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# Fluid Inference使用指南

- Python Inference API
- 编译Fluid Inference库
- Inference C++ API
- Inference实例
- Inference计算优化

## Python Inference API **[改进中]**
-  [保存Inference模型](

  def save_inference_model(dirname,
  - 序列化的模型
    - `model_filename``None`,保存到`dirname/__model__`
    - `model_filename``None`,保存到`dirname/model_filename`
  - 参数
    - `params_filename``None`,单独保存到各个独立的文件,各文件以参数变量的名字命名
    - `params_filename``None`,保存到`dirname/params_filename`

- 两种存储格式
  - 参数保存到各个独立的文件
    - 如,设置`model_filename``None``params_filename``None`

    $ cd recognize_digits_conv.inference.model
    $ ls
    $ __model__ batch_norm_1.w_0 batch_norm_1.w_2 conv2d_2.w_0 conv2d_3.w_0 fc_1.w_0 batch_norm_1.b_0 batch_norm_1.w_1 conv2d_2.b_0 conv2d_3.b_0 fc_1.b_0
  - 参数保存到同一个文件
    - 如,设置`model_filename``None``params_filename``__params__`

    $ cd recognize_digits_conv.inference.model
    $ ls
    $ __model__ __params__
- [加载Inference模型](
  def load_inference_model(dirname,
    return [program, feed_target_names, fetch_targets]

## 编译Fluid Inference库

  - **不需要额外的CMake选项**
    - 1、 配置CMake命令,更多配置请参考[源码编译PaddlePaddle](
      $ git clone
      $ cd Paddle
      $ mkdir build
      $ cd build
      $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your/path/to/paddle_inference_lib \
          -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
          -DWITH_PYTHON=ON \
          -DWITH_MKL=OFF \
          -DWITH_GPU=OFF \

    - 2、 编译PaddlePaddle
      $ make

    - 3、 部署。执行如下命令将PaddlePaddle Fluid Inference库部署到`your/path/to/paddle_inference_lib`目录。
      $ make inference_lib_dist

- 目录结构

  $ cd your/path/to/paddle_inference_lib
  $ tree
  |-- paddle
  |   `-- fluid
  |       |-- framework
  |       |-- inference
  |       |   |-- io.h
  |       |   `--
  |       |-- memory
  |       |-- platform
  |       `-- string
  |-- third_party
  |   |-- eigen3
  |   `-- install
  |       |-- gflags
  |       |-- glog
  |       `-- protobuf
  `-- ...


## 链接Fluid Inference库
- [示例项目](

  - GCC配置
    $ g++ -o a.out -std=c++11 \
          -I${PADDLE_ROOT}/ \
          -I${PADDLE_ROOT}/third_party/install/gflags/include \
          -I${PADDLE_ROOT}/third_party/install/glog/include \
          -I${PADDLE_ROOT}/third_party/install/protobuf/include \
          -I${PADDLE_ROOT}/third_party/eigen3 \
          -L${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference -lpaddle_fluid \
          -lrt -ldl -lpthread

  - CMake配置
                          -lrt -ldl -lpthread)

  - 设置环境变量:
  `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/inference:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`

## C++ Inference API

- [推断流程](

  - 1、 初始化设备
    #include "paddle/fluid/framework/init.h"

  - 2、 定义place,executor,scope
    auto place = paddle::platform::CPUPlace();
    auto executor = paddle::framework::Executor(place);
    auto* scope = new paddle::framework::Scope();

  - 3、 加载模型
    #include "paddle/fluid/inference/io.h"
    auto inference_program = paddle::inference::Load(executor, *scope, dirname);
    // or
    auto inference_program = paddle::inference::Load(executor,
                                                     dirname + "/" + model_filename,
                                                     dirname + "/" + params_filename);

  - 4、 获取`feed_target_names``fetch_target_names`
    const std::vector<std::string>& feed_target_names = inference_program->GetFeedTargetNames();
    const std::vector<std::string>& fetch_target_names = inference_program->GetFetchTargetNames();

  - 5、 准备`feed`数据
    #include "paddle/fluid/framework/lod_tensor.h"
    std::vector<paddle::framework::LoDTensor*> cpu_feeds;
    std::map<std::string, const paddle::framework::LoDTensor*> feed_targets;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < feed_target_names.size(); ++i) {
      // Please make sure that cpu_feeds[i] is right for feed_target_names[i]
      feed_targets[feed_target_names[i]] = cpu_feeds[i];

  - 6、 定义`Tensor``fetch`结果
    std::vector<paddle::framework::LoDTensor*> cpu_fetchs;
    std::map<std::string, paddle::framework::LoDTensor*> fetch_targets;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fetch_target_names.size(); ++i) {
      fetch_targets[fetch_target_names[i]] = cpu_fetchs[i];

  - 7、 执行`inference_program`
    executor.Run(*inference_program, scope, feed_targets, fetch_targets);

  - 8、 使用`fetch`数据
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cpu_fetchs.size(); ++i) {
      std::cout << "lod_i: " << cpu_fetchs[i]->lod();
      std::cout << "dims_i: " << cpu_fetchs[i]->dims();
      std::cout << "result:";
      float* output_ptr = cpu_fetchs[i]->data<float>();
      for (int j = 0; j < cpu_fetchs[i]->numel(); ++j) {
        std::cout << " " << output_ptr[j];
      std::cout << std::endl;
    针对不同的数据,4. - 8.可执行多次。

  - 9、 释放内存
    delete scope;

- 接口说明

  void Run(const ProgramDesc& program, Scope* scope,
           std::map<std::string, const LoDTensor*>& feed_targets,
           std::map<std::string, LoDTensor*>& fetch_targets,
           bool create_vars = true,
           const std::string& feed_holder_name = "feed",
           const std::string& fetch_holder_name = "fetch");
  - 使用Python API `save_inference_model`保存的`program`里面包含了`feed_op``fetch_op`,用户提供的`feed_targets``fetch_targets`必须和`inference_program`中的`feed_op``fetch_op`保持一致。
  - 用户提供的`feed_holder_name``fetch_holder_name`也必须和`inference_program``feed_op``fetch_op`保持一致,可使用`SetFeedHolderName``SetFetchHolderName`接口重新设置`inferece_program`
  - 默认情况下,除了`persistable`属性设置为`True``Variable`之外,每次执行`executor.Run`会创建一个局部`Scope`,并且在这个局部`Scope`中创建和销毁所有的`Variable`,以最小化空闲时的内存占用。
  - `persistable`属性为`True``Variable`有:
    - Operators的参数`w``b`
    - `feed_op`的输入变量
    - `fetch_op`的输出变量

- **不在每次执行时创建和销毁变量
  - 执行`inference_program`
    // Call once
    executor.CreateVariables(*inference_program, scope, 0);
    // Call as many times as you like
        *inference_program, scope, feed_targets, fetch_targets, false);
  - **优点**
    - 节省了频繁创建、销毁变量的时间(约占每次`Run`总时间的1% ~ 12%)
    - 执行结束后可获取所有Operators的计算结果
  - **缺点**
    - 空闲时也会占用大量的内存
    - 在同一个`Scope`中,相同的变量名是公用同一块内存的,容易引起意想不到的错误

- **不在每次执行时创建Op [PR](**
  - 执行`inference_program`
    // Call once
    auto ctx = executor.Prepare(*inference_program, 0);
    // Call as many times as you like if you have no need to change the inference_program
    executor.RunPreparedContext(ctx.get(), scope, feed_targets, fetch_targets);
  - **优点**
    - 节省了频繁创建、销毁Op的时间
  - **缺点**
    - 一旦修改了`inference_program`,则需要重新创建`ctx`

- **[多线程共享Parameters](**
  - 主线程
    - 1、 初始化设备
    - 2、 定义`place``executor``scope`
    - 3、 加载模型,得到`inference_program`
  - 从线程
    - **复制`inference_program`得到`copy_program`,修改`copy_program`的`feed_holder_name`和`fetch_holder_name`**
      auto copy_program = std::unique_ptr<paddle::framework::ProgramDesc>(
                 new paddle::framework::ProgramDesc(*inference_program));
      std::string feed_holder_name = "feed_" + paddle::string::to_string(thread_id);
      std::string fetch_holder_name = "fetch_" + paddle::string::to_string(thread_id);
    - 4、 获取`copy_program``feed_target_names``fetch_target_names`
    - 5、 准备feed数据,定义Tensor来fetch结果
    - 6、 执行`copy_program`
      executor->Run(*copy_program, scope, feed_targets, fetch_targets, true, feed_holder_name, fetch_holder_name);
    - 7、 使用fetch数据
  - 主线程
    - 8、 释放资源

- 基本概念
  - 数据相关:
    - [Tensor](,一个N维数组,数据可以是任意类型(int,float,double等)
    - [LoDTensor](,带LoD(Level-of-Detail)即序列信息的Tensor
    - [Scope](,记录了变量Variable
  - 执行相关:
    - [Executor](,无状态执行器,只跟设备相关
    - Place
      - CPUPlace,CPU设备
      - CUDAPlace,CUDA GPU设备
  - 神经网络表示:
    - [Program](

  详细介绍请参考[**Paddle Fluid开发者指南**]('s_guid_for_Fluid/Developer'

## Inference实例

  1. fit a line: [Python](, [C++](
  1. image classification: [Python](, [C++](
  1. label semantic roles: [Python](, [C++](
  1. recognize digits: [Python](, [C++](
  1. recommender system: [Python](, [C++](
  1. understand sentiment: [Python](, [C++](
  1. word2vec: [Python](, [C++](

## Inference计算优化
- 使用Python推理优化工具[inference_transpiler](
  class InferenceTranspiler:
    def transpile(self, program, place, scope=None):
        if scope is None:
            scope = global_scope()
  - 使用`InferenceTranspiler`将会直接修改`program`
  - 使用`InferenceTranspiler`会修改参数的值,请确保`program`的参数在`scope`内。
- 支持的优化
  - 融合batch_norm op的计算
- [使用示例](
  import paddle.fluid as fluid
  # NOTE: Applying the inference transpiler will change the inference_program.
  t = fluid.InferenceTranspiler()
  t.transpile(inference_program, place, inference_scope)

## 内存使用优化
- 使用Python内存优化工具[memory_optimization_transipiler](