// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "lite/kernels/cuda/gru_compute.h" #include #include "lite/backends/cuda/cuda_utils.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/bias.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/gru_forward.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/math/sequence2batch.h" #include "lite/backends/cuda/target_wrapper.h" #include "lite/core/op_registry.h" namespace paddle { namespace lite { namespace kernels { namespace cuda { template struct GRUMetaValue { T* gate_weight; T* state_weight; T* gate_value; T* reset_output_value; T* output_value; T* prev_out_value; }; template struct GRUUnitFunctor { static void compute(GRUMetaValue value, int frame_size, int batch_size, const lite::cuda::math::ActivationType& active_node, const lite::cuda::math::ActivationType& active_gate, bool origin_mode, lite::cuda::math::Gemm* blas, CUDAContext* context) { dim3 threads, grids; if (batch_size == 1) { if (lite::TargetWrapperCuda::GetComputeCapability() >= 70) { if (frame_size < 16) { constexpr int tiled_size = 8; int frame_blocks = (frame_size * 2 + tiled_size - 1) / tiled_size; threads = dim3(tiled_size, 1); grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); lite::cuda::math::FastCollectiveGruGate< T, tiled_size><<exec_stream()>>>( value.gate_value, value.prev_out_value, value.gate_weight, value.reset_output_value, frame_size, active_gate); frame_blocks = (frame_size + tiled_size - 1) / tiled_size; grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); lite::cuda::math::FastCollectiveGruOut< T, tiled_size><<exec_stream()>>>( value.state_weight, value.prev_out_value, value.output_value, value.gate_value, value.reset_output_value, frame_size, active_node, origin_mode); } else { constexpr int tiled_size = 16; int frame_blocks = (frame_size * 2 + tiled_size - 1) / tiled_size; threads = dim3(tiled_size, 1); grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); lite::cuda::math::FastCollectiveGruGate< T, tiled_size><<exec_stream()>>>( value.gate_value, value.prev_out_value, value.gate_weight, value.reset_output_value, frame_size, active_gate); frame_blocks = (frame_size + tiled_size - 1) / tiled_size; grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); lite::cuda::math::FastCollectiveGruOut< T, tiled_size><<exec_stream()>>>( value.state_weight, value.prev_out_value, value.output_value, value.gate_value, value.reset_output_value, frame_size, active_node, origin_mode); } return; } else { int frame_per_block = frame_size <= 1024 ? frame_size : 1024; int frame_blocks = (frame_size + 1024 - 1) / 1024; threads = dim3(frame_per_block, 1); grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); } } else { threads = dim3(32, 32); grids = dim3((frame_size + 32 - 1) / 32, (batch_size + 32 - 1) / 32); } if (value.prev_out_value) { CHECK(blas->init(false, false, batch_size, frame_size * 2, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size * 2, frame_size * 3, context)); blas->run(1.0f, 1.0f, value.prev_out_value, value.gate_weight, value.gate_value, context); } lite::cuda::math::GruForwardResetOutput< T><<exec_stream()>>>( value.gate_value, value.reset_output_value, value.prev_out_value, frame_size, batch_size, active_gate, batch_size != 1); CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK; if (value.prev_out_value) { CHECK(blas->init(false, false, batch_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size * 3, context)); blas->run(1.0f, 1.0f, value.reset_output_value, value.state_weight, value.gate_value + frame_size * 2, context); } lite::cuda::math::GruForwardFinalOutput< T><<exec_stream()>>>(value.gate_value, value.prev_out_value, value.output_value, frame_size, batch_size, active_node, origin_mode, batch_size != 1); CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK; } }; template struct GRUUnitFunctor; template <> struct GRUUnitFunctor { static void compute(GRUMetaValue value, int frame_size, int batch_size, const lite::cuda::math::ActivationType& active_node, const lite::cuda::math::ActivationType& active_gate, bool origin_mode, lite::cuda::math::Gemm* blas, CUDAContext* context) { dim3 threads, grids; if (batch_size == 1) { int frame_per_block = frame_size <= 1024 ? frame_size : 1024; int frame_blocks = (frame_size + 1024 - 1) / 1024; threads = dim3(frame_per_block, 1); grids = dim3(frame_blocks, 1); } else { threads = dim3(32, 32); grids = dim3((frame_size + 32 - 1) / 32, (batch_size + 32 - 1) / 32); } if (value.prev_out_value) { CHECK(blas->init(false, false, batch_size, frame_size * 2, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size * 2, frame_size * 3, context)); blas->run(1.0f, 1.0f, value.prev_out_value, value.gate_weight, value.gate_value, context); } lite::cuda::math::GruForwardResetOutput< half><<exec_stream()>>>( value.gate_value, value.reset_output_value, value.prev_out_value, frame_size, batch_size, active_gate, batch_size == 1); CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK; if (value.prev_out_value) { CHECK(blas->init(false, false, batch_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size, frame_size * 3, context)); blas->run(1.0f, 1.0f, value.reset_output_value, value.state_weight, value.gate_value + frame_size * 2, context); } lite::cuda::math::GruForwardFinalOutput< half><<exec_stream()>>>( value.gate_value, value.prev_out_value, value.output_value, frame_size, batch_size, active_node, origin_mode, batch_size == 1); CUDA_POST_KERNEL_CHECK; } }; template void GRUCompute::PrepareForRun() { gemm_impl_.reset(new lite::cuda::math::Gemm); } template void GRUCompute::Run() { auto& context = this->ctx_->template As(); auto stream = context.exec_stream(); auto& param = this->template Param(); auto* input = param.input; lite::Tensor* h0{nullptr}; if (param.h0) { h0 = const_cast(param.h0); } lite::Tensor* bias{nullptr}; if (param.bias) { bias = const_cast(param.bias); } const lite::Tensor* weight = param.weight; T* weight_data = const_cast(weight->template data()); lite::Tensor* batch_gate = param.batch_gate; lite::Tensor* batch_reset_hidden_prev = param.batch_reset_hidden_prev; lite::Tensor* batch_hidden = param.batch_hidden; lite::Tensor* hidden = param.hidden; T* batch_reset_hidden_prev_data = batch_reset_hidden_prev->template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); hidden->template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); T* batch_gate_data = batch_gate->template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); T* batch_hidden_data = batch_hidden->template mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); bool is_reverse = param.is_reverse; auto active_node = lite::cuda::math::GetActiveType(param.activation); auto active_gate = lite::cuda::math::GetActiveType(param.gate_activation); bool origin_mode = param.origin_mode; auto hidden_dims = hidden->dims(); int frame_size = hidden_dims[1]; lite::cuda::math::LoDTensor2BatchFunctor batch_func; batch_func(*input, batch_gate, is_reverse, stream); if (bias) { lite::cuda::math::RowwiseAdd add_bias; add_bias(batch_gate_data, bias->template data(), batch_gate_data, frame_size, batch_gate->numel(), stream); } GRUMetaValue gru_value; gru_value.gate_weight = weight_data; gru_value.state_weight = weight_data + 2 * frame_size * frame_size; if (h0) { // Since the batch computing for GRU reorders the input sequences // according to their length. The initialized cell state also needs // to reorder. ordered_h0_.Resize(h0->dims()); lite::cuda::math::CopyMatrixRowsFunctor row_shuffle; row_shuffle(*h0, &ordered_h0_, batch_gate->lod()[2], true, stream); gru_value.prev_out_value = ordered_h0_.mutable_data(TARGET(kCUDA)); } else { gru_value.prev_out_value = nullptr; } auto batch_starts = batch_gate->lod()[0]; size_t num_batch = batch_starts.size() - 1; for (size_t n = 0; n < num_batch; ++n) { int bstart = static_cast(batch_starts[n]); int bend = static_cast(batch_starts[n + 1]); int cur_batch_size = bend - bstart; gru_value.output_value = batch_hidden_data + bstart * frame_size; gru_value.gate_value = batch_gate_data + bstart * frame_size * 3; gru_value.reset_output_value = batch_reset_hidden_prev_data + bstart * frame_size; GRUUnitFunctor::compute(gru_value, frame_size, cur_batch_size, active_node, active_gate, origin_mode, gemm_impl_.get(), &context); gru_value.prev_out_value = gru_value.output_value; } lite::cuda::math::Batch2LoDTensorFunctor to_seq; batch_hidden->set_lod(batch_gate->lod()); to_seq(*batch_hidden, hidden, stream); } } // namespace cuda } // namespace kernels } // namespace lite } // namespace paddle using GRUFp32 = paddle::lite::kernels::cuda::GRUCompute; using GRUFp16 = paddle::lite::kernels::cuda::GRUCompute; REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(gru, kCUDA, kFloat, kNCHW, GRUFp32, def) .BindInput("Input", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindInput("H0", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindInput("Weight", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindInput("Bias", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindOutput("BatchGate", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindOutput("BatchResetHiddenPrev", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindOutput("BatchHidden", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .BindOutput("Hidden", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA))}) .Finalize(); REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(gru, kCUDA, kFP16, kNCHW, GRUFp16, def) .BindInput("Input", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindInput("H0", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindInput("Weight", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindInput("Bias", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindOutput("BatchGate", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindOutput("BatchResetHiddenPrev", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindOutput("BatchHidden", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .BindOutput("Hidden", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kCUDA), PRECISION(kFP16))}) .Finalize();