# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gym import turtle import numpy as np # turtle tutorial : https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/turtle.html def GridWorld(gridmap=None, is_slippery=False): if gridmap is None: gridmap = ['SFFF', 'FHFH', 'FFFH', 'HFFG'] env = gym.make("FrozenLake-v0", desc=gridmap, is_slippery=False) env = FrozenLakeWapper(env) return env class FrozenLakeWapper(gym.Wrapper): def __init__(self, env): gym.Wrapper.__init__(self, env) self.max_y = env.desc.shape[0] self.max_x = env.desc.shape[1] self.t = None self.unit = 50 def draw_box(self, x, y, fillcolor='', line_color='gray'): self.t.up() self.t.goto(x * self.unit, y * self.unit) self.t.color(line_color) self.t.fillcolor(fillcolor) self.t.setheading(90) self.t.down() self.t.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): self.t.forward(self.unit) self.t.right(90) self.t.end_fill() def move_player(self, x, y): self.t.up() self.t.setheading(90) self.t.fillcolor('red') self.t.goto((x + 0.5) * self.unit, (y + 0.5) * self.unit) def render(self): if self.t == None: self.t = turtle.Turtle() self.wn = turtle.Screen() self.wn.setup(self.unit * self.max_x + 100, self.unit * self.max_y + 100) self.wn.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, self.unit * self.max_x, self.unit * self.max_y) self.t.shape('circle') self.t.width(2) self.t.speed(0) self.t.color('gray') for i in range(self.desc.shape[0]): for j in range(self.desc.shape[1]): x = j y = self.max_y - 1 - i if self.desc[i][j] == b'S': # Start self.draw_box(x, y, 'white') elif self.desc[i][j] == b'F': # Frozen ice self.draw_box(x, y, 'white') elif self.desc[i][j] == b'G': # Goal self.draw_box(x, y, 'yellow') elif self.desc[i][j] == b'H': # Hole self.draw_box(x, y, 'black') else: self.draw_box(x, y, 'white') self.t.shape('turtle') x_pos = self.s % self.max_x y_pos = self.max_y - 1 - int(self.s / self.max_x) self.move_player(x_pos, y_pos) class CliffWalkingWapper(gym.Wrapper): def __init__(self, env): gym.Wrapper.__init__(self, env) self.t = None self.unit = 50 self.max_x = 12 self.max_y = 4 def draw_x_line(self, y, x0, x1, color='gray'): assert x1 > x0 self.t.color(color) self.t.setheading(0) self.t.up() self.t.goto(x0, y) self.t.down() self.t.forward(x1 - x0) def draw_y_line(self, x, y0, y1, color='gray'): assert y1 > y0 self.t.color(color) self.t.setheading(90) self.t.up() self.t.goto(x, y0) self.t.down() self.t.forward(y1 - y0) def draw_box(self, x, y, fillcolor='', line_color='gray'): self.t.up() self.t.goto(x * self.unit, y * self.unit) self.t.color(line_color) self.t.fillcolor(fillcolor) self.t.setheading(90) self.t.down() self.t.begin_fill() for i in range(4): self.t.forward(self.unit) self.t.right(90) self.t.end_fill() def move_player(self, x, y): self.t.up() self.t.setheading(90) self.t.fillcolor('red') self.t.goto((x + 0.5) * self.unit, (y + 0.5) * self.unit) def render(self): if self.t == None: self.t = turtle.Turtle() self.wn = turtle.Screen() self.wn.setup(self.unit * self.max_x + 100, self.unit * self.max_y + 100) self.wn.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, self.unit * self.max_x, self.unit * self.max_y) self.t.shape('circle') self.t.width(2) self.t.speed(0) self.t.color('gray') for _ in range(2): self.t.forward(self.max_x * self.unit) self.t.left(90) self.t.forward(self.max_y * self.unit) self.t.left(90) for i in range(1, self.max_y): self.draw_x_line( y=i * self.unit, x0=0, x1=self.max_x * self.unit) for i in range(1, self.max_x): self.draw_y_line( x=i * self.unit, y0=0, y1=self.max_y * self.unit) for i in range(1, self.max_x - 1): self.draw_box(i, 0, 'black') self.draw_box(self.max_x - 1, 0, 'yellow') self.t.shape('turtle') x_pos = self.s % self.max_x y_pos = self.max_y - 1 - int(self.s / self.max_x) self.move_player(x_pos, y_pos) if __name__ == '__main__': # 环境1:FrozenLake, 可以配置冰面是否是滑的 # 0 left, 1 down, 2 right, 3 up env = gym.make("FrozenLake-v0", is_slippery=False) env = FrozenLakeWapper(env) # 环境2:CliffWalking, 悬崖环境 # env = gym.make("CliffWalking-v0") # 0 up, 1 right, 2 down, 3 left # env = CliffWalkingWapper(env) # 环境3:自定义格子世界,可以配置地图, S为出发点Start, F为平地Floor, H为洞Hole, G为出口目标Goal # gridmap = [ # 'SFFF', # 'FHFF', # 'FFFF', # 'HFGF' ] # env = GridWorld(gridmap) env.reset() for step in range(10): action = np.random.randint(0, 4) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) print('step {}: action {}, obs {}, reward {}, done {}, info {}'.format(\ step, action, obs, reward, done, info)) env.render() # 渲染一帧图像