# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import pickle import time import glob import os import io import traceback import pickle as pkl role = os.getenv("TRAINING_ROLE", "TRAINER") import numpy as np import yaml from easydict import EasyDict as edict import pgl from pgl.utils.logger import log from pgl.utils import paddle_helper import paddle import paddle.fluid as F from models.model_factory import Model from dataset.graph_reader import GraphGenerator class PredictData(object): def __init__(self, num_nodes): trainer_id = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID", "0")) trainer_count = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM", "1")) train_usr = np.arange(trainer_id, num_nodes, trainer_count) #self.data = (train_usr, train_usr) self.data = train_usr def __getitem__(self, index): return [self.data[index], self.data[index]] def tostr(data_array): return " ".join(["%.5lf" % d for d in data_array]) def run_predict(py_reader, exe, program, model_dict, log_per_step=1, args=None): if args.input_type == "text": id2str = np.load(os.path.join(args.graph_path, "id2str.npy"), mmap_mode="r") trainer_id = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID", "0")) trainer_count = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM", "1")) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): os.mkdir(args.output_path) fout = io.open("%s/part-%s" % (args.output_path, trainer_id), "w", encoding="utf8") batch = 0 for batch_feed_dict in py_reader(): batch += 1 batch_usr_feat, batch_ad_feat, _, batch_src_real_index = exe.run( program, feed=batch_feed_dict, fetch_list=model_dict.outputs) if batch % log_per_step == 0: log.info("Predict %s finished" % batch) for ufs, _, sri in zip(batch_usr_feat, batch_ad_feat, batch_src_real_index): if args.input_type == "text": sri = id2str[int(sri)] line = "{}\t{}\n".format(sri, tostr(ufs)) fout.write(line) fout.close() def _warmstart(exe, program, path='params'): def _existed_persitables(var): #if not isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter): # return False if not F.io.is_persistable(var): return False param_path = os.path.join(path, var.name) log.info("Loading parameter: {} persistable: {} exists: {}".format( param_path, F.io.is_persistable(var), os.path.exists(param_path), )) return os.path.exists(param_path) F.io.load_vars( exe, path, main_program=program, predicate=_existed_persitables ) def main(config): model = Model.factory(config) if config.learner_type == "cpu": place = F.CPUPlace() elif config.learner_type == "gpu": gpu_id = int(os.getenv("FLAGS_selected_gpus", "0")) place = F.CUDAPlace(gpu_id) else: raise ValueError exe = F.Executor(place) val_program = F.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True) exe.run(F.default_startup_program()) _warmstart(exe, F.default_startup_program(), path=config.infer_model) num_threads = int(os.getenv("CPU_NUM", 1)) trainer_id = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID", 0)) exec_strategy = F.ExecutionStrategy() exec_strategy.num_threads = num_threads build_strategy = F.BuildStrategy() build_strategy.enable_inplace = True build_strategy.memory_optimize = True build_strategy.remove_unnecessary_lock = False build_strategy.memory_optimize = False if num_threads > 1: build_strategy.reduce_strategy = F.BuildStrategy.ReduceStrategy.Reduce val_compiled_prog = F.compiler.CompiledProgram( val_program).with_data_parallel( build_strategy=build_strategy, exec_strategy=exec_strategy) num_nodes = int(np.load(os.path.join(config.graph_path, "num_nodes.npy"))) predict_data = PredictData(num_nodes) predict_iter = GraphGenerator( graph_wrappers=model.graph_wrappers, batch_size=config.infer_batch_size, data=predict_data, samples=config.samples, num_workers=config.sample_workers, feed_name_list=[var.name for var in model.feed_list], use_pyreader=config.use_pyreader, phase="predict", graph_data_path=config.graph_path, shuffle=False) if config.learner_type == "cpu": model.data_loader.decorate_batch_generator( predict_iter, places=F.cpu_places()) elif config.learner_type == "gpu": gpu_id = int(os.getenv("FLAGS_selected_gpus", "0")) place = F.CUDAPlace(gpu_id) model.data_loader.decorate_batch_generator( predict_iter, places=place) else: raise ValueError run_predict(model.data_loader, program=val_compiled_prog, exe=exe, model_dict=model, args=config) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='main') parser.add_argument("--conf", type=str, default="./config.yaml") args = parser.parse_args() config = edict(yaml.load(open(args.conf), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)) config.loss_type = "hinge" print(config) main(config)