- 15 11月, 2019 1 次提交
由 baolei.an 提交于
2. [bm] finish build related files
- 12 11月, 2019 3 次提交
由 baolei.an 提交于
由 HappyAngel 提交于
* add cv image process * fix arm liunx build error * add LITE_WITH_CV defien to make cv, test=develop * fix cv format, annd add describe in utils/cv * delete some Meaningless comments, test=develop * set LITE_WITH_CV=OFF in build.sh, test=develop * delete cv_enum.h in utils/cv, push the contents in cv_ennum.h to paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop * according to reviews to redefine paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop * add detailed note of flipParam, test=develop * fix format in paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop * fix error when build x86. test=develop * lite_with_X86 does not contain lite_with_cv
由 juncaipeng 提交于
* update concat and unsqueeze, test=develop
- 11 11月, 2019 2 次提交
由 Pei Yang 提交于
add cuda kernel:lookup table
由 HappyAngel 提交于
* fix pooling bug and speed * fix build error * delete VLOG in pool, test=develop * add openmp, test=develop * fix lite/kernels/arm/pool_compute_test basic_pooling compute error bug, test=develop
- 08 11月, 2019 3 次提交
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
* move multiclass_nms kernel back to host test=develop * move layer_norm OP and arm_kernel into extra type since it's added after release/v2.0-beta1 and not related with CV test=develop * fix code_style test=develop
由 juncaipeng 提交于
由 hong19860320 提交于
[LITE][NPU] Add fusion_elementwise_add_activation bridge, remove the limitation of the dimensions of input tensors in the graph compute kernel, and refine log message (#2395) test=develop
- 07 11月, 2019 4 次提交
由 Wilber 提交于
fix jit::matmul bug. Input x shape is (m, k), weight shape is (k, n). When k < 512, m==1, and n is a multiple of 16, the weight pointer is not correctly updated in the group calculation in the implementation of jit::matmul, resulting in the result diff
由 TianXiaogang 提交于
mv deviceinfo.workspace and other relative member to thread_local_storage
由 Yuan Shuai 提交于
* Add CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE check for strip. test=develop
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
We have changed 11 arm_kernels into extra type in #2347 , which has caused test_compiling failure. In this PR , we move their 11 related arm_kernel_test into build_extra=ON
- 06 11月, 2019 6 次提交
由 juncaipeng 提交于
* add channel_wise_dequantized_max_abs op and ChannelWiseDequantOpFuser, test=develop
由 Wilber 提交于
update reshape op to support multiple input types of shape. priority: input(ShapeTensor) > input(Shape) > attr(shape) update slice op to support multiple iput types of starts and ends. priority: input(StartsTensor) > input(StartsTensorList) > attr(starts)
由 Wilber 提交于
fill_constant kernel only registered float type, only the float data type is produced, which is obviously a bug. Now, produce data based on the data type attr. By the way, fix the cast kernel bug.
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
由 sangoly 提交于
由 TianXiaogang 提交于
* fix: fix omp thread bug * fix: fix compile android level & test=develop * fix: fix omp bug * fix: fix omp bug test=develop
- 05 11月, 2019 3 次提交
由 zhupengyang 提交于
由 sangoly 提交于
由 lijianshe02 提交于
* fix step rnn model run bugs test=develop
- 04 11月, 2019 1 次提交
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
* move some basic ops into extra type to reduce library size test=develop (#2347)
- 01 11月, 2019 7 次提交
由 juncaipeng 提交于
由 zhupengyang 提交于
* [XPU] add batchnorm op bridge and unit test test=develop * fix DMLC_USE_GLOG test=develop
由 liu zhengxi 提交于
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
fix buf: model_optimize_tool can not compile preperly on mac environment (#2326)
由 石晓伟 提交于
由 TianXiaogang 提交于
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
* fix model_opt_tool bug : judge WITH_MKL to choose whether to compile MKL test=develop
- 31 10月, 2019 4 次提交
由 Yuan Shuai 提交于
* Fix conv bn bug. test=develop * Fix bug in pattern_matcher. test=develop
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
Fix compiling bug in android_armv7_demo : cxx demo can not compile properly because demo' android version is different from that of library file (#2308) link armv7 demo to android-23 to make sure the demo can compile properly cxx demo can not compile properly because demo' android version is different from that of library file, we fix this bug by linking armv7 demo to android-23
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
Add 'inference' folder into build.lite.x86, 'inference' folder contains head files、library files and demo of x86 compiling (#2301) Add inference folder into build.lite.x86, build.lite.x86/inference folder contains head files、library files and demo of x86 compiling
由 liu zhengxi 提交于
* alter the unit tests api for googlenet, resnet50, inceptionv4, mobilenetv1, mobilenetv2 and thier corresponding cmake, test=develop * disable checks and correct some incorrect statement, test=develop
- 30 10月, 2019 5 次提交
由 Yuan Shuai 提交于
* [LOG] macro for vlog. test=develop
由 zhupengyang 提交于
由 hong19860320 提交于
由 Xiaoyang LI 提交于
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
* we can build x86 dynamic library by `build.sh x86`
- 29 10月, 2019 1 次提交
由 huzhiqiang 提交于
remove dynamic library compiling from `ci_build.sh build_test_server`