# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import gym import numpy as np import time from mujoco_agent import MujocoAgent from mujoco_model import MujocoModel from parl.algorithms import DDPG from parl.utils import logger, action_mapping, ReplayMemory MAX_EPISODES = 5000 TEST_EVERY_EPISODES = 20 ACTOR_LR = 1e-4 CRITIC_LR = 1e-3 GAMMA = 0.99 TAU = 0.001 MEMORY_SIZE = int(1e6) MIN_LEARN_SIZE = 1e4 BATCH_SIZE = 128 REWARD_SCALE = 0.1 ENV_SEED = 1 def run_train_episode(env, agent, rpm): obs = env.reset() total_reward = 0 steps = 0 while True: steps += 1 batch_obs = np.expand_dims(obs, axis=0) action = agent.predict(batch_obs.astype('float32')) action = np.squeeze(action) # Add exploration noise, and clip to [-1.0, 1.0] action = np.clip(np.random.normal(action, 1.0), -1.0, 1.0) action = action_mapping(action, env.action_space.low[0], env.action_space.high[0]) next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) rpm.append(obs, action, REWARD_SCALE * reward, next_obs, done) if rpm.size() > MIN_LEARN_SIZE: batch_obs, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_obs, batch_terminal = rpm.sample_batch( BATCH_SIZE) agent.learn(batch_obs, batch_action, batch_reward, batch_next_obs, batch_terminal) obs = next_obs total_reward += reward if done: break return total_reward, steps def run_evaluate_episode(env, agent): obs = env.reset() total_reward = 0 while True: batch_obs = np.expand_dims(obs, axis=0) action = agent.predict(batch_obs.astype('float32')) action = np.squeeze(action) action = action_mapping(action, env.action_space.low[0], env.action_space.high[0]) next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) obs = next_obs total_reward += reward if done: break return total_reward def main(): env = gym.make(args.env) env.seed(ENV_SEED) obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] model = MujocoModel(act_dim) algorithm = DDPG( model, hyperparas={ 'gamma': GAMMA, 'tau': TAU, 'actor_lr': ACTOR_LR, 'critic_lr': CRITIC_LR }) agent = MujocoAgent(algorithm, obs_dim, act_dim) rpm = ReplayMemory(MEMORY_SIZE, obs_dim, act_dim) test_flag = 0 total_steps = 0 while total_steps < args.train_total_steps: train_reward, steps = run_train_episode(env, agent, rpm) total_steps += steps logger.info('Steps: {} Reward: {}'.format(total_steps, train_reward)) if total_steps // args.test_every_steps >= test_flag: while total_steps // args.test_every_steps >= test_flag: test_flag += 1 evaluate_reward = run_evaluate_episode(env, agent) logger.info('Steps {}, Evaluate reward: {}'.format( total_steps, evaluate_reward)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--env', help='Mujoco environment name', default='HalfCheetah-v2') parser.add_argument( '--train_total_steps', type=int, default=int(1e7), help='maximum training steps') parser.add_argument( '--test_every_steps', type=int, default=int(1e4), help='the step interval between two consecutive evaluations') args = parser.parse_args() main()