// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "lite/api/cxx_api.h" #include #include #include #include #include "lite/utils/io.h" namespace paddle { namespace lite { void Predictor::SaveModel(const std::string &dir, lite_api::LiteModelType model_type) { if (!program_) { GenRuntimeProgram(); } program_->SaveOpInfosToProgram(&program_desc_); program_->UpdateVarsOfProgram(&program_desc_); switch (model_type) { case lite_api::LiteModelType::kProtobuf: SaveModelPb(dir, *program_->exec_scope(), program_desc_, true); break; case lite_api::LiteModelType::kNaiveBuffer: SaveModelNaive(dir, *program_->exec_scope(), program_desc_); break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown model type"; } } lite::Tensor *Predictor::GetInput(size_t offset) { auto *_feed_list = exec_scope_->FindVar("feed"); CHECK(_feed_list) << "no feed variable in exec_scope"; auto *feed_list = _feed_list->GetMutable>(); if (offset >= feed_list->size()) { feed_list->resize(offset + 1); } return &feed_list->at(offset); } // get inputs names std::vector Predictor::GetInputNames() { std::vector input_names; for (auto &item : input_names_) { input_names.push_back(item.second); } return input_names; } // get outputnames std::vector Predictor::GetOutputNames() { std::vector output_names; for (auto &item : output_names_) { output_names.push_back(item.second); } return output_names; } // append the names of inputs and outputs into input_names_ and output_names_ void Predictor::PrepareFeedFetch() { auto current_block = program_desc_.GetBlock(0); for (int i = 0; i < current_block->OpsSize(); i++) { auto op = current_block->GetOp(i); if (op->Type() == "feed") { int idx = op->GetAttr("col"); input_names_[idx] = op->Output("Out").front(); idx2feeds_[op->Output("Out").front()] = idx; } else if (op->Type() == "fetch") { int idx = op->GetAttr("col"); output_names_[idx] = op->Input("X").front(); } } } const lite::Tensor *Predictor::GetOutput(size_t offset) const { auto *_fetch_list = exec_scope_->FindVar("fetch"); CHECK(_fetch_list) << "no fatch variable in exec_scope"; auto &fetch_list = *_fetch_list->GetMutable>(); CHECK_LT(offset, fetch_list.size()) << "offset " << offset << " overflow"; return &fetch_list.at(offset); } const std::vector *Predictor::GetOutputs() const { auto *_fetch_list = exec_scope_->FindVar("fetch"); CHECK(_fetch_list) << "no fatch variable in exec_scope"; auto &fetch_list = *_fetch_list->GetMutable>(); return &fetch_list; } const cpp::ProgramDesc &Predictor::program_desc() const { return program_desc_; } const RuntimeProgram &Predictor::runtime_program() const { return *program_; } void Predictor::Build(const lite_api::CxxConfig &config, const std::vector &valid_places, const std::vector &passes, lite_api::LiteModelType model_type) { const std::string &model_path = config.model_dir(); const std::string &model_file = config.model_file(); const std::string ¶m_file = config.param_file(); const bool model_from_memory = config.model_from_memory(); LOG(INFO) << "load from memory " << model_from_memory; Build(model_path, model_file, param_file, valid_places, passes, model_type, model_from_memory); } void Predictor::Build(const std::string &model_path, const std::string &model_file, const std::string ¶m_file, const std::vector &valid_places, const std::vector &passes, lite_api::LiteModelType model_type, bool model_from_memory) { switch (model_type) { case lite_api::LiteModelType::kProtobuf: { bool combined_param = false; if (!model_file.empty() && !param_file.empty()) { combined_param = true; } LoadModelPb(model_path, model_file, param_file, scope_.get(), &program_desc_, combined_param, model_from_memory); } break; case lite_api::LiteModelType::kNaiveBuffer: CHECK(!model_path.empty()) << "NaiveBuffer backend only supported combined param"; LoadModelNaive(model_path, scope_.get(), &program_desc_); break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown model type"; } Build(program_desc_, valid_places, passes); } void Predictor::Build(const cpp::ProgramDesc &desc, const std::vector &valid_places, const std::vector &passes) { program_desc_ = desc; std::vector inner_places = valid_places; inner_places.emplace_back(TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kAny)); inner_places.emplace_back( TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)); Program program(desc, scope_, inner_places); /// The first place in valid_places is core::KernelPickFactor factor; factor.ConsiderTarget(); factor.ConsiderPrecision(); factor.ConsiderDataLayout(); optimizer_.Run(std::move(program), inner_places, factor, passes); exec_scope_ = optimizer_.exec_scope(); } void Predictor::GenRuntimeProgram() { program_ = optimizer_.GenRuntimeProgram(); CHECK_EQ(exec_scope_, program_->exec_scope()); program_generated_ = true; } const lite::Tensor *Predictor::GetTensor(const std::string &name) const { auto *var = exec_scope_->FindVar(name); return &var->Get(); } // get input by name lite::Tensor *Predictor::GetInputByName(const std::string &name) { if (idx2feeds_.find(name) == idx2feeds_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Model do not have input named with: [" << name << "], model's inputs include:"; for (int i = 0; i < input_names_.size(); i++) { LOG(ERROR) << "[" << input_names_[i] << "]"; } return NULL; } else { int idx = idx2feeds_[name]; return GetInput(idx); } } #ifdef LITE_WITH_TRAIN void Predictor::FeedVars(const std::vector &tensors) { auto var = scope_->FindVar("feed"); auto &feed_list = *(var->GetMutable>()); feed_list.resize(tensors.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < tensors.size(); ++i) feed_list[i].ShareDataWith(tensors[i]); } #endif } // namespace lite } // namespace paddle