import paddle import os import shutil import time import pkgutil import types import contextlib import argparse en_suffix = "_en.rst" cn_suffix = "_cn.rst" file_path_dict = {} same_api_map = {} alias_api_map = {} not_display_doc_map = {} display_doc_map = {} api_set = set() def get_all_api(root_path='paddle'): for filefiner, name, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( path=paddle.__path__, prefix=paddle.__name__ + '.'): try: m = eval(name) except AttributeError: pass else: if hasattr(eval(name), "__all__"): #may have duplication of api for api in list(set(eval(name).__all__)): api_all = name + "." + api if "," in api: continue try: fc_id = id(eval(api_all)) except AttributeError: pass else: api_set.add(api_all) def get_all_same_api(): for api in api_set: fc_id = id(eval(api)) if fc_id in same_api_map: same_api_map[fc_id].append(api) else: same_api_map[fc_id] = [api] def get_not_display_doc_list(file="./not_display_doc_list"): with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() not_display_doc_map[line] = 1 def get_display_doc_map(file="./display_doc_list"): with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() display_doc_map[line] = 1 def get_alias_mapping(file="./alias_api_mapping"): with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): t = line.strip().split('\t') real_api = t[0].strip() alias_apis = t[1].strip().split(',') alias_api_map[real_api] = alias_apis def is_filter_api(api): #if api in display_list, just return False if api in display_doc_map: return False #check api in not_display_list for key in not_display_doc_map: #find the api if key == api: return True #find the module if api.startswith(key): k_segs = key.split(".") a_segs = api.split(".") if k_segs[len(k_segs) - 1] == a_segs[len(k_segs) - 1]: return True #check api in alias map if api in alias_api_map: return False #check api start with paddle.fluid #if has no alias, return True #if has alias also in paddle.fluid, return True #if has alias in other module, return False same_apis = same_api_map[id(eval(api))] if api.startswith("paddle.fluid"): all_fluid_flag = True for x in same_apis: if not x.startswith("paddle.fluid"): all_fluid_flag = False if all_fluid_flag: return True #if the api in alias_map key, others api is alias api for x in same_apis: if x in alias_api_map: return True if len(same_apis) > 1: # find shortest path of api as the real api # others api as the alias api shortest = len(same_apis[0].split(".")) for x in same_apis: if len(x.split(".")) < shortest: shortest = len(x.split(".")) if len(api.split(".")) == shortest: return False else: return True return False def get_display_api(api): # recomment alias api if api.startswith("paddle.fluid") and api in alias_api_map: return alias_api_map[api][0] else: return api def gen_en_files(root_path='paddle', api_label_file="api_label"): backup_path = root_path + "_" + str(int(time.time())) api_f = open(api_label_file, 'w') for api in api_set: if is_filter_api(api): continue raw_api = api api = get_display_api(api) doc_file = api.split(".")[-1] path = "/".join(api.split(".")[0:-1]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) f = api.replace(".", "/") if os.path.exists(f + en_suffix): continue os.mknod(f + en_suffix) gen = EnDocGenerator() with gen.guard(f + en_suffix): gen.module_name = ".".join(raw_api.split(".")[0:-1]) gen.api = doc_file gen.print_header_reminder() gen.print_item() api_f.write(doc_file + "\t" + ".. _api_{0}_{1}:\n".format("_".join( gen.module_name.split(".")), gen.api)) api_f.close() def clean_en_files(path="./paddle"): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if file.endswith(en_suffix): os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) def check_cn_en_match(path="./paddle", diff_file="en_cn_files_diff"): fo = open(diff_file, 'w') fo.write("exist\tnot_exits\n") for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if file.endswith(en_suffix): cf = file.replace(en_suffix, cn_suffix) if not os.path.exists(root + "/" + cf): fo.write( os.path.join(root, file) + "\t" + os.path.join( root, cf) + "\n") elif file.endswith(cn_suffix): ef = file.replace(cn_suffix, en_suffix) if not os.path.exists(root + "/" + ef): fo.write( os.path.join(root, file) + "\t" + os.path.join( root, ef) + "\n") fo.close() class EnDocGenerator(object): def __init__(self, name=None, api=None): self.module_name = name self.api = api = None @contextlib.contextmanager def guard(self, filename): assert is None, "stream must be None" = open(filename, 'w') yield = None def print_item(self): try: m = eval(self.module_name + "." + self.api) except AttributeError: #print("attribute error: module_name=" + self.module_name + ", api=" + self.api) pass else: if isinstance(eval(self.module_name + "." + self.api), type): self.print_class() elif isinstance( eval(self.module_name + "." + self.api), types.FunctionType): self.print_function() def print_header_reminder(self):'''.. THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY `gen_doc.{py|sh}` !DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY! ''') def _print_ref_(self):".. _api_{0}_{1}:\n\n".format("_".join( self.module_name.split(".")), self.api)) def _print_header_(self, name, dot, is_title): dot_line = dot * len(name) if is_title:'\n')'\n')'\n')'\n') def print_class(self): self._print_ref_() self._print_header_(self.api, dot='-', is_title=False) if "fluid.dygraph" in self.module_name:'''.. autoclass:: paddle.{0}.{1} :members: :noindex: '''.format(self.module_name, self.api)) elif "fluid.optimizer" in self.module_name:'''.. autoclass:: paddle.{0}.{1} :members: :inherited-members: :exclude-members: apply_gradients, apply_optimize, backward, load :noindex: '''.format(self.module_name, self.api)) else:'''.. autoclass:: paddle.{0}.{1} :members: :inherited-members: :noindex: '''.format(self.module_name, self.api)) def print_function(self): self._print_ref_() self._print_header_(self.api, dot='-', is_title=False)'''.. autofunction:: {0}.{1} :noindex: '''.format(self.module_name, self.api)) if __name__ == "__main__": get_all_api() get_not_display_doc_list() get_display_doc_map() get_all_same_api() get_alias_mapping() clean_en_files() gen_en_files() check_cn_en_match()