提交 d7f67c5c 编写于 作者: Z zhupengyang

fix conv_elemetwise_fuse when elemetwise_bias need broadcast

上级 ddc1b571
......@@ -92,6 +92,27 @@ void ConvElementwiseFuser::InsertNewNode(SSAGraph* graph,
auto elementwise_add_bias_d =
auto conv_bias_size = conv_bias_t->numel();
auto elemetwise_bias_size = elementwise_add_bias_t->numel();
// If elements size of `elemwise_bias` and `conv_bias` are not same,
// `elemwise_bias` should be broadcast to the same size of `conv_bias`
if (conv_bias_size != elemetwise_bias_size && elemetwise_bias_size == 1) {
auto data_tmp = elementwise_add_bias_d[0];
elementwise_add_bias_d = elementwise_add_bias_t->mutable_data<float>();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < conv_bias_size; i++) {
elementwise_add_bias_d[i] = data_tmp;
if (conv_bias_t->numel() != elementwise_add_bias_t->numel()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Elements size of `elemwise_bias` and `conv_bias` "
"should be the same, but get size of `elemwise_bias` "
"is: "
<< elementwise_add_bias_t->numel()
<< ", size of `conv_bias` is: " << conv_bias_t->numel();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < conv_bias_t->data_size(); ++i) {
elementwise_add_bias_d[i] += conv_bias_d[i];
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