@echo off setlocal setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set source_path=%~dp0\\..\\..\\ rem global variables set BUILD_EXTRA=OFF set BUILD_JAVA=ON set BUILD_PYTHON=OFF set BUILD_DIR=%source_path% set OPTMODEL_DIR="" set BUILD_TAILOR=OFF set BUILD_CV=OFF set SHUTDOWN_LOG=ON set THIRDPARTY_TAR=https://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleLite/third-party-05b862.tar.gz set workspace=%source_path% :set_vcvarsall_dir SET /P vcvarsall_dir="Please input the path of visual studio command Prompt, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat =======>" set tmp_var=!vcvarsall_dir! call:remove_space set vcvarsall_dir=!tmp_var! IF NOT EXIST "%vcvarsall_dir%" ( echo "------------%vcvarsall_dir% not exist------------" goto set_vcvarsall_dir ) call:prepare_thirdparty if EXIST "%build_directory%" ( call:rm_rebuild_dir "%build_directory%" md "%build_directory%" ) set root_dir=%workspace% set build_directory=%BUILD_DIR%\build.lite.x86 set GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX=%build_directory%\lite\gen_code set DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX=%build_directory%\lite\tools\debug rem for code gen, a source file is generated after a test, but is dependended by some targets in cmake. rem here we fake an empty file to make cmake works. if NOT EXIST "%GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX%" ( md "%GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX%" ) type nul >"%GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX%\__generated_code__.cc" if NOT EXIST "%DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX%" ( md "%DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX%" ) copy "%root_dir%\lite\tools\debug\analysis_tool.py" "%DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX%\" cd "%build_directory%" cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -T host=x64 -DWITH_MKL=ON ^ -DWITH_MKLDNN=OFF ^ -DLITE_WITH_X86=ON ^ -DLITE_WITH_PROFILE=OFF ^ -DWITH_LITE=ON ^ -DLITE_WITH_LIGHT_WEIGHT_FRAMEWORK=OFF ^ -DLITE_WITH_ARM=OFF ^ -DWITH_GPU=OFF ^ -DLITE_BUILD_EXTRA=ON ^ -DLITE_WITH_PYTHON=ON ^ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="%python_path%" call "%vcvarsall_dir%" amd64 msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Release lite\publish_inference.vcxproj >mylog.txt 2>&1 goto:eof :prepare_thirdparty SET /P python_path="Please input the path of python.exe, such as C:\Python35\python.exe, C:\Python35\python3.exe =======>" set tmp_var=!python_path! call:remove_space set python_path=!tmp_var! if "!python_path!"=="" ( set python_path=python.exe ) else ( if NOT exist "!python_path!" ( echo "------------!python_path! not exist------------" goto:eof ) ) if EXIST "%workspace%\third-party" ( if NOT EXIST "%workspace%\third-party-05b862.tar.gz" ( echo "The directory of third_party exists, the third-party-05b862.tar.gz not exists." ) else ( echo "The directory of third_party exists, the third-party-05b862.tar.gz exists." call:rm_rebuild_dir "%workspace%\third-party" !python_path! %workspace%\lite\tools\untar.py %source_path%\third-party-05b862.tar.gz %workspace% ) ) else ( if NOT EXIST "%workspace%\third-party-05b862.tar.gz" ( echo "The directory of third_party not exists, the third-party-05b862.tar.gz not exists." call:download_third_party !python_path! %workspace%\lite\tools\untar.py %source_path%\third-party-05b862.tar.gz %workspace% ) else ( echo "The directory of third_party not exists, the third-party-05b862.tar.gz exists." !python_path! %workspace%\lite\tools\untar.py %source_path%\third-party-05b862.tar.gz %workspace% ) ) git submodule update --init --recursive goto:eof :download_third_party powershell.exe (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleLite/third-party-05b862.tar.gz', ^ '%workspace%third-party-05b862.tar.gz') goto:eof :rm_rebuild_dir del /f /s /q "%~1\*.*" >nul 2>&1 rd /s /q "%~1" >nul 2>&1 goto:eof :remove_space :remove_left_space if "%tmp_var:~0,1%"==" " ( set "tmp_var=%tmp_var:~1%" goto remove_left_space ) :remove_right_space if "%tmp_var:~-1%"==" " ( set "tmp_var=%tmp_var:~0,-1%" goto remove_left_space ) goto:eof