// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/cudnn_conv.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/activation.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/conv_op_cache_cudnn.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/scale.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/type_trans.h" namespace paddle { namespace lite { namespace cuda { namespace math { template cudnnDataType_t GetDataType(); template <> cudnnDataType_t GetDataType() { return CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT; } template <> cudnnDataType_t GetDataType() { return CUDNN_DATA_HALF; } template bool CudnnConv2D::create(const operators::ConvParam& param, Context* ctx) { auto x_dims = param.x->dims(); auto w_dims = param.filter->dims(); auto o_dims = param.output->dims(); int batch = x_dims[0]; auto paddings = *param.paddings; auto dilations = *param.dilations; int iw = x_dims[3]; // nchw int ih = x_dims[2]; int ic = x_dims[1]; int ow = o_dims[3]; int oh = o_dims[2]; int oc = o_dims[1]; int kw = w_dims[3]; int kh = w_dims[2]; int sw = param.strides[1]; int sh = param.strides[0]; int pw = paddings[2]; int ph = paddings[0]; int dw = dilations[1]; int dh = dilations[0]; CHECK(ic % param.groups == 0) << "The conv input channel shoud be divide group number."; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(this->input_desc_, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, GetDataType(), batch, ic, ih, iw)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(this->filter_desc_, GetDataType(), CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, oc, ic / param.groups, kh, kw)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(this->conv_desc_, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION, GetDataType())); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetConvolutionGroupCount(this->conv_desc_, param.groups)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(this->output_desc_, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, GetDataType(), batch, oc, oh, ow)); if (param.activation_param.has_active && this->with_relu_act_) { CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetActivationDescriptor( this->act_desc_, CUDNN_ACTIVATION_RELU, CUDNN_NOT_PROPAGATE_NAN, 0.0)); } #if CUDNN_VERSION_MIN(7, 0, 0) cudnnMathType_t math_type = this->use_tensor_core_ ? CUDNN_TENSOR_OP_MATH : CUDNN_DEFAULT_MATH; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetConvolutionMathType(this->conv_desc_, math_type)); #endif if (ic == param.groups && ic == oc && ic != 1) { this->fwd_algo_ = CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM; } else if (!param.var_length) { const auto* i_data = param.x->data(); const auto* w_data = param.filter->data(); auto* o_data = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); int workspace_size_limit = 256 * 1024 * 1024; auto search_func = [&]() { int returned_algo_count; std::array fwd_perf_stat; auto cudnn_find_func = [&](void* cudnn_workspace) { CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx( this->handle_, this->input_desc_, i_data, this->filter_desc_, w_data, this->conv_desc_, this->output_desc_, o_data, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_COUNT, &returned_algo_count, fwd_perf_stat.data(), cudnn_workspace, workspace_size_limit)); }; this->ResetWorkSpace(); CUDA_CALL(cudaMalloc(&this->workspace_data_, workspace_size_limit)); cudnn_find_func(this->workspace_data_); this->ResetWorkSpace(); VLOG(2) << "Perf result: (algo: stat, time, memory)"; for (int i = 0; i < returned_algo_count; ++i) { const auto& stat = fwd_perf_stat[i]; VLOG(2) << stat.algo << ": " << stat.status << " " << stat.time << " " << stat.memory; } return fwd_perf_stat[0].algo; }; AlgorithmsCache algo_cache; this->fwd_algo_ = algo_cache.GetAlgorithm(x_dims.Vectorize(), w_dims.Vectorize(), param.strides, *param.paddings, *param.dilations, 0, search_func); } else { CUDNN_CHECK( cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(this->handle_, this->input_desc_, this->filter_desc_, this->conv_desc_, this->output_desc_, this->preference_, this->workspace_limit_bytes_, &this->fwd_algo_)); } CUDNN_CHECK( cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(this->handle_, this->input_desc_, this->filter_desc_, this->conv_desc_, this->output_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, &this->workspace_fwd_sizes_)); if (this->workspace_fwd_sizes_ > this->workspace_size_inbytes_) { this->workspace_size_inbytes_ = this->workspace_fwd_sizes_; this->ResetWorkSpace(); cudaMalloc(&this->workspace_data_, this->workspace_size_inbytes_); this->workspace_ = reinterpret_cast(this->workspace_data_); } if (param.bias) { int dim_bias[] = {1, oc, 1, 1}; int stride_bias[] = {oc, 1, 1, 1}; cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor( this->bias_desc_, GetDataType(), 4, dim_bias, stride_bias); } return true; } template bool CudnnConv2D::init(const operators::ConvParam& param, Context* ctx) { this->workspace_size_inbytes_ = 0; this->workspace_data_ = NULL; this->workspace_fwd_sizes_ = 0; this->stream_ = ctx->exec_stream(); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnCreate(&this->handle_)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetStream(this->handle_, this->stream_)); this->workspace_ = NULL; cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->input_desc_); cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->output_desc_); cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(&this->filter_desc_); cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor(&this->conv_desc_); cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->bias_desc_); if (param.activation_param.has_active) { if (param.activation_param.active_type == lite_api::ActivationType::kRelu) { cudnnCreateActivationDescriptor(&this->act_desc_); } else { this->with_relu_act_ = false; } } return create(param, ctx); } template bool CudnnConv2D::run(const operators::ConvParam& param) { const auto* i_data = param.x->data(); const auto* w_data = param.filter->data(); const auto* b_data = param.bias ? param.bias->data() : nullptr; auto* o_data = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); if (param.activation_param.has_active && this->with_relu_act_) { if (b_data) { float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.0f; CUDNN_CHECK( cudnnConvolutionBiasActivationForward(this->handle_, &alpha, this->input_desc_, i_data, this->filter_desc_, w_data, this->conv_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, this->workspace_, this->workspace_fwd_sizes_, &beta, this->output_desc_, o_data, this->bias_desc_, b_data, this->act_desc_, this->output_desc_, o_data)); } else { float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.0f; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnConvolutionForward(this->handle_, &alpha, this->input_desc_, i_data, this->filter_desc_, w_data, this->conv_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, this->workspace_, this->workspace_fwd_sizes_, &beta, this->output_desc_, o_data)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnActivationForward(this->handle_, this->act_desc_, &alpha, this->output_desc_, o_data, &beta, this->output_desc_, o_data)); } } else { float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.0f; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnConvolutionForward(this->handle_, &alpha, this->input_desc_, i_data, this->filter_desc_, w_data, this->conv_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, this->workspace_, this->workspace_fwd_sizes_, &beta, this->output_desc_, o_data)); if (b_data) { CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnAddTensor(this->handle_, &alpha, this->bias_desc_, b_data, &alpha, this->output_desc_, o_data)); } } if (!this->with_relu_act_) { CHECK(param.activation_param.active_type == lite_api::ActivationType::kLeakyRelu) << "Only support leaky relu now."; auto out_dims = param.output->dims(); int n = out_dims[0], c = out_dims[1], h = out_dims[2], w = out_dims[3]; int num = n * h * w * c; float alpha = param.activation_param.Leaky_relu_alpha; relu(num, o_data, o_data, alpha, this->stream_); } return true; } template class CudnnConv2D; template class CudnnConv2D; template bool CudnnConv2DInt8::create(const operators::ConvParam& param, Context* ctx) { auto x_dims = param.x->dims(); auto w_dims = param.filter->dims(); auto o_dims = param.output->dims(); int batch = x_dims[0]; int iw = x_dims[2]; // nchw int ih = x_dims[1]; int ic = x_dims[3]; int ow = o_dims[2]; int oh = o_dims[1]; int oc = o_dims[3]; int kw = w_dims[2]; int kh = w_dims[1]; auto paddings = *param.paddings; auto dilations = *param.dilations; int sw = param.strides[1]; int sh = param.strides[0]; int pw = paddings[2]; int ph = paddings[0]; int dw = dilations[1]; int dh = dilations[0]; std::vector weight_scale = param.weight_scale; float input_scale = param.input_scale; float output_scale = param.output_scale; CHECK(weight_scale.size() == static_cast(oc)) << "the num of the weight_scale should be equals to the output channel."; if (Ptype_out == PRECISION(kInt8)) { this->temp_tensor_.Resize(o_dims); this->temp_tensor_.template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); for (size_t i = 0; i < weight_scale.size(); i++) { weight_scale[i] = (weight_scale[i] * input_scale) / output_scale; } auto* b_data = param.bias ? param.bias->mutable_data() : nullptr; if (b_data) { scale(param.bias->numel(), b_data, b_data, 1.f / output_scale); } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < weight_scale.size(); i++) { weight_scale[i] = (weight_scale[i] * input_scale); } } this->scale_.Resize({oc}); this->scale_.template Assign( weight_scale.data(), this->scale_.dims()); CHECK(ic % param.groups == 0) << "The conv input channel shoud be divide group number."; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(this->input_desc_, CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, CUDNN_DATA_INT8, batch, ic, ih, iw)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(this->filter_desc_, CUDNN_DATA_INT8, CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, oc, ic / param.groups, kh, kw)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor(this->conv_desc_, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION, CUDNN_DATA_INT32)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(this->output_desc_, CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, batch, oc, oh, ow)); if (ic % 4 == 0 && oc % 4 == 0) { this->fwd_algo_ = CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_PRECOMP_GEMM; } else { this->fwd_algo_ = CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_ALGO_IMPLICIT_GEMM; } CUDNN_CHECK( cudnnGetConvolutionForwardWorkspaceSize(this->handle_, this->input_desc_, this->filter_desc_, this->conv_desc_, this->output_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, &this->workspace_fwd_sizes_)); if (this->workspace_fwd_sizes_ > this->workspace_size_inbytes_) { this->workspace_size_inbytes_ = this->workspace_fwd_sizes_; if (this->workspace_data_ != NULL) { CUDA_CALL(cudaFree(this->workspace_data_)); } CUDA_CALL( cudaMalloc(&this->workspace_data_, this->workspace_size_inbytes_)); this->workspace_ = reinterpret_cast(this->workspace_data_); } return true; } template bool CudnnConv2DInt8::init(const operators::ConvParam& param, Context* ctx) { this->workspace_size_inbytes_ = 0; // 64Mb this->workspace_data_ = NULL; this->workspace_fwd_sizes_ = 0; this->stream_ = ctx->exec_stream(); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnCreate(&this->handle_)); CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnSetStream(this->handle_, this->stream_)); this->workspace_ = NULL; cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->input_desc_); cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->output_desc_); cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(&this->filter_desc_); cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor(&this->conv_desc_); cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(&this->bias_desc_); if (param.activation_param.has_active) { if (!(param.activation_param.active_type == lite_api::ActivationType::kRelu)) { this->with_relu_act_ = false; } } return create(param, ctx); } template bool CudnnConv2DInt8::run(const operators::ConvParam& param) { const auto* i_data = param.x->data(); const auto* w_data = param.filter->data(); const auto* b_data = param.bias ? param.bias->data() : nullptr; float* temp_out; float* scale = this->scale_.template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); if (Ptype_out == PRECISION(kInt8)) { temp_out = this->temp_tensor_.template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); } else { // LOG(INFO) << param.output->dims().repr(); temp_out = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); } float alpha = 1.0f; float beta = 0.0f; CUDNN_CHECK(cudnnConvolutionForward(this->handle_, &alpha, this->input_desc_, i_data, this->filter_desc_, w_data, this->conv_desc_, this->fwd_algo_, this->workspace_, this->workspace_fwd_sizes_, &beta, this->output_desc_, temp_out)); auto out_dims = param.output->dims(); int n = out_dims[0], h = out_dims[1], w = out_dims[2], c = out_dims[3]; int num = n * h * w * c; if (!param.activation_param.has_active && !b_data) { if (Ptype_out == PRECISION(kInt8)) { auto* out = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); fp32_to_int8_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(out), static_cast(scale), n, c, h, w, this->stream_); } else { fp32_scale_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(scale), n, c, h, w, this->stream_); } return true; } if (b_data) { if (param.activation_param.has_active) { float alpha = 0.0; if (!this->with_relu_act_) alpha = param.activation_param.Leaky_relu_alpha; if (Ptype_out == PRECISION(kInt8)) { auto* out = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); bias_relu_int8_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(b_data), static_cast(out), n, c, h, w, static_cast(scale), alpha, this->stream_); } else { bias_relu_int8_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(b_data), static_cast(temp_out), n, c, h, w, static_cast(scale), alpha, this->stream_); } return true; } else { if (Ptype_out == PRECISION(kInt8)) { auto* out = param.output->mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); bias_int8_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(b_data), static_cast(out), n, c, h, w, static_cast(scale), this->stream_); } else { bias_int8_nhwc(num, static_cast(temp_out), static_cast(b_data), static_cast(temp_out), n, c, h, w, static_cast(scale), this->stream_); } return true; } } CHECK(false) << "Conv Int8 support Conv, Conv + bias + relu, Conv + bias + leaky_relu"; } template class CudnnConv2DInt8; template class CudnnConv2DInt8; } // namespace math } // namespace cuda } // namespace lite } // namespace paddle