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......@@ -2,31 +2,13 @@
- `数据准备 <../advanced_guide/data_preparing/index_cn.html>`_:介绍高效的同步异步数据读取方法
- `分布式训练 <../advanced_guide/distributed_training/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍如何使用分布式训练
- `预测与部署 <../advanced_guide/inference_deployment/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍如何应用训练好的模型进行预测
- `性能调优 <../advanced_guide/performance_improving/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍飞桨使用过程中的调优方法
- `模型评估/调试 <../advanced_guide/evaluation_debugging/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍模型评估与调试的典型方法
- `二次开发 <../advanced_guide/addon_development/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍如何新增Operator和如何向飞桨开源社区贡献代码
- `环境变量FLAGS <../advanced_guide/flags/flags_cn.html>`_
.. toctree::
......@@ -8,30 +8,13 @@ Advanced User Guides
So far you have already been familiar with PaddlePaddle. And the next expectation, read more on:
- `Prepare Data <data_preparing/index_en.html>`_:How to prepare the data efficiently.
- `Distributed Training <distributed_training/index_en.html>`_ :How to apply the distributed training in your projects.
- `Deploy Inference Model <inference_deployment/index_en.html>`_ :How to deploy the trained network to perform practical inference
- `Practice Improving <performance_improving/index_en.html>`_ :How to do profiling for Fluid programs
- `Model Evaluation and Debugging <evaluation_debugging/index_en.html>`_ :How to evaluate your program.
- `Addon Development <addon_development/index_en.html>`_ :How to contribute codes and documentation to our communities
- `FLAGS <flags/flags_en.html>`_
.. toctree::
# 高层API介绍
# 简介
## 简介
# 飞桨2.0概述
此版本为测试版,还在迭代开发中,目前还没有稳定,后续API会根据反馈有可能进行不兼容的升级。对于想要体验飞桨最新特性的开发者,欢迎试用此版本;对稳定性要求高的工业级应用场景推荐使用Paddle 1.8稳定版本。此版本主推命令式(imperative)开发模式,并提供了高层API的封装。命令式开发模式具有很好的灵活性,高层API可以大幅减少重复代码。对于初学者或基础的任务场景,推荐使用高层API的开发方式,简单易用;对于资深开发者想要实现复杂的功能,推荐使用动态图的API,灵活高效。
| | 飞桨1.x版本 | 飞桨2.0版本 |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| 开发模式 | 推荐声明式(declarative) | 推荐命令式(imperative) |
| 组网方式 | 推荐函数式组网 | 推荐面向对象式组网 |
| 高层API | | 封装常见的操作,实现低代码开发 |
| 基础API | fluid目录,结构不清晰,存在过时API | paddle目录,整体结构调整,清理废弃API |
## 开发模式
import numpy
import paddle
# 定义输入数据占位符
a = paddle.nn.data(name="a", shape=[1], dtype='int64')
b = paddle.nn.data(name="b", shape=[1], dtype='int64')
# 组建网络(此处网络仅由一个操作构成,即elementwise_add)
result = paddle.elementwise_add(a, b)
# 准备运行网络
cpu = paddle.CPUPlace() # 定义运算设备,这里选择在CPU下训练
exe = paddle.Executor(cpu) # 创建执行器
# 创建输入数据
x = numpy.array([2])
y = numpy.array([3])
# 运行网络
outs = exe.run(
.. code:: python
import numpy
import paddle
# 定义输入数据占位符
a = paddle.nn.data(name="a", shape=[1], dtype='int64')
b = paddle.nn.data(name="b", shape=[1], dtype='int64')
# 组建网络(此处网络仅由一个操作构成,即elementwise_add
result = paddle.elementwise_add(a, b)
# 准备运行网络
cpu = paddle.CPUPlace() # 定义运算设备,这里选择在CPU下训练
exe = paddle.Executor(cpu) # 创建执行器
# 创建输入数据
x = numpy.array([2])
y = numpy.array([3])
# 运行网络
outs = exe.run(
feed={'a':x, 'b':y}, # 将输入数据x, y分别赋值给变量ab
fetch_list=[result] # 通过fetch_list参数指定需要获取的变量结果
print (outs)
#[array([5], dtype=int64)]
print (outs)
#[array([5], dtype=int64)]
import numpy
import paddle
from paddle.imperative import to_variable
.. code:: python
# 切换命令式编程模式
import numpy
import paddle
from paddle.imperative import to_variable
# 创建数据
x = to_variable(numpy.array([2]))
y = to_variable(numpy.array([3]))
# 定义运算并执行
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x, y)
# 输出执行结果
print (z.numpy())
# 切换命令式编程模式
# 创建数据
x = to_variable(numpy.array([2]))
y = to_variable(numpy.array([3]))
# 定义运算并执行
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x, y)
# 输出执行结果
print (z.numpy())
## 组网方式
import paddle.fluid as fluid
.. code:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
data = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[32, 32], dtype="float32")
fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
data = fluid.layers.data(name="data", shape=[32, 32], dtype="float32")
fc = fluid.layers.fc(input=data, size=1000, act="tanh")
飞桨2.0推荐使用面向对象式的组网方式,需要通过继承\ ``paddle.nn.Layer``\ 类的\ ``__init__``\ \ ``forward``\ 函数实现网络结构自定义,这种方式通过类的成员变量,方便地访问到每个类的成员,比如:
.. code:: python
import paddle
import paddle
class SimpleNet(paddle.nn.Layer):
class SimpleNet(paddle.nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size):
super(SimpleNet, self).__init__()
self._linear = paddle.nn.Linear(in_size, out_size)
......@@ -90,25 +102,26 @@ class SimpleNet(paddle.nn.Layer):
def forward(self, x):
y = self._linear(x)
return y
## 高层API
使用高层API的另外一个好处是,可以通过一行代码\ ``paddle.enable_imperative``\ ,切换命令式编程模式和声明式编程模式。在开发阶段,可以使用的命令式编程模式,方便调试;开发完成后,可以切换到声明式编程模式,加速训练和方便部署。兼具了命令式编程实时执行,容易调试的优点,以及声明式编程全局优化和容易部署的优点。
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from paddle.incubate.hapi.model import Model, Input, Loss
from paddle.incubate.hapi.loss import CrossEntropy
.. code:: python
class SimpleNet(Model):
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.nn.functional as F
from paddle.incubate.hapi.model import Model, Input, Loss
from paddle.incubate.hapi.loss import CrossEntropy
class SimpleNet(Model):
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size):
super(SimpleNet, self).__init__()
self._linear = paddle.nn.Linear(in_size, out_size)
......@@ -118,49 +131,62 @@ class SimpleNet(Model):
pred = F.softmax(z)
return pred
inputs = [Input([None, 8], 'float32', name='image')]
labels = [Input([None, 1], 'int64', name='labels')]
inputs = [Input([None, 8], 'float32', name='image')]
labels = [Input([None, 1], 'int64', name='labels')]
model = SimpleNet(8, 8)
optimizer = paddle.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1, parameter_list=model.parameters())
model.prepare(optimizer, CrossEntropy(), None, inputs, labels, device='cpu')
model = SimpleNet(8, 8)
optimizer = paddle.optimizer.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1, parameter_list=model.parameters())
model.prepare(optimizer, CrossEntropy(), None, inputs, labels, device='cpu')
batch_num = 10
x = np.random.random((4, 8)).astype('float32')
y = np.random.randint(0, 8, (4, 1)).astype('int64')
for i in range(batch_num):
batch_num = 10
x = np.random.random((4, 8)).astype('float32')
y = np.random.randint(0, 8, (4, 1)).astype('int64')
for i in range(batch_num):
model.train_batch(inputs=x, labels=y)
更多高层API开发的模型和示例请参考github Repo: [hapi](https://github.com/paddlepaddle/hapi)
更多高层API开发的模型和示例请参考github Repo:
`hapi <https://github.com/paddlepaddle/hapi>`__
## 基础API
| 目录 | 功能和包含API |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| paddle.* | paddle根目录下保留了常用API的别名,当前包括:paddle.tensor, paddle.framework目录下的所有API |
| paddle.tensor | 跟tensor操作相关的API,比如:创建zeros, 矩阵运算matmul, 变换concat, 计算elementwise_add, 查找argmax等 |
| paddle.nn | 跟组网相关的API,比如:输入占位符data/Input,控制流while_loop/cond,损失函数,卷积,LSTM等,激活函数等 |
| paddle.\* | paddle根目录下保留了常用API的别名,当前包括:paddle.tensor, paddle.framework目录下的所有API |
| paddle.tensor | tensor操作相关的API,比如:创建zeros, 矩阵运算matmul, 变换concat, 计算elementwise\_add, 查找argmax |
| paddle.nn | 跟组网相关的API,比如:输入占位符data/Input,控制流while\_loop/cond,损失函数,卷积,LSTM等,激活函数等 |
| paddle.framework | 基础框架相关的API,比如:Variable, Program, Executor |
| paddle.imperative | imprerative模式专用的API,比如:to_variable, prepare_context等 |
| paddle.imperative | imprerative模式专用的API,比如:to\_variable, prepare\_context |
| paddle.optimizer | 优化算法相关API,比如:SGDAdagrad, Adam |
| paddle.metric | 评估指标计算相关的API,比如:accuracy, cos_sim等 |
| paddle.metric | 评估指标计算相关的API,比如:accuracy, cos\_sim |
| paddle.io | 数据输入输出相关API,比如:save, load, Dataset, DataLoader |
| paddle.device | 设备管理相关API,比如:CPUPlace CUDAPlace |
| paddle.fleet | 分布式相关API |
同时飞桨2.0对部分Paddle 1.x版本的API进行了清理,删除了部分不再推荐使用的API,具体信息请参考Release Note。
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......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
......@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
# Release Note
## Important Statements
- This version is a beta version. It is still in iteration and is not stable at present. Incompatible upgrade may be subsequently performed on APIs based on the feedback. For developers who want to experience the latest features of Paddle, welcome to this version. For industrial application scenarios requiring high stability, the stable Paddle Version 1.8 is recommended.
- This version mainly popularizes the dynamic graph development method and provides the encapsulation of high-level APIs. The dynamic graph mode has great flexibility and high-level APIs can greatly reduces duplicated codes. For beginners or basic task scenarios, the high-level API development method is recommended because it is simple and easy to use. For senior developers who want to implement complex functions, the dynamic graph API is commended because it is flexible and efficient.
- This version also optimizes the Paddle API directory system. The APIs in the original directory can create an alias and are still available, but it is recommended that new programs use the new directory structure.
## Basic Framework
### Basic APIs
- Networking APIs achieve dynamic and static unity and support operation in dynamic and static graph modes
- The API directory structure is adjusted. In the Paddle Version 1.x, the APIs are mainly located in the paddle.fluid directory. This version adjusts the API directory structure so that the classification is more reasonable. The specific adjustment rules are as follows:
- Moves the APIs related to the tensor operations in the original fluid.layers directory to the paddle.tensor directory
- Moves the networking-related operations in the original fluid.layers directory to the paddle.nn directory. Puts the types with parameters in the paddle.nn.layers directory and the functional APIs in the paddle.nn.functional directory
- Moves the special API for dynamic graphs in the original fluid.dygraph directory to the paddle.imperative directory
- Creates a paddle.framework directory that is used to store framework-related program, executor, and other APIs
- Creates a paddle.distributed directory that is used to store distributed related APIs
- Creates a paddle.optimizer directory that is used to store APIs related to optimization algorithms
- Creates a paddle.metric directory that is used to create APIs related to evaluation index calculation
- Creates a paddle.incubate directory that is used to store incubating codes. APIs may be adjusted. This directory stores codes related to complex number computation and high-level APIs
- Creates an alias in the paddle directory for all APIs in the paddle.tensor and paddle.framework directories. For example, paddle.tensor.creation.ones can use paddle.ones as an alias
- The added APIs are as follows:
- Adds eight networking APIs in the paddle.nn directory: interpolate, LogSoftmax, ReLU, Sigmoid, loss.BCELoss, loss.L1Loss, loss.MSELoss, and loss.NLLLoss
- Adds 59 tensor-related APIs in the paddle.tensor directory: add, addcmul, addmm, allclose, arange, argmax, atan, bmm, cholesky, clamp, cross, diag\_embed, dist, div, dot, elementwise\_equal, elementwise\_sum, equal, eye, flip, full, full\_like, gather, index\_sample, index\_select, linspace, log1p, logsumexp, matmul, max, meshgrid, min, mm, mul, nonzero, norm, ones, ones\_like, pow, randint, randn, randperm, roll, sin, sort, split, sqrt, squeeze, stack, std, sum, t, tanh, tril, triu, unsqueeze, where, zeros, and zeros\_like
- Adds device\_guard that is used to specify a device. Adds manual\_seed that is used to initialize a random number seed
### High-level APIs
- Adds a paddle.incubate.hapi directory. Encapsulates common operations such as networking, training, evaluation, inference, and access during the model development process. Implements low-code development. Uses the dynamic graph implementation mode of MNIST task comparison. High-level APIs can reduce 80% of executable codes.
- Adds model-type encapsulation. Inherits the layer type. Encapsulates common basic functions during the model development process, including:
- Provides a prepare API that is used to specify a loss function and an optimization algorithm
- Provides a fit API to implement training and evaluation. Implements the execution of model storage and other user-defined functions during the training process by means of callback
- Provides an evaluate interface to implement the inference and evaluation index calculation on the evaluation set
- Provides a predict interface to implement specific test data inference
- Provides a train\_batch interface to implement the training of single-batch data
- Adds a dataset interface to encapsulate commonly-used data sets and supports random access to data
- Adds encapsulation of common Loss and Metric types
- Adds 16 common data processing interfaces including Resize and Normalize in the CV field
- Adds lenet, vgg, resnet, mobilenetv1, and mobilenetv2 image classification backbone networks in the CV field
- Adds MultiHeadAttention, BeamSearchDecoder, TransformerEncoder, TransformerDecoder, and DynamicDecode APIs in the NLP field
- Releases 12 models based on high-level API implementation, including Transformer, Seq2seq, LAC, BMN, ResNet, YOLOv3, VGG, MobileNet, TSM, CycleGAN, Bert, and OCR
### Performance Optimization
- Adds a `reshape+transpose+matmul` fuse so that the performance of the INT8 model is improved by about 4% (on the 6271 machine) after Ernie quantization. After the quantization, the speed of the INT8 model is increased by about 6.58 times compared with the FP32 model on which DNNL optimization (including fuses) and quantization are not performed
### Debugging Analysis
- To solve the problem of program printing contents being too lengthy and low utilization efficiency during debugging, considerably simplifies the printing strings of objects such as programs, blocks, operators, and variables, thus improving the debugging efficiency without losing effective information
- To solve the problem of insecure third-party library APIs `boost::get` and difficulty in debugging due to exceptions during running, adds the `BOOST_GET` series of macros to replace over 600 risky `boost::get` in Paddle. Richens error message during `boost::bad_get` exceptions. Specifically, adds the C++ error message stack, error file and line No., expected output type, and actual type, thus improving the debugging experience
## Bug Fixes
- Fix the bug of wrong computation results when any slice operation exists in the while loop
- Fix the problem of degradation of the transformer model caused by inplace ops
- Fix the problem of running failure of the last batch in the Ernie precision test
- Fix the problem of failure to correctly exit when exceptions occur in context of fluid.dygraph.guard
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