提交 1e8dd938 编写于 作者: Z zhangyang

remove redundancy for V1 for FPGA track

上级 d74fdd19
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ option(LOG_PROFILE "log profile" OFF)
option(CPU "armv7 with neon" ON)
option(GPU_MALI "mali gpu" OFF)
option(GPU_CL "opencl gpu" OFF)
option(FPGA "fpga" OFF)
option(FPGAV1 "fpga v1" ON)
......@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ if(FPGA)
file(GLOB_RECURSE _tmp_list src/operators/kernel/fpga/V2/*.h src/fpga/V2/*.h)
foreach(f ${_tmp_list})
......@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ if(FPGA)
file(GLOB_RECURSE _tmp_list src/operators/kernel/fpga/V1/*.h src/fpga/V1/*.h)
foreach(f ${_tmp_list})
......@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ namespace fpga {
#define USE_RELU 1
#define USE_BIAS 2
int get_align_image_cw(int cw) { return align_to_x(cw, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT); }
void format_image(framework::Tensor *image_tensor) {
auto dims = image_tensor->dims();
auto channel = dims[1], height = dims[2], width = dims[3];
......@@ -96,10 +94,6 @@ int get_aligned_filter_element_num(int chw) {
return align_to_x(chw, FILTER_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT);
int get_aligned_filter_num(int num) {
return align_to_x(num, FILTER_NUM_ALIGNMENT);
void format_filter(framework::Tensor *filter_tensor, float max_value,
int group_num) {
filter_tensor->scale[0] = float(max_value / 127.0); // NOLINT
......@@ -177,46 +171,37 @@ void format_concat_output(framework::Tensor *out, int height, int width,
void expand_conv_arg(ConvArgs *arg) {
ConvArgs args = *arg;
uint64_t filterlen = (uint64_t)args.kernel.width *
(uint64_t)args.kernel.height *
filterlen = align_to_x(filterlen, FILTER_ELEMENT_ALIGNMENT);
filterlen *= align_to_x((uint64_t)args.filter_num, FILTER_NUM_ALIGNMENT);
uint64_t fpga_bias_scale_len =
auto fpga_bias_scale_len =
align_to_x(args.filter_num / args.group_num, 8) * args.group_num;
uint64_t output_height =
auto output_height =
(args.image.height + args.image.pad_height * 2 - args.kernel.height) /
args.kernel.stride_h +
uint64_t output_width =
auto output_width =
(args.image.width + args.image.pad_width * 2 - args.kernel.width) /
args.kernel.stride_w +
uint64_t output_size =
output_height * output_width * (uint64_t)args.filter_num;
auto filter_per_group = (uint64_t)(args.filter_num / args.group_num);
auto channel_per_group = (uint64_t)(args.image.channels / args.group_num);
uint64_t image_row_count = ((uint64_t)args.image.width) *
((uint64_t)args.image.channels); // without align
uint64_t image_amount_per_row = align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT);
uint64_t image_one_pad_per_row =
align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT) +
((uint64_t)args.image.pad_width) * ((uint64_t)args.image.channels);
uint64_t filter_amount_all =
align_to_x(((uint64_t)args.kernel.height) *
((uint64_t)args.kernel.width) * channel_per_group,
auto filter_per_group = args.filter_num / args.group_num;
auto channel_per_group = args.image.channels / args.group_num;
auto image_row_count = args.image.width * args.image.channels;
auto image_amount_per_row = align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT);
auto image_one_pad_per_row = align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT) +
args.image.pad_width * args.image.channels;
auto filter_amount_all =
align_to_x(args.kernel.height * args.kernel.width * channel_per_group,
uint64_t output_amount_per_row =
align_to_x(output_width * ((uint64_t)args.filter_num), IMAGE_ALIGNMENT);
auto output_amount_per_row =
align_to_x(output_width * args.filter_num, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT);
// find the opt partition strategy
uint64_t res_win;
uint64_t res_fit = 0;
for (res_win = 1; res_win <= output_width; res_win = res_win + 1) {
for (res_win = 1; res_win <= output_width; res_win++) {
if ((align_to_x(
(args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (res_win - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
......@@ -238,48 +223,48 @@ void expand_conv_arg(ConvArgs *arg) {
res_fit = res_win;
uint64_t block_num = (output_width + res_fit - 1) / res_fit;
uint64_t block_len = res_fit;
uint64_t block_last = output_width - res_fit * (block_num - 1);
auto block_num = (output_width + res_fit - 1) / res_fit;
auto block_len = res_fit;
auto block_last = output_width - res_fit * (block_num - 1);
uint64_t res_amount_per_row = output_width * args.filter_num;
uint64_t res_amount_per_row_pad = output_amount_per_row - res_amount_per_row;
auto res_amount_per_row = output_width * args.filter_num;
auto res_amount_per_row_pad = output_amount_per_row - res_amount_per_row;
uint64_t image_block_amount_per_row =
args.kernel.stride_w * (res_fit)*args.image.channels;
uint64_t filter_pad_width_mul_channel =
auto image_block_amount_per_row =
args.kernel.stride_w * res_fit * args.image.channels;
auto filter_pad_width_mul_channel =
args.image.pad_width * args.image.channels;
uint64_t image_amount_per_row_multi_win_first =
auto image_amount_per_row_multi_win_first =
image_amount_per_row * (4 * args.kernel.stride_h - args.image.pad_height);
uint64_t image_amount_per_row_multi_win =
auto image_amount_per_row_multi_win =
image_amount_per_row * (4 * args.kernel.stride_h);
uint64_t image_block_num = block_num;
uint64_t image_block_len =
auto image_block_num = block_num;
auto image_block_len =
align_to_x((args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (block_len - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
16 +
uint64_t image_block_len_last =
auto image_block_len_last =
(args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (block_last - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
16 +
uint64_t image_win_cnt = block_len;
uint64_t image_win_cnt_last = block_last;
uint64_t res_row_data_align4_pad = res_amount_per_row_pad / 8;
uint64_t prog_full_cnt = 2048 / (filter_amount_all / 16 * 2) - 1;
auto image_win_cnt = block_len;
auto image_win_cnt_last = block_last;
auto res_row_data_align4_pad = res_amount_per_row_pad / 8;
auto prog_full_cnt = 2048 / (filter_amount_all / 16 * 2) - 1;
if (prog_full_cnt == 1023) {
uint64_t post_prog_full_cnt =
auto post_prog_full_cnt =
(512 / (align_to_x(args.filter_num, 4) / 4 * 2) > 2)
? (512 / (align_to_x(args.filter_num, 4) / 4 * 2) - 2)
: 0;
uint64_t cmd = 0UL | (args.relu_enabled ? USE_RELU : 0) | USE_BIAS;
auto cmd = 0UL | (args.relu_enabled ? USE_RELU : 0) | USE_BIAS;
(*arg).driver.image_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image.address);
(*arg).driver.sb_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.sb_address);
......@@ -449,7 +434,6 @@ void fill_deconv_arg(struct DeconvArgs *arg, framework::Tensor *input,
arg->sub_conv_num = (uint32_t)stride_h;
arg->filter_num = (uint32_t)filter->dims()[0];
int sub_conv_num = arg->sub_conv_num;
int sub_stride = 1;
int sub_pad = deconv_filter::deconv_calc_sub_pad((int)filter->dims()[3],
padding_w, stride_w);
int sub_filter_width = deconv_filter::deconv_get_sub_filter_axis(
......@@ -466,16 +450,12 @@ void fill_deconv_arg(struct DeconvArgs *arg, framework::Tensor *input,
stride_w, (int)filter->dims()[3], padding_w);
arg->conv_args = (ConvArgs *)fpga_malloc(sub_conv_num * sizeof(ConvArgs));
int sub_channels = (int)input->dims()[1];
int omit_size = arg->omit_size;
int real_out_width = sub_output_width * sub_conv_num - 2 * omit_size;
int real_out_height = sub_output_height * sub_conv_num - 2 * omit_size;
auto sub_channels = (int)input->dims()[1];
int sub_filter_num = sub_conv_num * (arg->filter_num);
int conv_output_size =
(align_to_x(sub_output_width * sub_filter_num, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT)) *
int ouput_size = conv_output_size * sub_conv_num;
int align_sub_filter_num = align_to_x(sub_filter_num, FILTER_NUM_ALIGNMENT);
int align_sub_filter_count =
......@@ -485,7 +465,7 @@ void fill_deconv_arg(struct DeconvArgs *arg, framework::Tensor *input,
align_sub_filter_count * align_sub_filter_num;
for (int i = 0; i < sub_conv_num; ++i) {
arg->conv_args[i].filter_num = (arg->sub_conv_num) * (arg->filter_num);
arg->conv_args[i].filter_num = arg->sub_conv_num * arg->filter_num;
arg->conv_args[i].group_num = (uint32_t)group_num;
arg->conv_args[i].filter_scale_address = filter->scale;
......@@ -496,7 +476,6 @@ void fill_deconv_arg(struct DeconvArgs *arg, framework::Tensor *input,
arg->conv_args[i].kernel.stride_w = 1;
arg->conv_args[i].kernel.stride_h = 1;
// DeconvParam.conv_args[i].image.address = (void*)ptr_image;
arg->conv_args[i].image.scale_address = input->scale;
arg->conv_args[i].image.channels = (uint32_t)sub_channels;
arg->conv_args[i].image.width = (uint32_t)input->dims()[3];
......@@ -504,30 +483,31 @@ void fill_deconv_arg(struct DeconvArgs *arg, framework::Tensor *input,
arg->conv_args[i].image.pad_width = (uint32_t)sub_pad;
arg->conv_args[i].image.pad_height = (uint32_t)sub_pad;
arg->conv_args[i].image.address = input_ptr;
arg->conv_args[i].sb_address = (void *)bs_ptr;
arg->conv_args[i].sb_address = bs_ptr;
auto filter_sub_space =
(char *)fpga_malloc(align_conv_sub_filter_count * sizeof(char));
(char *)filter_ptr + i * align_conv_sub_filter_count,
arg->conv_args[i].filter_address = (void *)(filter_sub_space);
arg->conv_args[i].filter_address = filter_sub_space;
fpga_flush(filter_sub_space, (size_t)align_conv_sub_filter_count);
if (sub_conv_num == 1) {
arg->conv_args[i].output.address = out_ptr;
arg->conv_args[i].output.scale_address = out->scale;
} else {
auto ptr_output = (half *)fpga_malloc(conv_output_size * sizeof(half));
arg->conv_args[i].output.address = (void *)((half *)ptr_output);
auto ptr_output = fpga_malloc(conv_output_size * sizeof(half));
arg->conv_args[i].output.address = ptr_output;
auto ptr_output_scale = (float *)fpga_malloc(2 * sizeof(float));
arg->conv_args[i].output.scale_address = ptr_output_scale;
arg->output.address = out_ptr;
arg->output.scale_address = out->scale;
// fpga_free(filter_ptr);
} // fill_deconv_arg
} // namespace fpga
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle_mobile {
namespace fpga {
int get_align_image_cw(int cw);
void format_image(framework::Tensor* image_tensor);
void format_fp16_ofm(framework::Tensor* ofm_tensor); // only allocate memory
void format_fp32_ofm(framework::Tensor* ofm_tensor);
......@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ float filter_find_max(framework::Tensor* filter_tensor);
int get_filter_num_per_div(framework::Tensor* filter_tensor, int group_num);
int get_plit_num(framework::Tensor* filter_tensor);
int get_aligned_filter_element_num(int chw);
int get_aligned_filter_num(int num);
void format_filter(framework::Tensor* filter_tensor, float max_value,
int group_num);
void format_fc_filter(framework::Tensor* filter_tensor, float max_value);
......@@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ inverse kernel weights of each channel for every filter
void deconv_inverse_filter(float** data_in, int num, int channel, int width,
int height) {
float* tmp = *data_in;
// float fix_range = 127;// float scale = fix_range / max;
int data_size = num * channel * width * height;
int hw_len = height * width;
float* tmp_data = (float*)fpga_malloc(data_size * sizeof(float));
auto tmp_data = (float*)fpga_malloc(data_size * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channel; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < hw_len; ++k) {
......@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ void deconv_inverse_filter(float** data_in, int num, int channel, int width,
*data_in = (float*)tmp_data; //
*data_in = tmp_data;
......@@ -61,8 +60,7 @@ void deconv_inverse_filter(float** data_in, int num, int channel, int width,
int deconv_calc_sub_pad(int filter_axis, int pad, int stride) {
if (stride == 0 || ((filter_axis - pad - 1) < 0)) {
// error
return 0;
PADDLE_MOBILE_ENFORCE(false, "Wrong deconv parameters");
return (filter_axis - pad - 1) / stride;
......@@ -79,11 +77,8 @@ int deconv_get_sub_out_axis(int image_axis, int sub_pad, int sub_filter_axis) {
position. so the omit rows or columns is (stride - )
int deconv_get_omit(int stride, int filter_width, int pad) {
if (((filter_width - pad) <= 0)) { // ((filter_width-pad) > stride) ||
// error
return 0;
int idx = 1;
PADDLE_MOBILE_ENFORCE(filter_width > pad, "Wrong deconv parameters");
int idx;
bool flag = false;
for (idx = 1; idx <= stride; ++idx) {
int j = idx;
......@@ -102,10 +97,6 @@ int deconv_get_omit(int stride, int filter_width, int pad) {
return (stride - idx);
int deconv_get_sub_filter_num(int filter_num, int stride) {
return filter_num * stride;
void deconv_get_sub_filter(char** data_in, int height, int width,
int sub_conv_n, int kernel_num, int channel) {
char* ptr_tmp = *data_in;
......@@ -245,7 +236,6 @@ void deconv_format_filter(float** data_in, int num, int channel, int height,
char* ptr_space = (char*)fpga_malloc(sub_conv_n * align_offset *
sizeof(char)); // continuous space
for (int i = 0; i < sub_conv_n; ++i) {
int offset = i * origin_offset;
char* ptr_tmp = (ptr_ptr_data)[i];
filter::align_element(&ptr_tmp, sub_num, sub_chw);
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ namespace deconv_filter {
void deconv_inverse_filter(float** data_in, int num, int channel, int width,
int height);
int deconv_calc_sub_pad(int filter_axis, int pad, int stride);
int deconv_get_sub_filter_num(int filter_num, int stride);
int deconv_get_sub_filter_axis(int filter_axis, int stride);
int deconv_get_sub_out_axis(int image_axis, int sub_pad, int sub_filter_axis);
int deconv_get_omit(int stride, int filter_width, int pad);
......@@ -13,23 +13,15 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "fpga/common/pe.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include "common/types.h"
#include "fpga/V1/filter.h"
#include "fpga/V1/image.h"
#include "fpga/common/config.h"
#include "fpga/common/driver.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace paddle_mobile::fpga::driver; // NOLINT
namespace paddle_mobile {
namespace fpga {
#define IMAGE_ALIGN 16
#define FILTER_ALIGN 16
using namespace driver; // NOLINT
#define USE_RELU 1
#define USE_BIAS 2
......@@ -51,7 +43,7 @@ namespace fpga {
#define INTERRUPT_CONV 0x0004
#define INTERRUPT_POOLING 0x0008
#define INTERRUPT_EW 0x0010
//#define INTERRUPT_RESIZE 0x0020
//#define INTERRUPT_RESIZE 0x0020
/* Register offset */
#define REG_INTERRUPT 0x000
......@@ -207,129 +199,6 @@ int ComputeBasicConv(const struct ConvArgs &args) {
int ret = 0;
uint64_t output_scale = 0;
uint64_t output_scale;
uint64_t image_scale;
uint64_t filter_scale;
uint64_t image_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t sb_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t filter_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t output_address_phy = 0;
fpga_copy(&image_scale, args.image.scale_address, 2 * sizeof(float));
fpga_copy(&filter_scale, args.filter_scale_address, 2 * sizeof(float));
uint64_t filterlen = (uint64_t)args.kernel.width *
(uint64_t)args.kernel.height *
filterlen = align_to_x(filterlen, FILTER_ALIGN);
filterlen *= align_to_x((uint64_t)args.filter_num, FILTER_NUM_ALIGN);
uint64_t fpga_bias_scale_len =
align_to_x(args.filter_num / args.group_num, 8) * args.group_num;
uint64_t output_height =
(args.image.height + args.image.pad_height * 2 - args.kernel.height) /
args.kernel.stride_h +
uint64_t output_width =
(args.image.width + args.image.pad_width * 2 - args.kernel.width) /
args.kernel.stride_w +
uint64_t output_size =
output_height * output_width * (uint64_t)args.filter_num;
uint64_t filter_per_group = (uint64_t)(args.filter_num / args.group_num);
uint64_t channel_per_group = (uint64_t)(args.image.channels / args.group_num);
uint64_t image_row_count = ((uint64_t)args.image.width) *
((uint64_t)args.image.channels); // without align
uint64_t image_amount_per_row = align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGN);
uint64_t image_one_pad_per_row =
align_to_x(image_row_count, IMAGE_ALIGN) +
((uint64_t)args.image.pad_width) * ((uint64_t)args.image.channels);
uint64_t filter_amount_all =
align_to_x(((uint64_t)args.kernel.height) *
((uint64_t)args.kernel.width) * channel_per_group,
uint64_t output_amount_per_row =
align_to_x(output_width * ((uint64_t)args.filter_num), IMAGE_ALIGN);
// find the opt partition strategy
uint64_t res_win;
uint64_t res_fit = 0;
for (res_win = 1; res_win <= output_width; res_win = res_win + 1) {
if ((align_to_x(
(args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (res_win - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
16 +
1) *
args.kernel.height >
2048) {
if (res_win != output_width) {
res_win -= 1;
if (((res_win % 2) != 0) && (res_win != 1)) {
res_win = res_win - 1;
res_fit = res_win;
uint64_t block_num = (output_width + res_fit - 1) / res_fit;
uint64_t block_len = res_fit;
uint64_t block_last = output_width - res_fit * (block_num - 1);
uint64_t res_amount_per_row = output_width * args.filter_num;
uint64_t res_amount_per_row_pad = output_amount_per_row - res_amount_per_row;
uint64_t image_block_amount_per_row =
args.kernel.stride_w * (res_fit)*args.image.channels;
uint64_t filter_pad_width_mul_channel =
args.image.pad_width * args.image.channels;
uint64_t image_amount_per_row_multi_win_first =
image_amount_per_row * (4 * args.kernel.stride_h - args.image.pad_height);
uint64_t image_amount_per_row_multi_win =
image_amount_per_row * (4 * args.kernel.stride_h);
uint64_t image_block_num = block_num;
uint64_t image_block_len =
align_to_x((args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (block_len - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
16 +
uint64_t image_block_len_last =
(args.image.channels *
(args.kernel.width + (block_last - 1) * args.kernel.stride_w)),
16 +
uint64_t image_win_cnt = block_len;
uint64_t image_win_cnt_last = block_last;
uint64_t res_row_data_align4_pad = res_amount_per_row_pad / 8;
uint64_t prog_full_cnt = 2048 / (filter_amount_all / 16 * 2) - 1;
if (prog_full_cnt == 1023) {
uint64_t post_prog_full_cnt =
(512 / (align_to_x(args.filter_num, 4) / 4 * 2) > 2)
? (512 / (align_to_x(args.filter_num, 4) / 4 * 2) - 2)
: 0;
image_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image.address);
sb_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.sb_address);
filter_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.filter_address);
output_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.output.address);
uint64_t cmd = 0UL | (args.relu_enabled ? USE_RELU : 0) | USE_BIAS;
if (ERROR == g_fpgainfo.pe_data->pes[PE_IDX_CONV]->status) {
ret = -EIO;
......@@ -357,7 +226,6 @@ int ComputeBasicConv(const struct ConvArgs &args) {
reg_writeq((uint64_t)args.image.channels, REG_CONV_CHANNEL_NUMBER);
reg_writeq(*(uint64_t *)args.image.scale_address, REG_CONV_IMAGE_SCALE);
reg_writeq(*(uint64_t *)args.filter_scale_address, REG_CONV_FILTER_SCALE);
reg_writeq(args.driver.image_address_phy, REG_CONV_IMAGE_BASE_ADDR);
reg_writeq(args.driver.filter_address_phy, REG_CONV_FILTER_BASE_ADDR);
reg_writeq(args.driver.sb_address_phy, REG_CONV_SB_BASE_ADDR);
......@@ -381,7 +249,6 @@ int ComputeBasicConv(const struct ConvArgs &args) {
reg_writeq(args.driver.prog_full_cnt, 0xd08);
reg_writeq(args.driver.post_prog_full_cnt, 0xd10);
reg_writeq(args.driver.fpga_bias_scale_len / 4, 0xd20);
reg_writeq(args.driver.cmd, REG_CONV_CMD);
......@@ -398,9 +265,9 @@ int ComputeBasicConv(const struct ConvArgs &args) {
return ret;
return 0;
} // ComputeBasicConv
int ComputeFpgaPool(const struct PoolingArgs &args) {
......@@ -422,19 +289,15 @@ int ComputeFpgaPool(const struct PoolingArgs &args) {
<< " out_scale_address:" << args.output.scale_address;
DLOG << "Polling";
// return 0;
uint64_t output_scale = 0;
uint64_t timer_cnt = 0;
int ret = 0;
uint64_t cmd = 0;
uint64_t image_physical_address = 0;
uint64_t output_physical_address = 0;
image_physical_address = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image.address);
output_physical_address = vaddr_to_paddr(args.output.address);
image_physical_address = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(args.image.address);
output_physical_address = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(args.output.address);
uint32_t output_height = (uint32_t)(
(args.image.height + args.image.pad_height * 2 - args.kernel.height) /
args.kernel.stride_h +
......@@ -443,37 +306,35 @@ int ComputeFpgaPool(const struct PoolingArgs &args) {
(args.image.width + args.image.pad_width * 2 - args.kernel.width) /
args.kernel.stride_w +
uint64_t image_amount_per_row = align_to_x(
(uint64_t)args.image.width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels, IMAGE_ALIGN);
uint64_t image_amount_per_row =
align_to_x((uint64_t)args.image.width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels,
uint64_t image_one_pad_per_row =
align_to_x((uint64_t)args.image.width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels,
(uint64_t)args.image.pad_width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels;
uint64_t image_two_pad_per_row = align_to_x(
((uint64_t)args.image.width + (uint64_t)args.image.pad_width * 2) *
uint64_t image_row_mul_pooling_hight =
image_amount_per_row * (uint64_t)args.kernel.height;
uint64_t image_row_mul_pad_hight =
image_amount_per_row * (uint64_t)args.image.pad_height;
uint64_t image_row_mul_step_hight =
image_amount_per_row * (uint64_t)args.kernel.stride_h;
uint64_t result_amount_align_32 = align_to_x(
(uint64_t)output_width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels, FILTER_ALIGN);
uint64_t result_amount_align_32 =
align_to_x((uint64_t)output_width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels,
uint64_t result_amount_align_64 = align_to_x(
(uint64_t)output_width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels, IMAGE_ALIGN);
(uint64_t)output_width * (uint64_t)args.image.channels, IMAGE_ALIGNMENT);
uint64_t image_calcu_height =
(uint64_t)args.kernel.height +
((uint64_t)output_height - 1) * (uint64_t)args.kernel.stride_h;
uint64_t image_pad_left = args.image.channels * args.image.pad_width;
uint64_t image_skip_window = args.image.channels * args.kernel.stride_w;
uint64_t image_padleft_skipwindow =
(image_skip_window << 32) | image_pad_left;
uint64_t mode_reciprocal = (uint64_t)0 | ((uint64_t)args.mode) << 16 |
......@@ -485,50 +346,36 @@ int ComputeFpgaPool(const struct PoolingArgs &args) {
return ret;
/*restart scale*/
reg_writeq(output_scale, REG_SCALE_PARAMETER);
reg_writeq(image_physical_address, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_BASE_ADDR);
reg_writeq(output_physical_address, REG_POOLING_RESULT_BASE_ADDR);
((uint64_t)args.image.height) | (((uint64_t)args.image.width) << 32),
((uint64_t)args.kernel.height) | (((uint64_t)args.kernel.width) << 32),
reg_writeq(((uint64_t)output_height) | (((uint64_t)output_width) << 32),
reg_writeq(((uint64_t)args.image.pad_height) |
(((uint64_t)args.image.pad_width) << 32),
reg_writeq(((uint64_t)args.kernel.stride_h) |
(((uint64_t)args.kernel.stride_w) << 32),
reg_writeq((uint64_t)args.image.channels, REG_POOLING_CHANNEL_NUMBER);
reg_writeq(image_amount_per_row, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_AMOUNT_PER_ROW);
reg_writeq(image_one_pad_per_row, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_ONE_PAD_PER_ROW);
reg_writeq(image_two_pad_per_row, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_TWO_PAD_PER_ROW);
reg_writeq(image_row_mul_pad_hight, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_ROW_MUL_PAD_HEIGHT);
reg_writeq(image_row_mul_step_hight, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_ROW_MUL_STEP_HEIGHT);
reg_writeq(result_amount_align_32, REG_POOLING_RESULT_AMOUNT_ALIGN_32);
reg_writeq(result_amount_align_64, REG_POOLING_RESULT_AMOUNT_ALIGN_64);
reg_writeq(image_calcu_height, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_CALCU_HEIGHT);
reg_writeq(image_padleft_skipwindow, REG_POOLING_IMAGE_PADLEFT_SKIPWINDOW);
reg_writeq(mode_reciprocal, REG_POOLING_MODE_RECIPROCAL);
reg_writeq(cmd, REG_POOLING_CMD);
DLOG << "before reg poll";
......@@ -549,7 +396,8 @@ int ComputeFpgaPool(const struct PoolingArgs &args) {
return ret;
return 0;
} // ComputeFpgaPool
int ComputeFpgaEWAdd(const struct EWAddArgs &args) {
......@@ -577,27 +425,6 @@ int ComputeFpgaEWAdd(const struct EWAddArgs &args) {
int ret = 0;
uint64_t output_scale = 0;
/*uint64_t timer_cnt = 0;
uint64_t image0_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t image1_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t output_address_phy = 0;
uint64_t cmd = args.relu_enabled ? USE_RELU : 0;
uint64_t datalen = (uint64_t)args.image0.width *
(uint64_t)args.image0.height *
uint64_t coefficient = (uint64_t)args.const0 << 32 | (uint64_t)args.const1;
image0_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image0.address);
image1_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image1.address);
output_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.output.address);
uint64_t image_amount_per_row =
align_to_x((uint64_t)args.image0.width * (uint64_t)args.image0.channels,
uint64_t image_image_pixel = ((uint64_t)args.image0.channels << 32) |
((uint64_t)args.image0.width << 16) |
if (ERROR == g_fpgainfo.pe_data->pes[PE_IDX_EW]->status) {
ret = -EIO;
......@@ -631,7 +458,8 @@ int ComputeFpgaEWAdd(const struct EWAddArgs &args) {
return ret;
return 0;
} // ComputeFpgaEWAdd
int PerformBypass(const struct BypassArgs &args) {
......@@ -651,9 +479,6 @@ int PerformBypass(const struct BypassArgs &args) {
<< " out_scale_address:" << args.output.scale_address;
DLOG << "Bypass";
// return 0;
struct fpga_pe *pe;
uint64_t output_scale = 0;
uint64_t timer_cnt = 0;
uint64_t cmd = 0;
......@@ -662,15 +487,12 @@ int PerformBypass(const struct BypassArgs &args) {
uint64_t output_address_phy = 0;
uint8_t data_cell_in = 0;
uint8_t data_cell_out = 0;
int ret = 0;
datalen = (uint64_t)args.image.width * (uint64_t)args.image.height *
datalen = align_to_x(datalen, 16);
input_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.image.address);
output_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr(args.output.address);
input_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(args.image.address);
output_address_phy = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(args.output.address);
DLOG << "input_phy:" << input_address_phy;
DLOG << "output_phy:" << output_address_phy;
......@@ -733,36 +555,29 @@ int PerformBypass(const struct BypassArgs &args) {
return ret;
/*restart scale*/
reg_writeq(output_scale, REG_SCALE_PARAMETER);
reg_writeq(input_address_phy, REG_CONVERT_SRC_ADDR);
reg_writeq(output_address_phy, REG_CONVERT_DST_ADDR);
reg_writeq(datalen, REG_CONVERT_LENGTH);
reg_writeq(cmd, REG_CONVERT_CMD);
DLOG << "before reg poll";
g_fpgainfo.pe_data->pes[PE_IDX_BYPASS]->status = ERROR;
ret = -EIO;
DLOG << "BYPASS Wait Irq Timeout!";
DLOG << "after reg poll";
output_scale = reg_readq(REG_SCALE_PARAMETER);
output_scale = (output_scale << 32) | (output_scale >> 32);
fpga_copy(args.output.scale_address, &output_scale, sizeof(float) * 2);
//*(args.output.scale_address) = reg_readq(REG_SCALE_PARAMETER);
//*(args.output.timer_cnt) = reg_readq(REG_TIMER_COUNTER);
return ret;
return 0;
} // PerformBypass
int ComputeFPGAConcat(const struct ConcatArgs &args) {
......@@ -776,7 +591,7 @@ int ComputeFPGAConcat(const struct ConcatArgs &args) {
DLOG << " " << i << "th: ";
DLOG << " channel_num:"
<< args.channel_num[i]
// << " aligned_channel_num:" << args.aligned_channel_num[i]
//<< " aligned_channel_num:" << args.aligned_channel_num[i]
<< " image_address:" << args.images_in[i]
<< " image_scale_address:" << args.scales_in[i];
......@@ -786,10 +601,15 @@ int ComputeFPGAConcat(const struct ConcatArgs &args) {
args.scale_out, args.image_num, args.channel_num,
args.height, args.width);
return 0;
void deconv_post_process(half **data_in, int sub_conv_n, int num, int channel,
int sub_height, int sub_width, int omit_size) {
} // ComputeFPGAConcat
void deconv_post_process(const struct DeconvArgs &args) {
int sub_conv_n = args.sub_conv_num;
int sub_height = args.sub_output_height;
int sub_width = args.sub_output_width;
int omit_size = args.omit_size;
int channel = args.filter_num;
int num = 1;
int origin_h = sub_height * sub_conv_n;
int origin_w = sub_width * sub_conv_n;
int align_origin_w = align_to_x(origin_w * channel, 16);
......@@ -797,60 +617,68 @@ void deconv_post_process(half **data_in, int sub_conv_n, int num, int channel,
int deconv_w = origin_w - 2 * omit_size;
int deconv_row_len = deconv_w * channel;
int align_deconv_row_len = align_to_x(deconv_row_len, 16);
half *ptr_tmp = *data_in;
half *ptr_deconv =
(half *)fpga_malloc(num * align_deconv_row_len * deconv_h * sizeof(half));
memset(ptr_deconv, 0, num * align_deconv_row_len * deconv_h * sizeof(half));
for (int idx = 0; idx < sub_conv_n; ++idx) {
align_origin_w * origin_h * sizeof(int16_t));
auto ptr_deconv = (int16_t *)fpga_malloc(num * align_deconv_row_len *
deconv_h * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(ptr_deconv, 0,
num * align_deconv_row_len * deconv_h * sizeof(int16_t));
int deconv_idx = 0;
for (int nn = 0; nn < num; ++nn) {
for (int hh = 0; hh < origin_h; ++hh) {
int hx = (hh % sub_conv_n);
half *sub_t = ptr_tmp + hx * sub_height * align_origin_w; // sub(hx,:);
auto sub_t =
(int16_t *)(args.conv_args[sub_conv_n - hx - 1].output.address);
int hi = (hh / sub_conv_n);
if ((hh < omit_size) || (hh >= (origin_h - omit_size))) continue;
// for (int ww = 0; ww < origin_w; ++ww){
// if((ww < omit_size) )// || (ww >= (origin_w-omit_size))
// continue;
int sidx = (nn * origin_h * align_origin_w + hi * align_origin_w +
omit_size * channel);
fpga_copy(ptr_deconv + deconv_idx, sub_t + sidx,
sizeof(half) * deconv_row_len);
sizeof(int16_t) * deconv_row_len);
deconv_idx += align_deconv_row_len;
fpga_copy(args.output.address, ptr_deconv,
num * align_deconv_row_len * deconv_h * sizeof(int16_t));
num * align_deconv_row_len * deconv_h * sizeof(int16_t));
*data_in = ptr_deconv;
} // deconv_post_process
int ComputeFpgaDeconv(const struct DeconvArgs &args) {
DLOG << "=============ComputeFPGADeConv===========";
DLOG << " filter_num:" << args.filter_num
<< " group_num:" << args.group_num
<< " group_num:" << args.group_num << "omit_size:" << args.omit_size
<< "sub_output_width: " << args.sub_output_width
<< "sub_output_height: " << args.sub_output_height
<< " sub_conv_num:" << args.sub_conv_num;
DLOG << "args.output.address: " << args.output.address
<< "args.output.scale_address: " << args.output.scale_address;
DLOG << "args.conv_args.sb_address: " << (args.conv_args)->sb_address
<< "args.conv_args.filter_address: " << (args.conv_args)->filter_address;
return 0;
int sub_conv_num = args.sub_conv_num;
for (int i = 0; i < sub_conv_num; i++) {
if (sub_conv_num > 1) {
float max_scale = -1.0;
float max_scale = -1.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < sub_conv_num; i++) {
args.conv_args[i].output.scale_address, 2 * sizeof(float));
float ptr_scale = (args.conv_args[i].output.scale_address)[0];
if (ptr_scale > max_scale) {
args.output.scale_address[0] = ptr_scale;
......@@ -858,12 +686,11 @@ int ComputeFpgaDeconv(const struct DeconvArgs &args) {
deconv_post_process((half **)(&(args.output.address)), args.sub_conv_num, 1,
args.filter_num, (args.sub_output_height),
(args.sub_output_width), args.omit_size);
return 0;
} // ComputeFpgaDeconv
int ComputeFPGASplit(const struct SplitArgs &args) {
......@@ -883,6 +710,7 @@ int ComputeFPGASplit(const struct SplitArgs &args) {
args.scales_out, args.image_num, args.out_channel_nums,
args.height, args.width);
return 0;
} // ComputeFPGASplit
} // namespace fpga
} // namespace paddle_mobile
......@@ -153,10 +153,6 @@ int memory_request(struct fpga_memory *memory, size_t size, uint64_t *addr) {
uint64_t _nr = DIV_ROUND_UP(size, FPGA_PAGE_SIZE);
unsigned int nr = (unsigned int)_nr;
int ret = 0;
DLOG << size;
DLOG << _nr;
DLOG << nr;
uint64_t a_size = FPGA_PAGE_SIZE * nr;
DLOG << a_size;
......@@ -283,7 +279,7 @@ int fpga_memory_add() {
return 0;
uint64_t vaddr_to_paddr(void *address) {
uint64_t vaddr_to_paddr_driver(void *address) {
uint64_t paddr = 0;
auto iter = g_fpgainfo.fpga_vaddr2paddr_map.find(address);
if (iter != g_fpgainfo.fpga_vaddr2paddr_map.end()) {
......@@ -315,7 +311,7 @@ void *fpga_reg_free(void *ptr) {
munmap(ptr, size);
} else {
DLOG << "Invalid pointer";
DLOG << "Invalid pointer" << ptr;
......@@ -347,7 +343,7 @@ void fpga_free_driver(void *ptr) {
munmap(ptr, size);
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr(ptr);
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(ptr);
pos = (p_addr - g_fpgainfo.memory_info->mem_start) / FPGA_PAGE_SIZE;
/*clear bitmap*/
......@@ -361,7 +357,7 @@ void fpga_free_driver(void *ptr) {
} else {
DLOG << "Invalid pointer";
DLOG << "Invalid pointer" << ptr;
......@@ -373,7 +369,7 @@ int fpga_flush_driver(void *address, size_t size) {
struct MemoryCacheArgs args;
uint64_t p_addr;
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr(address);
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(address);
args.offset = (void *)(p_addr - FPGA_MEM_PHY_ADDR); // NOLINT
args.size = size;
......@@ -385,7 +381,7 @@ int fpga_invalidate_driver(void *address, size_t size) {
struct MemoryCacheArgs args;
uint64_t p_addr;
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr(address);
p_addr = vaddr_to_paddr_driver(address);
args.offset = (void *)(p_addr - FPGA_MEM_PHY_ADDR); // NOLINT
args.size = size;
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ namespace driver {
#define FPGA_REG_PHY_ADDR 0xa0000000
#define FPGA_REG_SIZE 0x1000
#define FPGA_MEM_PHY_ADDR 0x20000000
#define FPGA_MEM_SIZE 0x20000000
#define FPGA_MEM_PHY_ADDR 0x40000000
#define FPGA_MEM_SIZE 0x80000000
#define FPGA_PAGE_SIZE (16UL * 1024UL)
......@@ -122,15 +122,11 @@ void *fpga_malloc_driver(size_t size);
void fpga_free_driver(void *ptr);
void fpga_copy_driver(void *dest, const void *src, size_t num);
int fpga_flush_driver(void *address, size_t size);
int fpga_invalidate_driver(void *address, size_t size);
uint64_t vaddr_to_paddr(void *address);
uint64_t vaddr_to_paddr_driver(void *address);
int fpga_regpoll(uint64_t reg, uint64_t val, int time);
......@@ -37,6 +37,18 @@ enum LayoutType {
enum ActivationType {
NONE = 0,
TANH = 3,
struct ActivationArgs {
enum ActivationType activation_type;
int16_t leaky_relu_negative_slope;
struct KernelArgs {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
......@@ -58,7 +70,10 @@ struct ImageOutputArgs {
void* address; // output result address;
float* scale_address; // output scale address;
uint64_t timer_cnt; // time counter for FPGA computation
struct ActivationArgs
activation; // To select activation and specify (Leaky)Relu parameter.
struct ConvDriverParam {
uint64_t image_address_phy;
......@@ -198,7 +213,11 @@ struct DeconvArgs {
struct ConvArgs* conv_args;
static inline int align_to_x(int num, int x) { return (num + x - 1) / x * x; }
// static inline int align_to_x(int num, int x) { return (num + x - 1) / x * x;
// }
static inline uint32_t align_to_x(int64_t num, int64_t x) {
return ((uint32_t)(num + x) - 1) / (uint32_t)x * (uint32_t)x;
int16_t fp32_2_fp16(float fp32_num);
float fp16_2_fp32(int16_t fp16_num);
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "operators/kernel/transpose2_kernel.h"
#include "operators/kernel/central-arm-func/transpose2_arm_func.h"
namespace paddle_mobile {
namespace operators {
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