# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ VCR Data Reader implementation """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import os import base64 import numpy as np import re import random import json import json_lines import csv import sys import itertools from reader._image_features_reader import ImageFeaturesH5Reader from preprocess import preprocessor from batching.finetune_batching import prepare_batch_data import paddle.fluid as fluid def _converId(img_id): """ conversion for image ID """ img_id = img_id.split('-') if 'train' in img_id[0]: new_id = int(img_id[1]) elif 'val' in img_id[0]: new_id = int(img_id[1]) + 1000000 elif 'test' in img_id[0]: new_id = int(img_id[1]) + 2000000 else: print("no split known") return new_id def _load_annotationsQ_A(annotations_jsonpath, split): """ Build an index out of FOIL annotations, mapping each image ID with its corresponding captions. """ entries = [] with open(annotations_jsonpath) as f: for annotation in json_lines.reader(f): det_names = "" question = annotation["question"] if split == 'test': ans_label = 0 else: ans_label = annotation["answer_label"] img_id = _converId(annotation["img_id"]) anno_id = int(annotation["annot_id"].split('-')[1]) entries.append( {"question": question, "answers": annotation["answer_choices"], "metadata_fn": annotation["metadata_fn"], "target": ans_label, "img_id": img_id, "anno_id": anno_id, "det_names": annotation['objects'] }) return entries def _load_annotationsQA_R(annotations_jsonpath, split): """ Build an index out of FOIL annotations, mapping each image ID with its corresponding captions. """ entries = [] with open(annotations_jsonpath, 'rb') as f: for annotation in json_lines.reader(f): if split == 'test': for answer in annotation["answer_choices"]: question = annotation["question"] + ["[MARK]"] + answer img_id = _converId(annotation["img_id"]) ans_label = 0 anno_id = int(annotation["annot_id"].split('-')[1]) entries.append( {"question": question, "answers": annotation["rationale_choices"], "metadata_fn": annotation["metadata_fn"], "target": ans_label, "img_id": img_id, "anno_id": anno_id, "det_names": annotation['objects'] }) else: det_names = "" question = annotation["question"] + ["[MARK]"] + \ annotation["answer_choices"][annotation['answer_label']] ans_label = annotation["rationale_label"] img_id = _converId(annotation["img_id"]) anno_id = int(annotation["annot_id"].split('-')[1]) entries.append( {"question": question, "answers": annotation["rationale_choices"], "metadata_fn": annotation["metadata_fn"], "target": ans_label, "img_id": img_id, "anno_id": anno_id, "det_names": annotation['objects']}) return entries class VCRDataReader(object): """ Data reader for sub VCR task """ def __init__(self, task_conf, split, vocab_path=None, batch_size=4096, shuffle=True, epoch=100, is_test=False, feature_reader_dict={}, random_seed=None, task_index=0, task_num=1): self.task_conf = task_conf self.processor = getattr(preprocessor, task_conf["Proprocessor"])(tokenizer_name=self.task_conf["tokenizer_name"], vocab_path=vocab_path) self.vocab = self.processor.vocab self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.epoch = epoch self.current_epoch = 0 self.current_file_index = 0 self.total_file = 0 self.current_file = None self.random_seed = random_seed self.max_seq_len = self.task_conf['max_seq_len'] self.pad_id = self.vocab["[PAD]"] self.cls_id = self.vocab["[CLS]"] self.sep_id = self.vocab["[SEP]"] self.mask_id = self.vocab["[MASK]"] self.is_test = is_test self.task_index = task_index self.task_num = task_num if self.is_test: self.epoch = 1 self.shuffle_files = False if self.shuffle: shufflekeep_across_task = self.task_conf.get('shufflekeep_across_task', True) if shufflekeep_across_task: self.global_rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) else: self.global_rng = np.random.RandomState() self.shuffle_every_epoch = self.task_conf.get('shuffle_every_epoch', False) task=self.task_conf['task'] annotations_jsonpath=self.task_conf['annotations_jsonpath_' + split] self.num_choice = int(self.task_conf['num_choice']) if task == 'VCR_Q-A': self._entries = _load_annotationsQ_A(annotations_jsonpath, split) elif task == "VCR_QA-R": self._entries = _load_annotationsQA_R(annotations_jsonpath, split) else: assert False self._split = split self._names = [] with open(self.task_conf['unisex_names_table']) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') for row in csv_reader: if row[1] != 'name': self._names.append(row[1]) self._feature_reader = feature_reader_dict[self.task_conf['feature_lmdb_path']] self.use_gt_fea = task_conf.get('use_gt_fea', False) if self.use_gt_fea: self._gt_feature_reader = feature_reader_dict[self.task_conf['gt_feature_lmdb_path']] self._max_region_num = self.task_conf.get('max_region_num', 100) print("use gt featurre") else: self._max_region_num = self.task_conf.get('max_region_num', 37) print("only butd feature") self.tokenize() def generate_random_name(self, det_names): """ Replace "person" with a random name """ random_name = [] for name in det_names: if name == 'person': word = random.choice(self._names) else: word = name random_name.append(word) return random_name def replace_det_with_name(self, inputs, random_names): """ Replace det with name """ tokens = [] mask = [] for w in inputs: if isinstance(w, list): for idx in w: word = random_names[idx] tokens.append(word) else: word = w.encode('utf-8') tokens.append(word) return tokens, mask def _truncate_seq_pair(self, tokens_a, tokens_b, max_length): """ Truncates a sequence pair in place to the maximum length. """ while True: total_length = len(tokens_a) + len(tokens_b) if total_length <= max_length: break if len(tokens_a) > len(tokens_b): tokens_a.pop() else: tokens_b.pop() def get_progress(self): """ Return current progress of traning data """ progress_dict = {"current_epoch": self.current_epoch, "current_file_index": self.current_file_index, "total_file": self.total_file, "current_file": self.current_file } return progress_dict def tokenize(self): """ Tokenizes the captions. """ # This will add caption_tokens in each entry of the dataset. # -1 represents nil, and should be treated as padding_idx in embedding. count = 0 for entry in self._entries: det_names = entry["det_names"] random_names = self.generate_random_name(det_names) # replace with name tokens_a, mask_a = self.replace_det_with_name(entry["question"], random_names) q_str = " ".join(tokens_a) ids_a = [] for i, q in enumerate(q_str.split(" [MARK] ")): if i == 1: ids_a.append(self.vocab["[SEP]"]) ids_a = ids_a + self.processor.convert_sentence_to_ids_without_cls(q) input_ids_all = [] segment_ids_all = [] input_poss_all = [] input_len_all = [] for answer in entry["answers"]: tokens_b, mask_b = self.replace_det_with_name(answer, random_names) ids_b = self.processor.convert_sentence_to_ids_without_cls(" ".join(tokens_b)) self._truncate_seq_pair(ids_a, ids_b, self.max_seq_len - 3) input_ids = [] segment_ids = [] input_ids.append(self.vocab["[CLS]"]) segment_ids.append(0) for id in ids_a: input_ids.append(id) segment_ids.append(0) input_ids.append(self.vocab["[SEP]"]) segment_ids.append(0) assert len(ids_b) > 0 for id in ids_b: input_ids.append(id) segment_ids.append(1) input_ids.append(self.vocab["[SEP]"]) segment_ids.append(1) input_ids_all.append(input_ids) segment_ids_all.append(segment_ids) input_poss = [str(pos) for pos in range(len(input_ids))] input_poss_all.append(input_poss) input_len_all.append(len(input_ids)) entry["input_ids"] = input_ids_all entry["input_poss"] = input_poss_all entry["segment_ids"] = segment_ids_all entry["input_lens"] = input_len_all sys.stdout.write('%d/%d\r' % (count, len(self._entries))) sys.stdout.flush() count += 1 def parse_line(self, s_index): """ Form slot info with the line information """ entry = self._entries[s_index] image_id = entry["img_id"] image_fea_json = self._feature_reader[image_id] features = image_fea_json["features"] num_boxes = image_fea_json["num_boxes"] boxes = image_fea_json["image_location"] if not self.use_gt_fea: num_boxes = min(num_boxes, self._max_region_num) boxes = boxes[:num_boxes] features = features[:num_boxes] else: boxes = boxes[:num_boxes] features = features[:num_boxes] image_fea_json = self._gt_feature_reader[image_id] gt_features = image_fea_json["features"] gt_num_boxes = image_fea_json["num_boxes"] gt_boxes = image_fea_json["image_location"] features[0] = (features[0] * num_boxes + gt_features[0] * gt_num_boxes) / (num_boxes + gt_num_boxes) gt_boxes = gt_boxes[1: gt_num_boxes] gt_features = gt_features[1: gt_num_boxes] gt_num_boxes = gt_num_boxes - 1 gt_box_preserve = min(self._max_region_num - 1, gt_num_boxes) gt_boxes = gt_boxes[:gt_box_preserve] gt_features = gt_features[:gt_box_preserve] gt_num_boxes = gt_box_preserve num_box_preserve = min(self._max_region_num - int(gt_num_boxes), int(num_boxes)) boxes = boxes[:num_box_preserve] features = features[:num_box_preserve] # concatenate the boxes mix_boxes = np.concatenate((boxes, gt_boxes), axis=0) mix_features = np.concatenate((features, gt_features), axis=0) mix_num_boxes = num_box_preserve + int(gt_num_boxes) num_boxes = min(mix_num_boxes, self._max_region_num) boxes = mix_boxes[:num_boxes] features = mix_features[:num_boxes] record = { "input_ids": entry["input_ids"], "input_pos": entry["input_poss"], "segment_ids": entry["segment_ids"], "input_lens": entry["input_lens"], "target": int(entry["target"]), "features": features, "boxes": boxes, "anno_id": entry["anno_id"] } return record def data_generator(self): """ Data_generator """ sample_indice = range(len(self._entries)) def wrapper(): """ Wrapper """ for epoch_index in range(self.epoch): if self._split == "train": self.current_example = 0 self.current_epoch = epoch_index if self.shuffle: if epoch_index == 0: self.global_rng.shuffle(sample_indice) print("shuffle epoch %d" % epoch_index) elif self.shuffle_every_epoch: self.global_rng.shuffle(sample_indice) print("shuffle epoch %d" % epoch_index) batch_records = [] for index in sample_indice: batch_records.append(self.parse_line(index)) if len(batch_records) == self.batch_size: yield prepare_batch_data( batch_records, self.num_choice, self.pad_id, \ self.task_index, self.task_num), self.task_conf['task'] batch_records = [] if len(batch_records) > 0: yield prepare_batch_data( batch_records, self.num_choice, self.pad_id, \ self.task_index, self.task_num), self.task_conf['task'] return wrapper class VCRDataJointReader(object): """ Joint data reader for Q2A task and QA2R task """ def __init__(self, task_conf_group, split, batch_size=4096, shuffle=True, epoch=100, vocab_path=None, is_test=False): self.task_readers = [] feature_reader_dict = {} self.task_dup_cnt = [] for task_conf in task_conf_group: if 'feature_lmdb_path' in task_conf: if task_conf['feature_lmdb_path'] not in feature_reader_dict: feature_reader_dict[task_conf['feature_lmdb_path']] = \ ImageFeaturesH5Reader(task_conf['feature_lmdb_path']) if 'gt_feature_lmdb_path' in task_conf and task_conf.get('use_gt_fea', False): if task_conf['gt_feature_lmdb_path'] not in feature_reader_dict: feature_reader_dict[task_conf['gt_feature_lmdb_path']] = \ ImageFeaturesH5Reader(task_conf['gt_feature_lmdb_path']) task_batch_size = task_conf.get('batch_size', 64) self.task_dup_cnt.append(max(int(task_batch_size / batch_size), 1)) random_seed=np.random.randint(1000) for task_index, task_conf in enumerate(task_conf_group): self.task_readers.append(VCRDataReader(task_conf, split, vocab_path, batch_size, shuffle, epoch, is_test, feature_reader_dict, random_seed, task_index, len(task_conf_group))) self.task_generators = [reader.data_generator() for reader in self.task_readers] def get_progress(self): """ Return current progress of traning data """ current_epoch = max([reader.current_epoch for reader in self.task_readers]) current_file_index = max([reader.current_file_index for reader in self.task_readers]) total_file = max([reader.total_file for reader in self.task_readers]) current_file = "" self.progress_dict = {"current_epoch": current_epoch, "current_file_index": current_file_index, "total_file": total_file, "current_file": current_file } return self.progress_dict def data_generator(self): """ Data_generator """ def wrapper(): """ warpper """ task_buffer = [[] for i in range(len(self.task_dup_cnt))] for data in itertools.izip(*[generator() for generator in self.task_generators]): for i, d in enumerate(data): task_buffer[i].append(d) if len(task_buffer[i]) >= self.task_dup_cnt[i]: for t in task_buffer[i]: yield t[0] task_buffer[i] = [] return wrapper if __name__ == "__main__": pass