/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License') * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from '@ohos/hypium' import util from '@ohos.util' import url from '@ohos.url' import app from '@system.app' import process from '@ohos.process' import file from '@system.file'; class Temperature { constructor(value) { this._temp = value; } compareTo(value) { return this._temp >= value.getTemp(); } getTemp() { return this._temp; } toString() { return this._temp.toString(); } } var tempLower = new Temperature(30); var tempUpper = new Temperature(40); var tempLess = new Temperature(20); var tempMiDF = new Temperature(35); var tempMidS = new Temperature(39); var tempMore = new Temperature(45); var range = new util.Scope(tempLower, tempUpper); var rangeFir = new util.Scope(tempMiDF, tempMidS); var rangeSec = new util.Scope(tempLess, tempMore); var rangeThi = new util.Scope(tempLess, tempMiDF); var rangeFif = new util.Scope(tempMiDF, tempMore); export default function UtilFunTest() { describe('TextEncoderTest', function () { /** * @tc.name: testUtilPrintf001 * @tc.desc: Returns the formatted string. */ it('testUtilPrintf001', 0, function () { var format = "%i,%s"; var value1 = 1.5; var value2 = "qwer"; var value3 = 15; var result = util.printf(format, value1, value2, value3); expect(result).assertEqual("1,qwer 15"); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPrintf002 * @tc.desc: Returns the formatted string. */ it('testUtilPrintf002', 0, function () { var format = "%O"; var value = { name: 'jack' ,age: 15 }; var result = util.printf(format, value); expect(result).assertEqual("{ name: 'jack',\n age: 15 }"); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPrintf003 * @tc.desc: Returns the formatted string. */ it('testUtilPrintf003', 0, function () { var format = "%o"; var value = [1, 2, 3]; var result = util.printf(format, value); var res = '[ 1, 2, 3, [length]: 3 ]' expect(result).assertEqual('[ 1, 2, 3, [length]: 3 ]'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPrintf004 * @tc.desc: Returns the formatted string. */ it('testUtilPrintf004', 0, function () { var format = "%s,%s,%s"; var value1 = "1.5"; var value2 = "qwer"; var result = util.printf(format, value1, value2); expect(result).assertEqual('1.5,qwer,%s'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPrintf005 * @tc.desc: Returns the formatted string. */ it('testUtilPrintf005', 0, function () { var format = "%d,%d"; var value1 = 6; var value2 = 16; var result = util.printf(format, value1, value2); expect(result).assertEqual('6,16'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilGetErrorString001 * @tc.desc: Get the string name of the system errno. */ it('testUtilGetErrorString001', 0, async function () { var errnum = 10; var result = util.getErrorString(errnum); expect(result).assertEqual('Unknown system error 10'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilGetErrorString002 * @tc.desc: Get the string name of the system errno. */ it('testUtilGetErrorString002', 0, async function () { var errnum = 0; var result = util.getErrorString(errnum); expect(result).assertEqual('Unknown system error 0'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilGetErrorString003 * @tc.desc: Get the string name of the system errno. */ it('testUtilGetErrorString003', 0, async function () { var errnum = -1; var result = util.getErrorString(errnum); expect(result).assertEqual('operation not permitted'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilGetErrorString004 * @tc.desc: Get the string name of the system errno. */ it('testUtilGetErrorString004', 0, async function () { var errnum = 9; var result = util.getErrorString(errnum); expect(result).assertEqual('Unknown system error 9'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilGetErrorString005 * @tc.desc: Get the string name of the system errno. */ it('testUtilGetErrorString005', 0, async function () { var errnum = 555; var result = util.getErrorString(errnum); expect(result).assertEqual('Unknown system error 555'); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromisify_new_001 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a function that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromisify_new_001', 0, async function () { function fn(val, callback) { if (typeof val === 'string') { callback(null, val); } else { callback('type err'); } } (async () => { const value = await util.promisify(fn); expect(value(null, "Hello")).strictEqual('Hello'); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromisify_new_002 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a function that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromisify_new_002', 0, async function () { function fn(str, callback) { if (typeof str === 'string') { callback(null, str); } else { callback('type err'); } } (async () => { const value = await util.promisify(fn); expect(value(null, [1, 2])).strictEqual('type err'); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromisify_new_003 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a function that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromisify_new_003', 0, async function () { function fn(err, val, callback) { callback(err, val); } (async () => { const value = await util.promisify(fn); expect(value(null, 42)).strictEqual(42); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromisify_new_004 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a function that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromisify_new_004', 0, async function () { function fn(val, callback) { if (typeof val === 'boolen') { callback(null, val); } else { callback('type err'); } } (async () => { const value = await util.promisify(fn); expect(value(null, true)).strictEqual(true); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromisify_new_005 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a function that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromisify_new_005', 0, async function () { function fn(val, callback) { if (typeof val === 'number') { callback(null, val); } else { callback('type err'); } } (async () => { const value = await util.promisify(fn); expect(value(null, 100)).strictEqual(100); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper001 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper001', 0, async function () { function aysnFun(str1, str2, callback) { if (typeof str1 === 'string' && typeof str1 === 'string') { callback(null, str1 + str2); } else { callback('type err'); } } let newPromiseObj = util.promiseWrapper(aysnFun)("Hello", 'World'); newPromiseObj.then(res => { expect(res).strictEqual('HelloWorld'); }) }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper002 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper002', 0, async function () { function aysnFun(str1, str2, callback) { if (typeof str1 === 'string' && typeof str1 === 'string') { callback(null, str1 + str2); } else { callback('type err'); } } let newPromiseObj = util.promiseWrapper(aysnFun)([1, 2], 'World'); newPromiseObj.catch(err => { expect(err).strictEqual('type err'); }) }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper003 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper003', 0, async function () { let errToThrow; const thrower = util.promiseWrapper(function(a, b, c, cb) { errToThrow = new Error(); throw errToThrow; }); thrower(1, 2, 3).catch(err => { expect(err).strictEqual(errToThrow); }) }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper004 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper004', 0, async function () { const err = new Error(); const a = util.promiseWrapper((cb) => cb(err))(); const b = util.promiseWrapper(() => {throw err;})(); Promise.all([ a.then(e => { expect(e).strictEqual(err); }), b.then(e => { expect(e).strictEqual(err); }) ]); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper005 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper005', 0, async function () { const err = new Error('callback with the error.'); const stack = err.stack; const fn = util.promiseWrapper(function(cb) { cb(null); cb(err); }); (async () => { await fn(); await Promise.resolve(); return expect(stack).strictEqual(err.stack); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilPromiseWrapper006 * @tc.desc: Takes a function following the common error-first callback style, taking an callback as the last argument, and return a version that returns promises. */ it('testUtilPromiseWrapper006', 0, async function () { function fn(err, val, callback) { callback(err, val); } (async () => { const value = await util.promiseWrapper(fn)(null, 42); expect(value).strictEqual(42); })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper001 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper001', 0, async function () { const promiseFn = [1, 2]; try { util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); } catch(e) { expect(e.toString()).assertEqual('BusinessError: Parameter error.The type of 1,2 must be function'); } }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper002 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper002', 0, async function () { async function promiseFn() { return Promise.resolve('value'); } var cb = util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); (async () => { cb((err, ret) => { expect(err).assertEqual(null); expect(ret).assertEqual('value'); }) })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper003 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper003', 0, async function () { async function promiseFn() { return 42; } var cb = util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); (async () => { cb((err, ret) => { expect(err).assertEqual(null); expect(ret).assertEqual(42); }) })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper004 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper004', 0, async function () { async function promiseFn() { var err = Error('value'); return Promise.reject(err); } var cb = util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); (async () => { cb((err, ret) => { expect(err.message).strictEqual('value'); expect(ret).assertEqual(undefined); }) })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper005 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper005', 0, async function () { async function promiseFn(a, b) { return a + b; } var cb = util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); (async () => { cb(1, 2, (err, ret) => { expect(err).assertEqual(null); expect(ret).assertEqual(3); }) })(); }) /** * @tc.name: testUtilCallbackWrapper006 * @tc.desc: Takes an async function (or a function that returns a Promise) and returns a function following the error-first callback style. */ it('testUtilCallbackWrapper006', 0, async function () { async function promiseFn() { return null; } var cb = util.callbackWrapper(promiseFn); try { cb([1, 2]); } catch (err) { expect(err.message).assertEqual('maybe is not function'); } }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textdecoder_001 * @tc.desc: The source encoding's name, lowercased. */ it('testencoding_textdecoder_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM : true }) var retStr = that.encoding expect(retStr).assertEqual('utf-8') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textdecoder_002 * @tc.desc: The source encoding's name, lowercased. */ it('testencoding_textdecoder_002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le') var encodingStr = that.encoding expect(encodingStr).assertEqual('utf-16le') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textdecoder_003 * @tc.desc: The source encoding's name, lowercased. */ it('testencoding_textdecoder_003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be') var encodingStr = that.encoding expect(encodingStr).assertEqual('utf-16be') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textdecoder_004 * @tc.desc: The source encoding's name, lowercased. */ it('testencoding_textdecoder_004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { ignoreBOM : true }) var encodingStr = that.encoding expect(encodingStr).assertEqual('utf-16be') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textdecoder_005 * @tc.desc: The source encoding's name, lowercased. */ it('testencoding_textdecoder_005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { ignoreBOM : false }) var encodingStr = that.encoding expect(encodingStr).assertEqual('utf-16be') }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal001 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { fatal : true }) var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal002 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { fatal : false }) var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal003 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal004 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal005 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal006 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal006', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gbk') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal007 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal007', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb18030') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testFatal008 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise. */ it('testFatal008', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb2312') var fatalStr = that.fatal expect(fatalStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM001 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { ignoreBOM : true }) var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM002 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be', { ignoreBOM : false }) var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM003 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM004 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM005 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM006 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM006', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gbk') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM007 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM007', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb18030') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIgnoreBOM008 * @tc.desc: Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise. */ it('testIgnoreBOM008', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb2312') var ignoreBOMStr = that.ignoreBOM expect(ignoreBOMStr).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_001 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8'); var arr = new Uint8Array(3); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[i] = 0x61 + i; } var retStr = that.decode(arr); var rel = 'abc'; expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel); }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_002 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le') var arr = new Uint8Array(6) arr[0] = 0x61; arr[1] = 0x00; arr[2] = 0x62; arr[3] = 0x00; arr[4] = 0x63; arr[5] = 0x00; var retStr = that.decode(arr) var rel = 'abc' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_003 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be'); var arr = new Uint8Array(6); arr[0] = 0x00; arr[1] = 0x61; arr[2] = 0x00; arr[3] = 0x62; arr[4] = 0x00; arr[5] = 0x63; var retStr = that.decode(arr); var rel = 'abc' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel); }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_004 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM : true }) var arr = new Uint8Array(6) arr[0] = 0xEF; arr[1] = 0xBB; arr[2] = 0xBF; arr[3] = 0x61; arr[4] = 0x62; arr[5] = 0x63; var retStr = that.decode(arr, {stream:true}) var BOM = '\uFEFF' var rel = 'abc' var re = BOM + rel expect(retStr).assertEqual(re); }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_005 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le', { ignoreBOM : false }) var arr = new Uint8Array(8) arr[0] = 0xFF; arr[1] = 0xFE; arr[2] = 0x61; arr[3] = 0x00; arr[4] = 0x62; arr[5] = 0x00 arr[6] = 0x63; arr[7] = 0x00; var retStr = that.decode(arr, { stream : false }) var BOM = '\uFEFF' var rel = 'abc' var re = BOM + rel expect(retStr).assertEqual(re) }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_006 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_006', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gbk') var arr = new Uint8Array(8) arr[0] = 0xC4; arr[1] = 0xE3; arr[2] = 0xBA; arr[3] = 0xC3; arr[4] = 0xCA; arr[5] = 0xC0; arr[6] = 0xBD; arr[7] = 0xE7; var retStr = that.decode(arr) var rel = '你好世界' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_007 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_007', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb18030') var arr = new Uint8Array(8) arr[0] = 0xC4; arr[1] = 0xE3; arr[2] = 0xBA; arr[3] = 0xC3; arr[4] = 0xCA; arr[5] = 0xC0; arr[6] = 0xBD; arr[7] = 0xE7; var retStr = that.decode(arr) var rel = '你好世界' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: testdecode_testdecode_008 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('testdecode_testdecode_008', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('gb2312') var arr = new Uint8Array(8) arr[0] = 0xC4; arr[1] = 0xE3; arr[2] = 0xBA; arr[3] = 0xC3; arr[4] = 0xCA; arr[5] = 0xC0; arr[6] = 0xBD; arr[7] = 0xE7; var retStr = that.decode(arr) var rel = '你好世界' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: decodeWithStream001 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('decodeWithStream001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le', { ignoreBOM : false }); var arr = new Uint8Array(8) arr[0] = 0xFF; arr[1] = 0xFE; arr[2] = 0x61; arr[3] = 0x00; arr[4] = 0x62; arr[5] = 0x00; arr[6] = 0x63; arr[7] = 0x00; var retStr = that.decodeWithStream(arr, { stream : false }); var BOM = '\uFEFF'; var rel = 'abc'; var re = BOM + rel; expect(retStr).assertEqual(re) }) /** * @tc.name: decodeWithStream002 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('decodeWithStream002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM : true }) var arr = new Uint8Array(6) arr[0] = 0xEF; arr[1] = 0xBB; arr[2] = 0xBF; arr[3] = 0x61; arr[4] = 0x62; arr[5] = 0x63; var retStr = that.decodeWithStream(arr, {stream:true}) var BOM = '\uFEFF' var rel = 'abc' var re = BOM + rel; expect(retStr).assertEqual(re) }) /** * @tc.name: decodeWithStream003 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('decodeWithStream003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16be'); var arr = new Uint8Array(6); arr[0] = 0x00; arr[1] = 0x61; arr[2] = 0x00; arr[3] = 0x62; arr[4] = 0x00; arr[5] = 0x63; var retStr = that.decodeWithStream(arr); var rel = 'abc' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: decodeWithStream004 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('decodeWithStream004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-16le') var arr = new Uint8Array(6) arr[0] = 0x61; arr[1] = 0x00; arr[2] = 0x62; arr[3] = 0x00; arr[4] = 0x63; arr[5] = 0x00; var retStr = that.decodeWithStream(arr); var rel = 'abc' expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: decodeWithStream005 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of running encoding's decoder. */ it('decodeWithStream005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextDecoder('utf-8'); var arr = new Uint8Array(3); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[i] = 0x61 + i; } var retStr = that.decodeWithStream(arr); var rel = 'abc'; expect(retStr).assertEqual(rel) }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textencoder_001 * @tc.desc: Encoding format. */ it('testencoding_textencoder_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var str = that.encoding expect(str).assertEqual('utf-8') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textencoder_002 * @tc.desc: Encoding format test gb18030. */ it('testencoding_textencoder_002', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gb18030') let str = that.encoding expect(str).assertEqual('gb18030') that = new util.TextEncoder('GB18030') str = that.encoding; expect(str).assertEqual('GB18030') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textencoder_003 * @tc.desc: Encoding format test gbk. */ it('testencoding_textencoder_003', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gbk') let str = that.encoding expect(str).assertEqual('gbk') that = new util.TextEncoder('GBK') str = that.encoding; expect(str).assertEqual('GBK') }) /** * @tc.name: testencoding_textencoder_004 * @tc.desc: Encoding format test gb2313. */ it('testencoding_textencoder_004', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gb2312') let str = that.encoding expect(str).assertEqual('gb2312') that = new util.TextEncoder('GB2312') str = that.encoding; expect(str).assertEqual('GB2312') }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode001 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(0x61) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode002 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('\uD800楼楼') expect(result[5]).assertEqual(188) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode003 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('a\uD800楼楼') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(0x61) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode004 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc\uD800楼楼') expect(result[1]).assertEqual(0x62) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode005 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('123\uD800楼楼') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(49) expect(result[9]).assertEqual(230) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode006 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode006', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('123¥\uD800楼') expect(result[10]).assertEqual(0xbc) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode007 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode007', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('¥¥') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(0xc2) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode008 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder. */ it('testEncode008', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('$$') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(0x24) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode009 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for gb18030. */ it('testEncode009', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gb18030') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode010 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for GB18030. */ it('testEncode0010', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('GB18030') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode011 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for GB18030. */ it('testEncode0011', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('GBK') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode012 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for gbk. */ it('testEncode012', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gbk') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode013 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for gb2312. */ it('testEncode013', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('gb2312') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode014 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for gb2312. */ it('testEncode014', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('GB2312') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abc哈哈熠熠') expect(result[0]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[4]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[7]).assertEqual(236) expect(result[8]).assertEqual(218) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncode015 * @tc.desc: Returns the result of encoder for gb2312, input long string. */ it('testEncode015', 0, function () { let that = new util.TextEncoder('GB18030') let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(900) let result = new Uint8Array(buffer) result = that.encode('abcd哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈abcd哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈abcd哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈abcd哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈') expect(result[6]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[30]).assertEqual(97) expect(result[57]).assertEqual(254) expect(result[98]).assertEqual(185) expect(result[119]).assertEqual(254) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto001 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto001', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 13) var result = new Uint32Array(20) result = that.encodeInto('\uD800A\uDF06A楼HiA', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(7) expect(result.written).assertEqual(13) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto002 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto002', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(6) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Object() result = that.encodeInto('abc\u2603d', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(4) expect(result.written).assertEqual(6) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto003 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto003', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Object() result = that.encodeInto('abcd', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(4) expect(result.written).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto004 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto004', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Object() result = that.encodeInto('12345', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(4) expect(result.written).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto005 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto005', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Object() result = that.encodeInto('123 4*!@#', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(4) expect(result.written).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto006 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto006', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Object() result = that.encodeInto('', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(0) expect(result.written).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto007 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto007', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer) var result = new Uint32Array(20) result = that.encodeInto('12ab', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(4) expect(result.written).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testEncodeInto008 * @tc.desc: encode string, write the result to dest array. */ it('testEncodeInto008', 0, function () { var that = new util.TextEncoder() var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(20) var dest = new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 0) var result = new Uint32Array(20) result = that.encodeInto('\uD800A\uDF06A楼HiA', dest) expect(result.read).assertEqual(0) expect(result.written).assertEqual(0) }) }) describe('ScopeTest', function () { /** * @tc.name: test_getLower_001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the lower bound of the current range. */ it('test_getLower_001', 0, function () { var result = range.getLower() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('30') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getLower_002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the lower bound of the current range. */ it('test_getLower_002', 0, function () { var result = rangeFir.getLower() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('35') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getLower_003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the lower bound of the current range. */ it('test_getLower_003', 0, function () { var result = rangeSec.getLower() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('20') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getLower_004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the lower bound of the current range. */ it('test_getLower_004', 0, function () { var result = rangeThi.getLower() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('20') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getLower_005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the lower bound of the current range. */ it('test_getLower_005', 0, function () { var result = rangeFif.getLower() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('35') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getUpper_001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the upper bound of the current range. */ it('test_getUpper_001', 0, function () { var result = range.getUpper() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('40') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getUpper_002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the upper bound of the current range. */ it('test_getUpper_002', 0, function () { var result = rangeFir.getUpper() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('39') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getUpper_003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the upper bound of the current range. */ it('test_getUpper_003', 0, function () { var result = rangeSec.getUpper() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('45') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getUpper_004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the upper bound of the current range. */ it('test_getUpper_004', 0, function () { var result = rangeThi.getUpper() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('35') }) /** * @tc.name: test_getUpper_005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the upper bound of the current range. */ it('test_getUpper_005', 0, function () { var result = rangeFif.getUpper() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('45') }) /** * @tc.name: test_clamp_001 * @tc.desc: Clamps a given value to the current range. */ it('test_clamp_001', 0, function () { var result =range.clamp(tempLess) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('30') }) /** * @tc.name: test_clamp_002 * @tc.desc: Clamps a given value to the current range. */ it('test_clamp_002', 0, function () { var result =range.clamp(tempMiDF) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('35') }) /** * @tc.name: test_clamp_003 * @tc.desc: Clamps a given value to the current range. */ it('test_clamp_003', 0, function () { var result =range.clamp(tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('40') }) /** * @tc.name: test_clamp_004 * @tc.desc: Clamps a given value to the current range. */ it('test_clamp_004', 0, function () { var result =range.clamp(tempLower) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('30') }) /** * @tc.name: test_clamp_005 * @tc.desc: Clamps a given value to the current range. */ it('test_clamp_005', 0, function () { var result =range.clamp(tempUpper) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('40') }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given value is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_001', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(tempLess) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given value is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_002', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(tempMiDF) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given value is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_003', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(tempMore) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given value is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_004', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(tempLower) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given value is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_005', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(tempUpper) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_006 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given range is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_006', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(rangeFir) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_007 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given range is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_007', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(rangeSec) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_008 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given range is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_008', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(rangeThi) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_009 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given range is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_009', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(rangeFif) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_contains_010 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given range is within the current range. */ it('test_contains_010', 0, function () { var result = range.contains(range) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_001 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_expand_001', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempMiDF, tempMidS) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_002 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_expand_002', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempLess, tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_003 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_expand_003', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempLess, tempMiDF) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_004 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_expand_004', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempMiDF, tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_005 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_expand_005', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempLower, tempUpper) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_006 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given range. */ it('test_expand_006', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(rangeFir) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_007 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given range. */ it('test_expand_007', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(rangeSec) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_008 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given range. */ it('test_expand_008', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(rangeThi) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_009 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given range. */ it('test_expand_009', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(rangeFif) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_010 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given range. */ it('test_expand_010', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(range) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_011 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given value. */ it('test_expand_011', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempMiDF) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_012 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given value. */ it('test_expand_012', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempLess) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_013 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given value. */ it('test_expand_013', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_014 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given value. */ it('test_expand_014', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempLower) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_expand_015 * @tc.desc: Creates the smallest range that includes the current range and a given value. */ it('test_expand_015', 0, function () { var result = range.expand(tempUpper) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_001 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of a given range and the current range. */ it('test_intersect_001', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(rangeFir) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 39]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_002 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of a given range and the current range. */ it('test_intersect_002', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(rangeSec) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_003 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of a given range and the current range. */ it('test_intersect_003', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(rangeThi) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 35]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_004 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of a given range and the current range. */ it('test_intersect_004', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(rangeFif) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_005 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of a given range and the current range. */ it('test_intersect_005', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(range) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_006 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of the current range and the range specified by the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_intersect_006', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(tempMiDF, tempMidS) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 39]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_007 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of the current range and the range specified by the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_intersect_007', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(tempLess, tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_008 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of the current range and the range specified by the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_intersect_008', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(tempLess, tempMiDF) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 35]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_009 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of the current range and the range specified by the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_intersect_009', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(tempMiDF, tempMore) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_intersect_010 * @tc.desc: Returns the intersection of the current range and the range specified by the given lower and upper bounds. */ it('test_intersect_010', 0, function () { var result = range.intersect(tempLower, tempUpper) expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_toString_001 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current range. */ it('test_toString_001', 0, function () { var result = range.toString() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[30, 40]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_toString_002 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current range. */ it('test_toString_002', 0, function () { var result = rangeFir.toString() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 39]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_toString_003 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current range. */ it('test_toString_003', 0, function () { var result = rangeSec.toString() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 45]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_toString_004 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current range. */ it('test_toString_004', 0, function () { var result = rangeThi.toString() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[20, 35]') }) /** * @tc.name: test_toString_005 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current range. */ it('test_toString_005', 0, function () { var result = rangeFif.toString() expect(result.toString()).assertEqual('[35, 45]') }) }) describe('Base64Test', function () { /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Encodes all bytes from the specified u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([99,122,69,122]); var result = that.encodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Encodes all bytes from the specified u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_002', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var result = that.encodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Encodes all bytes from the specified u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_003', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105, 110,32,78,111,100,101,46,106,115]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,86,117,89,50,57,107,97,87,53,110, 73,71,108,117,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var result = that.encodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Encodes all bytes from the specified u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_004', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([113,75,54,98,47,119,61,61]); var result = that.encodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Encodes all bytes from the specified u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_005', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81, 109, 70, 122, 90, 84, 89, 48]); var result = that.encodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i <8; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToStringSync_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToStringSync_base64_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); var result = that.encodeToStringSync(array) expect(result).assertEqual('czEz') }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToStringSync_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToStringSync_base64_002', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); var result = that.encodeToStringSync(array); expect(result).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0IE5vZGUuanM=') }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToStringSync_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToStringSync_base64_003', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105,110, 32,78,111,100,101,46,106,115]); var result = that.encodeToStringSync(array); expect(result).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0IEVuY29kaW5nIGluIE5vZGUuanM=') }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToStringSync_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToStringSync_base64_004', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); var result = that.encodeToStringSync(array); expect(result).assertEqual('qK6b/w==') }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToStringSync_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToStringSync_base64_005', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); var result = that.encodeToStringSync(array); expect(result).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0') }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_001', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'czEz'; var rarray = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); var result = that.decodeSync(buff); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_002', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0IE5vZGUuanM='; var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); var result = that.decodeSync(buff); for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_003', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0IEVuY29kaW5nIGluIE5vZGUuanM='; var rarray = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32, 105,110,32,78,111,100,101,46,106,115]); var result = that.decodeSync(buff); for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_004', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'qK6b/w=='; var rarray = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); var result = that.decodeSync(buff); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_005', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0'; var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); var result = that.decodeSync(buff); for (var i = 0; i <6; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_006 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_006', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([99,122,69,122]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); var result = that.decodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_007 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_007', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); var result = that.decodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_008 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_008', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,86,117,89,50,57,107,97,87, 53,110,73,71,108,117,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105, 110,32,78,111,100,101,46,106,115]); var result = that.decodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_009 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_009', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([113,75,54,98,47,119,61,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); var result = that.decodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) /** * @tc.name: test_decodeSync_base64_010 * @tc.desc: Decodes a Base64 encoded String or input u8 array into a newly-allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_decodeSync_base64_010', 0, function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81, 109, 70, 122, 90, 84, 89, 48]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); var result = that.decodeSync(array); for (var i = 0; i <6; i++) { expect(result[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]); } }) //base64 EncodeAsync test /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes all bytes in the specified u8 array into the newly allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_001', 0, async function () { var that = await new util.Base64(); var array = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([99,122,69,122]); that.encode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes all bytes in the specified u8 array into the newly allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_002', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); that.encode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes all bytes in the specified u8 array into the newly allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_003', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105,110,32, 78,111,100,101,46,106,115]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,86,117,89,50,57,107,97,87,53,110,73, 71,108,117,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); that.encode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes all bytes in the specified u8 array into the newly allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_004', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([113,75,54,98,47,119,61,61]); that.encode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeSync_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes all bytes in the specified u8 array into the newly allocated u8 array using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeSync_base64_005', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([81, 109, 70, 122, 90, 84, 89, 48]); that.encode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToString_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToString_base64_001', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); that.encodeToString(array).then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual('czEz') }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToString_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToString_base64_002', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); that.encodeToString(array).then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0IE5vZGUuanM=') }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToString_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToString_base64_003', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,86,117,89,50,57,107,97,87,53,110,73,71,108, 117,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); that.encodeToString(array).then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0IEVuY29kaW5nIGluIE5vZGUuanM=') }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToString_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToString_base64_004', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); that.encodeToString(array).then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual('qK6b/w==') }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_encodeToString_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Asynchronously encodes the specified byte array into a String using the Base64 encoding scheme. */ it('test_encodeToString_base64_005', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); that.encodeToString(array).then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual('QmFzZTY0') }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_001 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_001', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'czEz'; var array = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); that.decode(buff).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_002 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_002', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0IE5vZGUuanM='; var array = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); that.decode(buff).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_003 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_003', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0IEVuY29kaW5nIGluIE5vZGUuanM='; var array = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105,110,32,78, 111,100,101,46,106,115]); that.decode(buff).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_004 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_004', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'qK6b/w=='; var array = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); that.decode(buff).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_005 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_005', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var buff = 'QmFzZTY0'; var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); that.decode(buff).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_006 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_006', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([99,122,69,122]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([115,49,51]); that.decode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_007 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_007', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52, 32, 78, 111, 100, 101, 46, 106, 115]); that.decode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_008 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_008', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81,109,70,122,90,84,89,48,73,69,86,117,89,50,57,107,97,87,53,110,73,71,108, 117,73,69,53,118,90,71,85,117,97,110,77,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66,97,115,101,54,52,32,69,110,99,111,100,105,110,103,32,105,110,32,78,111, 100,101,46,106,115]); that.decode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_009 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_009', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([113,75,54,98,47,119,61,61]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([168, 174, 155, 255]); that.decode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) /** * @tc.name: test_decode_base64_010 * @tc.desc: Use the Base64 encoding scheme to asynchronously decode a Base64-encoded string or input u8 array into a newly allocated u8 array. */ it('test_decode_base64_010', 0, async function () { var that = new util.Base64() var array = new Uint8Array([81, 109, 70, 122, 90, 84, 89, 48]); var rarray = new Uint8Array([66, 97, 115, 101, 54, 52]); that.decode(array).then(val=>{ for (var i = 0; i < rarray.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(rarray[i]) } }) }) }) describe('RationalNumberFunTest', function () { /** * @tc.name: test_createRationalFromString_001 * @tc.desc: Creates a RationalNumber object based on a given string. */ it('test_createRationalFromString_001', 0, function () { var res = util.RationalNumber.createRationalFromString('-1:2') var result1 = res.valueOf() expect(result1).assertEqual(-0.5) }) /** * @tc.name: test_createRationalFromString_002 * @tc.desc: Creates a RationalNumber object based on a given string. */ it('test_createRationalFromString_002', 0, function () { var res = util.RationalNumber.createRationalFromString('+3/4') var result1 = res.valueOf() expect(result1).assertEqual(0.75) }) /** * @tc.name: test_createRationalFromString_003 * @tc.desc: Creates a RationalNumber object based on a given string. */ it('test_createRationalFromString_003', 0, function () { var res = util.RationalNumber.createRationalFromString('+3:-4') var result1 = res.valueOf() expect(result1).assertEqual(-0.75) }) /** * @tc.name: test_createRationalFromString_004 * @tc.desc: Creates a RationalNumber object based on a given string. */ it('test_createRationalFromString_004', 0, function () { var res = util.RationalNumber.createRationalFromString('+2:4') var result1 = res.valueOf() expect(result1).assertEqual(0.5) }) /** * @tc.name: test_createRationalFromString_005 * @tc.desc: Creates a RationalNumber object based on a given string. */ it('test_createRationalFromString_005', 0, function () { var res = util.RationalNumber.createRationalFromString('-2:-4') var result1 = res.valueOf() expect(result1).assertEqual(0.5) }) /** * @tc.name: test_compareTo_001 * @tc.desc: Compares the current RationalNumber object with a given object. */ it('test_compareTo_001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(3, 4) var res = pro.compareTo(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: test_compareTo_002 * @tc.desc: Compares the current RationalNumber object with a given object. */ it('test_compareTo_002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.compareTo(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(-1) }) /** * @tc.name: test_compareTo_003 * @tc.desc: Compares the current RationalNumber object with a given object. */ it('test_compareTo_003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(8, 3) var res = pro.compareTo(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(-1) }) /** * @tc.name: test_compareTo_004 * @tc.desc: Compares the current RationalNumber object with a given object. */ it('test_compareTo_004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var res = pro.compareTo(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: test_compareTo_005 * @tc.desc: Compares the current RationalNumber object with a given object. */ it('test_compareTo_005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var res = pro.compareTo(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: test_equals_001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given object is the same as the current RationalNumber object. */ it('test_equals_001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(3, 4) var res = pro.equals(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_equals_002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given object is the same as the current RationalNumber object. */ it('test_equals_002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(4, 2) var res = pro.equals(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_equals_003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given object is the same as the current RationalNumber object. */ it('test_equals_003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 1) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(0, 2) var res = pro.equals(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: test_equals_004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given object is the same as the current RationalNumber object. */ it('test_equals_004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(0, 2) var res = pro.equals(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: test_equals_005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether a given object is the same as the current RationalNumber object. */ it('test_equals_005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 0) var proc = new util.RationalNumber(2, 0) var res = pro.equals(proc) expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberValueOf001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value of the current RationalNumber object as a number. */ it('testRationalNumberValueOf001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var res = pro.valueOf() expect(res).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberValueOf002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value of the current RationalNumber object as a number. */ it('testRationalNumberValueOf002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 10) var res = pro.valueOf() expect(res).assertEqual(0.2) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberValueOf003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value of the current RationalNumber object as a number. */ it('testRationalNumberValueOf003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(1, 2) var res = pro.valueOf() expect(res).assertEqual(0.5) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberValueOf004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value of the current RationalNumber object as a number. */ it('testRationalNumberValueOf004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(4, 2) var res = pro.valueOf() expect(res).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberValueOf005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value of the current RationalNumber object as a number. */ it('testRationalNumberValueOf005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(4, 1) var res = pro.valueOf() expect(res).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetCommonDivisor001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the greatest common divisor of two specified numbers. */ it('testGetCommonDivisor001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.getCommonDivisor(4, 8) expect(res).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetCommonDivisor002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the greatest common divisor of two specified numbers. */ it('testGetCommonDivisor002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.getCommonDivisor(10, 15) expect(res).assertEqual(5) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetCommonDivisor003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the greatest common divisor of two specified numbers. */ it('testGetCommonDivisor003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.getCommonDivisor(8, 4) expect(res).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetCommonDivisor004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the greatest common divisor of two specified numbers. */ it('testGetCommonDivisor004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.getCommonDivisor(8, 16) expect(res).assertEqual(8) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetCommonDivisor005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the greatest common divisor of two specified numbers. */ it('testGetCommonDivisor005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.getCommonDivisor(2, 16) expect(res).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 1) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 3) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 0) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 5) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(6, 3) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetDenominator006 * @tc.desc: Obtains the denominator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetDenominator006', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(6, -3) var res = pro.getDenominator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetNumerator001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the numerator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetNumerator001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 1) var res = pro.getNumerator() expect(res).assertEqual(-2) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetNumerator002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the numerator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetNumerator002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 3) var res = pro.getNumerator() expect(res).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetNumerator003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the numerator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetNumerator003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 4) var res = pro.getNumerator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetNumerator004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the numerator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetNumerator004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(3, 6) var res = pro.getNumerator() expect(res).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetNumerator005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the numerator of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testGetNumerator005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 5) var res = pro.getNumerator() expect(res).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testisFinite001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisFinite001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 1) var res = pro.isFinite() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisFinite002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisFinite002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 3) var res = pro.isFinite() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisFinite003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisFinite003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 0) var res = pro.isFinite() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisFinite004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisFinite004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(1, 3) var res = pro.isFinite() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisFinite005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisFinite005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 5) var res = pro.isFinite() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisNaN001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a finite value. */ it('testisNaN001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 1) var res = pro.isNaN() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisNaN002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. */ it('testisNaN002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 3) var res = pro.isNaN() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisNaN003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. */ it('testisNaN003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.isNaN() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisNaN004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. */ it('testisNaN004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 0) var res = pro.isNaN() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisNaN005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents a Not-a-Number (NaN) value. */ it('testisNaN005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 1) var res = pro.isNaN() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisZero001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents the value 0. */ it('testisZero001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 1) var res = pro.isZero() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisZero002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents the value 0. */ it('testisZero002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 3) var res = pro.isZero() expect(res).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testisZero003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents the value 0. */ it('testisZero003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.isZero() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisZero004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents the value 0. */ it('testisZero004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(10, 2) var res = pro.isZero() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testisZero005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current RationalNumber object represents the value 0. */ it('testisZero005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(1, 1) var res = pro.isZero() expect(res).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberToString001 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testRationalNumberToString001', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-2, 1) var res = pro.toString() expect(res).assertEqual("-2/1") }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberToString002 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testRationalNumberToString002', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(0, 0) var res = pro.toString() expect(res).assertEqual("NaN") }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberToString003 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testRationalNumberToString003', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(3, 0) var res = pro.toString() expect(res).assertEqual("Infinity") }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberToString004 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testRationalNumberToString004', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(-3, 0) var res = pro.toString() expect(res).assertEqual("-Infinity") }) /** * @tc.name: testRationalNumberToString005 * @tc.desc: Obtains a string representation of the current RationalNumber object. */ it('testRationalNumberToString005', 0, function () { var pro = new util.RationalNumber(2, 3) var res = pro.toString() expect(res).assertEqual('2/3') }) }) describe('LruBufferFunTest', function () { /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity001 * @tc.desc: Updates the buffer capacity to a specified capacity. */ it('testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.updateCapacity(10) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(10) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity002 * @tc.desc: Updates the buffer capacity to a specified capacity. */ it('testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.updateCapacity(2147483646) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(2147483646) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity003 * @tc.desc: Updates the buffer capacity to a specified capacity. */ it('testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.updateCapacity(20) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity004 * @tc.desc: Updates the buffer capacity to a specified capacity. */ it('testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(50) that.updateCapacity(2) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity005 * @tc.desc: Updates the buffer capacity to a specified capacity. */ it('testLruBufferUpdateGetCapacity005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(200) that.updateCapacity(100) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(100) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGet001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value associated with a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferGet001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) var result = that.get(1) expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGet002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value associated with a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferGet002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) var result = that.get(5) expect(result).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGet003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value associated with a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferGet003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) var result1 = that.get(20) var result2 = that.get('abcd') var result3 = that.get(2) expect(result1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(result2).assertEqual(15) expect(result3).assertEqual(10) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGet004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value associated with a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferGet004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('1111','bcjdshc') that.put(20,'cdjcaxb') that.put('abcd',15) var result1 = that.get('1111') var result2 = that.get(20) var result3 = that.get('abcd') var result4 = that.get(25) expect(result1).assertEqual('bcjdshc') expect(result2).assertEqual('cdjcaxb') expect(result3).assertEqual(15) expect(result4).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGet005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the value associated with a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferGet005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('1111','bcjdshc') that.put(20,'cdjcaxb') that.updateCapacity(2) that.put('abcd',15) var result1 = that.get('1111') var result2 = that.get(20) var result3 = that.get('abcd') var result4 = that.get(25) expect(result1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(result2).assertEqual('cdjcaxb') expect(result3).assertEqual(15) expect(result4).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferPut001 * @tc.desc: Adds a key-value pair to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferPut001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var temp = that.put('1111','bcjdshc') expect(temp).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferPut002 * @tc.desc: Adds a key-value pair to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferPut002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var temp1 = that.put('1111','bcjdshc') var temp2 = that.put('1111',13) expect(temp2).assertEqual('bcjdshc') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferPut003 * @tc.desc: Adds a key-value pair to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferPut003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var temp = that.put('1111','bcjdshc') var temp1 = that.put(1,12) var temp2 = that.put(2,5) var temp3 = that.put(2,'adasfdad') var temp4 = that.put('abc',10) expect(temp1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp2).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp3).assertEqual(5) expect(temp4).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferPut004 * @tc.desc: Adds a key-value pair to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferPut004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var temp = that.put('1111','bcjdshc') var temp1 = that.put(1,12) var temp2 = that.put(2,5) that.updateCapacity(2) var temp3 = that.put(2,'adasfdad') var temp4 = that.put('1111',10) expect(temp).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp2).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp3).assertEqual(5) expect(temp4).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferPut005 * @tc.desc: Adds a key-value pair to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferPut005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var temp = that.put('1111','bcjdshc') var temp1 = that.put(1,12) var temp2 = that.put(2,5) var temp3 = that.put(1,10) var temp4 = that.put(2,22) var temp5 = that.put(2,30) expect(temp).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp2).assertEqual(undefined) expect(temp3).assertEqual(12) expect(temp4).assertEqual(5) expect(temp5).assertEqual(22) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCreateCount001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times createDefault(Object) returned a value. */ it('testLruBufferGetCreateCount001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(3) that.get(5) that.get(10) var result = that.getCreateCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCreateCount002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times createDefault(Object) returned a value. */ it('testLruBufferGetCreateCount002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(6) that.get(8) that.get(20) var result = that.getCreateCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCreateCount003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times createDefault(Object) returned a value. */ it('testLruBufferGetCreateCount003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.get('abc') that.get('cndk') var result = that.getCreateCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCreateCount004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times createDefault(Object) returned a value. */ it('testLruBufferGetCreateCount004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(5,2) that.put(10,10) that.put('abcd','abcd') that.get(3) that.get(20) that.get(12) var result = that.getCreateCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCreateCount005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times createDefault(Object) returned a value. */ it('testLruBufferGetCreateCount005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('xsjk','bcjds') that.put('ajc',10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(2) that.get(10) that.get(30) var result = that.getCreateCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(3) that.get(5) that.get(10) var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(5,2) that.put(1,10) that.put('abcd','bcjsc') that.get(2) that.get(10) that.get(15) var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(10,10) that.put(3,20) that.put(12,16) that.get(1) that.get(2) that.get(6) var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('acb','asdc') that.put('vfb',1) that.put('abcd','abcd') that.get(3) that.get(5) that.get(10) var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(3) that.get(5) that.get(10) that.contains(2) that.contains(6) var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(4) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMissCount006 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are not matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMissCount006', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(1) that.get(2) that.get('abcd') var result = that.getMissCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetRemovalCount001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are evicted from the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetRemovalCount001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.put(3,20) that.put(5,30) var result = that.getRemovalCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetRemovalCount002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are evicted from the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetRemovalCount002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(10,2) that.put(3,2) that.put(15,15) that.put(1,20) var result = that.getRemovalCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetRemovalCount003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are evicted from the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetRemovalCount003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('abc',2) that.put('abcd','abcd') that.put(3,2) var result = that.getRemovalCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetRemovalCount004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are evicted from the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetRemovalCount004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.updateCapacity(2) that.put(3,20) that.put(5,30) var result = that.getRemovalCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetRemovalCount005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are evicted from the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetRemovalCount005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.updateCapacity(3) that.put('string',20) that.put('abc',30) that.put(10,20) var result = that.getRemovalCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(1) that.get(2) that.get('abcd') var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(10,2) that.put(2,1) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(10) that.get(2) that.get('abcd') that.get('string') var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(0,1) that.put(30,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(0) that.get(30) that.get('abcd') var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(1) that.get(2) that.get('abcd') that.contains(2) that.contains('abcd') that.contains(20) var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(5) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.put('string','string') that.get(1) that.get(2) that.get('abcd') that.get('string') that.contains(2) that.contains('abcd') that.contains('string') that.contains(10) var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(7) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetMatchCount006 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that the queried values are successfully matched. */ it('testLruBufferGetMatchCount006', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.get(5) var result = that.getMatchCount() expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetPutCount001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are added to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetPutCount001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result = that.getPutCount() expect(result).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetPutCount002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are added to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetPutCount002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(5,3) that.put(2,10) var result = that.getPutCount() expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetPutCount003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are added to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetPutCount003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string',2) that.put('abcd',1) that.put('ab','a') var result = that.getPutCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetPutCount004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are added to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetPutCount004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string','string') that.put('ac','abc') that.put('abcd',15) var result = that.getPutCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetPutCount005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the number of times that values are added to the buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetPutCount005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.updateCapacity(2) that.put('abcd','abc') var result = that.getPutCount() expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCapacity001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the capacity of the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetCapacity001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(64) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCapacity002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the capacity of the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetCapacity002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(2) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCapacity003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the capacity of the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetCapacity003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(100) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCapacity004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the capacity of the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetCapacity004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.updateCapacity(50) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(50) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferGetCapacity005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the capacity of the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferGetCapacity005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.updateCapacity(10) var result = that.getCapacity() expect(result).assertEqual(10) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferLength001 * @tc.desc: Obtains the total number of values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferLength001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.length expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferLength002 * @tc.desc: Obtains the total number of values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferLength002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result = that.length expect(result).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferLength003 * @tc.desc: Obtains the total number of values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferLength003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('abc',2) that.put('string','string') var result = that.length expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferLength004 * @tc.desc: Obtains the total number of values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferLength004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.put('abcd',20) var result = that.length expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferLength005 * @tc.desc: Obtains the total number of values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferLength005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put('abcd',15) that.put('abcd',20) that.updateCapacity(3); that.put(5,33); that.put(25,35); var result = that.length expect(result).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferClear001 * @tc.desc: Clears key-value pairs from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferClear001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result1 = that.length that.clear() var result2 = that.length expect(result1).assertEqual(1) expect(result2).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferClear002 * @tc.desc: Clears key-value pairs from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferClear002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put(5,33); that.put(25,35); var result1 = that.length that.clear() var result2 = that.length expect(result1).assertEqual(4) expect(result2).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferClear003 * @tc.desc: Clears key-value pairs from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferClear003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('abc',2) that.put(2,'abc') that.put('ancd','abcd') that.put(10,35) var result1 = that.length that.clear() var result2 = that.length expect(result1).assertEqual(4) expect(result2).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferClear004 * @tc.desc: Clears key-value pairs from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferClear004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put(5,33); that.updateCapacity(3); var result1 = that.length that.clear() var result2 = that.length expect(result1).assertEqual(3) expect(result2).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferClear005 * @tc.desc: Clears key-value pairs from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferClear005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put(5,33); that.put('abcd','string'); that.updateCapacity(2); var result1 = that.length that.clear() var result2 = that.length expect(result1).assertEqual(2) expect(result2).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferIsEmpty001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer is empty. */ it('testLruBufferIsEmpty001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result = that.isEmpty() expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferIsEmpty002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer is empty. */ it('testLruBufferIsEmpty002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) var result = that.isEmpty() expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferIsEmpty003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer is empty. */ it('testLruBufferIsEmpty003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put(5,33) var result = that.isEmpty() expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferIsEmpty004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer is empty. */ it('testLruBufferIsEmpty004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('abc',2) that.put('string',10) that.put('ab','abc') var result = that.isEmpty() expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferIsEmpty005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer is empty. */ it('testLruBufferIsEmpty005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(2,10) that.put(5,33); that.clear() var result = that.isEmpty() expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferContains001 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer contains a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferContains001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result = that.contains(1) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferContains002 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer contains a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferContains002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(0,5) var result = that.contains(0) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferContains003 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer contains a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferContains003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('abc','abc') var result = that.contains(1) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferContains004 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer contains a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferContains004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put('abcd',20) var result1 = that.contains(1) var result2 = that.contains(20) expect(result1).assertEqual(true) expect(result2).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferContains005 * @tc.desc: Checks whether the current buffer contains a specified key. */ it('testLruBufferContains005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put('string','string') var result1 = that.contains(1) var result2 = that.contains('string') var result3 = that.contains(0) expect(result1).assertEqual(true) expect(result2).assertEqual(true) expect(result3).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferRemove001 * @tc.desc: Deletes a specified key and its associated value from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferRemove001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result = that.remove(1) expect(result).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferRemove002 * @tc.desc: Deletes a specified key and its associated value from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferRemove002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put('abcd',20) var result1 = that.remove(1) var result2 = that.remove('abcd') expect(result1).assertEqual(2) expect(result2).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferRemove003 * @tc.desc: Deletes a specified key and its associated value from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferRemove003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) var result1 = that.remove(1) var result2 = that.remove(5) expect(result1).assertEqual(2) expect(result2).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferRemove004 * @tc.desc: Deletes a specified key and its associated value from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferRemove004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(0,'abc') that.put('abcd',20) var result1 = that.remove(1) var result2 = that.remove('abcd') expect(result1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(result2).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferRemove005 * @tc.desc: Deletes a specified key and its associated value from the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferRemove005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) var result1 = that.remove(1) var result2 = that.remove(3) var result3 = that.get(3) expect(result1).assertEqual(2) expect(result2).assertEqual(10) expect(result3).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferCreateDefault001 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations if miss to compute a value for the specific key. */ it('testLruBufferCreateDefault001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.createDefault(1) expect(result).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferCreateDefault002 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations if miss to compute a value for the specific key. */ it('testLruBufferCreateDefault002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.createDefault(0) expect(result).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferCreateDefault003 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations if miss to compute a value for the specific key. */ it('testLruBufferCreateDefault003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.createDefault('string') expect(result).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferCreateDefault004 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations if miss to compute a value for the specific key. */ it('testLruBufferCreateDefault004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result = that.createDefault(10) expect(result).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferCreateDefault005 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations if miss to compute a value for the specific key. */ it('testLruBufferCreateDefault005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() var result1 = that.createDefault('abc') var result2 = that.createDefault('ab') expect(result1).assertEqual(undefined) expect(result2).assertEqual(undefined) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferKeys001 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of keys for the values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferKeys001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string','abc') var result = that.keys() expect(result[0]).assertEqual('string') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferKeys002 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of keys for the values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferKeys002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) var result = that.keys() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(1) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(3) expect(result[2]).assertEqual(5) expect(result[3]).assertEqual('abc') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferKeys003 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of keys for the values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferKeys003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) var result = that.keys() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(1) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(5) expect(result[2]).assertEqual('abc') expect(result[3]).assertEqual(3) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferKeys004 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of keys for the values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferKeys004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.contains(1) var result = that.keys() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(5) expect(result[1]).assertEqual('abc') expect(result[2]).assertEqual(3) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(1) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferKeys005 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of keys for the values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferKeys005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.remove(5) that.contains(3) that.get(1) that.contains('abc') var result = that.keys() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(3) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(1) expect(result[2]).assertEqual('abc') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferValues001 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of all values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferValues001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string','abc') var result = that.values() expect(result[0]).assertEqual('abc') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferValues002 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of all values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferValues002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) var result = that.values() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(2) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(10) expect(result[2]).assertEqual(15) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferValues003 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of all values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferValues003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) var result = that.values() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(2) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(15) expect(result[2]).assertEqual(20) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(10) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferValues004 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of all values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferValues004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.contains(1) var result = that.values() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(15) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(20) expect(result[2]).assertEqual(10) expect(result[3]).assertEqual(2) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferValues005 * @tc.desc: Obtains a list of all values in the current buffer. */ it('testLruBufferValues005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.remove(5) that.contains(3) that.get(1) that.contains('abc') var result = that.values() expect(result[0]).assertEqual(10) expect(result[1]).assertEqual(2) expect(result[2]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferToString001 * @tc.desc: Returns a string representation of the object. */ it('testLruBufferToString001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('1111','bcjdshc') that.put(1,2) var result = that.toString() expect(result).assertEqual('Lrubuffer[ maxSize = 64, hits = 0, misses = 0, hitRate = 0% ]') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferToString002 * @tc.desc: Returns a string representation of the object. */ it('testLruBufferToString002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('1111','bcjdshc') that.put(1,2) that.get(1) that.get('1111') var result = that.toString() expect(result).assertEqual('Lrubuffer[ maxSize = 64, hits = 2, misses = 0, hitRate = 100% ]') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferToString003 * @tc.desc: Returns a string representation of the object. */ it('testLruBufferToString003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) var result = that.toString() expect(result).assertEqual('Lrubuffer[ maxSize = 100, hits = 1, misses = 0, hitRate = 100% ]') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferToString004 * @tc.desc: Returns a string representation of the object. */ it('testLruBufferToString004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.get(2) var result = that.toString() expect(result).assertEqual('Lrubuffer[ maxSize = 100, hits = 1, misses = 1, hitRate = 50% ]') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferToString005 * @tc.desc: Returns a string representation of the object. */ it('testLruBufferToString005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer(100) that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.get(2) that.get(1) that.contains(5) var result = that.toString() expect(result).assertEqual('Lrubuffer[ maxSize = 100, hits = 3, misses = 1, hitRate = 75% ]') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferEntries001 * @tc.desc: Returns an array of key-value pairs of enumeratable properties of a given object. */ it('testLruBufferEntries001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string','abc') var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that.entries()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual('abc'); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferEntries002 * @tc.desc: Returns an array of key-value pairs of enumeratable properties of a given object. */ it('testLruBufferEntries002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that.entries()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(2); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferEntries003 * @tc.desc: Returns an array of key-value pairs of enumeratable properties of a given object. */ it('testLruBufferEntries003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that.entries()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[0]).assertEqual(1); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferEntries004 * @tc.desc: Returns an array of key-value pairs of enumeratable properties of a given object. */ it('testLruBufferEntries004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.contains(1) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that.entries()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(15) expect(arr[3]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferEntries005 * @tc.desc: Returns an array of key-value pairs of enumeratable properties of a given object. */ it('testLruBufferEntries005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.remove(5) that.contains(3) that.get(1) that.contains('abc') var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that.entries()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(10) expect(arr[3]).assertEqual(2) expect(arr[5]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]001 * @tc.desc: Returns a two - dimensional array in the form of key - value pairs. */ it('testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]001', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put('string','abc') that.put('abc',20) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that[Symbol.iterator]()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual('abc'); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]002 * @tc.desc: Returns a two - dimensional array in the form of key - value pairs. */ it('testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]002', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that[Symbol.iterator]()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(2); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]003 * @tc.desc: Returns a two - dimensional array in the form of key - value pairs. */ it('testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]003', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that[Symbol.iterator]()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[0]).assertEqual(1); }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]004 * @tc.desc: Returns a two - dimensional array in the form of key - value pairs. */ it('testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]004', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.contains(1) var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that[Symbol.iterator]()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(15) expect(arr[3]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]005 * @tc.desc: Returns a two - dimensional array in the form of key - value pairs. */ it('testLruBuffer[Symbol.iterator]005', 0, function () { var that = new util.LruBuffer() that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(5,15) that.put('abc',20) that.get(3) that.remove(5) that.contains(3) that.get(1) that.contains('abc') var i=0; var arr={}; for (let entry of that[Symbol.iterator]()) { arr[i]=entry[0]; i++; arr[i]=entry[1]; i++; } expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(10) expect(arr[3]).assertEqual(2) expect(arr[5]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval001 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval001', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor() { super(); } static getInstance() { if(this.instance == null) { this.instance = new ChildLruBuffer(); } return this.instance; } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } ChildLruBuffer.getInstance().afterRemoval(false,10,30,null) expect(arr[0]).assertEqual(10) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval002 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval002', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor() { super(); } static getInstance() { if(this.instance == null) { this.instance = new ChildLruBuffer(); } return this.instance; } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } ChildLruBuffer.getInstance().afterRemoval(false,'string',10,null) expect(arr[0]).assertEqual('string') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval003 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval003', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor() { super(); } static getInstance() { if(this.instance == null) { this.instance = new ChildLruBuffer(); } return this.instance; } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } ChildLruBuffer.getInstance().afterRemoval(false,10,30,12) expect(arr[2]).assertEqual(12) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval004 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval004', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor() { super(); } static getInstance() { if(this.instance == null) { this.instance = new ChildLruBuffer(); } return this.instance; } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } ChildLruBuffer.getInstance().afterRemoval(false,'abc',30,'string') expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(30) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval005 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval005', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor() { super(); } static getInstance() { if(this.instance == null) { this.instance = new ChildLruBuffer(); } return this.instance; } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === true) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } ChildLruBuffer.getInstance().afterRemoval(true,'abc','ab','string') expect(arr[2]).assertEqual('string') }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval006 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval006', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor(capacity) { super(capacity); } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === true) { arr = [key, value]; } } } var that = new ChildLruBuffer(2); that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put('abc',20) expect(arr[1]).assertEqual(20) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval007 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval007', 0, function () { var arr = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor(capacity) { super(capacity); } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arr = [key, value, newValue]; } } } var that = new ChildLruBuffer(3); that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(1,8) expect(arr[2]).assertEqual(8) }) /** * @tc.name: testLruBufferAfterRemoval008 * @tc.desc: Executes subsequent operations after a value is deleted. */ it('testLruBufferAfterRemoval008', 0, function () { var arrk = []; var arrv = []; class ChildLruBuffer extends util.LruBuffer { constructor(capacity) { super(capacity); } afterRemoval(isEvict, key, value, newValue) { if (isEvict === false) { arrk = Array.from(key); arrv = Array.from(value); } } } var that = new ChildLruBuffer(3); that.put(1,2) that.put(3,10) that.put(2,8) that.clear(); expect(arrk[0]).assertEqual(1) expect(arrk[1]).assertEqual(3) expect(arrk[2]).assertEqual(2) expect(arrv[0]).assertEqual(2) expect(arrv[1]).assertEqual(10) expect(arrv[2]).assertEqual(8) }) }) describe('TypesTest', function() { /** * @tc.name: testIsAnyArrayBuffer001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer or sharedarraybuffer type. */ it('testIsAnyArrayBuffer001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAnyArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAnyArrayBuffer002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer or sharedarraybuffer type. */ it('testIsAnyArrayBuffer002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAnyArrayBuffer(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAnyArrayBuffer003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer or sharedarraybuffer type. */ it('testIsAnyArrayBuffer003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAnyArrayBuffer(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAnyArrayBuffer004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer or sharedarraybuffer type. */ it('testIsAnyArrayBuffer004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var buf = new ArrayBuffer(); var result = proc.isAnyArrayBuffer(buf); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAnyArrayBuffer005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer or sharedarraybuffer type. */ it('testIsAnyArrayBuffer005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAnyArrayBuffer(new Boolean(false)); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBufferView001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is napi_ int8_ array or napi_ uint8_ array or naPi_ uint8_ clamped_ array or naPi_ int16_ array or naPi_ uint16_ array or napi_ int32_ array or napi_ uint32_ array or napi_ float32_ array or napi_ float64_ array array or DataView type. */ it('testIsArrayBufferView001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBufferView(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBufferView002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is napi_ int8_ array or napi_ uint8_ array or naPi_ uint8_ clamped_ array or naPi_ int16_ array or naPi_ uint16_ array or napi_ int32_ array or napi_ uint32_ array or napi_ float32_ array or napi_ float64_ array array or DataView type. */ it('testIsArrayBufferView002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBufferView(new Int32Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBufferView003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is napi_ int8_ array or napi_ uint8_ array or naPi_ uint8_ clamped_ array or naPi_ int16_ array or naPi_ uint16_ array or napi_ int32_ array or napi_ uint32_ array or napi_ float32_ array or napi_ float64_ array array or DataView type. */ it('testIsArrayBufferView003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBufferView(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(16))); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBufferView004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is napi_ int8_ array or napi_ uint8_ array or naPi_ uint8_ clamped_ array or naPi_ int16_ array or naPi_ uint16_ array or napi_ int32_ array or napi_ uint32_ array or napi_ float32_ array or napi_ float64_ array array or DataView type. */ it('testIsArrayBufferView004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBufferView(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBufferView005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is napi_ int8_ array or napi_ uint8_ array or naPi_ uint8_ clamped_ array or naPi_ int16_ array or naPi_ uint16_ array or napi_ int32_ array or napi_ uint32_ array or napi_ float32_ array or napi_ float64_ array array or DataView type. */ it('testIsArrayBufferView005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBufferView(new Int16Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArgumentsObject001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is an arguments object type. */ it('testIsArgumentsObject001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); function foo() { var result = proc.isArgumentsObject(arguments); expect(result).assertEqual(true); } var f = foo(); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArgumentsObject002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is an arguments object type. */ it('testIsArgumentsObject002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArgumentsObject(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArgumentsObject003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is an arguments object type. */ it('testIsArgumentsObject003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArgumentsObject(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArgumentsObject004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is an arguments object type. */ it('testIsArgumentsObject004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArgumentsObject(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArgumentsObject005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is an arguments object type. */ it('testIsArgumentsObject005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArgumentsObject(new Boolean()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBuffer001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer type. */ it('testIsArrayBuffer001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBuffer002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer type. */ it('testIsArrayBuffer002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBuffer(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBuffer003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer type. */ it('testIsArrayBuffer003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBuffer(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBuffer004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer type. */ it('testIsArrayBuffer004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBuffer(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsArrayBuffer005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of arraybuffer type. */ it('testIsArrayBuffer005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isArrayBuffer(new Int16Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAsyncFunction001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is an asynchronous function type. */ it('testIsAsyncFunction001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAsyncFunction(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAsyncFunction002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is an asynchronous function type. */ it('testIsAsyncFunction002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAsyncFunction(function foo() {}); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAsyncFunction003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is an asynchronous function type. */ it('testIsAsyncFunction003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAsyncFunction(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsAsyncFunction004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is an asynchronous function type. */ it('testIsAsyncFunction004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isAsyncFunction(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigInt64Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of bigint64array array type. */ it('testIsBigInt64Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigInt64Array(new BigInt64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigInt64Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of bigint64array array type. */ it('testIsBigInt64Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigInt64Array(new Int32Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigInt64Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of bigint64array array type. */ it('testIsBigInt64Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigInt64Array(new Uint8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigInt64Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of bigint64array array type. */ it('testIsBigInt64Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigInt64Array(new Float64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigInt64Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of bigint64array array type. */ it('testIsBigInt64Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigInt64Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new BigUint64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new Float64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new Uint8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new BigInt64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBigUint64Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of biguint64array array array type. */ it('testIsBigUint64Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBigUint64Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBooleanObject001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean object type. */ it('testIsBooleanObject001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBooleanObject(new Boolean(false)); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBooleanObject002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean object type. */ it('testIsBooleanObject002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBooleanObject(new Boolean(true)); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBooleanObject003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean object type. */ it('testIsBooleanObject003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBooleanObject(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBooleanObject004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean object type. */ it('testIsBooleanObject004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBooleanObject(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBooleanObject005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean object type. */ it('testIsBooleanObject005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBooleanObject(Boolean(true)); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBoxedPrimitive001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean or number or string or symbol object type. */ it('testIsBoxedPrimitive001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBoxedPrimitive(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBoxedPrimitive002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean or number or string or symbol object type. */ it('testIsBoxedPrimitive002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBoxedPrimitive(new Boolean(false)); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBoxedPrimitive003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean or number or string or symbol object type. */ it('testIsBoxedPrimitive003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBoxedPrimitive(Symbol('foo')); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBoxedPrimitive004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean or number or string or symbol object type. */ it('testIsBoxedPrimitive004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBoxedPrimitive(Object(Symbol('foo'))); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsBoxedPrimitive005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a Boolean or number or string or symbol object type. */ it('testIsBoxedPrimitive005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isBoxedPrimitive(new Boolean(true)); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDataView001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of DataView type. */ it('testIsDataView001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const ab = new ArrayBuffer(20); var result = proc.isDataView(new DataView(ab)); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDataView002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of DataView type. */ it('testIsDataView002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDataView(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDataView003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of DataView type. */ it('testIsDataView003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDataView(new Float64Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDataView004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of DataView type. */ it('testIsDataView004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDataView(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDataView005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of DataView type. */ it('testIsDataView005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDataView(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDate001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of type date. */ it('testIsDate001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDate(new Date()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDate002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of type date. */ it('testIsDate002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDate(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDate003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of type date. */ it('testIsDate003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDate(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDate004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of type date. */ it('testIsDate004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDate(new Int16Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsDate005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of type date. */ it('testIsDate005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isDate(new Float64Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsExternal001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a native external value type. */ it('testIsExternal001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isExternal(new Float32Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsExternal002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a native external value type. */ it('testIsExternal002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isExternal(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsExternal003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a native external value type. */ it('testIsExternal003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isExternal(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsExternal004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a native external value type. */ it('testIsExternal004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isExternal(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsExternal005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a native external value type. */ it('testIsExternal005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isExternal(new Int16Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat32Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float32array array type. */ it('testIsFloat32Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat32Array(new Float32Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat32Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float32array array type. */ it('testIsFloat32Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat32Array(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat32Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float32array array type. */ it('testIsFloat32Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat32Array(new Int16Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat32Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float32array array type. */ it('testIsFloat32Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat32Array(new Float64Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat32Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float32array array type. */ it('testIsFloat32Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat32Array(new Uint8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat64Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float64array array type. */ it('testIsFloat64Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat64Array(new Float64Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat64Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float64array array type. */ it('testIsFloat64Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat64Array(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat64Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float64array array type. */ it('testIsFloat64Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat64Array(new Float32Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat64Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float64array array type. */ it('testIsFloat64Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat64Array(new Uint8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsFloat64Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of float64array array type. */ it('testIsFloat64Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isFloat64Array(new Int16Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorFunction001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the input value is a generator function type. */ it('testIsGeneratorFunction001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorFunction(new Int8Array()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorFunction002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the input value is a generator function type. */ it('testIsGeneratorFunction002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorFunction(function foo() {}); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorFunction003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the input value is a generator function type. */ it('testIsGeneratorFunction003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorFunction(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorFunction004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the input value is a generator function type. */ it('testIsGeneratorFunction004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorFunction(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorObject001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a generator object type. */ it('testIsGeneratorObject001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorObject(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorObject002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a generator object type. */ it('testIsGeneratorObject002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorObject(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorObject003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a generator object type. */ it('testIsGeneratorObject003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorObject(new Int16Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsGeneratorObject004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is a generator object type. */ it('testIsGeneratorObject004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isGeneratorObject(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt8Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of int8array array type. */ it('testIsInt8Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt8Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt8Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of int8array array type. */ it('testIsInt8Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt8Array(new ArrayBuffer([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt8Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of int8array array type. */ it('testIsInt8Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt8Array(new Int32Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt8Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of int8array array type. */ it('testIsInt8Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt8Array(new Float64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt8Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of int8array array type. */ it('testIsInt8Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt8Array(new Uint8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt16Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int16array type. */ it('testIsInt16Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt16Array(new Int16Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt16Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int16array type. */ it('testIsInt16Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt16Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt16Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int16array type. */ it('testIsInt16Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt16Array(new Int32Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt16Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int16array type. */ it('testIsInt16Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt16Array(new Uint8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt16Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int16array type. */ it('testIsInt16Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt16Array(new Float64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt32Array001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int32array type. */ it('testIsInt32Array001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt32Array(new Int32Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt32Array002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int32array type. */ it('testIsInt32Array002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt32Array(new Int8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt32Array003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int32array type. */ it('testIsInt32Array003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt32Array(new Int16Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt32Array004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int32array type. */ it('testIsInt32Array004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt32Array(new Float64Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsInt32Array005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the int32array type. */ it('testIsInt32Array005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isInt32Array(new Uint8Array([])); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMap001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of map type. */ it('testIsMap001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isMap(new Map()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMap002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of map type. */ it('testIsMap002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isMap(new Set()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMap003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of map type. */ it('testIsMap003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isMap(new String()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMap004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of map type. */ it('testIsMap004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isMap(new Object()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMap005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is of map type. */ it('testIsMap005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isMap(new Boolean()); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMapIterator001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the iterator type of map. */ it('testIsMapIterator001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const map = new Map(); var result = proc.isMapIterator(map.keys()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMapIterator002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the iterator type of map. */ it('testIsMapIterator002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const map = new Map(); var result = proc.isMapIterator(map.values()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMapIterator003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the iterator type of map. */ it('testIsMapIterator003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const map = new Map(); var result = proc.isMapIterator(map.entries()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMapIterator004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the iterator type of map. */ it('testIsMapIterator004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const map = new Map(); var result = proc.isMapIterator(map[Symbol.iterator]()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsMapIterator005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the iterator type of map. */ it('testIsMapIterator005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); const map = new Map(); var result = proc.isMapIterator(map); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsModuleNamespaceObject002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the module namespace object object type. */ it('testIsModuleNamespaceObject002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isModuleNamespaceObject(url); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsModuleNamespaceObject003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the module namespace object object type. */ it('testIsModuleNamespaceObject003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isModuleNamespaceObject(file); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsModuleNamespaceObject004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the module namespace object object type. */ it('testIsModuleNamespaceObject004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isModuleNamespaceObject(process); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsModuleNamespaceObject005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the entered value is the module namespace object object type. */ it('testIsModuleNamespaceObject005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isModuleNamespaceObject(app); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsNativeError001 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is of type error. */ it('testIsNativeError001', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isNativeError(new TypeError()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsNativeError002 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is of type error. */ it('testIsNativeError002', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isNativeError(new Error()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsNativeError003 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is of type error. */ it('testIsNativeError003', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isNativeError(new RangeError()); expect(result).assertEqual(true); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsNativeError004 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is of type error. */ it('testIsNativeError004', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isNativeError(true); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) /** * @tc.name: testIsNativeError005 * @tc.desc: Check whether the value entered is of type error. */ it('testIsNativeError005', 0, function() { var proc = new util.types(); var result = proc.isNativeError(false); expect(result).assertEqual(false); }) }) }