提交 8425c924 编写于 作者: X xiaogang 提交者: GitHub

Develop nlp patch (#3059)

* fix: fix nlp ops input and output type
* fix: add elementwise x_dims>y_dims case
上级 8f7ca24f
ARGS --cl_path=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lite/backends/opencl
--model_dir=${LITE_MODEL_DIR}/inception_v4 SERIAL)
add_dependencies(test_inceptionv4 extern_lite_download_inception_v4_simple_tar_gz)
# brief: we comment ocr_test_ut because we do not supply ocr model to test, it is the reference to infer nlp model
# lite_cc_test(test_ocr_attention SRCS ocr_attention_test.cc
# DEPS ${lite_model_test_DEPS})
......@@ -378,6 +379,16 @@ if(NOT IOS)
FPGA_DEPS ${fpga_kernels}
X86_DEPS ${x86_kernels}
CUDA_DEPS ${cuda_kernels})
lite_cc_binary(test_transformer SRCS transform_test.cc DEPS paddle_api_full paddle_api_light gflags utils
${ops} ${host_kernels}
ARM_DEPS ${arm_kernels}
CV_DEPS paddle_cv_arm
NPU_DEPS ${npu_kernels}
XPU_DEPS ${xpu_kernels}
CL_DEPS ${opencl_kernels}
FPGA_DEPS ${fpga_kernels}
X86_DEPS ${x86_kernels}
CUDA_DEPS ${cuda_kernels})
#lite_cc_binary(cxx_api_bin SRCS cxx_api_bin.cc
......@@ -32,18 +32,10 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places, bool use_npu = false) {
predictor.Build(FLAGS_model_dir, "", "", valid_places);
auto* input_tensor = predictor.GetInput(0);
input_tensor->Resize(DDim(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({1, 1, 48, 512})));
auto* data = input_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
auto item_size = input_tensor->dims().production();
for (int i = 0; i < item_size; i++) {
data[i] = 1;
auto* init_scores = predictor.GetInput(2);
init_scores->Resize(DDim(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({1, 1})));
auto* data_scores = init_scores->mutable_data<float>();
auto scores_size = input_tensor->dims().production();
auto scores_size = init_scores->dims().production();
for (int i = 0; i < scores_size; i++) {
data_scores[i] = 0;
......@@ -53,7 +45,7 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places, bool use_npu = false) {
auto* init_ids = predictor.GetInput(1);
init_ids->Resize(DDim(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({1, 1})));
auto* data_ids = init_ids->mutable_data<float>();
auto* data_ids = init_ids->mutable_data<int64_t>();
auto ids_size = init_ids->dims().production();
for (int i = 0; i < ids_size; i++) {
data_ids[i] = 0;
......@@ -62,6 +54,13 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places, bool use_npu = false) {
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> lod_i{{0, 1}, {0, 1}};
*lod_ids = lod_i;
auto* input_tensor = predictor.GetInput(0);
input_tensor->Resize(DDim(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({1, 1, 48, 512})));
auto* data = input_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
auto item_size = input_tensor->dims().production();
for (int i = 0; i < item_size; i++) {
data[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_warmup; ++i) {
......@@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places, bool use_npu = false) {
TEST(OcrAttention, test_arm) {
std::vector<Place> valid_places({
......@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ DEFINE_int32(batch, 1, "batch");
namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace test_transformer {
namespace test_transformer {
std::vector<std::string> inputed_lines;
void LoadInputLines(const char* filename) {
void load_input_lines(const char* filename) {
static const int max_line_buf_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
char* line_buffer = (char*)calloc(max_line_buf_size, sizeof(char)); // NOLINT
FILE* input_file = fopen(filename, "r");
......@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ void LoadInputLines(const char* filename) {
line_buffer = NULL;
void Split2(const std::string& main_str,
void split2(const std::string& main_str,
std::vector<std::string>& str_list, // NOLINT
const std::string& delimiter) {
size_t pre_pos = 0;
......@@ -75,19 +74,19 @@ void Split2(const std::string& main_str,
void PadBatchInput(std::vector<std::string>& input_lines, // NOLINT
int pad_idx,
int n_head,
Tensor* src_word,
Tensor* src_pos,
Tensor* src_attn_bias,
Tensor* trg_word,
Tensor* init_scores,
Tensor* init_idx,
Tensor* trg_bias,
int line_start,
int batch_size,
int bos_idx) {
void pad_batch_input(std::vector<std::string>& input_lines, // NOLINT
int pad_idx,
int n_head,
Tensor* src_word,
Tensor* src_pos,
Tensor* src_attn_bias,
Tensor* trg_word,
Tensor* init_scores,
Tensor* init_idx,
Tensor* trg_bias,
int line_start,
int batch_size,
int bos_idx) {
int max_len = 0;
int max_line = input_lines.size();
......@@ -98,27 +97,27 @@ void PadBatchInput(std::vector<std::string>& input_lines, // NOLINT
std::vector<std::string> split_str;
test_transformer::Split2(cur_line, split_str, " ");
test_transformer::split2(cur_line, split_str, " ");
max_len = max_len >= split_str.size() ? max_len : split_str.size();
src_word->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, max_len, 1}));
src_pos->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, max_len, 1}));
src_word->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, max_len}));
src_pos->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, max_len}));
std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, n_head, max_len, max_len}));
std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, n_head, 1, max_len}));
float* src_word_data = src_word->mutable_data<float>();
float* src_pos_data = src_pos->mutable_data<float>();
std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, n_head, max_len, max_len}));
auto* src_word_data = src_word->mutable_data<int64_t>();
auto* src_pos_data = src_pos->mutable_data<int64_t>();
float* src_bias_data = src_attn_bias->mutable_data<float>();
float* trg_bias_data = trg_bias->mutable_data<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
std::vector<std::string> cur_words = batch_lines[i];
int fill_len = cur_words.size();
int src_bias_start = i * n_head * max_len * max_len;
int trg_bias_start = i * n_head * max_len;
int trg_bias_start = i * n_head * max_len * max_len;
for (int j = 0; j < fill_len; ++j) {
src_word_data[i * max_len + j] = (atoi(cur_words[j].c_str()));
src_pos_data[i * max_len + j] = j;
......@@ -137,22 +136,24 @@ void PadBatchInput(std::vector<std::string>& input_lines, // NOLINT
int value_ind = j % max_len + src_bias_start;
src_bias_data[j] = src_bias_data[value_ind];
for (int j = trg_bias_start; j < trg_bias_start + n_head * max_len; ++j) {
for (int j = trg_bias_start;
j < trg_bias_start + n_head * max_len * max_len;
++j) {
int value_ind = j % max_len + trg_bias_start;
trg_bias_data[j] = trg_bias_data[value_ind];
trg_word->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, 1, 1}));
auto* trg_word_data = trg_word->mutable_data<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
trg_word->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, max_len}));
auto* trg_word_data = trg_word->mutable_data<int64_t>();
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size * max_len; ++i) {
trg_word_data[i] = bos_idx;
init_scores->Resize(std::vector<DDim::value_type>({batch_size, 1}));
float* score_data = init_scores->mutable_data<float>();
float* idx_data = init_idx->mutable_data<float>();
auto* idx_data = init_idx->mutable_data<int32_t>();
for (int i = 0; i < init_scores->numel(); ++i) {
score_data[i] = 0;
......@@ -175,21 +176,25 @@ void PadBatchInput(std::vector<std::string>& input_lines, // NOLINT
void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places,
const Place& preferred_place,
bool use_npu = false) {
DeviceInfo::Global().SetRunMode(lite_api::LITE_POWER_HIGH, FLAGS_threads);
lite::Predictor predictor;
std::string test_data_path = FLAGS_input;
predictor.Build(FLAGS_model_dir, "", "", preferred_place, valid_places);
FLAGS_model_dir + "/__model__",
FLAGS_model_dir + "/weights",
// predictor.Build(FLAGS_model_dir, "", "", valid_places);
int n_head = 8;
int batch_size = FLAGS_batch;
int bos_idx = 0;
int eos_idx = 1;
LOG(INFO) << "reading";
LOG(INFO) << "reading finished";
auto* trg_bias = predictor.GetInput(6);
auto* src_word = predictor.GetInput(0);
......@@ -205,28 +210,31 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places,
auto start = GetCurrentUS();
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_repeats; ++i) {
auto start_i = GetCurrentUS();
src_word, // src_word
src_pos, // src_pos
src_bias, // src_bias
trg_word, // trg_word
init_score, // init_score
init_idx, // init_idx
trg_bias, // trg_bias
i * batch_size,
LOG(INFO) << "src_word:" << src_word->dims();
auto start_ii = GetCurrentUS();
LOG(INFO) << i << "->ii:" << (start_ii - start_i) / 1000.0;
src_word, // src_word
src_pos, // src_pos
src_bias, // src_bias
trg_word, // trg_word
init_score, // init_score
init_idx, // init_idx
trg_bias, // trg_bias
i * batch_size,
auto start_iii = GetCurrentUS();
LOG(INFO) << i << "->iii:" << (start_iii - start_ii) / 1000.0;
auto* outs = predictor.GetOutputs();
LOG(INFO) << "out:" << (*outs)[0].dims();
auto* outs = predictor.GetOutput(0);
auto o_data = outs->data<int64_t>();
auto lod = outs->lod();
for (int i = 0; i < outs->numel(); ++i) {
LOG(INFO) << o_data[i];
for (int i = 0; i < lod.size(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < lod[i].size(); ++j) {
LOG(INFO) << lod[i][j];
LOG(INFO) << "================== Speed Report ===================";
......@@ -234,25 +242,18 @@ void TestModel(const std::vector<Place>& valid_places,
<< ", warmup: " << FLAGS_warmup << ", repeats: " << FLAGS_repeats
<< ", spend " << (GetCurrentUS() - start) / FLAGS_repeats / 1000.0
<< " ms in average.";
auto* outs = predictor.GetOutputs();
for (auto out : *outs) {
LOG(INFO) << "======"
<< "here";
LOG(INFO) << out;
LOG(INFO) << "======"
<< "hereggg";
TEST(OcrAttention, test_arm) {
} // namespace lite
} // namespace paddle
using namespace paddle::lite; // NOLINT
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
std::vector<Place> valid_places({
Place{TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat)},
Place{TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat)},
TestModel(valid_places, Place({TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kFloat)}));
} // namespace lite
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void PruneEndBeams(const Tensor *pre_ids,
std::vector<std::vector<Item>> *items,
size_t lod_level,
int end_id) {
auto *pre_ids_data = pre_ids->data<float>();
auto *pre_ids_data = pre_ids->data<int64_t>();
auto &high_level = abs_lod[lod_level];
for (size_t src_idx = 0; src_idx < high_level.size() - 1; ++src_idx) {
size_t src_prefix_start = high_level[src_idx];
......@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ std::vector<std::vector<Item>> SelectTopBeamSizeItems(const Tensor *pre_ids,
// find the current candidates
// auto abs_lod = framework::ToAbsOffset(scores->lod());
auto abs_lod = scores->lod();
auto *pre_ids_data = pre_ids->data<float>();
auto *pre_ids_data = pre_ids->data<int64_t>();
auto *pre_scores_data = pre_scores->data<float>();
auto *ids_data = ids ? ids->data<int>() : nullptr;
auto *ids_data = ids ? ids->data<int64_t>() : nullptr;
auto *scores_data = scores->data<float>();
size_t num_seqs = abs_lod[lod_level].size() - 1;
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void beam_search(const Tensor *pre_ids,
if (parent_idx) {
auto *selected_ids_data = selected_ids->mutable_data<float>();
auto *selected_ids_data = selected_ids->mutable_data<int64_t>();
auto *selected_scores_data = selected_scores->mutable_data<float>();
auto *parent_idx_data =
parent_idx ? parent_idx->mutable_data<int>() : nullptr;
......@@ -13,11 +13,161 @@
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lite/operators/op_params.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace arm {
namespace math {
template <typename T>
void elementwise_broadcast_common(T const* x_data,
T const* y_data,
T* out_data,
std::vector<int64_t> x_real_dim,
std::vector<int64_t> y_real_dim,
std::vector<int64_t> out_real_dim,
std::string type,
bool is_xsize_large = false) {
int out_size = 1;
int max_dim = out_real_dim.size();
std::vector<int> index_array(max_dim, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < max_dim; ++i) {
out_size *= out_real_dim[i];
int x_index, y_index;
for (int out_index = 0; out_index < out_size; ++out_index) {
x_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_dim; i++) {
if (x_real_dim[i] > 1) {
x_index = x_index * x_real_dim[i] + index_array[i];
y_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_dim; i++) {
if (y_real_dim[i] > 1) {
y_index = y_index * y_real_dim[i] + index_array[i];
if (type == "add") {
out_data[out_index] = x_data[x_index] + y_data[y_index];
if (type == "mul") {
out_data[out_index] = x_data[x_index] * y_data[y_index];
for (int i = max_dim - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (index_array[i] >= out_real_dim[i]) {
index_array[i] -= out_real_dim[i];
} else {
template <typename dtype>
void elementwise_compute_basic(const operators::ElementwiseParam& param,
const std::string elt_type,
const std::string act_type) {
const dtype* x_data = param.X->data<const dtype>();
const dtype* y_data = param.Y->data<const dtype>();
dtype* out_data = param.Out->mutable_data<dtype>();
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int axis = param.axis;
if (axis < 0) {
axis = x_dims.size() - y_dims.size();
int batch = 1;
int channels = 1;
int num = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < axis; ++i) {
batch *= x_dims[i];
for (int i = 0; i < y_dims.size(); ++i) {
channels *= y_dims[i];
for (int i = y_dims.size() + axis; i < x_dims.size(); ++i) {
num *= x_dims[i];
// do elementwise add/sub/max...
if (elt_type == "add") {
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
int offset = (i * channels + j) * num;
const dtype* din_ptr = x_data + offset;
const dtype diny_data = y_data[j];
dtype* dout_ptr = out_data + offset;
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
*dout_ptr = *din_ptr + diny_data;
} else if (elt_type == "sub") {
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
int offset = (i * channels + j) * num;
const dtype* din_ptr = x_data + offset;
const dtype diny_data = y_data[j];
dtype* dout_ptr = out_data + offset;
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
*dout_ptr = *din_ptr - diny_data;
} else if (elt_type == "mul") {
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
int offset = (i * channels + j) * num;
const dtype* din_ptr = x_data + offset;
const dtype diny_data = y_data[j];
dtype* dout_ptr = out_data + offset;
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
*dout_ptr = *din_ptr * diny_data;
} else if (elt_type == "max") {
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
int offset = (i * channels + j) * num;
const dtype* din_ptr = x_data + offset;
const dtype diny_data = y_data[j];
dtype* dout_ptr = out_data + offset;
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
*dout_ptr = std::max(*din_ptr, diny_data);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported Elementwise type: " << elt_type;
// do activation relu/sigmod...
if (act_type.size() > 0) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
dtype* dout_ptr = out_data + (i * channels + j) * num;
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
*dout_ptr = *dout_ptr > 0.0f ? *dout_ptr : 0.0f;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported Activation type: " << elt_type;
template <typename T>
void elementwise_add(const T* dinx, const T* diny, T* dout, int num);
......@@ -20,18 +20,7 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace arm {
namespace math {
void increment(const float* input,
const int n,
const float step,
float* out,
Context<TARGET(kARM)>* ctx) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out[i] = input[i] + step;
} // namespace math
namespace math {} // namespace math
} // namespace arm
} // namespace lite
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -21,11 +21,16 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace arm {
namespace math {
void increment(const float* input,
template <typename T>
void increment(const T* input,
const int n,
const float step,
float* out,
Context<TARGET(kARM)>* ctx);
T* out,
Context<TARGET(kARM)>* ctx) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out[i] = input[i] + static_cast<T>(step);
} // namespace math
} // namespace arm
......@@ -13,12 +13,30 @@
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "lite/core/tensor.h"
#include "lite/operators/op_params.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace arm {
namespace math {
template <typename dtype>
void scale_compute_basic(const operators::ScaleParam& param) {
const dtype* x_data = param.x->data<dtype>();
dtype* output_data = param.output->mutable_data<dtype>();
DDim x_dims = param.x->dims();
DDim output_dims = param.output->dims();
bool bias_after_scale = param.bias_after_scale;
float scale = param.scale;
float bias = param.bias;
if (!bias_after_scale) {
bias *= scale;
for (int i = 0; i < output_dims.production(); i++) {
output_data[i] = static_cast<dtype>(x_data[i] * scale + bias);
template <typename T>
void scale(const T* din, T* dout, int num, T scale, T bias);
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ bool comp_func(std::pair<float, int> a, std::pair<float, int> b) {
void topk(const float* in_data,
float* out_val,
int* out_ind,
int64_t* out_ind,
int m,
int n,
int k,
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void topk(const float* in_data,
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
const float* in_tmp = in_data + i * n;
float* out_val_tmp = out_val + i * k;
int* out_ind_tmp = out_ind + i * k;
int64_t* out_ind_tmp = out_ind + i * k;
std::vector<std::pair<float, int>> vec;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
vec.push_back(std::make_pair(in_tmp[j], j));
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace math {
void topk(const float* din,
float* out_val,
int* out_ind,
int64_t* out_ind,
int m,
int n,
int k,
......@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ KernelRegistry::KernelRegistry()
INIT_FOR(kARM, kAny, kAny);
INIT_FOR(kARM, kInt32, kNCHW);
INIT_FOR(kARM, kInt64, kNCHW);
INIT_FOR(kOpenCL, kFloat, kNCHW);
INIT_FOR(kOpenCL, kFloat, kNHWC);
......@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ class KernelRegistry final {
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void TensorLite::CopyDataFrom(const TensorLite &other) {
target_ = other.target_;
lod_ = other.lod_;
memory_size_ = other.memory_size_;
precision_ = other.precision_;
precision_ = other.precision();
buffer_->CopyDataFrom(*other.buffer_, memory_size_);
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const size_t kSentenceLevel = 1;
template <typename T>
struct Sentence {
std::vector<float> word_ids;
std::vector<int64_t> word_ids;
std::vector<T> scores;
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ struct BeamSearchDecoder {
std::vector<uint64_t> source_level_lod = {0};
std::vector<uint64_t> sentence_level_lod = {0};
std::vector<float> id_data;
std::vector<int64_t> id_data;
std::vector<T> score_data;
for (size_t src_idx = 0; src_idx < src_num; ++src_idx) {
......@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ struct BeamSearchDecoder {
*(id_tensor->mutable_lod()) = lod;
auto id_ptr = id_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
auto id_ptr = id_tensor->mutable_data<int64_t>();
TARGET(kARM), id_ptr, id_data.data(), id_data.size() * sizeof(float));
TARGET(kARM), id_ptr, id_data.data(), id_data.size() * sizeof(int64_t));
*(score_tensor->mutable_lod()) = lod;
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ struct BeamSearchDecoder {
++candidate_idx) {
size_t idx = prefix_idx_vector.size() - 1;
auto cur_id = cur_ids.data<float>()[candidate_idx];
auto cur_id = cur_ids.data<int64_t>()[candidate_idx];
auto cur_score = cur_scores.data<T>()[candidate_idx];
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ struct BeamSearchDecoder {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < prefix_idx_vector.size(); ++idx) {
auto candidate_idx = prefix_idx_vector.at(idx);
auto cur_id = cur_ids.data<float>()[candidate_idx];
auto cur_id = cur_ids.data<int64_t>()[candidate_idx];
auto cur_score = cur_scores.data<T>()[candidate_idx];
if (cur_id != end_id_ || sentence_vector.at(idx).word_ids.empty()) {
// to skip redundant end tokens
......@@ -148,6 +148,42 @@ void CompareCompute_int32<Functor>::Run() {
template <template <typename T> class Functor>
void CompareCompute_int64<Functor>::Run() {
auto &param = this->Param<operators::CompareParam>();
using CompareFunctor = Functor<int64_t>;
const size_t x_size = param.X->numel();
const size_t y_size = param.Y->numel();
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
bool *z = param.Out->template mutable_data<bool>();
const auto *x = param.X->template data<int64_t>();
const auto *y = param.Y->template data<int64_t>();
auto axis = param.axis;
bool force_cpu = param.force_cpu;
if (x_size == y_size) {
for (int i = 0; i < x_size; ++i) {
z[i] = CompareFunctor()(x[i], y[i]);
} else {
int axis = (param.axis == -1 ? x_dims.size() - y_dims.size() : param.axis);
int outer_num, mid_num, inner_num;
get_mid_dims(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &outer_num, &mid_num, &inner_num);
for (int outer_id = 0; outer_id < outer_num; ++outer_id) {
for (int mid_id = 0; mid_id < mid_num; ++mid_id) {
auto y_data = y[mid_id];
for (int inner_id = 0; inner_id < inner_num; ++inner_id) {
int index = (outer_id * mid_num + mid_id) * inner_num + inner_id;
z[index] = CompareFunctor()(x[index], y_data);
// z[index] = x[index] < y_data;
} // namespace arm
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace lite
......@@ -164,6 +200,17 @@ REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(less_than,
.BindInput("Y", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM))})
.BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kBool))})
.BindInput("X", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt64))})
.BindInput("Y", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt64))})
.BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kBool))})
......@@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ class CompareCompute_int32
~CompareCompute_int32() {}
template <template <typename T> class Functor>
class CompareCompute_int64
: public KernelLite<TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt64)> {
using param_t = operators::LogicalParam;
void Run() override;
~CompareCompute_int64() {}
} // namespace arm
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace lite
......@@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ void ElementwiseAddCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
......@@ -99,7 +103,15 @@ void ElementwiseAddActivationCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported Activation type: " << act_type;
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
......@@ -125,6 +137,9 @@ void ElementwiseSubCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "elewise div don't support x_dims size < y_dims size";
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
......@@ -143,6 +158,9 @@ void ElementwiseSubActivationCompute::Run() {
std::string act_type = param.act_type;
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "elewise div don't support x_dims size < y_dims size";
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
......@@ -164,19 +182,29 @@ void ElementwiseSubActivationCompute::Run() {
template <typename T, PrecisionType PType>
void ElementwiseMulCompute<T, PType>::Run() {
auto& param = this->template Param<operators::ElementwiseParam>();
auto* x_data = param.X->template data<T>();
auto* y_data = param.Y->template data<T>();
auto* out_data = param.Out->template mutable_data<T>();
int axis = param.axis;
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
if (param.X->precision() == PRECISION(kFloat)) {
auto* x_data = param.X->template data<float>();
auto* y_data = param.Y->template data<float>();
auto* out_data = param.Out->template mutable_data<float>();
int axis = param.axis;
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
x_data, y_data, out_data, x_dims.production());
} else if (param.X->precision() == PRECISION(kInt64)) {
lite::arm::math::elementwise_compute_basic<int64_t>(param, "mul", "");
} else {
x_data, y_data, out_data, x_dims.production());
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupport input type";
......@@ -190,7 +218,15 @@ void ElementwiseMulActivationCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported Activation type: " << act_type;
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
......@@ -216,7 +252,11 @@ void ElementwiseMaxCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
......@@ -235,7 +275,15 @@ void ElementwiseMaxActivationCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size() &&
is_broadcast(y_dims, x_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
y_data, x_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported Activation type: " << act_type;
} else if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
......@@ -261,6 +309,9 @@ void ElementwiseDivCompute::Run() {
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
int pre, n, post;
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "elewise div don't support x_dims size < y_dims size";
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
x_data, y_data, out_data, pre, n, post);
......@@ -279,6 +330,9 @@ void ElementwiseDivActivationCompute::Run() {
std::string act_type = param.act_type;
auto x_dims = param.X->dims();
auto y_dims = param.Y->dims();
if (x_dims.size() < y_dims.size()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "elewise div don't support x_dims size < y_dims size";
int pre, n, post;
if (is_broadcast(x_dims, y_dims, axis, &pre, &n, &post)) {
if (act_type == "relu") {
......@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ void FillConstantBatchSizeLikeCompute::Run() {
for (int i = 0; i < param.out->numel(); i++) {
data[i] = param.value;
} else if (param.dtype ==
static_cast<int32_t>(lite::core::FluidType::INT64)) {
auto data = param.out->template mutable_data<int64_t>();
for (int i = 0; i < param.out->numel(); i++) {
data[i] = param.value;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "not supported dtype " << param.dtype;
......@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ void FillConstantCompute::Run() {
for (int i = 0; i < param.out->numel(); i++) {
data[i] = param.value;
} else if (param.dtype ==
static_cast<int32_t>(lite::core::FluidType::INT64)) {
auto data = param.out->template mutable_data<int64_t>();
for (int i = 0; i < param.out->numel(); i++) {
data[i] = param.value;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "not supported dtype " << param.dtype;
......@@ -27,10 +27,22 @@ void IncrementCompute::Run() {
auto& param = this->Param<operators::IncrementParam>();
int total_num = param.X->dims().production();
const auto* x_data = param.X->data<float>();
auto* o_data = param.Out->mutable_data<float>();
lite::arm::math::increment(x_data, total_num, param.step, o_data, &ctx);
if (param.X->precision() == PRECISION(kFloat)) {
const auto* x_data = param.X->data<float>();
auto* o_data = param.Out->mutable_data<float>();
lite::arm::math::increment(x_data, total_num, param.step, o_data, &ctx);
} else if (param.X->precision() == PRECISION(kInt64)) {
const auto* x_data = param.X->data<int64_t>();
auto* o_data = param.Out->mutable_data<int64_t>();
lite::arm::math::increment(x_data, total_num, param.step, o_data, &ctx);
} else if (param.X->precision() == PRECISION(kInt32)) {
const auto* x_data = param.X->data<int32_t>();
auto* o_data = param.Out->mutable_data<int32_t>();
lite::arm::math::increment(x_data, total_num, param.step, o_data, &ctx);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupport input type "
<< PrecisionToStr(param.X->precision());
} // namespace arm
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(lookup_table,
.BindInput("W", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM))})
.BindInput("Ids", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kAny))})
.BindInput("Ids", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt64))})
.BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM))})
......@@ -83,6 +83,6 @@ REGISTER_LITE_KERNEL(lookup_table_v2,
.BindInput("W", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM))})
.BindInput("Ids", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kAny))})
.BindInput("Ids", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM), PRECISION(kInt64))})
.BindOutput("Out", {LiteType::GetTensorTy(TARGET(kARM))})
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ void TopkCompute::Run() {
auto& param = Param<operators::TopkParam>();
const float* x_data = param.X->data<float>();
float* out_val = param.Out->mutable_data<float>();
int* out_ind = param.Indices->mutable_data<int>();
auto out_ind = param.Indices->mutable_data<int64_t>();
DDim x_dims = param.X->dims();
int K = param.K;
int dim_size = x_dims.size();
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
// limitations under the License.
#include "lite/operators/elementwise_ops.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "lite/core/op_registry.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace lite {
namespace operators {
......@@ -27,10 +28,59 @@ bool ElementwiseOp::CheckShape() const {
bool ElementwiseOp::InferShape() const {
CHECK_OR_FALSE(param_.X->dims().size() >= param_.Y->dims().size());
auto out_lod = param_.Out->mutable_lod();
*out_lod = param_.X->lod();
auto x_dim = param_.X->dims();
auto y_dim = param_.Y->dims();
if (x_dim == y_dim) {
auto out_lod = param_.Out->mutable_lod();
*out_lod = param_.X->lod();
} else {
int max_dim = (x_dim.size() > y_dim.size() ? x_dim.size() : y_dim.size());
int axis = param_.axis;
axis = (axis == -1 ? std::abs(static_cast<int>(x_dim.size() - y_dim.size()))
: axis);
std::vector<int64_t> x_dims_array(max_dim);
std::vector<int64_t> y_dims_array(max_dim);
std::vector<int64_t> out_dims_array(max_dim);
if (x_dim.size() > y_dim.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < axis; ++i) {
y_dims_array[i] = 1;
if (axis + y_dim.size() < max_dim) {
for (int i = axis + y_dim.size(); i < max_dim; ++i) {
y_dims_array[i] = 1;
x_dims_array = x_dim.Vectorize();
for (int i = 0; i < y_dim.size(); ++i) {
y_dims_array[i + axis] = y_dim[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < axis; ++i) {
x_dims_array[i] = 1;
if (axis + x_dim.size() < max_dim) {
for (int i = axis + x_dim.size(); i < max_dim; ++i) {
x_dims_array[i] = 1;
y_dims_array = y_dim.Vectorize();
for (int i = 0; i < x_dim.size(); ++i) {
x_dims_array[i + axis] = x_dim[i];
for (int i = 0; i < max_dim; i++) {
if (x_dims_array[i] == -1 || y_dims_array[i] == -1) {
out_dims_array[i] = -1;
} else {
out_dims_array[i] = std::max(x_dims_array[i], y_dims_array[i]);
auto out_lod = param_.Out->mutable_lod();
*out_lod = param_.X->lod();
return true;
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