# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import cloudpickle import multiprocessing import os import psutil import signal import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import threading import warnings import zmq from datetime import datetime import parl from parl.utils import get_ip_address, to_byte, to_str, logger, _IS_WINDOWS, kill_process from parl.remote import remote_constants from parl.remote.message import InitializedWorker from parl.remote.status import WorkerStatus from six.moves import queue class Worker(object): """Worker provides the cpu computation resources for the cluster. A worker node is connected to the master node and will send its computation resources information to the master node. When a worker node is created, it will start `cpu_num` empty jobs and these jobs' ip addresses will be send to the master node. Further, when an old job is killed, worker will start a new job and send the new job ip address to the master node. To start a worker, we use the following xparl command line api: .. code-block:: python xparl connect --address localhost:1234 --cpu_num 8 Attributes: master_address (str): Master's ip address. request_master_socket (zmq.Context.socket): A socket which sends job address to the master node. reply_job_socket (zmq.Context.socket): A socket which receives job_address from the job. kill_job_socket (zmq.Context.socket): A socket that receives commands to kill the job from jobs. job_buffer (str): A buffer that stores initialized jobs for providing new jobs in a short time. Args: master_address (str): IP address of the master node. cpu_num (int): Number of cpu to be used on the worker. """ def __init__(self, master_address, cpu_num=None, log_server_port=None): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.heartbeat_socket_initialized = threading.Event() self.ctx = zmq.Context.instance() self.master_address = master_address self.master_is_alive = True self.worker_is_alive = True self.worker_status = None # initialized at `self._create_jobs` self._set_cpu_num(cpu_num) self.job_buffer = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.cpu_num) self._create_sockets() self.check_version() # create log server self.log_server_proc, self.log_server_address = self._create_log_server( port=log_server_port) # create a thread that waits commands from the job to kill the job. self.kill_job_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._reply_kill_job) self.kill_job_thread.setDaemon(True) self.kill_job_thread.start() self._create_jobs() # create a thread that initializes jobs and adds them into the job_buffer job_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._fill_job_buffer) job_thread.setDaemon(True) job_thread.start() def _set_cpu_num(self, cpu_num=None): """set useable cpu number for worker""" if cpu_num is not None: assert isinstance( cpu_num, int ), "cpu_num should be INT type, please check the input type." self.cpu_num = cpu_num else: self.cpu_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count() def check_version(self): '''Verify that the parl & python version in 'worker' process matches that of the 'master' process''' self.request_master_socket.send_multipart( [remote_constants.CHECK_VERSION_TAG]) message = self.request_master_socket.recv_multipart() tag = message[0] if tag == remote_constants.NORMAL_TAG: worker_parl_version = parl.__version__ worker_python_version = str(sys.version_info.major) assert worker_parl_version == to_str(message[1]) and worker_python_version == to_str(message[2]),\ '''Version mismatch: the "master" is of version "parl={}, python={}". However, "parl={}, python={}"is provided in your environment.'''.format( to_str(message[1]), to_str(message[2]), worker_parl_version, worker_python_version ) else: raise NotImplementedError def _create_sockets(self): """ Each worker has three sockets at start: (1) request_master_socket: sends job address to master node. (2) reply_job_socket: receives job_address from subprocess. (3) kill_job_socket : receives commands to kill the job from jobs. When a job starts, a new heartbeat socket is created to receive heartbeat signals from the job. """ self.worker_ip = get_ip_address() # request_master_socket: sends job address to master self.request_master_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) self.request_master_socket.linger = 0 # wait for 0.5 second to check whether master is started self.request_master_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 500) self.request_master_socket.connect("tcp://" + self.master_address) # reply_job_socket: receives job_address from subprocess self.reply_job_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.REP) self.reply_job_socket.linger = 0 reply_job_port = self.reply_job_socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") self.reply_job_address = "{}:{}".format(self.worker_ip, reply_job_port) # kill_job_socket self.kill_job_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.REP) self.kill_job_socket.linger = 0 kill_job_port = self.kill_job_socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") self.kill_job_address = "{}:{}".format(self.worker_ip, kill_job_port) def _create_jobs(self): """Create jobs and send a instance of ``InitializedWorker`` that contains the worker information to the master.""" try: self.request_master_socket.send_multipart( [remote_constants.WORKER_CONNECT_TAG]) _ = self.request_master_socket.recv_multipart() except zmq.error.Again as e: logger.error("Can not connect to the master, " "please check if master is started.") self.master_is_alive = False return initialized_jobs = self._init_jobs(job_num=self.cpu_num) self.request_master_socket.setsockopt( zmq.RCVTIMEO, remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_S * 1000) self.reply_master_hearbeat_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._reply_heartbeat, args=("master {}".format(self.master_address), )) self.reply_master_hearbeat_thread.start() self.heartbeat_socket_initialized.wait() for job in initialized_jobs: job.worker_address = self.master_heartbeat_address initialized_worker = InitializedWorker(self.master_heartbeat_address, initialized_jobs, self.cpu_num, socket.gethostname()) self.request_master_socket.send_multipart([ remote_constants.WORKER_INITIALIZED_TAG, cloudpickle.dumps(initialized_worker) ]) _ = self.request_master_socket.recv_multipart() self.worker_status = WorkerStatus(self.master_heartbeat_address, initialized_jobs, self.cpu_num) def _fill_job_buffer(self): """An endless loop that adds initialized job into the job buffer""" initialized_jobs = [] while self.worker_is_alive: if self.job_buffer.full() is False: job_num = self.cpu_num - self.job_buffer.qsize() if job_num > 0: initialized_jobs = self._init_jobs(job_num=job_num) for job in initialized_jobs: self.job_buffer.put(job) time.sleep(0.02) self.exit() def _init_jobs(self, job_num): """Create jobs. Args: job_num(int): the number of jobs to create. """ job_file = __file__.replace('worker.pyc', 'job.py') job_file = job_file.replace('worker.py', 'job.py') command = [ sys.executable, job_file, "--worker_address", self.reply_job_address, "--log_server_address", self.log_server_address ] if sys.version_info.major == 3: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) # avoid that many jobs are killed and restarted at the same time. self.lock.acquire() # Redirect the output to DEVNULL FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') for _ in range(job_num): subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) FNULL.close() new_jobs = [] for _ in range(job_num): job_message = self.reply_job_socket.recv_multipart() self.reply_job_socket.send_multipart( [remote_constants.NORMAL_TAG, to_byte(self.kill_job_address)]) initialized_job = cloudpickle.loads(job_message[1]) new_jobs.append(initialized_job) # a thread for sending heartbeat signals to job thread = threading.Thread( target=self._create_job_monitor, args=(initialized_job, )) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.lock.release() assert len(new_jobs) > 0, "init jobs failed" return new_jobs def _kill_job(self, job_address): """Kill a job process and update worker information""" success = self.worker_status.remove_job(job_address) if success: while True: initialized_job = self.job_buffer.get() initialized_job.worker_address = self.master_heartbeat_address if initialized_job.is_alive: self.worker_status.add_job(initialized_job) if not initialized_job.is_alive: # make sure that the job is still alive. self.worker_status.remove_job( initialized_job.job_address) continue else: logger.warning( "[Worker] a dead job found. The job buffer will not accept this one." ) if initialized_job.is_alive: break self.lock.acquire() self.request_master_socket.send_multipart([ remote_constants.NEW_JOB_TAG, cloudpickle.dumps(initialized_job), to_byte(job_address) ]) _ = self.request_master_socket.recv_multipart() self.lock.release() def _create_job_monitor(self, job): """Send heartbeat signals to check target's status""" # job_heartbeat_socket: sends heartbeat signal to job job_heartbeat_socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.REQ) job_heartbeat_socket.linger = 0 job_heartbeat_socket.setsockopt( zmq.RCVTIMEO, remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_S * 1000) job_heartbeat_socket.connect("tcp://" + job.worker_heartbeat_address) job.is_alive = True while job.is_alive and self.master_is_alive and self.worker_is_alive: try: job_heartbeat_socket.send_multipart( [remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_TAG]) _ = job_heartbeat_socket.recv_multipart() time.sleep(remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_S) except zmq.error.Again as e: job.is_alive = False logger.warning( "[Worker] lost connection with the job:{}".format( job.job_address)) if self.master_is_alive and self.worker_is_alive: self._kill_job(job.job_address) except zmq.error.ZMQError as e: break job_heartbeat_socket.close(0) def _reply_kill_job(self): """Worker starts a thread to wait jobs' commands to kill the job""" self.kill_job_socket.linger = 0 self.kill_job_socket.setsockopt( zmq.RCVTIMEO, remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_RCVTIMEO_S * 1000) while self.worker_is_alive and self.master_is_alive: try: message = self.kill_job_socket.recv_multipart() tag = message[0] assert tag == remote_constants.KILLJOB_TAG to_kill_job_address = to_str(message[1]) self._kill_job(to_kill_job_address) self.kill_job_socket.send_multipart( [remote_constants.NORMAL_TAG]) except zmq.error.Again as e: #detect whether `self.worker_is_alive` is True periodically pass def _get_worker_status(self): now = datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%H:%M:%S') virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory() total_memory = round(virtual_memory[0] / (1024**3), 2) used_memory = round(virtual_memory[3] / (1024**3), 2) vacant_memory = round(total_memory - used_memory, 2) if _IS_WINDOWS: load_average = round(psutil.getloadavg()[0], 2) else: load_average = round(os.getloadavg()[0], 2) return (vacant_memory, used_memory, now, load_average) def _reply_heartbeat(self, target): """Worker will kill its jobs when it lost connection with the master. """ socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.REP) socket.linger = 0 socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_RCVTIMEO_S * 1000) heartbeat_master_port =\ socket.bind_to_random_port("tcp://*") self.master_heartbeat_address = "{}:{}".format(self.worker_ip, heartbeat_master_port) logger.set_dir( os.path.expanduser('~/.parl_data/worker/{}'.format( self.master_heartbeat_address.replace(':', '_')))) self.heartbeat_socket_initialized.set() logger.info("[Worker] Connect to the master node successfully. " "({} CPUs)".format(self.cpu_num)) while self.master_is_alive and self.worker_is_alive: try: message = socket.recv_multipart() worker_status = self._get_worker_status() socket.send_multipart([ remote_constants.HEARTBEAT_TAG, to_byte(str(worker_status[0])), to_byte(str(worker_status[1])), to_byte(worker_status[2]), to_byte(str(worker_status[3])) ]) except zmq.error.Again as e: self.master_is_alive = False except zmq.error.ContextTerminated as e: break socket.close(0) logger.warning( "[Worker] lost connection with the master, will exit reply heartbeat for master." ) self.worker_status.clear() self.log_server_proc.kill() self.log_server_proc.wait() # exit the worker self.worker_is_alive = False self.exit() def _create_log_server(self, port): log_server_file = __file__.replace('worker.pyc', 'log_server.py') log_server_file = log_server_file.replace('worker.py', 'log_server.py') if port is None: port = "0" # `0` means using a random port in flask command = [ sys.executable, log_server_file, "--port", str(port), "--log_dir", "~/.parl_data/job/", "--line_num", "500" ] if sys.version_info.major == 3: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) if _IS_WINDOWS: FNULL = tempfile.TemporaryFile() else: FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') log_server_proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) FNULL.close() log_server_address = "{}:{}".format(self.worker_ip, port) return log_server_proc, log_server_address def exit(self): """close the worker""" self.worker_is_alive = False kill_process('remote/job.py.*{}'.format(self.reply_job_address)) def run(self): """Keep running until it lost connection with the master. """ self.reply_master_hearbeat_thread.join()