--- layout: post title: C++ Demo --- - [C++ Demo](#c-demo) - [编译](#编译-1) - [准备执行环境](#准备执行环境) - [使用安卓手机](#使用安卓手机) - [使用安卓模拟器](#使用安卓模拟器) - [下载模型并运行示例](#下载模型并运行示例) - [Demo 程序运行结果](#demo-程序运行结果) - [如何在代码中使用 API](#如何在代码中使用-api) ## 编译 首先按照[PaddleLite 源码编译](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite/wiki/source_compile)准备交叉编译环境,之后拉取最新[PaddleLite release发布版代码](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite)。下面以Android-ARMv8架构为例,介绍编译过程,并最终在手机上跑通MobilNetv1模型。 进入 Paddle-Lite 目录,运行以下命令编译代码(**需加编译选项`--build_extra=ON`确保完整编译**): {% highlight shell %} ./lite/tools/build.sh \ --arm_os=android \ --arm_abi=armv8 \ --arm_lang=gcc \ --android_stl=c++_static \ --build_extra=ON \ full_publish {% endhighlight %} 编译完成后 `./build.lite.android.armv8.gcc/inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/` 文件夹下包含: - cxx - include (头文件文件夹) - lib (库文件文件夹) - libpaddle_api_full_bundled.a - libpaddle_api_light_bundled.a - libpaddle_light_api_shared.so - libpaddle_full_api_shared.so - demo - cxx (C++ demo) - mobile_light (light api demo) - mobile_full (full api demo) - Makefile.def - include - third_party (第三方库文件夹) - gflags ## 准备执行环境 执行环境有两种:使用安卓手机;若没安卓手机,也可在安卓模拟器中执行。 ### 环境一:使用安卓手机 将手机连上电脑,在手机上打开选项 -> 开启-开发者模式 -> 开启-USB调试模式。确保 `adb devices` 能够看到相应的设备。 ### 环境二:使用安卓模拟器 运行下面命令,分别创建安卓armv8、armv7架构的模拟器。若需在真机测试,将模拟器换成相应架构的真机环境即可。 {% highlight shell %} # android-armv8 adb kill-server adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done echo n | avdmanager create avd -f -n paddle-armv8 -k "system-images;android-24;google_apis;arm64-v8a" echo -ne '\n' | ${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -avd paddle-armv8 -noaudio -no-window -gpu off -port 5554 & sleep 1m {% endhighlight %} {% highlight shell %} # android-armv7 adb kill-server adb devices | grep emulator | cut -f1 | while read line; do adb -s $line emu kill; done echo n | avdmanager create avd -f -n paddle-armv7 -k "system-images;android-24;google_apis;armeabi-v7a" echo -ne '\n' | ${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -avd paddle-armv7 -noaudio -no-window -gpu off -port 5554 & sleep 1m {% endhighlight %} ## 下载模型并运行示例 {% highlight bash %} cd inference_lite_lib.android.armv8/demo/cxx/mobile_full wget http://paddle-inference-dist.bj.bcebos.com/mobilenet_v1.tar.gz tar zxvf mobilenet_v1.tar.gz make adb -s emulator-5554 push mobilenet_v1 /data/local/tmp/ adb -s emulator-5554 push mobilenetv1_full_api /data/local/tmp/ adb -s emulator-5554 shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/mobilenetv1_full_api adb -s emulator-5554 shell "/data/local/tmp/mobilenetv1_full_api --model_dir=/data/local/tmp/mobilenet_v1 --optimized_model_dir=/data/local/tmp/mobilenet_v1.opt" {% endhighlight %} 注:我们也提供了轻量级 API 的 demo,可以执行以下代码运行轻量级 API 示例。 {% highlight bash %} cd ../mobile_light make adb -s emulator-5554 push mobilenetv1_light_api /data/local/tmp/ adb -s emulator-5554 shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/mobilenetv1_light_api adb -s emulator-5554 shell "/data/local/tmp/mobilenetv1_light_api --model_dir=/data/local/tmp/mobilenet_v1.opt --threads=1 " {% endhighlight %} ## Demo 程序运行结果 Demo 运行成功后 ,将在控制台输出预测结果的前10个类别的预测概率: {% highlight bash %} Output dim: 1000 Output[0]: 0.000191 Output[100]: 0.000160 Output[200]: 0.000264 Output[300]: 0.000211 Output[400]: 0.001032 Output[500]: 0.000110 Output[600]: 0.004829 Output[700]: 0.001845 Output[800]: 0.000202 Output[900]: 0.000586 {% endhighlight %} ## 如何在代码中使用 API 在C++中使用PaddleLite API非常简单,不需要添加太多额外代码,具体步骤如下: - 加入头文件引用 {% highlight cpp %} #include #include #include "paddle_api.h" #include "paddle_use_kernels.h" #include "paddle_use_ops.h" #include "paddle_use_passes.h" {% endhighlight %} - 通过MobileConfig设置:模型文件位置(model_dir)、线程数(thread)和能耗模式( power mode )。输入数据(input),从 MobileConfig 创建 PaddlePredictor 并执行预测。 (注:Lite还支持从memory直接加载模型,可以通过MobileConfig::set_model_buffer方法实现) 代码示例: {% highlight cpp %} // 1. Create MobileConfig MobileConfig config; // 2. Load model config.set_model_dir("path to your model directory"); // model dir /*load model: Lite supports loading model from file or from memory (naive buffer from optimized model) //Method One: Load model from memory: void set_model_buffer(const char* model_buffer, size_t model_buffer_size, const char* param_buffer, size_t param_buffer_size) //Method Two: Load model from file: void set_model_dir(const std::string& model_dir) */ // 3. Set MobileConfig (or you can skip this step to use default value): config.set_power_mode(LITE_POWER_HIGH); // power mode /*power modes: Lite supports the following power modes LITE_POWER_HIGH LITE_POWER_LOW LITE_POWER_FULL LITE_POWER_NO_BIND LITE_POWER_RAND_HIGH LITE_POWER_RAND_LOW */ config.set_threads("num of threads"); // threads // 4. Create PaddlePredictor by MobileConfig std::shared_ptr predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); // 5. Prepare input data std::unique_ptr input_tensor(std::move(predictor->GetInput(0))); input_tensor->Resize({1, 3, 224, 224}); auto *data = input_tensor -> mutable_data(); for (int i = 0; i < ShapeProduction(input_tensor->shape()); ++i) { data[i] = 1; } // 6. Run predictor predictor->Run(); // 7. Get output std::unique_ptr output_tensor(std::move(predictor->GetOutput(0))); {% endhighlight %} ## CxxConfig案例: OCR_model的运行 1. OCR 模型文件: - 我们提供Pb格式的[ocr_attention_mode](https://paddle-inference-dist.cdn.bcebos.com/ocr_attention.tar.gz)l下载 - 也可以从[Paddle/model项目](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/PaddleCV/ocr_recognition)中训练出模型 2. 示例代码: {% highlight cpp %} #include "paddle_api.h" // NOLINT #include "paddle_use_kernels.h" // NOLINT #include "paddle_use_ops.h" // NOLINT #include "paddle_use_passes.h" // NOLINT #include #include #include using namespace paddle::lite_api; // NOLINT DEFINE_string(model_dir, "", "Model dir path."); DEFINE_bool(prefer_int8_kernel, false, "Prefer to run model with int8 kernels"); int64_t ShapeProduction(const shape_t &shape) { int64_t res = 1; for (auto i : shape) res *= i; return res; } void RunModel() { // 1. Set CxxConfig CxxConfig config; config.set_model_dir(FLAGS_model_dir); std::vector valid_places{Place{TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kFloat)}, Place{TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat)}}; config.set_preferred_place(Place{TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kFloat)}); config.set_valid_places(valid_places); // 2. Create PaddlePredictor by CxxConfig std::shared_ptr predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); // 3. Prepare input data // input 0 std::unique_ptr input_tensor(std::move(predictor->GetInput(0))); input_tensor->Resize(shape_t({1, 1, 48, 512})); auto *data = input_tensor->mutable_data(); for (int i = 0; i < ShapeProduction(input_tensor->shape()); ++i) { data[i] = 1; } // input1 std::unique_ptr init_ids(std::move(predictor->GetInput(1))); init_ids->Resize(shape_t({1, 1})); auto *data_ids = init_ids->mutable_data(); for (int i = 0; i < ShapeProduction(init_ids->shape()); ++i) { data_ids[i] = 0; } lod_t lod_i; lod_i.push_back({0, 1}); lod_i.push_back({0, 1}); init_ids->SetLoD(lod_i); // input2 std::unique_ptr init_scores(std::move(predictor->GetInput(2))); init_scores->Resize(shape_t({1, 1})); auto *data_scores = init_scores->mutable_data(); for (int i = 0; i < ShapeProduction(init_scores->shape()); ++i) { data_scores[i] = 0; } lod_t lod_s; lod_s.push_back({0, 1}); lod_s.push_back({0, 1}); init_scores->SetLoD(lod_s); // 4. Run predictor predictor->Run(); // 5. Get output std::unique_ptr output_tensor( std::move(predictor->GetOutput(0))); for (int i = 0; i < ShapeProduction(output_tensor->shape()); i++) { printf("Output[%d]: %f\n", i, output_tensor->data()[i]); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); RunModel(); return 0; } {% endhighlight %} 3. 运行方法: 参考以上代码编译出可执行文件`OCR_DEMO`,模型文件夹为`ocr_attention`。手机以USB调试、文件传输模式连接电脑 在终端中输入以下命令执行OCR model测试: {% highlight shell %} #OCR_DEMO为编译出的可执行文件名称,ocr_attention为ocr_attention模型的文件夹名称 adb push OCR_DEMO data/local/tmp adb push ocr_attention data/local/tmp adb shell 'cd data/local/tmp && ./OCR_DEMO --model_dir=./OCR_DEMO' {% endhighlight %} 4. 运行结果