提交 9425a2bf 编写于 作者: H HappyAngel 提交者: GitHub

[CV] fix yup resize bug (#3202)

*fix yuv resize bug, test=develop

* fix format, test=develop

* fix build error, test=develop

* fix resize, test=develop

* move anakin rst, test=develop
上级 6e253d6e
......@@ -538,10 +538,10 @@ void image_resize_basic(const uint8_t* in_data,
int* yofs1 = nullptr;
if (orih < dsth) {
int tmp = dsth - orih;
ialpha1 = new float[srcw];
xofs1 = new int[dstw / 2];
ialpha1 = new float[dstw];
xofs1 = new int[dstw];
yofs1 = new int[tmp];
compute_xy(srcw / 2,
srch / 2,
dstw / 2,
......@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ void image_resize_basic(const uint8_t* in_data,
ialpha = ialpha1;
xofs = xofs1;
yofs = yofs1;
y_in_start = yofs[dy - orih];
y_in_start = yofs[dy - orih] + srch;
int y_in_end = y_in_start + 1;
if (y_in_start < 0) {
......@@ -47,6 +47,592 @@ void ImageResize::choose(const uint8_t* src,
int dsth) {
resize(src, dst, srcFormat, srcw, srch, dstw, dsth);
void resize_three_channel(
const uint8_t* src, int w_in, int h_in, uint8_t* dst, int w_out, int h_out);
void bgr_resize(const uint8_t* src,
uint8_t* dst,
int w_in,
int h_in,
int w_out,
int h_out) {
if (w_out == w_in && h_out == h_in) {
memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(uint8_t) * w_in * h_in * 3);
// y
resize_three_channel(src, w_in * 3, h_in, dst, w_out * 3, h_out);
void resize_three_channel(const uint8_t* src,
int w_in,
int h_in,
uint8_t* dst,
int w_out,
int h_out) {
const int resize_coef_bits = 11;
const int resize_coef_scale = 1 << resize_coef_bits;
double scale_x = static_cast<double>(w_in) / w_out;
double scale_y = static_cast<double>(h_in) / h_out;
int* buf = new int[w_out * 2 + h_out * 2];
int* xofs = buf; // new int[w];
int* yofs = buf + w_out; // new int[h];
int16_t* ialpha =
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out + h_out); // new int16_t[w * 2];
int16_t* ibeta =
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out * 2 + h_out); // new short[h * 2];
float fx = 0.f;
float fy = 0.f;
int sx = 0.f;
int sy = 0.f;
(int16_t)::std::min( \
::std::max(static_cast<int>(X + (X >= 0.f ? 0.5f : -0.5f)), SHRT_MIN), \
// #pragma omp parallel for
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 3; dx++) {
fx = static_cast<float>((dx + 0.5) * scale_x - 0.5);
sx = floor(fx);
fx -= sx;
if (sx < 0) {
sx = 0;
fx = 0.f;
if (sx >= w_in - 1) {
sx = w_in - 2;
fx = 1.f;
xofs[dx] = sx * 3;
float a0 = (1.f - fx) * resize_coef_scale;
float a1 = fx * resize_coef_scale;
ialpha[dx * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a0);
ialpha[dx * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a1);
// #pragma omp parallel for
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
fy = static_cast<float>((dy + 0.5) * scale_y - 0.5);
sy = floor(fy);
fy -= sy;
if (sy < 0) {
sy = 0;
fy = 0.f;
if (sy >= h_in - 1) {
sy = h_in - 2;
fy = 1.f;
yofs[dy] = sy;
float b0 = (1.f - fy) * resize_coef_scale;
float b1 = fy * resize_coef_scale;
ibeta[dy * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b0);
ibeta[dy * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b1);
// loop body
int16_t* rowsbuf0 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rowsbuf1 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rows0 = rowsbuf0;
int16_t* rows1 = rowsbuf1;
int prev_sy1 = -1;
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
int sy = yofs[dy];
if (sy == prev_sy1) {
// hresize one row
int16_t* rows0_old = rows0;
rows0 = rows1;
rows1 = rows0_old;
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 3; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx];
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
int tmp = dx * 3;
rows1p[tmp] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[3] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 1] = (S1p[1] * a0 + S1p[4] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 2] = (S1p[2] * a0 + S1p[5] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
} else {
// hresize two rows
const uint8_t* S0 = src + w_in * (sy);
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 3; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx];
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S0p = S0 + sx;
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
int tmp = dx * 3;
rows0p[tmp] = (S0p[0] * a0 + S0p[3] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[3] * a1) >> 4;
rows0p[tmp + 1] = (S0p[1] * a0 + S0p[4] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 1] = (S1p[1] * a0 + S1p[4] * a1) >> 4;
rows0p[tmp + 2] = (S0p[2] * a0 + S0p[5] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 2] = (S1p[2] * a0 + S1p[5] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
prev_sy1 = sy + 1;
// vresize
int16_t b0 = ibeta[0];
int16_t b1 = ibeta[1];
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
uint8_t* dp_ptr = dst + w_out * (dy);
int cnt = w_out >> 3;
int remain = w_out - (cnt << 3);
int16x4_t _b0 = vdup_n_s16(b0);
int16x4_t _b1 = vdup_n_s16(b1);
int32x4_t _v2 = vdupq_n_s32(2);
for (cnt = w_out >> 3; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
int16x4_t _rows0p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p);
int16x4_t _rows1p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p);
int16x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p + 4);
int16x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p + 4);
int32x4_t _rows0p_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_1_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_1_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _acc = _v2;
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(
_acc, _rows0p_sr4_mb0, 16); // _acc >> 16 + _rows0p_sr4_mb0 >> 16
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(_acc, _rows1p_sr4_mb1, 16);
int32x4_t _acc_1 = _v2;
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0, 16);
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1, 16);
int16x4_t _acc16 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc, 2); // _acc >> 2
int16x4_t _acc16_1 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc_1, 2);
uint8x8_t _dout = vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(_acc16, _acc16_1));
vst1_u8(dp_ptr, _dout);
dp_ptr += 8;
rows0p += 8;
rows1p += 8;
for (; remain; --remain) {
// D[x] = (rows0[x]*b0 + rows1[x]*b1) >> INTER_RESIZE_COEF_BITS;
*dp_ptr++ =
(uint8_t)(((int16_t)((b0 * (int16_t)(*rows0p++)) >> 16) +
(int16_t)((b1 * (int16_t)(*rows1p++)) >> 16) + 2) >>
ibeta += 2;
delete[] buf;
delete[] rowsbuf0;
delete[] rowsbuf1;
void resize_one_channel(
const uint8_t* src, int w_in, int h_in, uint8_t* dst, int w_out, int h_out);
void resize_one_channel_uv(
const uint8_t* src, int w_in, int h_in, uint8_t* dst, int w_out, int h_out);
void nv21_resize(const uint8_t* src,
uint8_t* dst,
int w_in,
int h_in,
int w_out,
int h_out) {
if (w_out == w_in && h_out == h_in) {
memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(uint8_t) * w_in * static_cast<int>(1.5 * h_in));
// return;
int y_h = h_in;
int uv_h = h_in / 2;
const uint8_t* y_ptr = src;
const uint8_t* uv_ptr = src + y_h * w_in;
// out
int dst_y_h = h_out;
int dst_uv_h = h_out / 2;
uint8_t* dst_ptr = dst + dst_y_h * w_out;
// y
resize_one_channel(y_ptr, w_in, y_h, dst, w_out, dst_y_h);
// uv
resize_one_channel_uv(uv_ptr, w_in, uv_h, dst_ptr, w_out, dst_uv_h);
void resize_one_channel(const uint8_t* src,
int w_in,
int h_in,
uint8_t* dst,
int w_out,
int h_out) {
const int resize_coef_bits = 11;
const int resize_coef_scale = 1 << resize_coef_bits;
double scale_x = static_cast<double>(w_in) / w_out;
double scale_y = static_cast<double>(h_in) / h_out;
int* buf = new int[w_out * 2 + h_out * 2];
int* xofs = buf; // new int[w];
int* yofs = buf + w_out; // new int[h];
int16_t* ialpha =
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out + h_out); // new short[w * 2];
int16_t* ibeta =
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out * 2 + h_out); // new short[h * 2];
float fx = 0.f;
float fy = 0.f;
int sx = 0;
int sy = 0;
(int16_t)::std::min( \
::std::max(static_cast<int>(X + (X >= 0.f ? 0.5f : -0.5f)), SHRT_MIN), \
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out; dx++) {
fx = static_cast<float>((dx + 0.5) * scale_x - 0.5);
sx = floor(fx);
fx -= sx;
if (sx < 0) {
sx = 0;
fx = 0.f;
if (sx >= w_in - 1) {
sx = w_in - 2;
fx = 1.f;
xofs[dx] = sx;
float a0 = (1.f - fx) * resize_coef_scale;
float a1 = fx * resize_coef_scale;
ialpha[dx * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a0);
ialpha[dx * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a1);
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
fy = static_cast<float>((dy + 0.5) * scale_y - 0.5);
sy = floor(fy);
fy -= sy;
if (sy < 0) {
sy = 0;
fy = 0.f;
if (sy >= h_in - 1) {
sy = h_in - 2;
fy = 1.f;
yofs[dy] = sy;
float b0 = (1.f - fy) * resize_coef_scale;
float b1 = fy * resize_coef_scale;
ibeta[dy * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b0);
ibeta[dy * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b1);
// loop body
int16_t* rowsbuf0 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rowsbuf1 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rows0 = rowsbuf0;
int16_t* rows1 = rowsbuf1;
int prev_sy1 = -1;
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
int sy = yofs[dy];
if (sy == prev_sy1) {
// hresize one row
int16_t* rows0_old = rows0;
rows0 = rows1;
rows1 = rows0_old;
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx];
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
rows1p[dx] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[1] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
} else {
// hresize two rows
const uint8_t* S0 = src + w_in * (sy);
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx];
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S0p = S0 + sx;
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
rows0p[dx] = (S0p[0] * a0 + S0p[1] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[dx] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[1] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
prev_sy1 = sy + 1;
// vresize
int16_t b0 = ibeta[0];
int16_t b1 = ibeta[1];
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
uint8_t* dp_ptr = dst + w_out * (dy);
int cnt = w_out >> 3;
int remain = w_out - (cnt << 3);
int16x4_t _b0 = vdup_n_s16(b0);
int16x4_t _b1 = vdup_n_s16(b1);
int32x4_t _v2 = vdupq_n_s32(2);
for (cnt = w_out >> 3; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
int16x4_t _rows0p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p);
int16x4_t _rows1p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p);
int16x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p + 4);
int16x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p + 4);
int32x4_t _rows0p_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_1_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_1_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _acc = _v2;
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(_acc, _rows0p_sr4_mb0, 16);
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(_acc, _rows1p_sr4_mb1, 16);
int32x4_t _acc_1 = _v2;
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0, 16);
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1, 16);
int16x4_t _acc16 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc, 2);
int16x4_t _acc16_1 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc_1, 2);
uint8x8_t _dout = vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(_acc16, _acc16_1));
vst1_u8(dp_ptr, _dout);
dp_ptr += 8;
rows0p += 8;
rows1p += 8;
for (; remain; --remain) {
// D[x] = (rows0[x]*b0 + rows1[x]*b1) >> INTER_RESIZE_COEF_BITS;
*dp_ptr++ =
(uint8_t)(((int16_t)((b0 * (int16_t)(*rows0p++)) >> 16) +
(int16_t)((b1 * (int16_t)(*rows1p++)) >> 16) + 2) >>
ibeta += 2;
delete[] buf;
delete[] rowsbuf0;
delete[] rowsbuf1;
void resize_one_channel_uv(const uint8_t* src,
int w_in,
int h_in,
uint8_t* dst,
int w_out,
int h_out) {
const int resize_coef_bits = 11;
const int resize_coef_scale = 1 << resize_coef_bits;
double scale_x = static_cast<double>(w_in) / w_out;
double scale_y = static_cast<double>(h_in) / h_out;
int* buf = new int[w_out * 2 + h_out * 2];
int* xofs = buf; // new int[w];
int* yofs = buf + w_out; // new int[h];
int16_t* ialpha =
reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out + h_out); // new int16_t[w * 2];
int16_t* ibeta = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buf + w_out * 2 +
h_out); // new int16_t[h * 2];
float fx = 0.f;
float fy = 0.f;
int sx = 0.f;
int sy = 0.f;
(int16_t)::std::min( \
::std::max(static_cast<int>(X + (X >= 0.f ? 0.5f : -0.5f)), SHRT_MIN), \
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 2; dx++) {
fx = static_cast<float>((dx + 0.5) * scale_x - 0.5);
sx = floor(fx);
fx -= sx;
if (sx < 0) {
sx = 0;
fx = 0.f;
if (sx >= w_in - 1) {
sx = w_in - 2;
fx = 1.f;
xofs[dx] = sx;
float a0 = (1.f - fx) * resize_coef_scale;
float a1 = fx * resize_coef_scale;
ialpha[dx * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a0);
ialpha[dx * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(a1);
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
fy = static_cast<float>((dy + 0.5) * scale_y - 0.5);
sy = floor(fy);
fy -= sy;
if (sy < 0) {
sy = 0;
fy = 0.f;
if (sy >= h_in - 1) {
sy = h_in - 2;
fy = 1.f;
yofs[dy] = sy;
float b0 = (1.f - fy) * resize_coef_scale;
float b1 = fy * resize_coef_scale;
ibeta[dy * 2] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b0);
ibeta[dy * 2 + 1] = SATURATE_CAST_SHORT(b1);
// loop body
int16_t* rowsbuf0 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rowsbuf1 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rows0 = rowsbuf0;
int16_t* rows1 = rowsbuf1;
int prev_sy1 = -1;
for (int dy = 0; dy < h_out; dy++) {
int sy = yofs[dy];
if (sy == prev_sy1) {
// hresize one row
int16_t* rows0_old = rows0;
rows0 = rows1;
rows1 = rows0_old;
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 2; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx] * 2;
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
int tmp = dx * 2;
rows1p[tmp] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[2] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 1] = (S1p[1] * a0 + S1p[3] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
} else {
// hresize two rows
const uint8_t* S0 = src + w_in * (sy);
const uint8_t* S1 = src + w_in * (sy + 1);
const int16_t* ialphap = ialpha;
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
for (int dx = 0; dx < w_out / 2; dx++) {
int sx = xofs[dx] * 2;
int16_t a0 = ialphap[0];
int16_t a1 = ialphap[1];
const uint8_t* S0p = S0 + sx;
const uint8_t* S1p = S1 + sx;
int tmp = dx * 2;
rows0p[tmp] = (S0p[0] * a0 + S0p[2] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp] = (S1p[0] * a0 + S1p[2] * a1) >> 4;
rows0p[tmp + 1] = (S0p[1] * a0 + S0p[3] * a1) >> 4;
rows1p[tmp + 1] = (S1p[1] * a0 + S1p[3] * a1) >> 4;
ialphap += 2;
prev_sy1 = sy + 1;
// vresize
int16_t b0 = ibeta[0];
int16_t b1 = ibeta[1];
int16_t* rows0p = rows0;
int16_t* rows1p = rows1;
uint8_t* dp_ptr = dst + w_out * (dy);
int cnt = w_out >> 3;
int remain = w_out - (cnt << 3);
int16x4_t _b0 = vdup_n_s16(b0);
int16x4_t _b1 = vdup_n_s16(b1);
int32x4_t _v2 = vdupq_n_s32(2);
for (cnt = w_out >> 3; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
int16x4_t _rows0p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p);
int16x4_t _rows1p_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p);
int16x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows0p + 4);
int16x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4 = vld1_s16(rows1p + 4);
int32x4_t _rows0p_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0 = vmull_s16(_rows0p_1_sr4, _b0);
int32x4_t _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1 = vmull_s16(_rows1p_1_sr4, _b1);
int32x4_t _acc = _v2;
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(
_acc, _rows0p_sr4_mb0, 16); // _acc >> 16 + _rows0p_sr4_mb0 >> 16
_acc = vsraq_n_s32(_acc, _rows1p_sr4_mb1, 16);
int32x4_t _acc_1 = _v2;
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows0p_1_sr4_mb0, 16);
_acc_1 = vsraq_n_s32(_acc_1, _rows1p_1_sr4_mb1, 16);
int16x4_t _acc16 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc, 2); // _acc >> 2
int16x4_t _acc16_1 = vshrn_n_s32(_acc_1, 2);
uint8x8_t _dout = vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(_acc16, _acc16_1));
vst1_u8(dp_ptr, _dout);
dp_ptr += 8;
rows0p += 8;
rows1p += 8;
for (; remain; --remain) {
// D[x] = (rows0[x]*b0 + rows1[x]*b1) >> INTER_RESIZE_COEF_BITS;
*dp_ptr++ =
(uint8_t)(((int16_t)((b0 * (int16_t)(*rows0p++)) >> 16) +
(int16_t)((b1 * (int16_t)(*rows1p++)) >> 16) + 2) >>
ibeta += 2;
delete[] buf;
delete[] rowsbuf0;
delete[] rowsbuf1;
void compute_xy(int srcw,
int srch,
int dstw,
......@@ -95,10 +681,14 @@ void resize(const uint8_t* src,
if (srcFormat == GRAY) {
num = 1;
} else if (srcFormat == NV12 || srcFormat == NV21) {
nv21_resize(src, dst, srcw, srch, dstw, dsth);
num = 1;
int hout = static_cast<int>(0.5 * dsth);
dsth += hout;
} else if (srcFormat == BGR || srcFormat == RGB) {
bgr_resize(src, dst, srcw, srch, dstw, dsth);
w_in = srcw * 3;
w_out = dstw * 3;
num = 3;
......@@ -117,13 +707,12 @@ void resize(const uint8_t* src,
int16_t* ialpha1 = nullptr;
if (orih < dsth) { // uv
int tmp = dsth - orih;
int w = dstw / 2;
xofs1 = new int[w];
xofs1 = new int[dstw];
yofs1 = new int[tmp];
ialpha1 = new int16_t[srcw];
compute_xy(srcw / 2,
ialpha1 = new int16_t[dstw];
srch / 2,
dstw / 2,
......@@ -139,15 +728,15 @@ void resize(const uint8_t* src,
int prev_sy1 = -1;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int dy = 0; dy < dsth; dy++) {
int16_t* rowsbuf0 = new int16_t[w_out];
int16_t* rowsbuf1 = new int16_t[w_out];
int16_t* rowsbuf0 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int16_t* rowsbuf1 = new int16_t[w_out + 1];
int sy = yofs[dy];
if (dy >= orih) {
xofs = xofs1;
yofs = yofs1;
ialpha = ialpha1;
num = 2;
sy = yofs1[dy - orih];
sy = yofs1[dy - orih] + srch;
// hresize two rows
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