// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "lite/backends/opencl/target_wrapper.h" #include "lite/core/op_registry.h" #include "lite/core/tensor.h" #include "lite/kernels/opencl/image_helper.h" namespace paddle { namespace lite { template void sigmoid_compute_ref(const dtype *x_data, const DDim &x_dim, dtype *out_data) { for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.production(); ++i) { out_data[i] = 1 / (1 + expf(-x_data[i])); } } // buffer #if 0 // sigmoid_buffer TEST(opencl_sigmoid_buffer, compute) { // prepare data const DDim x_dim = DDim(std::vector{3, 6, 10, 10}); lite::Tensor x, out; x.Resize(x_dim); out.Resize(x_dim); auto *x_data = x.mutable_data(TARGET(kOpenCL)); std::default_random_engine engine; std::uniform_real_distribution dist(-10, 10); auto *mapped_x = static_cast( TargetWrapperCL::Map(x_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.production(); i++) { mapped_x[i] = dist(engine); } // set param and kernel, then run operators::ActivationParam param; param.X = &x; param.Out = &out; std::unique_ptr context(new KernelContext); context->As().InitOnce(); auto kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create( "sigmoid", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)); ASSERT_FALSE(kernels.empty()); auto kernel = std::move(kernels.front()); kernel->SetParam(param); std::unique_ptr sigmoid_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(sigmoid_context->As())); kernel->SetContext(std::move(sigmoid_context)); kernel->Launch(); auto *wait_list = context->As().cl_wait_list(); auto *out_ptr = param.Out->data(); auto it = wait_list->find(out_ptr); if (it != wait_list->end()) { VLOG(4) << "--- Find the sync event for the target cl tensor. ---"; auto &event = *(it->second); event.wait(); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find the sync event for the target cl tensor."; } // run compute ref and check std::unique_ptr out_ref(new float[x_dim.production()]); sigmoid_compute_ref(mapped_x, x_dim, out_ref.get()); auto *out_data = out.mutable_data(); auto *mapped_out = static_cast( TargetWrapperCL::Map(out_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.production(); i++) { EXPECT_NEAR(mapped_out[i], out_ref[i], 1e-6); } TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(out_data, mapped_out); TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(x_data, mapped_x); } #endif // sigmoid_buffer #define LOOP_TEST // #define PRINT_RESULT TEST(sigmoid_image2d_fp32, compute) { LOG(INFO) << "main steps of test: host -> layout(buf2img) -> sigmoid(img) -> " "layout(img2buf) " "-> host"; #ifdef LOOP_TEST for (int n = 1; n <= 9; n += 3) { for (auto c : {1, 3, 9}) { for (int h = 12; h <= 100; h += 13) { for (int w = 12; w <= 100; w += 25) { #else const int n = 3; const int c = 9; const int h = 51; const int w = 11; #endif // LOOP_TEST LOG(INFO) << "======== input shape[n,c,h,w]:" << n << " " << c << " " << h << " " << w << " ========"; // set layout kernels auto buf_to_img_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create("layout", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kImageDefault)); auto img_to_buf_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create( "layout", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)); auto sigmoid_img_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create("sigmoid", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFloat), DATALAYOUT(kImageDefault)); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_to_img_kernels.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_to_img_kernels.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(sigmoid_img_kernels.empty()); auto buf_to_img_kernel = std::move(buf_to_img_kernels.front()); auto img_to_buf_kernel = std::move(img_to_buf_kernels.front()); auto sigmoid_img_kernel = std::move(sigmoid_img_kernels.front()); LOG(INFO) << "get 1st kernel: " << buf_to_img_kernel->doc(); LOG(INFO) << "get 2nd kernel: " << img_to_buf_kernel->doc(); LOG(INFO) << "get 3rd kernel: " << sigmoid_img_kernel->doc(); // set tensors about op param LOG(INFO) << "set tensors about op param"; // layout(buf->img): x -> sigmoid_in // sigmoid(img): sigmoid_in -> sigmoid_out // layout(img->buf): sigmoid_out -> y lite::Tensor x, y, sigmoid_in, sigmoid_out, y_ref; operators::LayoutParam BufferToImageParam; operators::LayoutParam ImageToBufferParam; BufferToImageParam.x = &x; BufferToImageParam.y = &sigmoid_in; ImageToBufferParam.x = &sigmoid_out; ImageToBufferParam.y = &y; operators::ActivationParam SigmoidParam; SigmoidParam.X = &sigmoid_in; SigmoidParam.Out = &sigmoid_out; const DDim x_dim = DDim(std::vector{n, c, h, w}); x.Resize(x_dim); y.Resize(x_dim); sigmoid_in.Resize(x_dim); sigmoid_out.Resize(x_dim); y_ref.Resize(x_dim); auto sigmoid_image2d_shape = paddle::lite::kernels::opencl::InitImageDimInfoWith(x_dim); // initialize tensors LOG(INFO) << "initialize tensors"; auto *x_data = x.mutable_data(TARGET(kOpenCL)); auto *y_data = y.mutable_data(TARGET(kOpenCL)); auto *y_data_ref = y_ref.mutable_data(TARGET(kARM)); auto *mapped_x = static_cast(TargetWrapperCL::Map( x_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); auto *mapped_y = static_cast(TargetWrapperCL::Map( y_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); std::default_random_engine engine; std::uniform_real_distribution dist(-1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.production(); ++i) { mapped_x[i] = static_cast(dist(engine)); } auto *sigmoid_in_data = sigmoid_in.mutable_data( sigmoid_image2d_shape["width"], sigmoid_image2d_shape["height"]); auto *sigmoid_out_data = sigmoid_out.mutable_data( sigmoid_image2d_shape["width"], sigmoid_image2d_shape["height"]); // set context and kernel args LOG(INFO) << "set context and kernel args"; std::unique_ptr context(new KernelContext); context->As().InitOnce(); buf_to_img_kernel->SetParam(BufferToImageParam); std::unique_ptr buf_to_img_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(buf_to_img_context->As())); buf_to_img_kernel->SetContext(std::move(buf_to_img_context)); img_to_buf_kernel->SetParam(ImageToBufferParam); std::unique_ptr img_to_buf_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(img_to_buf_context->As())); img_to_buf_kernel->SetContext(std::move(img_to_buf_context)); sigmoid_img_kernel->SetParam(SigmoidParam); std::unique_ptr sigmoid_img_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(sigmoid_img_context->As())); sigmoid_img_kernel->SetContext(std::move(sigmoid_img_context)); // run kernels LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: buf_to_img_kernel"; buf_to_img_kernel->Launch(); LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: relu_img_kernel"; sigmoid_img_kernel->Launch(); LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: img_to_buf_kernel"; img_to_buf_kernel->Launch(); // compute ref cpu sigmoid_compute_ref(mapped_x, x_dim, y_data_ref); // result #ifdef PRINT_RESULT LOG(INFO) << "---- print kernel result (input -> output) ----"; for (int eidx = 0; eidx < x_dim.production(); ++eidx) { std::cout << mapped_x[eidx] << " -> " << mapped_y[eidx] << std::endl; } #endif // PRINT_RESULT // check result: compare kernel output and cpu output(y_data_ref) for (int eidx = 0; eidx < x_dim.production(); eidx++) { EXPECT_NEAR(y_data_ref[eidx], mapped_y[eidx], 1e-6); if (abs(y_data_ref[eidx] - mapped_y[eidx]) > 1e-6) { LOG(INFO) << "1st diff in this case at eidx[from 0]:" << eidx << " / " << x_dim.production() << ", y_data_ref[" << eidx << "]:" << y_data_ref[eidx] << ", mapped_y[" << eidx << "]:" << mapped_y[eidx] << ", mapped_x[" << eidx << "]: " << mapped_x[eidx]; break; } } // free LOG(INFO) << "free: unmap x, y"; TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(x_data, mapped_x); TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(y_data, mapped_y); #ifdef LOOP_TEST } // w } // h } // c } // n #else // nothing to do. #endif } #define SIGMOID_FP16_LOOP_TEST // #define SIGMOID_FP16_PRINT_RESULT TEST(sigmoid_image2d_fp16, compute) { LOG(INFO) << "main steps of test: host -> layout(buf2img) -> sigmoid(img) -> " "layout(img2buf) " "-> host"; #ifdef SIGMOID_FP16_LOOP_TEST for (int n = 1; n <= 100; n += 33) { for (auto c : {1, 3}) { for (int h = 12; h <= 100; h += 13) { for (int w = 12; w <= 100; w += 25) { #else const int n = 1; const int c = 2; const int h = 3; const int w = 4; #endif // SIGMOID_FP16_LOOP_TEST LOG(INFO) << "======== input shape[n,c,h,w]:" << n << " " << c << " " << h << " " << w << " ========"; // set layout kernels auto buf_to_img_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create("layout", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kImageDefault)); auto img_to_buf_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create( "layout", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kAny), DATALAYOUT(kNCHW)); auto sigmoid_img_kernels = KernelRegistry::Global().Create("sigmoid", TARGET(kOpenCL), PRECISION(kFP16), DATALAYOUT(kImageDefault)); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_to_img_kernels.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf_to_img_kernels.empty()); ASSERT_FALSE(sigmoid_img_kernels.empty()); auto buf_to_img_kernel = std::move(buf_to_img_kernels.front()); auto img_to_buf_kernel = std::move(img_to_buf_kernels.front()); auto sigmoid_img_kernel = std::move(sigmoid_img_kernels.front()); LOG(INFO) << "get 1st kernel: " << buf_to_img_kernel->doc(); LOG(INFO) << "get 2nd kernel: " << img_to_buf_kernel->doc(); LOG(INFO) << "get 3rd kernel: " << sigmoid_img_kernel->doc(); // set tensors about op param LOG(INFO) << "set tensors about op param"; // layout(buf->img): x -> sigmoid_in // sigmoid(img): sigmoid_in -> sigmoid_out // layout(img->buf): sigmoid_out -> y lite::Tensor x, y, sigmoid_in, sigmoid_out, y_ref; operators::LayoutParam BufferToImageParam; operators::LayoutParam ImageToBufferParam; BufferToImageParam.x = &x; BufferToImageParam.y = &sigmoid_in; ImageToBufferParam.x = &sigmoid_out; ImageToBufferParam.y = &y; operators::ActivationParam SigmoidParam; SigmoidParam.X = &sigmoid_in; SigmoidParam.Out = &sigmoid_out; const DDim x_dim = DDim(std::vector{n, c, h, w}); x.Resize(x_dim); y.Resize(x_dim); sigmoid_in.Resize(x_dim); sigmoid_out.Resize(x_dim); y_ref.Resize(x_dim); auto sigmoid_image2d_shape = paddle::lite::kernels::opencl::InitImageDimInfoWith(x_dim); // initialize tensors LOG(INFO) << "initialize tensors"; auto *x_data = x.mutable_data(TARGET(kOpenCL)); auto *y_data = y.mutable_data(TARGET(kOpenCL)); auto *y_data_ref = y_ref.mutable_data(TARGET(kARM)); auto *mapped_x = static_cast(TargetWrapperCL::Map( x_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); auto *mapped_y = static_cast(TargetWrapperCL::Map( y_data, 0, sizeof(float) * x_dim.production())); std::default_random_engine engine; std::uniform_real_distribution dist(-1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.production(); ++i) { mapped_x[i] = static_cast(dist(engine)); } auto *sigmoid_in_data = sigmoid_in.mutable_data( sigmoid_image2d_shape["width"], sigmoid_image2d_shape["height"]); auto *sigmoid_out_data = sigmoid_out.mutable_data( sigmoid_image2d_shape["width"], sigmoid_image2d_shape["height"]); // set context and kernel args LOG(INFO) << "set context and kernel args"; std::unique_ptr context(new KernelContext); context->As().InitOnce(); buf_to_img_kernel->SetParam(BufferToImageParam); std::unique_ptr buf_to_img_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(buf_to_img_context->As())); buf_to_img_kernel->SetContext(std::move(buf_to_img_context)); img_to_buf_kernel->SetParam(ImageToBufferParam); std::unique_ptr img_to_buf_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(img_to_buf_context->As())); img_to_buf_kernel->SetContext(std::move(img_to_buf_context)); sigmoid_img_kernel->SetParam(SigmoidParam); std::unique_ptr sigmoid_img_context(new KernelContext); context->As().CopySharedTo( &(sigmoid_img_context->As())); sigmoid_img_kernel->SetContext(std::move(sigmoid_img_context)); // run kernels LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: buf_to_img_kernel"; buf_to_img_kernel->Launch(); LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: sigmoid_img_kernel"; sigmoid_img_kernel->Launch(); LOG(INFO) << "run kernel: img_to_buf_kernel"; img_to_buf_kernel->Launch(); // compute ref cpu sigmoid_compute_ref(mapped_x, x_dim, y_data_ref); // result #ifdef SIGMOID_FP16_PRINT_RESULT LOG(INFO) << "---- print kernel result (input -> output) ----"; for (int eidx = 0; eidx < x_dim.production(); ++eidx) { std::cout << mapped_x[eidx] << " -> " << mapped_y[eidx] << std::endl; } #endif // SIGMOID_FP16_PRINT_RESULT // check result: compare kernel output and cpu output(y_data_ref) for (int eidx = 0; eidx < x_dim.production(); eidx++) { EXPECT_NEAR(y_data_ref[eidx], mapped_y[eidx], 1e-3); if (abs(y_data_ref[eidx] - mapped_y[eidx]) > 1e-3) { LOG(INFO) << "1st diff in this case at eidx[from 0]:" << eidx << " / " << x_dim.production() << ", y_data_ref[" << eidx << "]: " << y_data_ref[eidx] << ", mapped_y[" << eidx << "]: " << mapped_y[eidx] << ", mapped_x[" << eidx << "]: " << mapped_x[eidx]; break; } } // free LOG(INFO) << "free: unmap x, y"; TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(x_data, mapped_x); TargetWrapperCL::Unmap(y_data, mapped_y); #ifdef SIGMOID_FP16_LOOP_TEST } // w } // h } // c } // n #else // nothing to do. #endif } } // namespace lite } // namespace paddle // sigmoid buffer // USE_LITE_KERNEL(sigmoid, kOpenCL, kFloat, kNCHW, def); // sigmoid image2d fp32 USE_LITE_KERNEL(layout, kOpenCL, kAny, kImageDefault, NCHW_to_ImageDefault); USE_LITE_KERNEL(layout, kOpenCL, kAny, kNCHW, ImageDefault_to_NCHW); USE_LITE_KERNEL(sigmoid, kOpenCL, kFloat, kImageDefault, ImageDefault); // sigmoid image2d fp16 USE_LITE_KERNEL(sigmoid, kOpenCL, kFP16, kImageDefault, ImageDefault);