#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import os import yaml """ def change_value1(yamlfile: str, target_key: str, target_value: str, engine: str="tts_online"): tmp_yamlfile = yamlfile.split(".yaml")[0] + "_tmp.yaml" os.system("cp %s %s" % (yamlfile, tmp_yamlfile)) with open(tmp_yamlfile) as f, open(yamlfile, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fw: y = yaml.safe_load(f) y[engine][target_key] = target_value print(yaml.dump(y, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)) yaml.dump(y, fw, allow_unicode=True) os.system("rm %s" % (tmp_yamlfile)) print(f"Change key: {target_key} to value: {target_value} successfully.") def change_protocol(yamlfile: str, target_key: str, target_value: str): tmp_yamlfile = yamlfile.split(".yaml")[0] + "_tmp.yaml" os.system("cp %s %s" % (yamlfile, tmp_yamlfile)) with open(tmp_yamlfile) as f, open(yamlfile, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fw: y = yaml.safe_load(f) y[target_key] = target_value print(yaml.dump(y, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)) yaml.dump(y, fw, allow_unicode=True) os.system("rm %s" % (tmp_yamlfile)) print(f"Change key: {target_key} to value: {target_value} successfully.") def change_engine_type(yamlfile: str, target_key: str, target_value: str): tmp_yamlfile = yamlfile.split(".yaml")[0] + "_tmp.yaml" os.system("cp %s %s" % (yamlfile, tmp_yamlfile)) with open(tmp_yamlfile) as f, open(yamlfile, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fw: y = yaml.safe_load(f) y[target_key] = [target_value] print(yaml.dump(y, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)) yaml.dump(y, fw, allow_unicode=True) os.system("rm %s" % (tmp_yamlfile)) print(f"Change key: {target_key} to value: {target_value} successfully.") """ def change_value(args): yamlfile = args.config_file change_type = args.change_type engine_type = args.engine_type target_key = args.target_key target_value = args.target_value tmp_yamlfile = yamlfile.split(".yaml")[0] + "_tmp.yaml" os.system("cp %s %s" % (yamlfile, tmp_yamlfile)) with open(tmp_yamlfile) as f, open(yamlfile, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fw: y = yaml.safe_load(f) if change_type == "model": if engine_type == "tts_online-onnx": target_value = target_value + "_onnx" y[engine_type][target_key] = target_value elif change_type == "protocol": assert (target_key == "protocol" and ( target_value == "http" or target_value == "websocket" )), "if change_type is protocol, target_key must be set protocol." y[target_key] = target_value elif change_type == "engine_type": assert ( target_key == "engine_list" ), "if change_type is engine_type, target_key must be set engine_list." y[target_key] = [target_value] elif change_type == "device": assert ( target_key == "device" ), "if change_type is device, target_key must be set device." if y["engine_list"][0] == "tts_online": y["tts_online"]["device"] = target_value elif y["engine_list"][0] == "tts_online-onnx": y["tts_online-onnx"]["am_sess_conf"]["device"] = target_value y["tts_online-onnx"]["voc_sess_conf"]["device"] = target_value else: print( "Error engine_list, please set tts_online or tts_online-onnx" ) else: print("Error change_type, please set correct change_type.") print(yaml.dump(y, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)) yaml.dump(y, fw, allow_unicode=True) os.system("rm %s" % (tmp_yamlfile)) print(f"Change key: {target_key} to value: {target_value} successfully.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--config_file', type=str, default='./conf/application.yaml', help='server yaml file.') parser.add_argument( '--change_type', type=str, default="model", choices=["model", "protocol", "engine_type", "device"], help='change protocol', ) parser.add_argument( '--engine_type', type=str, default="tts_online", help='engine type', choices=["tts_online", "tts_online-onnx"]) parser.add_argument( '--target_key', type=str, default=None, help='Change key', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--target_value', type=str, default=None, help='target value', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() change_value(args) """ if args.change_type == "model": change_value(args.config_file, args.target_key, args.target_value, args.engine) elif args.change_type == "protocol": change_protocol(args.config_file, args.target_key, args.target_value) else: print("Please set correct change type, model or protocol") """