# Paddle Graph Learning (PGL)
Paddle Graph Learning (PGL) is an efficient and flexible graph learning framework based on [PaddlePaddle](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle).
The Framework of Paddle Graph Learning (PGL)
We provide python interfaces for storing/reading/querying graph structured data and two fundamental computational interfaces, which are walk based paradigm and message-passing based paradigm as shown in the above framework of PGL, for building cutting-edge graph learning algorithms. Combined with the PaddlePaddle deep learning framework, we are able to support both graph representation learning models and graph neural networks, and thus our framework has a wide range of graph-based applications.
## Highlight: Efficient and Flexible
Message Passing Paradigm
The basic idea of message passing paradigm
As shown in the left of the following figure, to adapt general user-defined message aggregate functions, DGL uses the degree bucketing method to combine nodes with the same degree into a batch and then apply an aggregate function $\oplus$ on each batch serially. For our PGL UDF aggregate function, we organize the message as a [LodTensor](http://www.paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.4/user_guides/howto/basic_concept/lod_tensor_en.html) in [PaddlePaddle](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle) taking the message as variable length sequences. And we **utilize the features of LodTensor in Paddle to obtain fast parallel aggregation**.
The parallel degree bucketing of PGL
Users only need to call the ```sequence_ops``` functions provided by Paddle to easily implement efficient message aggregation. For examples, using ```sequence_pool``` to sum the neighbor message.
import paddle.fluid as fluid
def recv(msg):
return fluid.layers.sequence_pool(msg, "sum")
Although DGL does some kernel fusion optimization for general sum, max and other aggregate functions with scatter-gather. For **complex user-defined functions** with degree bucketing algorithm, the serial execution for each degree bucket cannot take full advantage of the performance improvement provided by GPU. However, operations on the PGL LodTensor-based message is performed in parallel, which can fully utilize GPU parallel optimization. Even without scatter-gather optimization, PGL still has excellent performance. Of course, we still provide build-in scatter-optimized message aggregation functions.
## Performance
We test all the GNN algorithms with Tesla V100-SXM2-16G running for 200 epochs to get average speeds. And we report the accuracy on test dataset without early stoppping.
| Dataset | Model | PGL Accuracy | PGL speed (epoch time) | DGL speed (epoch time) |
| -------- | ----- | ----------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------ |
| Cora | GCN |81.75% | 0.0047s | **0.0045s** |
| Cora | GAT | 83.5% | **0.0119s** | 0.0141s |
| Pubmed | GCN |79.2% |**0.0049s** |0.0051s |
| Pubmed | GAT | 77% |0.0193s|**0.0144s**|
| Citeseer | GCN |70.2%| **0.0045** |0.0046s|
| Citeseer | GAT |68.8%| **0.0124s** |0.0139s|