提交 f32e2164 编写于 作者: L liuruilong

modify test conv op

上级 a4385039
......@@ -224,6 +224,18 @@ const framework::Program<Dtype, P> Loader<Dtype, P>::Load(
for (const auto &var : block.vars()) {
if (var.type().type() == framework::proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR) {
LOG(kLOG_DEBUG1) << "var name: " << var.name();
const framework::proto::VarType::TensorDesc &tensor_desc =
LOG(kLOG_DEBUG2) << "in var tensor desc dims size: "
<< tensor_desc.dims().size();
for (int l = 0; l < tensor_desc.dims().size(); ++l) {
LOG(kLOG_DEBUG3) << "var tensor desc dim " << l
<< " value: " << tensor_desc.dims()[l];
if (var.persistable() &&
var.type().type() != framework::proto::VarType::FEED_MINIBATCH &&
var.type().type() != framework::proto::VarType::FETCH_LIST) {
......@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ int main() {
executor(program, "conv2d");
paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor input;
SetupTensor<float>(&input, {1, 3, 32, 32}, static_cast<float>(0),
auto out_ddim = paddle_mobile::framework::make_ddim({1, 64, 56, 56});
GetInput<float>(g_test_image_1x3x224x224, &input, {1, 3, 224, 224});
auto out_ddim = paddle_mobile::framework::make_ddim({1, 64, 112, 112});
auto output = executor.predict(input, "data", "conv2d_0.tmp_0", out_ddim);
auto output_ptr = output->data<float>();
......@@ -60,3 +60,14 @@ void GetInput(const std::string &input_name, std::vector<T> *input,
template <typename T>
void GetInput(const std::string &input_name, paddle_mobile::framework::Tensor *input,
paddle_mobile::framework::DDim dims) {
T *input_ptr = input->mutable_data<T>(dims);
std::ifstream in(input_name, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
in.read((char *)(input_ptr), input->numel() * sizeof(T));
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