// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "async_es_agent.h" namespace DeepES { AsyncESAgent::AsyncESAgent( std::shared_ptr predictor, std::string config_path): ESAgent(predictor, config_path) { _config_path = config_path; } AsyncESAgent::~AsyncESAgent() { for(const auto kv: _param_delta) { float* delta = kv.second; delete[] delta; } } bool AsyncESAgent::_save() { bool success = true; if (_is_sampling_agent) { LOG(ERROR) << "[DeepES] Cloned AsyncESAgent cannot call `save`.Please use original AsyncESAgent."; success = false; return success; } int model_iter_id = _config->async_es().model_iter_id() + 1; //current time time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer[80]; time (&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); std::string model_name = "model_iter_id-"+ std::to_string(model_iter_id); std::string model_path = _config->async_es().model_warehouse() + "/" + model_name; LOG(INFO) << "[save]model_path: " << model_path; _predictor->SaveOptimizedModel(model_path, LiteModelType::kProtobuf); // save config auto async_es = _config->mutable_async_es(); async_es->set_model_iter_id(model_iter_id); success = save_proto_conf(_config_path, *_config); if (!success) { LOG(ERROR) << "[]unable to save config for AsyncESAgent"; success = false; return success; } int max_to_keep = _config->async_es().max_to_keep(); success = _remove_expired_model(max_to_keep); return success; } bool AsyncESAgent::_remove_expired_model(int max_to_keep) { bool success = true; std::string model_path = _config->async_es().model_warehouse(); std::vector model_dirs = list_all_model_dirs(model_path); int model_iter_id = _config->async_es().model_iter_id() + 1; for (const auto& dir: model_dirs) { int dir_model_iter_id = _parse_model_iter_id(dir); if (model_iter_id - dir_model_iter_id >= max_to_keep) { std::string rm_command = std::string("rm -rf ") + dir; int ret = system(rm_command.c_str()); if (ret == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "[DeepES] remove expired Model: " << dir; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "[DeepES] fail to remove expired Model: " << dir; success = false; return success; } } } return success; } bool AsyncESAgent::_compute_model_diff() { bool success = true; for (const auto& kv: _previous_predictors) { int model_iter_id = kv.first; std::shared_ptr old_predictor = kv.second; float* diff = new float[_param_size]; memset(diff, 0, _param_size * sizeof(float)); int offset = 0; for (const std::string& param_name: _param_names) { auto des_tensor = old_predictor->GetTensor(param_name); auto src_tensor = _predictor->GetTensor(param_name); const float* des_data = des_tensor->data(); const float* src_data = src_tensor->data(); int64_t tensor_size = ShapeProduction(src_tensor->shape()); for (int i = 0; i < tensor_size; ++i) { diff[i + offset] = des_data[i] - src_data[i]; } offset += tensor_size; } _param_delta[model_iter_id] = diff; } return success; } bool AsyncESAgent::_load() { bool success = true; std::string model_path = _config->async_es().model_warehouse(); std::vector model_dirs = list_all_model_dirs(model_path); if (model_dirs.size() == 0) { int model_iter_id = _config->async_es().model_iter_id(); success = model_iter_id == 0 ? true: false; if (!success) { LOG(WARNING) << "[DeepES] current_model_iter_id is nonzero, but no model is \ found at the dir: " << model_path; } return success; } for(auto &dir: model_dirs) { int model_iter_id = _parse_model_iter_id(dir); if (model_iter_id == -1) { LOG(WARNING) << "[DeepES] fail to parse model_iter_id: " << dir; success = false; return success; } std::shared_ptr predictor = _load_previous_model(dir); if (predictor == nullptr) { success = false; LOG(WARNING) << "[DeepES] fail to load model: " << dir; return success; } _previous_predictors[model_iter_id] = predictor; } success = _compute_model_diff(); return success; } std::shared_ptr AsyncESAgent::_load_previous_model(std::string model_dir) { // 1. Create CxxConfig CxxConfig config; config.set_model_file(model_dir + "/model"); config.set_param_file(model_dir + "/params"); config.set_valid_places({ Place{TARGET(kX86), PRECISION(kFloat)}, Place{TARGET(kHost), PRECISION(kFloat)} }); // 2. Create PaddlePredictor by CxxConfig std::shared_ptr predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); return predictor; } std::shared_ptr AsyncESAgent::clone() { std::shared_ptr new_sampling_predictor = _predictor->Clone(); std::shared_ptr new_agent = std::make_shared(); float* noise = new float [_param_size]; new_agent->_predictor = _predictor; new_agent->_sampling_predictor = new_sampling_predictor; new_agent->_is_sampling_agent = true; new_agent->_sampling_method = _sampling_method; new_agent->_param_names = _param_names; new_agent->_param_size = _param_size; new_agent->_config = _config; new_agent->_noise = noise; return new_agent; } bool AsyncESAgent::update( std::vector& noisy_info, std::vector& noisy_rewards) { CHECK(!_is_sampling_agent) << "[DeepES] Cloned ESAgent cannot call update function. \ Please use original ESAgent."; bool success = _load(); CHECK(success) << "[DeepES] fail to load previous models."; int current_model_iter_id = _config->async_es().model_iter_id(); // validate model_iter_id for each sample before the update for (int i = 0; i < noisy_info.size(); ++i) { int model_iter_id = noisy_info[i].model_iter_id(); if (model_iter_id != current_model_iter_id && _previous_predictors.count(model_iter_id) == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "[DeepES] The sample with model_dir_id: " << model_iter_id \ << " cannot match any local model"; success = false; return success; } } compute_centered_ranks(noisy_rewards); memset(_neg_gradients, 0, _param_size * sizeof(float)); for (int i = 0; i < noisy_info.size(); ++i) { int key = noisy_info[i].key(0); float reward = noisy_rewards[i]; int model_iter_id = noisy_info[i].model_iter_id(); bool success = _sampling_method->resampling(key, _noise, _param_size); CHECK(success) << "[DeepES] resampling error occurs at sample: " << i; float* delta = _param_delta[model_iter_id]; // compute neg_gradients if (model_iter_id == current_model_iter_id) { for (int64_t j = 0; j < _param_size; ++j) { _neg_gradients[j] += _noise[j] * reward; } } else { for (int64_t j = 0; j < _param_size; ++j) { _neg_gradients[j] += (_noise[j] + delta[j]) * reward; } } } for (int64_t j = 0; j < _param_size; ++j) { _neg_gradients[j] /= -1.0 * noisy_info.size(); } //update int64_t counter = 0; for (std::string param_name: _param_names) { std::unique_ptr tensor = _predictor->GetMutableTensor(param_name); float* tensor_data = tensor->mutable_data(); int64_t tensor_size = ShapeProduction(tensor->shape()); _optimizer->update(tensor_data, _neg_gradients + counter, tensor_size, param_name); counter += tensor_size; } success = _save(); CHECK(success) << "[DeepES] fail to save model."; return true; } int AsyncESAgent::_parse_model_iter_id(const std::string& model_path) { int model_iter_id = -1; int pow = 1; for (int i = model_path.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (model_path[i] >= '0' && model_path[i] <= '9') { if (model_iter_id == -1) model_iter_id = 0; } else { break; } model_iter_id += pow * (model_path[i] - '0'); pow *= 10; } return model_iter_id; } }//namespace