// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_TESTING #include #endif // "all_kernel_faked.cc" and "kernel_src_map.h" are created automatically during // model_optimize_tool's compiling period #include "all_kernel_faked.cc" // NOLINT #include "kernel_src_map.h" // NOLINT #include "lite/api/cxx_api.h" #include "lite/api/paddle_api.h" #include "lite/api/paddle_use_ops.h" #include "lite/api/paddle_use_passes.h" #include "lite/core/op_registry.h" #include "lite/utils/cp_logging.h" #include "lite/utils/string.h" DEFINE_string(model_dir, "", "path of the model. This option will be ignored if model_file " "and param_file are exist"); DEFINE_string(model_filename, "", "model topo filename of the model in models set. This option" " will be used to specific tailoring"); DEFINE_string(param_filename, "", "model param filename of the model in models set. This option" " will be used to specific tailoring"); DEFINE_string(model_set_dir, "", "path of the models set. This option will be used to specific" " tailoring"); DEFINE_string(model_file, "", "model file path of the combined-param model"); DEFINE_string(param_file, "", "param file path of the combined-param model"); DEFINE_string( optimize_out_type, "protobuf", "store type of the output optimized model. protobuf/naive_buffer"); DEFINE_bool(display_kernels, false, "Display kernel information"); DEFINE_bool(record_tailoring_info, false, "Record kernels and operators information of the optimized model " "for tailoring compiling, information are stored into optimized " "model path as hidden files"); DEFINE_string(optimize_out, "", "path of the output optimized model"); DEFINE_string(valid_targets, "arm", "The targets this model optimized for, should be one of (arm, " "opencl, x86), splitted by space"); DEFINE_bool(prefer_int8_kernel, false, "Prefer to run model with int8 kernels"); namespace paddle { namespace lite_api { //! Display the kernel information. void DisplayKernels() { LOG(INFO) << ::paddle::lite::KernelRegistry::Global().DebugString(); } std::vector ParserValidPlaces() { std::vector valid_places; auto target_reprs = lite::Split(FLAGS_valid_targets, ","); for (auto& target_repr : target_reprs) { if (target_repr == "arm") { valid_places.emplace_back(TARGET(kARM)); } else if (target_repr == "opencl") { valid_places.emplace_back( Place{TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFP16), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)}); valid_places.emplace_back( Place{TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFP16), DATALAYOUT(kNHWC)}); valid_places.emplace_back( Place{TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)}); valid_places.emplace_back( Place{TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kNHWC)}); valid_places.emplace_back( TARGET(kARM)); // enable kARM CPU kernel when no opencl kernel } else if (target_repr == "x86") { valid_places.emplace_back(TARGET(kX86)); } else if (target_repr == "npu") { valid_places.emplace_back(TARGET(kNPU)); } else if (target_repr == "xpu") { valid_places.emplace_back(TARGET(kXPU)); } else { LOG(FATAL) << lite::string_format( "Wrong target '%s' found, please check the command flag " "'valid_targets'", target_repr.c_str()); } } CHECK(!valid_places.empty()) << "At least one target should be set, should set the " "command argument 'valid_targets'"; if (FLAGS_prefer_int8_kernel) { LOG(WARNING) << "Int8 mode is only support by ARM target"; valid_places.insert(valid_places.begin(), Place{TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt8)}); } return valid_places; } void RunOptimize(const std::string& model_dir, const std::string& model_file, const std::string& param_file, const std::string& optimize_out, const std::string& optimize_out_type, const std::vector& valid_places, bool record_tailoring_info) { if (!model_file.empty() && !param_file.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Load combined-param model. Option model_dir will be ignored"; } lite_api::CxxConfig config; config.set_model_dir(model_dir); config.set_model_file(model_file); config.set_param_file(param_file); config.set_valid_places(valid_places); auto predictor = lite_api::CreatePaddlePredictor(config); LiteModelType model_type; if (optimize_out_type == "protobuf") { model_type = LiteModelType::kProtobuf; } else if (optimize_out_type == "naive_buffer") { model_type = LiteModelType::kNaiveBuffer; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported Model type :" << optimize_out_type; } OpKernelInfoCollector::Global().SetKernel2path(kernel2path_map); predictor->SaveOptimizedModel( optimize_out, model_type, record_tailoring_info); if (record_tailoring_info) { LOG(INFO) << "Record the information of tailored model into :" << optimize_out; } } void CollectModelMetaInfo(const std::string& output_dir, const std::vector& models, const std::string& filename) { std::set total; for (const auto& name : models) { std::string model_path = lite::Join({output_dir, name, filename}, "/"); auto lines = lite::ReadLines(model_path); total.insert(lines.begin(), lines.end()); } std::string output_path = lite::Join({output_dir, filename}, "/"); lite::WriteLines(std::vector(total.begin(), total.end()), output_path); } void Main() { if (FLAGS_display_kernels) { DisplayKernels(); exit(0); } auto valid_places = ParserValidPlaces(); if (FLAGS_model_set_dir == "") { RunOptimize(FLAGS_model_dir, FLAGS_model_file, FLAGS_param_file, FLAGS_optimize_out, FLAGS_optimize_out_type, valid_places, FLAGS_record_tailoring_info); return; } if (!FLAGS_record_tailoring_info) { LOG(WARNING) << "--model_set_dir option only be used with " "--record_tailoring_info=true together"; return; } auto model_dirs = lite::ListDir(FLAGS_model_set_dir, true); if (model_dirs.size() == 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "[" << FLAGS_model_set_dir << "] does not contain any model"; } // Optimize models in FLAGS_model_set_dir for (const auto& name : model_dirs) { std::string input_model_dir = lite::Join({FLAGS_model_set_dir, name}, "/"); std::string output_model_dir = lite::Join({FLAGS_optimize_out, name}, "/"); std::string model_file = ""; std::string param_file = ""; if (FLAGS_model_filename != "" && FLAGS_param_filename != "") { model_file = lite::Join({input_model_dir, FLAGS_model_filename}, "/"); param_file = lite::Join({input_model_dir, FLAGS_param_filename}, "/"); } LOG(INFO) << "Start optimize model: " << input_model_dir; RunOptimize(input_model_dir, model_file, param_file, output_model_dir, FLAGS_optimize_out_type, valid_places, FLAGS_record_tailoring_info); LOG(INFO) << "Optimize done. "; } // Collect all models information CollectModelMetaInfo( FLAGS_optimize_out, model_dirs, lite::TAILORD_OPS_SOURCE_LIST_FILENAME); CollectModelMetaInfo( FLAGS_optimize_out, model_dirs, lite::TAILORD_OPS_LIST_NAME); CollectModelMetaInfo(FLAGS_optimize_out, model_dirs, lite::TAILORD_KERNELS_SOURCE_LIST_FILENAME); CollectModelMetaInfo( FLAGS_optimize_out, model_dirs, lite::TAILORD_KERNELS_LIST_NAME); } } // namespace lite_api } // namespace paddle int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, false); paddle::lite_api::Main(); return 0; }