// A full size 'lightbox' preview modal shown when left clicking on gallery previews function closeModal() { gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal").style.display = "none"; } function showModal(event) { const source = event.target || event.srcElement; const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage") const lb = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal") modalImage.src = source.src if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') { lb.style.setProperty('background-image', 'url(' + source.src + ')'); } lb.style.display = "block"; lb.focus() const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img") const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img") // show the save button in modal only on txt2img or img2img tabs if (tabTxt2Img.style.display != "none" || tabImg2Img.style.display != "none") { gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "inline" } else { gradioApp().getElementById("modal_save").style.display = "none" } event.stopPropagation() } function negmod(n, m) { return ((n % m) + m) % m; } function updateOnBackgroundChange() { const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage") if (modalImage && modalImage.offsetParent) { let allcurrentButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".gallery-item.transition-all.\\!ring-2") let currentButton = null allcurrentButtons.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) { currentButton = elem; } }) if (currentButton?.children?.length > 0 && modalImage.src != currentButton.children[0].src) { modalImage.src = currentButton.children[0].src; if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') { modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`) } } } } function modalImageSwitch(offset) { var allgalleryButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".gallery-item.transition-all") var galleryButtons = [] allgalleryButtons.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) { galleryButtons.push(elem); } }) if (galleryButtons.length > 1) { var allcurrentButtons = gradioApp().querySelectorAll(".gallery-item.transition-all.\\!ring-2") var currentButton = null allcurrentButtons.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.parentElement.offsetParent) { currentButton = elem; } }) var result = -1 galleryButtons.forEach(function(v, i) { if (v == currentButton) { result = i } }) if (result != -1) { nextButton = galleryButtons[negmod((result + offset), galleryButtons.length)] nextButton.click() const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage"); const modal = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal"); modalImage.src = nextButton.children[0].src; if (modalImage.style.display === 'none') { modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`) } setTimeout(function() { modal.focus() }, 10) } } } function saveImage(){ const tabTxt2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_txt2img") const tabImg2Img = gradioApp().getElementById("tab_img2img") const saveTxt2Img = "save_txt2img" const saveImg2Img = "save_img2img" if (tabTxt2Img.style.display != "none") { gradioApp().getElementById(saveTxt2Img).click() } else if (tabImg2Img.style.display != "none") { gradioApp().getElementById(saveImg2Img).click() } else { console.error("missing implementation for saving modal of this type") } } function modalSaveImage(event) { saveImage() event.stopPropagation() } function modalNextImage(event) { modalImageSwitch(1) event.stopPropagation() } function modalPrevImage(event) { modalImageSwitch(-1) event.stopPropagation() } function modalKeyHandler(event) { switch (event.key) { case "s": saveImage() break; case "ArrowLeft": modalPrevImage(event) break; case "ArrowRight": modalNextImage(event) break; case "Escape": closeModal(); break; } } function showGalleryImage() { setTimeout(function() { fullImg_preview = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('img.w-full.object-contain') if (fullImg_preview != null) { fullImg_preview.forEach(function function_name(e) { if (e.dataset.modded) return; e.dataset.modded = true; if(e && e.parentElement.tagName == 'DIV'){ e.style.cursor='pointer' e.style.userSelect='none' var isFirefox = isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 // For Firefox, listening on click first switched to next image then shows the lightbox. // If you know how to fix this without switching to mousedown event, please. // For other browsers the event is click to make it possiblr to drag picture. var event = isFirefox ? 'mousedown' : 'click' e.addEventListener(event, function (evt) { if(!opts.js_modal_lightbox || evt.button != 0) return; modalZoomSet(gradioApp().getElementById('modalImage'), opts.js_modal_lightbox_initially_zoomed) evt.preventDefault() showModal(evt) }, true); } }); } }, 100); } function modalZoomSet(modalImage, enable) { if (enable) { modalImage.classList.add('modalImageFullscreen'); } else { modalImage.classList.remove('modalImageFullscreen'); } } function modalZoomToggle(event) { modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage"); modalZoomSet(modalImage, !modalImage.classList.contains('modalImageFullscreen')) event.stopPropagation() } function modalTileImageToggle(event) { const modalImage = gradioApp().getElementById("modalImage"); const modal = gradioApp().getElementById("lightboxModal"); const isTiling = modalImage.style.display === 'none'; if (isTiling) { modalImage.style.display = 'block'; modal.style.setProperty('background-image', 'none') } else { modalImage.style.display = 'none'; modal.style.setProperty('background-image', `url(${modalImage.src})`) } event.stopPropagation() } function galleryImageHandler(e) { if (e && e.parentElement.tagName == 'BUTTON') { e.onclick = showGalleryImage; } } onUiUpdate(function() { fullImg_preview = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('img.w-full') if (fullImg_preview != null) { fullImg_preview.forEach(galleryImageHandler); } updateOnBackgroundChange(); }) document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { const modalFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const modal = document.createElement('div') modal.onclick = closeModal; modal.id = "lightboxModal"; modal.tabIndex = 0 modal.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true) let delay = 350//ms window.addEventListener('gamepadconnected', (e) => { console.log("Gamepad connected!") const gamepad = e.gamepad; setInterval(() => { const xValue = gamepad.axes[0].toFixed(2); if (xValue < -0.3) { modalPrevImage(e); } else if (xValue > 0.3) { modalNextImage(e); } }, delay); }); let isScrolling = false; window.addEventListener('wheel', (e) => { if (isScrolling) return; isScrolling = true; if (e.deltaX <= -0.6) { modalPrevImage(e); } else if (e.deltaX >= 0.6) { modalNextImage(e); } setTimeout(() => { isScrolling = false; }, delay); }); const modalControls = document.createElement('div') modalControls.className = 'modalControls gradio-container'; modal.append(modalControls); const modalZoom = document.createElement('span') modalZoom.className = 'modalZoom cursor'; modalZoom.innerHTML = '⤡' modalZoom.addEventListener('click', modalZoomToggle, true) modalZoom.title = "Toggle zoomed view"; modalControls.appendChild(modalZoom) const modalTileImage = document.createElement('span') modalTileImage.className = 'modalTileImage cursor'; modalTileImage.innerHTML = '⊞' modalTileImage.addEventListener('click', modalTileImageToggle, true) modalTileImage.title = "Preview tiling"; modalControls.appendChild(modalTileImage) const modalSave = document.createElement("span") modalSave.className = "modalSave cursor" modalSave.id = "modal_save" modalSave.innerHTML = "🖫" modalSave.addEventListener("click", modalSaveImage, true) modalSave.title = "Save Image(s)" modalControls.appendChild(modalSave) const modalClose = document.createElement('span') modalClose.className = 'modalClose cursor'; modalClose.innerHTML = '×' modalClose.onclick = closeModal; modalClose.title = "Close image viewer"; modalControls.appendChild(modalClose) const modalImage = document.createElement('img') modalImage.id = 'modalImage'; modalImage.onclick = closeModal; modalImage.tabIndex = 0 modalImage.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true) modal.appendChild(modalImage) const modalPrev = document.createElement('a') modalPrev.className = 'modalPrev'; modalPrev.innerHTML = '❮' modalPrev.tabIndex = 0 modalPrev.addEventListener('click', modalPrevImage, true); modalPrev.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true) modal.appendChild(modalPrev) const modalNext = document.createElement('a') modalNext.className = 'modalNext'; modalNext.innerHTML = '❯' modalNext.tabIndex = 0 modalNext.addEventListener('click', modalNextImage, true); modalNext.addEventListener('keydown', modalKeyHandler, true) modal.appendChild(modalNext) gradioApp().getRootNode().appendChild(modal) document.body.appendChild(modalFragment); });