未验证 提交 8bc88cff 编写于 作者: J juncaipeng 提交者: GitHub

Add support op and kernel (#2606)

* add op, test=develop
上级 c9f45332
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- arg_max
- assign
- assign_value
- attention_padding_mask
- axpy
- batch_norm
- beam_search
......@@ -20,13 +21,16 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- calib
- calib_once
- cast
- collect_fpn_proposals
- concat
- conditional_block
- conv2d
- conv2d_transpose
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- density_prior_box
- depthwise_conv2d
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_div
......@@ -36,7 +40,9 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- equal
- exp
- expand
- fake_channel_wise_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_range_abs_max
- fc
......@@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- fusion_elementwise_max_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- fusion_elementwise_sub_activation
- gather
- generate_proposals
- graph_op
- greater_equal
......@@ -61,9 +68,11 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- hard_sigmoid
- im2sequence
- increment
- instance_norm
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- is_empty
- layer_norm
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
......@@ -76,9 +85,12 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- logical_or
- logical_xor
- lookup_table
- lookup_table_v2
- lrn
- match_matrix_tensor
- matmul
- mean
- merge_lod_tensor
- mul
- multiclass_nms
- nearest_interp
......@@ -94,23 +106,43 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- read_from_array
- reduce_max
- reduce_mean
- reduce_prod
- reduce_sum
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- reshape
- reshape2
- roi_align
- rsqrt
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_attention_padding_mask
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_arithmetic
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- search_seq_softmax
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_expand
- sequence_expand_as
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reshape
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_softmax
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shape
- shuffle_channel
- sigmoid
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- split
- split_lod_tensor
- sqrt
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
......@@ -123,6 +155,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- uniform_random
- unsqueeze
- unsqueeze2
- var_conv_2d
- while
- write_to_array
- yolo_box
......@@ -154,13 +187,16 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- box_clip
- box_coder
- cast
- collect_fpn_proposals
- concat
- conditional_block
- conv2d
- conv2d_transpose
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- density_prior_box
- depthwise_conv2d
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_div
......@@ -172,12 +208,14 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- expand
- fc
- fill_constant
- fill_constant_batch_size_like
- floor
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- fusion_elementwise_div_activation
- fusion_elementwise_max_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- fusion_elementwise_sub_activation
- gather
- generate_proposals
- greater_equal
- greater_than
......@@ -186,7 +224,11 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- hard_sigmoid
- im2sequence
- increment
- instance_norm
- is_empty
- layer_norm
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
- less_equal
- less_than
......@@ -197,8 +239,10 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- logical_or
- logical_xor
- lookup_table
- lookup_table_v2
- lrn
- matmul
- merge_lod_tensor
- mul
- nearest_interp
- negative
......@@ -213,10 +257,12 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- read_from_array
- reduce_max
- reduce_mean
- reduce_prod
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- roi_align
- rsqrt
- scale
- sequence_expand
- sequence_pool
......@@ -227,6 +273,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- slice
- softmax
- split
- split_lod_tensor
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
......@@ -241,26 +288,97 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- write_to_array
- yolo_box
### X86 kernels
- batch_norm
- cast
- concat
- conv2d
- depthwise_conv2d
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_sub
- fc
- fill_constant_batch_size_like
- gather
- gelu
- gru
- layer_norm
- match_matrix_tensor
- matmul
- mul
- pool2d
- reduce_sum
- relu
- reshape
- reshape2
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_attention_padding_mask
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_arithmetic
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- search_seq_softmax
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_expand_as
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shape
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
- tanh
- transpose
- transpose2
- var_conv_2d
### CUDA kernels
- attention_padding_mask
- bilinear_interp
- calib
- concat
- conv
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- elementwise_mul
- feed
- io_copy
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
- lookup_table
- match_matrix_tensor
- mul
- nearest_interp
- pool2d
- relu
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- softmax
- transpose
- var_conv_2d
- yolo_box
### OpenCL kernels
- conv2d
......@@ -268,6 +386,8 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- elementwise_add
- fc
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- layout
- layout_once
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- mul
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- arg_max
- assign
- assign_value
- attention_padding_mask
- axpy
- batch_norm
- beam_search
......@@ -20,13 +21,16 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- calib
- calib_once
- cast
- collect_fpn_proposals
- concat
- conditional_block
- conv2d
- conv2d_transpose
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- density_prior_box
- depthwise_conv2d
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_div
......@@ -36,7 +40,9 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- equal
- exp
- expand
- fake_channel_wise_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_dequantize_max_abs
- fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_moving_average_abs_max
- fake_quantize_range_abs_max
- fc
......@@ -52,6 +58,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- fusion_elementwise_max_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- fusion_elementwise_sub_activation
- gather
- generate_proposals
- graph_op
- greater_equal
......@@ -61,9 +68,11 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- hard_sigmoid
- im2sequence
- increment
- instance_norm
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- is_empty
- layer_norm
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
......@@ -76,9 +85,12 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- logical_or
- logical_xor
- lookup_table
- lookup_table_v2
- lrn
- match_matrix_tensor
- matmul
- mean
- merge_lod_tensor
- mul
- multiclass_nms
- nearest_interp
......@@ -94,23 +106,43 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- read_from_array
- reduce_max
- reduce_mean
- reduce_prod
- reduce_sum
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- reshape
- reshape2
- roi_align
- rsqrt
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_attention_padding_mask
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_arithmetic
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- search_seq_softmax
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_expand
- sequence_expand_as
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reshape
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_softmax
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shape
- shuffle_channel
- sigmoid
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- split
- split_lod_tensor
- sqrt
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
......@@ -123,6 +155,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- uniform_random
- unsqueeze
- unsqueeze2
- var_conv_2d
- while
- write_to_array
- yolo_box
......@@ -154,13 +187,16 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- box_clip
- box_coder
- cast
- collect_fpn_proposals
- concat
- conditional_block
- conv2d
- conv2d_transpose
- crop
- decode_bboxes
- density_prior_box
- depthwise_conv2d
- distribute_fpn_proposals
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_div
......@@ -172,12 +208,14 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- expand
- fc
- fill_constant
- fill_constant_batch_size_like
- floor
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- fusion_elementwise_div_activation
- fusion_elementwise_max_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- fusion_elementwise_sub_activation
- gather
- generate_proposals
- greater_equal
- greater_than
......@@ -186,7 +224,11 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- hard_sigmoid
- im2sequence
- increment
- instance_norm
- is_empty
- layer_norm
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
- less_equal
- less_than
......@@ -197,8 +239,10 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- logical_or
- logical_xor
- lookup_table
- lookup_table_v2
- lrn
- matmul
- merge_lod_tensor
- mul
- nearest_interp
- negative
......@@ -213,10 +257,12 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- read_from_array
- reduce_max
- reduce_mean
- reduce_prod
- relu
- relu6
- relu_clipped
- roi_align
- rsqrt
- scale
- sequence_expand
- sequence_pool
......@@ -227,6 +273,7 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- slice
- softmax
- split
- split_lod_tensor
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
......@@ -241,26 +288,97 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- write_to_array
- yolo_box
### X86 kernels
- batch_norm
- cast
- concat
- conv2d
- depthwise_conv2d
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- elementwise_sub
- fc
- fill_constant_batch_size_like
- gather
- gelu
- gru
- layer_norm
- match_matrix_tensor
- matmul
- mul
- pool2d
- reduce_sum
- relu
- reshape
- reshape2
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_attention_padding_mask
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_arithmetic
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- search_seq_softmax
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_expand_as
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- shape
- slice
- softmax
- softsign
- square
- squeeze
- squeeze2
- stack
- tanh
- transpose
- transpose2
- var_conv_2d
### CUDA kernels
- attention_padding_mask
- bilinear_interp
- calib
- concat
- conv
- dropout
- elementwise_add
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- fusion_elementwise_mul_activation
- elementwise_mul
- feed
- io_copy
- layout
- layout_once
- leaky_relu
- lookup_table
- match_matrix_tensor
- mul
- nearest_interp
- pool2d
- relu
- scale
- search_aligned_mat_mul
- search_fc
- search_grnn
- search_group_padding
- search_seq_depadding
- search_seq_fc
- sequence_arithmetic
- sequence_concat
- sequence_pool
- sequence_reverse
- sequence_topk_avg_pooling
- softmax
- transpose
- var_conv_2d
- yolo_box
### OpenCL kernels
- conv2d
......@@ -268,6 +386,8 @@ title: 支持OP列表
- elementwise_add
- fc
- fusion_elementwise_add_activation
- layout
- layout_once
- io_copy
- io_copy_once
- mul
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