument_->main_dfg.get()); argument_->main_dfg->Build(ir_passes.graph()); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc index 6a13c60e7b2ebf645b12d5ddf83ef6ab3a2e83bd..367c25805d05f8d10fb8341158760ac6356a5c48 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/fluid_to_ir_pass_tester.cc @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ #include #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ut_helper.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h" namespace paddle { namespace inference { @@ -33,10 +34,3 @@ TEST(FluidToIrPass, Test) { } // namespace analysis } // namespace inference } // namespace paddle - -USE_PASS(graph_viz_pass); -USE_PASS(infer_clean_graph_pass); -USE_PASS(attention_lstm_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(fc_lstm_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(fc_fuse_pass); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/test_text_classification.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/test_text_classification.cc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2913824f62301795aea967c22021b2af11f343c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/test_text_classification.cc @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +#include +#include // use glog instead of PADDLE_ENFORCE to avoid importing other paddle header files. +#include +#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/ut_helper.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/timer.h" + +DEFINE_string(infer_model, "", "Directory of the inference model."); +DEFINE_string(infer_data, "", "Path of the dataset."); +DEFINE_int32(batch_size, 1, "batch size."); +DEFINE_int32(repeat, 1, "How many times to repeat run."); + +namespace paddle { + +template +std::string to_string(const std::vector &vec) { + std::stringstream ss; + for (const auto &c : vec) { + ss << c << " "; + } + return ss.str(); +} + +void PrintTime(const double latency, const int bs, const int repeat) { + LOG(INFO) << "===========profile result==========="; + LOG(INFO) << "batch_size: " << bs << ", repeat: " << repeat + << ", avg latency: " << latency / repeat << "ms"; + LOG(INFO) << "====================================="; +} + +void Main(int batch_size) { + // Three sequence inputs. + std::vector input_slots(1); + // one batch starts + // data -- + int64_t data0[] = {0, 1, 2}; + for (auto &input : input_slots) { + input.data.Reset(data0, sizeof(data0)); + input.shape = std::vector({3, 1}); + // dtype -- + input.dtype = PaddleDType::INT64; + // LoD -- + input.lod = std::vector>({{0, 3}}); + } + + // shape -- + // Create Predictor -- + AnalysisConfig config; + config.model_dir = FLAGS_infer_model; + config.use_gpu = false; + config.enable_ir_optim = true; + config.ir_passes.push_back("fc_lstm_fuse_pass"); + auto predictor = + CreatePaddlePredictor( + config); + + inference::Timer timer; + double sum = 0; + std::vector output_slots; + for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_repeat; i++) { + timer.tic(); + CHECK(predictor->Run(input_slots, &output_slots)); + sum += timer.toc(); + } + PrintTime(sum, batch_size, FLAGS_repeat); + + // Get output + LOG(INFO) << "get outputs " << output_slots.size(); + + for (auto &output : output_slots) { + LOG(INFO) << "output.shape: " << to_string(output.shape); + // no lod ? + CHECK_EQ(output.lod.size(), 0UL); + LOG(INFO) << "output.dtype: " << output.dtype; + std::stringstream ss; + for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { + ss << static_cast(output.data.data())[i] << " "; + } + LOG(INFO) << "output.data summary: " << ss.str(); + // one batch ends + } +} + +TEST(text_classification, basic) { Main(FLAGS_batch_size); } + +} // namespace paddle + +USE_PASS(fc_fuse_pass); +USE_PASS(seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass); +USE_PASS(fc_lstm_fuse_pass); +USE_PASS(graph_viz_pass); +USE_PASS(infer_clean_graph_pass); +USE_PASS(attention_lstm_fuse_pass); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/CMakeLists.txt b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/CMakeLists.txt index a94c79a698d32279f8b9fe140357adab4b6dff39..e976b9397d60e02f6a672a358e243aa06725bf8f 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/CMakeLists.txt @@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ if(APPLE) endif(APPLE) -set(inference_deps paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api analysis pass ir_pass_manager - graph_viz_pass fc_fuse_pass - infer_clean_graph_pass - ) +set(inference_deps paddle_inference_api paddle_fluid_api analysis pass ir_pass_manager ${GLOB_PASS_LIB}) if(WITH_GPU AND TENSORRT_FOUND) set(inference_deps ${inference_deps} paddle_inference_tensorrt_subgraph_engine) @@ -47,7 +44,19 @@ function(inference_api_test TARGET_NAME) endfunction(inference_api_test) cc_library(paddle_inference_api SRCS api.cc api_impl.cc helper.cc DEPS lod_tensor) -cc_library(analysis_predictor SRCS analysis_predictor.cc DEPS paddle_inference_api analysis) +cc_library(analysis_predictor SRCS analysis_predictor.cc DEPS paddle_inference_api + analysis + ir_pass_manager + pass + fc_fuse_pass + fc_lstm_fuse_pass + seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass + graph_viz_pass + infer_clean_graph_pass + graph_pattern_detector + infer_clean_graph_pass + attention_lstm_fuse_pass +) cc_test(test_paddle_inference_api SRCS api_tester.cc diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.cc index 33862232bdaae817b9ca72879605386c32ed3e8b..a8fa677202d8429c274a6e3fdfd18ef5d48620c2 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.cc @@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h" #include +#include +#include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/fuse_pass_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/scope.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/utils/singleton.h" namespace paddle { @@ -27,6 +30,8 @@ bool AnalysisPredictor::Init( VLOG(3) << "Predictor::init()"; if (config_.use_gpu) { place_ = paddle::platform::CUDAPlace(config_.device); + LOG(WARNING) << "ir optimize only supports CPU currently"; + config_.enable_ir_optim = false; } else { place_ = paddle::platform::CPUPlace(); } @@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ bool AnalysisPredictor::Init( void AnalysisPredictor::OptimizeInferenceProgram() { LOG(INFO) << "optimize begin"; - FLAGS_IA_enable_ir = true; + FLAGS_IA_enable_ir = config_.enable_ir_optim; FLAGS_IA_enable_tensorrt_subgraph_engine = false; FLAGS_IA_output_storage_path = ""; // Don't output the model. // Analyze inference_program @@ -89,24 +94,26 @@ void AnalysisPredictor::OptimizeInferenceProgram() { } argument_.origin_program_desc.reset( new ProgramDesc(*inference_program_->Proto())); - Analyzer().Run(&argument_); + PADDLE_ENFORCE(config_.ir_mode == AnalysisConfig::IrPassMode::kExclude, + "Only kExclude is supported yet."); + Analyzer().DisableIrPasses(config_.ir_passes).Run(&argument_); + CHECK(argument_.transformed_program_desc); VLOG(5) << "to prepare executor"; - // LOG(INFO) << "transformed_parogram_desc " << - // argument.transformed_program_desc->DebugString(); inference_program_.reset( new framework::ProgramDesc(*argument_.transformed_program_desc)); - PADDLE_ENFORCE(argument_.Has(framework::ir::kParamScopeAttr)); - // Update scope. - scope_.reset( - argument_.Release(framework::ir::kParamScopeAttr)); - LOG(INFO) << "optimize end =="; + if (argument_.Has(framework::ir::kParamScopeAttr)) { + // Update scope. + scope_.reset( + argument_.Release(framework::ir::kParamScopeAttr)); + } + LOG(INFO) << "== optimize end =="; } template <> std::unique_ptr CreatePaddlePredictor< - NativeConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>(const NativeConfig& config) { - VLOG(3) << "create NativePredictor"; + AnalysisConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>(const AnalysisConfig& config) { + VLOG(3) << "create AnalysisConfig"; if (config.use_gpu) { // 1. GPU memeroy PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( @@ -133,7 +140,3 @@ std::unique_ptr CreatePaddlePredictor< } } // namespace paddle - -USE_PASS(fc_fuse_pass); -USE_PASS(graph_viz_pass); -USE_PASS(infer_clean_graph_pass); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h index e32b6185f6044ab3577bde0a8f8dcf2391688aa8..e53925366e9214cd60422efe56884751297c15e5 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/analysis_predictor.h @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. +#include +#include #include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/analyzer.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/api_impl.h" #include "paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h" @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ using framework::proto::ProgramDesc; */ class AnalysisPredictor : public NativePaddlePredictor { public: - explicit AnalysisPredictor(const NativeConfig& config) + explicit AnalysisPredictor(const AnalysisConfig& config) : NativePaddlePredictor(config), config_(config) {} bool Init(const std::shared_ptr& parent_scope); @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ class AnalysisPredictor : public NativePaddlePredictor { Argument& analysis_argument() { return argument_; } private: - NativeConfig config_; + AnalysisConfig config_; Argument argument_; }; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/api_impl.cc b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/api_impl.cc index 38b11d9113e4b03f8365b969009f7a385a683a70..bd9b4b1a814f995e3979105f5b9830b95fd8ea7d 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/api_impl.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/api_impl.cc @@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ bool NativePaddlePredictor::SetFeed(const std::vector &inputs, framework::Scope *scope) { VLOG(3) << "Predictor::set_feed"; if (inputs.size() != feeds_.size()) { - LOG(ERROR) << "wrong feed input size."; + LOG(ERROR) << "wrong feed input size, need " << feeds_.size() << " but get " + << inputs.size(); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/demo_ci/run.sh b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/demo_ci/run.sh index 7824ef2649af81a2390ff3bc537eb7c93c70e402..0f7d541c5edfc62e80cf50f83b491f06dcb42644 100755 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/demo_ci/run.sh +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/demo_ci/run.sh @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ else fi PREFIX=inference-vis-demos%2F -URL_ROOT=http://paddlemodels.bj.bcebos.com/${PREFIX} +URL_ROOT=http://paddlemodels.cdn.bcebos.com/${PREFIX} # download vis_demo data function download() { diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h index bdc9a15d543818da94ac2acf34ecabbbbae3291e..ce4728ab8046f886fc40af3644d855a4f971fb71 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/helper.h @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h index 1baa64c249f291ec1bc874be5031abe6d4368274..995da11e4a30eca72a91a53d3293aa8b033b012b 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_api.h @@ -150,6 +150,21 @@ struct TensorRTConfig : public NativeConfig { int workspace_size{1 << 30}; }; +// NOTE WIP, not stable yet. +struct AnalysisConfig : public NativeConfig { + // + enum class IrPassMode { + kSystem, // Use system default passes, not customize. + kInclude, // Specify the passes in `ir_passes`. + kExclude // Specify the disabled passes in `ir_passes`. + }; + + bool enable_ir_optim = true; + IrPassMode ir_mode{IrPassMode::kExclude}; + // attention lstm fuse works only on some specific models, disable as default. + std::vector ir_passes{"attention_lstm_fuse_pass"}; +}; + // A factory to help create different predictors. // // FOR EXTENSION DEVELOPER: diff --git a/paddle/fluid/inference/paddle_fluid.map b/paddle/fluid/inference/paddle_fluid.map index 5203784dc1fcb672eb6a26d9dfd3ffbe02e08038..7e5cae04b81e6ce759b92f6c4b921ecf974e8260 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/inference/paddle_fluid.map +++ b/paddle/fluid/inference/paddle_fluid.map @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { global: *paddle*; + *Pass*; local: *; }; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.cc index 5edecd18e673da326ec119cf9a383f24f8045089..dfaa7456f917c1308984b361afed752f96ea6f59 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.cc @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.h" -#include namespace paddle { namespace operators { @@ -36,15 +35,12 @@ class AucOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(predict_height, label_height, "Out and Label should have same height."); - int num_thres = ctx->Attrs().Get("num_thresholds"); + int num_pred_buckets = ctx->Attrs().Get("num_thresholds") + 1; ctx->SetOutputDim("AUC", {1}); - ctx->SetOutputDim("TPOut", {num_thres}); - ctx->SetOutputDim("TNOut", {num_thres}); - ctx->SetOutputDim("FPOut", {num_thres}); - ctx->SetOutputDim("FNOut", {num_thres}); - - ctx->ShareLoD("Predict", /*->*/ "AUC"); + ctx->SetOutputDim("BatchAUC", {1}); + ctx->SetOutputDim("StatPosOut", {num_pred_buckets}); + ctx->SetOutputDim("StatNegOut", {num_pred_buckets}); } protected: @@ -66,25 +62,24 @@ class AucOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { AddInput("Label", "A 2D int tensor indicating the label of the training data. " "shape: [batch_size, 1]"); - AddInput("TP", "True-Positive value."); - AddInput("FP", "False-Positive value."); - AddInput("TN", "True-Negative value."); - AddInput("FN", "False-Negative value."); // TODO(typhoonzero): support weight input + AddInput("StatPos", "Statistic value when label = 1"); + AddInput("StatNeg", "Statistic value when label = 0"); + AddOutput("AUC", "A scalar representing the " "current area-under-the-curve."); - AddOutput("TPOut", "True-Positive value."); - AddOutput("FPOut", "False-Positive value."); - AddOutput("TNOut", "True-Negative value."); - AddOutput("FNOut", "False-Negative value."); + AddOutput("BatchAUC", "The AUC for current batch"); + AddOutput("StatPosOut", "Statistic value when label = 1"); + AddOutput("StatNegOut", "Statistic value when label = 0"); AddAttr("curve", "Curve type, can be 'ROC' or 'PR'.") .SetDefault("ROC"); + AddAttr("num_thresholds", "The number of thresholds to use when discretizing the" " roc curve.") - .SetDefault(200); + .SetDefault((2 << 12) - 1); AddComment(R"DOC( Area Under The Curve (AUC) Operator. diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.h index 0a18585edb54a76aff5ae72ecc71e0eebb9f9361..fb0517d70635e090f8c5b59ff9d8420fc34c747b 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/auc_op.h @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #pragma once + #include #include -#include "paddle/fluid/framework/eigen.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" namespace paddle { @@ -23,106 +23,85 @@ namespace operators { using Tensor = framework::Tensor; -template -using EigenVector = framework::EigenVector; - template class AucKernel : public framework::OpKernel { public: - void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override { - auto* predict = ctx.Input("Predict"); - auto* label = ctx.Input("Label"); - auto* auc = ctx.Output("AUC"); + void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx) const override { + auto *predict = ctx.Input("Predict"); + auto *label = ctx.Input("Label"); + + std::string curve = ctx.Attr("curve"); + int num_thresholds = ctx.Attr("num_thresholds"); + int num_pred_buckets = num_thresholds + 1; + // Only use output var for now, make sure it's persistable and // not cleaned up for each batch. - auto* true_positive = ctx.Output("TPOut"); - auto* false_positive = ctx.Output("FPOut"); - auto* true_negative = ctx.Output("TNOut"); - auto* false_negative = ctx.Output("FNOut"); + auto *auc = ctx.Output("AUC"); + auto *stat_pos = ctx.Output("StatPosOut"); + auto *stat_neg = ctx.Output("StatNegOut"); - auto* auc_data = auc->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); + auto *stat_pos_data = stat_pos->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); + auto *stat_neg_data = stat_neg->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); + calcAuc(ctx, label, predict, stat_pos_data, stat_neg_data, num_thresholds, + auc); - std::string curve = ctx.Attr("curve"); - int num_thresholds = ctx.Attr("num_thresholds"); - std::vector thresholds_list; - thresholds_list.reserve(num_thresholds); - for (int i = 1; i < num_thresholds - 1; i++) { - thresholds_list[i] = static_cast(i) / (num_thresholds - 1); - } - const double kEpsilon = 1e-7; - thresholds_list[0] = 0.0f - kEpsilon; - thresholds_list[num_thresholds - 1] = 1.0f + kEpsilon; + auto *batch_auc = ctx.Output("BatchAUC"); + std::vector stat_pos_batch(num_pred_buckets, 0); + std::vector stat_neg_batch(num_pred_buckets, 0); + calcAuc(ctx, label, predict, stat_pos_batch.data(), stat_neg_batch.data(), + num_thresholds, batch_auc); + } + private: + inline static double trapezoidArea(double X1, double X2, double Y1, + double Y2) { + return (X1 > X2 ? (X1 - X2) : (X2 - X1)) * (Y1 + Y2) / 2.0; + } + + inline static void calcAuc(const framework::ExecutionContext &ctx, + const framework::Tensor *label, + const framework::Tensor *predict, + int64_t *stat_pos, int64_t *stat_neg, + int num_thresholds, + framework::Tensor *auc_tensor) { size_t batch_size = predict->dims()[0]; size_t inference_width = predict->dims()[1]; + const T *inference_data = predict->data(); + const auto *label_data = label->data(); + + auto *auc = auc_tensor->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - const T* inference_data = predict->data(); - const auto* label_data = label->data(); - - auto* tp_data = true_positive->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - auto* fn_data = false_negative->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - auto* tn_data = true_negative->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - auto* fp_data = false_positive->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - - for (int idx_thresh = 0; idx_thresh < num_thresholds; idx_thresh++) { - // calculate TP, FN, TN, FP for current thresh - int64_t tp = 0, fn = 0, tn = 0, fp = 0; - for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) { - // NOTE: label_data used as bool, labels > 0 will be treated as true. - if (label_data[i]) { - if (inference_data[i * inference_width + 1] >= - (thresholds_list[idx_thresh])) { - tp++; - } else { - fn++; - } - } else { - if (inference_data[i * inference_width + 1] >= - (thresholds_list[idx_thresh])) { - fp++; - } else { - tn++; - } - } + for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) { + uint32_t binIdx = static_cast( + inference_data[i * inference_width + 1] * num_thresholds); + if (label_data[i]) { + stat_pos[binIdx] += 1.0; + } else { + stat_neg[binIdx] += 1.0; } - // store rates - tp_data[idx_thresh] += tp; - fn_data[idx_thresh] += fn; - tn_data[idx_thresh] += tn; - fp_data[idx_thresh] += fp; } - // epsilon to avoid divide by zero. - double epsilon = 1e-6; - // Riemann sum to caculate auc. - Tensor tp_rate, fp_rate, rec_rate; - tp_rate.Resize({num_thresholds}); - fp_rate.Resize({num_thresholds}); - rec_rate.Resize({num_thresholds}); - auto* tp_rate_data = tp_rate.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - auto* fp_rate_data = fp_rate.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - auto* rec_rate_data = rec_rate.mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - for (int i = 0; i < num_thresholds; i++) { - tp_rate_data[i] = (static_cast(tp_data[i]) + epsilon) / - (tp_data[i] + fn_data[i] + epsilon); - fp_rate_data[i] = - static_cast(fp_data[i]) / (fp_data[i] + tn_data[i] + epsilon); - rec_rate_data[i] = (static_cast(tp_data[i]) + epsilon) / - (tp_data[i] + fp_data[i] + epsilon); + + *auc = 0.0f; + + double totPos = 0.0; + double totNeg = 0.0; + double totPosPrev = 0.0; + double totNegPrev = 0.0; + + int idx = num_thresholds; + + while (idx >= 0) { + totPosPrev = totPos; + totNegPrev = totNeg; + totPos += stat_pos[idx]; + totNeg += stat_neg[idx]; + *auc += trapezoidArea(totNeg, totNegPrev, totPos, totPosPrev); + + --idx; } - *auc_data = 0.0f; - if (curve == "ROC") { - for (int i = 0; i < num_thresholds - 1; i++) { - auto dx = fp_rate_data[i] - fp_rate_data[i + 1]; - auto y = (tp_rate_data[i] + tp_rate_data[i + 1]) / 2.0f; - *auc_data = *auc_data + dx * y; - } - } else if (curve == "PR") { - for (int i = 1; i < num_thresholds; i++) { - auto dx = tp_rate_data[i] - tp_rate_data[i - 1]; - auto y = (rec_rate_data[i] + rec_rate_data[i - 1]) / 2.0f; - *auc_data = *auc_data + dx * y; - } + + if (totPos > 0.0 && totNeg > 0.0) { + *auc = *auc / totPos / totNeg; } } }; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/bbox_util.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/bbox_util.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dee1781623d5a62830545c0952e5aadbe37accb --- /dev/null +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/bbox_util.h @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. */ +#pragma once +#include "paddle/fluid/framework/eigen.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/framework/tensor.h" + +namespace paddle { +namespace operators { + +/* + * transform that computes target bounding-box regression deltas + * given proposal boxes and ground-truth boxes. + */ +template +inline void BoxToDelta(const int box_num, const framework::Tensor& ex_boxes, + const framework::Tensor& gt_boxes, const T* weights, + const bool normalized, framework::Tensor* box_delta) { + auto ex_boxes_et = framework::EigenTensor::From(ex_boxes); + auto gt_boxes_et = framework::EigenTensor::From(gt_boxes); + auto trg = framework::EigenTensor::From(*box_delta); + T ex_w, ex_h, ex_ctr_x, ex_ctr_y, gt_w, gt_h, gt_ctr_x, gt_ctr_y; + for (int64_t i = 0; i < box_num; ++i) { + ex_w = ex_boxes_et(i, 2) - ex_boxes_et(i, 0) + (normalized == false); + ex_h = ex_boxes_et(i, 3) - ex_boxes_et(i, 1) + (normalized == false); + ex_ctr_x = ex_boxes_et(i, 0) + 0.5 * ex_w; + ex_ctr_y = ex_boxes_et(i, 1) + 0.5 * ex_h; + + gt_w = gt_boxes_et(i, 2) - gt_boxes_et(i, 0) + (normalized == false); + gt_h = gt_boxes_et(i, 3) - gt_boxes_et(i, 1) + (normalized == false); + gt_ctr_x = gt_boxes_et(i, 0) + 0.5 * gt_w; + gt_ctr_y = gt_boxes_et(i, 1) + 0.5 * gt_h; + + trg(i, 0) = (gt_ctr_x - ex_ctr_x) / ex_w; + trg(i, 1) = (gt_ctr_y - ex_ctr_y) / ex_h; + trg(i, 2) = std::log(gt_w / ex_w); + trg(i, 3) = std::log(gt_h / ex_h); + + if (weights) { + trg(i, 0) = trg(i, 0) / weights[0]; + trg(i, 1) = trg(i, 1) / weights[1]; + trg(i, 2) = trg(i, 2) / weights[2]; + trg(i, 3) = trg(i, 3) / weights[3]; + } + } +} + +template +void Gather(const T* in, const int in_stride, const int* index, const int num, + T* out) { + const int stride_bytes = in_stride * sizeof(T); + for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { + int id = index[i]; + memcpy(out + i * in_stride, in + id * in_stride, stride_bytes); + } +} + +} // namespace operators +} // namespace paddle diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposal_labels_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposal_labels_op.cc index 0571c46f6be99c9a06b7dd2abb310eeda506ecd5..be06dc19743cfa6f093bcb3f4e9f91af315d4211 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposal_labels_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposal_labels_op.cc @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detection/bbox_util.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/gather.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/concat.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h" @@ -133,31 +134,6 @@ void BboxOverlaps(const Tensor& r_boxes, const Tensor& c_boxes, } } -template -void BoxToDelta(int box_num, const Tensor& ex_boxes, const Tensor& gt_boxes, - const std::vector& weights, Tensor* box_delta) { - auto ex_boxes_et = framework::EigenTensor::From(ex_boxes); - auto gt_boxes_et = framework::EigenTensor::From(gt_boxes); - auto box_delta_et = framework::EigenTensor::From(*box_delta); - T ex_w, ex_h, ex_ctr_x, ex_ctr_y, gt_w, gt_h, gt_ctr_x, gt_ctr_y; - for (int64_t i = 0; i < box_num; ++i) { - ex_w = ex_boxes_et(i, 2) - ex_boxes_et(i, 0) + 1; - ex_h = ex_boxes_et(i, 3) - ex_boxes_et(i, 1) + 1; - ex_ctr_x = ex_boxes_et(i, 0) + 0.5 * ex_w; - ex_ctr_y = ex_boxes_et(i, 1) + 0.5 * ex_h; - - gt_w = gt_boxes_et(i, 2) - gt_boxes_et(i, 0) + 1; - gt_h = gt_boxes_et(i, 3) - gt_boxes_et(i, 1) + 1; - gt_ctr_x = gt_boxes_et(i, 0) + 0.5 * gt_w; - gt_ctr_y = gt_boxes_et(i, 1) + 0.5 * gt_h; - - box_delta_et(i, 0) = (gt_ctr_x - ex_ctr_x) / ex_w / weights[0]; - box_delta_et(i, 1) = (gt_ctr_y - ex_ctr_y) / ex_h / weights[1]; - box_delta_et(i, 2) = log(gt_w / ex_w) / ex_w / weights[2]; - box_delta_et(i, 3) = log(gt_h / ex_h) / ex_h / weights[3]; - } -} - template std::vector> SampleFgBgGt( const platform::CPUDeviceContext& context, Tensor* iou, @@ -243,12 +219,11 @@ void GatherBoxesLabels(const platform::CPUDeviceContext& context, Tensor* sampled_labels, Tensor* sampled_gts) { int fg_num = fg_inds.size(); int bg_num = bg_inds.size(); - int gt_num = fg_num + bg_num; Tensor fg_inds_t, bg_inds_t, gt_box_inds_t, gt_label_inds_t; int* fg_inds_data = fg_inds_t.mutable_data({fg_num}, context.GetPlace()); int* bg_inds_data = bg_inds_t.mutable_data({bg_num}, context.GetPlace()); int* gt_box_inds_data = - gt_box_inds_t.mutable_data({gt_num}, context.GetPlace()); + gt_box_inds_t.mutable_data({fg_num}, context.GetPlace()); int* gt_label_inds_data = gt_label_inds_t.mutable_data({fg_num}, context.GetPlace()); std::copy(fg_inds.begin(), fg_inds.end(), fg_inds_data); @@ -303,18 +278,20 @@ std::vector SampleRoisForOneImage( // Gather boxes and labels Tensor sampled_boxes, sampled_labels, sampled_gts; - int boxes_num = fg_inds.size() + bg_inds.size(); + int fg_num = fg_inds.size(); + int bg_num = bg_inds.size(); + int boxes_num = fg_num + bg_num; framework::DDim bbox_dim({boxes_num, kBoxDim}); sampled_boxes.mutable_data(bbox_dim, context.GetPlace()); sampled_labels.mutable_data({boxes_num}, context.GetPlace()); - sampled_gts.mutable_data(bbox_dim, context.GetPlace()); + sampled_gts.mutable_data({fg_num, kBoxDim}, context.GetPlace()); GatherBoxesLabels(context, boxes, *gt_boxes, *gt_classes, fg_inds, bg_inds, gt_inds, &sampled_boxes, &sampled_labels, &sampled_gts); // Compute targets Tensor bbox_targets_single; bbox_targets_single.mutable_data(bbox_dim, context.GetPlace()); - BoxToDelta(boxes_num, sampled_boxes, sampled_gts, bbox_reg_weights, + BoxToDelta(fg_num, sampled_boxes, sampled_gts, nullptr, false, &bbox_targets_single); // Scale rois @@ -427,7 +404,7 @@ class GenerateProposalLabelsKernel : public framework::OpKernel { auto rpn_rois_lod = rpn_rois->lod().back(); auto gt_classes_lod = gt_classes->lod().back(); auto gt_boxes_lod = gt_boxes->lod().back(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Tensor rpn_rois_slice = rpn_rois->Slice(rpn_rois_lod[i], rpn_rois_lod[i + 1]); Tensor gt_classes_slice = diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposals_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposals_op.cc index fcdcafae7273afa6887ee531dfc37ef833b92d68..ebe6830eccd87a156768eb0d4b96220bcc9f4edc 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposals_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/generate_proposals_op.cc @@ -311,8 +311,7 @@ class GenerateProposalsKernel : public framework::OpKernel { rpn_rois->mutable_data({bbox_deltas->numel() / 4, 4}, context.GetPlace()); - rpn_roi_probs->mutable_data({scores->numel() / 4, 1}, - context.GetPlace()); + rpn_roi_probs->mutable_data({scores->numel(), 1}, context.GetPlace()); Tensor bbox_deltas_swap, scores_swap; bbox_deltas_swap.mutable_data({num, h_bbox, w_bbox, c_bbox}, @@ -421,7 +420,7 @@ class GenerateProposalsKernel : public framework::OpKernel { CPUGather(ctx, proposals, keep, &bbox_sel); CPUGather(ctx, scores_sel, keep, &scores_filter); if (nms_thresh <= 0) { - return std::make_pair(bbox_sel, scores_sel); + return std::make_pair(bbox_sel, scores_filter); } Tensor keep_nms = NMS(ctx, &bbox_sel, &scores_filter, nms_thresh, eta); diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/rpn_target_assign_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/rpn_target_assign_op.cc index 177ff7cf187bc9daf69889e99ca57ae18766de90..88757f25cd9a5789758640de2d9cae0b12350b25 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/rpn_target_assign_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/detection/rpn_target_assign_op.cc @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ limitations under the License. */ #include #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" +#include "paddle/fluid/operators/detection/bbox_util.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h" namespace paddle { @@ -46,156 +47,219 @@ class RpnTargetAssignOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { auto in_dims = ctx->GetInputDim("DistMat"); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(in_dims.size(), 2, "The rank of Input(DistMat) must be 2."); + + ctx->SetOutputDim("LocationIndex", {-1}); + ctx->SetOutputDim("ScoreIndex", {-1}); + ctx->SetOutputDim("TargetLabel", {-1, 1}); + ctx->SetOutputDim("TargetBBox", {-1, 4}); + } + + protected: + framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelType( + const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override { + return framework::OpKernelType( + framework::ToDataType( + ctx.Input("DistMat")->type()), + platform::CPUPlace()); } }; template class RpnTargetAssignKernel : public framework::OpKernel { public: + void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override { + auto* anchor_t = context.Input("Anchor"); // (H*W*A) * 4 + auto* gt_bbox_t = context.Input("GtBox"); + auto* dist_t = context.Input("DistMat"); + + auto* loc_index_t = context.Output("LocationIndex"); + auto* score_index_t = context.Output("ScoreIndex"); + auto* tgt_bbox_t = context.Output("TargetBBox"); + auto* tgt_lbl_t = context.Output("TargetLabel"); + + auto lod = dist_t->lod().back(); + int64_t batch_num = static_cast(lod.size() - 1); + int64_t anchor_num = dist_t->dims()[1]; + PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(anchor_num, anchor_t->dims()[0]); + + int rpn_batch_size = context.Attr("rpn_batch_size_per_im"); + float pos_threshold = context.Attr("rpn_positive_overlap"); + float neg_threshold = context.Attr("rpn_negative_overlap"); + float fg_fraction = context.Attr("fg_fraction"); + + int fg_num_per_batch = static_cast(rpn_batch_size * fg_fraction); + + int64_t max_num = batch_num * anchor_num; + auto place = context.GetPlace(); + + tgt_bbox_t->mutable_data({max_num, 4}, place); + auto* loc_index = loc_index_t->mutable_data({max_num}, place); + auto* score_index = score_index_t->mutable_data({max_num}, place); + + Tensor tmp_tgt_lbl; + auto* tmp_lbl_data = tmp_tgt_lbl.mutable_data({max_num}, place); + auto& dev_ctx = context.device_context(); + math::SetConstant iset; + iset(dev_ctx, &tmp_tgt_lbl, static_cast(-1)); + + std::random_device rnd; + std::minstd_rand engine; + int seed = + context.Attr("fix_seed") ? context.Attr("seed") : rnd(); + engine.seed(seed); + + int fg_num = 0; + int bg_num = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < batch_num; ++i) { + Tensor dist = dist_t->Slice(lod[i], lod[i + 1]); + Tensor gt_bbox = gt_bbox_t->Slice(lod[i], lod[i + 1]); + auto fg_bg_gt = SampleFgBgGt(dev_ctx, dist, pos_threshold, neg_threshold, + rpn_batch_size, fg_num_per_batch, engine, + tmp_lbl_data + i * anchor_num); + + int cur_fg_num = fg_bg_gt[0].size(); + int cur_bg_num = fg_bg_gt[1].size(); + std::transform(fg_bg_gt[0].begin(), fg_bg_gt[0].end(), loc_index, + [i, anchor_num](int d) { return d + i * anchor_num; }); + memcpy(score_index, loc_index, cur_fg_num * sizeof(int)); + std::transform(fg_bg_gt[1].begin(), fg_bg_gt[1].end(), + score_index + cur_fg_num, + [i, anchor_num](int d) { return d + i * anchor_num; }); + + // get target bbox deltas + if (cur_fg_num) { + Tensor fg_gt; + T* gt_data = fg_gt.mutable_data({cur_fg_num, 4}, place); + Tensor tgt_bbox = tgt_bbox_t->Slice(fg_num, fg_num + cur_fg_num); + T* tgt_data = tgt_bbox.data(); + Gather(anchor_t->data(), 4, + reinterpret_cast(&fg_bg_gt[0][0]), cur_fg_num, + tgt_data); + Gather(gt_bbox.data(), 4, reinterpret_cast(&fg_bg_gt[2][0]), + cur_fg_num, gt_data); + BoxToDelta(cur_fg_num, tgt_bbox, fg_gt, nullptr, false, &tgt_bbox); + } + + loc_index += cur_fg_num; + score_index += cur_fg_num + cur_bg_num; + fg_num += cur_fg_num; + bg_num += cur_bg_num; + } + + int lbl_num = fg_num + bg_num; + PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(fg_num, max_num); + PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(lbl_num, max_num); + + tgt_bbox_t->Resize({fg_num, 4}); + loc_index_t->Resize({fg_num}); + score_index_t->Resize({lbl_num}); + auto* lbl_data = tgt_lbl_t->mutable_data({lbl_num, 1}, place); + Gather(tmp_lbl_data, 1, score_index_t->data(), lbl_num, + lbl_data); + } + + private: void ScoreAssign(const T* dist_data, const Tensor& anchor_to_gt_max, const int row, const int col, const float pos_threshold, - const float neg_threshold, int64_t* target_label_data, + const float neg_threshold, int64_t* target_label, std::vector* fg_inds, std::vector* bg_inds) const { - int fg_offset = fg_inds->size(); - int bg_offset = bg_inds->size(); + float epsilon = 0.0001; for (int64_t i = 0; i < row; ++i) { const T* v = dist_data + i * col; - T max_dist = *std::max_element(v, v + col); + T max = *std::max_element(v, v + col); for (int64_t j = 0; j < col; ++j) { - T val = dist_data[i * col + j]; - if (val == max_dist) target_label_data[j] = 1; + if (std::abs(max - v[j]) < epsilon) { + target_label[j] = 1; + } } } - // Pick the fg/bg and count the number + // Pick the fg/bg + const T* anchor_to_gt_max_data = anchor_to_gt_max.data(); for (int64_t j = 0; j < col; ++j) { - if (anchor_to_gt_max.data()[j] > pos_threshold) { - target_label_data[j] = 1; - } else if (anchor_to_gt_max.data()[j] < neg_threshold) { - target_label_data[j] = 0; + if (anchor_to_gt_max_data[j] >= pos_threshold) { + target_label[j] = 1; + } else if (anchor_to_gt_max_data[j] < neg_threshold) { + target_label[j] = 0; } - if (target_label_data[j] == 1) { - fg_inds->push_back(fg_offset + j); - } else if (target_label_data[j] == 0) { - bg_inds->push_back(bg_offset + j); + if (target_label[j] == 1) { + fg_inds->push_back(j); + } else if (target_label[j] == 0) { + bg_inds->push_back(j); } } } - void ReservoirSampling(const int num, const int offset, - std::minstd_rand engine, + void ReservoirSampling(const int num, std::minstd_rand engine, std::vector* inds) const { std::uniform_real_distribution uniform(0, 1); - const int64_t size = static_cast(inds->size() - offset); - if (size > num) { - for (int64_t i = num; i < size; ++i) { + size_t len = inds->size(); + if (len > static_cast(num)) { + for (size_t i = num; i < len; ++i) { int rng_ind = std::floor(uniform(engine) * i); if (rng_ind < num) - std::iter_swap(inds->begin() + rng_ind + offset, - inds->begin() + i + offset); + std::iter_swap(inds->begin() + rng_ind, inds->begin() + i); } + inds->resize(num); } } - void RpnTargetAssign(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx, - const Tensor& dist, const float pos_threshold, - const float neg_threshold, const int rpn_batch_size, - const int fg_num, std::minstd_rand engine, - std::vector* fg_inds, std::vector* bg_inds, - int64_t* target_label_data) const { + // std::vector> RpnTargetAssign( + std::vector> SampleFgBgGt( + const platform::CPUDeviceContext& ctx, const Tensor& dist, + const float pos_threshold, const float neg_threshold, + const int rpn_batch_size, const int fg_num, std::minstd_rand engine, + int64_t* target_label) const { auto* dist_data = dist.data(); - int64_t row = dist.dims()[0]; - int64_t col = dist.dims()[1]; - int fg_offset = fg_inds->size(); - int bg_offset = bg_inds->size(); + int row = dist.dims()[0]; + int col = dist.dims()[1]; + + std::vector fg_inds; + std::vector bg_inds; + std::vector gt_inds; // Calculate the max IoU between anchors and gt boxes - Tensor anchor_to_gt_max; - anchor_to_gt_max.mutable_data( - framework::make_ddim({static_cast(col), 1}), - platform::CPUPlace()); - auto& place = *ctx.template device_context() - .eigen_device(); - auto x = EigenMatrix::From(dist); - auto x_col_max = EigenMatrix::From(anchor_to_gt_max); - x_col_max.device(place) = - x.maximum(Eigen::DSizes(0)) - .reshape(Eigen::DSizes(static_cast(col), 1)); + // Map from anchor to gt box that has highest overlap + auto place = ctx.GetPlace(); + Tensor anchor_to_gt_max, anchor_to_gt_argmax; + anchor_to_gt_max.mutable_data({col}, place); + int* argmax = anchor_to_gt_argmax.mutable_data({col}, place); + + auto x = framework::EigenMatrix::From(dist); + auto x_col_max = framework::EigenVector::Flatten(anchor_to_gt_max); + auto x_col_argmax = + framework::EigenVector::Flatten(anchor_to_gt_argmax); + x_col_max = x.maximum(Eigen::DSizes(0)); + x_col_argmax = x.argmax(0).template cast(); + // Follow the Faster RCNN's implementation ScoreAssign(dist_data, anchor_to_gt_max, row, col, pos_threshold, - neg_threshold, target_label_data, fg_inds, bg_inds); + neg_threshold, target_label, &fg_inds, &bg_inds); // Reservoir Sampling - ReservoirSampling(fg_num, fg_offset, engine, fg_inds); - int bg_num = rpn_batch_size - (fg_inds->size() - fg_offset); - ReservoirSampling(bg_num, bg_offset, engine, bg_inds); - } + ReservoirSampling(fg_num, engine, &fg_inds); + int fg_num2 = static_cast(fg_inds.size()); + int bg_num = rpn_batch_size - fg_num2; + ReservoirSampling(bg_num, engine, &bg_inds); - void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& context) const override { - auto* dist = context.Input("DistMat"); - auto* loc_index = context.Output("LocationIndex"); - auto* score_index = context.Output("ScoreIndex"); - auto* tgt_lbl = context.Output("TargetLabel"); - - auto col = dist->dims()[1]; - int64_t n = dist->lod().size() == 0UL - ? 1 - : static_cast(dist->lod().back().size() - 1); - if (dist->lod().size()) { - PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(dist->lod().size(), 1UL, - "Only support 1 level of LoD."); + gt_inds.reserve(fg_num2); + for (int i = 0; i < fg_num2; ++i) { + gt_inds.emplace_back(argmax[fg_inds[i]]); } - int rpn_batch_size = context.Attr("rpn_batch_size_per_im"); - float pos_threshold = context.Attr("rpn_positive_overlap"); - float neg_threshold = context.Attr("rpn_negative_overlap"); - float fg_fraction = context.Attr("fg_fraction"); - - int fg_num = static_cast(rpn_batch_size * fg_fraction); - - int64_t* target_label_data = - tgt_lbl->mutable_data({n * col, 1}, context.GetPlace()); + std::vector> fg_bg_gt; + fg_bg_gt.emplace_back(fg_inds); + fg_bg_gt.emplace_back(bg_inds); + fg_bg_gt.emplace_back(gt_inds); - auto& dev_ctx = context.device_context(); - math::SetConstant iset; - iset(dev_ctx, tgt_lbl, static_cast(-1)); - - std::vector fg_inds; - std::vector bg_inds; - std::random_device rnd; - std::minstd_rand engine; - int seed = - context.Attr("fix_seed") ? context.Attr("seed") : rnd(); - engine.seed(seed); - - if (n == 1) { - RpnTargetAssign(context, *dist, pos_threshold, neg_threshold, - rpn_batch_size, fg_num, engine, &fg_inds, &bg_inds, - target_label_data); - } else { - auto lod = dist->lod().back(); - for (size_t i = 0; i < lod.size() - 1; ++i) { - Tensor one_ins = dist->Slice(lod[i], lod[i + 1]); - RpnTargetAssign(context, one_ins, pos_threshold, neg_threshold, - rpn_batch_size, fg_num, engine, &fg_inds, &bg_inds, - target_label_data + i * col); - } - } - int* loc_index_data = loc_index->mutable_data( - {static_cast(fg_inds.size())}, context.GetPlace()); - int* score_index_data = score_index->mutable_data( - {static_cast(fg_inds.size() + bg_inds.size())}, - context.GetPlace()); - memcpy(loc_index_data, reinterpret_cast(&fg_inds[0]), - fg_inds.size() * sizeof(int)); - memcpy(score_index_data, reinterpret_cast(&fg_inds[0]), - fg_inds.size() * sizeof(int)); - memcpy(score_index_data + fg_inds.size(), - reinterpret_cast(&bg_inds[0]), bg_inds.size() * sizeof(int)); + return fg_bg_gt; } }; class RpnTargetAssignOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { public: void Make() override { + AddInput("Anchor", + "(Tensor) input anchor is a 2-D Tensor with shape [H*W*A, 4]."); + AddInput("GtBox", "(LoDTensor) input groud-truth bbox with shape [K, 4]."); AddInput( "DistMat", "(LoDTensor or Tensor) this input is a 2-D LoDTensor with shape " @@ -241,12 +305,15 @@ class RpnTargetAssignOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { "ScoreIndex", "(Tensor), The indexes of foreground and background anchors in all " "RPN anchors(The rest anchors are ignored). The shape of the " - "ScoreIndex is [F + B], F and B depend on the value of input " - "tensor and attributes."); - AddOutput("TargetLabel", - "(Tensor), The target labels of each anchor with shape " - "[K * M, 1], " - "K and M is the same as they are in DistMat."); + "ScoreIndex is [F + B], F and B are sampled foreground and backgroud " + " number."); + AddOutput("TargetBBox", + "(Tensor), The target bbox deltas with shape " + "[F, 4], F is the sampled foreground number."); + AddOutput( + "TargetLabel", + "(Tensor), The target labels of each anchor with shape " + "[F + B, 1], F and B are sampled foreground and backgroud number."); AddComment(R"DOC( This operator can be, for given the IoU between the ground truth bboxes and the anchors, to assign classification and regression targets to each prediction. diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.cc index 66784f0b5149a7c479a90a407709d993f4a40a8b..31159a02592a2aff75f7ecf5be924989f0f47071 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/distributed/request_handler_impl.cc @@ -39,19 +39,6 @@ bool RequestSendHandler::Handle(const std::string& varname, const std::string& out_var_name) { VLOG(4) << "RequestSendHandler:" << varname; - // Async - if (!sync_mode_) { - rpc_server_->Profiler().OneStep(); - try { - executor_->RunPreparedContext((*grad_to_prepared_ctx_)[varname].get(), - scope); - } catch (std::exception& e) { - LOG(ERROR) << "async: run sub program error " << e.what(); - return false; - } - return true; - } - // Sync if (varname == BATCH_BARRIER_MESSAGE) { VLOG(3) << "sync: recv BATCH_BARRIER_MESSAGE"; @@ -60,17 +47,31 @@ bool RequestSendHandler::Handle(const std::string& varname, VLOG(3) << "sync: recv complete message"; rpc_server_->Complete(); } else { - VLOG(3) << "sync: received var_name: " << varname; - rpc_server_->WaitCond(kRequestSend); - VLOG(3) << "sync: processing received var: " << varname; - - if (invar == nullptr) { - LOG(FATAL) << "sync: Can not find server side var: " << varname; - return false; - } - if (invar->IsType()) { - std::unique_lock lock(mutex_sparse_vars_); - sparse_vars_.push_back(invar); + // Async + if (!sync_mode_) { + VLOG(3) << "async process var: " << varname; + rpc_server_->Profiler().OneStep(); + try { + executor_->RunPreparedContext((*grad_to_prepared_ctx_)[varname].get(), + scope); + } catch (std::exception& e) { + LOG(ERROR) << "async: run sub program error " << e.what(); + return false; + } + return true; + } else { // sync + rpc_server_->WaitCond(kRequestSend); + VLOG(3) << "sync: processing received var: " << varname; + + if (invar == nullptr) { + LOG(FATAL) << "sync: Can not find server side var: " << varname; + return false; + } + + if (invar->IsType()) { + std::unique_lock lock(mutex_sparse_vars_); + sparse_vars_.push_back(invar); + } } } return true; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/fusion_lstm_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/fusion_lstm_op.cc index f91236975d0cf0c89a464188bd6ea1b5b01e0f6d..104e160e2d7069ec247cc51e927ce8824f1b69e8 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/fusion_lstm_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/fusion_lstm_op.cc @@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ void FusionLSTMOp::InferShape(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(b_dims[0], 1, "The first dimension of Input(Bias) should be 1."); - PADDLE_ENFORCE(!ctx->Attrs().Get("use_peepholes"), - "Do not support peephole yet."); - PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(b_dims[1], 4 * frame_size, + auto use_peepholes = ctx->Attrs().Get("use_peepholes"); + PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(b_dims[1], (use_peepholes ? 7 : 4) * frame_size, "The second dimension of Input(Bias) should be " - "4 * %d if disable peepholes connection", - frame_size); + "7 * %d if enable peepholes connection or" + "4 * %d if disable peepholes", + frame_size, frame_size); framework::DDim out_dims({x_dims[0], frame_size}); ctx->SetOutputDim("Hidden", out_dims); @@ -232,16 +232,17 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { act_cand = act_functor(act_cand_str); \ } -#define INIT_BASE_INPUT_OUTPUT \ - auto* x = ctx.Input("X"); \ - auto* h0 = ctx.Input("H0"); \ - auto* c0 = ctx.Input("C0"); \ - auto* wx = ctx.Input("WeightX"); \ - auto* wh = ctx.Input("WeightH"); \ - auto* bias = ctx.Input("Bias"); \ - auto* xx = ctx.Output("XX"); \ - auto* hidden_out = ctx.Output("Hidden"); \ - auto* cell_out = ctx.Output("Cell"); \ +#define INIT_BASE_INPUT_OUTPUT \ + auto* x = ctx.Input("X"); \ + auto* h0 = ctx.Input("H0"); \ + auto* c0 = ctx.Input("C0"); \ + auto* wx = ctx.Input("WeightX"); \ + auto* wh = ctx.Input("WeightH"); \ + auto* bias = ctx.Input("Bias"); \ + auto* xx = ctx.Output("XX"); \ + auto* hidden_out = ctx.Output("Hidden"); \ + auto* cell_out = ctx.Output("Cell"); \ + bool use_peepholes = ctx.Attr("use_peepholes"); \ bool is_reverse = ctx.Attr("is_reverse"); #define INIT_BASE_SIZES \ @@ -266,12 +267,21 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { const T* x_data = x->data(); const T* h0_data = h0 ? h0->data() : nullptr; const T* c0_data = c0 ? c0->data() : nullptr; + const T* bias_data = bias->data(); + const T* wc_data = bias_data + D4; // w_ic, w_fc, w_oc const T* wx_data = wx->data(); const T* wh_data = wh->data(); + T* xx_data = xx->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); T* hidden_out_data = hidden_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); T* cell_out_data = cell_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); + // use local variable + framework::DDim check_dims({3, D}); + Tensor checked_cell; // w_ic * Ct-1, w_fc * Ct-1, w_oc * Ct + auto checked_cell_data = + checked_cell.mutable_data(check_dims, ctx.GetPlace()); + auto blas = math::GetBlas(ctx); math::FCCompute(blas, total_T, D4, M, x_data, wx_data, xx_data, bias->data()); @@ -297,46 +307,86 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { int seq_len = x_lod[0][bid + 1] - x_lod[0][bid]; const T* prev_c_data = nullptr; const T* prev_h_data = nullptr; + int tstart = 0; if (h0_data) { prev_h_data = h0_data + bid * D; prev_c_data = c0_data + bid * D; } else { - // W_ch, W_ih, W_fh, W_oh - act_gate(D3, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + // If step == 0 and there is no initialized hidden state, that is to say + // the H0 is zeros. Then W_h * H_t-1 can be skipped + + // ~C_t act_cand(D, xx_data, xx_data); - // cell out= input*tilde + if (use_peepholes) { + // I_t, F_t + act_gate(D2, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + } else { + // I_t, F_t, O_t + act_gate(D3, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + } + // C_t = I_t * ~C_t blas.VMUL(D, xx_data, xx_data + D, cell_out_data); + + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_oc * C_t for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D2, cell_out_data, checked_cell_data + D2); + blas.VADD(D, xx_data + D3, checked_cell_data + D2, xx_data + D3); + // O_t + act_gate(D, xx_data + D3, xx_data + D3); + } + // hidden out= act_state(cellout) * outgate act_cell(D, cell_out_data, xx_data + D2); + // H_t = O_t * act_state(C_t) blas.VMUL(D, xx_data + D2, xx_data + D3, hidden_out_data); // prev prev_h_data = hidden_out_data; prev_c_data = cell_out_data; - tstart = 1; + tstart = 1; move_step(); } + for (int step = tstart; step < seq_len; ++step) { + // + W_h * H_t-1 blas.GEMM(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, D4, D, static_cast(1), prev_h_data, D, wh_data, D4, static_cast(1), xx_data, D4); - // W_ch, W_ih, W_fh, W_oh - act_gate(D3, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + // ~C_t act_cand(D, xx_data, xx_data); - // a = forget * prev_cell + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_ic|W_fc * C_t-1 for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data, prev_c_data, checked_cell_data); + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D, prev_c_data, checked_cell_data + D); + blas.VADD(D2, xx_data + D, checked_cell_data, xx_data + D); + // I_t, F_t + act_gate(D2, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + } else { + // I_t, F_t, O_t + act_gate(D3, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); + } + + // F_t * C_t-1 blas.VMUL(D, xx_data + D2, prev_c_data, xx_data + D2); - - // b = input * tilde + // I_t * ~C_t blas.VMUL(D, xx_data, xx_data + D, xx_data + D); - - // cell out= a+b + // C_t = F_t * C_t-1 + I_t * ~C_t blas.VADD(D, xx_data + D, xx_data + D2, cell_out_data); + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_oc * C_t for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D2, cell_out_data, checked_cell_data + D2); + blas.VADD(D, xx_data + D3, checked_cell_data + D2, xx_data + D3); + // O_t + act_gate(D, xx_data + D3, xx_data + D3); + } + // hidden out= act_state(cellout) * outgate act_cell(D, cell_out_data, xx_data + D2); + // H_t = O_t * act_state(C_t) blas.VMUL(D, xx_data + D2, xx_data + D3, hidden_out_data); // prev @@ -344,14 +394,14 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { prev_c_data = cell_out_data; move_step(); - } - } + } // for each step in batch + } // for each batch } void BatchCompute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const { using DeviceContext = platform::CPUDeviceContext; INIT_BASE_INPUT_OUTPUT - if (x->lod()[0].size() == 2) { + if (x->lod()[0].size() == 2) { // batch size == 1 SeqCompute(ctx); return; } @@ -367,6 +417,8 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { const T* x_data = x->data(); const T* wx_data = wx->data(); const T* wh_data = wh->data(); + const T* bias_data = bias->data(); + const T* wc_data = bias_data + D4; // w_ic, w_fc, w_oc auto place = ctx.GetPlace(); T* xx_data = xx->mutable_data(place); T* batched_input_data = batched_input->mutable_data(place); @@ -375,6 +427,12 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { hidden_out->mutable_data(place); cell_out->mutable_data(place); + // use local variable + framework::DDim check_dims({3, D}); + Tensor checked_cell; // w_ic * Ct-1, w_fc * Ct-1, w_oc * Ct + auto checked_cell_data = + checked_cell.mutable_data(check_dims, ctx.GetPlace()); + math::LoDTensor2BatchFunctor to_batch; auto& dev_ctx = ctx.template device_context(); auto blas = math::GetBlas(dev_ctx); @@ -396,17 +454,27 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { reordered_h0->Resize({max_bs, D}); reordered_c0->Resize({max_bs, D}); + T* prev_batch_h_data = nullptr; + T* prev_batch_c_data = nullptr; + T* cur_batch_in_data = batched_input_data; + T* cur_batch_h_out_data = batched_h_out_data; + T* cur_batch_c_out_data = batched_c_out_data; + + auto move_step = [&](int bs) { + cur_batch_in_data += bs * D4; + cur_batch_c_out_data += bs * D; + cur_batch_h_out_data += bs * D; + }; + int tstart = 0; - T* prev_h_data = nullptr; - T* prev_c_data = nullptr; if (h0) { // reorder h0, c0 T* reordered_h0_data = reordered_h0->mutable_data(place); T* reordered_c0_data = reordered_c0->mutable_data(place); const T* h0_data = h0->data(); const T* c0_data = c0->data(); - prev_h_data = reordered_h0_data; - prev_c_data = reordered_c0_data; + prev_batch_h_data = reordered_h0_data; + prev_batch_c_data = reordered_c0_data; size_t sz = sizeof(T) * D; for (int i = 0; i < max_bs; ++i) { std::memcpy(reordered_h0_data, h0_data + seq_order[i] * D, sz); @@ -415,71 +483,122 @@ class FuisonLSTMKernel : public framework::OpKernel { reordered_c0_data += D; } } else { - // compute without h0, c0 - T* cur_in_data = batched_input_data; - T* cur_h_out_data = batched_h_out_data; - T* cur_c_out_data = batched_c_out_data; - // W_ch, W_ih, W_fh, W_oh - for (int i = 0; i < max_bs; ++i) { - act_gate(D3, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + // Compute with no H0/C0 + T* cur_in_data = cur_batch_in_data; + T* cur_c_out_data = cur_batch_c_out_data; + T* cur_h_out_data = cur_batch_h_out_data; + + // If step == 0 and there is no initialized hidden state, that is to say + // the H0 is zeros. Then W_h * H_t-1 can be skiped + + for (int i = 0; i < max_bs; ++i) { // iterate each data in 1st batch + // ~C_t act_cand(D, cur_in_data, cur_in_data); - // cell out= input*tilde + + if (use_peepholes) { + // I_t, F_t + act_gate(D2, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + } else { + // I_t, F_t, O_t + act_gate(D3, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + } + + // C_t = I_t * ~C_t blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data, cur_in_data + D, cur_c_out_data); + + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_oc * C_t for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D2, cur_c_out_data, checked_cell_data + D2); + blas.VADD(D, cur_in_data + D3, checked_cell_data + D2, + cur_in_data + D3); + // O_t + act_gate(D, cur_in_data + D3, cur_in_data + D3); + } + // hidden out= act_state(cellout) * outgate act_cell(D, cur_c_out_data, cur_in_data + D2); + // H_t = O_t * act_state(C_t) blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data + D2, cur_in_data + D3, cur_h_out_data); - // add offset + // move to next data in the same batch cur_in_data += D4; cur_c_out_data += D; cur_h_out_data += D; } + + // move to data for next timestep + prev_batch_h_data = cur_batch_h_out_data; + prev_batch_c_data = cur_batch_c_out_data; + move_step(max_bs); tstart = 1; - prev_h_data = batched_h_out_data; - prev_c_data = batched_c_out_data; } - // Then start from next + const auto& batch_starts = batched_lod[0]; const int max_seq_len = batch_starts.size() - 1; - const int offset = tstart * max_bs * D; - batched_input_data = batched_input_data + offset * 4; - batched_h_out_data = batched_h_out_data + offset; - batched_c_out_data = batched_c_out_data + offset; for (int step = tstart; step < max_seq_len; ++step) { const int cur_bs = batch_starts[step + 1] - batch_starts[step]; + // + W_h * H_t-1 blas.GEMM(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, cur_bs, D4, D, static_cast(1), - prev_h_data, D, wh_data, D4, static_cast(1), - batched_input_data, D4); - - T* cur_in_data = batched_input_data; - T* cur_prev_c_data = prev_c_data; - T* cur_c_out_data = batched_c_out_data; - T* cur_h_out_data = batched_h_out_data; - for (int i = 0; i < cur_bs; ++i) { - // W_ch, W_ih, W_fh, W_oh - act_gate(D3, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + prev_batch_h_data, D, wh_data, D4, static_cast(1), + cur_batch_in_data, D4); + + T* cur_in_data = cur_batch_in_data; + T* cur_c_out_data = cur_batch_c_out_data; + T* cur_h_out_data = cur_batch_h_out_data; + T* prev_c_data = prev_batch_c_data; // NULL if no C0 in step0 + T* prev_h_data = prev_batch_h_data; // NULL if no H0 in step0 + auto next_data_in_batch = [&]() { + cur_in_data += D4; + cur_c_out_data += D; + cur_h_out_data += D; + prev_c_data = prev_c_data ? prev_c_data + D : nullptr; + prev_h_data = prev_h_data ? prev_h_data + D : nullptr; + }; + + for (int i = 0; i < cur_bs; ++i) { // iterate each data in same batch + // ~C_t act_cand(D, cur_in_data, cur_in_data); - // a = forget * prev_cell - blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data + D2, cur_prev_c_data, cur_in_data + D2); - // b = input * tilde + + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_ic|W_fc * C_t-1 for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data, prev_c_data, checked_cell_data); + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D, prev_c_data, checked_cell_data + D); + blas.VADD(D2, cur_in_data + D, checked_cell_data, cur_in_data + D); + // I_t, F_t + act_gate(D2, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + } else { + // I_t, F_t, O_t + act_gate(D3, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); + } + + // F_t * C_t-1 + blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data + D2, prev_c_data, cur_in_data + D2); + // I_t * ~C_t blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D); - // cell out= a+b + // C_t = F_t * C_t-1 + I_t * ~C_t blas.VADD(D, cur_in_data + D, cur_in_data + D2, cur_c_out_data); + + if (use_peepholes) { + // + W_oc * C_t for peephole connection + blas.VMUL(D, wc_data + D2, cur_c_out_data, checked_cell_data + D2); + blas.VADD(D, cur_in_data + D3, checked_cell_data + D2, + cur_in_data + D3); + // O_t + act_gate(D, cur_in_data + D3, cur_in_data + D3); + } + // hidden out= act_state(cellout) * outgate act_cell(D, cur_c_out_data, cur_in_data + D2); + // H_t = O_t * act_state(C_t) blas.VMUL(D, cur_in_data + D2, cur_in_data + D3, cur_h_out_data); - cur_in_data += D4; - cur_prev_c_data += D; - cur_c_out_data += D; - cur_h_out_data += D; + // move to next data in same batch + next_data_in_batch(); } - - prev_c_data = batched_c_out_data; - prev_h_data = batched_h_out_data; - batched_c_out_data = cur_c_out_data; - batched_h_out_data = cur_h_out_data; - batched_input_data = cur_in_data; + // move to data for next timestep + prev_batch_h_data = cur_batch_h_out_data; + prev_batch_c_data = cur_batch_c_out_data; + move_step(cur_bs); } math::Batch2LoDTensorFunctor to_seq; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/gru_unit_op.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/gru_unit_op.h index f18d09d33e9052929b1ff9b36bb2b371fb513d37..451ec61ba1f7239d92c6dfbad0b2961e74e1bc17 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/gru_unit_op.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/gru_unit_op.h @@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ class GRUUnitKernel : public framework::OpKernel { gate_data, frame_size * 3); // calculate activited gate - Eigen::array extents = {batch_size, frame_size}; - Eigen::array u_offsets = {0, 0}; + Eigen::array extents{{batch_size, frame_size}}; + Eigen::array u_offsets{{0, 0}}; ActCompute(context.Attr("gate_activation"), place, g.slice(u_offsets, extents), g.slice(u_offsets, extents)); auto u = g.slice(u_offsets, extents); // update gate - Eigen::array r_offsets = {0, frame_size}; + Eigen::array r_offsets{{0, frame_size}}; ActCompute(context.Attr("gate_activation"), place, g.slice(r_offsets, extents), g.slice(r_offsets, extents)); auto r = g.slice(r_offsets, extents); // reset gate @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class GRUUnitKernel : public framework::OpKernel { weight_data + frame_size * frame_size * 2, frame_size, 1, gate_data + frame_size * 2, frame_size * 3); - Eigen::array c_offsets = {0, frame_size * 2}; + Eigen::array c_offsets{{0, frame_size * 2}}; ActCompute(context.Attr("activation"), place, g.slice(c_offsets, extents), g.slice(c_offsets, extents)); auto c = g.slice(c_offsets, extents); // output candidate @@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ class GRUUnitGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel { int batch_size = input->dims()[0]; int frame_size = hidden_prev->dims()[1]; - Eigen::array extents = {batch_size, frame_size}; - Eigen::array u_offsets = {0, 0}; + Eigen::array extents{{batch_size, frame_size}}; + Eigen::array u_offsets{{0, 0}}; auto u = g.slice(u_offsets, extents); // update gate - Eigen::array r_offsets = {0, frame_size}; + Eigen::array r_offsets{{0, frame_size}}; auto r = g.slice(r_offsets, extents); // reset gate - Eigen::array c_offsets = {0, frame_size * 2}; + Eigen::array c_offsets{{0, frame_size * 2}}; auto c = g.slice(c_offsets, extents); // output candidate // backward for unactivated update gate diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/lookup_table_op.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/lookup_table_op.h index f5c10ced8305b64c6386c5051804f8c9a8f71802..58463dc4d6fd7cc3454de766814a947fee161070 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/lookup_table_op.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/lookup_table_op.h @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class LookupTableKernel : public framework::OpKernel { memset(output + i * row_width, 0, row_width * sizeof(T)); } else { PADDLE_ENFORCE_LT(ids[i], row_number); - PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(ids[i], 0); + PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(ids[i], 0, "ids %d", i); memcpy(output + i * row_width, table + ids[i] * row_width, row_width * sizeof(T)); } diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.cc b/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.cc index 919ebe48ca38040274bd2052b95ef96eccff4db6..2f773f222e50a440801b06a4fd997bf237b34772 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.cc +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.cc @@ -36,9 +36,13 @@ class RmspropOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasOutput("ParamOut"), "Output(param_out) of RmspropOp should not be null."); PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasOutput("MomentOut"), - "Output(Momentum_out) of RmspropOp should not be null."); + "Output(MomentOut) of RmspropOp should not be null."); PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasOutput("MeanSquareOut"), "Output(MeanSquareOut) of RmspropOp should not be null."); + if (ctx->Attrs().Get("centered")) { + PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasOutput("MeanGradOut"), + "Output(MeanGradOut) of RmspropOp should not be null."); + } auto param_dim = ctx->GetInputDim("Param"); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( @@ -58,6 +62,9 @@ class RmspropOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { ctx->SetOutputDim("ParamOut", param_dim); ctx->SetOutputDim("MomentOut", param_dim); ctx->SetOutputDim("MeanSquareOut", param_dim); + if (ctx->Attrs().Get("centered")) { + ctx->SetOutputDim("MeanGradOut", param_dim); + } } }; @@ -70,6 +77,10 @@ class RmspropOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { AddInput("MeanSquare", "(Tensor, default Tensor)" " The mean square value that gets updated."); + AddInput("MeanGrad", + "(Tensor, default Tensor)" + " The moving average of gradient") + .AsDispensable(); AddInput("LearningRate", "(Tensor, default Tensor) " "The learning rate should be a tensor of size 1."); @@ -82,6 +93,8 @@ class RmspropOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { AddOutput("ParamOut", "(Tensor) Output updated parameter value."); AddOutput("MomentOut", "(Tensor) Output updated moment."); AddOutput("MeanSquareOut", "(Tensor) Output Mean squared updated value."); + AddOutput("MeanGradOut", + "(Tensor) Output moving average of gradient updated value."); AddAttr("epsilon", "(float, default 1e-10) Constant " @@ -93,6 +106,8 @@ class RmspropOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { .SetDefault(0.9f); AddAttr("momentum", "(float, default 0.0) Constant value.") .SetDefault(0.0f); + AddAttr("centered", "(bool, default false) use centered rmsprop.") + .SetDefault(false); AddComment(R"DOC( Rmsprop Optimizer. @@ -103,6 +118,14 @@ MomentOut = momentum * Moment + ParamOut = Param - MomentOut $$ +if centered is true: + +mean_grad = decay * mean_square{t-1} + (1-decay) * gradient +mean_square = decay * mean_square{t-1} + (1-decay) * gradient ** 2 +mom = momentum * mom{t-1} + learning_rate * g_t / + sqrt(mean_square - mean_grad**2 + epsilon) +param -= mom + The original slides that proposed Rmsprop: Slide 29 of http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~tijmen/csc321/slides/lecture_slides_lec6.pdf) diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.h index 12836f43bde47ac87eb0af33dea501593b659a5d..25ed32c5ebb2ff5be962ac1e3e38c970623d705c 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/rmsprop_op.h @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class RmspropOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { float epsilon = ctx.Attr("epsilon"); float rho = ctx.Attr("decay"); float momentum = ctx.Attr("momentum"); + bool centered = ctx.Attr("centered"); auto p = EigenVector::Flatten(*ctx.Input("Param")); auto ms = EigenVector::Flatten(*ctx.Input("MeanSquare")); @@ -53,12 +54,24 @@ class RmspropOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { auto ms_out = EigenVector::Flatten(*mean_square_out); auto& place = *ctx.template device_context().eigen_device(); - Eigen::DSizes grad_dsize(grad->numel()); + Eigen::DSizes grad_dsize(static_cast(grad->numel())); ms_out.device(place) = rho * ms + (1 - rho) * g * g; - mom_out.device(place) = - momentum * mom + - lr.broadcast(grad_dsize) * g / (ms_out + epsilon).sqrt(); + if (centered) { + auto mg = EigenVector::Flatten(*ctx.Input("MeanGrad")); + auto* mean_grad_out = ctx.Output("MeanGradOut"); + mean_grad_out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); + auto mg_out = EigenVector::Flatten(*mean_grad_out); + + mg_out.device(place) = rho * mg + (1 - rho) * g; + mom_out.device(place) = momentum * mom + + lr.broadcast(grad_dsize) * g / + (ms_out - mg_out.square() + epsilon).sqrt(); + } else { + mom_out.device(place) = + momentum * mom + + lr.broadcast(grad_dsize) * g / (ms_out + epsilon).sqrt(); + } p_out.device(place) = p - mom_out; } }; diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.cu b/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.cu index 50450b62f7b1c0b2b5abf01a43581a0e2d2cd01e..46e20285db6d7acd39dead3994409645adddf494 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.cu +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.cu @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static inline int NumBlocks(const int N) { template __global__ void GPUROIPoolForward( - const int nthreads, const T* input_data, const int64_t* input_rois, + const int nthreads, const T* input_data, const T* input_rois, const float spatial_scale, const int channels, const int height, const int width, const int pooled_height, const int pooled_width, int* roi_batch_id_data, T* output_data, int64_t* argmax_data) { @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ __global__ void GPUROIPoolForward( int c = (i / pooled_width / pooled_height) % channels; int n = i / pooled_width / pooled_height / channels; - const int64_t* offset_input_rois = input_rois + n * kROISize; + const T* offset_input_rois = input_rois + n * kROISize; int roi_batch_ind = roi_batch_id_data[n]; int roi_start_w = round(offset_input_rois[0] * spatial_scale); int roi_start_h = round(offset_input_rois[1] * spatial_scale); @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ __global__ void GPUROIPoolForward( template __global__ void GPUROIPoolBackward( - const int nthreads, const int64_t* input_rois, const T* output_grad, + const int nthreads, const T* input_rois, const T* output_grad, const int64_t* argmax_data, const int num_rois, const float spatial_scale, const int channels, const int height, const int width, const int pooled_height, const int pooled_width, int* roi_batch_id_data, @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ class GPUROIPoolOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { GPUROIPoolForward< T><<>>( - output_size, in->data(), rois->data(), spatial_scale, - channels, height, width, pooled_height, pooled_width, + output_size, in->data(), rois->data(), spatial_scale, channels, + height, width, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_batch_id_list_gpu.data(), out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()), argmax->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace())); } @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class GPUROIPoolGradOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { if (output_grad_size > 0) { GPUROIPoolBackward< T><<>>( - output_grad_size, rois->data(), out_grad->data(), + output_grad_size, rois->data(), out_grad->data(), argmax->data(), rois_num, spatial_scale, channels, height, width, pooled_height, pooled_width, roi_batch_id_list_gpu.data(), diff --git a/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.h b/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.h index c4f739b2c6b2d62ebebcc15fd627ebad040e7b3f..07de7c9f0e070cef7c6f38f8d564ab76910842db 100644 --- a/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.h +++ b/paddle/fluid/operators/roi_pool_op.h @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class CPUROIPoolOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { T* output_data = out->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); int64_t* argmax_data = argmax->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); - const int64_t* rois_data = rois->data(); + const T* rois_data = rois->data(); for (int n = 0; n < rois_num; ++n) { int roi_batch_id = roi_batch_id_data[n]; int roi_start_w = round(rois_data[0] * spatial_scale); @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class CPUROIPoolGradOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel { } } - const int64_t* rois_data = rois->data(); + const T* rois_data = rois->data(); const T* out_grad_data = out_grad->data(); const int64_t* argmax_data = argmax->data(); T* in_grad_data = in_grad->mutable_data(ctx.GetPlace()); diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/detection.py b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/detection.py index 5757b2798e43dc70b406462a74b4f74eedcf56fa..1bc1dbbecaccd328d84cd3364a50c8f828d823c0 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/detection.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/detection.py @@ -145,26 +145,23 @@ def rpn_target_assign(loc, """ helper = LayerHelper('rpn_target_assign', **locals()) - # 1. Compute the regression target bboxes - target_bbox = box_coder( - prior_box=anchor_box, - prior_box_var=anchor_var, - target_box=gt_box, - code_type='encode_center_size', - box_normalized=False) - # 2. Compute overlaps between the prior boxes and the gt boxes overlaps + # Compute overlaps between the prior boxes and the gt boxes overlaps iou = iou_similarity(x=gt_box, y=anchor_box) - # 3. Assign target label to anchors - loc_index = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=anchor_box.dtype) - score_index = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=anchor_box.dtype) - target_label = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=anchor_box.dtype) + # Assign target label to anchors + loc_index = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype='int32') + score_index = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype='int32') + target_label = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype='int64') + target_bbox = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=anchor_box.dtype) helper.append_op( type="rpn_target_assign", - inputs={'DistMat': iou}, + inputs={'Anchor': anchor_box, + 'GtBox': gt_box, + 'DistMat': iou}, outputs={ 'LocationIndex': loc_index, 'ScoreIndex': score_index, - 'TargetLabel': target_label + 'TargetLabel': target_label, + 'TargetBBox': target_bbox, }, attrs={ 'rpn_batch_size_per_im': rpn_batch_size_per_im, @@ -173,16 +170,16 @@ def rpn_target_assign(loc, 'fg_fraction': fg_fraction }) - # 4. Reshape and gather the target entry - scores = nn.reshape(x=scores, shape=(-1, 2)) - loc = nn.reshape(x=loc, shape=(-1, 4)) - target_label = nn.reshape(x=target_label, shape=(-1, 1)) - target_bbox = nn.reshape(x=target_bbox, shape=(-1, 4)) + loc_index.stop_gradient = True + score_index.stop_gradient = True + target_label.stop_gradient = True + target_bbox.stop_gradient = True + scores = nn.reshape(x=scores, shape=(-1, 1)) + loc = nn.reshape(x=loc, shape=(-1, 4)) predicted_scores = nn.gather(scores, score_index) predicted_location = nn.gather(loc, loc_index) - target_label = nn.gather(target_label, score_index) - target_bbox = nn.gather(target_bbox, loc_index) + return predicted_scores, predicted_location, target_label, target_bbox diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/metric_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/metric_op.py index 0182bbeb637ec7b6a341a4822a1cc5fb5aef077d..b1598bfec210474ae1e17f9f88e8b57aa80b8452 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/metric_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/metric_op.py @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def accuracy(input, label, k=1, correct=None, total=None): return acc_out -def auc(input, label, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200, topk=1): +def auc(input, label, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=2**12 - 1, topk=1): """ **Area Under the Curve (AUC) Layer** @@ -118,16 +118,14 @@ def auc(input, label, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200, topk=1): """ helper = LayerHelper("auc", **locals()) auc_out = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype="float64") + batch_auc_out = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype="float64") # make tp, tn, fp, fn persistable, so that can accumulate all batches. - tp = helper.create_global_variable( - persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds]) - tn = helper.create_global_variable( - persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds]) - fp = helper.create_global_variable( - persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds]) - fn = helper.create_global_variable( - persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds]) - for var in [tp, tn, fp, fn]: + stat_pos = helper.create_global_variable( + persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds + 1]) + stat_neg = helper.create_global_variable( + persistable=True, dtype='int64', shape=[num_thresholds + 1]) + + for var in [stat_pos, stat_neg]: helper.set_variable_initializer( var, Constant( value=0.0, force_cpu=True)) @@ -137,18 +135,15 @@ def auc(input, label, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200, topk=1): inputs={ "Predict": [input], "Label": [label], - "TP": [tp], - "TN": [tn], - "FP": [fp], - "FN": [fn] + "StatPos": [stat_pos], + "StatNeg": [stat_neg] }, attrs={"curve": curve, "num_thresholds": num_thresholds}, outputs={ "AUC": [auc_out], - "TPOut": [tp], - "TNOut": [tn], - "FPOut": [fp], - "FNOut": [fn] + "BatchAUC": [batch_auc_out], + "StatPosOut": [stat_pos], + "StatNegOut": [stat_neg] }) - return auc_out, [tp, tn, fp, fn] + return auc_out, batch_auc_out, [stat_pos, stat_neg] diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py index a0d92fd1462acb18cdb2463b51138c9ff33b08a8..d8c7cc08b652f91456f557b0296e85b9aebc9dd0 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/layers/nn.py @@ -3546,11 +3546,6 @@ def topk(input, k, name=None): top5_values, top5_indices = layers.topk(input, k=5) """ - shape = input.shape - if k < 1 or k >= shape[-1]: - raise ValueError("k must be greater than 0 and less than %d." % - (shape[-1])) - helper = LayerHelper("top_k", **locals()) values = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=input.dtype) indices = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype="int64") diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/metrics.py b/python/paddle/fluid/metrics.py index 592cb23eb9319658f8542ed5bc6ab3e95cfdb118..0c2800dcf35ed156b71625babea2724f520575e5 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/metrics.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/metrics.py @@ -558,8 +558,6 @@ class Auc(MetricBase): name: metric name curve: Specifies the name of the curve to be computed, 'ROC' [default] or 'PR' for the Precision-Recall-curve. - num_thresholds: The number of thresholds to use when discretizing the roc - curve. "NOTE: only implement the ROC curve type via Python now." @@ -574,15 +572,14 @@ class Auc(MetricBase): numpy_auc = metric.eval() """ - def __init__(self, name, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=200): + def __init__(self, name, curve='ROC', num_thresholds=4095): super(Auc, self).__init__(name=name) self._curve = curve self._num_thresholds = num_thresholds - self._epsilon = 1e-6 - self.tp_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )) - self.fn_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )) - self.tn_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )) - self.fp_list = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )) + + _num_pred_buckets = num_thresholds + 1 + self._stat_pos = [0] * _num_pred_buckets + self._stat_neg = [0] * _num_pred_buckets def update(self, preds, labels): if not _is_numpy_(labels): @@ -590,41 +587,32 @@ class Auc(MetricBase): if not _is_numpy_(preds): raise ValueError("The 'predictions' must be a numpy ndarray.") - kepsilon = 1e-7 # to account for floating point imprecisions - thresholds = [(i + 1) * 1.0 / (self._num_thresholds - 1) - for i in range(self._num_thresholds - 2)] - thresholds = [0.0 - kepsilon] + thresholds + [1.0 + kepsilon] - - # calculate TP, FN, TN, FP count - for idx_thresh, thresh in enumerate(thresholds): - tp, fn, tn, fp = 0, 0, 0, 0 - for i, lbl in enumerate(labels): - if lbl: - if preds[i, 1] >= thresh: - tp += 1 - else: - fn += 1 - else: - if preds[i, 1] >= thresh: - fp += 1 - else: - tn += 1 - self.tp_list[idx_thresh] += tp - self.fn_list[idx_thresh] += fn - self.tn_list[idx_thresh] += tn - self.fp_list[idx_thresh] += fp + for i, lbl in enumerate(labels): + value = preds[i, 1] + bin_idx = int(value * self._num_thresholds) + assert bin_idx <= self._num_thresholds + if lbl: + self._stat_pos[bin_idx] += 1.0 + else: + self._stat_neg[bin_idx] += 1.0 + + @staticmethod + def trapezoid_area(x1, x2, y1, y2): + return abs(x1 - x2) * (y1 + y2) / 2.0 def eval(self): - epsilon = self._epsilon - num_thresholds = self._num_thresholds - tpr = (self.tp_list.astype("float32") + epsilon) / ( - self.tp_list + self.fn_list + epsilon) - fpr = self.fp_list.astype("float32") / ( - self.fp_list + self.tn_list + epsilon) - rec = (self.tp_list.astype("float32") + epsilon) / ( - self.tp_list + self.fp_list + epsilon) - - x = fpr[:num_thresholds - 1] - fpr[1:] - y = (tpr[:num_thresholds - 1] + tpr[1:]) / 2.0 - auc_value = np.sum(x * y) - return auc_value + tot_pos = 0.0 + tot_neg = 0.0 + auc = 0.0 + + idx = self._num_thresholds + while idx >= 0: + tot_pos_prev = tot_pos + tot_neg_prev = tot_neg + tot_pos += self._stat_pos[idx] + tot_neg += self._stat_neg[idx] + auc += self.trapezoid_area(tot_neg, tot_neg_prev, tot_pos, + tot_pos_prev) + idx -= 1 + + return auc / tot_pos / tot_neg if tot_pos > 0.0 and tot_neg > 0.0 else 0.0 diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/optimizer.py b/python/paddle/fluid/optimizer.py index 33d6311b9717c66f0d6782eb6b3e348cd4c02a69..215f0cf2fc5ab4fbd06719ac4790a01dd00080eb 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/optimizer.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/optimizer.py @@ -897,7 +897,20 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2 - v(w, t) & = \\beta v(w, t-1) + \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{v(w,t) + + v(w, t) & = \\beta v(w, t-1) + \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{r(w,t) + + \\epsilon}} \\nabla Q_{i}(w) + + w & = w - v(w, t) + + if centered is True: + + .. math:: + + r(w, t) & = \\rho r(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)(\\nabla Q_{i}(w))^2 + + g(w, t) & = \\rho g(w, t-1) + (1 - \\rho)\\nabla Q_{i}(w) + + v(w, t) & = \\beta v(w, t-1) + \\frac{\\eta} {\\sqrt{r(w,t) - (g(w, t))^2 + \\epsilon}} \\nabla Q_{i}(w) w & = w - v(w, t) @@ -915,6 +928,10 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): avoid division by zero, set 1e-6 by default. momentum(float): :math:`\\beta` in equation is the momentum term, set 0.0 by default. + centered(bool): If True, gradients are normalized by the estimated variance of + the gradient; if False, by the uncentered second moment. Setting this to + True may help with training, but is slightly more expensive in terms of + computation and memory. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If learning_rate, rho, epsilon, momentum are None. @@ -928,12 +945,14 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): _momentum_acc_str = "momentum" _mean_square_acc_str = "mean_square" + _mean_grad_acc_str = "mean_grad" def __init__(self, learning_rate, rho=0.95, epsilon=1.0e-6, momentum=0.0, + centered=False, **kwargs): super(RMSPropOptimizer, self).__init__( learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs) @@ -950,6 +969,7 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): self._rho = rho self._epsilon = epsilon self._momentum = momentum + self._centered = centered def _create_accumulators(self, block, parameters): if not isinstance(block, framework.Block): @@ -958,6 +978,7 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): for p in parameters: self._add_accumulator(self._momentum_acc_str, p) self._add_accumulator(self._mean_square_acc_str, p) + self._add_accumulator(self._mean_grad_acc_str, p) def _append_optimize_op(self, block, param_and_grad): if not isinstance(block, framework.Block): @@ -967,6 +988,8 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): param_and_grad[0]) mean_square_acc = self._get_accumulator(self._mean_square_acc_str, param_and_grad[0]) + mean_grad_acc = self._get_accumulator(self._mean_grad_acc_str, + param_and_grad[0]) rmsprop_op = block.append_op( type=self.type, inputs={ @@ -974,17 +997,20 @@ class RMSPropOptimizer(Optimizer): "Grad": param_and_grad[1], "Moment": momentum_acc, "MeanSquare": mean_square_acc, + "MeanGrad": mean_grad_acc, "LearningRate": self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad), }, outputs={ "ParamOut": param_and_grad[0], "MomentOut": momentum_acc, - "MeanSquareOut": mean_square_acc + "MeanSquareOut": mean_square_acc, + "MeanGradOut": mean_grad_acc }, attrs={ "epsilon": self._epsilon, "decay": self._rho, - "momentum": self._momentum + "momentum": self._momentum, + "centered": self._centered }) return rmsprop_op diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/test_detection.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/test_detection.py index ec0bf3ff8d64345111537780aaa5367ed0e1f8ff..e2564763d19d180f7c6933429dddf58c77be7bb8 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/test_detection.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/test_detection.py @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class TestRpnTargetAssign(unittest.TestCase): gt_box = layers.data( name='gt_box', shape=[4], lod_level=1, dtype='float32') - predicted_scores, predicted_location, target_label, target_bbox = layers.rpn_target_assign( + pred_scores, pred_loc, tgt_lbl, tgt_bbox = layers.rpn_target_assign( loc=loc, scores=scores, anchor_box=anchor_box, @@ -292,15 +292,13 @@ class TestRpnTargetAssign(unittest.TestCase): rpn_positive_overlap=0.7, rpn_negative_overlap=0.3) - self.assertIsNotNone(predicted_scores) - self.assertIsNotNone(predicted_location) - self.assertIsNotNone(target_label) - self.assertIsNotNone(target_bbox) - assert predicted_scores.shape[1] == 2 - assert predicted_location.shape[1] == 4 - assert predicted_location.shape[1] == target_bbox.shape[1] - - print(str(program)) + self.assertIsNotNone(pred_scores) + self.assertIsNotNone(pred_loc) + self.assertIsNotNone(tgt_lbl) + self.assertIsNotNone(tgt_bbox) + assert pred_scores.shape[1] == 1 + assert pred_loc.shape[1] == 4 + assert pred_loc.shape[1] == tgt_bbox.shape[1] class TestGenerateProposals(unittest.TestCase): diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/op_test.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/op_test.py index 20f1a37a426e9697048d636bf738c9056213e5f6..868df5d79424302700d9f82083cd7e4320c707ea 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/op_test.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/op_test.py @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class OpTest(unittest.TestCase): return_numpy=False) return outs, fetch_list - def check_output_with_place(self, place, atol): + def check_output_with_place(self, place, atol, equal_nan=False): outs, fetch_list = self._calc_output(place) for out_name, out_dup in Operator.get_op_outputs(self.op_type): if out_name not in self.outputs: @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class OpTest(unittest.TestCase): if isinstance(expect, tuple) else expect self.assertTrue( np.allclose( - actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol), + actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + sub_out_name + ") has diff at " + str(place)) if isinstance(expect, tuple): @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class OpTest(unittest.TestCase): expect_t = expect[0] if isinstance(expect, tuple) else expect self.assertTrue( np.allclose( - actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol), + actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), "Output (" + out_name + ") has diff at " + str(place) + "\nExpect " + str(expect_t) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(actual_t)) @@ -360,10 +360,10 @@ class OpTest(unittest.TestCase): places.append(core.CUDAPlace(0)) return places - def check_output(self, atol=1e-5): + def check_output(self, atol=1e-5, equal_nan=False): places = self._get_places() for place in places: - self.check_output_with_place(place, atol) + self.check_output_with_place(place, atol, equal_nan) def check_output_customized(self, checker): places = self._get_places() diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_auc_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_auc_op.py index 5393a17e674a3cad6d705a1ff7a45320e644af94..1de4a9d016a177944253d12094722d3a05614be2 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_auc_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_auc_op.py @@ -26,18 +26,15 @@ class TestAucOp(OpTest): pred = np.random.random((128, 2)).astype("float32") labels = np.random.randint(0, 2, (128, 1)) num_thresholds = 200 - tp = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )).astype("int64") - tn = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )).astype("int64") - fp = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )).astype("int64") - fn = np.zeros((num_thresholds, )).astype("int64") + + stat_pos = np.zeros((num_thresholds + 1, )).astype("int64") + stat_neg = np.zeros((num_thresholds + 1, )).astype("int64") self.inputs = { 'Predict': pred, 'Label': labels, - 'TP': tp, - 'TN': tn, - 'FP': fp, - 'FN': fn + "StatPos": stat_pos, + "StatNeg": stat_neg } self.attrs = {'curve': 'ROC', 'num_thresholds': num_thresholds} @@ -47,11 +44,10 @@ class TestAucOp(OpTest): python_auc.update(pred, labels) self.outputs = { - 'AUC': python_auc.eval(), - 'TPOut': python_auc.tp_list, - 'FNOut': python_auc.fn_list, - 'TNOut': python_auc.tn_list, - 'FPOut': python_auc.fp_list + 'AUC': np.array(python_auc.eval()), + 'BatchAUC': np.array(python_auc.eval()), + 'StatPosOut': np.array(python_auc._stat_pos), + 'StatNegOut': np.array(python_auc._stat_neg) } def test_check_output(self): diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_fusion_lstm_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_fusion_lstm_op.py index 1f1eb37667e304351a6a85edde09e7da32cf1630..4767e9433ea74d5da83867d646f2a63c9a092668 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_fusion_lstm_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_fusion_lstm_op.py @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class TestFusionLSTMOp(OpTest): self.act_cell = 'tanh' self.act_cand = 'tanh' self.use_peepholes = False + self.use_seq = False self.set_conf() T = sum(self.lod[0]) @@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ class TestFusionLSTMOp(OpTest): } self.attrs = { 'use_peepholes': self.use_peepholes, + 'use_seq': self.use_seq, 'is_reverse': self.is_reverse, 'gate_activation': self.act_gate, 'cell_activation': self.act_cell, @@ -159,5 +161,68 @@ class TestFusionLSTMOpBS1(TestFusionLSTMOp): self.D = 16 +class TestFusionLSTMOpPeepholes(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_peepholes = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpPeepholesInit(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_peepholes = True + self.has_initial_state = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpPeepholesReverse(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_peepholes = True + self.is_reverse = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpPoopholesBS1(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_peepholes = True + self.lod = [[3]] + self.D = 16 + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqInit(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.has_initial_state = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqReverse(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.is_reverse = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqInitReverse(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.has_initial_state = True + self.is_reverse = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqPeepholes(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.use_peepholes = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqPeepholesInit(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.use_peepholes = True + self.has_initial_state = True + + +class TestFusionLSTMOpSeqPeepholesReverse(TestFusionLSTMOp): + def set_conf(self): + self.use_seq = True + self.use_peepholes = True + self.is_reverse = True + + if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_generate_proposal_labels.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_generate_proposal_labels.py index ce766fffbce98a6a2cee4c508d6db85ee0163401..6dc101b6dad8813893c6a891da0e16f952bb4c2d 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_generate_proposal_labels.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_generate_proposal_labels.py @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ def _box_to_delta(ex_boxes, gt_boxes, weights): dx = (gt_ctr_x - ex_ctr_x) / ex_w / weights[0] dy = (gt_ctr_y - ex_ctr_y) / ex_h / weights[1] - dw = (np.log(gt_w / ex_w)) / ex_w / weights[2] - dh = (np.log(gt_h / ex_h)) / ex_h / weights[3] + dw = (np.log(gt_w / ex_w)) / weights[2] + dh = (np.log(gt_h / ex_h)) / weights[3] targets = np.vstack([dx, dy, dw, dh]).transpose() return targets diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rmsprop_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rmsprop_op.py index 3d4623c74d9a307b12ab6d72ad0b4d2dae938720..70848e4e2239e2be160bb0c1a28a5aecd01a87dc 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rmsprop_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rmsprop_op.py @@ -15,90 +15,164 @@ from __future__ import print_function import unittest + import numpy as np -from op_test import OpTest - - -class TestRmspropOp1(OpTest): - ''' Test RMSProp with explicit inputs - ''' - - def setUp(self): - self.op_type = "rmsprop" - - param = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - mean_square = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - learning_rate = np.array([0.01]).astype("float32") - grad = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - moment = np.zeros((123, 321)).astype("float32") - - epsilon = 1e-6 - decay = 0.9 - momentum = 0.0 - - self.inputs = { - 'Param': param, - 'MeanSquare': mean_square, - 'LearningRate': learning_rate, - 'Grad': grad, - 'Moment': moment, - } - - self.attrs = {'epsilon': epsilon, 'decay': decay, 'momentum': momentum} - - ms_out = decay * mean_square + (1 - decay) * grad * grad - moment_out = momentum * moment + \ - learning_rate * grad / np.sqrt(ms_out + epsilon) - param_out = param - moment_out - - self.outputs = { - 'ParamOut': param_out, - 'MomentOut': moment_out, - 'MeanSquareOut': ms_out - } - - def test_check_output(self): - self.check_output() - - -class TestRmspropOp2(OpTest): - '''Test RMSProp with default values for attributes - ''' - - def setUp(self): - self.op_type = "rmsprop" - - param = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - mean_square = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - learning_rate = np.array([0.01]).astype("float32") - grad = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") - moment = np.zeros((123, 321)).astype("float32") - - epsilon = 1.0e-10 - decay = 0.9 - momentum = 0.0 - - self.inputs = { - 'Param': param, - 'MeanSquare': mean_square, - 'LearningRate': learning_rate, - 'Grad': grad, - 'Moment': moment, - } - - ms_out = decay * mean_square + (1 - decay) * grad * grad - moment_out = momentum * moment + \ - learning_rate * grad / np.sqrt(ms_out + epsilon) - param_out = param - moment_out - - self.outputs = { - 'ParamOut': param_out, - 'MomentOut': moment_out, - 'MeanSquareOut': ms_out - } - - def test_check_output(self): - self.check_output() +import paddle.fluid.core as core +from paddle.fluid.op import Operator + + +class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): + def setup(self, centered, epsilon=1e-6): + np.random.seed(5) # fix seed + + self.param_name = "param" + self.param = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") + + self.mean_square_name = "mean_square" + self.mean_square = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") + + self.mean_grad_name = "mean_grad" + self.mean_grad = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") + + self.lr_name = "lr" + self.learning_rate = np.array([0.01]).astype("float32") + + self.grad_name = "grad" + self.grad = np.random.random((123, 321)).astype("float32") + + self.moment_name = "moment" + self.moment = np.zeros((123, 321)).astype("float32") + + self.epsilon = epsilon + self.decay = 0.9 + self.momentum = 0.0 + self.centered = centered + + self.ms_out = self.decay * self.mean_square + (1 - self.decay + ) * self.grad * self.grad + if centered: + self.mg_out = self.decay * self.mean_grad + (1 - self.decay + ) * self.grad + self.moment_out = self.momentum * self.moment + \ + self.learning_rate * self.grad / np.sqrt(self.ms_out - np.square(self.mg_out) + self.epsilon) + else: + self.moment_out = self.momentum * self.moment + \ + self.learning_rate * self.grad / np.sqrt(self.ms_out + self.epsilon) + + self.param_out = self.param - self.moment_out + + def check(self, + actual_t, + expect_t, + place, + out_name, + atol=1e-5, + equal_nan=False): + self.assertTrue( + np.allclose( + actual_t, expect_t, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan), + "Output (" + out_name + ") has diff at " + str(place) + "\nExpect " + + str(expect_t) + "\n" + "But Got" + str(actual_t)) + + +class TestRmspropOp(TestBase): + def check_with_place(self, place, centered, epsilon): + self.setup(centered, epsilon) + scope = core.Scope() + + # create and initialize Param Variable + param = scope.var(self.param_name).get_tensor() + param.set(self.param, place) + + mean_square = scope.var(self.mean_square_name).get_tensor() + mean_square.set(self.mean_square, place) + + lr = scope.var(self.lr_name).get_tensor() + lr.set(self.learning_rate, place) + + grad = scope.var(self.grad_name).get_tensor() + grad.set(self.grad, place) + + moment = scope.var(self.moment_name).get_tensor() + moment.set(self.moment, place) + + # create and run sgd operator + + if self.centered: + mean_grad = scope.var(self.mean_grad_name).get_tensor() + mean_grad.set(self.mean_grad, place) + + rmsprop_op = Operator( + "rmsprop", + Param=self.param_name, + Grad=self.grad_name, + MeanSquare=self.mean_square_name, + MeanGrad=self.mean_grad_name, + Moment=self.moment_name, + LearningRate=self.lr_name, + ParamOut=self.param_name, + MeanSquareOut=self.mean_square_name, + MomentOut=self.moment_name, + MeanGradOut=self.mean_grad_name, + epsilon=self.epsilon, + decay=self.decay, + momentum=self.momentum, + centered=True) + else: + rmsprop_op = Operator( + "rmsprop", + Param=self.param_name, + Grad=self.grad_name, + MeanSquare=self.mean_square_name, + Moment=self.moment_name, + LearningRate=self.lr_name, + ParamOut=self.param_name, + MeanSquareOut=self.mean_square_name, + MomentOut=self.moment_name, + epsilon=self.epsilon, + decay=self.decay, + momentum=self.momentum, + centered=False) + + rmsprop_op.run(scope, place) + + atol = 1e-5 + equal_nan = False + + if self.centered: + atol = 1e-3 + equal_nan = True + + self.check( + np.array(mean_square), self.ms_out, place, self.mean_square_name) + self.check( + np.array(moment), + self.moment_out, + place, + self.moment_name, + atol=atol, + equal_nan=equal_nan) + self.check( + np.array(param), + self.param_out, + place, + self.param_name, + atol=atol, + equal_nan=equal_nan) + + if self.centered: + self.check( + np.array(mean_grad), self.mg_out, place, self.mean_grad_name) + + def test_rmsprop(self): + places = [core.CPUPlace()] + if core.is_compiled_with_cuda(): + places.append(core.CUDAPlace(0)) + for place in places: + self.check_with_place(place, False, 1e-6) + self.check_with_place(place, False, 1e-10) + self.check_with_place(place, True, 1e-6) + self.check_with_place(place, True, 1e-10) if __name__ == "__main__": diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_roi_pool_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_roi_pool_op.py index ed7f467835f32242a9650f226b4a5ad9d6d87af4..ad4cd2e803bfae4c3fbc04503331b9a786b25d17 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_roi_pool_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_roi_pool_op.py @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class TestROIPoolOp(OpTest): for i in range(self.rois_num): roi = self.rois[i] - roi_batch_id = roi[0] + roi_batch_id = int(roi[0]) roi_start_w = int(cpt.round(roi[1] * self.spatial_scale)) roi_start_h = int(cpt.round(roi[2] * self.spatial_scale)) roi_end_w = int(cpt.round(roi[3] * self.spatial_scale)) @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class TestROIPoolOp(OpTest): roi = [bno, x1, y1, x2, y2] rois.append(roi) self.rois_num = len(rois) - self.rois = np.array(rois).astype("int64") + self.rois = np.array(rois).astype("float32") def setUp(self): self.op_type = "roi_pool" diff --git a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rpn_target_assign_op.py b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rpn_target_assign_op.py index 08c462d9036cacab81dab7c9ea16664c9159479f..bd548009b3ada9512e4b5f7d7b61b67b0717a39b 100644 --- a/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rpn_target_assign_op.py +++ b/python/paddle/fluid/tests/unittests/test_rpn_target_assign_op.py @@ -18,12 +18,17 @@ import unittest import numpy as np import paddle.fluid.core as core from op_test import OpTest +from test_anchor_generator_op import anchor_generator_in_python +from test_generate_proposal_labels import _generate_groundtruth +from test_generate_proposal_labels import _bbox_overlaps, _box_to_delta -def rpn_target_assign(iou, rpn_batch_size_per_im, rpn_positive_overlap, - rpn_negative_overlap, fg_fraction): - iou = np.transpose(iou) +def rpn_target_assign(gt_anchor_iou, rpn_batch_size_per_im, + rpn_positive_overlap, rpn_negative_overlap, fg_fraction): + iou = np.transpose(gt_anchor_iou) anchor_to_gt_max = iou.max(axis=1) + anchor_to_gt_argmax = iou.argmax(axis=1) + gt_to_anchor_argmax = iou.argmax(axis=0) gt_to_anchor_max = iou[gt_to_anchor_argmax, np.arange(iou.shape[1])] anchors_with_max_overlap = np.where(iou == gt_to_anchor_max)[0] @@ -42,59 +47,113 @@ def rpn_target_assign(iou, rpn_batch_size_per_im, rpn_positive_overlap, num_bg = rpn_batch_size_per_im - np.sum(tgt_lbl == 1) bg_inds = np.where(anchor_to_gt_max < rpn_negative_overlap)[0] + tgt_lbl[bg_inds] = 0 if len(bg_inds) > num_bg: enable_inds = bg_inds[np.random.randint(len(bg_inds), size=num_bg)] tgt_lbl[enable_inds] = 0 bg_inds = np.where(tgt_lbl == 0)[0] + tgt_lbl[bg_inds] = 0 loc_index = fg_inds score_index = np.hstack((fg_inds, bg_inds)) tgt_lbl = np.expand_dims(tgt_lbl, axis=1) - return loc_index, score_index, tgt_lbl + + gt_inds = anchor_to_gt_argmax[fg_inds] + + return loc_index, score_index, tgt_lbl, gt_inds + + +def get_anchor(n, c, h, w): + input_feat = np.random.random((n, c, h, w)).astype('float32') + anchors, _ = anchor_generator_in_python( + input_feat=input_feat, + anchor_sizes=[32., 64.], + aspect_ratios=[0.5, 1.0], + variances=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], + stride=[16.0, 16.0], + offset=0.5) + return anchors + + +def rpn_blob(anchor, gt_boxes, iou, lod, rpn_batch_size_per_im, + rpn_positive_overlap, rpn_negative_overlap, fg_fraction): + + loc_indexes = [] + score_indexes = [] + tmp_tgt_labels = [] + tgt_bboxes = [] + anchor_num = anchor.shape[0] + + batch_size = len(lod) - 1 + for i in range(batch_size): + b, e = lod[i], lod[i + 1] + iou_slice = iou[b:e, :] + bboxes_slice = gt_boxes[b:e, :] + + loc_idx, score_idx, tgt_lbl, gt_inds = rpn_target_assign( + iou_slice, rpn_batch_size_per_im, rpn_positive_overlap, + rpn_negative_overlap, fg_fraction) + + fg_bboxes = bboxes_slice[gt_inds] + fg_anchors = anchor[loc_idx] + box_deltas = _box_to_delta(fg_anchors, fg_bboxes, [1., 1., 1., 1.]) + + if i == 0: + loc_indexes = loc_idx + score_indexes = score_idx + tmp_tgt_labels = tgt_lbl + tgt_bboxes = box_deltas + else: + loc_indexes = np.concatenate( + [loc_indexes, loc_idx + i * anchor_num]) + score_indexes = np.concatenate( + [score_indexes, score_idx + i * anchor_num]) + tmp_tgt_labels = np.concatenate([tmp_tgt_labels, tgt_lbl]) + tgt_bboxes = np.vstack([tgt_bboxes, box_deltas]) + + tgt_labels = tmp_tgt_labels[score_indexes] + return loc_indexes, score_indexes, tgt_bboxes, tgt_labels class TestRpnTargetAssignOp(OpTest): def setUp(self): - iou = np.random.random((10, 8)).astype("float32") - self.op_type = "rpn_target_assign" - self.inputs = {'DistMat': iou} - self.attrs = { - 'rpn_batch_size_per_im': 256, - 'rpn_positive_overlap': 0.95, - 'rpn_negative_overlap': 0.3, - 'fg_fraction': 0.25, - 'fix_seed': True - } - loc_index, score_index, tgt_lbl = rpn_target_assign(iou, 256, 0.95, 0.3, - 0.25) - self.outputs = { - 'LocationIndex': loc_index, - 'ScoreIndex': score_index, - 'TargetLabel': tgt_lbl, - } + n, c, h, w = 2, 4, 14, 14 + anchor = get_anchor(n, c, h, w) + gt_num = 10 + anchor = anchor.reshape(-1, 4) + anchor_num = anchor.shape[0] - def test_check_output(self): - self.check_output() + im_shapes = [[64, 64], [64, 64]] + gt_box, lod = _generate_groundtruth(im_shapes, 3, 4) + bbox = np.vstack([v['boxes'] for v in gt_box]) + iou = _bbox_overlaps(bbox, anchor) + + anchor = anchor.astype('float32') + bbox = bbox.astype('float32') + iou = iou.astype('float32') + + loc_index, score_index, tgt_bbox, tgt_lbl = rpn_blob( + anchor, bbox, iou, [0, 4, 8], 25600, 0.95, 0.03, 0.25) -class TestRpnTargetAssignOp2(OpTest): - def setUp(self): - iou = np.random.random((10, 20)).astype("float32") self.op_type = "rpn_target_assign" - self.inputs = {'DistMat': iou} + self.inputs = { + 'Anchor': anchor, + 'GtBox': (bbox, [[4, 4]]), + 'DistMat': (iou, [[4, 4]]), + } self.attrs = { - 'rpn_batch_size_per_im': 128, - 'rpn_positive_overlap': 0.5, - 'rpn_negative_overlap': 0.5, - 'fg_fraction': 0.5, + 'rpn_batch_size_per_im': 25600, + 'rpn_positive_overlap': 0.95, + 'rpn_negative_overlap': 0.03, + 'fg_fraction': 0.25, 'fix_seed': True } - loc_index, score_index, tgt_lbl = rpn_target_assign(iou, 128, 0.5, 0.5, - 0.5) self.outputs = { - 'LocationIndex': loc_index, - 'ScoreIndex': score_index, - 'TargetLabel': tgt_lbl, + 'LocationIndex': loc_index.astype('int32'), + 'ScoreIndex': score_index.astype('int32'), + 'TargetBBox': tgt_bbox.astype('float32'), + 'TargetLabel': tgt_lbl.astype('int64'), } def test_check_output(self):