# Third party code # # The following code are copied or modified from: # https://github.com/tensorpack/tensorpack/blob/master/examples/DeepQNetwork/atari.py import cv2 import gym import numpy as np import os import threading from atari_py import ALEInterface from gym import spaces from gym.envs.atari.atari_env import ACTION_MEANING __all__ = ['AtariPlayer'] ROM_URL = "https://github.com/openai/atari-py/tree/master/atari_py/atari_roms" _ALE_LOCK = threading.Lock() class AtariPlayer(gym.Env): """ A wrapper for ALE emulator, with configurations to mimic DeepMind DQN settings. Info: score: the accumulated reward in the current game gameOver: True when the current game is Over """ def __init__(self, rom_file, viz=0, frame_skip=4, nullop_start=30, live_lost_as_eoe=True, max_num_frames=0): """ Args: rom_file: path to the rom frame_skip: skip every k frames and repeat the action viz: visualization to be done. Set to 0 to disable. Set to a positive number to be the delay between frames to show. Set to a string to be a directory to store frames. nullop_start: start with random number of null ops. live_losts_as_eoe: consider lost of lives as end of episode. Useful for training. max_num_frames: maximum number of frames per episode. """ super(AtariPlayer, self).__init__() assert os.path.isfile(rom_file), \ "rom {} not found. Please download at {}".format(rom_file, ROM_URL) try: ALEInterface.setLoggerMode(ALEInterface.Logger.Error) except AttributeError: print("You're not using latest ALE") # avoid simulator bugs: https://github.com/mgbellemare/Arcade-Learning-Environment/issues/86 with _ALE_LOCK: self.ale = ALEInterface() self.ale.setInt(b"random_seed", np.random.randint(0, 30000)) self.ale.setInt(b"max_num_frames_per_episode", max_num_frames) self.ale.setBool(b"showinfo", False) self.ale.setInt(b"frame_skip", 1) self.ale.setBool(b'color_averaging', False) # manual.pdf suggests otherwise. self.ale.setFloat(b'repeat_action_probability', 0.0) # viz setup if isinstance(viz, str): assert os.path.isdir(viz), viz self.ale.setString(b'record_screen_dir', viz) viz = 0 if isinstance(viz, int): viz = float(viz) self.viz = viz if self.viz and isinstance(self.viz, float): self.windowname = os.path.basename(rom_file) cv2.startWindowThread() cv2.namedWindow(self.windowname) self.ale.loadROM(rom_file.encode('utf-8')) self.width, self.height = self.ale.getScreenDims() self.actions = self.ale.getMinimalActionSet() self.live_lost_as_eoe = live_lost_as_eoe self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.nullop_start = nullop_start self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=0, high=255, shape=(self.height, self.width), dtype=np.uint8) self._restart_episode() def get_action_meanings(self): return [ACTION_MEANING[i] for i in self.actions] def _grab_raw_image(self): """ :returns: the current 3-channel image """ m = self.ale.getScreenRGB() return m.reshape((self.height, self.width, 3)) def _current_state(self): """ returns: a gray-scale (h, w) uint8 image """ ret = self._grab_raw_image() # avoid missing frame issue: max-pooled over the last screen ret = np.maximum(ret, self.last_raw_screen) if self.viz: if isinstance(self.viz, float): cv2.imshow(self.windowname, ret) cv2.waitKey(int(self.viz * 1000)) ret = ret.astype('float32') # 0.299,0.587.0.114. same as rgb2y in torch/image ret = cv2.cvtColor(ret, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) return ret.astype('uint8') # to save some memory def _restart_episode(self): with _ALE_LOCK: self.ale.reset_game() # random null-ops start n = np.random.randint(self.nullop_start) self.last_raw_screen = self._grab_raw_image() for k in range(n): if k == n - 1: self.last_raw_screen = self._grab_raw_image() self.ale.act(0) def reset(self): if self.ale.game_over(): self._restart_episode() return self._current_state() def step(self, act): oldlives = self.ale.lives() r = 0 for k in range(self.frame_skip): if k == self.frame_skip - 1: self.last_raw_screen = self._grab_raw_image() r += self.ale.act(self.actions[act]) newlives = self.ale.lives() if self.ale.game_over() or \ (self.live_lost_as_eoe and newlives < oldlives): break isOver = self.ale.game_over() if self.live_lost_as_eoe: isOver = isOver or newlives < oldlives info = {'ale.lives': newlives} return self._current_state(), r, isOver, info