#!/bin/bash set +x ##################################################################################################### # 1. global variables, you can change them according to your requirements ##################################################################################################### # armv7 or armv8, default armv8. ARCH=armv8 # c++_static or c++_shared, default c++_static. ANDROID_STL=c++_static # gcc or clang, default gcc. TOOLCHAIN=gcc # ON or OFF, default OFF. WITH_EXTRA=OFF # ON or OFF, default ON. WITH_JAVA=ON # controls whether to compile cv functions into lib, default is OFF. WITH_CV=OFF # controls whether to hide log information, default is ON. WITH_LOG=ON # options of striping lib according to input model. OPTMODEL_DIR="" WITH_STRIP=OFF # options of compiling NPU lib. WITH_HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU=OFF HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU_SDK_ROOT="$(pwd)/ai_ddk_lib/" # Download HiAI DDK from https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/hiai/ # options of compiling OPENCL lib. WITH_OPENCL=OFF # options of adding training ops WITH_TRAIN=OFF # num of threads used during compiling.. readonly NUM_PROC=${LITE_BUILD_THREADS:-4} ##################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################### # 2. local variables, these variables should not be changed. ##################################################################################################### # url that stores third-party zip file to accelerate third-paty lib installation readonly THIRDPARTY_TAR=https://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/PaddleLite/third-party-05b862.tar.gz # absolute path of Paddle-Lite. readonly workspace=$PWD/$(dirname $0)/../../ # basic options for android compiling. readonly CMAKE_COMMON_OPTIONS="-DWITH_LITE=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_ARM=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_LIGHT_WEIGHT_FRAMEWORK=ON \ -DLITE_WITH_X86=OFF \ -DWITH_TESTING=OFF \ -DARM_TARGET_OS=android" # on mac environment, we should expand the maximum file num to compile successfully os_name=`uname -s` if [ ${os_name} == "Darwin" ]; then ulimit -n 1024 fi ##################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # 3. functions of prepare workspace before compiling #################################################################################################### # 3.1 generate `__generated_code__.cc`, which is dependended by some targets in cmake. # here we fake an empty file to make cmake works. function prepare_workspace { local root_dir=$1 local build_dir=$2 # 1. Prepare gen_code file GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX=$build_dir/lite/gen_code mkdir -p ${GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX} touch ${GEN_CODE_PATH_PREFIX}/__generated_code__.cc # 2.Prepare debug tool DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX=$build_dir/lite/tools/debug mkdir -p ${DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX} cp $root_dir/lite/tools/debug/analysis_tool.py ${DEBUG_TOOL_PATH_PREFIX}/ } # 3.2 prepare source code of opencl lib # here we bundle all cl files into a cc file to bundle all opencl kernels into a single lib function prepare_opencl_source_code { local root_dir=$1 local build_dir=$2 # in build directory # Prepare opencl_kernels_source.cc file GEN_CODE_PATH_OPENCL=$root_dir/lite/backends/opencl rm -f GEN_CODE_PATH_OPENCL/opencl_kernels_source.cc OPENCL_KERNELS_PATH=$root_dir/lite/backends/opencl/cl_kernel mkdir -p ${GEN_CODE_PATH_OPENCL} touch $GEN_CODE_PATH_OPENCL/opencl_kernels_source.cc python $root_dir/lite/tools/cmake_tools/gen_opencl_code.py $OPENCL_KERNELS_PATH $GEN_CODE_PATH_OPENCL/opencl_kernels_source.cc } # 3.3 prepare third_party libraries for compiling # here we store third_party libraries into Paddle-Lite/third-party function prepare_thirdparty { if [ ! -d $workspace/third-party -o -f $workspace/third-party-05b862.tar.gz ]; then rm -rf $workspace/third-party if [ ! -f $workspace/third-party-05b862.tar.gz ]; then wget $THIRDPARTY_TAR fi tar xzf third-party-05b862.tar.gz else git submodule update --init --recursive fi } #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # 4. compiling functions #################################################################################################### # 4.1 function of tiny_publish compiling # here we only compile light_api lib function make_tiny_publish_so { build_dir=$workspace/build.lite.android.$ARCH.$TOOLCHAIN if [ "${WITH_OPENCL}" == "ON" ]; then build_dir=${build_dir}.opencl fi if [ "${WITH_npu}" == "ON" ]; then build_dir=${build_dir}.npu fi if [ -d $build_dir ] then rm -rf $build_dir fi mkdir -p $build_dir cd $build_dir if [ "${WITH_OPENCL}" == "ON" ]; then prepare_opencl_source_code $workspace $build_dir fi local cmake_mutable_options=" -DLITE_BUILD_EXTRA=$WITH_EXTRA \ -DLITE_WITH_LOG=$WITH_LOG \ -DLITE_BUILD_TAILOR=$WITH_STRIP \ -DLITE_OPTMODEL_DIR=$OPTMODEL_DIR \ -DLITE_WITH_JAVA=$WITH_JAVA \ -DLITE_WITH_CV=$WITH_CV \ -DLITE_WITH_NPU=$WITH_HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU \ -DNPU_DDK_ROOT=$HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU_SDK_ROOT \ -DLITE_WITH_OPENCL=$WITH_OPENCL \ -DARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI=$ARCH \ -DARM_TARGET_LANG=$TOOLCHAIN \ -DANDROID_STL_TYPE=$ANDROID_STL" cmake $workspace \ ${CMAKE_COMMON_OPTIONS} \ ${cmake_mutable_options} \ -DLITE_ON_TINY_PUBLISH=ON # todo: third_party of opencl should be moved into git submodule and cmake later if [ "${WITH_OPENCL}" == "ON" ]; then make opencl_clhpp -j$NUM_PROC fi make publish_inference -j$NUM_PROC cd - > /dev/null } # 4.2 function of full_publish compiling # here we compile both light_api lib and full_api lib function make_full_publish_so { prepare_thirdparty build_directory=$workspace/build.lite.android.$ARCH.$ARM_LANG if [ -d $build_directory ] then rm -rf $build_directory fi mkdir -p $build_directory cd $build_directory prepare_workspace $workspace $build_directory if [ "${WITH_OPENCL}" == "ON" ]; then prepare_opencl_source_code $workspace $build_dir fi local cmake_mutable_options=" -DLITE_BUILD_EXTRA=$WITH_EXTRA \ -DLITE_WITH_LOG=$WITH_LOG \ -DLITE_BUILD_TAILOR=$WITH_STRIP \ -DLITE_OPTMODEL_DIR=$OPTMODEL_DIR \ -DLITE_WITH_JAVA=$WITH_JAVA \ -DLITE_WITH_CV=$WITH_CV \ -DLITE_WITH_NPU=$WITH_HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU \ -DNPU_DDK_ROOT=$HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU_SDK_ROOT \ -DLITE_WITH_OPENCL=$WITH_OPENCL \ -DARM_TARGET_ARCH_ABI=$ARCH \ -DARM_TARGET_LANG=$ARM_LANG \ -DLITE_WITH_TRAIN=$WITH_TRAIN \ -DANDROID_STL_TYPE=$ANDROID_STL" cmake $workspace \ ${CMAKE_COMMON_OPTIONS} \ ${cmake_mutable_options} # todo: third_party of opencl should be moved into git submodule and cmake later if [ "${WITH_OPENCL}" == "ON" ]; then make opencl_clhpp -j$NUM_PROC fi make publish_inference -j$NUM_PROC cd - > /dev/null } # 4.3 function of print help information function print_usage { echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "| Methods of compiling Padddle-Lite Android library: |" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "| compile android library: (armv8, gcc, c++_static) |" echo -e "| ./lite/tools/build_android.sh |" echo -e "| print help information: |" echo -e "| ./lite/tools/build_android.sh help |" echo -e "| |" echo -e "| optional argument: |" echo -e "| --arch: (armv8|armv7), default is armv8 |" echo -e "| --toolchain: (gcc|clang), defalut is gcc |" echo -e "| --android_stl: (c++_static|c++_shared|gnu_static|gnu_shared), default is c++_static |" echo -e "| --with_java: (OFF|ON); controls whether to publish java api lib, default is ON |" echo -e "| --with_cv: (OFF|ON); controls whether to compile cv functions into lib, default is OFF |" echo -e "| --with_log: (OFF|ON); controls whether to print log information, default is ON |" echo -e "| --with_extra: (OFF|ON); controls whether to publish extra operators and kernels for (sequence-related model such as OCR or NLP) |" echo -e "| |" echo -e "| arguments of striping lib according to input model:(armv8, gcc, c++_static) |" echo -e "| ./lite/tools/build_android.sh --with_strip=ON --opt_model_dir=YourOptimizedModelDir |" echo -e "| --with_strip: (OFF|ON); controls whether to strip lib accrding to input model, default is OFF |" echo -e "| --opt_model_dir: (absolute path to optimized model dir) required when compiling striped library |" echo -e "| detailed information about striping lib: https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/user_guides/library_tailoring.html |" echo -e "| |" echo -e "| arguments of npu library compiling:(armv8, gcc, c++_static) |" echo -e "| ./lite/tools/build_android.sh --with_huawei_kirin_npu=ON --huawei_kirin_npu_sdk_root=YourNpuSdkPath |" echo -e "| --with_huawei_kirin_npu: (OFF|ON); controls whether to compile lib for huawei_kirin_npu, default is OFF |" echo -e "| --huawei_kirin_npu_sdk_root: (path to huawei HiAi DDK file) required when compiling npu library |" echo -e "| you can download huawei HiAi DDK from: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/hiai/ |" echo -e "| detailed information about Paddle-Lite NPU: https://paddle-lite.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/demo_guides/npu.html |" echo -e "| |" echo -e "| arguments of opencl library compiling:(armv8, gcc, c++_static) |" echo -e "| ./lite/tools/build_android.sh --with_opencl=ON |" echo -e "| --with_opencl: (OFF|ON); controls whether to compile lib for opencl, default is OFF |" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo } #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # 5. main functions: choose compiling method according to input argument #################################################################################################### function main { if [ -z "$1" ]; then # compiling result contains light_api lib only, recommanded. make_tiny_publish_so $ARCH $TOOLCHAIN $ANDROID_STL fi # Parse command line. for i in "$@"; do case $i in # armv7 or armv8, default armv8 --arch=*) ARCH="${i#*=}" shift ;; # gcc or clang, default gcc --toolchain=*) TOOLCHAIN="${i#*=}" shift ;; # c++_static or c++_shared, default c++_static --android_stl=*) ANDROID_STL="${i#*=}" shift ;; # ON or OFF, default OFF --with_extra=*) WITH_EXTRA="${i#*=}" shift ;; # ON or OFF, default OFF --with_cv=*) WITH_CV="${i#*=}" shift ;; # ON or OFF, default ON --with_java=*) WITH_JAVA="${i#*=}" shift ;; # ON or OFF, default OFF --with_strip=*) WITH_STRIP="${i#*=}" shift ;; # string, absolute path to optimized model dir --opt_model_dir=*) OPTMODEL_DIR="${i#*=}" shift ;; # ON or OFF, default ON --with_log=*) WITH_LOG="${i#*=}" shift ;; # compiling lib which can operate on opencl and cpu. --with_opencl=*) WITH_OPENCL="${i#*=}" shift ;; # compiling lib which can operate on huawei npu. --with_huawei_kirin_npu=*) WITH_HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU="${i#*=}" shift ;; --huawei_kirin_npu_sdk_root=*) HUAWEI_KIRIN_NPU_SDK_ROOT="${i#*=}" shift ;; # compiling result contains both light_api and cxx_api lib. full_publish) make_full_publish_so exit 0 ;; # compiling lib with training ops. --with_train=*) WITH_TRAIN="${i#*=}" shift ;; help) # print help info print_usage exit 0 ;; *) # unknown option echo "Error: unsupported argument \"${i#*=}\"" print_usage exit 1 ;; esac done # compiling result contains light_api lib only, recommanded. make_tiny_publish_so } main $@