// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #pragma once #include #include #include #include "lite/core/framework.pb.h" #include "lite/core/program.h" #include "lite/core/target_wrapper.h" #include "lite/core/tensor.h" #include "lite/model_parser/compatible_pb.h" #include "lite/model_parser/cpp/op_desc.h" #include "lite/model_parser/desc_apis.h" #include "lite/model_parser/pb/op_desc.h" #include "lite/utils/all.h" namespace paddle { namespace lite { namespace gencode { struct TensorRepr { TensorRepr() = default; TensorRepr(PrecisionType dtype, const std::vector &ddim, void *raw_data, size_t num_bytes) : dtype(dtype), ddim(ddim), raw_data(raw_data), num_bytes(num_bytes) {} PrecisionType dtype; lite::DDim ddim; const void *raw_data; size_t num_bytes{}; }; class Module { std::vector ops; std::vector weights; std::vector tmp_vars_; STL::stringstream stream_; std::set kernel_kinds_; std::set op_kinds_; int line_indent_{}; const int indent_unit_{2}; public: void NewOp(const cpp::OpDesc &desc) { ops.push_back(desc); } void NewWeight(const TensorRepr &x) { weights.push_back(x); } void NewTmpVar(const std::string &x) { tmp_vars_.push_back(x); } STL::stringstream &stream() { return stream_; } void AddHeaderIncludeGenCode(); void AddNamespaceBegin() { Line("namespace paddle {"); Line("namespace gencode{"); Line(""); } void AddNamespaceEnd() { Line(""); Line("} // namespace gencode"); Line("} // namespace paddle"); } void AddInitFuncBegin() { Line("void PaddlePredictor::Init() {"); Line(""); IncIndent(); } void AddInitFuncEnd() { DecIndent(); Line(""); Line("}"); } void AddScopeDecl() { Line("lite::Scope* scope = static_cast(raw_scope_);"); // clang-format off Line("lite::Scope* exec_scope = static_cast(raw_exe_scope_);"); // NOLINT // clang-format on // Create feed and fetch in exec_scope. Line(string_format("exec_scope->Var(%s);", Repr("feed").c_str())); Line(string_format("exec_scope->Var(%s);", Repr("fetch").c_str())); } void AddValidPlaceDecl() { // clang-format off Line("std::vector valid_places({lite::Place({TARGET(kX86), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)}), lite::Place({TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kAny)})});"); // NOLINT // clang-format on } void AddMemberCast() { Line("// Cast the raw members"); // clang-format off Line(string_format("auto& ops = *static_cast>*>(raw_ops_);")); // NOLINT Line(string_format("auto& kernels = *static_cast>*>(raw_kernels_);")); // NOLINT // clang-format on Line(""); } void AddWeight(const std::string &name, const TensorRepr &tensor); void AddTmpVar(const std::string &x) { Line(string_format("// Create temporary variable: %s", x.c_str())); Line(string_format("exec_scope->Var(%s);", Repr(x).c_str())); Line(""); } void AddOp(const cpp::OpDesc &op); void AddOpDescHelper(const std::string &op_id, const cpp::OpDesc &desc); void AddOpCompileDeps() { Line(""); Line("// Add Operator compile deps"); for (auto &op_type : op_kinds_) { Line(string_format("USE_LITE_OP(%s)", op_type.c_str())); } Line(""); } void AddKernelCompileDeps() { Line("// Add Kernel compile deps"); std::string op_type, alias; Place place; for (auto &kernel_type : kernel_kinds_) { KernelBase::ParseKernelType(kernel_type, &op_type, &alias, &place); Line(string_format("USE_LITE_KERNEL(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", // op_type.c_str(), // TargetRepr(place.target).c_str(), PrecisionRepr(place.precision).c_str(), DataLayoutRepr(place.layout).c_str(), alias.c_str())); } } private: std::string WeightUniqueName() const { return "w_" + std::to_string(weight_counter_++); } std::string TmpVarUniqueName() const { return "tmp_" + std::to_string(tmp_var_counter_++); } std::string OpUniqueName() const { return "op_" + std::to_string(op_counter_++); } std::string KernelUniqueName() const { return "kernel_" + std::to_string(kernel_counter_++); } std::string DataRepr(const std::string &raw_data, PrecisionType dtype); void IncIndent() { line_indent_++; } void DecIndent() { line_indent_--; } void Line(const std::string &x) { std::string indent_str(line_indent_ * indent_unit_, ' '); stream() << indent_str << x << "\n"; } private: mutable int weight_counter_{}; mutable int tmp_var_counter_{}; mutable int op_counter_{}; mutable int kernel_counter_{}; }; class ProgramCodeGenerator { public: ProgramCodeGenerator(const framework::proto::ProgramDesc &program, const lite::Scope &exec_scope) : program_(program), exec_scope_(exec_scope) {} std::string GenCode() { Module m; m.AddHeaderIncludeGenCode(); m.AddNamespaceBegin(); m.AddInitFuncBegin(); m.AddMemberCast(); m.AddScopeDecl(); m.AddValidPlaceDecl(); AddWeights(&m); AddTmpVars(&m); AddOps(&m); m.AddInitFuncEnd(); m.AddNamespaceEnd(); m.AddOpCompileDeps(); m.AddKernelCompileDeps(); return m.stream().str(); } void AddWeights(Module *m) { for (auto &var : program_.blocks(0).vars()) { if (var.persistable()) { auto name = var.name(); if (name == "feed" || name == "fetch") continue; const auto &tensor = exec_scope_.FindVar(name)->Get(); TensorRepr repr; TensorToRepr(tensor, &repr); m->AddWeight(name, repr); } } } void AddTmpVars(Module *m) { for (auto &var : program_.blocks(0).vars()) { if (!var.persistable()) { m->AddTmpVar(var.name()); } } } void AddOps(Module *m) { for (auto &pb_op : program_.blocks(0).ops()) { auto op = pb_op; lite::pb::OpDesc pb_desc(&op); lite::cpp::OpDesc cpp_desc; TransformOpDescAnyToCpp(pb_desc, &cpp_desc); m->AddOp(cpp_desc); } } private: void TensorToRepr(const lite::Tensor &tensor, TensorRepr *repr) { repr->ddim = tensor.dims(); // TODO(Superjomn) support other types. repr->dtype = PRECISION(kFloat); repr->raw_data = tensor.data(); repr->num_bytes = repr->ddim.production() * sizeof(float); } private: const framework::proto::ProgramDesc &program_; const lite::Scope &exec_scope_; }; } // namespace gencode } // namespace lite } // namespace paddle