# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import time from typing import List import numpy as np import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F from paddlespeech.t2s.audio.codec import decode_mu_law from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.losses import sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.nets_utils import initialize from paddlespeech.t2s.modules.upsample import Stretch2D class ResBlock(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, dims): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv1D(dims, dims, kernel_size=1, bias_attr=False) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1D(dims, dims, kernel_size=1, bias_attr=False) self.batch_norm1 = nn.BatchNorm1D(dims) self.batch_norm2 = nn.BatchNorm1D(dims) def forward(self, x): ''' conv -> bn -> relu -> conv -> bn + residual connection ''' residual = x x = self.conv1(x) x = self.batch_norm1(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.batch_norm2(x) return x + residual class MelResNet(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, res_blocks: int=10, compute_dims: int=128, res_out_dims: int=128, aux_channels: int=80, aux_context_window: int=0): super().__init__() k_size = aux_context_window * 2 + 1 # pay attention here, the dim reduces aux_context_window * 2 self.conv_in = nn.Conv1D( aux_channels, compute_dims, kernel_size=k_size, bias_attr=False) self.batch_norm = nn.BatchNorm1D(compute_dims) self.layers = nn.LayerList() for _ in range(res_blocks): self.layers.append(ResBlock(compute_dims)) self.conv_out = nn.Conv1D(compute_dims, res_out_dims, kernel_size=1) def forward(self, x): ''' Parameters ---------- x : Tensor Input tensor (B, in_dims, T). Returns ---------- Tensor Output tensor (B, res_out_dims, T). ''' x = self.conv_in(x) x = self.batch_norm(x) x = F.relu(x) for f in self.layers: x = f(x) x = self.conv_out(x) return x class UpsampleNetwork(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, aux_channels: int=80, upsample_scales: List[int]=[4, 5, 3, 5], compute_dims: int=128, res_blocks: int=10, res_out_dims: int=128, aux_context_window: int=2): super().__init__() # total_scale is the total Up sampling multiple total_scale = np.prod(upsample_scales) # TODO pad*total_scale is numpy.int64 self.indent = int(aux_context_window * total_scale) self.resnet = MelResNet( res_blocks=res_blocks, aux_channels=aux_channels, compute_dims=compute_dims, res_out_dims=res_out_dims, aux_context_window=aux_context_window) self.resnet_stretch = Stretch2D(total_scale, 1) self.up_layers = nn.LayerList() for scale in upsample_scales: k_size = (1, scale * 2 + 1) padding = (0, scale) stretch = Stretch2D(scale, 1) conv = nn.Conv2D( 1, 1, kernel_size=k_size, padding=padding, bias_attr=False) weight_ = paddle.full_like(conv.weight, 1. / k_size[1]) conv.weight.set_value(weight_) self.up_layers.append(stretch) self.up_layers.append(conv) def forward(self, m): ''' Parameters ---------- c : Tensor Input tensor (B, C_aux, T). Returns ---------- Tensor Output tensor (B, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales), C_aux). Tensor Output tensor (B, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales), res_out_dims). ''' # aux: [B, C_aux, T] # -> [B, res_out_dims, T - 2 * aux_context_window] # -> [B, 1, res_out_dims, T - 2 * aux_context_window] aux = self.resnet(m).unsqueeze(1) # aux: [B, 1, res_out_dims, T - 2 * aux_context_window] # -> [B, 1, res_out_dims, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales)] aux = self.resnet_stretch(aux) # aux: [B, 1, res_out_dims, T * prob(upsample_scales)] # -> [B, res_out_dims, T * prob(upsample_scales)] aux = aux.squeeze(1) # m: [B, C_aux, T] -> [B, 1, C_aux, T] m = m.unsqueeze(1) for f in self.up_layers: m = f(m) # m: [B, 1, C_aux, T*prob(upsample_scales)] # -> [B, C_aux, T * prob(upsample_scales)] # -> [B, C_aux, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales)] m = m.squeeze(1)[:, :, self.indent:-self.indent] # m: [B, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales), C_aux] # aux: [B, (T - 2 * pad) * prob(upsample_scales), res_out_dims] return m.transpose([0, 2, 1]), aux.transpose([0, 2, 1]) class WaveRNN(nn.Layer): def __init__( self, rnn_dims: int=512, fc_dims: int=512, bits: int=9, aux_context_window: int=2, upsample_scales: List[int]=[4, 5, 3, 5], aux_channels: int=80, compute_dims: int=128, res_out_dims: int=128, res_blocks: int=10, hop_length: int=300, sample_rate: int=24000, mode='RAW', init_type: str="xavier_uniform", ): ''' Parameters ---------- rnn_dims : int, optional Hidden dims of RNN Layers. fc_dims : int, optional Dims of FC Layers. bits : int, optional bit depth of signal. aux_context_window : int, optional The context window size of the first convolution applied to the auxiliary input, by default 2 upsample_scales : List[int], optional Upsample scales of the upsample network. aux_channels : int, optional Auxiliary channel of the residual blocks. compute_dims : int, optional Dims of Conv1D in MelResNet. res_out_dims : int, optional Dims of output in MelResNet. res_blocks : int, optional Number of residual blocks. mode : str, optional Output mode of the WaveRNN vocoder. `MOL` for Mixture of Logistic Distribution, and `RAW` for quantized bits as the model's output. init_type : str How to initialize parameters. ''' super().__init__() self.mode = mode self.aux_context_window = aux_context_window if self.mode == 'RAW': self.n_classes = 2**bits elif self.mode == 'MOL': self.n_classes = 10 * 3 else: RuntimeError('Unknown model mode value - ', self.mode) # List of rnns to call 'flatten_parameters()' on self._to_flatten = [] self.rnn_dims = rnn_dims self.aux_dims = res_out_dims // 4 self.hop_length = hop_length self.sample_rate = sample_rate # initialize parameters initialize(self, init_type) self.upsample = UpsampleNetwork( aux_channels=aux_channels, upsample_scales=upsample_scales, compute_dims=compute_dims, res_blocks=res_blocks, res_out_dims=res_out_dims, aux_context_window=aux_context_window) self.I = nn.Linear(aux_channels + self.aux_dims + 1, rnn_dims) self.rnn1 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims, rnn_dims) self.rnn2 = nn.GRU(rnn_dims + self.aux_dims, rnn_dims) self._to_flatten += [self.rnn1, self.rnn2] self.fc1 = nn.Linear(rnn_dims + self.aux_dims, fc_dims) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(fc_dims + self.aux_dims, fc_dims) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(fc_dims, self.n_classes) # Avoid fragmentation of RNN parameters and associated warning self._flatten_parameters() nn.initializer.set_global_initializer(None) def forward(self, x, c): ''' Parameters ---------- x : Tensor wav sequence, [B, T] c : Tensor mel spectrogram [B, C_aux, T'] T = (T' - 2 * aux_context_window ) * hop_length Returns ---------- Tensor [B, T, n_classes] ''' # Although we `_flatten_parameters()` on init, when using DataParallel # the model gets replicated, making it no longer guaranteed that the # weights are contiguous in GPU memory. Hence, we must call it again self._flatten_parameters() bsize = paddle.shape(x)[0] h1 = paddle.zeros([1, bsize, self.rnn_dims]) h2 = paddle.zeros([1, bsize, self.rnn_dims]) # c: [B, T, C_aux] # aux: [B, T, res_out_dims] c, aux = self.upsample(c) aux_idx = [self.aux_dims * i for i in range(5)] a1 = aux[:, :, aux_idx[0]:aux_idx[1]] a2 = aux[:, :, aux_idx[1]:aux_idx[2]] a3 = aux[:, :, aux_idx[2]:aux_idx[3]] a4 = aux[:, :, aux_idx[3]:aux_idx[4]] x = paddle.concat([x.unsqueeze(-1), c, a1], axis=2) x = self.I(x) res = x x, _ = self.rnn1(x, h1) x = x + res res = x x = paddle.concat([x, a2], axis=2) x, _ = self.rnn2(x, h2) x = x + res x = paddle.concat([x, a3], axis=2) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = paddle.concat([x, a4], axis=2) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) return self.fc3(x) @paddle.no_grad() def generate(self, c, batched: bool=True, target: int=12000, overlap: int=600, mu_law: bool=True, gen_display: bool=False): """ Parameters ---------- c : Tensor input mels, (T', C_aux) batched : bool generate in batch or not target : int target number of samples to be generated in each batch entry overlap : int number of samples for crossfading between batches mu_law : bool use mu law or not Returns ---------- wav sequence Output (T' * prod(upsample_scales), out_channels, C_out). """ self.eval() mu_law = mu_law if self.mode == 'RAW' else False output = [] start = time.time() # pseudo batch # (T, C_aux) -> (1, C_aux, T) c = paddle.transpose(c, [1, 0]).unsqueeze(0) T = paddle.shape(c)[-1] wave_len = T * self.hop_length # TODO remove two transpose op by modifying function pad_tensor c = self.pad_tensor( c.transpose([0, 2, 1]), pad=self.aux_context_window, side='both').transpose([0, 2, 1]) c, aux = self.upsample(c) if batched: # (num_folds, target + 2 * overlap, features) c = self.fold_with_overlap(c, target, overlap) aux = self.fold_with_overlap(aux, target, overlap) # for dygraph to static graph, if use seq_len of `b_size, seq_len, _ = paddle.shape(c)` in for # will not get TensorArray # see https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/guides/04_dygraph_to_static/case_analysis_cn.html#list-lodtensorarray # b_size, seq_len, _ = paddle.shape(c) b_size = paddle.shape(c)[0] seq_len = paddle.shape(c)[1] h1 = paddle.zeros([b_size, self.rnn_dims]) h2 = paddle.zeros([b_size, self.rnn_dims]) x = paddle.zeros([b_size, 1]) d = self.aux_dims aux_split = [aux[:, :, d * i:d * (i + 1)] for i in range(4)] for i in range(seq_len): m_t = c[:, i, :] # for dygraph to static graph # a1_t, a2_t, a3_t, a4_t = (a[:, i, :] for a in aux_split) a1_t = aux_split[0][:, i, :] a2_t = aux_split[1][:, i, :] a3_t = aux_split[2][:, i, :] a4_t = aux_split[3][:, i, :] x = paddle.concat([x, m_t, a1_t], axis=1) x = self.I(x) # use GRUCell here h1, _ = self.rnn1[0].cell(x, h1) x = x + h1 inp = paddle.concat([x, a2_t], axis=1) # use GRUCell here h2, _ = self.rnn2[0].cell(inp, h2) x = x + h2 x = paddle.concat([x, a3_t], axis=1) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = paddle.concat([x, a4_t], axis=1) x = F.relu(self.fc2(x)) logits = self.fc3(x) if self.mode == 'MOL': sample = sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic( logits.unsqueeze(0).transpose([0, 2, 1])) output.append(sample.reshape([-1])) x = sample.transpose([1, 0, 2]) elif self.mode == 'RAW': posterior = F.softmax(logits, axis=1) distrib = paddle.distribution.Categorical(posterior) # corresponding operate [np.floor((fx + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5)] in enocde_mu_law # distrib.sample([1])[0].cast('float32'): [0, 2**bits-1] # sample: [-1, 1] sample = 2 * distrib.sample([1])[0].cast('float32') / ( self.n_classes - 1.) - 1. output.append(sample) x = sample.unsqueeze(-1) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown model mode value - ', self.mode) if gen_display: if i % 1000 == 0: self.gen_display(i, int(seq_len), int(b_size), start) output = paddle.stack(output).transpose([1, 0]) if mu_law: output = decode_mu_law(output, self.n_classes, False) if batched: output = self.xfade_and_unfold(output, target, overlap) else: output = output[0] # Fade-out at the end to avoid signal cutting out suddenly fade_out = paddle.linspace(1, 0, 10 * self.hop_length) output = output[:wave_len] output[-10 * self.hop_length:] *= fade_out self.train() # 增加 C_out 维度 return output.unsqueeze(-1) def _flatten_parameters(self): [m.flatten_parameters() for m in self._to_flatten] def pad_tensor(self, x, pad, side='both'): ''' Parameters ---------- x : Tensor mel, [1, n_frames, 80] pad : int side : str 'both', 'before' or 'after' Returns ---------- Tensor ''' b, t, _ = paddle.shape(x) # for dygraph to static graph c = x.shape[-1] total = t + 2 * pad if side == 'both' else t + pad padded = paddle.zeros([b, total, c]) if side == 'before' or side == 'both': padded[:, pad:pad + t, :] = x elif side == 'after': padded[:, :t, :] = x return padded def fold_with_overlap(self, x, target, overlap): ''' Fold the tensor with overlap for quick batched inference. Overlap will be used for crossfading in xfade_and_unfold() Parameters ---------- x : Tensor Upsampled conditioning features. mels or aux shape=(1, T, features) mels: [1, T, 80] aux: [1, T, 128] target : int Target timesteps for each index of batch overlap : int Timesteps for both xfade and rnn warmup overlap = hop_length * 2 Returns ---------- Tensor shape=(num_folds, target + 2 * overlap, features) num_flods = (time_seq - overlap) // (target + overlap) mel: [num_folds, target + 2 * overlap, 80] aux: [num_folds, target + 2 * overlap, 128] Details ---------- x = [[h1, h2, ... hn]] Where each h is a vector of conditioning features Eg: target=2, overlap=1 with x.size(1)=10 folded = [[h1, h2, h3, h4], [h4, h5, h6, h7], [h7, h8, h9, h10]] ''' _, total_len, features = paddle.shape(x) # Calculate variables needed num_folds = (total_len - overlap) // (target + overlap) extended_len = num_folds * (overlap + target) + overlap remaining = total_len - extended_len # Pad if some time steps poking out if remaining != 0: num_folds += 1 padding = target + 2 * overlap - remaining x = self.pad_tensor(x, padding, side='after') folded = paddle.zeros([num_folds, target + 2 * overlap, features]) # Get the values for the folded tensor for i in range(num_folds): start = i * (target + overlap) end = start + target + 2 * overlap folded[i] = x[0][start:end, :] return folded def xfade_and_unfold(self, y, target: int=12000, overlap: int=600): ''' Applies a crossfade and unfolds into a 1d array. Parameters ---------- y : Tensor Batched sequences of audio samples shape=(num_folds, target + 2 * overlap) dtype=paddle.float32 overlap : int Timesteps for both xfade and rnn warmup Returns ---------- Tensor audio samples in a 1d array shape=(total_len) dtype=paddle.float32 Details ---------- y = [[seq1], [seq2], [seq3]] Apply a gain envelope at both ends of the sequences y = [[seq1_in, seq1_target, seq1_out], [seq2_in, seq2_target, seq2_out], [seq3_in, seq3_target, seq3_out]] Stagger and add up the groups of samples: [seq1_in, seq1_target, (seq1_out + seq2_in), seq2_target, ...] ''' # num_folds = (total_len - overlap) // (target + overlap) num_folds, length = paddle.shape(y) target = length - 2 * overlap total_len = num_folds * (target + overlap) + overlap # Need some silence for the run warmup slience_len = overlap // 2 fade_len = overlap - slience_len slience = paddle.zeros([slience_len], dtype=paddle.float32) linear = paddle.ones([fade_len], dtype=paddle.float32) # Equal power crossfade # fade_in increase from 0 to 1, fade_out reduces from 1 to 0 t = paddle.linspace(-1, 1, fade_len, dtype=paddle.float32) fade_in = paddle.sqrt(0.5 * (1 + t)) fade_out = paddle.sqrt(0.5 * (1 - t)) # Concat the silence to the fades fade_out = paddle.concat([linear, fade_out]) fade_in = paddle.concat([slience, fade_in]) # Apply the gain to the overlap samples y[:, :overlap] *= fade_in y[:, -overlap:] *= fade_out unfolded = paddle.zeros([total_len], dtype=paddle.float32) # Loop to add up all the samples for i in range(num_folds): start = i * (target + overlap) end = start + target + 2 * overlap unfolded[start:end] += y[i] return unfolded def gen_display(self, i, seq_len, b_size, start): gen_rate = (i + 1) / (time.time() - start) * b_size / 1000 pbar = self.progbar(i, seq_len) msg = f'| {pbar} {i*b_size}/{seq_len*b_size} | Batch Size: {b_size} | Gen Rate: {gen_rate:.1f}kHz | ' sys.stdout.write(f"\r{msg}") def progbar(self, i, n, size=16): done = int(i * size) // n bar = '' for i in range(size): bar += '█' if i <= done else '░' return bar class WaveRNNInference(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, normalizer, wavernn): super().__init__() self.normalizer = normalizer self.wavernn = wavernn def forward(self, logmel, batched: bool=True, target: int=12000, overlap: int=600, mu_law: bool=True, gen_display: bool=False): normalized_mel = self.normalizer(logmel) wav = self.wavernn.generate( normalized_mel, ) # batched=batched, # target=target, # overlap=overlap, # mu_law=mu_law, # gen_display=gen_display) return wav