/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "audio_info.h" #include "av_common.h" #include "avcodec_video_encoder.h" #include "avcodec_video_decoder.h" #include "native_avmemory.h" #include "VDecEncNdkSample.h" using namespace OHOS; using namespace OHOS::Media; using namespace std; namespace { constexpr uint32_t SAMPLE_DURATION_US = 23000; constexpr uint32_t ES[] = { 2106, 11465, 321, 72, 472, 68, 76, 79, 509, 90, 677, 88, 956, 99, 347, 77, 452, 681, 81, 1263, 94, 106, 97, 998, 97, 797, 93, 1343, 150, 116, 117, 926, 1198, 128, 110, 78, 1582, 158, 135, 112, 1588, 165, 132, 128, 1697, 168, 149, 117, 1938, 170, 141, 142, 1830, 106, 161, 122, 1623, 160, 154, 156, 1998, 230, 177, 139, 1650, 186, 128, 134, 1214, 122, 1411, 120, 1184, 128, 1591, 195, 145, 105, 1587, 169, 140, 118, 1952, 177, 150, 161, 1437, 159, 123, 1758, 180, 165, 144, 1936, 214, 191, 175, 2122, 180, 179, 160, 1927, 161, 184, 119, 1973, 218, 210, 129, 1962, 196, 127, 154, 2308, 173, 127, 1572, 142, 122, 2065, 262, 159, 206, 2251, 269, 179, 170, 2056, 308, 168, 191, 2090, 303, 191, 110, 1932, 272, 162, 122, 1877, 245, 167, 141, 1908, 294, 162, 118, 1493, 132, 1782, 273, 184, 133, 1958, 274, 180, 149, 2070, 216, 169, 143, 1882, 224, 149, 139, 1749, 277, 184, 139, 2141, 197, 170, 140, 2002, 269, 162, 140, 1862, 202, 179, 131, 1868, 214, 164, 140, 1546, 226, 150, 130, 1707, 162, 146, 1824, 181, 147, 130, 1898, 209, 143, 131, 1805, 180, 148, 106, 1776, 147, 141, 1572, 177, 130, 105, 1776, 178, 144, 122, 1557, 142, 124, 114, 1436, 143, 126, 1326, 127, 1755, 169, 127, 105, 1807, 177, 131, 134, 1613, 187, 137, 136, 1314, 134, 118, 2005, 194, 129, 147, 1566, 185, 132, 131, 1236, 174, 137, 106, 11049, 574, 126, 1242, 188, 130, 119, 1450, 187, 137, 141, 1116, 124, 1848, 138, 122, 1605, 186, 127, 140, 1798, 170, 124, 121, 1666, 157, 128, 130, 1678, 135, 118, 1804, 169, 135, 125, 1837, 168, 124, 124}; constexpr uint32_t ES_LENGTH = sizeof(ES) / sizeof(uint32_t); constexpr int32_t STOPNUM = 10000; void VdecAsyncError(OH_AVCodec *codec, int32_t errorCode, void *userData) { cout << "DEC Error errorCode=" << errorCode << endl; VDecEncSignal* vcodecSignal_ = static_cast(userData); vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; } void VdecAsyncStreamChanged(OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVFormat *format, void *userData) { cout << "DEC Format Changed" << endl; } void VdecAsyncNeedInputData(OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVMemory *data, void *userData) { VDecEncSignal* vcodecSignal_ = static_cast(userData); unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); if (vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.load()) { cout << "VdecAsyncNeedInputData isVdecFlushing_ is true, return" << endl; return; } vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.push(index); vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_.push(data); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); } void VdecAsyncNewOutputData(OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVMemory *data, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *attr, void *userData) { VDecEncSignal* vcodecSignal_ = static_cast(userData); unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); if (vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.load()) { cout << "VdecAsyncNeedInputData isVdecFlushing_ is true, return" << endl; return; } vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.push(index); vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_.push(attr->flags); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); } void VencAsyncError(OH_AVCodec *codec, int32_t errorCode, void *userData) { cout << "ENC Error errorCode=" << errorCode << endl; VDecEncSignal* vcodecSignal_ = static_cast(userData); vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; } void VencAsyncStreamChanged(OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVFormat *format, void *userData) { cout << "ENC Format Changed" << endl; } void VencAsyncNewOutputData(OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVMemory *data, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *attr, void *userData) { VDecEncSignal* vcodecSignal_ = static_cast(userData); unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); if (vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.load()) { cout << "VdecAsyncNeedInputData isVencFlushing_ is true, return" << endl; return; } vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.push(index); vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_.push(attr->size); vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_.push(attr->flags); vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_.push(data); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); } void clearIntqueue (std::queue& q) { std::queue empty; swap(empty, q); } void clearBufferqueue (std::queue& q) { std::queue empty; swap(empty, q); } } VDecEncNdkSample::~VDecEncNdkSample() { OH_VideoDecoder_Destroy(vdec_); OH_VideoEncoder_Destroy(venc_); delete vcodecSignal_; vcodecSignal_ = nullptr; } void VDecEncNdkSample::SetReadPath(std::string filepath) { inFile_ = filepath; if (testFile_ == nullptr) { testFile_ = std::make_unique(); } testFile_->open(inFile_, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); } void VDecEncNdkSample::SetSavePath(std::string filepath) { outFile_ = filepath; } void VDecEncNdkSample::SetEosState(bool needSetEos) { setEos = needSetEos; } void VDecEncNdkSample::ReRead() { if (testFile_ != nullptr) { testFile_->close(); cout << "ReRead close before file success " << endl; } cout << "ReRead inFile is " << inFile_ << endl; testFile_->open(inFile_, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (testFile_ != nullptr) { cout << "testFile open success" << endl; } decInCnt_ = 0; isFirstDecFrame_ = true; timeStampDec_ = 0; } void VDecEncNdkSample::ResetDecParam() { decInCnt_ = 0; decOutCnt_ = 0; isDecInputEOS = false; isDecOutputEOS = false; unique_lock lockIn(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); isDecRunning_.store(true); cout << "isDecRunning_.load() is " << isDecRunning_.load() << endl; } void VDecEncNdkSample::ResetEncParam() { encOutCnt_ = 0; isEncInputEOS = false; isEncOutputEOS = false; unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); isEncRunning_.store(true); cout << "isEncRunning_.load() is " << isEncRunning_.load() << endl; } struct OH_AVCodec* VDecEncNdkSample::CreateVideoDecoderByMime(std::string mimetype) { vdec_ = OH_VideoDecoder_CreateByMime(mimetype.c_str()); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vdec_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: OH_VideoDecoder_CreateByMime"); if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { vcodecSignal_ = new VDecEncSignal(); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vcodecSignal_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: No Memory"); } cbDec_.onError = VdecAsyncError; cbDec_.onStreamChanged = VdecAsyncStreamChanged; cbDec_.onNeedInputData = VdecAsyncNeedInputData; cbDec_.onNeedOutputData = VdecAsyncNewOutputData; int32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_SetCallback(vdec_, cbDec_, static_cast(vcodecSignal_)); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(ret == AV_ERR_OK, NULL, "Fatal: OH_VideoDecoder_SetCallback"); return vdec_; } struct OH_AVCodec* VDecEncNdkSample::CreateVideoDecoderByName(std::string name) { vdec_ = OH_VideoDecoder_CreateByName(name.c_str()); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vdec_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: OH_VideoDecoder_CreateByName"); if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { vcodecSignal_ = new VDecEncSignal(); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vcodecSignal_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: No Memory"); } cbDec_.onError = VdecAsyncError; cbDec_.onStreamChanged = VdecAsyncStreamChanged; cbDec_.onNeedInputData = VdecAsyncNeedInputData; cbDec_.onNeedOutputData = VdecAsyncNewOutputData; int32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_SetCallback(vdec_, cbDec_, static_cast(vcodecSignal_)); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(ret == AV_ERR_OK, NULL, "Fatal: OH_VideoDecoder_SetCallback"); return vdec_; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ConfigureDec(struct OH_AVFormat *format) { return OH_VideoDecoder_Configure(vdec_, format); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::PrepareDec() { return OH_VideoDecoder_Prepare(vdec_); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::StartDec() { cout << "Enter dec start" << endl; isDecRunning_.store(true); if (inputLoopDec_ == nullptr) { inputLoopDec_ = make_unique(&VDecEncNdkSample::InputFuncDec, this); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(inputLoopDec_ != nullptr, AV_ERR_UNKNOWN, "Fatal: No memory"); } if (outputLoopDec_ == nullptr) { outputLoopDec_ = make_unique(&VDecEncNdkSample::OutputFuncDec, this); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(outputLoopDec_ != nullptr, AV_ERR_UNKNOWN, "Fatal: No memory"); } cout << "Exit dec start" << endl; return OH_VideoDecoder_Start(vdec_); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::StopDec() { cout << "ENTER DEC stop" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); unique_lock lock2(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); lock2.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_Stop(vdec_); unique_lock lockIn(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); lockIn.unlock(); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(false); cout << "EXIT DEC stop" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::FlushDec() { cout << "ENTER DEC FLUSH" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); unique_lock lock2(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); lock2.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_Flush(vdec_); unique_lock lockIn(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); lockIn.unlock(); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(false); cout << "EXIT DEC FLUSH" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ResetDec() { cout << "Enter DEC reset" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); unique_lock lock2(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); lock2.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_Reset(vdec_); unique_lock lockIn(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); lockIn.unlock(); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueDec_); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.store(false); cout << "Exit DEC reset" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ReleaseDec() { cout << "Enter DEC release" << endl; isDecRunning_.store(false); if (inputLoopDec_ != nullptr && inputLoopDec_->joinable()) { unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.push(STOPNUM); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.notify_all(); lock.unlock(); inputLoopDec_->join(); inputLoopDec_.reset(); } if (outputLoopDec_ != nullptr && outputLoopDec_->joinable()) { unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.push(STOPNUM); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.notify_all(); lock.unlock(); outputLoopDec_->join(); outputLoopDec_.reset(); } OH_VideoDecoder_Destroy(vdec_); cout << "Exit DEC release" << endl; return AV_ERR_OK; } void VDecEncNdkSample::PopInqueueDec() { if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { return; } vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.pop(); vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_.pop(); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::PushInbufferDec(uint32_t index, uint32_t bufferSize) { if (vdec_ == nullptr) { return AV_ERR_INVALID_VAL; } struct OH_AVCodecBufferAttr attr; attr.offset = 0; if (decInCnt_ == ES_LENGTH) { attr.flags = AVCODEC_BUFFER_FLAGS_EOS; attr.pts = 0; attr.size = 0; cout << "EOS Frame, frameCount = " << decInCnt_ << endl; isDecInputEOS = true; } else { attr.pts = timeStampDec_; attr.size = bufferSize; if (isFirstDecFrame_) { attr.flags = AVCODEC_BUFFER_FLAGS_CODEC_DATA; isFirstDecFrame_ = false; } else { attr.flags = AVCODEC_BUFFER_FLAGS_NONE; } } return OH_VideoDecoder_PushInputData(vdec_, index, attr); } void VDecEncNdkSample::InputFuncDec() { while (true) { cout << "ENTER DEC IN" << endl; if (!isDecRunning_.load()) { break; } unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->inMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->inCondDec_.wait(lock, [this]() { return vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.size() > 0; }); if (!isDecRunning_.load()) { break; } uint32_t index = vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.front(); OH_AVMemory *buffer = reinterpret_cast(vcodecSignal_->inBufferQueueDec_.front()); if (vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.load() || isDecInputEOS || buffer == nullptr) { PopInqueueDec(); continue; } NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_LOG(testFile_ != nullptr && testFile_->is_open(), "Fatal: open file fail"); uint32_t bufferSize = 0; if (decInCnt_ < ES_LENGTH) { bufferSize = ES[decInCnt_]; char *fileBuffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * bufferSize + 1); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_LOG(fileBuffer != nullptr, "Fatal: malloc fail"); (void)testFile_->read(fileBuffer, bufferSize); if (testFile_->eof()) { free(fileBuffer); cout << "Finish" << endl; break; } if (memcpy_s(OH_AVMemory_GetAddr(buffer), OH_AVMemory_GetSize(buffer), fileBuffer, bufferSize) != EOK || buffer == nullptr) { free(fileBuffer); PopInqueueDec(); continue; } free(fileBuffer); } if (PushInbufferDec(index, bufferSize) != AV_ERR_OK) { cout << "Fatal: OH_VideoDecoder_PushInputData fail, exit" << endl; vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; } else { decInCnt_++; } timeStampDec_ += SAMPLE_DURATION_US; PopInqueueDec(); } } void VDecEncNdkSample::PopOutqueueDec() { if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { return; } vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.pop(); vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_.pop(); } void VDecEncNdkSample::SendEncEos() { if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr || venc_== nullptr) { return; } if (setEos) { int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_NotifyEndOfStream(venc_); if (ret == 0) { cout << "ENC IN: input EOS " << endl; isEncInputEOS = true; } else { cout << "ENC IN: input EOS fail" << endl; vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; } } } void VDecEncNdkSample::OutputFuncDec() { while (true) { if (!isDecRunning_.load()) { break; } unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexDec_); vcodecSignal_->outCondDec_.wait(lock, [this]() { return vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.size() > 0; }); if (!isDecRunning_.load()) { break; } if (vcodecSignal_->isVdecFlushing_.load() || vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.load() || isEncInputEOS) { PopOutqueueDec(); continue; } uint32_t index = vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.front(); uint32_t outflag = vcodecSignal_->flagQueueDec_.front(); if (outflag == 0) { uint32_t ret = OH_VideoDecoder_RenderOutputData(vdec_, index); if (ret == 0) { decOutCnt_ += 1; cout << "DEC OUT.: render output success, decOutCnt_ is " << decOutCnt_ << endl; } else { cout << "DEC OUT. Fatal: ReleaseOutputBuffer fail" << endl; vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; break; } } else { cout << "DEC OUT.: output EOS" << endl; isDecOutputEOS = true; SendEncEos(); } PopOutqueueDec(); } } struct OH_AVCodec* VDecEncNdkSample::CreateVideoEncoderByMime(std::string mimetype) { venc_ = OH_VideoEncoder_CreateByMime(mimetype.c_str()); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(venc_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: OH_VideoEncoder_CreateByMime"); if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { vcodecSignal_ = new VDecEncSignal(); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vcodecSignal_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: No Memory"); } cbEnc_.onError = VencAsyncError; cbEnc_.onStreamChanged = VencAsyncStreamChanged; cbEnc_.onNeedOutputData = VencAsyncNewOutputData; int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_SetCallback(venc_, cbEnc_, static_cast(vcodecSignal_)); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(ret == AV_ERR_OK, NULL, "Fatal: OH_VideoEncoder_SetCallback"); return venc_; } struct OH_AVCodec* VDecEncNdkSample::CreateVideoEncoderByName(std::string name) { venc_ = OH_VideoEncoder_CreateByName(name.c_str()); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(venc_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: OH_VideoEncoder_CreateByName"); if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { vcodecSignal_ = new VDecEncSignal(); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(vcodecSignal_ != nullptr, nullptr, "Fatal: No Memory"); } cbEnc_.onError = VencAsyncError; cbEnc_.onStreamChanged = VencAsyncStreamChanged; cbEnc_.onNeedOutputData = VencAsyncNewOutputData; int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_SetCallback(venc_, cbEnc_, static_cast(vcodecSignal_)); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(ret == AV_ERR_OK, NULL, "Fatal: OH_VideoEncoder_SetCallback"); return venc_; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ConfigureEnc(struct OH_AVFormat *format) { return OH_VideoEncoder_Configure(venc_, format); } struct VEncObject : public OH_AVCodec { explicit VEncObject(const std::shared_ptr &encoder) : OH_AVCodec(AVMagic::MEDIA_MAGIC_VIDEO_ENCODER), videoEncoder_(encoder) {} ~VEncObject() = default; const std::shared_ptr videoEncoder_; }; int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::GetSurface() { return OH_VideoEncoder_GetSurface(venc_, &nativeWindow_); } struct VDecObject : public OH_AVCodec { explicit VDecObject(const std::shared_ptr &decoder) : OH_AVCodec(AVMagic::MEDIA_MAGIC_VIDEO_DECODER), videoDecoder_(decoder) {} ~VDecObject() = default; const std::shared_ptr videoDecoder_; }; int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::SetOutputSurface() { return OH_VideoDecoder_SetSurface(vdec_, nativeWindow_); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::PrepareEnc() { return OH_VideoEncoder_Prepare(venc_); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::StartEnc() { cout << "Enter enc start" << endl; isEncRunning_.store(true); if (outputLoopEnc_ == nullptr) { outputLoopEnc_ = make_unique(&VDecEncNdkSample::OutputFuncEnc, this); NDK_CHECK_AND_RETURN_RET_LOG(outputLoopEnc_ != nullptr, AV_ERR_UNKNOWN, "Fatal: No memory"); } cout << "Exit enc start" << endl; return OH_VideoEncoder_Start(venc_); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::StopEnc() { cout << "Enter enc stop" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_Stop(venc_); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(false); cout << "Exit enc stop" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::FlushEnc() { cout << "Enter enc flush" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_Flush(venc_); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(false); cout << "Exit enc flush" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ResetEnc() { cout << "Enter enc reset" << endl; unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(true); lock.unlock(); int32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_Reset(venc_); unique_lock lockOut(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_); clearIntqueue(vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_); clearBufferqueue(vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); lockOut.unlock(); vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.store(false); cout << "exit enc reset" << endl; return ret; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::ReleaseEnc() { cout << "Enter enc release" << endl; isEncRunning_.store(false); if (outputLoopEnc_ != nullptr && outputLoopEnc_->joinable()) { unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.push(STOPNUM); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.notify_all(); lock.unlock(); outputLoopEnc_->join(); outputLoopEnc_.reset(); } cout << "exit enc release" << endl; OH_VideoEncoder_Destroy(venc_); cout << "exit enc destroy" << endl; return AV_ERR_OK; } void VDecEncNdkSample::PopOutqueueEnc() { if (vcodecSignal_ == nullptr) { return; } vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.pop(); vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_.pop(); vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_.pop(); vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_.pop(); } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::WriteToFile() { auto buffer = vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueEnc_.front(); uint32_t size = vcodecSignal_->sizeQueueEnc_.front(); if (buffer == nullptr) { cout << "getOutPut Buffer fail" << endl; return AV_ERR_INVALID_VAL; } FILE *outFile = fopen(outFile_.c_str(), "a"); if (outFile == nullptr) { cout << "dump data fail" << endl; return AV_ERR_INVALID_VAL; } else { fwrite(OH_AVMemory_GetAddr(buffer), 1, size, outFile); } return fclose(outFile); } void VDecEncNdkSample::OutputFuncEnc() { while (true) { if (!isEncRunning_.load()) { break; } unique_lock lock(vcodecSignal_->outMutexEnc_); vcodecSignal_->outCondEnc_.wait(lock, [this]() { return vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.size() > 0; }); if (!isEncRunning_.load()) { break; } if (vcodecSignal_->isVencFlushing_.load() || isEncOutputEOS) { PopOutqueueEnc(); continue; } uint32_t index = vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.front(); uint32_t encOutflag = vcodecSignal_->flagQueueEnc_.front(); if (encOutflag == 1) { cout << "ENC get output EOS" << endl; isEncOutputEOS = true; } else { if (WriteToFile() != 0) { PopOutqueueEnc(); continue; } uint32_t ret = OH_VideoEncoder_FreeOutputData(venc_, index); if (ret != 0) { cout << "Fatal: ReleaseOutputBuffer fail" << endl; vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ += 1; } else { encOutCnt_ += 1; cout << "ENC OUT.: output success, encOutCnt_ is " << encOutCnt_ << endl; } } PopOutqueueEnc(); } } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::CalcuError() { cout << "errorNum_ is :" << vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ << endl; cout << "decInCnt_ is :" << decInCnt_ << endl; cout << "decOutCnt_ is :" << decOutCnt_ << endl; cout << "encOutCnt_ is :" << encOutCnt_ << endl; cout << "DEC inQueueDec_.size() is " << vcodecSignal_->inQueueDec_.size() << endl; cout << "DEC outQueueDec_.size() is " << vcodecSignal_->outQueueDec_.size() << endl; cout << "DEC outBufferQueueDec_.size() is " << vcodecSignal_->outBufferQueueDec_.size() << endl; cout << "DEC outQueueEnc_.size() is " << vcodecSignal_->outQueueEnc_.size() << endl; return vcodecSignal_->errorNum_ ; } int32_t VDecEncNdkSample::GetFrameCount() { return encOutCnt_; } bool VDecEncNdkSample::GetEncEosState() { return isEncOutputEOS; } bool VDecEncNdkSample::GetDecEosState() { return isDecOutputEOS; }